author wneuper <Walther.Neuper@jku.at>
Mon, 01 Jan 2024 11:31:16 +0100
changeset 60789 8fa678b678e8
parent 60782 e797d1bdfe37
permissions -rw-r--r--
Doc/Specify_Phase 4: start use antiquotations from isar-ref
     1 (* Title:  "Minisubplb/400-start-meth-subpbl.sml"
     2    Author: Walther Neuper 1105
     3    (c) copyright due to lincense terms.
     5 ATTENTION: THE FILE IS TOO BIG FOR Java BUFFERS, so copy in pieces.
     6 *)
     7 open Test_Code
     8 open Pos;
     9 open Ctree;
    10 open Istate;
    11 open TermC;
    12 open Step;
    13 open LI;
    14 open Tactic;
    15 open Refine;
    16 open Specify;
    18 "----------- Minisubpbl/400-start-meth-subpbl.sml ----------------";
    19 "----------- Minisubpbl/400-start-meth-subpbl.sml ----------------";
    20 "----------- Minisubpbl/400-start-meth-subpbl.sml ----------------";
    21 val fmz = ["equality (x+1=(2::real))", "solveFor x", "solutions L"];
    22 val (dI',pI',mI') =
    23    ("Test", ["sqroot-test", "univariate", "equation", "test"],
    24     ["Test", "squ-equ-test-subpbl1"]);
    25 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = Test_Code.init_calc @{context} [(fmz, (dI',pI',mI'))];
    26 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt;
    27 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt;
    28 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt;
    29 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt;
    30 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt;
    31 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt;
    32 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt; val Apply_Method ["Test", "squ-equ-test-subpbl1"] = nxt;
    33 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt;
    34 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt;
    35 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt; val Subproblem ("Test", ["LINEAR", "univariate", "equation", "test"]) = nxt;
    36 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt;
    37 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt;
    38 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt;
    39 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt; val Add_Find "solutions x_i" = nxt;
    41 val return_Add_Find = me nxt p [] pt;
    42 (*/------------------- step into me Add_Find ------------------------------------------------\*)
    43 "~~~~~ fun me , args:"; val (tac, p, _(*NEW remove*), pt) = (nxt, p, [], pt);
    44       val ctxt = Ctree.get_ctxt pt p
    45 val ("ok", (_, _, ptp as (pt, p))) =
    46   	    (*case*) Step.by_tactic tac (pt, p) (*of*);
    48     (*case*)
    49       Step.do_next p ((pt, Pos.e_pos'), []) (*of*);
    50 "~~~~~ fun do_next , args:"; val ((ip as (_, p_)), (ptp as (pt, p), tacis)) =
    51   (p, ((pt, Pos.e_pos'), []));
    52   (*if*) Pos.on_calc_end ip (*else*);
    53       val (_, probl_id, _) = Calc.references (pt, p);
    54 val _ =
    55       (*case*) tacis (*of*);
    56         (*if*) probl_id = Problem.id_empty (*else*);
    58            switch_specify_solve p_ (pt, ip);
    59 "~~~~~ fun switch_specify_solve , args:"; val (state_pos, (pt, input_pos)) = (p_, (pt, ip));
    60       (*if*) Pos.on_specification ([], state_pos) (*then*); 
    62            specify_do_next (pt, input_pos);
    63 "~~~~~ fun specify_do_next , args:"; val (ptp as (pt, (p, p_))) = (pt, input_pos);
    65     val (_, (p_', tac)) =
    66    Specify.find_next_step ptp;
    67 "~~~~~ fun find_next_step , args:"; val (pt, pos as (_, p_)) = (ptp);
    69 (*+isa* )val Refine_Problem ["LINEAR", "univariate", "equation", "test"] = tac;( **)
    70 (*+isa2*)val Specify_Theory "Test" = tac;(**)
    72     val {meth = met, origin = origin as (oris, o_refs as (_, pI', mI'), _), probl = pbl,
    73       spec = refs, ...} = Calc.specify_data (pt, pos); (*I_Model.T------------------^^^*)
    74     val ctxt = Ctree.get_ctxt pt pos;
