changeset 328 c2c709366301
child 703 751332b50cdc
equal deleted inserted replaced
327:421ece82f68c 328:c2c709366301
     1 (* tools for model-specify and ptyps
     2    use"ME/mstools.sml";
     3    use"mstools.sml";
     4    *)
     8 (*27.8.01: problem-environment*)
     9 type penv = (term          (*err_*)
    10 	     * (term list) (*[#0, epsilon]*)
    11 	     ) list;
    12 fun pen2str thy (t, ts) =
    13     pair2str(Sign.string_of_term (sign_of thy) t,
    14 	     (strs2str' o map (Sign.string_of_term (sign_of thy))) ts);
    15 fun penv2str thy (penv:penv) = (strs2str' o (map (pen2str thy))) penv;
    17 type envv = (int * penv) list;
    19 (*. 14.9.01: not used after putting penv-values into itm_
    20       make the result of split_* a value of problem-environment .*)
    21 fun mkval dsc [] = raise error "mkval called with []"
    22   | mkval dsc [t] = t
    23   | mkval dsc ts = list2isalist ((type_of o hd) ts) ts;
    28 (*. get the constant value from a penv .*)
    29 fun getval (id, values) = 
    30     case values of
    31 	[] => raise error ("penv_value: no values in '"^
    32 			   (Sign.string_of_term (sign_of Tools.thy) id))
    33       | [v] => (id, v)
    34       | (v1::v2::_) => (case v1 of 
    35 			     Const ("Script.Arbfix",_) => (id, v2)
    36 			   | _ => (id, v1));
    37 (*
    38   val e_ = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "e_::bool";
    39   val ev = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "#4 + #3 * x^^^#2 = #0";
    40   val v_ = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "v_";
    41   val vv = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "x";
    42   val r_ = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "err_::bool";
    43   val rv1 = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "eps";
    44   val rv2 = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "#0";
    46   val penv = [(e_,[ev]),(v_,[vv]),(r_,[rv2,rv1])]:penv;
    47   map getval penv;
    48 [(Free ("e_","bool"),
    49   Const (#,#) $ (# $ # $ (# $ #)) $ Free ("#0","RealDef.real")),
    50  (Free ("v_","RealDef.real"),Free ("x","RealDef.real")),
    51  (Free ("err_","bool"),Free ("#0","RealDef.real"))] : (term * term) list      
    52 *)
    55 (*23.3.02 TODO: ideas on redesign of type itm_,type item,type ori,type item ppc
    56 (1) kinds of itms:
    57   (1.1) untouched: for modeling only dsc displayed(impossible after match_itms)
    58         =(presently) Mis (? should be Inc initially, and Mis after match_itms?)
    59   (1.2)  Syn,Typ,Sup: not related to oris
    60     Syn, Typ (presently) should be accepted in appl_add (instead Error')
    61     Sup      (presently) should be accepted in appl_add (instead Error')
    62          _could_ be w.r.t current vat (and then _is_ related to vat
    63     Mis should _not_ be  made Inc ((presently, by appl_add & match_itms)
    64 - dsc in itm_ is timeconsuming -- keep id for respective queries ?
    65 - order of items in ppc should be stable w.r.t order of itms
    67 - stepwise input of itms --- match_itms (in one go) ..not koordinated
    68   - unify code
    69   - match_itms / match_itms_oris ..2 versions ?!
    70     (fast, for refine / slow, for modeling)
    72 - clarify: efficiency <--> simplicity !!!
    73   ?: shift dsc itm_ -> itm | discard int in ori,itm | take int instead dsc 
    74     | take int for perserving order of item ppc in itms 
    75     | make all(!?) handling of itms stable against reordering(?)
    76     | field in ori ?? (not from fmz!) -- meant for efficiency (not doc!???)
    77       -"- "#undef" ?= not touched ?= (id,..)
    78 -----------------------------------------------------------------
    79 27.3.02:
    80 def: type pbt = (field, (dsc, pid))
    82 (1) fmz + pbt -> oris
    83 (2) input + oris -> itm
    84 (3) match_itms      : schnell(?) f"ur refine
    85     match_itms_oris : r"uckmeldung f"ur item ppc
    87 (1.1) in oris fehlt daher pid: (i,v,f,d,ts,pid)
    88 ---------- ^^^^^ --- dh. pbt meist als argument zu viel !!!
