author Walther Neuper <>
Sun, 16 Aug 2015 15:14:31 +0200
changeset 4773 086b1413d0ae
parent 4771 3ed5dc655f8e
child 4779 67cd32a43ec2
permissions -rw-r--r--
PIDE-phase-2a: another chaotic changeset
     1 /* 
     2  * @author Walther Neuper
     3  * Copyright (c) due to license terms
     4  * Created on Jul 14, 2015
     5  * Institute for Softwaretechnology, Graz University of Technology, Austria.
     6  */
     8 package isac.bridge.xml
    10 import isac.bridge.CChanged
    11 import isac.util.formulae.CalcFormula
    12 import isac.util.formulae.CalcHead
    13 import isac.util.formulae.Formula
    14 import isac.util.formulae.Position
    15 import isac.util.formulae.Specification
    16 import isac.util.tactics.Tactic
    17 import isac.util.Variant
    18 import isac.util.Formalization
    19 import isac.wsdialog.IContextProvider.ContextType;
    21 import isabelle.XML
    22 import isabelle.Markup
    24 import java.util.ArrayList
    25 import java.util.Vector
    26 import java.math.BigInteger
    27 import scala.math.BigInt
    28 import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
    29 import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
    31 /**
    32  * Convert arguments of JSystem.invoke(Operations.* to XML;
    33  * Conversions use Scala's pattern matching, which is not available in Java.
    34  * The sequence in the kernel's signature below is maintained.
    35  */
    36 object JavaToIsa {
    38 /* from isabisac/src/Tools/Frontend/interface.sml
    39 signature MATH_ENGINE =
    40   sig
    41     val appendFormula : calcID -> cterm' -> XML.tree
    42     val autoCalculate : calcID -> auto -> XML.tree
    43     val applyTactic : calcID -> pos' -> tac -> XML.tree
    44     val CalcTree : fmz list -> XML.tree
    45     val checkContext : calcID -> pos' -> guh -> XML.tree
    46     val DEconstrCalcTree : calcID -> XML.tree
    47     val fetchApplicableTactics : calcID -> int -> pos' -> XML.tree
    48     val fetchProposedTactic : calcID -> XML.tree
    49     val findFillpatterns : calcID -> errpatID -> XML.tree
    50     val getAccumulatedAsms : calcID -> pos' -> XML.tree
    51     val getActiveFormula : calcID -> XML.tree
    52     val getAssumptions : calcID -> pos' -> XML.tree
    53     val getFormulaeFromTo : calcID -> pos' -> pos' -> int -> bool -> XML.tree
    54     val getTactic : calcID -> pos' -> XML.tree
    55     val initContext : calcID -> ketype -> pos' -> XML.tree
    56     val inputFillFormula: calcID -> string -> XML.tree
    57     val interSteps : calcID -> pos' -> XML.tree
    58     val Iterator : calcID -> XML.tree
    59     val IteratorTEST : calcID -> iterID
    60     val modelProblem : calcID -> XML.tree
    61     val modifyCalcHead : calcID -> icalhd -> XML.tree
    62     val moveActiveCalcHead : calcID -> XML.tree
    63     val moveActiveDown : calcID -> XML.tree
    64     val moveActiveFormula : calcID -> pos' -> XML.tree
    65     val moveActiveLevelDown : calcID -> XML.tree
    66     val moveActiveLevelUp : calcID -> XML.tree
    67     val moveActiveRoot : calcID -> XML.tree
    68     val moveActiveRootTEST : calcID -> XML.tree
    69     val moveActiveUp : calcID -> XML.tree
    70     val moveCalcHead : calcID -> pos' -> XML.tree
    71     val moveDown : calcID -> pos' -> XML.tree
    72     val moveLevelDown : calcID -> pos' -> XML.tree
    73     val moveLevelUp : calcID -> pos' -> XML.tree
    74     val moveRoot : calcID -> XML.tree
    75     val moveUp : calcID -> pos' -> XML.tree
    76     val refFormula : calcID -> pos' -> XML.tree
    77     val refineProblem : calcID -> pos' -> guh -> XML.tree
    78     val replaceFormula : calcID -> cterm' -> XML.tree
    79     val requestFillformula : calcID -> errpatID * fillpatID -> XML.tree
    80     val resetCalcHead : calcID -> XML.tree
    81     val setContext : calcID -> pos' -> guh -> XML.tree
    82     val setMethod : calcID -> metID -> XML.tree
    83     val setNextTactic : calcID -> tac -> XML.tree
    84     val setProblem : calcID -> pblID -> XML.tree
    85     val setTheory : calcID -> thyID -> XML.tree
    86   end
    87 */
    89   //fun appendFormula : calcID -> cterm' -> XML.tree
    90   def append_form(calcid: scala.math.BigInt, form: String): XML.Tree =
    91   { XML.Elem(Markup("APPENDFORMULA", Nil), List(
    92       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString()))),
    93       DataTypes.xml_of_Formula(form)))
    94   }
    96   //fun autoCalculate : calcID -> auto -> XML.tree
    97   def auto_calculate(calcid: scala.math.BigInt, scope: String, steps: scala.math.BigInt): XML.Tree =
    98   { //ATTENTION the "if" below is according to "fun xml_to_auto" in datatypes.sml, 
    99     //but NOT according to "if/else if" in BridgeRMI#autoCalculate for "isabelle tty".
