merge mailed copy from SK start_Take
Tue, 05 Sep 2006 16:54:36 +0200
changeset 6528d7ffa38b637
parent 651 9200c206d43e
child 653 f2ef81c19028
merge mailed copy from SK
     1.1 --- a/src/smltest/IsacKnowledge/rational.sml	Tue Sep 05 16:46:29 2006 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/src/smltest/IsacKnowledge/rational.sml	Tue Sep 05 16:54:36 2006 +0200
     1.3 @@ -1052,7 +1052,8 @@
     1.4  \----- rational.sml: add_fraction_p_ throws overflow exn ! -----\n\
     1.5  \----- rational.sml: add_fraction_p_ throws overflow exn ! -----\n\
     1.6  \----- rational.sml: add_fraction_p_ throws overflow exn ! -----\n";
     1.7 -WN060831????SK7
     1.8 +WN060831????SK7 
     1.9 +
    1.10  val t = str2term "(a + b * x) / (a + -1 * (b * x)) + (-1 * a + b * x) / (a + b * x)";
    1.11  val None = add_fraction_p_ thy t; 
    1.12  *)
    1.13 @@ -1077,7 +1078,7 @@
    1.14  (*---------vvv------------ MG: ab 1.7.03 ----------------vvv-----------*)
    1.16  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
    1.17 -(*                  Simplifier für beliebige Buchterme                 *) 
    1.18 +(*                  Simplifier fr beliebige Buchterme                 *) 
    1.19  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
    1.20  (*----------------------- norm_Rational_mg --------------------------*)
    1.21  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
    1.22 @@ -1151,8 +1152,8 @@
    1.23  else raise error "rational.sml.sml: diff.behav. in norm_Rational_mg 6";
    1.25  (*Schalk I, p.60 Nr. 215c *)
    1.26 -(* Falsches Ergebnis: rechnet lange und cancel_p kann nicht weiter kürzen!!!*)
    1.27 -(* WN060831????MG1
    1.28 +(* Falsches Ergebnis: rechnet lange und cancel_p kann nicht weiter krzen!!!*)
    1.29 +(* WN060831????MG1 
    1.30  val t = str2term "(a+b)^^^4*(x - y)/((x - y)^^^3*(a+b)^^^2)";
    1.31  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
    1.32  term2str t;
    1.33 @@ -1341,13 +1342,16 @@
    1.34  else raise error "rational.sml.sml: diff.behav. in norm_Rational_mg 23";
    1.36  (*Schalk I, p.68 Nr. 437a *)
    1.37 -(* SK loops: rechnet ewig; cancel_p hängt sich auf... WN060420????MG4
    1.38 +(* SK loops: rechnet ewig; cancel_p h???gt sich auf... WN060420????MG4 *)
    1.39 +(* corrected *)
    1.40  val t = str2term "(3*a - 4*b)/(4*c+3*e) * (3*a+4*b)/(9*a^^^2 - 16*b^^^2)";
    1.41  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
    1.42 -term2str t;
    1.43 -*)
    1.44 +if (term2str t) = "1 / (4 * c + 3 * e)" then ()
    1.45 +else raise error "rational.sml.sml: diff.behav. in norm_Rational_mg 24";
    1.46 +(**)
    1.48  (*SK loops .. WN060420????MG5 not canceled to "1 / (4*c + 3*e)"*)
    1.49 +(* corrected *)
    1.50  val t = str2term "(3*a - 4*b) * (3*a+4*b)/((4*c+3*e)*(9*a^^^2 - 16*b^^^2))";
    1.51  val Some (t',_) = rewrite_set_ thy false make_polynomial t;
    1.52  term2str t' = "(9 * a ^^^ 2 + -16 * b ^^^ 2) /\n(36 * a ^^^ 2 * c + 27 * a ^^^ 2 * e + -64 * b ^^^ 2 * c +\n -48 * b ^^^ 2 * e)";
    1.53 @@ -1355,25 +1359,28 @@
    1.54  "----- SK060904-1b non-termination of cancel_p_";
    1.55  val t'' = str2term "(9 * a ^^^ 2 + -16 * b ^^^ 2) /\
    1.56  \(36 * a^^^2 * c + (27 * a^^^2 * e + (-64 * b^^^2 * c + -48 * b^^^2 * e)))";
    1.57 -(* WN060831????SK8
    1.58 +(* WN060831????SK8*)
    1.59  val Some (t',_) = rewrite_set_ thy false cancel_p t'';
    1.60  term2str t';
    1.61 -*)
    1.62 +
    1.63 +(**)
    1.65  (*Schalk I, p.68 Nr. 437b *)
    1.66 -(* SK loops, Falsches Ergebnis: cancel_p kann nicht weiter kürzen!!!