    90 (3.1) abwarten, wie das matchen mehr unterschiedlicher pbt's sich macht;
    91       wenn Problem pbt v"ollig neue, dann w"are eigentlich n"otig ????:
    92       (a) (_,_,d1,ts,_):ori + pbt -> (i,vt,d2,ts,pid)  dh.vt neu  ????
    93       (b) 
    94 *)
    99 (*4.9.01: not consistent:
   100   after Init_Proof 'Inc', but after copy_probl 'Mis' - for same situation
   101   (involves 'is_error');
   102   bool in itm really necessary ???*)
   103 datatype itm_ = 
   104     Cor of (term *              (* description *)
   105 	    (term list)) *      (* for list: elem-wise input *) 
   106 	   (term * (term list)) (* elem of penv *)
   107   | Syn of cterm'
   108   | Typ of cterm'
   109   | Inc of (term * (term list))	* (term * (term list)) (*lists only !*)
   110   | Sup of (term * (term list)) (* user-input not found in pbt *)
   111   | Mis of (term * term)        (* pbt-item not found in pbl: only dsc, pid_ *)
   112 (*| Inc of bool --- instead of istate in itm ?26.1.00?*);
   114 type vats = int list;      (*variants in formalizations*)
   116 (*.data-type for working on pbl/met-ppc: 
   117    in pbl initially holds descriptions (only) for user guidance.*)
   118 type itm = 
   119   int *        (* id  =0 .. untouched - descript (only) from init 
   120 		  23.3.02: seems to correspond to ori (fun insert_ppc)
   121 		           with the purpose to maintain order in item ppc?*)
   122   vats *       (* variants - copy from ori *)
   123   bool *       (* input on this item is not/complete *)
   124   string *     (* #Given | #Find | #Relate *)
   125   itm_;        (*  *)
   126 (* use"ME/sequent.sml";
   127    *)
   128 val e_itm = (0,[],false,"e_itm",Syn"e_itm"):itm;
   130 (* find most frequent variant v in itms *)
   132 fun vts_in itms = (distinct o flat o (map #2)) (itms:itm list);
   134 fun cnt itms v = (v,(length o (filter (curry op= v)) o 
   135 		     flat o (map #2)) (itms:itm list));
   136 fun vts_cnt vts itms = map (cnt itms) vts;
   137 fun max2 [] = raise error "max2 of []"
   138   | max2 (y::ys) =
   139   let fun mx (a,x) [] = (a,x)
   140 	| mx (a,x) ((b,y)::ys) = 
   141     if x < y then mx (b,y) ys else mx (a,x) ys;
   142 in mx y ys end;
   144 (*. find the variant with most items already input .*)
   145 fun max_vt itms = 
   146     let val vts = (vts_cnt (vts_in itms)) itms;
   147     in if vts = [] then 0 else (fst o max2) vts end;
   150 (* TODO ev. make more efficient by avoiding flat *)
   151 fun mk_e (Cor (_, iv)) = [getval iv]
   152   | mk_e (Syn _) = []
   153   | mk_e (Typ _) = [] 
   154   | mk_e (Inc (_, iv)) = [getval iv]
   155   | mk_e (Sup _) = []
   156   | mk_e (Mis _) = [];
   157 fun mk_en vt ((i,vts,b,f,itm_):itm) =
   158     if vt mem vts then mk_e itm_ else [];
   159 (*. extract the environment from an item list; 
   160     takes the variant with most items .*)
   161 fun mk_env itms = 
   162     let val vt = max_vt itms
   163     in (flat o (map (mk_en vt))) itms end;
   167 (*. example as provided by an author, complete w.r.t. pbt specified 
   168     not touched by any user action                                 .*)
   169 type ori = (int *      (* id: 10.3.00ff impl. only <>0 .. touched 
   170 			  21.3.02: insert_ppc needs it ! ?:purpose maintain
