author wenzelm
Mon, 01 Mar 2010 17:12:43 +0100
changeset 35419 cc8e4276d093
parent 35001 31f8d9eaceff
child 36634 b0c047d03208
permissions -rw-r--r--
updated generated files;
     1 %
     2 \begin{isabellebody}%
     3 \def\isabellecontext{Prelim}%
     4 %
     5 \isadelimtheory
     6 %
     7 \endisadelimtheory
     8 %
     9 \isatagtheory
    10 \isacommand{theory}\isamarkupfalse%
    11 \ Prelim\isanewline
    12 \isakeyword{imports}\ Base\isanewline
    13 \isakeyword{begin}%
    14 \endisatagtheory
    15 {\isafoldtheory}%
    16 %
    17 \isadelimtheory
    18 %
    19 \endisadelimtheory
    20 %
    21 \isamarkupchapter{Preliminaries%
    22 }
    23 \isamarkuptrue%
    24 %
    25 \isamarkupsection{Contexts \label{sec:context}%
    26 }
    27 \isamarkuptrue%
    28 %
    29 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
    30 A logical context represents the background that is required for
    31   formulating statements and composing proofs.  It acts as a medium to
    32   produce formal content, depending on earlier material (declarations,
    33   results etc.).
    35   For example, derivations within the Isabelle/Pure logic can be
    36   described as a judgment \isa{{\isasymGamma}\ {\isasymturnstile}\isactrlsub {\isasymTheta}\ {\isasymphi}}, which means that a
    37   proposition \isa{{\isasymphi}} is derivable from hypotheses \isa{{\isasymGamma}}
    38   within the theory \isa{{\isasymTheta}}.  There are logical reasons for
    39   keeping \isa{{\isasymTheta}} and \isa{{\isasymGamma}} separate: theories can be
    40   liberal about supporting type constructors and schematic
    41   polymorphism of constants and axioms, while the inner calculus of
    42   \isa{{\isasymGamma}\ {\isasymturnstile}\ {\isasymphi}} is strictly limited to Simple Type Theory (with
    43   fixed type variables in the assumptions).
    45   \medskip Contexts and derivations are linked by the following key
    46   principles:
    48   \begin{itemize}
    50   \item Transfer: monotonicity of derivations admits results to be
    51   transferred into a \emph{larger} context, i.e.\ \isa{{\isasymGamma}\ {\isasymturnstile}\isactrlsub {\isasymTheta}\ {\isasymphi}} implies \isa{{\isasymGamma}{\isacharprime}\ {\isasymturnstile}\isactrlsub {\isasymTheta}\isactrlsub {\isacharprime}\ {\isasymphi}} for contexts \isa{{\isasymTheta}{\isacharprime}\ {\isasymsupseteq}\ {\isasymTheta}} and \isa{{\isasymGamma}{\isacharprime}\ {\isasymsupseteq}\ {\isasymGamma}}.
    53   \item Export: discharge of hypotheses admits results to be exported
    54   into a \emph{smaller} context, i.e.\ \isa{{\isasymGamma}{\isacharprime}\ {\isasymturnstile}\isactrlsub {\isasymTheta}\ {\isasymphi}}
    55   implies \isa{{\isasymGamma}\ {\isasymturnstile}\isactrlsub {\isasymTheta}\ {\isasymDelta}\ {\isasymLongrightarrow}\ {\isasymphi}} where \isa{{\isasymGamma}{\isacharprime}\ {\isasymsupseteq}\ {\isasymGamma}} and
    56   \isa{{\isasymDelta}\ {\isacharequal}\ {\isasymGamma}{\isacharprime}\ {\isacharminus}\ {\isasymGamma}}.  Note that \isa{{\isasymTheta}} remains unchanged here,
    57   only the \isa{{\isasymGamma}} part is affected.
    59   \end{itemize}
    61   \medskip By modeling the main characteristics of the primitive
    62   \isa{{\isasymTheta}} and \isa{{\isasymGamma}} above, and abstracting over any
    63   particular logical content, we arrive at the fundamental notions of
    64   \emph{theory context} and \emph{proof context} in Isabelle/Isar.
    65   These implement a certain policy to manage arbitrary \emph{context
    66   data}.  There is a strongly-typed mechanism to declare new kinds of
    67   data at compile time.
    69   The internal bootstrap process of Isabelle/Pure eventually reaches a
    70   stage where certain data slots provide the logical content of \isa{{\isasymTheta}} and \isa{{\isasymGamma}} sketched above, but this does not stop there!
    71   Various additional data slots support all kinds of mechanisms that
    72   are not necessarily part of the core logic.
    74   For example, there would be data for canonical introduction and
    75   elimination rules for arbitrary operators (depending on the
    76   object-logic and application), which enables users to perform
    77   standard proof steps implicitly (cf.\ the \isa{rule} method
    78   \cite{isabelle-isar-ref}).
    80   \medskip Thus Isabelle/Isar is able to bring forth more and more
    81   concepts successively.  In particular, an object-logic like
    82   Isabelle/HOL continues the Isabelle/Pure setup by adding specific
    83   components for automated reasoning (classical reasoner, tableau
    84   prover, structured induction etc.) and derived specification
    85   mechanisms (inductive predicates, recursive functions etc.).  All of
    86   this is ultimately based on the generic data management by theory
    87   and proof contexts introduced here.%
    88 \end{isamarkuptext}%
    89 \isamarkuptrue%
    90 %
    91 \isamarkupsubsection{Theory context \label{sec:context-theory}%
    92 }
    93 \isamarkuptrue%
    94 %
    95 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
    96 A \emph{theory} is a data container with explicit name and
    97   unique identifier.  Theories are related by a (nominal) sub-theory
    98   relation, which corresponds to the dependency graph of the original
    99   construction; each theory is derived from a certain sub-graph of
   100   ancestor theories.  To this end, the system maintains a set of
   101   symbolic ``identification stamps'' within each theory.
   103   In order to avoid the full-scale overhead of explicit sub-theory
   104   identification of arbitrary intermediate stages, a theory is
   105   switched into \isa{draft} mode under certain circumstances.  A
   106   draft theory acts like a linear type, where updates invalidate
   107   earlier versions.  An invalidated draft is called \emph{stale}.
   109   The \isa{checkpoint} operation produces a safe stepping stone
   110   that will survive the next update without becoming stale: both the
   111   old and the new theory remain valid and are related by the
   112   sub-theory relation.  Checkpointing essentially recovers purely
   113   functional theory values, at the expense of some extra internal
   114   bookkeeping.
   116   The \isa{copy} operation produces an auxiliary version that has
   117   the same data content, but is unrelated to the original: updates of
   118   the copy do not affect the original, neither does the sub-theory
   119   relation hold.
   121   The \isa{merge} operation produces the least upper bound of two
   122   theories, which actually degenerates into absorption of one theory
   123   into the other (according to the nominal sub-theory relation).
   125   The \isa{begin} operation starts a new theory by importing
   126   several parent theories and entering a special mode of nameless
   127   incremental updates, until the final \isa{end} operation is
   128   performed.
   130   \medskip The example in \figref{fig:ex-theory} below shows a theory
   131   graph derived from \isa{Pure}, with theory \isa{Length}
   132   importing \isa{Nat} and \isa{List}.  The body of \isa{Length} consists of a sequence of updates, working mostly on
   133   drafts internally, while transaction boundaries of Isar top-level
   134   commands (\secref{sec:isar-toplevel}) are guaranteed to be safe
   135   checkpoints.
