author wneuper
Thu, 21 Feb 2008 14:19:57 +0100
changeset 3893 c6e6c271ee07
parent 3881 72f0be16d83b
child 3928 d38196e9b162
permissions -rw-r--r--
Tactic#showToBeginner theorems, intermed.
     1 /*
     2  * #############################################################################
     3  * ATTENTION: BridgeMain must be started because of BridgeRMI (design fault) !?!
     4  * #############################################################################
     5  * 
     6  * @author Walther Neuper, member of the ISAC-team, Copyright (c) 2004 by
     7  * Walther Neuper created Aug 30, 2004, 11:58:35 AM Institute for
     8  * Softwaretechnology, Graz University of Technology, Austria.
     9  * 
    10  * Use is subject to license terms.
    11  */
    12 package isac.bridge;
    14 import;
    15 import;
    16 import;
    17 import;
    18 import;
    19 import;
    20 import java.util.Vector;
    22 import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
    24 import isac.interfaces.ICalcElement;
    25 import isac.interfaces.ICalcIterator;
    26 import isac.interfaces.IToCalc;
    27 import isac.interfaces.IToUser;
    28 import isac.kestore.KEStoreServices;
    29 import isac.util.CalcChanged;
    30 import isac.util.Formalization;
    31 import isac.util.formulae.Assumptions;
    32 import isac.util.formulae.CalcHead;
    33 import isac.util.formulae.CalcFormula;
    34 import isac.util.formulae.Formula;
    35 import isac.util.formulae.Position;
    36 import isac.util.parser.FormalizationDigest;
    37 import isac.util.tactics.Tactic;
    38 import junit.framework.TestCase;
    40 /**
    41  * @author Walther Neuper Aug 30, 2004, 11:58:35 AM
    42  * 
    43  * ATTENTION: if these tests fail,
    44  * @see {} if formalization has
    45  *      changed, i.e. if there is an error to be handled first:
    46  * 
    47  * the file 'step_a.fmz' is _VERY_ sensible against changes in Formalization, it
    48  * is copied from isac/util/parser/data/exp_IsacCore_Tests_1b.fmz
    49  */
    50 public class TestBridge extends TestCase {
    52     static Logger logger_ = Logger.getLogger(MathEngine.class.getName());
    54     /**
    55      * tests the example 'IsacCore/Tests/minipbl_with_mini-subpbl' comprising UC
    56      * 'start auto calculation' \label{SPECIFY:START:auto}
    57      *  
    58      */
    59     public void testMinisubpblAutoCalc() throws Exception {
    60         System.out
    61                 .println("---BEGIN isac.bridge.TestBridge#testMinisubpblAutoCalc");
    63         //load the file of the example,
    64         //see TestKEStoreServices#testLoadContentMinisubpbl
    65         KEStoreServices ks = new KEStoreServices("isac/xmldata");
    66         Vector vec = ks.loadContent("exp", "exp_IsacCore_Tests_1b.xml");
    67         //parse out the Formalization
    68         //see TestFormalizationDigest#testParseExplMini
    69         String xmlstr = (String) vec.firstElement();
    70         FormalizationDigest fd = new FormalizationDigest();
    71         Formalization fmz = fd.parseFormalization((String) xmlstr);
    72         System.out.println(".end step_a-----");
    74         //start the calculation
    75         MathEngine.init("localhost");
    76         MathEngine me = MathEngine.getMathEngine();
    78         IToCalc ct = me.getCalcTree(fmz);
    79         IToUser user = new MockIToUser();
    80         ct.addDataChangeListener(user);
    81         CalcChanged cce = null;
    82         System.out.println(".end step_a-----");
    83         //end step_a
    84         // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    86         ct.completeCalcHead();
    87         // sent to bridge: autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalcHead;
    88         ICalcIterator ci = ct.getActiveFormula();
    89         //######^ drop: push addDataChangeListener towards/into
    90         //######^ startCalculation and fetch ci from CalcChanged:
    91         //ci = (ICalcIterator) cce.getLastGeneratedFormula().clone();
    92         CalcHead ch = (CalcHead) ci.getFormula();
    93         System.out.println(".end step_b-----");
    94         //end step_b
