sml-050303a-inter-cappend: intermediate state in work in error in cappend [3,2,1] sml-050303a-inter-cappend
Thu, 03 Mar 2005 17:54:09 +0100
changeset 2143e184eeada244
parent 2142 289eaf0569bd
child 2144 aa5ec618bba5
sml-050303a-inter-cappend: intermediate state in work in error in cappend [3,2,1]
     1.1 --- a/src/sml/ME/ctree.sml	Thu Mar 03 00:23:21 2005 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/src/sml/ME/ctree.sml	Thu Mar 03 17:54:09 2005 +0100
     1.3 @@ -851,7 +851,8 @@
     1.4  fun g_cell   (PblObj {cell = c,...}) = c
     1.5    | g_cell   (PrfObj {cell = c,...}) = c;
     1.6  fun g_form   (PrfObj {form = f,...}) = f
     1.7 -  | g_form   _ = raise PTREE "g_form not for PblObj";
     1.8 +  | g_form   (PblObj {origin=(_,_,f),...}) = f;
     1.9 +(*  | g_form   _ = raise PTREE "g_form not for PblObj";*)
    1.10  fun g_origin (PblObj {origin = ori,...}) = ori
    1.11    | g_origin _ = raise PTREE "g_origin not for PrfObj";
    1.12  fun g_fmz (PblObj {fmz = f,...}) = f
     2.1 --- a/src/sml/ME/ctreeNEW.sml	Thu Mar 03 00:23:21 2005 +0100
     2.2 +++ b/src/sml/ME/ctreeNEW.sml	Thu Mar 03 17:54:09 2005 +0100
     2.3 @@ -83,36 +83,6 @@
     2.4       pos' list) *    : the pos's cut
     2.5       bool            : cutting shall be continued on the higher level(s)
     2.6  *)
     2.7 -
     2.8 -(* val (cuts, P, pt as Nd (b,bs), (p::[])) = ([], [], pt, pos);
     2.9 -   val (cuts, P, pt as Nd (b,bs), (p::[])) = ([], [], pt, [2]);
    2.10 -   *)
    2.11 -print_depth 99;
    2.12 -(**############# 2nd get_allp/s/ ######################################**)
    2.13 -fun cut_bottom (pt:ptree) (P, p) (Nd (b, bs)) =
    2.14 -    let (*divide level into 3 parts...*)
    2.15 -	val keep = take (p - 1, bs)
    2.16 -	val pt' as Nd (_,bs') = nth p bs
    2.17 -	(*^^^^^_here_ will be 'insert'ed by 'append_..'*)
    2.18 -	val (tail, tp) = (takerest (p, bs), 
    2.19 -			  if null (takerest (p, bs)) then 0 else p + 1)
    2.20 -	val _= writeln("###cut_bottom: call get_allps with"^pos2str (P @ [p]));
    2.21 -	val (children, cuts) = 
    2.22 -	    if test_trans b
    2.23 -	    then (keep,
    2.24 -		  (if is_pblnd pt' then [(P @ [p], Pbl)] else [])
    2.25 -		  @ (get_allp  [] (P @ [p], (P, Frm)) pt')
    2.26 -		  @ (get_allps [] (P @ [p+1]) tail))
    2.27 -	    else (keep @ [(*'insert'ed by 'append_..'*)] @ tail,
    2.28 -		  get_allps [] (P @ [p] @ [1]) bs')
    2.29 -	val _= writeln("###cut_bottom: cutlevup="^bool2str (cutlevup b));
    2.30 -	val (parent, cuts) = 
    2.31 -	    if cutlevup b
    2.32 -	    then (Nd (del_res b, children), 
    2.33 -		  cuts @ (if g_ostate b = Incomplete then [] else [(P,Res)]))
    2.34 -	    else (Nd (b, children), cuts)
    2.35 -    in ((parent, cuts:pos' list), cutlevup b) end;
    2.36 -print_depth 3;
    2.37  (**############# 2nd get_allp finished############################**)
    2.38  fun cut_bottom (pt:ptree) (P, p) (Nd (b, bs)) =
    2.39      let (*divide level into 3 parts...*)
    2.40 @@ -121,7 +91,6 @@
    2.41  	(*^^^^^_here_ will be 'insert'ed by 'append_..'*)
    2.42  	val (tail, tp) = (takerest (p, bs), 
    2.43  			  if null (takerest (p, bs)) then 0 else p + 1)
    2.44 -	val _= writeln("###cut_bottom: call get_allps with"^pos2str (P @ [p]));
    2.45  	val (children, cuts) = 
    2.46  	    if test_trans b
    2.47  	    then (keep,
    2.48 @@ -130,55 +99,83 @@
    2.49  		  @ (get_allps [] (P @ [p+1]) tail))
    2.50  	    else (keep @ [(*'insert'ed by 'append_..'*)] @ tail,
    2.51  		  get_allp  [] (P @ [p], (P, Frm)) pt')
    2.52 -	val _= writeln("###cut_bottom: cutlevup="^bool2str (cutlevup b));
