preparing SK: improve reverse rewrite cancel_p, intermediate state start_Take
Tue, 29 Aug 2006 13:30:35 +0200
changeset 630a45bfd5d5384
parent 629 71b622961b2b
child 631 70ae02665749
preparing SK: improve reverse rewrite cancel_p, intermediate state
     1.1 --- a/src/sml/IsacKnowledge/Poly.ML	Tue Aug 29 11:43:53 2006 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/src/sml/IsacKnowledge/Poly.ML	Tue Aug 29 13:30:35 2006 +0200
     1.3 @@ -1337,6 +1337,70 @@
     1.4        scr = EmptyScr
     1.5        }:rls;
     1.7 +(*.a minimal ruleset for reverse rewriting of factions [2];
     1.8 +   compare expand_binoms.*)
     1.9 +val rev_rew_p = 
    1.10 +Seq{id = "reverse_rewriting", preconds = [], rew_ord = ("termlessI",termlessI),
    1.11 +    erls = Atools_erls, srls = Erls,
    1.12 +    calc = [(*("plus"  , ("op +", eval_binop "#add_")), 
    1.13 +	    ("times" , ("op *", eval_binop "#mult_")),
    1.14 +	    ("power_", ("Atools.pow", eval_binop "#power_"))*)
    1.15 +	    ],
    1.16 +    rules = [Thm ("real_plus_binom_times" ,num_str real_plus_binom_times),
    1.17 +	     (*"(a + b)*(a + b) = a ^ 2 + 2 * a * b + b ^ 2*)
    1.18 +	     Thm ("real_plus_binom_times1" ,num_str real_plus_binom_times1),
    1.19 +	     (*"(a +  1*b)*(a + -1*b) = a^^^2 + -1*b^^^2"*)
    1.20 +	     Thm ("real_plus_binom_times2" ,num_str real_plus_binom_times2),
    1.21 +	     (*"(a + -1*b)*(a +  1*b) = a^^^2 + -1*b^^^2"*)
    1.22 +
    1.23 +             Thm ("real_add_mult_distrib" ,num_str real_add_mult_distrib),
    1.24 +	     (*"(z1.0 + z2.0) * w = z1.0 * w + z2.0 * w"*)
    1.25 +	     Thm ("real_add_mult_distrib2",num_str real_add_mult_distrib2),
    1.26 +	     (*"w * (z1.0 + z2.0) = w * z1.0 + w * z2.0"*)
    1.27 +	       
    1.28 +	     Thm ("real_mult_assoc", num_str real_mult_assoc),
    1.29 +	     (*"?z1.1 * ?z2.1 * ?z3. =1 ?z1.1 * (?z2.1 * ?z3.1)"*)
    1.30 +	     Rls_ order_mult_rls_,
    1.31 +	     (*Rls_ order_add_rls_,*)
    1.32 +
    1.33 +	     Calc ("op +", eval_binop "#add_"), 
    1.34 +	     Calc ("op *", eval_binop "#mult_"),
    1.35 +	     Calc ("Atools.pow", eval_binop "#power_"),
    1.36 +	     
    1.37 +	     Thm ("sym_realpow_twoI",num_str (realpow_twoI RS sym)),
    1.38 +	     (*"r1 * r1 = r1 ^^^ 2"*)
    1.39 +	     Thm ("sym_real_mult_2",num_str (real_mult_2 RS sym)),
    1.40 +	     (*"z1 + z1 = 2 * z1"*)
    1.41 +	     Thm ("real_mult_2_assoc",num_str real_mult_2_assoc),
    1.42 +	     (*"z1 + (z1 + k) = 2 * z1 + k"*)
    1.43 +
    1.44 +	     Thm ("real_num_collect",num_str real_num_collect), 
    1.45 +	     (*"[| l is_const; m is_const |]==>l * n + m * n = (l + m) * n"*)
    1.46 +	     Thm ("real_num_collect_assoc",num_str real_num_collect_assoc),
    1.47 +	     (*"[| l is_const; m is_const |] ==>  
    1.48 +                                     l * n + (m * n + k) =  (l + m) * n + k"*)