    1.67 +(* SK loops, Falsches Ergebnis: cancel_p kann nicht weiter krzen!!! *)
    1.68  val t = str2term "(a + b)/(x^^^2 - y^^^2) * ((x - y)^^^2/(a^^^2 - b^^^2))";
    1.69  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
    1.70  term2str t; WN060831????SK9
    1.71  "(a * x ^^^ 2 + -2 * a * x * y + a * y ^^^ 2 + b * x ^^^ 2 + -2 * b * x * y + b * y ^^^ 2) /(a ^^^ 2 * x ^^^ 2 + -1 * a ^^^ 2 * y ^^^ 2 + -1 * b ^^^ 2 * x ^^^ 2 + b ^^^ 2 * y ^^^ 2)";
    1.73 -*)
    1.74 +(**)
    1.76 -(*
    1.77 +(* *)
    1.78  val t = str2term 
    1.79 -"(a * x ^^^ 2 + -2 * a * x * y + a * y ^^^ 2 + b * x ^^^ 2 + -2 * b * x * y + b * y ^^^ 2) /(a ^^^ 2 * x ^^^ 2 + -1 * a ^^^ 2 * y ^^^ 2 + -1 * b ^^^ 2 * x ^^^ 2 + b ^^^ 2 * y ^^^ 2)"; WN060831????SK10
    1.80 +"(a * x ^^^ 2 + -2 * a * x * y + a * y ^^^ 2 + b * x ^^^ 2 + -2 * b * x * y + b * y ^^^ 2) /(a ^^^ 2 * x ^^^ 2 + -1 * a ^^^ 2 * y ^^^ 2 + -1 * b ^^^ 2 * x ^^^ 2 + b ^^^ 2 * y ^^^ 2)"; 
    1.81 +(* WN060831????SK10 *)
    1.82  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false cancel_p t;
    1.83  term2str t;
    1.84 +(*
    1.85  uncaught exception nonexhaustive binding failure
    1.86    raised at: stdIn:270.1-270.51
    1.87  *)
    1.88 @@ -1408,8 +1415,8 @@
    1.89  then ()
    1.90  else raise error "rational.sml.sml: diff.behav. in norm_Rational_mg 26";
    1.92 -"----- Schalk I, p.68 Nr. 440b";
    1.93 -(* Achtung: rechnet ewig; cancel_p hängt sich auf... WN060831????SK11
    1.94 +(*Schalk I, p.68 Nr. 440b *)
    1.95 +(* Achtung: rechnet ewig; cancel_p h???gt sich auf... WN060831????SK11
    1.96  val t = str2term 
    1.97  "(a^^^3 - 9*a)/(a^^^3*b - a*b^^^3)*(a^^^2*b+a*b^^^2)/(a+3)";
    1.98  trace_rewrite := true;
    1.99 @@ -1435,73 +1442,103 @@
   1.100  "-------- common denominator and multiplication ------------------";
   1.101  "-------- common denominator and multiplication ------------------";
   1.102  "-------- common denominator and multiplication ------------------";
   1.103 +
   1.104  (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
   1.105 -(*--------- Gemeinsamer Nenner und Multiplikation von Brüchen ----------*)
   1.106 +(*--------- Gemeinsamer Nenner und Multiplikation von Brchen ----------*)
   1.107  (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
   1.109 -"----- SRAM Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 441b";
   1.110 +
   1.111 +(*SRAM Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 441b *)
   1.112  val t = str2term "(4*a/3 + 3*b^^^2/a^^^3 + b/(4*a))*(4*b/(3*a))";
   1.113  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
   1.114 +term2str t;
   1.115  if (term2str t) =
   1.116  "(36 * b ^^^ 3 + 3 * a ^^^ 2 * b ^^^ 2 + 16 * a ^^^ 4 * b) / (9 * a ^^^ 4)"
   1.117 -then() else raise error "rational.sml.sml: diff.behav. in norm_Rational_mg 28";
   1.118 +then ()
   1.119 +else raise error "rational.sml.sml: diff.behav. in norm_Rational_mg 28";
   1.121 -"----- SRAM Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 442b";
   1.122 +(*SRAM Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 442b *)
   1.123  val t = str2term "(15*a^^^2/x^^^3 - 5*b^^^4/x^^^2 + 25*c^^^2/x)*(x^^^3/(5*a*b^^^3*c^^^3)) + 1/c^^^3 * (b*x/a - 3*a/b^^^3)";
   1.124  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
   1.125 -if (term2str t) = "5 * x ^^^ 2 / (a * b ^^^ 3 * c)" then ()
   1.126 +term2str t;