    95         // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    97         //autoCalculate
    98         System.out.println(".autoCalculate");
    99         ct.autoCalculate(IToCalc.SCOPE_CALCULATION, 0);
   101         cce = ((MockIToUser) user).getCalcChangedEvent();
   102         assertEquals("unchanged", cce.getLastUnchangedFormula().toSMLString(),
   103                 "([],Met)");
   104         assertEquals("deleted", cce.getLastDeletedFormula().toSMLString(),
   105                 "([],Met)");
   106         assertEquals("generated", cce.getLastGeneratedFormula().toSMLString(),
   107                 "([],Res)");
   108         System.out.println(".end step_c-----");
   109         //end step_c
   110         // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   112         //display the steps generated
   113         Object fch = null;
   114         ci = (ICalcIterator) cce.getLastUnchangedFormula().cloneIterator();
   115         int i = 0;
   116         // while (ci.compareTo(cce.getLastGeneratedFormula()) < 0) {
   117         // i++;
   118         // boolean b = ci.moveDown();
   119         // System.out.print("..iterator at " + ci.toSMLString());
   120         // fch = ci.getFormula();
   121         // System.out.println(" yields "
   122         // + ((ICalcElement) fch).toSMLString());
   123         // }
   124         Vector elems = cce.getLastUnchangedFormula().getFormulaeFromTo(
   125                 cce.getLastGeneratedFormula(), new Integer(2), false);
   126         for (i = 0; i < elems.size(); i++) {
   127             System.out.println(" yields "
   128                     + ((ICalcElement) elems.elementAt(i)).toSMLString());
   129         }
   130         System.out.println("mini-auto: steps= " + i);
   131         assertEquals("mini-auto: steps= ", i, 10);
   132         assertEquals("mini-auto: last step", ((ICalcElement) elems
   133                 .elementAt(i - 1)).toSMLString(), "[x = 1]");
   134         System.out.println(".end step_d-----");
   135         //end step_d
   136         // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   138         logger_.debug("---END isac.bridge.TestBridge#testMinisubpblAutoCalc");
   139         System.out
   140                 .println("---END isac.bridge.TestBridge#testMinisubpblAutoCalc");
   141     }
   143     /***************************************************************************
   144      * tests the example 'IsacCore/Tests/minipbl_with_mini-subpbl' comprising UC
   145      * 'start interactive calculation' \label{SPECIFY:START:interactive} +
   146      * \label{SOLVE:AUTO:one}}
   147      * 
   148      * step_a like above
   149      */
   150     public void testMinisubpblNextStep() throws Exception {
   151         System.out
   152                 .println("---BEGIN isac.bridge.TestBridge#testMinisubpblNextStep");
   154         //load the file of the example,
   155         //see TestKEStoreServices#testLoadContentMinisubpbl
   156         KEStoreServices ks = new KEStoreServices("isac/xmldata");
   157         Vector vec = ks.loadContent("exp", "exp_IsacCore_Tests_1b.xml");
   158         //parse out the Formalization
   159         //see TestFormalizationDigest#testParseExplMini
   160         String xmlstr = (String) vec.firstElement();
   161         FormalizationDigest fd = new FormalizationDigest();
   162         Formalization fmz = fd.parseFormalization((String) xmlstr);
   163         System.out.println(".end step_a-----");
   165         //start the calculation
   166         MathEngine.init("localhost");
   167         MathEngine me = MathEngine.getMathEngine();
   169         IToCalc ct = me.getCalcTree(fmz);
   170         IToUser user = new MockIToUser();
   171         ct.addDataChangeListener(user);
   172         CalcChanged cce = null;
   173         System.out.println(".end step_a-----");
   174         //end step_a
   175         // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   177         ct.completeCalcHead();
   178         ICalcIterator ci = ct.getActiveFormula();
   179         CalcHead ch = (CalcHead) ci.getFormula();
   180         System.out.println(".end step_b-----");
   181         //end step_b