   171 				   order in item ppc ???*)
   172 	    vats *     (* variants 21.3.02: related to pbt..discard ?*)
   173 	    string *   (* #Given | #Find | #Relate 21.3.02: discard ?*)
   174 	    term *     (* description *)
   175 	    term list  (* isalist2list t | [t] *)
   176 	    );
   177 val e_ori_ = (0,[],"",e_term,[e_term]):ori;
   178 val e_ori = (0,[],"",e_term,[e_term]):ori;
   179 (* [e_ori_]:ori;
   180 val it = [(0,[],"",Const (#,#),[Const #])] : ori
   181 *)
   182 fun ori2str ((i,vs,fi,t,ts):ori) = 
   183     "("^(string_of_int i)^", "^((strs2str o (map string_of_int)) vs)^", "^fi^","^
   184     (term2str t)^", "^((strs2str o (map term2str)) ts)^")";
   185 fun ori02str (vs,fi,t,ts) = 
   186     "("^((strs2str o (map string_of_int)) vs)^", "^fi^", "^
   187     (term2str t)^", "^((strs2str o (map term2str)) ts)^")";
   192 (*. given the input value (from split_dts)
   193     make the value in a problem-env according to description-type .*)
   194 (*28.8.01: .nam and .una impl. properly, others copied .. TODO*)
   195 fun pbl_ids thy (Const(_,Type("fun",[_,Type("Tools.nam",_)]))) v =
   196     if is_list v 
   197     then [v]         (*eg. [r=Arbfix]*)
   198     else (case v of  (*eg. eps=#0*)
   199 	      (Const ("op =",_) $ l $ r) => [r,l]
   200 	    | _ => raise error ("pbl_ids Tools.nam: no equality "
   201 				^(Sign.string_of_term (sign_of thy) v)))
   202   | pbl_ids thy (Const(_,Type("fun",[_,Type("Tools.una",_)]))) v = [v]
   203   | pbl_ids thy (Const(_,Type("fun",[_,Type("Tools.unl",_)]))) v = [v]
   204   | pbl_ids thy (Const(_,Type("fun",[_,Type("Tools.str",_)]))) v = [v]
   205   | pbl_ids thy (Const(_,Type("fun",[_,Type("Tools.toreal",_)]))) v = [v] 
   206   | pbl_ids thy (Const(_,Type("fun",[_,Type("Tools.toreall",_)])))v = [v] 
   207   | pbl_ids thy (Const(_,Type("fun",[_,Type("Tools.unknown",_)])))v = [v] 
   208   | pbl_ids thy _ v = raise error ("pbl_ids: not implemented for "
   209 				    ^(Sign.string_of_term (sign_of thy) v));
   210 (*
   211   val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "fixedValues [r=Arbfix]";
   212   val (d,argl) = strip_comb t;
   213   is_dsc d;                      (*see split_dts*)
   214   dest_list (d,argl);
   215   val (_ $ v) = t;
   216   is_list v;
   217   pbl_ids thy d v;
   218 [Const ("List.list.Cons","[bool, bool List.list] => bool List.list") $
   219        (Const # $ Free # $ Const (#,#)) $ Const ("List.list.Nil","bool List..
   221   val (dsc,vl,_) = (split_dts o term_of o the o (parse thy)) "solveFor x";
   222 val dsc = Const ("Descript.solveFor","RealDef.real => Tools.una") : term
   223 val vl = Free ("x","RealDef.real") : term 
   225   val (dsc,id) = (split_did o term_of o the o (parse thy)) "solveFor v_";
   226   pbl_ids thy dsc vl;
   227 val it = [Free ("x","RealDef.real")] : term list
   229   val (dsc,vl,_) = (split_dts o term_of o the o(parse thy))
   230 		       "errorBound (eps=#0)";
   231   val (dsc,id) = (split_did o term_of o the o(parse thy)) "errorBound err_";
   232   pbl_ids thy dsc vl;
   233 val it = [Free ("#0","RealDef.real"),Free ("eps","RealDef.real")] : term list     *)
   235 (*. given an already input itm, ((14.9.01: no difference to pbl_ids jet!!))