   1.127 +if (term2str t) =
   1.128 +"5 * x ^^^ 2 / (a * b ^^^ 3 * c)"
   1.129 +then ()
   1.130  else raise error "rational.sml.sml: diff.behav. in norm_Rational_mg 29";
   1.132 -"----- SRAM Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 443b";
   1.133 +(*SRAM Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 443b *)
   1.134  val t = str2term "(a/2 + b/3)*(b/3 - a/2)";
   1.135  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
   1.136 -if (term2str t) ="(-9 * a ^^^ 2 + 4 * b ^^^ 2) / 36" then ()
   1.137 +term2str t;
   1.138 +if (term2str t) =
   1.139 +"(-9 * a ^^^ 2 + 4 * b ^^^ 2) / 36"
   1.140 +then ()
   1.141  else raise error "rational.sml.sml: diff.behav. in norm_Rational_mg 30";
   1.143 -"----- SRAM Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 445b";
   1.144 +(*SRAM Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 445b *)
   1.145  val t = str2term "(a^^^2/9 + 2*a/(3*b) + 4/b^^^2)*(a/3 - 2/b) + 8/b^^^3";
   1.146  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
   1.147 -if (term2str t) = "a ^^^ 3 / 27" then ()
   1.148 +term2str t;
   1.149 +if (term2str t) =
   1.150 +"a ^^^ 3 / 27"
   1.151 +then ()
   1.152  else raise error "rational.sml.sml: diff.behav. in norm_Rational_mg 31";
   1.154 -"----- SRAM Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 446b";
   1.155 +(*SRAM Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 446b *)
   1.156  val t = str2term "(x/(5*x + 4*y) - y/(5*x - 4*y) + 1)*(25*x^^^2 - 16*y^^^2)";
   1.157  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
   1.158 -if (term2str t) = "30 * x ^^^ 2 + -9 * x * y + -20 * y ^^^ 2" then ()
   1.159 +term2str t;
   1.160 +if (term2str t) =
   1.161 +"30 * x ^^^ 2 + -9 * x * y + -20 * y ^^^ 2"
   1.162 +then ()
   1.163  else raise error "rational.sml.sml: diff.behav. in norm_Rational_mg 32";
   1.165 -"----- SRAM Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 449a Achtung: rechnet ca 8 Sekunden";
   1.166 +(*SRAM Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 449a *)(*Achtung: rechnet ca 8 Sekunden*)
   1.167  val t = str2term 
   1.168  "(2*x^^^2/(3*y)+x/y^^^2)*(4*x^^^4/(9*y^^^2)+x^^^2/y^^^4)*(2*x^^^2/(3*y) - x/y^^^2)";
   1.169  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
   1.170 -if (term2str t) = "(-81 * x ^^^ 4 + 16 * x ^^^ 8 * y ^^^ 4) / (81 * y ^^^ 8)"
   1.171 -then() else raise error "rational.sml.sml: diff.behav. in norm_Rational_mg 33";
   1.172 +term2str t;
   1.173 +if (term2str t) =
   1.174 +"(-81 * x ^^^ 4 + 16 * x ^^^ 8 * y ^^^ 4) / (81 * y ^^^ 8)"
   1.175 +then ()
   1.176 +else raise error "rational.sml.sml: diff.behav. in norm_Rational_mg 33";
   1.178 -"----- SRAM Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 450a";
   1.179 +(*SRAM Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 450a *)
   1.180  val t = str2term 
   1.181  "(4*x/(3*y)+2*y/(3*x))^^^2 - (2*y/(3*x) - 2*x/y)*(2*y/(3*x)+2*x/y)";
   1.182  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
   1.183 -if (term2str t) = "(52 * x ^^^ 2 + 16 * y ^^^ 2) / (9 * y ^^^ 2)" then ()
   1.184 +term2str t;
   1.185 +if (term2str t) =
   1.186 +"(52 * x ^^^ 2 + 16 * y ^^^ 2) / (9 * y ^^^ 2)"
   1.187 +then ()
   1.188  else raise error "rational.sml.sml: diff.behav. in norm_Rational_mg 34";
   1.190  "-------- double fractions ---------------------------------------";