    2.53 -	val (parent, cuts) = 
    2.54 +	val (pt'', cuts) = 
    2.55  	    if cutlevup b
    2.56  	    then (Nd (del_res b, children), 
    2.57  		  cuts @ (if g_ostate b = Incomplete then [] else [(P,Res)]))
    2.58  	    else (Nd (b, children), cuts)
    2.59 -    in ((parent, cuts:pos' list), cutlevup b) end;
    2.60 +	val _= writeln("####cut_bottom (P, p)="^pos2str (P @ [p])^
    2.61 +		       ", Nd=.............................................")
    2.62 +	val _= show_pt pt''
    2.63 +	val _= writeln("####cut_bottom res="^
    2.64 +		       term2str (fst (get_obj g_result pt'' [])))
    2.65 +	val _= writeln("####cut_bottom cuts#="^string_of_int (length cuts)^
    2.66 +		       ", cuts="^pos's2str cuts)
    2.67 +    in ((pt'', cuts:pos' list), cutlevup b) end;
    2.68  print_depth 3;
    2.69  (**######################################################################**);
    2.70 -(**############# start cut_levup ########################################**)
    2.71 -fun cut_levup clevup (pt:ptree) (P, p) (Nd (b, bs)) =
    2.72 +(*.go all levels from the bottom of 'pos' up to the root, 
    2.73 + on each level compose the children of a node and accumulate the cut Nds
    2.74 +args
    2.75 +   pos' list ->      : for accumulation
    2.76 +   bool -> 	     : cutting shall be continued on the higher level(s)
    2.77 +   ptree -> 	     : the whole ptree for 'get_nd pt P' on each level
    2.78 +   ptree -> 	     : the Nd from the lower level for insertion at path
    2.79 +   pos * posel ->    : pos=path split for convenience
    2.80 +   ptree -> 	     : Nd the children of are under consideration on this call 
    2.81 +returns		     :
    2.82 +   ptree * pos' list : the updated parent-Nd and the pos's of the Nds cut
    2.83 +.*)
    2.84 +(*WN050225 neglects the recursive structure of the ptree*)
    2.85 +print_depth 99;
    2.86 +fun cut_levup (cuts:pos' list) clevup pt pt' (P:pos, p:posel) (Nd (b, bs)) =
    2.87      let (*divide level into 3 parts...*)
    2.88  	val keep = take (p - 1, bs)
    2.89 -	val pt' as Nd (_,bs') = nth p bs
    2.90 -	(*^^^^^_here_ will be 'insert'ed by 'append_..'*)
    2.91 +	(*val pt' comes as argument*)
    2.92  	val (tail, tp) = (takerest (p, bs), 
    2.93  			  if null (takerest (p, bs)) then 0 else p + 1)
    2.94 -	val _= writeln("###cut_bottom: call get_allps with"^pos2str (P @ [p]));
    2.95 -	val (children, cuts) = 
    2.96 -	    if test_trans b
    2.97 -	    then (keep,
    2.98 -		  (if is_pblnd pt' then [(P @ [p], Pbl)] else [])
    2.99 -		  @ (get_allp  [] (P @ [p], (P, Frm)) pt')
   2.100 -		  @ (get_allps [] (P @ [p+1]) tail))
   2.101 -	    else (keep @ [(*'insert'ed by 'append_..'*)] @ tail,
   2.102 -		  get_allps [] (P @ [p] @ [1]) bs')
   2.103 -	val _= writeln("###cut_bottom: cutlevup="^bool2str (cutlevup b));
   2.104 -	val (parent, cuts) = 
   2.105 +	val (children, cuts') = 
   2.106 +	    if clevup
   2.107 +	    then (keep, get_allps [] (P @ [p+1]) tail)
   2.108 +	    else (keep @ [pt'] @ tail, [])
   2.109 +	val (pt'', cuts') = 
   2.110  	    if cutlevup b
   2.111  	    then (Nd (del_res b, children), 
   2.112 -		  cuts @ (if g_ostate b = Incomplete then [] else [(P,Res)]))
   2.113 -	    else (Nd (b, children), cuts)
   2.114 -    in (parent, cuts:pos' list) end;
   2.115 +		  cuts' @ (if g_ostate b = Incomplete then [] else [(P,Res)]))
   2.116 +	    else (Nd (b, children), cuts')
   2.117 +	val _= writeln("#####cut_levup (P, p)="^pos2str (P @ [p])^
   2.118 +		       ", Nd=.............................................")