   182         // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   184         //let calculate the first formula
   185         Tactic tac = ct.fetchProposedTactic();
   186         //sent to bridge: fetchProposedTactic 1;
   187         System.out.println(".2nd tac:" + tac.toSMLString());
   188         assertEquals("mini-step: 2nd form", tac.toSMLString(),
   189                 "Apply_Method [\"Test\",\"squ-equ-test-subpbl1\"]");
   190         ct.setNextTactic(tac);
   191         //sent to bridge: setNextTactic 1
   192         // (Apply_Method["Test","squ-equ-test-subpbl1"]);
   193         ct.autoCalculate(IToCalc.SCOPE_CALCULATION,1);
   195         cce = ((MockIToUser) user).getCalcChangedEvent();
   196         assertEquals("unchanged", cce.getLastUnchangedFormula().toSMLString(),
   197                 "([],Met)");
   198         assertEquals("deleted", cce.getLastDeletedFormula().toSMLString(),
   199                 "([],Met)");
   200         assertEquals("generated", cce.getLastGeneratedFormula().toSMLString(),
   201                 "([1],Frm)");
   203         Vector elems = ci.getFormulaeFromTo(cce.getLastGeneratedFormula(),
   204                 new Integer(2), false);
   205         CalcFormula fa = (CalcFormula) (elems.firstElement());
   206         System.out.println(".2nd form: " + fa.toSMLString());
   207         assertEquals("mini-auto: 2nd form", fa.toSMLString(), "x + 1 = 2");
   209         System.out.println(".end step_c-----");
   210         //end step_c
   211         // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   213         //let calculate the second formula
   214         tac = ct.fetchProposedTactic();
   215         System.out.println(".3rd tac: " + tac.toSMLString());
   216         assertEquals("mini-step: 3rd tac", tac.toSMLString(),
   217                 "Rewrite_Set \"norm_equation\"");
   219         ct.setNextTactic(tac);
   220         //sent to bridge: autoCalculate 5 (Step 1);
   221         ct.autoCalculate(IToCalc.SCOPE_CALCULATION,1);
   222         cce = ((MockIToUser) user).getCalcChangedEvent();
   223         assertEquals("unchanged", cce.getLastUnchangedFormula().toSMLString(),
   224                 "([1],Frm)");
   225         assertEquals("deleted", cce.getLastDeletedFormula().toSMLString(),
   226                 "([1],Frm)");
   227         assertEquals("generated", cce.getLastGeneratedFormula().toSMLString(),
   228                 "([1],Res)");
   230         fa = (CalcFormula) (cce.getLastGeneratedFormula()).getElement();
   231         System.out.println(".3rd form: " + fa.toSMLString());
   232         assertEquals("mini-auto: 3rd form", fa.toSMLString(),
   233                 "x + 1 + -1 * 2 = 0");
   235         System.out.println(".end step_d-----");
   236         //end step_d
   237         // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   239         //set next a NOT applicable tactis (the one from above)
   240         ct.setNextTactic(tac);
   241         //cce = ((MockIToUser) user).getCalcChangedEvent();
   242         //.....WN050222 implicit autoCalculate disturbs the following step
   243         System.out.println(".end step_e-----");
   244         //end step_e
   245         // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   247         //.....WN050222 implicit autoCalculate disturbed the following step
   248         //WN050711 not restored according to corrected autoCalculate
   249         //			//let calculate the third formula
   250         //			tac = ct.fetchProposedTactic();
   251         //			assertEquals("mini-step: 4th tac", tac.toSMLString(),
   252         //					"Rewrite_Set \"Test_simplify\"");
   253         //	
   254         //			ct.setNextTactic(tac);
   255         //			cce = ((MockIToUser) user).getCalcChangedEvent();
   256         //			//@@@@@error@@@error@@@error@@@error@@@error@@@----"([2],Res)"
   257         //			assertEquals("unchanged",
   258         // cce.getLastUnchangedFormula().toSMLString(),
   259         //					"([2],Res)");//"([1],Res)");...correct, but see
   260         //			// CalcTree#setNextTactic
   261         //			//@@@@@error@@@error@@@error@@@error@@@error@@@----"([2],Res)"
   262         //			assertEquals("deleted", cce.getLastDeletedFormula().toSMLString(),