   100     if (steps == 0)
   101       XML.Elem(Markup("AUTOCALC", Nil), List(
   102         XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString()))),
   103         XML.Elem(Markup("AUTO", Nil), List(XML.Text(scope)))))
   104     else
   105       //dataypes.sml:
   106       //xml_to_auto (XML.Elem (("AUTO", []), [XML.Text "Step", XML.Text i])) = Step (int_of_str i |>the)
   107       XML.Elem(Markup("AUTOCALC", Nil), List(
   108         XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString()))),
   109         XML.Elem(Markup("AUTO", Nil), List(XML.Text("Step"), XML.Text(steps.toString())))))
   110   }
   112   //fun applyTactic : calcID -> pos' -> tac -> XML.tree  ...NOT IMPL. IN isac-java WN150813
   113   //fun CalcTree : fmz list -> XML.tree                  ...uses only DataTypes..fmz..
   115   //fun checkContext : calcID -> pos' -> guh -> XML.tree
   116   def   check_ctxt(calcid: scala.math.BigInt, from: Position, kestore_key: String): XML.Tree =
   117   { XML.Elem(Markup("CONTEXTTHY", Nil), List(
   118       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString()))),
   119       DataTypes.xml_of_Position(from),
   120       XML.Elem(Markup("GUH", Nil), List(XML.Text(kestore_key)))))
   121   } 
   123   //fun DEconstrCalcTree : calcID -> XML.tree further ado: scala.math.BigInt
   125   //fun fetchApplicableTactics : calcID -> int -> pos' -> XML.tree
   126   def   fetch_applicable_tacs(calcid: scala.math.BigInt, scope: scala.math.BigInt, pos: Position): XML.Tree =
   127   { XML.Elem(Markup("APPLICABLETACTICS", Nil), List(
   128       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString()))),
   129       XML.Elem(Markup("INT", Nil), List(XML.Text(scope.toString()))),
   130       DataTypes.xml_of_Position(pos)))
   131   } 
   133   //fun fetchProposedTactic : calcID -> XML.tree
   134   def   fetch_proposed_tac(calcid: scala.math.BigInt): XML.Tree =
   135   { XML.Elem(Markup("NEXTTAC", Nil), List(
   136       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString())))))
   137   } 
   139   //fun findFillpatterns : calcID -> errpatID -> XML.tree  
   140   //... only implemented in Math_Engine
   142   //fun getAccumulatedAsms : calcID -> pos' -> XML.tree
   143   def   get_accumulated_asms(calcid: scala.math.BigInt, pos: Position): XML.Tree =
   144   { XML.Elem(Markup("GETASSUMPTIONS", Nil), List(
   145       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString()))),
   146       DataTypes.xml_of_Position(pos)))
   147   } 
   149   //fun getActiveFormula : calcID -> XML.tree
   150   def   get_active_form(calcid: scala.math.BigInt): XML.Tree =
   151   { XML.Elem(Markup("CALCITERATOR", Nil), List(
   152       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString())))))
   153   } 
   154   //fun getAssumptions : calcID -> pos' -> XML.tree
   155   def   get_asms(calcid: scala.math.BigInt, pos: Position): XML.Tree =
   156   { XML.Elem(Markup("APPLICABLETACTICS", Nil), List(
   157       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString()))),
   158       DataTypes.xml_of_Position(pos)))
   159   } 
   161   //fun getFormulaeFromTo : calcID -> pos' -> pos' -> int -> bool -> XML.tree
   162   //def get_formulae(calcid: scala.math.BigInt, from: ICalcIterator,to: ICalcIterator,
   163   def   get_formulae(calcid: scala.math.BigInt, from: Position,     to: Position,
   164     level: scala.math.BigInt, rules: Boolean): XML.Tree =
   165   { XML.Elem(Markup("GETFORMULAEFROMTO", Nil), List(
   166       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString()))),
   167       DataTypes.xml_of_Position(from), //Isabelle/Isac needs no further data from ICalcIterator
   168       DataTypes.xml_of_Position(to),
   169       XML.Elem(Markup("INT", Nil), List(XML.Text(level.toString()))),
   170       XML.Elem(Markup("BOOL", Nil), List(XML.Text(rules.toString)))))
   171   } 
   173   //fun getTactic : calcID -> pos' -> XML.tree
   174   def   get_tac(calcid: scala.math.BigInt, pos: Position): XML.Tree =
   175   { XML.Elem(Markup("GETTACTIC", Nil), List(
   176       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString()))),
   177       DataTypes.xml_of_Position(pos)))
   178   } 
   180   //fun initContext : calcID -> ketype -> pos' -> XML.tree