    1.49 +	     Thm ("real_one_collect",num_str real_one_collect),
    1.50 +	     (*"m is_const ==> n + m * n = (1 + m) * n"*)
    1.51 +	     Thm ("real_one_collect_assoc",num_str real_one_collect_assoc), 
    1.52 +	     (*"m is_const ==> k + (n + m * n) = k + (1 + m) * n"*)
    1.53 +
    1.54 +	     Thm ("realpow_multI", num_str realpow_multI),
    1.55 +	     (*"(r * s) ^^^ n = r ^^^ n * s ^^^ n"*)
    1.56 +
    1.57 +	     Calc ("op +", eval_binop "#add_"), 
    1.58 +	     Calc ("op *", eval_binop "#mult_"),
    1.59 +	     Calc ("Atools.pow", eval_binop "#power_"),
    1.60 +
    1.61 +	     Thm ("real_mult_1",num_str real_mult_1),(*"1 * z = z"*)
    1.62 +	     Thm ("real_mult_0",num_str real_mult_0),(*"0 * z = 0"*)
    1.63 +	     Thm ("real_add_zero_left",num_str real_add_zero_left)
    1.64 +	     (*"0 + z = z"*)
    1.65 +
    1.66 +	     (*Rls_ order_add_rls_*)
    1.67 +	     ],
    1.68 +
    1.69 +    scr = EmptyScr}:rls;      
    1.70 +
    1.71  ruleset' := 
    1.72  overwritelthy thy (!ruleset',
    1.73  		   [("norm_Poly", prep_rls norm_Poly),
    1.74 @@ -1350,6 +1414,7 @@
    1.75  		    ("discard_parentheses", prep_rls discard_parentheses),
    1.76  		    ("make_polynomial", prep_rls make_polynomial),
    1.77  		    ("expand_binoms", prep_rls expand_binoms),
    1.78 +		    ("rev_rew_p", prep_rls rev_rew_p),
    1.79  		    ("discard_minus_", prep_rls discard_minus_),
    1.80  		    ("expand_poly_", prep_rls expand_poly_),
    1.81  		    ("expand_poly_rat_", prep_rls expand_poly_rat_),
     2.1 --- a/src/sml/IsacKnowledge/Poly.thy	Tue Aug 29 11:43:53 2006 +0200
     2.2 +++ b/src/sml/IsacKnowledge/Poly.thy	Tue Aug 29 13:30:35 2006 +0200
     2.3 @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
     2.4     use_thy_only"IsacKnowledge/Poly";
     2.6     remove_thy"Poly";
     2.7 -   use_thy"Isac";
     2.8 +   use_thy"IsacKnowledge/Isac";
    2.11     use"ROOT.ML";
    2.12 @@ -111,6 +111,8 @@
    2.13    real_plus_minus_binom2     "(a - b)*(a + b) = a^^^2 - b^^^2"
    2.14    real_plus_minus_binom2_p   "(a - b)*(a + b) = a^^^2 + -1*b^^^2"
    2.15    real_plus_minus_binom2_p_p "(a + -1 * b)*(a + b) = a^^^2 + -1*b^^^2"
    2.16 +  real_plus_binom_times1     "(a +  1*b)*(a + -1*b) = a^^^2 + -1*b^^^2"
    2.17 +  real_plus_binom_times2     "(a + -1*b)*(a +  1*b) = a^^^2 + -1*b^^^2"
    2.19    real_num_collect           "[| l is_const; m is_const |] ==> \
    2.20  					\l * n + m * n = (l + m) * n"
     3.1 --- a/src/sml/IsacKnowledge/Rational.ML	Tue Aug 29 11:43:53 2006 +0200
     3.2 +++ b/src/sml/IsacKnowledge/Rational.ML	Tue Aug 29 13:30:35 2006 +0200
     3.3 @@ -2785,6 +2785,11 @@
     3.5  val {rules, rew_ord=(_,ro),...} =
     3.6      rep_rls (assoc_rls "make_polynomial");
     3.7 +(*WN060829 ... make_deriv does not terminate with 1st expl above,
