author blanchet
Wed, 15 Dec 2010 11:26:28 +0100
changeset 41384 30bedf58b177
parent 41382 de9e0adc21da
child 41385 8b634031b2a5
permissions -rw-r--r--
implemented new type system encoding "overload_args", which is more lightweight than "const_args" (the unsound default) and hopefully almost as sound
     1 (*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_atp_translate.ML
     2     Author:     Fabian Immler, TU Muenchen
     3     Author:     Makarius
     4     Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
     6 Translation of HOL to FOL for Sledgehammer.
     7 *)
    10 sig
    11   type 'a problem = 'a ATP_Problem.problem
    12   type translated_formula
    14   datatype type_system =
    15     Tags of bool |
    16     Preds of bool |
    17     Const_Args |
    18     Overload_Args |
    19     No_Types
    21   val fact_prefix : string
    22   val conjecture_prefix : string
    23   val is_fully_typed : type_system -> bool
    24   val num_atp_type_args : theory -> type_system -> string -> int
    25   val translate_atp_fact :
    26     Proof.context -> (string * 'a) * thm
    27     -> translated_formula option * ((string * 'a) * thm)
    28   val prepare_atp_problem :
    29     Proof.context -> bool -> bool -> type_system -> bool -> term list -> term
    30     -> (translated_formula option * ((string * 'a) * thm)) list
    31     -> string problem * string Symtab.table * int * (string * 'a) list vector
    32 end;
    34 structure Sledgehammer_ATP_Translate : SLEDGEHAMMER_ATP_TRANSLATE =
    35 struct
    37 open ATP_Problem
    38 open Metis_Translate
    39 open Sledgehammer_Util
    41 val fact_prefix = "fact_"
    42 val conjecture_prefix = "conj_"
    43 val helper_prefix = "help_"
    44 val class_rel_clause_prefix = "clrel_";
    45 val arity_clause_prefix = "arity_"
    46 val tfree_prefix = "tfree_"
    48 (* Freshness almost guaranteed! *)
    49 val sledgehammer_weak_prefix = "Sledgehammer:"
    51 type translated_formula =
    52   {name: string,
    53    kind: kind,
    54    combformula: (name, combterm) formula,
    55    ctypes_sorts: typ list}
    57 datatype type_system =
    58   Tags of bool |
    59   Preds of bool |
    60   Const_Args |
    61   Overload_Args |
    62   No_Types
    64 fun is_fully_typed (Tags full_types) = full_types
    65   | is_fully_typed (Preds full_types) = full_types
    66   | is_fully_typed _ = false
    68 (* This is an approximation. If it returns "true" for a constant that isn't
    69    overloaded (i.e., that has one uniform definition), needless clutter is
    70    generated; if it returns "false" for an overloaded constant, the ATP gets a
    71    license to do unsound reasoning if the type system is "overloaded_args". *)
    72 fun is_overloaded thy s =
    73   length (Defs.specifications_of (Theory.defs_of thy) s) > 1
    75 fun needs_type_args thy type_sys s =
    76   case type_sys of
    77     Tags full_types => not full_types
    78   | Preds full_types => not full_types
    79   | Const_Args => true
    80   | Overload_Args => is_overloaded thy s
    81   | No_Types => false
    83 fun num_atp_type_args thy type_sys s =
    84   if needs_type_args thy type_sys s then num_type_args thy s else 0
    86 fun mk_anot phi = AConn (ANot, [phi])
    87 fun mk_aconn c phi1 phi2 = AConn (c, [phi1, phi2])
    88 fun mk_ahorn [] phi = phi
    89   | mk_ahorn (phi :: phis) psi =
    90     AConn (AImplies, [fold (mk_aconn AAnd) phis phi, psi])
    92 fun combformula_for_prop thy =
    93   let
    94     val do_term = combterm_from_term thy
    95     fun do_quant bs q s T t' =
    96       let val s = Name.variant (map fst bs) s in
    97         do_formula ((s, T) :: bs) t'
    98         #>> (fn phi => AQuant (q, [`make_bound_var s], phi))
    99       end
   100     and do_conn bs c t1 t2 =
   101       do_formula bs t1 ##>> do_formula bs t2
