sml-050225a: before reorganisation of code in ME/ctree sml-050225a
Fri, 25 Feb 2005 09:27:10 +0100
changeset 21388ff182d2fa4e
parent 2137 3c5bab26f11b
child 2139 5e3036b8076e
sml-050225a: before reorganisation of code in ME/ctree
     1.1 --- a/src/sml/ME/ctreeNEW.sml	Thu Feb 24 12:58:42 2005 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/src/sml/ME/ctreeNEW.sml	Fri Feb 25 09:27:10 2005 +0100
     1.3 @@ -3,74 +3,39 @@
     1.4     *)
     1.7 -
     1.8 -(*drop first element and make run on []*)
     1.9 -fun get_tlpos' p pt =
    1.10 -    let val ps = get_allpos' p pt
    1.11 -    in if null ps then ps else tl ps end;
    1.12 -fun get_tlpos's p pts =
    1.13 -    let val ps = get_allpos's p pts
    1.14 -    in if null ps then ps else tl ps end;
    1.15 -
    1.16 -(*---OLD---*)
    1.17 -fun get_allp (cuts: pos' list) (P:pos) pt ((p, p_): pos') =
    1.18 -    (let val nxt = move_dn P pt (drop (length P, p), p_) 
    1.19 -     (*exn if Incomplete reached*)
    1.20 -     in if nxt <> ([],Res) 
    1.21 -	then get_allp (cuts @ [nxt]) P pt nxt
    1.22 -	else (cuts @ [nxt]): pos' list
    1.23 -     end) handle PTREE _ => cuts;
    1.24  (*.get all positions in a ptree until ([],Res) or ostate=Incomplete
    1.25  val get_allp = fn : 
    1.26    pos' list -> : accumulated, start with []
    1.27    pos ->       : the offset for subtrees wrt the root
    1.28    ptree ->     : (sub)tree
    1.29 -  pos'         : before the positions in ...
    1.30 +  pos'         : initialization (the last pos' before ...)
    1.31    -> pos' list : of positions in this (sub) tree (relative to the root)
    1.32  .*)
    1.33 -print_depth 11;
    1.34 -(* val (cuts, P, pt, pos) = ([], [3], get_nd pt [3], ([]:int list,Frm));
    1.35 -   *)
    1.36 -(*----OLD-----*)
    1.37 -fun get_allp (cuts: pos' list) (P:pos) pt (pos:pos') =
    1.38 -    (let val nxt = move_dn P pt pos
    1.39 -     (*exn if Incomplete reached*)
    1.40 -     in if nxt <> ([],Res) 
    1.41 -	then get_allp (cuts @ [nxt]) P pt nxt
    1.42 -	else (cuts @ [nxt]): pos' list
    1.43 -     end) handle PTREE _ => cuts;
    1.44 -print_depth 3;
    1.45  (*###################################################################*)
    1.46 -print_depth 11;
    1.47  (* val (cuts, P, pt, pos) = ([], [3], get_nd pt [3], ([], Frm):pos');
    1.48     val (cuts, P, pt, pos) = ([], [2], get_nd pt [2], ([], Frm):pos');
    1.49     length (children pt);
    1.50     *)
    1.51 -fun get_allp (cuts:pos' list) (P:pos) pt (pos:pos') =
    1.52 +fun get_allp (cuts:pos' list) (P:pos, pos:pos') pt =
    1.53      (let val nxt = move_dn [] pt pos (*exn if Incomplete reached*)
    1.54       in if nxt <> ([],Res) 
    1.55 -	then get_allp (cuts @ [nxt]) P pt nxt
    1.56 +	then get_allp (cuts @ [nxt]) (P, nxt) pt
    1.57  	else (map (apfst (curry op@ P)) (cuts @ [nxt])): pos' list
    1.58       end) handle PTREE _ => (map (apfst (curry op@ P)) cuts);
    1.59 -print_depth 3;
    1.60  (*###################################################################*)
    1.64 -(*----OLD-----*)
    1.65 -print_depth 11;
    1.66 -(*the pts are assumed to be on the same level*)
    1.67 -fun get_allps (cuts: pos' list) (P:pos) (pt::pts) =
