sml-050210d sml-050210d sml-050210e-before-start sml-050211a-after-restore sml-05021b-before-redo-GETACCUMULATED
Thu, 10 Feb 2005 18:56:48 +0100
changeset 207964601833c623
parent 2078 7e48e10822cb
child 2080 17e2a1d8f5bb
     1.1 --- a/src/sml/ME/modspec.sml	Thu Feb 10 18:56:48 2005 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/src/sml/ME/modspec.sml	Thu Feb 10 18:56:48 2005 +0100
     1.3 @@ -1776,22 +1776,20 @@
     1.5    | pt_extract (pt,(p,Res)) =
     1.6      let val (f, asm) = get_obj g_result pt p
     1.7 -	val tac = Empty_Tac
     1.8 -(*
     1.9  	val tac = if last_onlev pt p
    1.10  		  then if is_pblobj' pt p
    1.11  		       then let val (PblObj{spec=(_,pI,_),...})= get_obj I pt p
    1.12  			    in if pI = e_pblID then None 
    1.13  			       else Some (Check_Postcond pI) end
    1.14 -		       else Some End_Trans
    1.15 -		  else 
    1.16 -
    1.17 -
    1.18 -@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
    1.19 -
    1.20 -
    1.21 -*)
    1.22 -    in (Form f, Some tac, asm) end
    1.23 +		       else Some End_Trans (*WN0502 TODO for other branches*)
    1.24 +		  else let val p' = lev_on p
    1.25 +		       in if is_pblobj' pt p'
    1.26 +			  then let val (PblObj{origin = (_,(dI,pI,_),_),...}) =
    1.27 +				       get_obj I pt p'
    1.28 +			       in Some (Subproblem (dI, pI)) end
    1.29 +			  else Some (get_obj g_tac pt p') end
    1.30 +    (*because this Frm is not on worksheet           ~~~*) 
    1.31 +    in (Form f, tac, asm) end
    1.33    | pt_extract (pt, pos as (p,p_(*Frm,Pbl*))) =
    1.34  (* val (pt, pos as (p,p_(*Frm,Pbl*))) = ptp;
    1.35 @@ -1799,6 +1797,7 @@
    1.36      let val ppobj = get_obj I pt p
    1.37  	val f = if is_pblobj ppobj then pt_model ppobj p_
    1.38  		else get_obj pt_form pt p
    1.39 +	val tac = g_tac ppobj
    1.40      in (f, Some Empty_Tac, []) end;
     2.1 --- a/src/sml/systest/ctree.sml	Thu Feb 10 18:56:48 2005 +0100
     2.2 +++ b/src/sml/systest/ctree.sml	Thu Feb 10 18:56:48 2005 +0100
     2.3 @@ -29,6 +29,12 @@
     2.4  (******************************************************************)
     2.5  (*              val get_trace = SAVE_get_trace;                   *)
     2.6  (******************************************************************)
     2.7 +
     2.8 +"=====new ptree 4 ratequation ====================================";
     2.9 +"-------------- pt_extract form, tac, asm<>[] --------------------";
    2.10 +"=====new ptree 5 minisubpbl =====================================";
    2.11 +"-------------- pt_extract form, tac, asm ------------------------";
    2.12 +
    2.13  "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    2.16 @@ -670,9 +676,62 @@
    2.17    | _ => raise error " ctree.sml: get_interval lev 1e";
    2.18  *)
    2.20 -
    2.21 -
    2.22 -
    2.23  (******************************************************************)
    2.24  (**)            val get_trace = SAVE_get_trace;                 (**)
    2.25  (******************************************************************)
    2.26 +
    2.27 +
    2.28 +"=====new ptree 4 ratequation ====================================";
    2.29 +"=====new ptree 4 ratequation ====================================";
    2.30 +"=====new ptree 4 ratequation ====================================";
    2.31 +states:=[];
    2.32 +CalcTree
    2.33 +[(["equality (x/(x^^^2 - 6*x+9) - 1/(x^^^2 - 3*x) =1/x)",
    2.34 +	   "solveFor x","solutions L"], 
    2.35 +  ("RatEq.thy",["univariate","equation"],["no_met"]))];
    2.36 +Iterator 1; moveActiveRoot 1;
    2.37 +autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc; 
    2.38 +val ((pt,_),_) = get_calc 1;
    2.39 +show_pt pt;
    2.40 +
    2.41 +"-------------- pt_extract form, tac, asm<>[] --------------------";
    2.42 +"-------------- pt_extract form, tac, asm<>[] --------------------";
    2.43 +"-------------- pt_extract form, tac, asm<>[] --------------------";
    2.44 +val (Form form, Some tac, asm) = pt_extract (pt, ([3], Res));
    2.45 +case (term2str form, tac, terms2strs asm) of
    2.46 +    ("(3 + (-1 * x + x ^^^ 2)) * x = 1 * (9 * x + (x ^^^ 3 + -6 * x ^^^ 2))",
    2.47 +     Subproblem
    2.48 +         ("PolyEq.thy",
    2.49 +          ["normalize", "polynomial", "univariate", "equation"]),
    2.50 +	 ["9 * x + (x ^^^ 3 + -6 * x ^^^ 2) ~= 0"]) => ()
    2.51 +  | _ => raise error " ctree.sml: pt_extract asm<>[]";
    2.52 +
    2.53 +
    2.54 +"=====new ptree 5 minisubpbl =====================================";
    2.55 +"=====new ptree 5 minisubpbl =====================================";
    2.56 +"=====new ptree 5 minisubpbl =====================================";
    2.57 +states:=[];
    2.58 +CalcTree
    2.59 + [(["equality (x+1=2)", "solveFor x","solutions L"], 
    2.60 +   ("Test.thy", 
    2.61 +    ["sqroot-test","univariate","equation","test"],
    2.62 +    ["Test","squ-equ-test-subpbl1"]))];
    2.63 +Iterator 1; moveActiveRoot 1;
    2.64 +autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc; 
    2.65 +val ((pt,_),_) = get_calc 1;
    2.66 +show_pt pt;
    2.67 +
    2.68 +"-------------- pt_extract form, tac, asm ------------------------";
    2.69 +"-------------- pt_extract form, tac, asm ------------------------";
    2.70 +"-------------- pt_extract form, tac, asm ------------------------";
    2.71 +val (ModSpec (_,_,form,_,_,_), Some tac, asm) = pt_extract (pt, ([], Pbl));
    2.72 +case (term2str form, tac, terms2strs asm) of
    2.73 +    ("solve (x + 1 = 2, x)", 
    2.74 +     Empty_Tac, (*?????????????????????????????????????????????????*)
    2.75 +     []) => ()
    2.76 +  | _ => raise error " ctree.sml: pt_extract ([], Pbl)";
    2.77 +
    2.78 +val (Form form, Some tac, asm) = pt_extract (pt, ([1], Frm));
    2.79 +case (term2str form, tac, terms2strs asm) of
    2.80 +    ("x + 1 = 2", Empty_Tac, []) => ()
    2.81 +  | _ => raise error " ctree.sml: pt_extract ([1], Frm)";