   137   \begin{figure}[htb]
   138   \begin{center}
   139   \begin{tabular}{rcccl}
   140         &            & \isa{Pure} \\
   141         &            & \isa{{\isasymdown}} \\
   142         &            & \isa{FOL} \\
   143         & $\swarrow$ &              & $\searrow$ & \\
   144   \isa{Nat} &    &              &            & \isa{List} \\
   145         & $\searrow$ &              & $\swarrow$ \\
   146         &            & \isa{Length} \\
   147         &            & \multicolumn{3}{l}{~~\hyperlink{keyword.imports}{\mbox{\isa{\isakeyword{imports}}}}} \\
   148         &            & \multicolumn{3}{l}{~~\hyperlink{keyword.begin}{\mbox{\isa{\isakeyword{begin}}}}} \\
   149         &            & $\vdots$~~ \\
   150         &            & \isa{{\isasymbullet}}~~ \\
   151         &            & $\vdots$~~ \\
   152         &            & \isa{{\isasymbullet}}~~ \\
   153         &            & $\vdots$~~ \\
   154         &            & \multicolumn{3}{l}{~~\hyperlink{command.end}{\mbox{\isa{\isacommand{end}}}}} \\
   155   \end{tabular}
   156   \caption{A theory definition depending on ancestors}\label{fig:ex-theory}
   157   \end{center}
   158   \end{figure}
   160   \medskip There is a separate notion of \emph{theory reference} for
   161   maintaining a live link to an evolving theory context: updates on
   162   drafts are propagated automatically.  Dynamic updating stops after
   163   an explicit \isa{end} only.
   165   Derived entities may store a theory reference in order to indicate
   166   the context they belong to.  This implicitly assumes monotonic
   167   reasoning, because the referenced context may become larger without
   168   further notice.%
   169 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   170 \isamarkuptrue%
   171 %
   172 \isadelimmlref
   173 %
   174 \endisadelimmlref
   175 %
   176 \isatagmlref
   177 %
   178 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   179 \begin{mldecls}
   180   \indexdef{}{ML type}{theory}\verb|type theory| \\
   181   \indexdef{}{ML}{Theory.subthy}\verb|Theory.subthy: theory * theory -> bool| \\
   182   \indexdef{}{ML}{Theory.checkpoint}\verb|Theory.checkpoint: theory -> theory| \\
   183   \indexdef{}{ML}{Theory.copy}\verb|Theory.copy: theory -> theory| \\
   184   \indexdef{}{ML}{Theory.merge}\verb|Theory.merge: theory * theory -> theory| \\
   185   \indexdef{}{ML}{Theory.begin\_theory}\verb|Theory.begin_theory: string -> theory list -> theory| \\
   186   \end{mldecls}
   187   \begin{mldecls}
   188   \indexdef{}{ML type}{theory\_ref}\verb|type theory_ref| \\
   189   \indexdef{}{ML}{Theory.deref}\verb|Theory.deref: theory_ref -> theory| \\
   190   \indexdef{}{ML}{Theory.check\_thy}\verb|Theory.check_thy: theory -> theory_ref| \\
   191   \end{mldecls}
   193   \begin{description}
   195   \item \verb|theory| represents theory contexts.  This is
   196   essentially a linear type, with explicit runtime checking!  Most
   197   internal theory operations destroy the original version, which then
   198   becomes ``stale''.
   200   \item \verb|Theory.subthy|~\isa{{\isacharparenleft}thy\isactrlsub {\isadigit{1}}{\isacharcomma}\ thy\isactrlsub {\isadigit{2}}{\isacharparenright}} compares theories
   201   according to the intrinsic graph structure of the construction.
   202   This sub-theory relation is a nominal approximation of inclusion
   203   (\isa{{\isasymsubseteq}}) of the corresponding content (according to the
   204   semantics of the ML modules that implement the data).
   206   \item \verb|Theory.checkpoint|~\isa{thy} produces a safe
   207   stepping stone in the linear development of \isa{thy}.  This
   208   changes the old theory, but the next update will result in two
   209   related, valid theories.
   211   \item \verb|Theory.copy|~\isa{thy} produces a variant of \isa{thy} with the same data.  The copy is not related to the original,
   212   but the original is unchanged.
   214   \item \verb|Theory.merge|~\isa{{\isacharparenleft}thy\isactrlsub {\isadigit{1}}{\isacharcomma}\ thy\isactrlsub {\isadigit{2}}{\isacharparenright}} absorbs one theory
   215   into the other, without changing \isa{thy\isactrlsub {\isadigit{1}}} or \isa{thy\isactrlsub {\isadigit{2}}}.
   216   This version of ad-hoc theory merge fails for unrelated theories!
   218   \item \verb|Theory.begin_theory|~\isa{name\ parents} constructs
   219   a new theory based on the given parents.  This {\ML} function is
   220   normally not invoked directly.
   222   \item \verb|theory_ref| represents a sliding reference to an
   223   always valid theory; updates on the original are propagated
   224   automatically.
   226   \item \verb|Theory.deref|~\isa{thy{\isacharunderscore}ref} turns a \verb|theory_ref| into an \verb|theory| value.  As the referenced
   227   theory evolves monotonically over time, later invocations of \verb|Theory.deref| may refer to a larger context.
   229   \item \verb|Theory.check_thy|~\isa{thy} produces a \verb|theory_ref| from a valid \verb|theory| value.
   231   \end{description}%
   232 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   233 \isamarkuptrue%
   234 %
   235 \endisatagmlref
   236 {\isafoldmlref}%
   237 %
   238 \isadelimmlref
   239 %
   240 \endisadelimmlref
   241 %
   242 \isamarkupsubsection{Proof context \label{sec:context-proof}%
   243 }
   244 \isamarkuptrue%
   245 %
   246 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   247 A proof context is a container for pure data with a
   248   back-reference to the theory it belongs to.  The \isa{init}
   249   operation creates a proof context from a given theory.
   250   Modifications to draft theories are propagated to the proof context
   251   as usual, but there is also an explicit \isa{transfer} operation
   252   to force resynchronization with more substantial updates to the
   253   underlying theory.
   255   Entities derived in a proof context need to record logical
   256   requirements explicitly, since there is no separate context
   257   identification or symbolic inclusion as for theories.  For example,
   258   hypotheses used in primitive derivations (cf.\ \secref{sec:thms})
   259   are recorded separately within the sequent \isa{{\isasymGamma}\ {\isasymturnstile}\ {\isasymphi}}, just to
   260   make double sure.  Results could still leak into an alien proof
   261   context due to programming errors, but Isabelle/Isar includes some
   262   extra validity checks in critical positions, notably at the end of a
   263   sub-proof.