   263         //					"([2],Res)");//"([1],Res)");...correct, but see
   264         //			// CalcTree#setNextTactic
   265         //			assertEquals("generated",
   266         // cce.getLastGeneratedFormula().toSMLString(),
   267         //					"([2],Res)");
   268         //	
   269         //			fa = (CalcFormula) (cce.getLastGeneratedFormula()).getFormula();
   270         //			System.out.println(".4th form:" + fa.toSMLString());
   271         //			assertEquals("mini-auto: 4th form", fa.toSMLString(), "-1 + x = 0");
   272         //	
   273         //			System.out.println(".end step_f-----");
   274         //			//end step_f
   275         //			//
   276         // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   277     }
   279     /**
   280      * uses the example 'IsacCore/Tests/minipbl_with_mini-subpbl'; comprises the
   281      * usecase UC\label{SOLVE:INFO:intermediate-steps} see
   282      * smltest/FE-interface/interface.sml "interSteps: on 'miniscript with
   283      * mini-subpbl'"
   284      */
   285     public void testIntermediateSteps() throws Exception {
   286         System.out
   287                 .println("---BEGIN isac.bridge.TestBridgeInput#testIntermediateSteps");
   289         //load the file of the example,
   290         //see TestKEStoreServices#testLoadContentMinisubpbl
   291         KEStoreServices ks = new KEStoreServices("isac/xmldata");
   292         Vector vec = ks.loadContent("exp", "exp_IsacCore_Tests_1b.xml");
   293         //parse out the Formalization
   294         //see TestFormalizationDigest#testParseExplMini
   295         String xmlstr = (String) vec.firstElement();
   296         FormalizationDigest fd = new FormalizationDigest();
   297         Formalization fmz = fd.parseFormalization((String) xmlstr);
   298         System.out.println(".end step_a-----");
   300         //start the calculation
   301         MathEngine.init("localhost");
   302         MathEngine me = MathEngine.getMathEngine();
   304         IToCalc ct = me.getCalcTree(fmz);
   305         IToUser user = new MockIToUser();
   306         ct.addDataChangeListener(user);
   307         CalcChanged cce = null;
   308         System.out.println(".end step_a-----");
   309         //end step_a
   310         // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   312         ct.autoCalculate(IToCalc.SCOPE_CALCULATION, 0);
   313         // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   315         // intermediateSteps(([2],Res)) gives 6 new steps
   316         Position pos = new Position();//([2],Res)
   317         pos.addInt("2");
   318         pos.setKind("Res");
   319         ICalcIterator ci = new CalcIterator((CalcTree) ct, pos);
   321         ct.intermediateSteps(ci);
   322         cce = ((MockIToUser) user).getCalcChangedEvent();
   323         Vector elems = cce.getLastUnchangedFormula().getFormulaeFromTo(
   324                 cce.getLastGeneratedFormula(), new Integer(3), false);
   325         CalcFormula fch = null;
   326         for (int i = 0; i < elems.size(); i++) {
   327             fch = (CalcFormula) elems.elementAt(i);
   328                 System.out.println(".step " + i + ": "
   329                         + ((CalcFormula) fch).getPosition().toSMLString() + " "
   330                         + fch.toSMLString());
   331         }
   332         System.out.println(".-------");
   333         assertEquals("mini-auto: steps= ", elems.size(), 7);
   334         assertEquals("mini-auto: first step", ((ICalcElement) elems
   335                 .firstElement()).toSMLString(), "x + 1 + -1 * 2 = 0");
   336         assertEquals("mini-auto: last step", ((ICalcElement) elems
   337                 .lastElement()).toSMLString(), "-1 + x = 0");
   339         // intermediateSteps(([3,2],Res)) gives 3 new steps
   340         pos = new Position();//([3,2],Res)
   341         pos.addInt("3");
   342         pos.addInt("2");
   343         pos.setKind("Res");
   344         ci = new CalcIterator((CalcTree) ct, pos);
   346         ct.intermediateSteps(ci);
   347         cce = ((MockIToUser) user).getCalcChangedEvent();
   348         elems = cce.getLastUnchangedFormula().getFormulaeFromTo(
