author wneuper
Sat, 20 Aug 2005 21:20:16 +0200
changeset 2918 cac1f942e1a1
parent 2917 2488337fd0dd
child 3741 dae3ad431527
permissions -rw-r--r--
find out why IntegrateScript doesnt work
     1 (* tests on integration over the reals
     2    author: Walther Neuper
     3    050814, 08:51
     4    (c) due to copyright terms
     6 use"~/proto2/isac/src/smltest/IsacKnowledge/integrate.sml";
     7 *)
     8 val thy = Integrate.thy;
    10 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    11 "table of contents -----------------------------------------------";
    12 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    13 "----------- parsing ---------------------------------------------";
    14 "----------- integrate by rewriting ------------------------------";
    15 "----------- test new_c ------------------------------------------";
    16 "----------- integrate by ruleset --------------------------------";
    17 "----------- check probem type -----------------------------------";
    18 "----------- check Scripts ---------------------------------------";
    19 "----------- me method [Diff,integration] ------------------------";
    20 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    21 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    22 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    24 "----------- parsing ---------------------------------------------";
    25 "----------- parsing ---------------------------------------------";
    26 "----------- parsing ---------------------------------------------";
    27 fun str2t str = (term_of o the o (parse Integrate.thy)) str;
    28 fun term2s t = Sign.string_of_term (sign_of Integrate.thy) t;
    30 val t = str2t "Integral x D x";
    31 val t = str2t "Integral x^^^2 D x";
    32 atomty thy t;
    35 "----------- integrate by rewriting ------------------------------";
    36 "----------- integrate by rewriting ------------------------------";
    37 "----------- integrate by rewriting ------------------------------";
    38 val conditions_in_integration_rules =
    39 Rls {id="conditions_in_integration_rules", 
    40      preconds = [], 
    41      rew_ord = ("termlessI",termlessI), 
    42      erls = Erls, 
    43      srls = Erls, calc = [],
    44      rules = [(*for rewriting conditions in Thm's*)
    45 	      Calc ("Atools.occurs'_in", 
    46 		    eval_occurs_in "#occurs_in_"),
    47 	      Thm ("not_true",num_str not_true),
    48 	      Thm ("not_false",not_false)
    49 	      ],
    50      scr = EmptyScr};
    51 val subs = [(str2t "bdv", str2t "x")];
    52 fun rewrit thm str = 
    53     fst (the (rewrite_inst_ Integrate.thy tless_true 
    54 			   conditions_in_integration_rules 
    55 			   true subs thm str));
    56 val str = rewrit integral_const (str2t "Integral 1 D x"); term2s str;
    57 val str = rewrit integral_const (str2t  "Integral M'/EJ D x"); term2s str;
    58 val str = (rewrit integral_const (str2t "Integral x D x")) 
    59     handle OPTION => str2t "no_rewrite";
    61 val str = rewrit integral_var (str2t "Integral x D x"); term2s str;
    62 val str = (rewrit integral_var (str2t "Integral a D x"))
    63     handle OPTION => str2t "no_rewrite";
    65 val str = rewrit integral_add (str2t "Integral x + 1 D x"); term2s str;
    67 val str = rewrit integral_mult (str2t "Integral M'/EJ * x^^^3 D x");term2s str;
    68 val str = (rewrit integral_mult (str2t "Integral x * x D x"))
    69     handle OPTION => str2t "no_rewrite";
    71 val str = rewrit integral_pow (str2t "Integral x^^^3 D x"); term2s str;
    74 "----------- test new_c ------------------------------------------";
    75 "----------- test new_c ------------------------------------------";
    76 "----------- test new_c ------------------------------------------";
    77 val term = str2t "x^^^2*c + c_2";
    78 val cc = new_c term;
    79 if term2s cc = "c_3" then () else raise error "integrate.sml: new_c ???";
    81 val term = str2t "new_c (c * x^^^2 + c_2)";
    82 val Some (_,t') = eval_new_c 0 0 term 0;
    83 if term2s t' = "new_c c * x ^^^ 2 + c_2 = c_3" then ()
    84 else raise error "integrate.sml: eval_new_c ???";
    86 val t = str2t "matches (?u + new_c ?v) (x ^^^ 2 / 2)";
    87 val Some (_,t') = eval_matches "" "Tools.matches" t thy; term2s t';
    88 if term2s t' = "matches (?u + new_c ?v) (x ^^^ 2 / 2) = False" then ()
    89 else raise error "integrate.sml: matches new_c = False";
    91 val t = str2t "matches (?u + new_c ?v) (x ^^^ 2 / 2 + new_c x ^^^ 2 / 2)";
    92 val Some (_,t') = eval_matches "" "Tools.matches" t thy; term2s t';
    93 if term2s t'="matches (?u + new_c ?v) (x ^^^ 2 / 2 + new_c x ^^^ 2 / 2) = True"
    94 then () else raise error "integrate.sml: matches new_c = True";
    96 val conditions_in_integration =