   102       #>> (fn (phi1, phi2) => AConn (c, [phi1, phi2]))
   103     and do_formula bs t =
   104       case t of
   105         @{const Not} $ t1 =>
   106         do_formula bs t1 #>> (fn phi => AConn (ANot, [phi]))
   107       | Const (@{const_name All}, _) $ Abs (s, T, t') =>
   108         do_quant bs AForall s T t'
   109       | Const (@{const_name Ex}, _) $ Abs (s, T, t') =>
   110         do_quant bs AExists s T t'
   111       | @{const HOL.conj} $ t1 $ t2 => do_conn bs AAnd t1 t2
   112       | @{const HOL.disj} $ t1 $ t2 => do_conn bs AOr t1 t2
   113       | @{const HOL.implies} $ t1 $ t2 => do_conn bs AImplies t1 t2
   114       | Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, Type (_, [@{typ bool}, _])) $ t1 $ t2 =>
   115         do_conn bs AIff t1 t2
   116       | _ => (fn ts => do_term bs (Envir.eta_contract t)
   117                        |>> AAtom ||> union (op =) ts)
   118   in do_formula [] end
   120 val presimplify_term = prop_of o Meson.presimplify oo Skip_Proof.make_thm
   122 fun concealed_bound_name j = sledgehammer_weak_prefix ^ Int.toString j
   123 fun conceal_bounds Ts t =
   124   subst_bounds (map (Free o apfst concealed_bound_name)
   125                     (0 upto length Ts - 1 ~~ Ts), t)
   126 fun reveal_bounds Ts =
   127   subst_atomic (map (fn (j, T) => (Free (concealed_bound_name j, T), Bound j))
   128                     (0 upto length Ts - 1 ~~ Ts))
   130 (* Removes the lambdas from an equation of the form "t = (%x. u)".
   131    (Cf. "extensionalize_theorem" in "Meson_Clausify".) *)
   132 fun extensionalize_term t =
   133   let
   134     fun aux j (@{const Trueprop} $ t') = @{const Trueprop} $ aux j t'
   135       | aux j (t as Const (s, Type (_, [Type (_, [_, T']),
   136                                         Type (_, [_, res_T])]))
   137                     $ t2 $ Abs (var_s, var_T, t')) =
   138         if s = @{const_name HOL.eq} orelse s = @{const_name "=="} then
   139           let val var_t = Var ((var_s, j), var_T) in
   140             Const (s, T' --> T' --> res_T)
   141               $ betapply (t2, var_t) $ subst_bound (var_t, t')
   142             |> aux (j + 1)
   143           end
   144         else
   145           t
   146       | aux _ t = t
   147   in aux (maxidx_of_term t + 1) t end
   149 fun introduce_combinators_in_term ctxt kind t =
   150   let val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt in
   151     if Meson.is_fol_term thy t then
   152       t
   153     else
   154       let
   155         fun aux Ts t =
   156           case t of
   157             @{const Not} $ t1 => @{const Not} $ aux Ts t1
   158           | (t0 as Const (@{const_name All}, _)) $ Abs (s, T, t') =>
   159             t0 $ Abs (s, T, aux (T :: Ts) t')
   160           | (t0 as Const (@{const_name All}, _)) $ t1 =>
   161             aux Ts (t0 $ eta_expand Ts t1 1)
   162           | (t0 as Const (@{const_name Ex}, _)) $ Abs (s, T, t') =>
   163             t0 $ Abs (s, T, aux (T :: Ts) t')
   164           | (t0 as Const (@{const_name Ex}, _)) $ t1 =>
   165             aux Ts (t0 $ eta_expand Ts t1 1)
   166           | (t0 as @{const HOL.conj}) $ t1 $ t2 => t0 $ aux Ts t1 $ aux Ts t2
   167           | (t0 as @{const HOL.disj}) $ t1 $ t2 => t0 $ aux Ts t1 $ aux Ts t2
   168           | (t0 as @{const HOL.implies}) $ t1 $ t2 => t0 $ aux Ts t1 $ aux Ts t2
   169           | (t0 as Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, Type (_, [@{typ bool}, _])))
   170               $ t1 $ t2 =>
   171             t0 $ aux Ts t1 $ aux Ts t2
   172           | _ => if not (exists_subterm (fn Abs _ => true | _ => false) t) then
   173                    t
   174                  else
   175                    t |> conceal_bounds Ts
   176                      |> Envir.eta_contract
   177                      |> cterm_of thy
   178                      |> Meson_Clausify.introduce_combinators_in_cterm