   236     make the value in a problem-env according to description-type .*)
   237 (*28.8.01: .nam and .una impl. properly, others copied .. TODO*)
   238 fun pbl_ids' (Const(_,Type("fun",[_,Type("Tools.nam",_)]))) vs =
   239     (case vs of 
   240 	 [] => raise error ("pbl_ids' Tools.nam called with []")
   241        | [t] => (case t of  (*eg. eps=#0*)
   242 		     (Const ("op =",_) $ l $ r) => [r,l]
   243 		   | _ => raise error ("pbl_ids' Tools.nam: no equality "
   244 				       ^(Sign.string_of_term (sign_of thy) t)))
   245        | vs' => vs (*14.9.01: ???TODO *))
   246   | pbl_ids' (Const(_,Type("fun",[_,Type("Tools.una",_)]))) vs = vs
   247   | pbl_ids' (Const(_,Type("fun",[_,Type("Tools.unl",_)]))) vs = vs
   248   | pbl_ids' (Const(_,Type("fun",[_,Type("Tools.str",_)]))) vs = vs
   249   | pbl_ids' (Const(_,Type("fun",[_,Type("Tools.toreal",_)]))) vs = vs 
   250   | pbl_ids' (Const(_,Type("fun",[_,Type("Tools.toreall",_)])))vs = vs 
   251   | pbl_ids' (Const(_,Type("fun",[_,Type("Tools.unknown",_)])))vs = vs 
   252   | pbl_ids'  _ vs = 
   253     raise error ("pbl_ids': not implemented for "
   254 		 ^(terms2str vs));
   256 (*
   257 @@@@@ v
   258 *)
   265 (*14.9.01: not used after putting values for penv into itm_*)
   266 fun upd_penv thy penv dsc (id, vl) =
   267   overwrite (penv, (id, pbl_ids thy dsc vl));
   268 (* 
   269   val penv = [];
   270   val (dsc,vl) = (split_did o term_of o the o (parse thy)) "solveFor x";
   271   val (dsc,id) = (split_did o term_of o the o (parse thy)) "solveFor v_";
   272   val penv = upd_penv thy penv dsc (id, vl);
   273 [(Free ("v_","RealDef.real"),
   274   [Const (#,#) $ Free (#,#) $ Free ("#0","RealDef.real")])]
   275 : (term * term list) list                                                     
   277   val (dsc,vl) = (split_did o term_of o the o(parse thy))"errorBound (eps=#0)";
   278   val (dsc,id) = (split_did o term_of o the o(parse thy))"errorBound err_";
   279   upd_penv thy penv dsc (id, vl);
   280 [(Free ("v_","RealDef.real"),
   281   [Const (#,#) $ Free (#,#) $ Free ("#0","RealDef.real")]),
   282  (Free ("err_","bool"),
   283   [Free ("#0","RealDef.real"),Free ("eps","RealDef.real")])]
   284 : (term * term list) list    ^.........!!!!
   285 *)
   288 fun upd thy envv dsc (id, vl) i =
   289     let val penv = case assoc (envv, i) of
   290 		       Some e => e
   291 		     | None => [];
   292         val penv' = upd_penv thy penv dsc (id, vl);
   293     in (i, penv') end;
   294 (*
   295   val i = 2;
   296   val envv = [(1,[]:penv),(2,[]:penv),(3,[]:penv)]:envv;
   297   val (dsc,vl) = (split_did o term_of o the o(parse thy))"boundVariable b";
   298   val (dsc,id) = (split_did o term_of o the o(parse thy))"boundVariable v_";
   299   upd thy envv dsc (id, vl) i;
   300 val it = (2,[(Free ("v_","RealDef.real"),[Free ("b","RealDef.real")])])
   301   : int * (term * term list) list*)
   304 (*14.9.01: not used after putting pre-penv into itm_*)
   305 fun upd_envv thy (envv:envv) (vats:vats) dsc id vl  =
   306     let val vats = if length vats = 0 
   307 		   then (*unknown id to _all_ variants*)
   308 		       if length envv = 0 then [1]
   309 		       else (intsto o length) envv 