   1.191  "-------- double fractions ---------------------------------------";
   1.192  "-------- double fractions ---------------------------------------";
   1.194 -"----- SRD Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 454b";
   1.195 -val t = str2term "((2 - x)/(2*a)) / (2*a/(x - 2))";
   1.196 +(*SRD Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 454b *)
   1.197 +val t = str2term 
   1.198 +"((2 - x)/(2*a)) / (2*a/(x - 2))";
   1.199  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
   1.200 -if (term2str t) = "(-4 + 4 * x + -1 * x ^^^ 2) / (4 * a ^^^ 2)" then ()
   1.201 +term2str t;
   1.202 +if (term2str t) = 
   1.203 +"(-4 + 4 * x + -1 * x ^^^ 2) / (4 * a ^^^ 2)"
   1.204 +then ()
   1.205  else raise error "rational.sml.sml: diff.behav. in norm_Rational_mg 35";
   1.207 -"----- SRD Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 455a";
   1.208 -val t = str2term "(a^^^2 + 1)/(a^^^2 - 1) / ((a+1)/(a - 1))";
   1.209 +(*SRD Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 455a *)
   1.210 +val t = str2term 
   1.211 +"(a^^^2 + 1)/(a^^^2 - 1) / ((a+1)/(a - 1))";
   1.212  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
   1.213 -if (term2str t) = "(1 + a ^^^ 2) / (1 + 2 * a + a ^^^ 2)" then ()
   1.214 +term2str t;
   1.215 +if (term2str t) = 
   1.216 +"(1 + a ^^^ 2) / (1 + 2 * a + a ^^^ 2)"
   1.217 +then ()
   1.218  else raise error "rational.sml.sml: diff.behav. in norm_Rational_mg 36";
   1.221 -"----- Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 455b";
   1.222 +(*Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 455b *)
   1.223  (* Achtung: Endlosschleife
   1.224  val t = str2term "(x^^^2 - 4)/(y^^^2 - 9)/((2+x)/(3 - y))";
   1.225  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
   1.226 @@ -1519,7 +1556,7 @@
   1.227  (-18 + -9 * x + 2 * y ^^^ 2 + x * y ^^^ 2)"
   1.228  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false cancel_p t;
   1.229  term2str t;
   1.230 -(* Achtung: rechnet ewig; cancel_p hängt sich auf... ????SK*)
   1.231 +(* Achtung: rechnet ewig; cancel_p h???gt sich auf... ????SK*)
   1.233  val t = str2term "(3 + -1 * y) / (-9 + y ^^^ 2)";
   1.234  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
   1.235 @@ -1531,25 +1568,31 @@
   1.236  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false cancel_p t;
   1.237  term2str t = "-1 / (3 + 1 * y)";
   1.238  (********* Das ist das PROBLEM !!!!!!!??? *******************)
   1.239 -(*MG: -1 im Zähler der Angabe verursacht das Problem ! WN060831???MG!!SK0*)
   1.240 +(*MG: -1 im Z???ler der Angabe verursacht das Problem ! WN060831???MG!!SK0*)
   1.241  *)
   1.243 -"----- SRD Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 456b";
   1.244 -val t = str2term "(b^^^3 - b^^^2)/(b^^^2+b)/(b^^^2 - 1)";
   1.245 +(*SRD Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 456b *)
   1.246 +val t = str2term 
   1.247 +"(b^^^3 - b^^^2)/(b^^^2+b)/(b^^^2 - 1)";
   1.248  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
   1.249 -if (term2str t) = "b / (1 + 2 * b + b ^^^ 2)" then ()
   1.250 +term2str t;
   1.251 +if (term2str t) = 
   1.252 +"b / (1 + 2 * b + b ^^^ 2)"
   1.253 +then ()
   1.254  else raise error "rational.sml.sml: diff.behav. in norm_Rational_mg 38";
   1.256 -"----- SRD Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 457b";
   1.257 +(*SRD Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 457b *)