   265   Proof contexts may be manipulated arbitrarily, although the common
   266   discipline is to follow block structure as a mental model: a given
   267   context is extended consecutively, and results are exported back
   268   into the original context.  Note that an Isar proof state models
   269   block-structured reasoning explicitly, using a stack of proof
   270   contexts internally.  For various technical reasons, the background
   271   theory of an Isar proof state must not be changed while the proof is
   272   still under construction!%
   273 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   274 \isamarkuptrue%
   275 %
   276 \isadelimmlref
   277 %
   278 \endisadelimmlref
   279 %
   280 \isatagmlref
   281 %
   282 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   283 \begin{mldecls}
   284   \indexdef{}{ML type}{Proof.context}\verb|type Proof.context| \\
   285   \indexdef{}{ML}{ProofContext.init}\verb|ProofContext.init: theory -> Proof.context| \\
   286   \indexdef{}{ML}{ProofContext.theory\_of}\verb|ProofContext.theory_of: Proof.context -> theory| \\
   287   \indexdef{}{ML}{ProofContext.transfer}\verb|ProofContext.transfer: theory -> Proof.context -> Proof.context| \\
   288   \end{mldecls}
   290   \begin{description}
   292   \item \verb|Proof.context| represents proof contexts.  Elements
   293   of this type are essentially pure values, with a sliding reference
   294   to the background theory.
   296   \item \verb|ProofContext.init|~\isa{thy} produces a proof context
   297   derived from \isa{thy}, initializing all data.
   299   \item \verb|ProofContext.theory_of|~\isa{ctxt} selects the
   300   background theory from \isa{ctxt}, dereferencing its internal
   301   \verb|theory_ref|.
   303   \item \verb|ProofContext.transfer|~\isa{thy\ ctxt} promotes the
   304   background theory of \isa{ctxt} to the super theory \isa{thy}.
   306   \end{description}%
   307 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   308 \isamarkuptrue%
   309 %
   310 \endisatagmlref
   311 {\isafoldmlref}%
   312 %
   313 \isadelimmlref
   314 %
   315 \endisadelimmlref
   316 %
   317 \isamarkupsubsection{Generic contexts \label{sec:generic-context}%
   318 }
   319 \isamarkuptrue%
   320 %
   321 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   322 A generic context is the disjoint sum of either a theory or proof
   323   context.  Occasionally, this enables uniform treatment of generic
   324   context data, typically extra-logical information.  Operations on
   325   generic contexts include the usual injections, partial selections,
   326   and combinators for lifting operations on either component of the
   327   disjoint sum.
   329   Moreover, there are total operations \isa{theory{\isacharunderscore}of} and \isa{proof{\isacharunderscore}of} to convert a generic context into either kind: a theory
   330   can always be selected from the sum, while a proof context might
   331   have to be constructed by an ad-hoc \isa{init} operation, which
   332   incurs a small runtime overhead.%
   333 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   334 \isamarkuptrue%
   335 %
   336 \isadelimmlref
   337 %
   338 \endisadelimmlref
   339 %
   340 \isatagmlref
   341 %
   342 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   343 \begin{mldecls}
   344   \indexdef{}{ML type}{Context.generic}\verb|type Context.generic| \\
   345   \indexdef{}{ML}{Context.theory\_of}\verb|Context.theory_of: Context.generic -> theory| \\
   346   \indexdef{}{ML}{Context.proof\_of}\verb|Context.proof_of: Context.generic -> Proof.context| \\
   347   \end{mldecls}
   349   \begin{description}
   351   \item \verb|Context.generic| is the direct sum of \verb|theory| and \verb|Proof.context|, with the datatype
   352   constructors \verb|Context.Theory| and \verb|Context.Proof|.
   354   \item \verb|Context.theory_of|~\isa{context} always produces a
   355   theory from the generic \isa{context}, using \verb|ProofContext.theory_of| as required.
   357   \item \verb|Context.proof_of|~\isa{context} always produces a
   358   proof context from the generic \isa{context}, using \verb|ProofContext.init| as required (note that this re-initializes the
   359   context data with each invocation).
   361   \end{description}%
   362 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   363 \isamarkuptrue%
   364 %
   365 \endisatagmlref
   366 {\isafoldmlref}%
   367 %
   368 \isadelimmlref
   369 %
   370 \endisadelimmlref
   371 %
   372 \isamarkupsubsection{Context data \label{sec:context-data}%
   373 }
   374 \isamarkuptrue%
   375 %
   376 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   377 The main purpose of theory and proof contexts is to manage
   378   arbitrary (pure) data.  New data types can be declared incrementally
   379   at compile time.  There are separate declaration mechanisms for any
   380   of the three kinds of contexts: theory, proof, generic.
   382   \paragraph{Theory data} declarations need to implement the following
   383   SML signature:
   385   \medskip
   386   \begin{tabular}{ll}
   387   \isa{{\isasymtype}\ T} & representing type \\
   388   \isa{{\isasymval}\ empty{\isacharcolon}\ T} & empty default value \\
   389   \isa{{\isasymval}\ extend{\isacharcolon}\ T\ {\isasymrightarrow}\ T} & re-initialize on import \\
   390   \isa{{\isasymval}\ merge{\isacharcolon}\ T\ {\isasymtimes}\ T\ {\isasymrightarrow}\ T} & join on import \\
   391   \end{tabular}
   392   \medskip
   394   \noindent The \isa{empty} value acts as initial default for
   395   \emph{any} theory that does not declare actual data content; \isa{extend} is acts like a unitary version of \isa{merge}.
   397   Implementing \isa{merge} can be tricky.  The general idea is
   398   that \isa{merge\ {\isacharparenleft}data\isactrlsub {\isadigit{1}}{\isacharcomma}\ data\isactrlsub {\isadigit{2}}{\isacharparenright}} inserts those parts of \isa{data\isactrlsub {\isadigit{2}}} into \isa{data\isactrlsub {\isadigit{1}}} that are not yet present, while
   399   keeping the general order of things.  The \verb|Library.merge|
   400   function on plain lists may serve as canonical template.
   402   Particularly note that shared parts of the data must not be
   403   duplicated by naive concatenation, or a theory graph that is like a
   404   chain of diamonds would cause an exponential blowup!
   406   \paragraph{Proof context data} declarations need to implement the
   407   following SML signature:
   409   \medskip
   410   \begin{tabular}{ll}
   411   \isa{{\isasymtype}\ T} & representing type \\
   412   \isa{{\isasymval}\ init{\isacharcolon}\ theory\ {\isasymrightarrow}\ T} & produce initial value \\
   413   \end{tabular}
   414   \medskip
   416   \noindent The \isa{init} operation is supposed to produce a pure
   417   value from the given background theory and should be somehow
   418   ``immediate''.  Whenever a proof context is initialized, which
   419   happens frequently, the the system invokes the \isa{init}
   420   operation of \emph{all} theory data slots ever declared.
   422   \paragraph{Generic data} provides a hybrid interface for both theory
   423   and proof data.  The \isa{init} operation for proof contexts is
   424   predefined to select the current data value from the background
   425   theory.
   427   \bigskip Any of these data declaration over type \isa{T} result
   428   in an ML structure with the following signature:
   430   \medskip
   431   \begin{tabular}{ll}
   432   \isa{get{\isacharcolon}\ context\ {\isasymrightarrow}\ T} \\
   433   \isa{put{\isacharcolon}\ T\ {\isasymrightarrow}\ context\ {\isasymrightarrow}\ context} \\
   434   \isa{map{\isacharcolon}\ {\isacharparenleft}T\ {\isasymrightarrow}\ T{\isacharparenright}\ {\isasymrightarrow}\ context\ {\isasymrightarrow}\ context} \\
   435   \end{tabular}
   436   \medskip
   438   \noindent These other operations provide exclusive access for the
   439   particular kind of context (theory, proof, or generic context).