    97 Rls {id="conditions_in_integration", 
    98 			       preconds = [], 
    99 			       rew_ord = ("termlessI",termlessI), 
   100 			       erls = Erls, 
   101 			       srls = Erls, calc = [],
   102 			       rules = [Calc ("Tools.matches",eval_matches ""),
   103 					Thm ("not_true",num_str not_true),
   104 					Thm ("not_false",num_str not_false)
   105 					],
   106 			       scr = EmptyScr};
   107 fun rewrit thm str = 
   108     fst (the (rewrite_inst_ Integrate.thy tless_true 
   109 			    conditions_in_integration true subs thm str));
   110 val str = rewrit call_for_new_c (str2t "x ^^^ 2 / 2"); term2s str;
   111 val str = (rewrit call_for_new_c str)
   112     handle OPTION =>  str2t "no_rewrite";;
   115 "----------- integrate by ruleset --------------------------------";
   116 "----------- integrate by ruleset --------------------------------";
   117 "----------- integrate by ruleset --------------------------------";
   118 fun rewrite_se subs rls str = 
   119     fst (the (rewrite_set_inst "Integrate.thy" true subs rls str));
   120 val subs = [("bdv","x::real")];
   121 val rls = "integration_rules";
   122 val str = rewrite_se subs rls "Integral x D x";
   123 val str = rewrite_se subs rls "Integral c * x ^^^ 2 + c_2 D x";
   124 if str = "c * (x ^^^ 3 / 3) + c_2 * x"
   125 then () else raise error "integrate.sml: diff.behav. in integration_rules";
   127 val rls = "add_new_c";
   128 val str = rewrite_se subs rls "c * (x ^^^ 3 / 3) + c_2 * x";
   129 if str = "c * (x ^^^ 3 / 3) + c_2 * x + c_3" then () 
   130 else raise error "integrate.sml: diff.behav. in add_new_c";
   132 val rls = "integration";
   133 val str = rewrite_se subs rls "Integral c * x ^^^ 2 + c_2 D x";
   134 if str = "c * (x ^^^ 3 / 3) + c_2 * x + c_3"
   135 then () else raise error "integrate.sml: diff.behav. in integration";
   138 "----------- check probem type -----------------------------------";
   139 "----------- check probem type -----------------------------------";
   140 "----------- check probem type -----------------------------------";
   141 val model = {Given =["functionTerm f_", "integrateBy v_"],
   142 	   Where =[],
   143 	   Find  =["antiDerivative F_"],
   144 	   With  =[],
   145 	   Relate=[]}:string ppc;
   146 val chkmodel = ((map (the o (parse Integrate.thy))) o ppc2list) model;
   147 val t1 = (term_of o hd) chkmodel;
   148 val t2 = (term_of o hd o tl) chkmodel;
   149 val t3 = (term_of o hd o tl o tl) chkmodel;
   150 case t3 of Const ("Integrate.antiDerivative", _) $ _ => ()
   151 	 | _ => raise error "integrate.sml: Integrate.antiDerivative ???";
   152 show_ptyps();
   153 val pbl = get_pbt ["integrate","function"];
   154 case #cas pbl of Some (Const ("Integrate.Integrate",_) $ _) => ()
   155 	 | _ => raise error "integrate.sml: Integrate.Integrate ???";
   158 "----------- check Scripts ---------------------------------------";
   159 "----------- check Scripts ---------------------------------------";
   160 "----------- check Scripts ---------------------------------------";
   161 val str = 
   162 "Script IntegrationScript (f_::real) (v_::real) =               \
   163 \  (let t_ = Integral f_ D v_                                 \
   164 \   in (Rewrite_Set_Inst [(bdv,v_)] integration False) (t_::real))";
   165 val sc = ((inst_abs thy) o term_of o the o (parse thy)) str;
   166 atomty thy sc;
   168 val str = 
   169 "Script NamedIntegrationScript (f_::real) (v_::real) (F_::real) = \
   170 \  (let t_ = (F_ = Integral f_ D v_)                                 \
   171 \   in (Rewrite_Set_Inst [(bdv,v_)] integration False) t_)";
   172 val sc = ((inst_abs thy) o term_of o the o (parse thy)) str;
   173 atomty thy sc;
   174 show_mets();
   177 "----------- me method [Diff,integration] ---------------------";
   178 "----------- me method [Diff,integration] ---------------------";
   179 "----------- me method [Diff,integration] ---------------------";
   180 val fmz = ["functionTerm (x^^^2 + 1)", 
   181 	   "integrateBy x","antiDerivative FF"];
   182 val (dI',pI',mI') =
   183   ("Integrate.thy",["integrate","function"],
   184    ["Diff","integration"]);
   185 val p = e_pos'; val c = []; 
   186 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = CalcTreeTEST [(fmz, (dI',pI',mI'))];
   187 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   188 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   189 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   190 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   191 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   192 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   193 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   194 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;(*---> Empty_Tac*)