   1.258  val t = str2term 
   1.259  "(16*a^^^2 - 9*b^^^2)/(2*a+3*a*b) / ((4*a+3*b)/(4*a^^^2 - 9*a^^^2*b^^^2))";
   1.260  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
   1.261 +term2str t;
   1.262  if (term2str t) = 
   1.263 -"8 * a ^^^ 2 + -6 * a * b + -12 * a ^^^ 2 * b + 9 * a * b ^^^ 2" then ()
   1.264 +"8 * a ^^^ 2 + -6 * a * b + -12 * a ^^^ 2 * b + 9 * a * b ^^^ 2"
   1.265 +then ()
   1.266  else raise error "rational.sml.sml: diff.behav. in norm_Rational_mg 39";
   1.268 -"----- Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 458b";
   1.269 -(* Achtung: rechnet ewig; cancel_p hängt sich auf... ????SK
   1.270 +(*Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 458b *)
   1.271 +(* Achtung: rechnet ewig; cancel_p h???gt sich auf... ????SK
   1.272  val t = str2term 
   1.273  "(2*a^^^2*x - a^^^2)/(a*x - b*x) / (b^^^2*(2*x - 1)/(x*(a - b)))";
   1.274  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
   1.275 @@ -1560,77 +1603,104 @@
   1.276  else raise error "rational.sml.sml: diff.behav. in norm_Rational_mg 40";
   1.277  *)
   1.279 -"----- SRD Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 459b";
   1.280 -val t = str2term "(a^^^2 - b^^^2)/(a*b) / (4*(a+b)^^^2/a)";
   1.281 +(*SRD Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 459b *)
   1.282 +val t = str2term 
   1.283 +"(a^^^2 - b^^^2)/(a*b) / (4*(a+b)^^^2/a)";
   1.284  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
   1.285 -if (term2str t) = "(a + -1 * b) / (4 * a * b + 4 * b ^^^ 2)"then ()
   1.286 +term2str t;
   1.287 +if (term2str t) = 
   1.288 +"(a + -1 * b) / (4 * a * b + 4 * b ^^^ 2)"
   1.289 +then ()
   1.290  else raise error "rational.sml.sml: diff.behav. in norm_Rational_mg 41";
   1.292 -"----- Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 460b";
   1.293 -(* Achtung: rechnet ewig; cancel_p hängt sich auf... ????SK*)
   1.294 +
   1.295 +(*Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 460b *)
   1.296 +(* Achtung: rechnet ewig; cancel_p h???gt sich auf... ????SK
   1.297  val t = str2term 
   1.298  "(9*(x^^^2 - 8*x+16)/(4*(y^^^2 - 2*y+1)))/((3*x - 12)/(16*y - 16))";
   1.299 -(*
   1.300  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
   1.301 +term2str t;
   1.302  if (term2str t) = 
   1.303 +
   1.304  then ()
   1.305  else raise error "rational.sml.sml: diff.behav. in norm_Rational_mg 42";
   1.306 -*)
   1.307 +
   1.308  val t = str2term 
   1.309  "9*(x^^^2 - 8*x+16)*(16*y - 16)/(4*(y^^^2 - 2*y+1)*(3*x - 12))";
   1.310 -val Some (t',_) = rewrite_set_ thy false make_polynomial t;
   1.311 -term2str t' = "(-2304 + 1152 * x + 2304 * y + -144 * x ^^^ 2 + -1152 * x * y +\n 144 * x ^^^ 2 * y) /\n(-48 + 12 * x + 96 * y + -24 * x * y + -48 * y ^^^ 2 + 12 * x * y ^^^ 2)";
   1.312 -(* ????SK NOT terminating
   1.313 -val Some (t'',_) = rewrite_set_ thy false cancel_p t';
   1.314 +val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false make_polynomial t;
   1.315  term2str t;
   1.316 -*)
   1.317 +"(-2304 + 1152 * x + 2304 * y + -144 * x ^^^ 2 + -1152 * x * y + 144 * x ^^^ 2 * y) /(-48 + 12 * x + 96 * y + -24 * x * y + -48 * y ^^^ 2 + 12 * x * y ^^^ 2)";
   1.318 +val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false cancel_p t;
   1.319 +term2str t;
   1.320 + ????SK*)
   1.322 -"----- SRD Schalk I, p.70 Nr. 472a";