   181   def   init_ctxt(calcid: scala.math.BigInt, ketype: ContextType, pos: Position): XML.Tree =
   182   { XML.Elem(Markup("GETASSUMPTIONS", Nil), List(
   183       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString()))),
   184       DataTypes.xml_of_ContextType(ketype),
   185       DataTypes.xml_of_Position(pos) ))
   186   }
   188   //fun inputFillFormula: calcID -> string -> XML.tree   
   189   //... ONLY IMPL. IN Math_Engine
   191   //fun interSteps : calcID -> pos' -> XML.tree
   192   def   inter_steps(calcid: scala.math.BigInt, pos: Position): XML.Tree =
   193   { XML.Elem(Markup("INTERSTEPS", Nil), List(
   194       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString()))),
   195       DataTypes.xml_of_Position(pos)))
   196   } 
   198   //fun Iterator : calcID -> XML.tree                ...IS ONLY A scala.math.BigInt
   199   //fun IteratorTEST : calcID -> iterID              ... only relevant for Isabelle/Isac
   200   //fun modelProblem : calcID -> XML.tree            ...IS ONLY A scala.math.BigInt
   201   //fun modifyCalcHead : calcID -> icalhd -> XML.tree
   202   def   modify_calchead(calcid: scala.math.BigInt, calchead: CalcHead): XML.Tree =
   203   { XML.Elem(Markup("MODIFYCALCHEAD", Nil), List(
   204       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString()))),
   205   //====== TODO xml_of_CalcHead not finished =========================================
   206       DataTypes.xml_of_CalcHead(calchead)))
   207   } 
   209   //fun moveActiveCalcHead : calcID -> XML.tree
   210   def   move_active_calchead(calcid: scala.math.BigInt): XML.Tree =
   211   { XML.Elem(Markup("CALCITERATOR", Nil), List(
   212       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString())))))
   213   } 
   215   // BridgeRMI#moveActiveDown needs Protocol#move_active_down + Protocol#move_down
   216   //fun moveActiveDown : calcID -> XML.tree
   217   def   move_active_down(calcid: scala.math.BigInt): XML.Tree =
   218   { XML.Elem(Markup("CALCITERATOR", Nil), List(
   219       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString())))))
   220   } 
   222   //fun moveActiveFormula : calcID -> pos' -> XML.tree
   223   def   move_active_form(calcid: scala.math.BigInt, pos: Position): XML.Tree =
   224   { XML.Elem(Markup("CALCITERATOR", Nil), List(
   225       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString()))),
   226       DataTypes.xml_of_Position(pos)))
   227   } 
   229   //fun moveActiveLevelDown : calcID -> XML.tree
   230   def   move_active_levdown(calcid: scala.math.BigInt): XML.Tree =
   231   { XML.Elem(Markup("CALCITERATOR", Nil), List(
   232       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString())))))
   233   } 
   235   //fun moveActiveLevelUp : calcID -> XML.tree
   236   def   move_active_levup(calcid: scala.math.BigInt): XML.Tree =
   237   { XML.Elem(Markup("CALCITERATOR", Nil), List(
   238       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString())))))
   239   } 
   241   //fun moveActiveRoot : calcID -> XML.tree
   242   def   moveactiveroot(calcid: scala.math.BigInt): XML.Tree =
   243   { XML.Elem(Markup("CALCITERATOR", Nil), List(
   244       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString())))))
   245   } 
   247   //fun moveActiveRootTEST : calcID -> XML.tree
   248   //... only relevant for Isabelle/Isac
   250   //fun moveActiveUp : calcID -> XML.tree
   251   def   move_active_up(calcid: scala.math.BigInt): XML.Tree =
   252   { XML.Elem(Markup("CALCITERATOR", Nil), List(
   253       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString())))))
   254   } 
   256   //fun moveCalcHead : calcID -> pos' -> XML.tree
   257   def   move_calchead(calcid: scala.math.BigInt, pos: Position): XML.Tree =
   258   { XML.Elem(Markup("GETTACTIC"/*shortcut in coding*/, Nil), List(
   259       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString()))),
   260       DataTypes.xml_of_Position(pos)))
   261   } 
   263   //fun moveDown : calcID -> pos' -> XML.tree
   264   def   move_down(calcid: scala.math.BigInt, pos: Position): XML.Tree =
   265   { XML.Elem(Markup("CALCITERATOR", Nil), List(
   266       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString()))),
   267       DataTypes.xml_of_Position(pos)))
   268   } 
   269   //fun moveLevelDown : calcID -> pos' -> XML.tree
   270   def   move_levdn(calcid: scala.math.BigInt, pos: Position): XML.Tree =
   271   { XML.Elem(Markup("CALCITERATOR", Nil), List(
   272       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString()))),
   273       DataTypes.xml_of_Position(pos)))
   274   } 
   275   //fun moveLevelUp : calcID -> pos' -> XML.tree
   276   def   move_levup(calcid: scala.math.BigInt, pos: Position): XML.Tree =
   277   { XML.Elem(Markup("CALCITERATOR", Nil), List(
   278       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString()))),
   279       DataTypes.xml_of_Position(pos)))
   280   } 
   281   //fun moveRoot : calcID -> XML.tree
   282   def   move_root(calcid: scala.math.BigInt): XML.Tree =
   283   { XML.Elem(Markup("CALCITERATOR", Nil), List(
   284       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString())))))
   285   } 
   286   //fun moveUp : calcID -> pos' -> XML.tree
   287   def   move_up(calcid: scala.math.BigInt, pos: Position): XML.Tree =
   288   { XML.Elem(Markup("CALCITERATOR", Nil), List(
   289       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString()))),
   290       DataTypes.xml_of_Position(pos)))
   291   } 
   293   //fun refFormula : calcID -> pos' -> XML.tree
   294   //def ref_formula(calcid: scala.math.BigInt, pos: ICalcIterator 
   295   def   ref_formula(calcid: scala.math.BigInt, pos: Position): XML.Tree =
   296   { XML.Elem(Markup("REFFORMULA", Nil), List(
   297       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString()))),
   298       DataTypes.xml_of_Position(pos)))
   299   }  
   301   //fun refineProblem : calcID -> pos' -> guh -> XML.tree
   302   def   refine_pbl(calcid: scala.math.BigInt, from: Position, kestore_key: String): XML.Tree =
   303   { XML.Elem(Markup("CONTEXTPBL", Nil), List(
   304       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString()))),
   305       DataTypes.xml_of_Position(from),
   306       XML.Elem(Markup("GUH", Nil), List(XML.Text(kestore_key)))))
   307   } 
   309   //fun replaceFormula : calcID -> cterm' -> XML.tree
   310   def replace_form(calcid: scala.math.BigInt, form: String): XML.Tree =
   311   { XML.Elem(Markup("REPLACEFORMULA", Nil), List(
   312       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString()))),
   313       DataTypes.xml_of_Formula(form)))
   314   }
   316   //fun requestFillformula : calcID -> errpatID * fillpatID -> XML.tree
   317   //...ONLY IMPLEMENTED IN Math_Engine
   319   //fun resetCalcHead : calcID -> XML.tree
   320   def reset_calchead(calcid: scala.math.BigInt): XML.Tree =
   321   { XML.Elem(Markup("MODIFYCALCHEAD", Nil), List(
   322       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString())))))
   323   }
   325   //fun setContext : calcID -> pos' -> guh -> XML.tree
   326   def   set_ctxt(calcid: scala.math.BigInt, pos: Position, kestore_key: String): XML.Tree =
   327   { XML.Elem(Markup("CONTEXT", Nil), List(
   328       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString()))),
   329       DataTypes.xml_of_Position(pos),
   330       XML.Elem(Markup("GUH", Nil), List(XML.Text(kestore_key)))))
   331   } 
   333   //fun setMethod : calcID -> metID -> XML.tree
   334   //======= TODO ============ metID =============================================
   335 //  def   set_met(calcid: scala.math.BigInt, kestore_key: String): XML.Tree =
   336 //  { XML.Elem(Markup("CONTEXT", Nil), List(
   337 //      XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString()))),
   338 //      DataTypes.xml_of_Position(pos),
   339 //      XML.Elem(Markup("GUH", Nil), List(XML.Text(kestore_key)))))
   340 //  } 
   342   //fun setNextTactic : calcID -> tac -> XML.tree
   343   def   set_next_tac(calcid: scala.math.BigInt, tac: Tactic): XML.Tree =
   344   { XML.Elem(Markup("CONTEXT", Nil), List(
   345       XML.Elem(Markup("CALCID", Nil), List(XML.Text(calcid.toString()))),
   346       DataTypesCompanion.xml_of_Tactic(tac)))
   347   } 
   348   //======= TODO ================ tac ===========================================
   350   //fun setProblem : calcID -> pblID -> XML.tree
   351   //======= TODO ============= pblID =============================================
   352   //fun setTheory : calcID -> thyID -> XML.tree
   353   //======= GOON TODO ================================================================
   356 }