   310 		   else vats
   311 	fun isin vats (i,_) = i mem vats;
   312 	val envs_notin_vat = filter_out (isin vats) envv;
   313     in ((map (upd thy envv dsc (id, vl)) vats) @ envs_notin_vat):envv end;
   314 (*
   315   val envv = [(1,[]:penv),(2,[]:penv),(3,[]:penv)]:envv;
   317   val vats = [2] 
   318   val (dsc,vl) = (split_did o term_of o the o(parse thy))"boundVariable b";
   319   val (dsc,id) = (split_did o term_of o the o(parse thy))"boundVariable v_";
   320   val envv = upd_envv thy envv vats dsc id vl;
   321 val envv = [(2,[(Free ("v_","RealDef.real"),[Free ("b","RealDef.real")])])]
   322   : (int * (term * term list) list) list
   324   val vats = [1,2,3];
   325   val (dsc,vl) = (split_did o term_of o the o(parse thy))"maximum A";
   326   val (dsc,id) = (split_did o term_of o the o(parse thy))"maximum m_";
   327   upd_envv thy envv vats dsc id vl;
   328 [(1,[(Free ("m_","bool"),[Free ("A","bool")])]),
   329  (2,
   330   [(Free ("v_","RealDef.real"),[Free ("b","RealDef.real")]),
   331    (Free ("m_","bool"),[Free ("A","bool")])]),
   332  (3,[(Free ("m_","bool"),[Free ("A","bool")])])]
   333 : (int * (term * term list) list) list
   336   val env = []:envv;
   337   val (d,ts) = (split_dts o term_of o the o (parse thy))
   338 		   "fixedValues [r=Arbfix]";
   339   val (_,id) = (split_did o term_of o the o (parse thy))"fixedValues fix_";
   340   val vats = [1,2,3];
   341   val env = upd_envv thy env vats d id (mkval ts);
   342 *)
   344 (*. update envv by folding from a list of arguments .*)
   345 fun upds_envv thy envv [] = envv
   346   | upds_envv thy envv ((vs, dsc, id, vl)::ps) = 
   347     upds_envv thy (upd_envv thy envv vs dsc id vl) ps;
   348 (* eval test-maximum.sml until Specify_Method ...
   349   val PblObj{probl=(_,pbl),origin=(_,(_,_,mI)),...} = get_obj I pt [];
   350   val met = (#ppc o get_met) mI;
   352   val envv = [];
   353   val eargs = flat eargs;
   354   val (vs, dsc, id, vl) = hd eargs;
   355   val envv = upds_envv thy envv [(vs, dsc, id, vl)];
   357   val (vs, dsc, id, vl) = hd (tl eargs);
   358   val envv = upds_envv thy envv [(vs, dsc, id, vl)];
   360   val (vs, dsc, id, vl) = hd (tl (tl eargs));
   361   val envv = upds_envv thy envv [(vs, dsc, id, vl)];
   363   val (vs, dsc, id, vl) = hd (tl (tl (tl eargs)));
   364   val envv = upds_envv thy envv [(vs, dsc, id, vl)];
   365 [(1,
   366   [(Free ("fix_","bool List.list"),[Const (#,#),Free (#,#)]),
   367    (Free ("m_","bool"),[Free (#,#)]),
   368    (Free ("vs_","bool List.list"),[# $ # $ Const #]),
   369    (Free ("rs_","bool List.list"),[# $ # $ (# $ #)])]),
   370  (2,
   371   [(Free ("fix_","bool List.list"),[Const (#,#),Free (#,#)]),
   372    (Free ("m_","bool"),[Free (#,#)]),
   373    (Free ("vs_","bool List.list"),[# $ # $ Const #]),
   374    (Free ("rs_","bool List.list"),[# $ # $ (# $ #)])]),
   375  (3,
   376   [(Free ("fix_","bool List.list"),[Const (#,#),Free (#,#)]),
   377    (Free ("m_","bool"),[Free (#,#)]),
   378    (Free ("vs_","bool List.list"),[# $ # $ Const #])])] : envv *)
   381 datatype item = 
   382     Correct of cterm'
   383   | SyntaxE of string
   384   | TypeE   of string
   385   | False   of cterm'