   1.323 +(*SRD Schalk I, p.70 Nr. 472a *)
   1.324  val t = str2term "((8*x^^^2 - 32*y^^^2)/(2*x + 4*y))/\
   1.325  		 \((4*x - 8*y)/(x + y))";
   1.326  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
   1.327 -if (term2str t) = "x + y" then ()
   1.328 +term2str t;
   1.329 +if (term2str t) = 
   1.330 +"x + y"
   1.331 +then ()
   1.332  else raise error "rational.sml.sml: diff.behav. in norm_Rational_mg 43";
   1.335  (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
   1.336 -(*---------------------- Einfache Dppelbrüche --------------------------*)
   1.337 +(*---------------------- Einfache Dppelbrche --------------------------*)
   1.338  (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
   1.340 -"----- Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 461a";
   1.341 -val t = str2term "(2/(x+3) + 2/(x - 3)) / (8*x/(x^^^2 - 9))";
   1.342 +(*SRD Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 461a *)
   1.343 +val t = str2term 
   1.344 +"(2/(x+3) + 2/(x - 3)) / (8*x/(x^^^2 - 9))";
   1.345  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
   1.346 -if (term2str t) = "1 / 2" then ()
   1.347 +term2str t;
   1.348 +if (term2str t) = 
   1.349 +"1 / 2"
   1.350 +then ()
   1.351  else raise error "rational.sml.sml: diff.behav. in norm_Rational_mg 44";
   1.353 -"----- SRD Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 464b";
   1.354 -val t = str2term "(a - a/(a - 2)) / (a + a/(a - 2))";
   1.355 +(*SRD Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 464b *)
   1.356 +val t = str2term 
   1.357 +"(a - a/(a - 2)) / (a + a/(a - 2))";
   1.358  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
   1.359 -if (term2str t) = "(3 + -1 * a) / (1 + -1 * a)" then ()
   1.360 +term2str t;
   1.361 +if (term2str t) = 
   1.362 +"(3 + -1 * a) / (1 + -1 * a)"
   1.363 +then ()
   1.364  else raise error "rational.sml.sml: diff.behav. in norm_Rational_mg 45";
   1.366 -"----- SRD Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 465b";
   1.367 -val t = str2term "((x+3*y)/9 + (4*y^^^2 - 9*z^^^2)/(16*x)) /(x/9+y/6+z/4)";
   1.368 +(*SRD Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 465b *)
   1.369 +val t = str2term 
   1.370 +"((x+3*y)/9 + (4*y^^^2 - 9*z^^^2)/(16*x)) /(x/9+y/6+z/4)";
   1.371  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
   1.372 -if (term2str t) = "(4 * x + 6 * y + -9 * z) / (4 * x)" then ()
   1.373 +term2str t;
   1.374 +if (term2str t) = 
   1.375 +"(4 * x + 6 * y + -9 * z) / (4 * x)"
   1.376 +then ()
   1.377  else raise error "rational.sml.sml: diff.behav. in norm_Rational_mg 46";
   1.379 -"-----SRD Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 466b";
   1.380 +(*SRD Schalk I, p.69 Nr. 466b *)
   1.381  val t = str2term 
   1.382  "((1 - 7*(x - 2)/(x^^^2 - 4)) / (6/(x+2))) / (3/(x+5)+30/(x^^^2 - 25))";
   1.383  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
   1.384 -if (term2str t) = "(25 + -10 * x + x ^^^ 2) / 18" then ()
   1.385 +term2str t;
   1.386 +if (term2str t) = 
   1.387 +"(25 + -10 * x + x ^^^ 2) / 18"
   1.388 +then ()
   1.389  else raise error "rational.sml.sml: diff.behav. in norm_Rational_mg 47";
   1.391 -"-----SRD Schalk I, p.70 Nr. 469";
   1.392 +(*SRD Schalk I, p.70 Nr. 469 *)
   1.393  val t = str2term 
   1.394  "3*b^^^2/(4*a^^^2 - 8*a*b + 4*b^^^2)/(a/(a^^^2*b - b^^^3) + (a - b)/(4*a*b^^^2+4*b^^^3) - 1/(4*b^^^2))";