   2.119 +	val _= show_pt pt''
   2.120 +	val _= writeln("#####cut_levup res="^
   2.121 +		       term2str (fst (get_obj g_result pt'' [])))
   2.122 +	val _= writeln("#####cut_levup cuts#="^string_of_int (length cuts)^
   2.123 +		       ", cuts="^pos's2str cuts)
   2.124 +    in if null P then (pt'', (cuts @ cuts'):pos' list)
   2.125 +       else let val (P, p) = split_last P
   2.126 +	    in cut_levup (cuts @ cuts') clevup pt pt'' (P, p) (get_nd pt P)
   2.127 +	    end
   2.128 +    end;
   2.129  print_depth 3;
   2.130  (**######################################################################**);
   2.131  (* use"ME/ctreeNEW.sml";
   2.132     use"ctreeNEW.sml";
   2.133     *)
   2.134 +print_depth 99;
   2.135  fun cut_tree pt (pos,_) =
   2.136 -    let val (P, p) = split_last pos;
   2.137 +    let val _= writeln("### cut_tree pt 1")
   2.138 +	val (P, p) = split_last pos
   2.139 +	val _= writeln("### cut_tree pt 2")
   2.140  	val ((pt', cuts), clevup) = cut_bottom pt (P, p) (get_nd pt P)
   2.141 -(*	val ((pt', cuts), clevup) = if null P then ((pt', cuts),[]) else
   2.142 -				   cut_levup clevup pt 
   2.143 -*)
   2.144 -    in (pt', cuts) end;
   2.145 +    (*        pt' is the updated parent of the Nd to cappend_..*)
   2.146 +    in if null P then (pt', cuts)
   2.147 +       else let val _= writeln("### cut_tree pt 3")
   2.148 +		val (P, p) = split_last P
   2.149 +		val _= writeln("### cut_tree pt 4")
   2.150 +	    in cut_levup cuts clevup pt pt' (P, p) (get_nd pt P)
   2.151 +	    end
   2.152 +    end;
   2.153 +print_depth 3;
   2.155 -print_depth 99;
   2.156 -cut_tree;
   2.157 -print_depth 3;
   2.160  (*######## eval from here ##########################################**)
   2.161 @@ -186,21 +183,23 @@
   2.162  (*######## eval from here ##########################################**)
   2.164  fun append_atomic p l f r f' s pt = 
   2.165 -  let val _= writeln("###append_atomic: pos ="^pos2str p);
   2.166 -      val (iss, f) = if existpt p pt andalso get_obj g_tac pt p=Empty_Tac
   2.167 -		     then (*after Take*)
   2.168 -			 ((fst (get_obj g_loc pt p), Some l), 
   2.169 -			  get_obj g_form pt p) 
   2.170 -(*040223	     else ((Some l, None), f)*)
   2.171 -		     else ((None, Some l), f)
   2.172 -  in insert (PrfObj {cell = [(*3.00. unused*)],
   2.173 -		     form  = f,
   2.174 -		     tac  = r,
   2.175 -		     loc   = iss,
   2.176 -		     branch= NoBranch,
   2.177 -		     result= f',
   2.178 -		     ostate= s}) pt p end;
   2.179 -
   2.180 +    let val _= writeln("##append_atomic: pos ="^pos2str p^
   2.181 +	       ", Nd=.............................................")