    75       (*if*) Ctree.just_created (pt, pos) andalso origin <> Ctree.e_origin (*else*);
    76         (*if*) p_ = Pos.Pbl (*then*);
    78 val return_for_problem as (_, (_, xxx)) =
    79    Specify.for_problem ctxt oris (o_refs, refs) (pbl, met);
    80 "~~~~~ fun for_problem , args:"; val (ctxt, oris, ((dI', pI', mI'), (dI, pI, mI)), (pbl, met)) =
    81   (ctxt, oris, (o_refs, refs), (pbl, met));
    82     val cpI = if pI = Problem.id_empty then pI' else pI;
    83     val cmI = if mI = MethodC.id_empty then mI' else mI;
    84     val {model = pbt, where_rls, where_, ...} = Problem.from_store ctxt cpI;
    85     val {model = mpc, ...} = MethodC.from_store ctxt cmI
    87 val (preok, xxxxx) =
    88  Pre_Conds.check ctxt where_rls where_ (pbt, pbl);
    90 (*+*)val [(true, xxx)] = xxxxx;
    91 (*+*)if (xxx |> UnparseC.term @{context}) =
    92   "matches (x = 0) (- 1 + x = 0) \<or>\n" ^
    93   "matches (?b * x = 0) (- 1 + x = 0) \<or>\n" ^
    94   "matches (?a + x = 0) (- 1 + x = 0) \<or>\n" ^
    95   "matches (?a + ?b * x = 0) (- 1 + x = 0)"
    96   then () else error "pre-cond, to be evaluated, CHANGED";
    98 "~~~~~ fun check , args:"; val (ctxt, where_rls, pres, (model_patt, i_model)) =
    99   (ctxt, where_rls, where_, (pbt, pbl)); (*..delete double above --- adhoc inserted n ---*)
   101       val (env_model, (env_subst, env_eval)) = 
   102            make_environments model_patt i_model;
   103 "~~~~~ fun of_max_variant , args:"; val (model_patt, i_model) = (model_patt, i_model);
   105 (*+*)(pbt |> Model_Pattern.to_string @{context}) = "[\"" ^
   106   "(#Given, (equality, e_e))\", \"" ^ 
   107   "(#Given, (solveFor, v_v))\", \"" ^ 
   108   "(#Find, (solutions, v_v'i'))\"]";
   109 (*+*)(( pbl) |> I_Model.to_string @{context}) =   "[\n" ^ 
   110   "(1, [1], true ,#Given, (Cor equality (- 1 + x = 0) ,(e_e, [- 1 + x = 0]), Position.T)), \n" ^ 
   111   "(2, [1], true ,#Given, (Cor solveFor x ,(v_v, [x]), Position.T)), \n" ^ 
   112   "(3, [1], true ,#Find, (Cor solutions x_i ,(v_v'i', [x_i]), Position.T))]";
   114     val all_variants =
   115         map (fn (_, variants, _, _, _) => variants) i_model
   116         |> flat
   117         |> distinct op =
   118     val variants_separated = map (filter_variants' i_model) all_variants
   119     val sums_corr = map (Model_Def.cnt_corrects) variants_separated
   120     val sum_variant_s = Model_Def.arrange_args sums_corr (1, all_variants)
   121     val (_, max_variant) = hd (*..crude decision, up to improvement *)
   122       (sort (fn ((i, _), (j, _)) => int_ord (i, j)) sum_variant_s)
   123     val i_model_max =
   124       filter (fn (_, variants, _ , _ ,_) => member (op =) variants max_variant) i_model
   125     val equal_descr_pairs = map (get_equal_descr i_model) model_patt |> flat
   126     val env_model = make_env_model equal_descr_pairs
   127     val equal_givens = filter (fn ((m_field, _), _) => m_field = "#Given") equal_descr_pairs
   129     val subst_eval_list =
   130         make_envs_preconds equal_givens;
   131 (*//------------------ step into make_envs_preconds ----------------------------------------\\*)
   132 "~~~~~ fun make_envs_preconds , args:"; val (equal_givens) = (equal_givens);
   133 "~~~~~ fun xxx , args:"; val (((_, (_, id)), (_, _, _, _, (feedb, _)))) = (nth 1 equal_givens);
   135 val [] =
   136            discern_feedback id feedb;
   137 (*\\------------------ step into make_envs_preconds ----------------------------------------//*)
   139 (*-------------------- continuing of_max_variant ---------------------------------------------*)
   140      val (env_subst, env_eval) = split_list subst_eval_list
   141 val return_of_max_variant = (i_model_max, env_model, (env_subst, env_eval))
   142 (*\------------------- step into me Add_Find ------------------------------------------------/*)
   143 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = return_Add_Find; (** )val Specify_Theory "Test" = nxt;( **)