   386   | Incompl of cterm'
   387   | Superfl of string
   388   | Missing of cterm';
   389 fun item2str (Correct  s) ="Correct "^s
   390   | item2str (SyntaxE  s) ="SyntaxE "^s
   391   | item2str (TypeE    s) ="TypeE "^s
   392   | item2str (False    s) ="False "^s
   393   | item2str (Incompl  s) ="Incompl "^s
   394   | item2str (Superfl  s) ="Superfl "^s
   395   | item2str (Missing  s) ="Missing "^s;
   396 fun init_item str = SyntaxE str;
   401 type 'a ppc = 
   402     {Given : 'a list,
   403      Where: 'a list,
   404      Find  : 'a list,
   405      With : 'a list,
   406      Relate: 'a list};
   407 fun ppc2str {Given=Given,Where=Where,Find=Find,With=With,Relate=Relate}=
   408     ("{Given =" ^ (strs2str Given ) ^
   409      ",Where=" ^ (strs2str Where) ^
   410      ",Find  =" ^ (strs2str Find  ) ^
   411      ",With =" ^ (strs2str With ) ^
   412      ",Relate=" ^ (strs2str Relate) ^ "}");
   417 fun item_ppc ({Given = gi,Where= wh,
   418 		 Find = fi,With = wi,Relate= re}: string ppc) =
   419   {Given = map init_item gi,Where= map init_item wh,
   420    Find = map init_item fi,With = map init_item wi,
   421    Relate= map init_item re}:item ppc;
   422 fun itemppc2str ({Given=Given,Where=Where,
   423 		 Find=Find,With=With,Relate=Relate}:item ppc)=
   424     ("{Given =" ^ ((strs2str' o (map item2str))	 Given ) ^
   425      ",Where=" ^ ((strs2str' o (map item2str))	 Where) ^
   426      ",Find  =" ^ ((strs2str' o (map item2str))	 Find  ) ^
   427      ",With =" ^ ((strs2str' o (map item2str))	 With ) ^
   428      ",Relate=" ^ ((strs2str' o (map item2str))	 Relate) ^ "}");
   430 fun de_item (Correct x) = x
   431   | de_item (SyntaxE x) = x
   432   | de_item (TypeE   x) = x
   433   | de_item (False   x) = x
   434   | de_item (Incompl x) = x
   435   | de_item (Superfl x) = x
   436   | de_item (Missing x) = x;
   437 val empty_ppc ={Given = [],
   438 		Where= [],
   439 		Find  = [], 
   440 		With = [],
   441 		Relate= []}:item ppc;
   442 val empty_ppc_ct' ={Given = [],
   443 		Where = [],
   444 		Find  = [], 
   445 		With  = [],
   446 		Relate= []}:cterm' ppc;
   449 datatype match = 
   450   Matches of pblID * item ppc
   451 | NoMatch of pblID * item ppc;
   452 fun match2str (Matches (pI, ppc)) = 
   453     "Matches ("^(strs2str pI)^", "^(itemppc2str ppc)^")"
   454   | match2str(NoMatch (pI, ppc)) = 
   455     "NoMatch ("^(strs2str pI)^", "^(itemppc2str ppc)^")";
   456 fun matchs2str ms = (strs2str o (map match2str)) ms;
   457 fun pblID_of_match (Matches (pI,_)) = pI
   458   | pblID_of_match (NoMatch (pI,_)) = pI;
   461 (*. the refined pbt is the last_element Matches in the list .*)
   462 fun is_matches (Matches _) = true
   463   | is_matches _ = false;
   464 fun matches_pblID (Matches (pI,_)) = pI;
   465 fun refined ms = ((matches_pblID o the o (find_first is_matches) o rev) ms)
   466     handle _ => []:pblID;
   468 fun ts_in (Cor ((_,ts),_)) = ts
   469   | ts_in (Syn  (c)) = []
   470   | ts_in (Typ  (c)) = []
   471   | ts_in (Inc ((_,ts),_)) = ts
   472   | ts_in (Sup (_,ts)) = ts
   473   | ts_in (Mis _) = [];
   474 fun all_ts_in itm_s = (flat o (map ts_in)) itm_s;