   2.182 +	val _= show_pt pt
   2.183 +	val (iss, f) = if existpt p pt andalso get_obj g_tac pt p=Empty_Tac
   2.184 +		       then (*after Take*)
   2.185 +			   ((fst (get_obj g_loc pt p), Some l), 
   2.186 +			    get_obj g_form pt p) 
   2.187 +		       (*040223	     else ((Some l, None), f)*)
   2.188 +		       else ((None, Some l), f)
   2.189 +    in insert (PrfObj {cell = [(*3.00. unused*)],
   2.190 +		       form  = f,
   2.191 +		       tac  = r,
   2.192 +		       loc   = iss,
   2.193 +		       branch= NoBranch,
   2.194 +		       result= f',
   2.195 +		       ostate= s}) pt p end;
   2.196 +    
   2.197  (*20.8.02: cappend_* FIXXXXME cut branches below cannot be decided here:
   2.198    detail - generate - cappend: inserted, not appended !!!
   2.200 @@ -214,6 +213,12 @@
   2.201  (writeln("###cappend_atomic: pos ="^pos2str p);
   2.202    apfst (append_atomic p loc f r f' s) (cut_tree pt (p,Frm))
   2.203  );
   2.204 +fun cappend_atomic pt p loc f r f' s = 
   2.205 +    let val _= writeln("#cappend_atomic: pos ="^pos2str p)
   2.206 +	val (pt',c) = cut_tree pt (p,Frm)
   2.207 +	val _= writeln("#cappend_atomic: after cut")
   2.208 +	val pt'' = append_atomic p loc f r f' s pt'
   2.209 +    in (pt'',c) end;
   2.211  (* called by Take *)
   2.212  fun append_form p l f pt = 
     3.1 --- a/src/sml/ROOT.ML	Thu Mar 03 00:23:21 2005 +0100
     3.2 +++ b/src/sml/ROOT.ML	Thu Mar 03 17:54:09 2005 +0100
     3.3 @@ -159,8 +159,8 @@
     3.5   cd "systest";
     3.6   (*+ check kbtest/diffapp.sml for additional items in met-model*)
     3.7 - (**)       use"ctree.sml"; 
     3.8 -     (**)
     3.9 + (**       use"ctree.sml"; 
    3.10 +     **)
    3.11         	use"calculate.sml"; 
    3.12          use"details.sml"; (*can notyet ackn. 'Rewrite_Set "cancel"' *);
    3.13         	use"root-equ.sml"; 
     4.1 --- a/src/sml/systest/ctree.sml	Thu Mar 03 00:23:21 2005 +0100
     4.2 +++ b/src/sml/systest/ctree.sml	Thu Mar 03 17:54:09 2005 +0100
     4.3 @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
     4.4     use"systest/ctree.sml";
     4.5     use"ctree.sml";
     4.6     *)
     4.7 -print_depth 99; cuts; print_depth 3;
     4.9  "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    4.10  "=====new ptree 1 miniscript with mini-subpbl ====================";
    4.11 @@ -1018,6 +1017,17 @@
    4.12  if cuts = cuts2 @ [([3, 2], Res)] then () else
    4.13  raise error "ctree.sml diff.behav. get_allps new [3,2]";
    4.15 +"---(5a) on S(606)..S(608)--------";
    4.16 +"--- nd [3,2,1] with 0 children------------------------------";
    4.17 +val cuts = get_allp [] ([3,2,1], ([],Frm)) (get_nd pt [3,2,1]);
    4.18 +if cuts = 
    4.19 +   [] then () else
    4.20 +raise error "ctree.sml diff.behav. get_allp new [3,2,1]";
    4.21 +
    4.22 +val cuts2 = get_allps [] [3,2,1,1] (children (get_nd pt [3,2,1]));
    4.23 +if cuts = cuts2 @ [] then () else
    4.24 +raise error "ctree.sml diff.behav. get_allps new [3,2,1]";
    4.25 +
    4.27  (**#################################################################**)
    4.28  "-------------- cut_tree new (from ptree above)-------------------";
    4.29 @@ -1062,7 +1072,6 @@
    4.30  	   (*([],Res) because cutlevup=false*)] then () else 
    4.31  raise error "ctree.sml: diff.behav. cut_tree ([2],Res)";
    4.33 -
    4.34  "---(4) on S(606)..S(608)--------";
    4.35  val (pt', cuts) = cut_tree pt ([3],Pbl);
    4.36  print_depth 99;