   145 (*isa* )val Empty_Tac = nxt;( **)
   146 (*isa2*)val Specify_Theory "Test" = nxt;(**)
   147 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt; (** )val Specify_Problem ["LINEAR", "univariate", "equation", "test"] = nxt;( **)
   149 val return_Specify_Method
   150                      = me nxt p [] pt;
   151 (*/------------------- step into me Specify_Problem -----------------------------------------\*)
   152 (*\------------------- step into me Specify_Problem -----------------------------------------/*)
   153 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = return_Specify_Method; val Specify_Method ["Test", "solve_linear"] = nxt;
   155 val return_Specify_Method
   156                      = me nxt p [] pt;
   157 (*/------------------- step into me Specify_Method ------------------------------------------\*)
   158 (*\------------------- step into me Specify_Method ------------------------------------------/*)
   159 val (p_return_Specify_Method,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = return_Specify_Method; val Apply_Method ["Test", "solve_linear"] = nxt;
   161 val return_Apply_Method
   162                      = me nxt p_return_Specify_Method [] pt;
   163 (*+*)val ([3], Pbl) = p;
   164 (*+*)if get_ctxt pt p |> ContextC.is_empty then error "ctxt not initialised by specify, PblObj{ctxt,...}" else ();
   165 (*+*)if get_ctxt pt p_return_Specify_Method |> ContextC.is_empty then error "ctxt NOT initialised by Subproblem'}" else ();
   166 (*/------------------- step into me Apply_Method --------------------------------------------\*)
   167 "~~~~~ fun me , args:"; val (tac, p, _(*NEW remove*), pt) = (nxt, p_return_Specify_Method, [], pt);
   168   val ("ok", (_, _, (_, _))) = (*case*)
   169       Step.by_tactic tac (pt, p) (*of*);
   170 (*//------------------ step into by_tactic Apply_Method ------------------------------------\\*)
   171 "~~~~~ fun by_tactic , args:"; val (tac, (ptp as (pt, p))) = (tac, (pt,p));
   172    val Applicable.Yes tac' = (*case*) Step.check tac (pt, p) (*of*);
   173   (*if*) Tactic.for_specify' tac'; (*else*)
   175 Step_Solve.by_tactic tac' ptp;
   176 "~~~~~ fun by_tactic , args:"; val (tac as Tactic.Apply_Method' _, ptp as (pt, p))
   177   = (tac', ptp);
   179 (*+*)val PblObj {ctxt, ...} = get_obj I pt [3];
   180 (*+isa==isa2*)ContextC.get_assumptions ctxt = [];
   181 (*+isa==isa2*)(Ctree.get_assumptions pt p |> map (UnparseC.term @{context})) = [];
   183         LI.by_tactic tac (get_istate_LI pt p, get_ctxt_LI pt p) ptp;
   184 "~~~~~ fun by_tactic , args:"; val (Tactic.Apply_Method' (mI, _, _, _), (_, ctxt), (pt, (pos as (p, _))))
   185   = (tac, (get_istate_LI pt p, get_ctxt_LI pt p), (pt, p));
   187 (*+isa==isa2*)if (ContextC.get_assumptions ctxt |> map (UnparseC.term ctxt))
   188 (*+*)   = ["precond_rootmet x"]
   189 (*+*)then () else error "assumptions 7 from Apply_Method'";
   191 (*+*)val [3] = p;
   192       val (itms, oris, probl, o_spec, spec) = case get_obj I pt p of
   193          PblObj {meth = itms, origin = (oris, o_spec, _), probl, spec, ...}
   194          => (itms, oris, probl, o_spec, spec)
   195          | _ => raise ERROR "LI.by_tactic Apply_Method': uncovered case get_obj";
   197 (*+isa==isa2*)if (ContextC.get_assumptions ctxt |> map (UnparseC.term ctxt))
   198 (*+*)   = ["precond_rootmet x"]
   199 (*+*)then () else error "assumptions 8";
   201       val (_, pI', _) = References.select_input o_spec spec
   202       val (_, itms) = I_Model.s_make_complete ctxt oris (probl, itms) (pI', mI)
   203          val prog_rls = LItool.get_simplifier (pt, pos)
   205          val (is, env, ctxt, prog) = case
   206            LItool.init_pstate ctxt itms mI of
   207              (is as Pstate {env, ...}, ctxt, program) => (is, env, ctxt, program)
   208          | _ => raise ERROR "LI.by_tactic Apply_Method': uncovered case init_pstate";
   210 (*+*)(ContextC.get_assumptions ctxt |> map (UnparseC.term ctxt))