   475 val unique = (term_of o the o (parse Real.thy)) "UnIqE_tErM";
   476 fun d_in (Cor ((d,_),_)) = d
   477   | d_in (Syn  (c)) = (writeln("*** d_in: Syn ("^c^")"); unique)
   478   | d_in (Typ  (c)) = (writeln("*** d_in: Syn ("^c^")"); unique)
   479   | d_in (Inc ((d,_),_)) = d
   480   | d_in (Sup (d,_)) = d
   481   | d_in (Mis (d,_)) = d;
   485 (* val pre = t;
   486    (eval_true' "Isac.thy" "eval_rls" pre) handle e => print_exn e;
   487    *)
   489 (*. check a predicate and make it an item .*)
   490 (* val pre::_ = pres';
   491    *)
   492 fun chkpre2item prls pre =
   493     if eval_true (assoc_thy "Isac.thy") (*for Pattern.match   *)
   494 		 [pre] prls             (*pre parsed, prls.thy*)
   495     then (true , Correct (term2str pre))
   496     else (false , False (term2str pre));
   498 (*. check preconditions, make them items, return true for all true .*)
   499 fun check_preconds' _ [] _ _ = ([], true)
   500 (* val pres = (#where_ o get_pbt) pI'; val mvat = max_vt pbl;
   502    val (pres,pbl)=(pre,itms);
   503    *)
   504   | check_preconds' prls pres pbl mvat =
   505     let val env = mk_env pbl;
   506         val pres' = map (subst_atomic env) pres;
   507 	val pres'' = map (chkpre2item prls) pres';
   508     in (map snd pres'', foldl and_ (true, map fst pres'')) end;
   509 (*
   510  val [t] = pres';
   511  term2str t;
   512  chkpre2item t;
   513  *)
   516 fun check_preconds thy prls pres pbl = 
   517     check_preconds' prls pres pbl (max_vt pbl);
   518 (* run test-root-equ-sml until nxt=Add_Find "solutions L")...
   520   val ppp = hd pres';
   521   val ppp = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "matches (a=b) (x=#0)";
   523   eval_matches "" "" ppp thy;
   524   eval_true' "Isac.thy" "eval_rls" ppp;
   526 *)
   528 (*----------------------------24.3.02: done too much-----
   529 (**. copy the already input items from probl to meth (in PblObj):
   530      for each item in met search the related one in pbl,
   531      items not found in probl are (1) inserted as 'untouched' (0,...),
   532      and (2) completed from oris (via max_vt)  
   533     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "uberkomplett 21.2.02 ------------ .**)
   534 (* val (pbl, met) = (itms, ppc);
   535    *)
   536 fun copy_pbl thy oris pbl met =
   537   let val vt = max_vt pbl;
   538       fun vt_and_dsc d' ((i,v,f,d,ts):ori) =
   539 	  vt mem v andalso d'= d
   540       fun cpy its [] (f, (d, id)) = 
   541 	  if length its = 0        (*no dsc found in pbl*)
   542 	  then case find_first (vt_and_dsc d) oris
   543 		of Some (i,v,_,_,ts) => 
   544 		   [(i,v,true,f, Cor ((d,ts), (id,pbl_ids' thy d ts)))]
   545 		 | None => [(0,[],false,f,Mis (d, id))]
   546 	  else its	       
   547 	| cpy its ((it as (i, vs, b, f, itm_))::itms) (pb as (x, (d, id))) =
   548 	  if d = d_in itm_ andalso i<>0 (*already touched by user*)
   549 	  then cpy (its @ [it]) itms pb else cpy its itms pb;	  
   550   in ((flat o (map (cpy [] pbl))) met):itm list end;
   553 (**. copy the already input items from probl to meth (in PblObj):
   554      for each item in met search the related one in pbl,
   555      items not found in probl are inserted as 'untouched' (0,...)