     3.8 +           see rational.sml --- investigate rulesets for cancel_p ---*)
     3.9 +val {rules, rew_ord=(_,ro),...} =
    3.10 +    rep_rls (assoc_rls "rev_rew_p");
    3.11 +
    3.12  val thy = Rational.thy;
    3.14  (*.init_state = fn : term -> istate
    3.15 @@ -3006,6 +3011,10 @@
    3.17  val {rules=rules,rew_ord=(_,ro),...} =
    3.18      rep_rls (assoc_rls "make_polynomial");
    3.19 +(*WN060829 ... make_deriv does not terminate with 1st expl above,
    3.20 +           see rational.sml --- investigate rulesets for cancel_p ---*)
    3.21 +val {rules, rew_ord=(_,ro),...} =
    3.22 +    rep_rls (assoc_rls "rev_rew_p");
    3.23  val thy = Rational.thy;
     4.1 --- a/src/sml/ME/rewtools.sml	Tue Aug 29 11:43:53 2006 +0200
     4.2 +++ b/src/sml/ME/rewtools.sml	Tue Aug 29 13:30:35 2006 +0200
     4.3 @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
     4.4  (*.derivation for insertin one level of nodes into the calctree.*)
     4.5  type deriv  = (term * rule * (term *term list)) list;
     4.7 -fun trta2str (t,r,(t',a)) = "\n("^(term2str t)^", "^(rule2str r)^", ("^
     4.8 +fun trta2str (t,r,(t',a)) = "\n("^(term2str t)^", "^(rule2str' r)^", ("^
     4.9  			    (term2str t')^", "^(terms2str a)^"))";
    4.10  fun trtas2str trtas = (strs2str o (map trta2str)) trtas;
    4.11  val deriv2str = trtas2str;
     5.1 --- a/src/sml/calcelems.sml	Tue Aug 29 11:43:53 2006 +0200
     5.2 +++ b/src/sml/calcelems.sml	Tue Aug 29 13:30:35 2006 +0200
     5.3 @@ -149,6 +149,11 @@
     5.4    | rule2str (Thm (str, thm)) = "Thm (\""^str^"\","^(string_of_thm thm)^")"
     5.5    | rule2str (Calc (str,f))  = "Calc (\""^str^"\",fn)"
     5.6    | rule2str (Rls_ rls) = "Rls_ (\""^id_rls rls^"\")";
     5.7 +fun rule2str' Erule = "Erule"
     5.8 +  | rule2str' (Thm (str, thm)) = "Thm (\""^str^"\",\"\")"
     5.9 +  | rule2str' (Calc (str,f))  = "Calc (\""^str^"\",fn)"
    5.10 +  | rule2str' (Rls_ rls) = "Rls_ (\""^id_rls rls^"\")";
    5.11 +
    5.12  fun eqrule (Thm (id1,_), Thm (id2,_)) = id1 = id2
    5.13    | eqrule (Calc (id1,_), Calc (id2,_)) = id1 = id2
    5.14    | eqrule (Rls_ _, Rls_ _) = false (*{id=id1}{id=id2} = id1 = id2 FIXXME*)
     6.1 --- a/src/smltest/IsacKnowledge/rational.sml	Tue Aug 29 11:43:53 2006 +0200
     6.2 +++ b/src/smltest/IsacKnowledge/rational.sml	Tue Aug 29 13:30:35 2006 +0200
     6.3 @@ -2058,45 +2058,38 @@
     6.4  val tt = str2term "((1 * a + -1 * b) * (1 * a + -1 * b))"(*denominator only*);
     6.5  val Some (tt',asm) = rewrite_set_ thy false make_polynomial tt;
     6.6  term2str tt' = "a ^^^ 2 + -2 * a * b + b ^^^ 2" (*true*);
     6.7 -"----- with make_deriv under rls before 060829";
     6.8 +"----- with make_deriv";
     6.9 +val Some (tt, _) = factout_p_ Isac.thy t; term2str tt =
    6.10 +"(1 * a + 1 * b) * (1 * a + -1 * b) / ((1 * a + -1 * b) * (1 * a + -1 * b))";
    6.11  (*
    6.12 +"--- with ruleset as before 060829";
    6.13  val {rules, rew_ord=(_,ro),...} =
    6.14      rep_rls (assoc_rls "make_polynomial");
    6.15 -val der = make_deriv thy Atools_erls rules ro None t;
    6.16 +val der = make_deriv thy Atools_erls rules ro None tt;
    6.17  print_depth 99; map (term2str o #1) der; print_depth 3;
    6.18  print_depth 99; map (rule2str o #2) der; print_depth 3;
    6.19  ... did not terminate"*)
    6.20 +"--- with simpler ruleset";
    6.21 +val {rules, rew_ord=(_,ro),...} =
    6.22 +    rep_rls (assoc_rls "rev_rew_p");
    6.23 +val der = make_deriv thy Atools_erls rules ro None tt;
    6.24 +print_depth 99; writeln (deriv2str der); print_depth 3;
    6.26 -(*@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@*)
    6.27 +print_depth 99; map (term2str o #1) der; print_depth 3;
    6.28 +"...,(-1 * b ^^^ 2 + a ^^^ 2) / (-2 * (a * b) + a ^^^ 2 + (-1 * b) ^^^ 2) ]";
    6.29 +print_depth 99; map (rule2str o #2) der; print_depth 3;
    6.31 -(*-----
    6.32 -(term2str o #1 o the o (cancel_p_ Isac.thy)) t = 
    6.33 -"(1 * a + 1 * b) / (1 * a + -1 * b)";
    6.34 -val Some (tt, _) = factout_p_ Isac.thy t; term2str tt;
    6.35 -"(1 * a + 1 * b) * (1 * a + -1 * b) / ((1 * a + -1 * b) * (1 * a + -1 * b))";
    6.36 +val der = make_deriv thy Atools_erls rules ro None 
    6.37 +		     (str2term "(1 * a + 1 * b) * (1 * a + -1 * b)");
    6.38 +print_depth 99; writeln (deriv2str der); print_depth 3;
    6.40 -val deriv = make_deriv reverse_rewriting tt;
    6.41 -writeln (deriv2str deriv);
    6.42 -(*
    6.43 -if (term2str o #1 o #3 o last_elem) deriv = (*TODO!!!!!!........*)
    6.44 -   "(a ^^^ 2 + a * (-1 * b) + b * a + b * (-1 * b)) /\n\
    6.45 -   \(a ^^^ 2 + 2 * a * (-1 * b) + b ^^^ 2)" then ()
    6.46 -else raise error "rewtools.sml: make_deriv, expand_binoms changed";
    6.47 -*)
    6.48 -
    6.49 -"---------------- (1 * a + 1 * b) * (1 * a + -1 * b)";
    6.50 -val t = str2term "(1 * a + 1 * b) * (1 * a + -1 * b)";
    6.51 -
    6.52 -val deriv = make_deriv reverse_rewriting  t;
    6.53 -writeln (deriv2str deriv);
    6.54 -(term2str o #1 o #3 o last_elem) deriv;
    6.55 -
    6.56 -print_depth 99; map (term2str o #1) deriv; print_depth 3;
    6.57 -print_depth 9; map #2 deriv; print_depth 3;
    6.58 ------*)
    6.59 -
    6.60 -
    6.61 -
    6.62 +val {rules, rew_ord=(_,ro),...} =
    6.63 +    rep_rls (assoc_rls "rev_rew_p");
    6.64 +val der = make_deriv thy Atools_erls rules ro None 
    6.65 +		     (str2term "(1 * a + -1 * b) * (1 * a + -1 * b)");
    6.66 +print_depth 99; writeln (deriv2str der); print_depth 3;
    6.67 +print_depth 99; map (term2str o #1) der; print_depth 3;
    6.68 +(*WN060829 ...postponed*)
    6.71  "-------- investigate format of factout_ and factout_p_ ----------";