   211 (*+isa==isa2*)  = ["matches (?a = ?b) (- 1 + x = 0)", "precond_rootmet x"]; 
   213         val ini = LItool.implicit_take ctxt prog env;
   214         val pos = start_new_level pos
   215 val SOME t =
   216       (*case*) ini (*of*);
   217           val show_add = Tactic.Apply_Method' (mI, SOME t, is, ctxt);
   218           val (pos, c, _, pt) = Solve_Step.add show_add (is, ctxt) (pt, pos);
   220 (*+*)if (ContextC.get_assumptions ctxt |> map (UnparseC.term ctxt))
   221 (*+isa==isa2*) = ["matches (?a = ?b) (- 1 + x = 0)", "precond_rootmet x"]
   222 (*+*)then () else error "assumptions 9";
   224 val return = ("ok", ([(Tactic.Apply_Method mI, show_add, (pos, (is, ctxt)))], c, (pt, pos)));
   225 "~~~~~ from LI.by_tactic to..to me return"; val ("ok", (_, _, ptp)) = return;
   226       val (pt, p) = ptp;
   227 (*\\------------------ step into by_tactic Apply_Method ------------------------------------//*)
   229 (*|------------------- continue me Applythod ------------------------------------------------|*)
   230     (*case*)
   231       Step.do_next p ((pt, Pos.e_pos'), []) (*of*);
   232 (*//------------------ step into do_next ---------------------------------------------------\\*)
   233 "~~~~~ fun do_next , args:"; val ((ip as (_, p_)), (ptp as (pt, p), tacis)) 
   234   = (p, ((pt, Pos.e_pos'), []));
   235   (*if*) Pos.on_calc_end ip (*else*);
   236       val (_, probl_id, _) = Calc.references (pt, p);
   237 val _ =
   238       (*case*) tacis (*of*);
   239         (*if*) probl_id = Problem.id_empty (*else*);
   241            switch_specify_solve p_ (pt, ip);
   242 "~~~~~ fun switch_specify_solve , args:"; val (state_pos, (pt, input_pos)) 
   243   = (p_, (pt, ip));
   244       (*if*) Pos.on_specification ([], state_pos) (*else*);
   246         LI.do_next (pt, input_pos);
   247 "~~~~~ and do_next , args:"; val (ptp as (pt, pos as (p, p_))) = (pt, input_pos);
   248     (*if*) MethodC.id_empty = get_obj g_metID pt (par_pblobj pt p) (*else*);
   249 	      val ((ist, ctxt), sc) = LItool.resume_prog (p,p_) pt;
   250 val Next_Step (ist, ctxt, tac) =
   251   (*case*) LI.find_next_step sc (pt, pos) ist ctxt (*of*);
   253 val continue_do_next = (ist, ctxt, tac, ptp)(*keep for continuing LI.do_next*);
   254 (*///----------------- step into find_next_step -------------------------------------------\\\*)
   255 "~~~~~ fun find_next_step , args:"; val ((Rule.Prog prog), (ptp as (pt, pos as (p, _))), (Pstate ist), ctxt) =
   256   (sc, (pt, pos), ist, ctxt);
   258   (*case*) scan_to_tactic (prog, (ptp, ctxt)) (Pstate ist) (*of*);
   259 "~~~~~ fun scan_to_tactic , args:"; val ((prog, cc), (Pstate (ist as {path, ...}))) =
   260   ((prog, (ptp, ctxt)), (Pstate ist));
   261   (*if*) path = [] (*then*);
   263            scan_dn cc (trans_scan_dn ist) (Program.body_of prog);
   264 "~~~~~ fun scan_dn , args:"; val (cc, ist, (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Let\<close>(*1*), _) $ e $ (Abs (i, T, b)))) =
   265   (cc, (trans_scan_dn ist), (Program.body_of prog));
   267   (*case*) scan_dn cc (ist |> path_down [L, R]) e (*of*);
   268 "~~~~~ fun scan_dn , args:"; val (cc, ist, (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Tactical.Repeat\<close>(*1*), _) $ e $ a)) =
   269   (cc, (ist |> path_down [L, R]), e);
   271        scan_dn cc (ist |> path_down_form ([L, R], a)) e;
   272 "~~~~~ fun scan_dn , args:"; val (cc, ist, (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Tactical.Chain\<close>(*2*), _) $ e1 $ e2)) =
   273   (cc, (ist |> path_down_form ([L, R], a)), e);
   275   (*case*) scan_dn cc (ist |> path_down [L, R]) e1 (*of*);
   276 "~~~~~ fun scan_dn , args:"; val ((cc as (_, ctxt)), (ist as {eval, ...}), t (*fall-through*)) =
   277   (cc, (ist |> path_down [L, R]), e1);
   278     (*if*) Tactical.contained_in t (*else*);
   279 val (Program.Tac prog_tac, form_arg) =