   440   This interface fully observes the ML discipline for types and
   441   scopes: there is no other way to access the corresponding data slot
   442   of a context.  By keeping these operations private, an Isabelle/ML
   443   module may maintain abstract values authentically.%
   444 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   445 \isamarkuptrue%
   446 %
   447 \isadelimmlref
   448 %
   449 \endisadelimmlref
   450 %
   451 \isatagmlref
   452 %
   453 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   454 \begin{mldecls}
   455   \indexdef{}{ML functor}{Theory\_Data}\verb|functor Theory_Data| \\
   456   \indexdef{}{ML functor}{Proof\_Data}\verb|functor Proof_Data| \\
   457   \indexdef{}{ML functor}{Generic\_Data}\verb|functor Generic_Data| \\
   458   \end{mldecls}
   460   \begin{description}
   462   \item \verb|Theory_Data|\isa{{\isacharparenleft}spec{\isacharparenright}} declares data for
   463   type \verb|theory| according to the specification provided as
   464   argument structure.  The resulting structure provides data init and
   465   access operations as described above.
   467   \item \verb|Proof_Data|\isa{{\isacharparenleft}spec{\isacharparenright}} is analogous to
   468   \verb|Theory_Data| for type \verb|Proof.context|.
   470   \item \verb|Generic_Data|\isa{{\isacharparenleft}spec{\isacharparenright}} is analogous to
   471   \verb|Theory_Data| for type \verb|Context.generic|.
   473   \end{description}%
   474 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   475 \isamarkuptrue%
   476 %
   477 \endisatagmlref
   478 {\isafoldmlref}%
   479 %
   480 \isadelimmlref
   481 %
   482 \endisadelimmlref
   483 %
   484 \isadelimmlex
   485 %
   486 \endisadelimmlex
   487 %
   488 \isatagmlex
   489 %
   490 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   491 The following artificial example demonstrates theory
   492   data: we maintain a set of terms that are supposed to be wellformed
   493   wrt.\ the enclosing theory.  The public interface is as follows:%
   494 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   495 \isamarkuptrue%
   496 %
   497 \endisatagmlex
   498 {\isafoldmlex}%
   499 %
   500 \isadelimmlex
   501 %
   502 \endisadelimmlex
   503 %
   504 \isadelimML
   505 %
   506 \endisadelimML
   507 %
   508 \isatagML
   509 \isacommand{ML}\isamarkupfalse%
   510 \ {\isacharverbatimopen}\isanewline
   511 \ \ signature\ WELLFORMED{\isacharunderscore}TERMS\ {\isacharequal}\isanewline
   512 \ \ sig\isanewline
   513 \ \ \ \ val\ get{\isacharcolon}\ theory\ {\isacharminus}{\isachargreater}\ term\ list\isanewline
   514 \ \ \ \ val\ add{\isacharcolon}\ term\ {\isacharminus}{\isachargreater}\ theory\ {\isacharminus}{\isachargreater}\ theory\isanewline
   515 \ \ end{\isacharsemicolon}\isanewline
   516 {\isacharverbatimclose}%
   517 \endisatagML
   518 {\isafoldML}%
   519 %
   520 \isadelimML
   521 %
   522 \endisadelimML
   523 %
   524 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   525 \noindent The implementation uses private theory data
   526   internally, and only exposes an operation that involves explicit
   527   argument checking wrt.\ the given theory.%
   528 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   529 \isamarkuptrue%
   530 %
   531 \isadelimML
   532 %
   533 \endisadelimML
   534 %
   535 \isatagML
   536 \isacommand{ML}\isamarkupfalse%
   537 \ {\isacharverbatimopen}\isanewline
   538 \ \ structure\ Wellformed{\isacharunderscore}Terms{\isacharcolon}\ WELLFORMED{\isacharunderscore}TERMS\ {\isacharequal}\isanewline
   539 \ \ struct\isanewline
   540 \isanewline
   541 \ \ structure\ Terms\ {\isacharequal}\ Theory{\isacharunderscore}Data\isanewline
   542 \ \ {\isacharparenleft}\isanewline
   543 \ \ \ \ type\ T\ {\isacharequal}\ term\ OrdList{\isachardot}T{\isacharsemicolon}\isanewline
   544 \ \ \ \ val\ empty\ {\isacharequal}\ {\isacharbrackleft}{\isacharbrackright}{\isacharsemicolon}\isanewline
   545 \ \ \ \ val\ extend\ {\isacharequal}\ I{\isacharsemicolon}\isanewline
   546 \ \ \ \ fun\ merge\ {\isacharparenleft}ts{\isadigit{1}}{\isacharcomma}\ ts{\isadigit{2}}{\isacharparenright}\ {\isacharequal}\isanewline
   547 \ \ \ \ \ \ OrdList{\isachardot}union\ Term{\isacharunderscore}Ord{\isachardot}fast{\isacharunderscore}term{\isacharunderscore}ord\ ts{\isadigit{1}}\ ts{\isadigit{2}}{\isacharsemicolon}\isanewline
   548 \ \ {\isacharparenright}\isanewline
   549 \isanewline
   550 \ \ val\ get\ {\isacharequal}\ Terms{\isachardot}get{\isacharsemicolon}\isanewline
   551 \isanewline
   552 \ \ fun\ add\ raw{\isacharunderscore}t\ thy\ {\isacharequal}\isanewline
   553 \ \ \ \ let\ val\ t\ {\isacharequal}\ Sign{\isachardot}cert{\isacharunderscore}term\ thy\ raw{\isacharunderscore}t\isanewline
   554 \ \ \ \ in\ Terms{\isachardot}map\ {\isacharparenleft}OrdList{\isachardot}insert\ Term{\isacharunderscore}Ord{\isachardot}fast{\isacharunderscore}term{\isacharunderscore}ord\ t{\isacharparenright}\ thy\ end{\isacharsemicolon}\isanewline
   555 \isanewline
   556 \ \ end{\isacharsemicolon}\isanewline
   557 {\isacharverbatimclose}%
   558 \endisatagML
   559 {\isafoldML}%
   560 %
   561 \isadelimML
   562 %
   563 \endisadelimML
   564 %
   565 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   566 We use \verb|term OrdList.T| for reasonably efficient
   567   representation of a set of terms: all operations are linear in the
   568   number of stored elements.  Here we assume that our users do not
   569   care about the declaration order, since that data structure forces
   570   its own arrangement of elements.
   572   Observe how the \verb|merge| operation joins the data slots of
   573   the two constituents: \verb|OrdList.union| prevents duplication of
   574   common data from different branches, thus avoiding the danger of
   575   exponential blowup.  (Plain list append etc.\ must never be used for
   576   theory data merges.)
   578   \medskip Our intended invariant is achieved as follows:
   579   \begin{enumerate}
   581   \item \verb|Wellformed_Terms.add| only admits terms that have passed
   582   the \verb|Sign.cert_term| check of the given theory at that point.
   584   \item Wellformedness in the sense of \verb|Sign.cert_term| is
   585   monotonic wrt.\ the sub-theory relation.  So our data can move
   586   upwards in the hierarchy (via extension or merges), and maintain
   587   wellformedness without further checks.