   179                      |> prop_of |> Logic.dest_equals |> snd
   180                      |> reveal_bounds Ts
   181         val (t, ctxt') = Variable.import_terms true [t] ctxt |>> the_single
   182       in t |> aux [] |> singleton (Variable.export_terms ctxt' ctxt) end
   183       handle THM _ =>
   184              (* A type variable of sort "{}" will make abstraction fail. *)
   185              if kind = Conjecture then HOLogic.false_const
   186              else HOLogic.true_const
   187   end
   189 (* Metis's use of "resolve_tac" freezes the schematic variables. We simulate the
   190    same in Sledgehammer to prevent the discovery of unreplable proofs. *)
   191 fun freeze_term t =
   192   let
   193     fun aux (t $ u) = aux t $ aux u
   194       | aux (Abs (s, T, t)) = Abs (s, T, aux t)
   195       | aux (Var ((s, i), T)) =
   196         Free (sledgehammer_weak_prefix ^ s ^ "_" ^ string_of_int i, T)
   197       | aux t = t
   198   in t |> exists_subterm is_Var t ? aux end
   200 (* "Object_Logic.atomize_term" isn't as powerful as it could be; for example,
   201     it leaves metaequalities over "prop"s alone. *)
   202 val atomize_term =
   203   let
   204     fun aux (@{const Trueprop} $ t1) = t1
   205       | aux (Const (@{const_name all}, _) $ Abs (s, T, t')) =
   206         HOLogic.all_const T $ Abs (s, T, aux t')
   207       | aux (@{const "==>"} $ t1 $ t2) = HOLogic.mk_imp (pairself aux (t1, t2))
   208       | aux (Const (@{const_name "=="}, Type (_, [@{typ prop}, _])) $ t1 $ t2) =
   209         HOLogic.eq_const HOLogic.boolT $ aux t1 $ aux t2
   210       | aux (Const (@{const_name "=="}, Type (_, [T, _])) $ t1 $ t2) =
   211         HOLogic.eq_const T $ t1 $ t2
   212       | aux _ = raise Fail "aux"
   213   in perhaps (try aux) end
   215 (* making fact and conjecture formulas *)
   216 fun make_formula ctxt presimp name kind t =
   217   let
   218     val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
   219     val t = t |> Envir.beta_eta_contract
   220               |> transform_elim_term
   221               |> atomize_term
   222     val need_trueprop = (fastype_of t = HOLogic.boolT)
   223     val t = t |> need_trueprop ? HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
   224               |> extensionalize_term
   225               |> presimp ? presimplify_term thy
   226               |> perhaps (try (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop))
   227               |> introduce_combinators_in_term ctxt kind
   228               |> kind <> Axiom ? freeze_term
   229     val (combformula, ctypes_sorts) = combformula_for_prop thy t []
   230   in
   231     {name = name, combformula = combformula, kind = kind,
   232      ctypes_sorts = ctypes_sorts}
   233   end
   235 fun make_fact ctxt presimp ((name, _), th) =
   236   case make_formula ctxt presimp name Axiom (prop_of th) of
   237     {combformula = AAtom (CombConst (("c_True", _), _, _)), ...} => NONE
   238   | formula => SOME formula
   239 fun make_conjecture ctxt ts =
   240   let val last = length ts - 1 in
   241     map2 (fn j => make_formula ctxt true (Int.toString j)
   242                                (if j = last then Conjecture else Hypothesis))
   243          (0 upto last) ts
   244   end
   246 (** Helper facts **)
   248 fun count_combterm (CombConst ((s, _), _, _)) =
   249     Symtab.map_entry s (Integer.add 1)
   250   | count_combterm (CombVar _) = I
   251   | count_combterm (CombApp (t1, t2)) = fold count_combterm [t1, t2]
   252 fun count_combformula (AQuant (_, _, phi)) = count_combformula phi
   253   | count_combformula (AConn (_, phis)) = fold count_combformula phis
   254   | count_combformula (AAtom tm) = count_combterm tm
   255 fun count_translated_formula ({combformula, ...} : translated_formula) =
   256   count_combformula combformula
   258 val optional_helpers =