    1.68 -    let val cuts' = get_allp [] P pt ([], Frm)
    1.69 -	val nxt = last_elem cuts'
    1.70 -    in if nxt <> ([],Res)
    1.71 -       then get_allps (cuts @ cuts') P pts
    1.72 -       else cuts @ cuts'
    1.73 -    end;
    1.74 -print_depth 3;
    1.75  (* use"ME/ctreeNEW.sml";
    1.76     use"ctreeNEW.sml";
    1.77     *)
    1.78 +(*----OLD-----*)
    1.79 +fun get_allps (cuts: pos' list) (P:pos) [] = cuts
    1.80 +  | get_allps cuts P (pt::pts) =
    1.81 +    let val cuts' = 
    1.82 +	    get_allp [] (P, ([], Frm)) pt
    1.83 +    in get_allps (cuts @ cuts') (lev_on P) pts end;
    1.84 +
    1.85  print_depth 11;
    1.86  (* val (cuts: pos' list, P, pt::pts) = ([], [1], children pt);
    1.87     val cuts' = get_allp [] P pt ([], Frm);
    1.88 @@ -79,10 +44,17 @@
    1.89     length (children pt);
    1.90     *)
    1.91  (*the pts are assumed to be on the same level*)
    1.92 -fun get_allps (cuts: pos' list) (P:pos) (pt::pts) =
    1.93 -    let val cuts' = get_allp [] P pt ([], Frm)
    1.94 -    in get_allps (cuts @ cuts') (lev_on P) pts end;
    1.95 -print_depth 3;
    1.96 +fun get_allps (cuts: pos' list) (P:pos) [] = cuts
    1.97 +  | get_allps cuts P (pt::pts) =
    1.98 +    let val below = get_allp [] (P, ([], Frm)) pt
    1.99 +	val levfrm = 
   1.100 +	    if is_pblnd pt 
   1.101 +	    then (P, Pbl)::below
   1.102 +	    else if last_elem P = 1 
   1.103 +	    then (P, Frm)::below
   1.104 +	    else (*Trans*) below
   1.105 +	val levres = levfrm @ (if null below then [(P, Res)] else [])
   1.106 +    in get_allps (cuts @ levres) (lev_on P) pts end;
   1.109  fun del_res (PblObj {cell, fmz, origin, spec, probl, meth, 
   1.110 @@ -108,13 +80,20 @@
   1.111                                         WN050221 for test on worksheet*)
   1.112    | test_trans _ = false;
   1.114 -(*WN050220: new design S(603)..(608)
   1.115 -p_ is not required !!!*)
   1.116 +(*cut_bottom new S(603)..(608)
   1.117 +cut the level at the bottom of the pos (used by cappend_...)
   1.118 +and handle the parent in order to avoid extra case for root
   1.119 +fn: ptree ->         : the _whole_ ptree for cut_levup
   1.120 +    pos * posel ->   : the pos after split_last
   1.121 +    ptree ->         : the parent of the Nd to be cut
   1.122 +    ptree * pos' list: the updated ptree and the pos's cut
   1.123 +*)
   1.125  (* val (cuts, P, pt as Nd (b,bs), (p::[])) = ([], [], pt, pos);
   1.126     val (cuts, P, pt as Nd (b,bs), (p::[])) = ([], [], pt, [2]);
   1.127     *)
   1.128 -fun cut_tre cuts P (Nd (b, bs)) (p::[]) =
   1.129 +(**#############before bottom..levup ####################################**)
   1.130 +fun cut_bottom cuts P (Nd (b, bs)) (p::[]) =
   1.131      let (*top down divide each level into 3 parts...*)
   1.132  	val keep = take (p - 1, bs)
   1.133  	val Nd (b',bs') = nth p bs(*here* will be 'insert'ed by 'append_..'*)
   1.134 @@ -130,12 +109,12 @@
   1.135  	     cuts
   1.136  	     @ (get_allpos's (P @ [p], 1) bs'))
   1.137      end
   1.138 -  | cut_tre cuts P (pt as Nd (b,bs)) (p::ps) = (pt,[])
   1.139 +  | cut_bottom cuts P (pt as Nd (b,bs)) (p::ps) = (pt,[])
   1.140  ;
   1.141  (*
   1.142      let (*top down divide each level into 3 parts...*)