   349                 cce.getLastGeneratedFormula(), new Integer(3), false);
   350         fch = null;
   351         for (int i = 0; i < elems.size(); i++) {
   352             fch = (CalcFormula) elems.elementAt(i);
   353                 System.out.println(".step " + i + ": "
   354                         + ((CalcFormula) fch).getPosition().toSMLString() + " "
   355                         + fch.toSMLString());
   356         }
   357         System.out.println(".-------");
   358         assertEquals("mini-auto: steps= ", elems.size(), 3);
   359         assertEquals("mini-auto: first step", ((ICalcElement) elems
   360                 .firstElement()).toSMLString(), "x = 0 + -1 * -1");
   361         assertEquals("mini-auto: last step", ((ICalcElement) elems
   362                 .lastElement()).toSMLString(), "x = 1");
   364         // intermediateSteps(([3],Res)) on CalcHead gives NO new steps
   365         pos = new Position();//([3],Res)
   366         pos.addInt("3");
   367         pos.setKind("Res");
   368         ci = new CalcIterator((CalcTree) ct, pos);
   370         ct.intermediateSteps(ci);
   371         cce = ((MockIToUser) user).getCalcChangedEvent();
   372         elems = cce.getLastUnchangedFormula().getFormulaeFromTo(
   373                 cce.getLastGeneratedFormula(), new Integer(1), false);
   374         fch = null;
   375         for (int i = 0; i < elems.size(); i++) {
   376             fch = (CalcFormula) elems.elementAt(i);
   377                 System.out.println(".step " + i + ": "
   378                         + ((CalcFormula) fch).getPosition().toSMLString() + " "
   379                         + fch.toSMLString());
   380         }
   381         System.out.println(".-------");
   382         assertEquals("mini-auto: steps= ", elems.size(), 3);
   383         assertEquals("mini-auto: first step", ((ICalcElement) elems
   384                 .firstElement()).toSMLString(), "-1 + x = 0");
   385         assertEquals("mini-auto: last step", ((ICalcElement) elems
   386                 .lastElement()).toSMLString(), "x = 1");
   388         // intermediateSteps(([],Res)) gives whole calctree (on 1st level)
   389         pos = new Position();//([],Res)
   390         pos.setKind("Res");
   391         ci = new CalcIterator((CalcTree) ct, pos);
   393         ct.intermediateSteps(ci);
   394         cce = ((MockIToUser) user).getCalcChangedEvent();
   395         elems = cce.getLastUnchangedFormula().getFormulaeFromTo(
   396                 cce.getLastGeneratedFormula(), new Integer(1), false);
   397         fch = null;
   398         for (int i = 0; i < elems.size(); i++) {
   399             fch = (CalcFormula) elems.elementAt(i);
   400                 System.out.println(".step " + i + ": "
   401                         + ((CalcFormula) fch).getPosition().toSMLString() + " "
   402                         + fch.toSMLString());
   403         }
   404         assertEquals("mini-auto: steps= ", elems.size(), 6);
   405         assertEquals("mini-auto: first step", ((ICalcElement) elems
   406                 .firstElement()).toSMLString(), "x + 1 = 2");
   407         assertEquals("mini-auto: last step", ((ICalcElement) elems
   408                 .lastElement()).toSMLString(), "[x = 1]");
   409     }
   411     /**
   412      * uses the example 'IsacCore/Tests/minipbl_with_mini-subpbl'; comprises the
   413      * UC\label{SOLVE:HIDE:getTactic} and UC\label{SOLVE:MANUAL:TACTIC:listall}
   414      * see smltest/FE-interface/interface.sml '- getTactic, fetchApplicableTactics -'
   415      */
   416     public void testTactics() throws Exception {
   417         System.out.println("---BEGIN isac.bridge.TestBridge#testTactics");
   419         //load the file of the example,
   420         //see TestKEStoreServices#testLoadContentMinisubpbl
   421         KEStoreServices ks = new KEStoreServices("isac/xmldata");
   422         Vector vec = ks.loadContent("exp", "exp_IsacCore_Tests_1b.xml");
   423         //parse out the Formalization
   424         //see TestFormalizationDigest#testParseExplMini
   425         String xmlstr = (String) vec.firstElement();
   426         FormalizationDigest fd = new FormalizationDigest();