    4.37 @@ -1076,15 +1085,24 @@
    4.38  	   ([4], Res)] then () else 
    4.39  raise error "ctree.sml: diff.behav. cut_tree ([3],Pbl)";
    4.41 +"---(5a) on S(606)..S(608) cut_tree --------";
    4.42 +val (pt', cuts) = cut_tree pt ([3,2,1],Res);
    4.43 +print_depth 99;
    4.44 +cuts;
    4.45 +print_depth 3;
    4.46 +if cuts = [] then () else 
    4.47 +raise error "ctree.sml: diff.behav. cut_tree ([3,2,1],Res)";
    4.48 +show_pt pt';
    4.49 +(* @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
    4.50 +   use"systest/ctree.sml";
    4.51 +   use"ctree.sml";
    4.52 +   *)
    4.54  (**#################################################################**)
    4.56  "-------------- cappend on complete ctree from above -------------";
    4.57  "-------------- cappend on complete ctree from above -------------";
    4.58  "-------------- cappend on complete ctree from above -------------";
    4.59 -(* use"systest/ctree.sml";
    4.60 -   use"ctree.sml";
    4.61 -   *)
    4.63  "---(3) on S(606)..S(608)--------";
    4.64  val (pt', cuts) = cappend_atomic pt [2] e_istate (str2term "Inform[2]")
    4.65 @@ -1097,12 +1115,12 @@
    4.66        ([3, 1], Frm),([3, 1], Res), ([3, 2, 1], Frm), ([3, 2, 1], Res), 
    4.67        ([3, 2, 2], Res), ([3, 2], Res), ([3], Res), ([4], Res)] then () else
    4.68  raise error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in complete pt: append_atomic[2] cuts";
    4.69 -val insrted = get_allp [] ([], ([],Frm)) pt';
    4.70 +val afterins = get_allp [] ([], ([],Frm)) pt';
    4.71  print_depth 99;
    4.72 -insrted;
    4.73 +afterins;
    4.74  print_depth 3;
    4.75 -if insrted = [([1], Frm), ([1], Res), ([2], Res), ([], Res)] then () else
    4.76 -raise error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in complete pt: append_atomic[2] insrted";
    4.77 +if afterins = [([1], Frm), ([1], Res), ([2], Res), ([], Res)] then () else
    4.78 +raise error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in complete pt: append_atomic[2] afterins";
    4.79  show_pt pt';
    4.81  "---(4) on S(606)..S(608)--------";
    4.82 @@ -1117,16 +1135,91 @@
    4.83  	   ([3, 2], Res), 
    4.84  	   ([3], Res), ([4], Res)] then () else
    4.85  raise error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in ccomplete pt: append_problem[3] cuts";
    4.86 -val insrted = get_allp [] ([], ([],Frm)) pt';
    4.87 +val afterins = get_allp [] ([], ([],Frm)) pt';
    4.88  print_depth 99;
    4.89 -insrted;
    4.90 +afterins;
    4.91  print_depth 3;
    4.92 -if insrted = 
    4.93 +if afterins = 
    4.94     [([1], Frm), ([1], Res),([2, 1], Frm), ([2, 1], Res), ([2, 2], Res),
    4.95      ([2, 3], Res), ([2, 4], Res), ([2, 5], Res), ([2, 6], Res), ([2], Res),
    4.96      ([3], Pbl)] then () else
    4.97 -raise error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in ccomplete pt: append_problem[3] insrted";
    4.98 +raise error "ctree.sml: complete pt: append_problem[3] afterins";
    4.99 +(* use"systest/ctree.sml";
   4.100 +   use"ctree.sml";
   4.101 +   *)
   4.102 +
   4.103 +"---(6-1) on S(606)..S(608)--------";
   4.104 +val (pt', cuts) = cappend_atomic pt [3,1] e_istate (str2term "Inform[3,1]")
   4.105 +    (Tac "test") (str2term "Inres[3,1]",[]) Complete;
   4.106 +print_depth 99;
   4.107 +cuts;
   4.108 +print_depth 3;
   4.109 +if cuts = [([3, 2, 1], Frm), ([3, 2, 1], Res), ([3, 2, 2], Res), 
   4.110 +	   ([3, 2], Res)] then () else