   1.395  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
   1.396 -if (term2str t) = "3 * b ^^^ 3 / (2 * a + -2 * b)" then ()
   1.397 +term2str t;
   1.398 +if (term2str t) = 
   1.399 +"3 * b ^^^ 3 / (2 * a + -2 * b)"
   1.400 +then ()
   1.401  else raise error "rational.sml.sml: diff.behav. in norm_Rational_mg 48";
   1.403  (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
   1.404 -(*---------------------- Mehrfache Dppelbrüche -------------------------*)
   1.405 +(*---------------------- Mehrfache Dppelbrche -------------------------*)
   1.406  (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
   1.408  (*SRD.test Schalk I, p.70 Nr. 476b *) (* Rechenzeit: 10 sec *)
   1.409 @@ -1646,7 +1716,7 @@
   1.411  "----- Schalk I, p.70 Nr. 477a";
   1.412  (* Achtung: rechnet ewig; Bsp zu komplex; 
   1.413 -   Lösung sollte (ziemlich grosser) Faktorisierter Ausdruck sein 
   1.414 +   L???ung sollte (ziemlich grosser) Faktorisierter Ausdruck sein 
   1.415  val t = str2term "b*y/(b - 2*y)/((b^^^2 - y^^^2)/(b+2*y)) /\
   1.416  		 \(b^^^2*y+b*y^^^2)*(a+x)^^^2/((b^^^2 - 4*y^^^2)*(a+2*x)^^^2)";
   1.417  val Some (t',_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
   1.418 @@ -1664,24 +1734,23 @@
   1.419  /\n(a ^^^ 2 * b ^^^ 5 * y + -1 * a ^^^ 2 * b ^^^ 4 * y ^^^ 2 +\n -3 * a ^^^ 2 * b ^^^ 3 * y ^^^ 3 +\n a ^^^ 2 * b ^^^ 2 * y ^^^ 4 +\n 2 * a ^^^ 2 * b * y ^^^ 5 +\n 2 * a * b ^^^ 5 * x * y +\n -2 * a * b ^^^ 4 * x * y ^^^ 2 +\n -6 * a * b ^^^ 3 * x * y ^^^ 3 +\n 2 * a * b ^^^ 2 * x * y ^^^ 4 +\n 4 * a * b * x * y ^^^ 5 +\n b ^^^ 5 * x ^^^ 2 * y +\n -1 * b ^^^ 4 * x ^^^ 2 * y ^^^ 2 +\n -3 * b ^^^ 3 * x ^^^ 2 * y ^^^ 3 +\n b ^^^ 2 * x ^^^ 2 * y ^^^ 4 +\n 2 * b * x ^^^ 2 * y ^^^ 5)";
   1.420  *)
   1.422 -"----- Schalk I, p.70 Nr. 478b *) (* Rechenzeit: 5 sec";
   1.423 +(*Schalk I, p.70 Nr. 478b *) (* Rechenzeit: 5 sec *)
   1.424  val t = str2term "(a - (a*b+b^^^2)/(a+b))/(b+(a - b)/(1+(a+b)/(a - b))) / \
   1.425  		 \((a - a^^^2/(a+b))/(a+(a*b)/(a - b)))";
   1.426  val Some (t',_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
   1.427  term2str t';
   1.428  (* WN050820 was OK until STOP_REW_SUB introduced -- the ONLY change !!!
   1.429 -   ???MG
   1.430 +   ????SK ???MG
   1.431  if term2str t' = 
   1.432  "(2 * a ^^^ 3 + 2 * a ^^^ 2 * b) / (a ^^^ 2 * b + b ^^^ 3)"
   1.433  then ()
   1.434  else raise error "rational.sml.sml: diff.behav. in norm_Rational_mg 51";
   1.435 -*)
   1.436 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
   1.438  (*Schalk I, p.70 Nr. 480a *)
   1.439 -(* WN060831????SK NOT terminating*)
   1.440 +(* SK Achtung: rechnet ewig; cancel_p kann nicht krzen: WN060831????SK00
   1.441  val t = str2term 
   1.442  "(1/x+1/y+1/z)/(1/x - 1/y - 1/z) / (2*x^^^2/(x^^^2 - z^^^2)/(x/(x+z)+x/(x - z)))";
   1.443 -(*
   1.444  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
   1.445  term2str t;
   1.446  if (term2str t) = 
   1.447 @@ -1702,7 +1771,7 @@
   1.448  term2str t;
   1.449  "1"
   1.451 -(* SK 1. Ausdruck kann nicht weiter gekürzt werden; cancel_p !!!*)
   1.452 +(* SK 1. Ausdruck kann nicht weiter gekrzt werden; cancel_p !!!*)
   1.453  ###  rls: cancel_p on: 
   1.454  (x ^^^ 2 * (y ^^^ 2 * z) + x ^^^ 2 * (y * z ^^^ 2) + x * (y ^^^ 2 * z ^^^ 2)) /
   1.455  (-1 * (x ^^^ 2 * (y ^^^ 2 * z)) + -1 * (x ^^^ 2 * (y * z ^^^ 2)) + x * (y ^^^ 2 * z ^^^ 2))