   427         Formalization fmz = fd.parseFormalization((String) xmlstr);
   428         System.out.println(".end step_a-----");
   430         //start the calculation
   431         MathEngine.init("localhost");
   432         MathEngine me = MathEngine.getMathEngine();
   434         IToCalc ct = me.getCalcTree(fmz);
   435         IToUser user = new MockIToUser();
   436         ct.addDataChangeListener(user);
   437         CalcChanged cce = null;
   438         System.out.println(".end step_a-----");
   439         //end step_a
   440         // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   442         ct.autoCalculate(IToCalc.SCOPE_CALCULATION, 0);
   443         // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   445         // on (root) CalcHead: also with getApplicableTactics only one Tactic
   446         Position pos = new Position();//([],Pbl)
   447         pos.setKind("Pbl");
   448         ICalcIterator ci = new CalcIterator((CalcTree) ct, pos);
   450         Tactic tac = ci.getTactic();// <--------------------------------
   451         assertEquals("at ([],Pbl) found: ", ((Tactic) tac).toSMLString(),
   452                 "Apply_Method [\"Test\",\"squ-equ-test-subpbl1\"]");
   454         Vector tacs = ci.getApplicableTactics(99999);// <---------------
   455         assertEquals(((Tactic) tacs.firstElement()).toSMLString(),
   456                 "Apply_Method [\"Test\",\"squ-equ-test-subpbl1\"]");
   457         assertEquals("number of appl. tacs = ", tacs.size(), 1);
   459         // somewhere in rootproblem: all Tactics in the method
   460         pos = new Position();//([1],Res)
   461         pos.addInt("1");
   462         pos.setKind("Res");
   463         ci = new CalcIterator((CalcTree) ct, pos);
   465         tac = ci.getTactic();// <---------------------------------------
   466         assertEquals(tac.toSMLString(), "Rewrite_Set \"Test_simplify\"");
   468         tacs = ci.getApplicableTactics(99999);// <----------------------
   469         System.out.println(".at " + ci.toSMLString() + ":");
   470         for (int i = 0; i < tacs.size(); i++)
   471             System.out.println(".." + ((Tactic) tacs.get(i)).toSMLString());
   472         assertEquals("number of appl. tacs = ", tacs.size(), 3);
   474         // on CalcHead of subproblem: only Apply_Method
   475         pos = new Position();//([3],Pbl)
   476         pos.addInt("3");
   477         pos.setKind("Pbl");
   478         ci = new CalcIterator((CalcTree) ct, pos);
   480         tac = ci.getTactic();// <---------------------------------------
   481         assertEquals(tac.toSMLString(),
   482                 "Apply_Method [\"Test\",\"solve_linear\"]");
   484         tacs = ci.getApplicableTactics(99999);// <----------------------
   485         assertEquals("at ([3],Pbl) found: ", ((Tactic) tacs.firstElement())
   486                 .toSMLString(), "Apply_Method [\"Test\",\"solve_linear\"]");
   487         assertEquals("number of appl. tacs = ", tacs.size(), 1);
   489         // somewhere in subproblem: all Tactics in this (other) method
   490         pos = new Position();//([3,1],Res)
   491         pos.addInt("3");
   492         pos.addInt("1");
   493         pos.setKind("Res");
   494         ci = new CalcIterator((CalcTree) ct, pos);
   496         tac = ci.getTactic();// <---------------------------------------
   497         assertEquals(tac.toSMLString(), "Rewrite_Set \"Test_simplify\"");
   499         tacs = ci.getApplicableTactics(99999);// <----------------------
   500         System.out.println(".at " + ci.toSMLString() + ":");
   501         for (int i = 0; i < tacs.size(); i++)
   502             System.out.println(".." + ((Tactic) tacs.get(i)).toSMLString());
   503         assertEquals("at ([3,1],Res) found: ", tacs.size(), 3);
   505         // on the result of the subproblem again all tacs of the rootpbl
   506         pos = new Position();//([3],Res)
   507         pos.addInt("3");
   508         pos.setKind("Res");
   509         ci = new CalcIterator((CalcTree) ct, pos);
   511         tac = ci.getTactic();// <---------------------------------------