   589   \end{enumerate}
   591   Note that all basic operations of the inference kernel (which
   592   includes \verb|Sign.cert_term|) observe this monotonicity principle,
   593   but other user-space tools don't.  For example, fully-featured
   594   type-inference via \verb|Syntax.check_term| (cf.\
   595   \secref{sec:term-check}) is not necessarily monotonic wrt.\ the
   596   background theory, since constraints of term constants can be
   597   strengthened by later declarations, for example.
   599   In most cases, user-space context data does not have to take such
   600   invariants too seriously.  The situation is different in the
   601   implementation of the inference kernel itself, which uses the very
   602   same data mechanisms for types, constants, axioms etc.%
   603 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   604 \isamarkuptrue%
   605 %
   606 \isamarkupsection{Names \label{sec:names}%
   607 }
   608 \isamarkuptrue%
   609 %
   610 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   611 In principle, a name is just a string, but there are various
   612   conventions for representing additional structure.  For example,
   613   ``\isa{Foo{\isachardot}bar{\isachardot}baz}'' is considered as a long name consisting of
   614   qualifier \isa{Foo{\isachardot}bar} and base name \isa{baz}.  The
   615   individual constituents of a name may have further substructure,
   616   e.g.\ the string ``\verb,\,\verb,<alpha>,'' encodes as a single
   617   symbol.
   619   \medskip Subsequently, we shall introduce specific categories of
   620   names.  Roughly speaking these correspond to logical entities as
   621   follows:
   622   \begin{itemize}
   624   \item Basic names (\secref{sec:basic-name}): free and bound
   625   variables.
   627   \item Indexed names (\secref{sec:indexname}): schematic variables.
   629   \item Long names (\secref{sec:long-name}): constants of any kind
   630   (type constructors, term constants, other concepts defined in user
   631   space).  Such entities are typically managed via name spaces
   632   (\secref{sec:name-space}).
   634   \end{itemize}%
   635 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   636 \isamarkuptrue%
   637 %
   638 \isamarkupsubsection{Strings of symbols%
   639 }
   640 \isamarkuptrue%
   641 %
   642 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   643 A \emph{symbol} constitutes the smallest textual unit in
   644   Isabelle --- raw ML characters are normally not encountered at all!
   645   Isabelle strings consist of a sequence of symbols, represented as a
   646   packed string or an exploded list of strings.  Each symbol is in
   647   itself a small string, which has either one of the following forms:
   649   \begin{enumerate}
   651   \item a single ASCII character ``\isa{c}'' or raw byte in the
   652   range of 128\dots 255, for example ``\verb,a,'',
   654   \item a regular symbol ``\verb,\,\verb,<,\isa{ident}\verb,>,'',
   655   for example ``\verb,\,\verb,<alpha>,'',
   657   \item a control symbol ``\verb,\,\verb,<^,\isa{ident}\verb,>,'',
   658   for example ``\verb,\,\verb,<^bold>,'',
   660   \item a raw symbol ``\verb,\,\verb,<^raw:,\isa{text}\verb,>,''
   661   where \isa{text} consists of printable characters excluding
   662   ``\verb,.,'' and ``\verb,>,'', for example
   663   ``\verb,\,\verb,<^raw:$\sum_{i = 1}^n$>,'',
   665   \item a numbered raw control symbol ``\verb,\,\verb,<^raw,\isa{n}\verb,>, where \isa{n} consists of digits, for example
   666   ``\verb,\,\verb,<^raw42>,''.
   668   \end{enumerate}
   670   \noindent The \isa{ident} syntax for symbol names is \isa{letter\ {\isacharparenleft}letter\ {\isacharbar}\ digit{\isacharparenright}\isactrlsup {\isacharasterisk}}, where \isa{letter\ {\isacharequal}\ A{\isachardot}{\isachardot}Za{\isachardot}{\isachardot}z} and \isa{digit\ {\isacharequal}\ {\isadigit{0}}{\isachardot}{\isachardot}{\isadigit{9}}}.  There are infinitely many
   671   regular symbols and control symbols, but a fixed collection of
   672   standard symbols is treated specifically.  For example,
   673   ``\verb,\,\verb,<alpha>,'' is classified as a letter, which means it
   674   may occur within regular Isabelle identifiers.
   676   Since the character set underlying Isabelle symbols is 7-bit ASCII
   677   and 8-bit characters are passed through transparently, Isabelle can
   678   also process Unicode/UCS data in UTF-8 encoding.\footnote{When
   679   counting precise source positions internally, bytes in the range of
   680   128\dots 191 are ignored.  In UTF-8 encoding, this interval covers
   681   the additional trailer bytes, so Isabelle happens to count Unicode
   682   characters here, not bytes in memory.  In ISO-Latin encoding, the
   683   ignored range merely includes some extra punctuation characters that
   684   even have replacements within the standard collection of Isabelle
   685   symbols; the accented letters range is counted properly.} Unicode
   686   provides its own collection of mathematical symbols, but within the
   687   core Isabelle/ML world there is no link to the standard collection
   688   of Isabelle regular symbols.
   690   \medskip Output of Isabelle symbols depends on the print mode
   691   (\secref{print-mode}).  For example, the standard {\LaTeX} setup of
   692   the Isabelle document preparation system would present
   693   ``\verb,\,\verb,<alpha>,'' as \isa{{\isasymalpha}}, and
   694   ``\verb,\,\verb,<^bold>,\verb,\,\verb,<alpha>,'' as \isa{\isactrlbold {\isasymalpha}}.  On-screen rendering usually works by mapping a finite
   695   subset of Isabelle symbols to suitable Unicode characters.%
   696 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   697 \isamarkuptrue%
   698 %
   699 \isadelimmlref
   700 %
   701 \endisadelimmlref
   702 %
   703 \isatagmlref
   704 %
   705 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   706 \begin{mldecls}
   707   \indexdef{}{ML type}{Symbol.symbol}\verb|type Symbol.symbol = string| \\
   708   \indexdef{}{ML}{Symbol.explode}\verb|Symbol.explode: string -> Symbol.symbol list| \\
   709   \indexdef{}{ML}{\_letter}\verb|Symbol.is_letter: Symbol.symbol -> bool| \\
   710   \indexdef{}{ML}{\_digit}\verb|Symbol.is_digit: Symbol.symbol -> bool| \\
   711   \indexdef{}{ML}{\_quasi}\verb|Symbol.is_quasi: Symbol.symbol -> bool| \\
   712   \indexdef{}{ML}{\_blank}\verb|Symbol.is_blank: Symbol.symbol -> bool| \\
   713   \end{mldecls}
   714   \begin{mldecls}
   715   \indexdef{}{ML type}{Symbol.sym}\verb|type Symbol.sym| \\
   716   \indexdef{}{ML}{Symbol.decode}\verb|Symbol.decode: Symbol.symbol -> Symbol.sym| \\
   717   \end{mldecls}
   719   \begin{description}
   721   \item \verb|Symbol.symbol| represents individual Isabelle
   722   symbols.