   1.456 @@ -1714,13 +1783,18 @@
   1.457  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false cancel_p t;
   1.458  term2str t;
   1.459  (*uncaught exception nonexhaustive binding failure*)
   1.460 -*)
   1.462 -(*MG Das kann er aber kürzen !!????: *)
   1.463 +(* Das kann er aber krzen !!????: *)
   1.464  val t = str2term 
   1.465  "(x^^^2 * (y^^^2 * z) +  x * (y^^^2 * z^^^2)) / (-1 * (x^^^2 * (y * z^^^2)) + x * (y^^^2 * z^^^2))";
   1.466  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false cancel_p t;
   1.467 -term2str t = "(-1 * (y * x) + -1 * (z * y)) / (z * x + -1 * (z * y))";
   1.468 +term2str t;
   1.469 +"(-1 * (y * x) + -1 * (z * y)) / (1 * (z * x) + -1 * (z * y))";
   1.470 +*)
   1.471 +
   1.472 +
   1.473 +
   1.474 +
   1.477  (*--------------------------------------------------------------------*)
   1.478 @@ -1734,7 +1808,7 @@
   1.479  term2str t;
   1.480  *)
   1.482 -(* Kein Wunder, denn Zähler und Nenner extra als Polynom dargestellt ergibt:*)
   1.483 +(* Kein Wunder, denn Z???ler und Nenner extra als Polynom dargestellt ergibt:*)
   1.484  (*
   1.485  val t = str2term "(a-b)^^^3 * (x+y)^^^4";
   1.486  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
   1.487 @@ -1745,7 +1819,7 @@
   1.488  term2str t;
   1.489  "a^^^5 * x^^^2 + 2 * a^^^5 * x * y + a^^^5 * y^^^2 +\n-5 * a^^^4 * b * x^^^2 +\n-10 * a^^^4 * b * x * y +\n-5 * a^^^4 * b * y^^^2 +\n10 * a^^^3 * b^^^2 * x^^^2 +\n20 * a^^^3 * b^^^2 * x * y +\n10 * a^^^3 * b^^^2 * y^^^2 +\n-10 * a^^^2 * b^^^3 * x^^^2 +\n-20 * a^^^2 * b^^^3 * x * y +\n-10 * a^^^2 * b^^^3 * y^^^2 +\n5 * a * b^^^4 * x^^^2 +\n10 * a * b^^^4 * x * y +\n5 * a * b^^^4 * y^^^2 +\n-1 * b^^^5 * x^^^2 +\n-2 * b^^^5 * x * y +\n-1 * b^^^5 * y^^^2";
   1.490  *)
   1.491 -(*anscheinend macht dem Rechner das Kürzen diese Bruches keinen Spass mehr ...*)
   1.492 +(*anscheinend macht dem Rechner das Krzen diese Bruches keinen Spass mehr ...*)
   1.494  (*--------------------------------------------------------------------*)
   1.495  (*Schalk I, p.70 Nr. 480b *)
   1.496 @@ -1804,7 +1878,7 @@
   1.498  (*--------------------------------------------------------------------*)
   1.499  (* cancel_p liefert nicht immer Polynomnormalform (2): WN060831???SK3c
   1.500 -   ---> erzeugt überflüssige "1 * ..."
   1.501 +   ---> erzeugt berflssige "1 * ..."
   1.503  val t = str2term "-1 / (3 + y)";
   1.504  (*~~         *)
   1.505 @@ -1812,13 +1886,20 @@
   1.506  term2str t;
   1.507  "-1 / (3 + 1 * y)";
   1.508  (********* Das ist das PROBLEM !!!!!!!??? *******************)
   1.509 -(* -1 im Zähler der Angabe verursacht das Problem !*)
   1.510 +(* -1 im Z???ler der Angabe verursacht das Problem !*)
   1.511  *)
   1.513 -"----- corrected SK060905";
   1.514 +(* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *)
   1.515 +(*Eigenes*)
   1.516 +(* Achtung: Endlosschleife bei cancel_p:
   1.517  val t = str2term "(a^^^2 + -1)/(a+1)";
   1.518 +val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false make_polynomial t;
   1.519 +term2str t;
   1.520 +"(-1 + a^^^2) / (1 + a)";
   1.521  val Some (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false cancel_p t;
   1.522 -term2str t = "(-1 + a) / 1";
   1.523 +term2str t;
   1.524 +"(-1 + 1 * a) / 1"; (*OK*)
   1.525 +*)
   1.527  "----- NOT TERMINATING";
   1.528  val t = str2term "(a^^^2 - 1)*(b + 1) / ((b^^^2 - 1)*(a+1))";