   512         assertEquals(tac.toSMLString(), "Check_elementwise \"Assumptions\"");
   514         tacs = ci.getApplicableTactics(99999);// <----------------------
   515         System.out.println(".at " + ci.toSMLString() + ":");
   516         for (int i = 0; i < tacs.size(); i++)
   517             System.out.println(".." + ((Tactic) tacs.get(i)).toSMLString());
   518         assertEquals("at ([3],Res) found: ", tacs.size(), 1);
   520         // but on the final result there are _NO_ tacs applicable
   521         pos = new Position();//([],Res)
   522         pos.setKind("Res");
   523         ci = new CalcIterator((CalcTree) ct, pos);
   524         // tac = ci.getTactic();// <------------------------------------
   525         // tacs = ci.getApplicableTactics(99999);// <-------------------
   526         // TODO handle error msg
   527     }
   529     /**
   530      * uses the example 'IsacCore/Tests/rat.equ, asms'; comprises the usecases
   531      * UC\label{SOLVE:HELP:assumptions} and
   532      * *UC\label{SOLVE:HELP:assumptions-origin} smltest/FE-interface/interface.sml '-
   533      * getAssumptions, getAccumulatedAsms -'
   534      */
   535     public void testAssumptions() throws Exception {
   536         System.out.println("---BEGIN isac.bridge.TestBridge#testAssumptions");
   538         //load the file of the example,
   539         //see TestKEStoreServices#testLoadContentMinisubpbl
   540         KEStoreServices ks = new KEStoreServices("isac/xmldata");
   541         Vector vec = ks.loadContent("exp", "exp_IsacCore_Tests_1c.xml");
   542         //parse out the Formalization
   543         //see TestFormalizationDigest#testParseExplMini
   544         String xmlstr = (String) vec.firstElement();
   545         FormalizationDigest fd = new FormalizationDigest();
   546         Formalization fmz = fd.parseFormalization((String) xmlstr);
   547         System.out.println(".end step_a-----");
   549         //start the calculation
   550         MathEngine.init("localhost");
   551         MathEngine me = MathEngine.getMathEngine();
   553         IToCalc ct = me.getCalcTree(fmz);
   554         IToUser user = new MockIToUser();
   555         ct.addDataChangeListener(user);
   556         CalcChanged cce = null;
   557         System.out.println(".end step_a-----");
   558         //end step_a
   559         // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   561         ct.autoCalculate(IToCalc.SCOPE_CALCULATION, 0);
   563         //		for (int i = 0; i < forms.size(); i++)
   564         //			System.out.println(".asm= "
   565         //					+ ((Formula) forms.elementAt(i)).toSMLString());
   567         // here the assumption arises
   568         Position pos = new Position();//([3],Res)
   569         pos.addInt("3");
   570         pos.setKind("Res");
   571         CalcIterator ci = new CalcIterator((CalcTree) ct, pos);
   573         Assumptions asm = ci.getAssumptions();//<---------------------------
   574         Vector forms = asm.getFormulae();
   575         assertEquals("asm generated here:", ((Formula) forms.firstElement())
   576                 .toSMLString(), "9 * x + -6 * x ^ 2 + x ^ 3 ~= 0");
   577         asm = ci.getAccumulatedAssumptions();//<----------------------------
   578         forms = asm.getFormulae();
   579         assertEquals("is the only asm:", ((Formula) forms.firstElement())
   580                 .toSMLString(), "9 * x + -6 * x ^ 2 + x ^ 3 ~= 0");
   582         // here the assumption is checked
   583         pos = new Position();//([5],Res)
   584         pos.addInt("5");
   585         pos.setKind("Res");
   586         ci = new CalcIterator((CalcTree) ct, pos);
   588         asm = ci.getAssumptions();//<---------------------------------------
   589         forms = asm.getFormulae();
   590         assertEquals("here no asm generated:", forms.size(), 0);
   591         asm = ci.getAccumulatedAssumptions();//<----------------------------
   592         forms = asm.getFormulae();
   593         assertEquals("acumulated from above:", ((Formula) forms.firstElement())
   594                 .toSMLString(), "9 * x + -6 * x ^ 2 + x ^ 3 ~= 0");
   596         System.out.println("---END isac.bridge.TestBridge");
   597     }
   599 }