   556     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "uberkomplett 21.2.02 ------------ .**)
   557 (* val (pbl, met) = (itms, ppc);
   558    *)
   559 fun copy_pbl (pbl:itm list) met =
   560   let fun cpy its [] (f, (d, id)) = 
   561 	  if length its = 0        (*no dsc found in pbl*)
   562 	  then [(0,[],false,f,Mis (d, id))]
   563 	  else its	       
   564 	| cpy its ((it as (i, vs, b, f, itm_))::itms) (pb as (x, (d, id))) =
   565 	  if d = d_in itm_ andalso i<>0 (*already touched by user*)
   566 	  then cpy (its @ [it]) itms pb else cpy its itms pb;	  
   567   in ((flat o (map (cpy [] pbl))) met):itm list end;
   570 (**. copy the already input items from probl to meth (in PblObj):
   571      for each item in met search the related one in pbl    
   572      (missing items are requested by nxt_spec)                .**)
   573 (* val (pbl, met) = (itms, ppc);
   574    *)
   575 fun copy_pbl (pbl:itm list) met =
   576   let fun cpy its [] (f, (d, id)) = its
   577 	| cpy its ((it as (i, vs, b, f, itm_))::itms) (pb as (x, (d, id))) =
   578 	  if d = d_in itm_ andalso i<>0 (*already touched by user*)
   579 	  then cpy (its @ [it]) itms pb 
   580 	  else cpy its itms pb;	  
   581   in ((flat o (map (cpy [] pbl))) met):itm list end;
   583 (*. copy pbt to met (in Specify_Method)
   584     ALL pbt. (1) dsc(pbt) notmem dsc(pbls) =>
   585              (2) filter (dsc(pbt) = dsc(oris)) oris; -> newitms;
   586     (3) pbt @ newitms                                          .*)
   587 (* val (pbl, met) = (itms, pbt);
   588    *)
   589 fun copy_pbl (pbl:itm list) met oris =
   590   let fun eqdsc_pbt_itm ((_,(d,_))) ((_,_,_,_,itm_):itm) = d = d_in itm_;
   591       fun notmem pbl pbt1 = case find_first (eqdsc_pbt_itm pbt1) pbl of
   592 				Some _ => false | None => true;
   593  (*1*)val mis = ((map (cons2 (fst, fst o snd))) o (filter (notmem pbl))) met;
   595       fun eqdsc_ori d ((_,_,_,d',_):ori) = d = d';
   596       fun ori2itmMis f ((i,v,_,d,ts):ori) = (i,v,false,f,Mis (d,ts)):itm;
   597       fun oris2itms oris mis1 = ((map (ori2itmMis (fst mis1)))
   598 				 o (filter ((eqdsc_ori o snd) mis1))) oris;
   599       val news = (flat o (map (oris2itms oris))) mis;
   600   in pbl @ news end;
   601  ----------------------------24.3.02: done too much-----*)
   608 (* ---------------------------------------------NOT UPTODATE !!! 4.9.01
   609    eval test-maximum.sml until Specify_Method ...
   610    val PblObj{probl=(_,pbl),origin=(_,(_,_,mI)),...} = get_obj I pt [];
   611    val met = (#ppc o get_met) mI;
   612    val (m::_) = met;
   613    cpy [] pbl m;
   614 [((1,[1,2,3],true,"#Given",Cor ((Const #,[#]),[])),
   615   [([1,2,3],Const ("Descript.fixedValues","bool List.list => Tools.nam"),
   616     Free ("fix_","bool List.list"),Const # $ Free # $ Const (#,#))])]
   617 : (itm * (vats * term * term * term) list) list                               
   619    upds_envv thy [] (flat eargs);
   620 [(1,
   621   [(Free ("fix_","bool List.list"),[Const (#,#),Free (#,#)]),
   622    (Free ("m_","bool"),[Free (#,#)]),
   623    (Free ("vs_","bool List.list"),[# $ # $ (# $ #)]),
   624    (Free ("rs_","bool List.list"),[# $ # $ (# $ #)])]),
   625  (2,
   626   [(Free ("fix_","bool List.list"),[Const (#,#),Free (#,#)]),
   627    (Free ("m_","bool"),[Free (#,#)]),
   628    (Free ("vs_","bool List.list"),[# $ # $ (# $ #)]),
   629    (Free ("rs_","bool List.list"),[# $ # $ (# $ #)])]),
   630  (3,
   631   [(Free ("fix_","bool List.list"),[Const (#,#),Free (#,#)]),
   632    (Free ("m_","bool"),[Free (#,#)]),
   633    (Free ("vs_","bool List.list"),[# $ # $ (# $ #)])])] : envv                
   634  *)