   4.111 +raise error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in complete pt: append_atomic[3,1] cuts";
   4.112 +val afterins = get_allp [] ([], ([],Frm)) pt';
   4.113 +print_depth 99;
   4.114 +afterins;
   4.115 +print_depth 3;
   4.116 +if afterins = [([1], Frm), ([1], Res), 
   4.117 +	       ([2, 1], Frm), ([2, 1], Res), ([2, 2], Res),
   4.118 +	       ([2, 3], Res), ([2, 4], Res), ([2, 5], Res), ([2, 6], Res), 
   4.119 +	       ([2], Res),
   4.120 +	       ([3], Pbl), 
   4.121 +	       ([3, 1], Frm), ([3, 1], Res)(*replaced*), (*([3, 2], Res) cut!*)
   4.122 +	       ([3], Res)(*cutlevup=false*), 
   4.123 +	       ([4], Res),
   4.124 +	       ([], Res)(*cutlevup=false*)] then () else
   4.125 +raise error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in complete pt: append_atomic[3,1] insrtd";
   4.126 +if term2str (get_obj g_form pt' [3,1]) = "Inform [3, 1]" then () else
   4.127 +raise error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in complete pt: append_atomic[3,1] Inform";
   4.128 +
   4.129 +"---(6) on S(606)..S(608)--------";
   4.130 +val (pt', cuts) = cappend_atomic pt [3,2] e_istate (str2term "Inform[3,2]")
   4.131 +    (Tac "test") (str2term "Inres[3,2]",[]) Complete;
   4.132 +print_depth 99;
   4.133 +cuts;
   4.134 +print_depth 3;
   4.135 +if cuts = [(*just after is: cutlevup=false in [3]*)] then () else
   4.136 +raise error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in complete pt: append_atomic[3,2] cuts";
   4.137 +val afterins = get_allp [] ([], ([],Frm)) pt';
   4.138 +print_depth 99;
   4.139 +afterins;
   4.140 +print_depth 3;
   4.141 +if afterins = [([1], Frm), ([1], Res), 
   4.142 +	       ([2, 1], Frm), ([2, 1], Res), ([2, 2], Res),
   4.143 +	       ([2, 3], Res), ([2, 4], Res), ([2, 5], Res), ([2, 6], Res), 
   4.144 +	       ([2], Res),
   4.145 +	       ([3], Pbl), 
   4.146 +	       ([3, 1], Frm), ([3, 1], Res), ([3, 2], Res)(*replaced*), 
   4.147 +	       ([3], Res),
   4.148 +	       ([4], Res), ([], Res)] then () else
   4.149 +raise error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in complete pt: append_atomic[3,2] insrtd";
   4.150 +if term2str (get_obj g_form pt' [3,2]) = "Inform [3, 2]" then () else
   4.151 +raise error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in complete pt: append_atomic[3,2] Inform";
   4.152 +
   4.153 +"---(6++) on S(606)..S(608)--------";
   4.154 +(**)
   4.155 +val (pt', cuts) = cappend_atomic pt [3,2,1] e_istate (str2term "Inform[3,2,1]")
   4.156 +    (Tac "test") (str2term "Inres[3,2,1]",[]) Complete;
   4.157 +print_depth 99;
   4.158 +append_atomic;
   4.159 +cuts;
   4.160 +print_depth 3;
   4.161 +if cuts = [] then () else
   4.162 +raise error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in complete pt: append_atomic[3,2,1] cuts";
   4.163 +val afterins = get_allp [] ([], ([],Frm)) pt';
   4.164 +print_depth 99;
   4.165 +afterins;
   4.166 +print_depth 3;
   4.167 +if afterins = [] then () else
   4.168 +raise error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in complete pt: append_atomic[3,2] insrtd";
   4.169 +if term2str (get_obj g_form pt' [3,2]) = "Inform [3, 2, 1]" then () else
   4.170 +raise error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. complete pt: append_atomic[3,2,1] Inform";
   4.171 +(**)
   4.172  show_pt pt';
   4.173 +show_pt pt;
   4.174 +
   4.175  (* use"../systest/ctree.sml";
   4.176     use"systest/ctree.sml";
   4.177     use"ctree.sml";