   724   \item \verb|Symbol.explode|~\isa{str} produces a symbol list
   725   from the packed form.  This function supercedes \verb|String.explode| for virtually all purposes of manipulating text in
   726   Isabelle!\footnote{The runtime overhead for exploded strings is
   727   mainly that of the list structure: individual symbols that happen to
   728   be a singleton string --- which is the most common case --- do not
   729   require extra memory in Poly/ML.}
   731   \item \verb|Symbol.is_letter|, \verb|Symbol.is_digit|, \verb|Symbol.is_quasi|, \verb|Symbol.is_blank| classify standard
   732   symbols according to fixed syntactic conventions of Isabelle, cf.\
   733   \cite{isabelle-isar-ref}.
   735   \item \verb|Symbol.sym| is a concrete datatype that represents
   736   the different kinds of symbols explicitly, with constructors \verb|Symbol.Char|, \verb|Symbol.Sym|, \verb|Symbol.Ctrl|, \verb|Symbol.Raw|.
   738   \item \verb|Symbol.decode| converts the string representation of a
   739   symbol into the datatype version.
   741   \end{description}
   743   \paragraph{Historical note.} In the original SML90 standard the
   744   primitive ML type \verb|char| did not exists, and the basic \verb|explode: string -> string list| operation would produce a list of
   745   singleton strings as in Isabelle/ML today.  When SML97 came out,
   746   Isabelle did not adopt its slightly anachronistic 8-bit characters,
   747   but the idea of exploding a string into a list of small strings was
   748   extended to ``symbols'' as explained above.  Thus Isabelle sources
   749   can refer to an infinite store of user-defined symbols, without
   750   having to worry about the multitude of Unicode encodings.%
   751 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   752 \isamarkuptrue%
   753 %
   754 \endisatagmlref
   755 {\isafoldmlref}%
   756 %
   757 \isadelimmlref
   758 %
   759 \endisadelimmlref
   760 %
   761 \isamarkupsubsection{Basic names \label{sec:basic-name}%
   762 }
   763 \isamarkuptrue%
   764 %
   765 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   766 A \emph{basic name} essentially consists of a single Isabelle
   767   identifier.  There are conventions to mark separate classes of basic
   768   names, by attaching a suffix of underscores: one underscore means
   769   \emph{internal name}, two underscores means \emph{Skolem name},
   770   three underscores means \emph{internal Skolem name}.
   772   For example, the basic name \isa{foo} has the internal version
   773   \isa{foo{\isacharunderscore}}, with Skolem versions \isa{foo{\isacharunderscore}{\isacharunderscore}} and \isa{foo{\isacharunderscore}{\isacharunderscore}{\isacharunderscore}}, respectively.
   775   These special versions provide copies of the basic name space, apart
   776   from anything that normally appears in the user text.  For example,
   777   system generated variables in Isar proof contexts are usually marked
   778   as internal, which prevents mysterious names like \isa{xaa} to
   779   appear in human-readable text.
   781   \medskip Manipulating binding scopes often requires on-the-fly
   782   renamings.  A \emph{name context} contains a collection of already
   783   used names.  The \isa{declare} operation adds names to the
   784   context.
   786   The \isa{invents} operation derives a number of fresh names from
   787   a given starting point.  For example, the first three names derived
   788   from \isa{a} are \isa{a}, \isa{b}, \isa{c}.
   790   The \isa{variants} operation produces fresh names by
   791   incrementing tentative names as base-26 numbers (with digits \isa{a{\isachardot}{\isachardot}z}) until all clashes are resolved.  For example, name \isa{foo} results in variants \isa{fooa}, \isa{foob}, \isa{fooc}, \dots, \isa{fooaa}, \isa{fooab} etc.; each renaming
   792   step picks the next unused variant from this sequence.%
   793 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   794 \isamarkuptrue%
   795 %
   796 \isadelimmlref
   797 %
   798 \endisadelimmlref
   799 %
   800 \isatagmlref
   801 %
   802 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   803 \begin{mldecls}
   804   \indexdef{}{ML}{Name.internal}\verb|Name.internal: string -> string| \\
   805   \indexdef{}{ML}{Name.skolem}\verb|Name.skolem: string -> string| \\
   806   \end{mldecls}
   807   \begin{mldecls}
   808   \indexdef{}{ML type}{Name.context}\verb|type Name.context| \\
   809   \indexdef{}{ML}{Name.context}\verb|Name.context: Name.context| \\
   810   \indexdef{}{ML}{Name.declare}\verb|Name.declare: string -> Name.context -> Name.context| \\
   811   \indexdef{}{ML}{Name.invents}\verb|Name.invents: Name.context -> string -> int -> string list| \\
   812   \indexdef{}{ML}{Name.variants}\verb|Name.variants: string list -> Name.context -> string list * Name.context| \\
   813   \end{mldecls}
   814   \begin{mldecls}
   815   \indexdef{}{ML}{Variable.names\_of}\verb|Variable.names_of: Proof.context -> Name.context| \\
   816   \end{mldecls}
   818   \begin{description}
   820   \item \verb|Name.internal|~\isa{name} produces an internal name
   821   by adding one underscore.
   823   \item \verb|Name.skolem|~\isa{name} produces a Skolem name by
   824   adding two underscores.
   826   \item \verb|Name.context| represents the context of already used
   827   names; the initial value is \verb|Name.context|.
   829   \item \verb|Name.declare|~\isa{name} enters a used name into the
   830   context.
   832   \item \verb|Name.invents|~\isa{context\ name\ n} produces \isa{n} fresh names derived from \isa{name}.
   834   \item \verb|Name.variants|~\isa{names\ context} produces fresh
   835   variants of \isa{names}; the result is entered into the context.
   837   \item \verb|Variable.names_of|~\isa{ctxt} retrieves the context
   838   of declared type and term variable names.  Projecting a proof
   839   context down to a primitive name context is occasionally useful when
   840   invoking lower-level operations.  Regular management of ``fresh
   841   variables'' is done by suitable operations of structure \verb|Variable|, which is also able to provide an official status of
   842   ``locally fixed variable'' within the logical environment (cf.\
   843   \secref{sec:variables}).
   845   \end{description}%
   846 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   847 \isamarkuptrue%
   848 %
   849 \endisatagmlref
   850 {\isafoldmlref}%
   851 %
   852 \isadelimmlref
   853 %
   854 \endisadelimmlref
   855 %
   856 \isamarkupsubsection{Indexed names \label{sec:indexname}%
   857 }
   858 \isamarkuptrue%
   859 %
   860 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   861 An \emph{indexed name} (or \isa{indexname}) is a pair of a basic
   862   name and a natural number.  This representation allows efficient
   863   renaming by incrementing the second component only.  The canonical
   864   way to rename two collections of indexnames apart from each other is
   865   this: determine the maximum index \isa{maxidx} of the first
   866   collection, then increment all indexes of the second collection by
   867   \isa{maxidx\ {\isacharplus}\ {\isadigit{1}}}; the maximum index of an empty collection is
   868   \isa{{\isacharminus}{\isadigit{1}}}.
   870   Occasionally, basic names are injected into the same pair type of
   871   indexed names: then \isa{{\isacharparenleft}x{\isacharcomma}\ {\isacharminus}{\isadigit{1}}{\isacharparenright}} is used to encode the basic
   872   name \isa{x}.
   874   \medskip Isabelle syntax observes the following rules for
   875   representing an indexname \isa{{\isacharparenleft}x{\isacharcomma}\ i{\isacharparenright}} as a packed string:
   877   \begin{itemize}
   879   \item \isa{{\isacharquery}x} if \isa{x} does not end with a digit and \isa{i\ {\isacharequal}\ {\isadigit{0}}},
   881   \item \isa{{\isacharquery}xi} if \isa{x} does not end with a digit,
   883   \item \isa{{\isacharquery}x{\isachardot}i} otherwise.