   259   [(["c_COMBI"], @{thms Meson.COMBI_def}),
   260    (["c_COMBK"], @{thms Meson.COMBK_def}),
   261    (["c_COMBB"], @{thms Meson.COMBB_def}),
   262    (["c_COMBC"], @{thms Meson.COMBC_def}),
   263    (["c_COMBS"], @{thms Meson.COMBS_def})]
   264 val optional_fully_typed_helpers =
   265   [(["c_True", "c_False", "c_If"], @{thms True_or_False}),
   266    (["c_If"], @{thms if_True if_False})]
   267 val mandatory_helpers = @{thms Metis.fequal_def}
   269 val init_counters =
   270   [optional_helpers, optional_fully_typed_helpers] |> maps (maps fst)
   271   |> sort_distinct string_ord |> map (rpair 0) |> Symtab.make
   273 fun get_helper_facts ctxt is_FO type_sys conjectures facts =
   274   let
   275     val ct =
   276       fold (fold count_translated_formula) [conjectures, facts] init_counters
   277     fun is_needed c = the (Symtab.lookup ct c) > 0
   278     fun baptize th = ((Thm.get_name_hint th, false), th)
   279   in
   280     (optional_helpers
   281      |> is_fully_typed type_sys ? append optional_fully_typed_helpers
   282      |> maps (fn (ss, ths) =>
   283                  if exists is_needed ss then map baptize ths else [])) @
   284     (if is_FO then [] else map baptize mandatory_helpers)
   285     |> map_filter (make_fact ctxt false)
   286   end
   288 fun translate_atp_fact ctxt = `(make_fact ctxt true)
   290 fun translate_formulas ctxt type_sys hyp_ts concl_t rich_facts =
   291   let
   292     val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
   293     val fact_ts = map (prop_of o snd o snd) rich_facts
   294     val (facts, fact_names) =
   295       rich_facts
   296       |> map_filter (fn (NONE, _) => NONE
   297                       | (SOME fact, (name, _)) => SOME (fact, name))
   298       |> ListPair.unzip
   299     (* Remove existing facts from the conjecture, as this can dramatically
   300        boost an ATP's performance (for some reason). *)
   301     val hyp_ts = hyp_ts |> filter_out (member (op aconv) fact_ts)
   302     val goal_t = Logic.list_implies (hyp_ts, concl_t)
   303     val is_FO = Meson.is_fol_term thy goal_t
   304     val subs = tfree_classes_of_terms [goal_t]
   305     val supers = tvar_classes_of_terms fact_ts
   306     val tycons = type_consts_of_terms thy (goal_t :: fact_ts)
   307     (* TFrees in the conjecture; TVars in the facts *)
   308     val conjectures = make_conjecture ctxt (hyp_ts @ [concl_t])
   309     val helper_facts = get_helper_facts ctxt is_FO type_sys conjectures facts
   310     val (supers', arity_clauses) = make_arity_clauses thy tycons supers
   311     val class_rel_clauses = make_class_rel_clauses thy subs supers'
   312   in
   313     (fact_names |> map single |> Vector.fromList,
   314      (conjectures, facts, helper_facts, class_rel_clauses, arity_clauses))
   315   end
   317 fun wrap_type ty t = ATerm ((type_wrapper_name, type_wrapper_name), [ty, t])
   319 fun fo_term_for_combtyp (CombTVar name) = ATerm (name, [])
   320   | fo_term_for_combtyp (CombTFree name) = ATerm (name, [])
   321   | fo_term_for_combtyp (CombType (name, tys)) =
   322     ATerm (name, map fo_term_for_combtyp tys)
   324 fun fo_literal_for_type_literal (TyLitVar (class, name)) =
   325     (true, ATerm (class, [ATerm (name, [])]))
   326   | fo_literal_for_type_literal (TyLitFree (class, name)) =
   327     (true, ATerm (class, [ATerm (name, [])]))
   329 fun formula_for_fo_literal (pos, t) = AAtom t |> not pos ? mk_anot
   331 fun fo_term_for_combterm thy type_sys =
   332   let
   333     fun aux top_level u =
   334       let
   335         val (head, args) = strip_combterm_comb u
   336         val (x, ty_args) =
   337           case head of
   338             CombConst (name as (s, s'), _, ty_args) =>
   339             (case strip_prefix_and_unascii const_prefix s of
   340                NONE =>
   341                if s = "equal" then