   280       (*case*) LItool.check_leaf "next  " ctxt eval (get_subst ist) t (*of*);
   282            check_tac cc ist (prog_tac, form_arg);
   283 "~~~~~ fun check_tac , args:"; val (((pt, p), ctxt), ist, (prog_tac, form_arg)) =
   284   (cc, ist, (prog_tac, form_arg));
   286     val m =
   287     LItool.tac_from_prog (pt, p) prog_tac;
   288 "~~~~~ fun tac_from_prog , args:"; val (_, _, (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Prog_Tac.Rewrite_Set_Inst\<close>, _) $ sub $ rls $ _)) =
   289   ((pt, p), (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt), prog_tac);
   290       val sub' =
   291      Subst.program_to_input ctxt sub
   292 (*-------------------- stop step into find_next_step -----------------------------------------*)
   293 (*\\\----------------- step into find_next_step -------------------------------------------///*)
   294 (*kept for continuing LI.do_next*)val (ist, ctxt, tac, ptp) = continue_do_next;
   296         LI.by_tactic tac (ist, Tactic.insert_assumptions tac ctxt) ptp;
   297 "~~~~~ fun by_tactic , args:"; val (tac_, ic, (pt, pos) (*fall through*)) =
   298   (tac, (ist, Tactic.insert_assumptions tac ctxt), ptp);
   299       val pos = next_in_prog' pos
   301  	    val (pos', c, _, pt) =
   302 Solve_Step.add_general tac_ ic (pt, pos);
   303 "~~~~~ fun add_general , args:"; val (tac, ic, cs) = (tac_, ic, (pt, pos));
   304   (*if*) Tactic.for_specify' tac (*else*);
   306            add tac ic cs;
   307 "~~~~~ fun add , args:"; val ((Tactic.Rewrite_Set_Inst' (_, _, subs', rls', f, (f', asm))), (is, ctxt), (pt, (p, _))) =
   308   (tac, ic, cs);
   309       val (pt, c) =
   310      Ctree.cappend_atomic pt p (is, ctxt) f
   311         (Tactic.Rewrite_Set_Inst (Subst.T_to_input ctxt subs', Rule_Set.id rls')) (f', asm) Ctree.Complete;
   312 "~~~~~ fun cappend_atomic , args:"; val (pt, p, ic_res, f, r, f', s) =
   313   (pt, p, (is, ctxt), f, 
   314         (Tactic.Rewrite_Set_Inst (Subst.T_to_input ctxt subs', Rule_Set.id rls')), (f', asm), Ctree.Complete);
   315      Subst.T_to_input ctxt subs';
   317 "~~~~~ from fun switch_specify_solve \<longrightarrow>fun Step.do_next \<longrightarrow>fun me , return:"; val (_, ts) 
   318         = (LI.do_next (pt, input_pos));
   319 (*-------------------- stop step into do_next ------------------------------------------------*)
   320 (*\\------------------ step into do_next ---------------------------------------------------//*)
   321 (*\------------------- step into me Apply_Method --------------------------------------------/*)
   322 val (p_return_Apply_Method,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = return_Apply_Method; 
   323                                                            val Rewrite_Set_Inst (["(''bdv'', x)"], "isolate_bdv") = nxt;
   325 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p_return_Apply_Method [] pt; val Rewrite_Set "Test_simplify" = nxt;
   327 (* final tests ... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
   328 val ([3, 1], Frm) = p_return_Apply_Method;
   329 val "Rewrite_Set \"Test_simplify\"" =  Tactic.input_to_string ctxt nxt;
   331 (*p_frm BEFORE Apply_Method at Subproblem*)
   332 val p_frm = ([3], Frm);
   333 val ["precond_rootmet x"] = Ctree.get_assumptions pt p_frm |> map (UnparseC.term @{context});
   335 (*assumptions<>[] before Apply_Method of Subproblem*)
   336 val ([3], Met) = p_return_Specify_Method;
   337 val [(*--- inserted by Apply_Method ---*)] = Ctree.get_assumptions pt p_return_Specify_Method;
   339 (*FALSE: 2 assumptions recorded Apply_Method of Subproblem*)
   340 val ([3, 1], Frm) = p_return_Apply_Method;
   341 val ["matches (?a = ?b) (- 1 + x = 0)", "precond_rootmet x"] =
   342   Ctree.get_assumptions pt p_return_Apply_Method |> map (UnparseC.term @{context});
   344 (*p_res AFTER Apply_Method at Subproblem*)
   345 val p_res = ([3], Res);
   346 val ["precond_rootmet x"] = Ctree.get_assumptions pt p_res |> map (UnparseC.term @{context});