   885   \end{itemize}
   887   Indexnames may acquire large index numbers after several maxidx
   888   shifts have been applied.  Results are usually normalized towards
   889   \isa{{\isadigit{0}}} at certain checkpoints, notably at the end of a proof.
   890   This works by producing variants of the corresponding basic name
   891   components.  For example, the collection \isa{{\isacharquery}x{\isadigit{1}}{\isacharcomma}\ {\isacharquery}x{\isadigit{7}}{\isacharcomma}\ {\isacharquery}x{\isadigit{4}}{\isadigit{2}}}
   892   becomes \isa{{\isacharquery}x{\isacharcomma}\ {\isacharquery}xa{\isacharcomma}\ {\isacharquery}xb}.%
   893 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   894 \isamarkuptrue%
   895 %
   896 \isadelimmlref
   897 %
   898 \endisadelimmlref
   899 %
   900 \isatagmlref
   901 %
   902 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   903 \begin{mldecls}
   904   \indexdef{}{ML type}{indexname}\verb|type indexname| \\
   905   \end{mldecls}
   907   \begin{description}
   909   \item \verb|indexname| represents indexed names.  This is an
   910   abbreviation for \verb|string * int|.  The second component is
   911   usually non-negative, except for situations where \isa{{\isacharparenleft}x{\isacharcomma}\ {\isacharminus}{\isadigit{1}}{\isacharparenright}}
   912   is used to inject basic names into this type.  Other negative
   913   indexes should not be used.
   915   \end{description}%
   916 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   917 \isamarkuptrue%
   918 %
   919 \endisatagmlref
   920 {\isafoldmlref}%
   921 %
   922 \isadelimmlref
   923 %
   924 \endisadelimmlref
   925 %
   926 \isamarkupsubsection{Long names \label{sec:long-name}%
   927 }
   928 \isamarkuptrue%
   929 %
   930 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   931 A \emph{long name} consists of a sequence of non-empty name
   932   components.  The packed representation uses a dot as separator, as
   933   in ``\isa{A{\isachardot}b{\isachardot}c}''.  The last component is called \emph{base
   934   name}, the remaining prefix is called \emph{qualifier} (which may be
   935   empty).  The qualifier can be understood as the access path to the
   936   named entity while passing through some nested block-structure,
   937   although our free-form long names do not really enforce any strict
   938   discipline.
   940   For example, an item named ``\isa{A{\isachardot}b{\isachardot}c}'' may be understood as
   941   a local entity \isa{c}, within a local structure \isa{b},
   942   within a global structure \isa{A}.  In practice, long names
   943   usually represent 1--3 levels of qualification.  User ML code should
   944   not make any assumptions about the particular structure of long
   945   names!
   947   The empty name is commonly used as an indication of unnamed
   948   entities, or entities that are not entered into the corresponding
   949   name space, whenever this makes any sense.  The basic operations on
   950   long names map empty names again to empty names.%
   951 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   952 \isamarkuptrue%
   953 %
   954 \isadelimmlref
   955 %
   956 \endisadelimmlref
   957 %
   958 \isatagmlref
   959 %
   960 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   961 \begin{mldecls}
   962   \indexdef{}{ML}{Long\_Name.base\_name}\verb|Long_Name.base_name: string -> string| \\
   963   \indexdef{}{ML}{Long\_Name.qualifier}\verb|Long_Name.qualifier: string -> string| \\
   964   \indexdef{}{ML}{Long\_Name.append}\verb|Long_Name.append: string -> string -> string| \\
   965   \indexdef{}{ML}{Long\_Name.implode}\verb|Long_Name.implode: string list -> string| \\
   966   \indexdef{}{ML}{Long\_Name.explode}\verb|Long_Name.explode: string -> string list| \\
   967   \end{mldecls}
   969   \begin{description}
   971   \item \verb|Long_Name.base_name|~\isa{name} returns the base name
   972   of a long name.
   974   \item \verb|Long_Name.qualifier|~\isa{name} returns the qualifier
   975   of a long name.
   977   \item \verb|Long_Name.append|~\isa{name\isactrlisub {\isadigit{1}}\ name\isactrlisub {\isadigit{2}}} appends two long
   978   names.
   980   \item \verb|Long_Name.implode|~\isa{names} and \verb|Long_Name.explode|~\isa{name} convert between the packed string
   981   representation and the explicit list form of long names.
   983   \end{description}%
   984 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   985 \isamarkuptrue%
   986 %
   987 \endisatagmlref
   988 {\isafoldmlref}%
   989 %
   990 \isadelimmlref
   991 %
   992 \endisadelimmlref
   993 %
   994 \isamarkupsubsection{Name spaces \label{sec:name-space}%
   995 }
   996 \isamarkuptrue%
   997 %
   998 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   999 A \isa{name\ space} manages a collection of long names,
  1000   together with a mapping between partially qualified external names
  1001   and fully qualified internal names (in both directions).  Note that
  1002   the corresponding \isa{intern} and \isa{extern} operations
  1003   are mostly used for parsing and printing only!  The \isa{declare} operation augments a name space according to the accesses
  1004   determined by a given binding, and a naming policy from the context.
  1006   \medskip A \isa{binding} specifies details about the prospective
  1007   long name of a newly introduced formal entity.  It consists of a
  1008   base name, prefixes for qualification (separate ones for system
  1009   infrastructure and user-space mechanisms), a slot for the original
  1010   source position, and some additional flags.
  1012   \medskip A \isa{naming} provides some additional details for
  1013   producing a long name from a binding.  Normally, the naming is
  1014   implicit in the theory or proof context.  The \isa{full}
  1015   operation (and its variants for different context types) produces a
  1016   fully qualified internal name to be entered into a name space.  The
  1017   main equation of this ``chemical reaction'' when binding new
  1018   entities in a context is as follows:
  1020   \smallskip
  1021   \begin{tabular}{l}
  1022   \isa{binding\ {\isacharplus}\ naming\ {\isasymlongrightarrow}\ long\ name\ {\isacharplus}\ name\ space\ accesses}
  1023   \end{tabular}
  1024   \smallskip
  1026   \medskip As a general principle, there is a separate name space for
  1027   each kind of formal entity, e.g.\ fact, logical constant, type
  1028   constructor, type class.  It is usually clear from the occurrence in
  1029   concrete syntax (or from the scope) which kind of entity a name
  1030   refers to.  For example, the very same name \isa{c} may be used
  1031   uniformly for a constant, type constructor, and type class.
  1033   There are common schemes to name derived entities systematically
  1034   according to the name of the main logical entity involved, e.g.\
  1035   fact \isa{c{\isachardot}intro} for a canonical introduction rule related to
  1036   constant \isa{c}.  This technique of mapping names from one
  1037   space into another requires some care in order to avoid conflicts.