   342                  if top_level andalso length args = 2 then (name, [])
   343                  else (("c_fequal", @{const_name Metis.fequal}), ty_args)
   344                else
   345                  (name, ty_args)
   346              | SOME s'' =>
   347                let
   348                  val s'' = invert_const s''
   349                  val ty_args =
   350                    if needs_type_args thy type_sys s'' then ty_args else []
   351                 in
   352                   if top_level then
   353                     case s of
   354                       "c_False" => (("$false", s'), [])
   355                     | "c_True" => (("$true", s'), [])
   356                     | _ => (name, ty_args)
   357                   else
   358                     (name, ty_args)
   359                 end)
   360           | CombVar (name, _) => (name, [])
   361           | CombApp _ => raise Fail "impossible \"CombApp\""
   362         val t = ATerm (x, map fo_term_for_combtyp ty_args @
   363                           map (aux false) args)
   364     in
   365       t |> (if type_sys = Tags true then
   366               wrap_type (fo_term_for_combtyp (combtyp_of u))
   367             else
   368               I)
   369     end
   370   in aux true end
   372 fun formula_for_combformula thy type_sys =
   373   let
   374     fun aux (AQuant (q, xs, phi)) = AQuant (q, xs, aux phi)
   375       | aux (AConn (c, phis)) = AConn (c, map aux phis)
   376       | aux (AAtom tm) = AAtom (fo_term_for_combterm thy type_sys tm)
   377   in aux end
   379 fun formula_for_fact thy type_sys
   380                      ({combformula, ctypes_sorts, ...} : translated_formula) =
   381   mk_ahorn (map (formula_for_fo_literal o fo_literal_for_type_literal)
   382                 (type_literals_for_types ctypes_sorts))
   383            (formula_for_combformula thy type_sys combformula)
   385 fun problem_line_for_fact thy prefix type_sys (formula as {name, kind, ...}) =
   386   Fof (prefix ^ ascii_of name, kind, formula_for_fact thy type_sys formula)
   388 fun problem_line_for_class_rel_clause (ClassRelClause {name, subclass,
   389                                                        superclass, ...}) =
   390   let val ty_arg = ATerm (("T", "T"), []) in
   391     Fof (class_rel_clause_prefix ^ ascii_of name, Axiom,
   392          AConn (AImplies, [AAtom (ATerm (subclass, [ty_arg])),
   393                            AAtom (ATerm (superclass, [ty_arg]))]))
   394   end
   396 fun fo_literal_for_arity_literal (TConsLit (c, t, args)) =
   397     (true, ATerm (c, [ATerm (t, map (fn arg => ATerm (arg, [])) args)]))
   398   | fo_literal_for_arity_literal (TVarLit (c, sort)) =
   399     (false, ATerm (c, [ATerm (sort, [])]))
   401 fun problem_line_for_arity_clause (ArityClause {name, conclLit, premLits,
   402                                                 ...}) =
   403   Fof (arity_clause_prefix ^ ascii_of name, Axiom,
   404        mk_ahorn (map (formula_for_fo_literal o apfst not
   405                       o fo_literal_for_arity_literal) premLits)
   406                 (formula_for_fo_literal
   407                      (fo_literal_for_arity_literal conclLit)))
   409 fun problem_line_for_conjecture thy type_sys
   410         ({name, kind, combformula, ...} : translated_formula) =
   411   Fof (conjecture_prefix ^ name, kind,
   412        formula_for_combformula thy type_sys combformula)
   414 fun free_type_literals_for_conjecture
   415         ({ctypes_sorts, ...} : translated_formula) =
   416   map fo_literal_for_type_literal (type_literals_for_types ctypes_sorts)
   418 fun problem_line_for_free_type j lit =
   419   Fof (tfree_prefix ^ string_of_int j, Hypothesis, formula_for_fo_literal lit)
   420 fun problem_lines_for_free_types conjectures =
   421   let
   422     val litss = map free_type_literals_for_conjecture conjectures
   423     val lits = fold (union (op =)) litss []
   424   in map2 problem_line_for_free_type (0 upto length lits - 1) lits end
   426 (** "hBOOL" and "hAPP" **)
   428 type const_info = {min_arity: int, max_arity: int, sub_level: bool}
   430 fun consider_term top_level (ATerm ((s, _), ts)) =
   431   (if is_atp_variable s then
   432      I
   433    else
   434      let val n = length ts in
   435        Symtab.map_default
   436            (s, {min_arity = n, max_arity = 0, sub_level = false})
   437            (fn {min_arity, max_arity, sub_level} =>
   438                {min_arity = Int.min (n, min_arity),
   439                 max_arity = Int.max (n, max_arity),
   440                 sub_level = sub_level orelse not top_level})
   441      end)
   442   #> fold (consider_term (top_level andalso s = type_wrapper_name)) ts
   443 fun consider_formula (AQuant (_, _, phi)) = consider_formula phi
   444   | consider_formula (AConn (_, phis)) = fold consider_formula phis
   445   | consider_formula (AAtom tm) = consider_term true tm
   447 fun consider_problem_line (Fof (_, _, phi)) = consider_formula phi
   448 fun consider_problem problem = fold (fold consider_problem_line o snd) problem
   450 fun const_table_for_problem explicit_apply problem =
   451   if explicit_apply then NONE
   452   else SOME (Symtab.empty |> consider_problem problem)
   454 fun min_arity_of thy type_sys NONE s =
   455     (if s = "equal" orelse s = type_wrapper_name orelse
   456         String.isPrefix type_const_prefix s orelse
   457         String.isPrefix class_prefix s then
   458        16383 (* large number *)
   459      else case strip_prefix_and_unascii const_prefix s of
   460        SOME s' => num_atp_type_args thy type_sys (invert_const s')
   461      | NONE => 0)
   462   | min_arity_of _ _ (SOME the_const_tab) s =
   463     case Symtab.lookup the_const_tab s of
   464       SOME ({min_arity, ...} : const_info) => min_arity
   465     | NONE => 0
   467 fun full_type_of (ATerm ((s, _), [ty, _])) =
   468     if s = type_wrapper_name then ty else raise Fail "expected type wrapper"
   469   | full_type_of _ = raise Fail "expected type wrapper"
   471 fun list_hAPP_rev _ t1 [] = t1
   472   | list_hAPP_rev NONE t1 (t2 :: ts2) =
   473     ATerm (`I "hAPP", [list_hAPP_rev NONE t1 ts2, t2])
   474   | list_hAPP_rev (SOME ty) t1 (t2 :: ts2) =
   475     let val ty' = ATerm (`make_fixed_type_const @{type_name fun},
   476                          [full_type_of t2, ty]) in
   477       ATerm (`I "hAPP", [wrap_type ty' (list_hAPP_rev (SOME ty') t1 ts2), t2])
   478     end
   480 fun repair_applications_in_term thy type_sys const_tab =
   481   let
   482     fun aux opt_ty (ATerm (name as (s, _), ts)) =
   483       if s = type_wrapper_name then
   484         case ts of
   485           [t1, t2] => ATerm (name, [aux NONE t1, aux (SOME t1) t2])
   486         | _ => raise Fail "malformed type wrapper"
   487       else
   488         let
   489           val ts = map (aux NONE) ts
   490           val (ts1, ts2) = chop (min_arity_of thy type_sys const_tab s) ts
   491         in list_hAPP_rev opt_ty (ATerm (name, ts1)) (rev ts2) end
   492   in aux NONE end
   494 fun boolify t = ATerm (`I "hBOOL", [t])
   496 (* True if the constant ever appears outside of the top-level position in
   497    literals, or if it appears with different arities (e.g., because of different
   498    type instantiations). If false, the constant always receives all of its
   499    arguments and is used as a predicate. *)
   500 fun is_predicate NONE s =
   501     s = "equal" orelse s = "$false" orelse s = "$true" orelse
   502     String.isPrefix type_const_prefix s orelse String.isPrefix class_prefix s
   503   | is_predicate (SOME the_const_tab) s =
   504     case Symtab.lookup the_const_tab s of
   505       SOME {min_arity, max_arity, sub_level} =>
   506       not sub_level andalso min_arity = max_arity
   507     | NONE => false
   509 fun repair_predicates_in_term const_tab (t as ATerm ((s, _), ts)) =
   510   if s = type_wrapper_name then
   511     case ts of
   512       [_, t' as ATerm ((s', _), _)] =>
   513       if is_predicate const_tab s' then t' else boolify t
   514     | _ => raise Fail "malformed type wrapper"
   515   else
   516     t |> not (is_predicate const_tab s) ? boolify
   518 fun close_universally phi =
   519   let
   520     fun term_vars bounds (ATerm (name as (s, _), tms)) =
   521         (is_atp_variable s andalso not (member (op =) bounds name))
   522           ? insert (op =) name
   523         #> fold (term_vars bounds) tms
   524     fun formula_vars bounds (AQuant (_, xs, phi)) =
   525         formula_vars (xs @ bounds) phi
   526       | formula_vars bounds (AConn (_, phis)) = fold (formula_vars bounds) phis
   527       | formula_vars bounds (AAtom tm) = term_vars bounds tm
   528   in
   529     case formula_vars [] phi [] of [] => phi | xs => AQuant (AForall, xs, phi)
   530   end
   532 fun repair_formula thy explicit_forall type_sys const_tab =
   533   let
   534     fun aux (AQuant (q, xs, phi)) = AQuant (q, xs, aux phi)
   535       | aux (AConn (c, phis)) = AConn (c, map aux phis)
   536       | aux (AAtom tm) =
   537         AAtom (tm |> repair_applications_in_term thy type_sys const_tab
   538                   |> repair_predicates_in_term const_tab)
   539   in aux #> explicit_forall ? close_universally end
   541 fun repair_problem_line thy explicit_forall type_sys const_tab
   542                         (Fof (ident, kind, phi)) =
   543   Fof (ident, kind, repair_formula thy explicit_forall type_sys const_tab phi)
   544 fun repair_problem_with_const_table thy =
   545   map o apsnd o map ooo repair_problem_line thy
   547 fun repair_problem thy explicit_forall type_sys explicit_apply problem =
   548   repair_problem_with_const_table thy explicit_forall type_sys
   549       (const_table_for_problem explicit_apply problem) problem
   551 fun prepare_atp_problem ctxt readable_names explicit_forall type_sys
   552                         explicit_apply hyp_ts concl_t facts =
   553   let
   554     val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
   555     val (fact_names, (conjectures, facts, helper_facts, class_rel_clauses,
   556                       arity_clauses)) =
   557       translate_formulas ctxt type_sys hyp_ts concl_t facts
   558     val fact_lines = map (problem_line_for_fact thy fact_prefix type_sys) facts
   559     val helper_lines =
   560       map (problem_line_for_fact thy helper_prefix type_sys) helper_facts
   561     val conjecture_lines =
   562       map (problem_line_for_conjecture thy type_sys) conjectures
   563     val tfree_lines = problem_lines_for_free_types conjectures
   564     val class_rel_lines =
   565       map problem_line_for_class_rel_clause class_rel_clauses
   566     val arity_lines = map problem_line_for_arity_clause arity_clauses
   567     (* Reordering these might or might not confuse the proof reconstruction
   568        code or the SPASS Flotter hack. *)
   569     val problem =
   570       [("Relevant facts", fact_lines),
   571        ("Class relationships", class_rel_lines),
   572        ("Arity declarations", arity_lines),
   573        ("Helper facts", helper_lines),
   574        ("Conjectures", conjecture_lines),
   575        ("Type variables", tfree_lines)]
   576       |> repair_problem thy explicit_forall type_sys explicit_apply
   577     val (problem, pool) = nice_atp_problem readable_names problem
   578     val conjecture_offset =
   579       length fact_lines + length class_rel_lines + length arity_lines
   580       + length helper_lines
   581   in
   582     (problem,
   583      case pool of SOME the_pool => snd the_pool | NONE => Symtab.empty,
   584      conjecture_offset, fact_names)
   585   end
   587 end;