   1.143  	val keep = take (p - 1, bs)
   1.144 -	val (pt' as (Nd (b',_)), cuts') = cut_tre cuts (P@[p]) (nth p bs) ps
   1.145 +	val (pt' as (Nd (b',_)), cuts') = cut_bottom cuts (P@[p]) (nth p bs) ps
   1.146  	val tail = takerest (p, bs)
   1.147      in if test_trans b'
   1.148         then (Nd ((*if P=[]...del_res*)b, 
   1.149 @@ -145,4 +124,83 @@
   1.150  	     cuts @ cuts' @ ([(*Res pt'*)]))
   1.151      end
   1.152  *)
   1.153 -fun cut_tree pt (pos,_) = cut_tre [] [] pt pos;
   1.154 +print_depth 3;
   1.155 +(**############# result constructed goOn finished ########################**)
   1.156 +print_depth 99;
   1.157 +fun cut_bottom (pt:ptree) (P:pos, p:posel) (Nd (b, bs)) =
   1.158 +    let (*divide level into 3 parts...*)
   1.159 +	val keep = take (p - 1, bs)
   1.160 +	val Nd (b',bs') = nth p bs(*here* will be 'insert'ed by 'append_..'*)
   1.161 +	val tail = takerest (p, bs)
   1.162 +	val (children, cuts) = 
   1.163 +	    if test_trans b'
   1.164 +	    then (keep, 
   1.165 +		  (get_allpos's (P @ [p], 1) bs') 
   1.166 +		  @ (get_allpos's (P, p + 1) tail))		 
   1.167 +	    else (keep @ [(*'insert'ed by 'append_..'*)] @ tail,
   1.168 +		  get_allpos's (P @ [p], 1) bs')
   1.169 +	val (parent, cuts) = 
   1.170 +	    if test_trans b
   1.171 +	    then (Nd (del_res b, children), 
   1.172 +		  cuts @ (if g_ostate b = Incomplete then [(P,Res)] else []))
   1.173 +	    else (Nd (b, children), cuts)
   1.174 +	val cutlevup = test_trans b
   1.175 +    in (parent, cuts:pos' list) end;
   1.176 +print_depth 3;
   1.177 +(**############# new get_allpos ########################################**)
   1.178 +print_depth 99;
   1.179 +fun cut_bottom (pt:ptree) (P:pos, p:posel) (Nd (b, bs)) =
   1.180 +    let (*divide level into 3 parts...*)
   1.181 +	val keep = take (p - 1, bs)
   1.182 +	val Nd (b',bs') = nth p bs(*here* will be 'insert'ed by 'append_..'*)
   1.183 +	val tail = takerest (p, bs)
   1.184 +	val (children, cuts) = 
   1.185 +	    if test_trans b'
   1.186 +	    then (keep, 
   1.187 +		  (get_allps [] (P @ [1]) bs') 
   1.188 +		  @ (get_allps [] (P @ [1]) tail))		 
   1.189 +	    else (keep @ [(*'insert'ed by 'append_..'*)] @ tail,
   1.190 +		  get_allps [] (P @ [1]) bs')
   1.191 +	val (parent, cuts) = 
   1.192 +	    if test_trans b
   1.193 +	    then (Nd (del_res b, children), 
   1.194 +		  cuts @ (if g_ostate b = Incomplete then [(P,Res)] else []))
   1.195 +	    else (Nd (b, children), cuts)
   1.196 +	val cutlevup = test_trans b
   1.197 +    in (parent, cuts:pos' list) end;
   1.198 +print_depth 3;
   1.199 +(**############# correct call of  get_allps##############################**)
   1.200 +print_depth 99;
   1.201 +fun cut_bottom (pt:ptree) (P, p) (Nd (b, bs)) =
   1.202 +    let (*divide level into 3 parts...*)
   1.203 +	val keep = take (p - 1, bs)
   1.204 +	val Nd (b',bs') = nth p bs(*here* will be 'insert'ed by 'append_..'*)
   1.205 +	val (tail, tp) = (takerest (p, bs), 
   1.206 +			  if null (takerest (p, bs)) then 0 else p + 1)
   1.207 +	val _= writeln("###cut_bottom: call get_allps with"^pos2str (P @ [1]));
   1.208 +	val (children, cuts) = 
   1.209 +	    if test_trans b'
   1.210 +	    then (keep, 
   1.211 +		  (  get_allps [] (P @ [p] @ [1]) bs') (*1 lev_dn*)
   1.212 +		  @ (get_allps [] (P @ [p+1]) tail))   (*on level*)
   1.213 +	    else (keep @ [(*'insert'ed by 'append_..'*)] @ tail,
   1.214 +		  get_allps [] (P @ [p] @ [1]) bs')
   1.215 +	val (parent, cuts) = 
   1.216 +	    if test_trans b
   1.217 +	    then (Nd (del_res b, children), 
   1.218 +		  cuts @ (if g_ostate b = Incomplete then [(P,Res)] else []))
   1.219 +	    else (Nd (b, children), cuts)
   1.220 +	val cutlevup = test_trans b
   1.221 +    in (parent, cuts:pos' list) end;
   1.222 +print_depth 3;
   1.223 +(**######################################################################**);
   1.224 +
   1.225 +
   1.226 +fun cut_tree pt (pos,_) =
   1.227 +    let val (P, p) = split_last pos;
   1.228 +	val (pt, cuts) = cut_bottom pt (P, p) (get_nd pt P)
   1.229 +    in (pt, cuts) end;
   1.230 +
   1.231 +print_depth 99;
   1.232 +cut_tree;
   1.233 +print_depth 3;
     2.1 --- a/src/sml/systest/ctree.sml	Thu Feb 24 12:58:42 2005 +0100
     2.2 +++ b/src/sml/systest/ctree.sml	Fri Feb 25 09:27:10 2005 +0100
     2.3 @@ -949,12 +949,13 @@
     2.4  val ((pt,_),_) = get_calc 1;
     2.5  show_pt pt;
     2.7 -(**##############################################################(**)
     2.8 +(**##############################################################**)
     2.9  "-------------- get_allpos' new ----------------------------------";
    2.10  "-------------- get_allpos' new ----------------------------------";
    2.11  "-------------- get_allpos' new ----------------------------------";
    2.12 +"--- whole ctree";
    2.13  print_depth 99;
    2.14 -val cuts = get_allp [] [] pt ([],Frm);
    2.15 +val cuts = get_allp [] ([], ([],Frm)) pt;
    2.16  print_depth 3;
    2.17  if cuts = 
    2.18     [([1], Frm), 
    2.19 @@ -969,62 +970,66 @@
    2.20      ([3], Res),
    2.21      ([4], Res), 
    2.22      ([], Res)] then () else
    2.23 -raise error "ctree.sml diff.behav. get_allpos' new ([],Frm)";
    2.24 -
    2.25 +raise error "ctree.sml diff.behav. get_allp new []";
    2.27  print_depth 99;
    2.28 -val cuts = get_allp [] [2] (get_nd pt [2]) ([],Frm);
    2.29 +val cuts2 = get_allps [] [1] (children pt);
    2.30  print_depth 3;
    2.31 +if cuts = cuts2 @ [([], Res)] then () else
    2.32 +raise error "ctree.sml diff.behav. get_allps new []";
    2.33 +
    2.34 +"--- nd [2] with 6 children---------------------------------";
    2.35 +val cuts = get_allp [] ([2], ([],Frm)) (get_nd pt [2]);
    2.36  if cuts = 
    2.37 -   [...........] then () else
    2.38 -raise error "ctree.sml diff.behav. get_allpos' new ([2],Frm)";
    2.39 +   [([2, 1], Frm), ([2, 1], Res), ([2, 2], Res), ([2, 3], Res),
    2.40 +    ([2, 4], Res), ([2, 5], Res), ([2, 6], Res), 
    2.41 +    ([2], Res)] then () else
    2.42 +raise error "ctree.sml diff.behav. get_allp new [2]";
    2.44 -print_depth 99;
    2.45 -val cuts = get_allp [] [3] (get_nd pt [3]) ([],Frm);
    2.46 -print_depth 3;
    2.47 +val cuts2 = get_allps [] [2,1] (children (get_nd pt [2]));
    2.48 +if cuts = cuts2 @ [([2], Res)] then () else
    2.49 +raise error "ctree.sml diff.behav. get_allps new [2]";
    2.50 +
    2.51 +
    2.52 +"--- nd [3] subproblem--------------------------------------";
    2.53 +val cuts = get_allp [] ([3], ([],Frm)) (get_nd pt [3]);
    2.54  if cuts = 
    2.55     [([3, 1], Frm), 
    2.56      ([3, 1], Res), 
    2.57      ([3, 2, 1], Frm), ([3, 2, 1], Res), ([3, 2, 2], Res), 
    2.58      ([3, 2], Res), 
    2.59      ([3], Res)] then () else
    2.60 -raise error "ctree.sml diff.behav. get_allpos' new ([3],Frm)";
    2.61 +raise error "ctree.sml diff.behav. get_allp new [3]";
    2.63 -print_depth 99;
    2.64 -val cuts = get_allps [] [1] (children pt);
    2.65 -print_depth 3;
    2.66 +val cuts2 = get_allps [] [3,1] (children (get_nd pt [3]));
    2.67 +if cuts = cuts2 @ [([3], Res)] then () else
    2.68 +raise error "ctree.sml diff.behav. get_allps new [3]";
    2.69 +
    2.70 +"--- nd [3,2] with 2 children--------------------------------";
    2.71 +val cuts = get_allp [] ([3,2], ([],Frm)) (get_nd pt [3,2]);
    2.72  if cuts = 
    2.73 -   [] then () else
    2.74 -raise error "ctree.sml diff.behav. get_allpos' new ([3],Frm)";
    2.75 +   [([3, 2, 1], Frm), ([3, 2, 1], Res), ([3, 2, 2], Res), 
    2.76 +    ([3, 2], Res)] then () else
    2.77 +raise error "ctree.sml diff.behav. get_allp new [3,2]";
    2.79 +val cuts2 = get_allps [] [3,2,1] (children (get_nd pt [3,2]));
    2.80 +if cuts = cuts2 @ [([3, 2], Res)] then () else
    2.81 +raise error "ctree.sml diff.behav. get_allps new [3,2]";
    2.84 -length (children pt);
    2.85 -length (children (get_nd pt [2]));
    2.86 -val nxt = move_dn [] pt pos;
    2.87 -val nxt = move_dn [] pt nxt;
    2.88 -print_depth 3;
    2.89 -
    2.90 +(**#################################################################**)
    2.91 +"-------------- cut_tree new (from ptree above)-------------------";
    2.92 +"-------------- cut_tree new (from ptree above)-------------------";
    2.93 +"-------------- cut_tree new (from ptree above)-------------------";
    2.94  show_pt pt;
    2.95 -
    2.96 -
    2.97 -
    2.98 -
    2.99 -print_depth 99;
   2.100 -val cuts = get_allp [] [3,2] (get_nd pt [3,2]) ([],Frm);
   2.101 -length (children (get_nd pt [3,2]));
   2.102 -show_pt pt;
   2.103 -
   2.104 -
   2.105 -
   2.106 -"-------------- cut_tree new (from ptree above)-------------------";
   2.107 -"-------------- cut_tree new (from ptree above)-------------------";
   2.108 -"-------------- cut_tree new (from ptree above)-------------------";
   2.109  (* print_depth 99; cuts; print_depth 3;
   2.110     print_depth 99; get_allpos's (P@[p], 0) bs'; print_depth 3;
   2.111     print_depth 99; get_allpos's (P,p+1) tail; print_depth 3;
   2.112     *)
   2.113  val (pt', cuts) = cut_tree pt ([2],Res);
   2.114 +print_depth 99;
   2.115 +cuts;
   2.116 +print_depth 3;
   2.117  if cuts = []
   2.118  then () else raise error "ctree.sml: diff.behav. cut_tree ([2],Res)";
   2.120 @@ -1045,5 +1050,5 @@
   2.121      ([1], Frm), 
   2.122      ([1], Res)] then () else 
   2.123  raise error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in cut_tree 1ad";
   2.124 -(**)#################################################################**)
   2.125 +(**#################################################################**)