  1038   In particular, theorem names derived from a type constructor or type
  1039   class are better suffixed in addition to the usual qualification,
  1040   e.g.\ \isa{c{\isacharunderscore}type{\isachardot}intro} and \isa{c{\isacharunderscore}class{\isachardot}intro} for
  1041   theorems related to type \isa{c} and class \isa{c},
  1042   respectively.%
  1043 \end{isamarkuptext}%
  1044 \isamarkuptrue%
  1045 %
  1046 \isadelimmlref
  1047 %
  1048 \endisadelimmlref
  1049 %
  1050 \isatagmlref
  1051 %
  1052 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
  1053 \begin{mldecls}
  1054   \indexdef{}{ML type}{binding}\verb|type binding| \\
  1055   \indexdef{}{ML}{Binding.empty}\verb|Binding.empty: binding| \\
  1056   \indexdef{}{ML}{}\verb| string -> binding| \\
  1057   \indexdef{}{ML}{Binding.qualify}\verb|Binding.qualify: bool -> string -> binding -> binding| \\
  1058   \indexdef{}{ML}{Binding.prefix}\verb|Binding.prefix: bool -> string -> binding -> binding| \\
  1059   \indexdef{}{ML}{Binding.conceal}\verb|Binding.conceal: binding -> binding| \\
  1060   \indexdef{}{ML}{Binding.str\_of}\verb|Binding.str_of: binding -> string| \\
  1061   \end{mldecls}
  1062   \begin{mldecls}
  1063   \indexdef{}{ML type}{Name\_Space.naming}\verb|type Name_Space.naming| \\
  1064   \indexdef{}{ML}{Name\_Space.default\_naming}\verb|Name_Space.default_naming: Name_Space.naming| \\
  1065   \indexdef{}{ML}{Name\_Space.add\_path}\verb|Name_Space.add_path: string -> Name_Space.naming -> Name_Space.naming| \\
  1066   \indexdef{}{ML}{Name\_Space.full\_name}\verb|Name_Space.full_name: Name_Space.naming -> binding -> string| \\
  1067   \end{mldecls}
  1068   \begin{mldecls}
  1069   \indexdef{}{ML type}{Name\_Space.T}\verb|type Name_Space.T| \\
  1070   \indexdef{}{ML}{Name\_Space.empty}\verb|Name_Space.empty: string -> Name_Space.T| \\
  1071   \indexdef{}{ML}{Name\_Space.merge}\verb|Name_Space.merge: Name_Space.T * Name_Space.T -> Name_Space.T| \\
  1072   \indexdef{}{ML}{Name\_Space.declare}\verb|Name_Space.declare: bool -> Name_Space.naming -> binding -> Name_Space.T ->|\isasep\isanewline%
  1073 \verb|  string * Name_Space.T| \\
  1074   \indexdef{}{ML}{Name\_Space.intern}\verb|Name_Space.intern: Name_Space.T -> string -> string| \\
  1075   \indexdef{}{ML}{Name\_Space.extern}\verb|Name_Space.extern: Name_Space.T -> string -> string| \\
  1076   \indexdef{}{ML}{Name\\_concealed}\verb|Name_Space.is_concealed: Name_Space.T -> string -> bool|
  1077   \end{mldecls}
  1079   \begin{description}
  1081   \item \verb|binding| represents the abstract concept of name
  1082   bindings.
  1084   \item \verb|Binding.empty| is the empty binding.
  1086   \item \verb||~\isa{name} produces a binding with base
  1087   name \isa{name}.
  1089   \item \verb|Binding.qualify|~\isa{mandatory\ name\ binding}
  1090   prefixes qualifier \isa{name} to \isa{binding}.  The \isa{mandatory} flag tells if this name component always needs to be
  1091   given in name space accesses --- this is mostly \isa{false} in
  1092   practice.  Note that this part of qualification is typically used in
  1093   derived specification mechanisms.
  1095   \item \verb|Binding.prefix| is similar to \verb|Binding.qualify|, but
  1096   affects the system prefix.  This part of extra qualification is
  1097   typically used in the infrastructure for modular specifications,
  1098   notably ``local theory targets'' (see also \chref{ch:local-theory}).
  1100   \item \verb|Binding.conceal|~\isa{binding} indicates that the
  1101   binding shall refer to an entity that serves foundational purposes
  1102   only.  This flag helps to mark implementation details of
  1103   specification mechanism etc.  Other tools should not depend on the
  1104   particulars of concealed entities (cf.\ \verb|Name_Space.is_concealed|).
  1106   \item \verb|Binding.str_of|~\isa{binding} produces a string
  1107   representation for human-readable output, together with some formal
  1108   markup that might get used in GUI front-ends, for example.
  1110   \item \verb|Name_Space.naming| represents the abstract concept of
  1111   a naming policy.
  1113   \item \verb|Name_Space.default_naming| is the default naming policy.
  1114   In a theory context, this is usually augmented by a path prefix
  1115   consisting of the theory name.
  1117   \item \verb|Name_Space.add_path|~\isa{path\ naming} augments the
  1118   naming policy by extending its path component.
  1120   \item \verb|Name_Space.full_name|~\isa{naming\ binding} turns a
  1121   name binding (usually a basic name) into the fully qualified
  1122   internal name, according to the given naming policy.
  1124   \item \verb|Name_Space.T| represents name spaces.
  1126   \item \verb|Name_Space.empty|~\isa{kind} and \verb|Name_Space.merge|~\isa{{\isacharparenleft}space\isactrlisub {\isadigit{1}}{\isacharcomma}\ space\isactrlisub {\isadigit{2}}{\isacharparenright}} are the canonical operations for
  1127   maintaining name spaces according to theory data management
  1128   (\secref{sec:context-data}); \isa{kind} is a formal comment
  1129   to characterize the purpose of a name space.
  1131   \item \verb|Name_Space.declare|~\isa{strict\ naming\ bindings\ space} enters a name binding as fully qualified internal name into
  1132   the name space, with external accesses determined by the naming
  1133   policy.
  1135   \item \verb|Name_Space.intern|~\isa{space\ name} internalizes a
  1136   (partially qualified) external name.
  1138   This operation is mostly for parsing!  Note that fully qualified
  1139   names stemming from declarations are produced via \verb|Name_Space.full_name| and \verb|Name_Space.declare|
  1140   (or their derivatives for \verb|theory| and
  1141   \verb|Proof.context|).
  1143   \item \verb|Name_Space.extern|~\isa{space\ name} externalizes a
  1144   (fully qualified) internal name.
  1146   This operation is mostly for printing!  User code should not rely on
  1147   the precise result too much.
  1149   \item \verb|Name_Space.is_concealed|~\isa{space\ name} indicates
  1150   whether \isa{name} refers to a strictly private entity that
  1151   other tools are supposed to ignore!
  1153   \end{description}%
  1154 \end{isamarkuptext}%
  1155 \isamarkuptrue%
  1156 %
  1157 \endisatagmlref
  1158 {\isafoldmlref}%
  1159 %
  1160 \isadelimmlref
  1161 %
  1162 \endisadelimmlref
  1163 %
  1164 \isadelimtheory
  1165 %
  1166 \endisadelimtheory
  1167 %
  1168 \isatagtheory
  1169 \isacommand{end}\isamarkupfalse%
  1170 %
  1171 \endisatagtheory
  1172 {\isafoldtheory}%
  1173 %
  1174 \isadelimtheory
  1175 %
  1176 \endisadelimtheory
  1177 \isanewline
  1178 \end{isabellebody}%
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  1180 %%% mode: latex
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  1182 %%% End: