changeset 308 93f297edc4a5
child 340 b0b16b29b497
child 693 37385e57c036
equal deleted inserted replaced
307:e11338337b48 308:93f297edc4a5
     1 (* data-definitions, which should not occur in code-files to be re-evaluated
     2    use"definitions.sml";
     3    *)
     5 type cterm' = string;
     6 val empty_cterm' = "empty_cterm'";
     7 type thmID = string;
     8 type thm' = thmID * cterm';
     9 type rls' = string; 
    11 (*.fun calculate_ fetches the evaluation-function via this list.*)
    12 (*ie. there is NO rewriting involved in contrary to eval_rls*)
    13 type calc =
    14      (string *     (*op in calculate_ from scripts*)
    15       (string *    (*op in isa-term 'Const(op,_)' *)
    16        (string -> term -> theory -> (string * term) option))); (*eval_fun*) 
    17 fun e_evalfn (_:'a) (_:term) (_:theory) = None:(string * term) option;
    19 type subs' = (cterm' * cterm') list; (*16.11.00 for FE-KE*)
    20 type subst = (term * term) list; (*here for ets2str*)
    21 fun subst2str (s:subst) = 
    22   (strs2str o 
    23    (map (pair2str o
    24 	 (apsnd (Sign.string_of_term (sign_of thy))) o 
    25 	 (apfst (Sign.string_of_term (sign_of thy)))))) s;
    29 datatype rule = 
    30   Thm of (string * thm) 
    31 | Calc of string *      (*check for equality*)
    32 	  (string -> term -> theory -> (string * term) option)
    33 | Rls_ of rls         (*.ie. rule sets may be nested.*)
    34 and scr = 
    35     EmptyScr 
    36   | Script of term (*for meth'*)
    37   | Rfuns of {init_state : term -> 
    38      (term *          (*the current formula: 
    39                         goes locate_gen -> next_tac via istate*)
    40       term *          (*the final formula*)
    41       rule list       (*of reverse rewrite set (#1#)*)
    42 	    list *    (*may be serveral, eg. in norm_rational*)
    43       (rule *         (*Thm (+ Thm generated from Calc) resulting in ...*)
    44        (term *        (*... rewrite with ...*)
    45 	term list))   (*... assumptions*)
    46 	  list),      (*derivation from given term to normalform
    47 		       in reverse order with sym_thm; 
    48                        (#1#) could be extracted from here #1*)
    50 	      normal_form: term -> (term * term list) option,
    51 	      locate_rule: rule list list -> term -> rule 
    52 			   -> (rule * (term * term list)) list,
    53 	      next_rule  : rule list list -> term -> rule option,
    54 	      attach_form: rule list list -> term -> term 
    55 			   -> (rule * (term * term list)) list}
    56 and rls =
    57     Erls                          (*for init e_rls*)
    58   | Rls of {id : string, (*for trace_rewrite:=true*)
    59 	    preconds : term list, (*unused 20.8.02*)
    60 	    rew_ord  : string * (subst -> (term * term) -> bool),(*for rules*)
    61 	    erls     : rls,      (*for the conditions in rules*)
    62 	    (*            '^ because of rewrite in applicable_in;
    63 		compare type meth'; FIXXME take name as string into Rls !*)
    64 	    srls     : rls,       (*for evaluation of list_fns in script*)
    65 	    calc     : calc list, (*for Calculate in scr*)
    66 	    asm_thm  : thm' list, (*FIXXME remove with put_asm*)
    67 	    rules    : rule list,
    68 	    scr      : scr}  (*Script term  (how to restrict type ???)*)
    69   | Seq of {id : string, (*for trace_rewrite:=true*)
    70 	    preconds : term list, (*unused 20.8.02*)
    71 	    rew_ord  : string * (subst -> (term * term) -> bool),(*for rules*)
    72 	    erls     : rls,      (*for the conditions in rules*)
    73 	    (*            '^ because of rewrite in applicable_in;
    74 		compare type meth'; FIXXME take name as string into Rls !*)
    75 	    srls     : rls,       (*for evaluation of list_fns in script*)
    76 	    calc     : calc list, (*for Calculate in scr*)
    77 	    asm_thm  : thm' list, (*FIXXME remove with put_asm*)
    78 	    rules    : rule list,
    79 	    scr      : scr}  (*Script term  (how to restrict type ???)*)
    80   | Rrls of {id : string, (*for trace_rewrite:=true*)
    81 	     prepat  : (term list *
    82 			          (*preconds, eval with subst from pattern*)
    83 			 term )   (*pattern matched in subterms*)
    84 			    list, (*meta-conjunction is or*)
    85 	     rew_ord  : string * (subst -> (term * term) -> bool),(*for rules*)
    86 	     erls     : rls,      (*for the conditions in rules and pat*)
    87 	     (*            '^ because of rewrite in applicable_in
    88 						       compare type meth'*)
    89 	     calc     : calc list, (*for Calculate in scr*)
    90 	     asm_thm  : thm' list, (*FIXXME remove with put_asm*)
    91 	     scr      : scr}; (*Rfuns {...}  (how to restrict type ???)*)
    92 (*1.8.02 ad (how to restrict type ???): scr should be usable indepentently
    93   from rls, and then contain both Script _AND_ Rfuns !!!*)
    97 val e_rule = Thm ("refl",refl) : rule;
    98 fun id_of_thm (Thm (id, _)) = id
    99   | id_of_thm _ = raise error "id_of_thm";
   100 fun thm_of_thm (Thm (_, thm)) = thm
   101   | thm_of_thm _ = raise error "thm_of_thm";
   102 fun rep_thm_G' (Thm (thmid, thm)) = (thmid, thm);
   103 fun rule2str (Thm (str, thm)) = "Thm (\""^str^"\","^(string_of_thm thm)^")"
   104   | rule2str (Calc (str,f))  = "Calc (\""^str^"\",fn)"
   105   | rule2str (Rls_ _) = "Rls_ rls";(*FIXXME*)
   106 fun eqrule (Thm (id1,_), Thm (id2,_)) = id1 = id2
   107   | eqrule (Calc (id1,_), Calc (id2,_)) = id1 = id2
   108   | eqrule (Rls_ _, Rls_ _) = false (*{id=id1}{id=id2} = id1 = id2 FIXXME*)
   109   | eqrule _ = false;
   110 fun memrls r (Rls {rules,...}) = gen_mem eqrule (r, rules)
   111   | memrls r (Seq {rules,...}) = gen_mem eqrule (r, rules)
   112   | memrls r _ = raise error ("memrls: incomplete impl. r= "^(rule2str r));
   115 type rrlsstate =      (*state for reverse rewriting*)
   116      (term *          (*the current formula: 
   117                         goes locate_gen -> next_tac via istate*)
   118       term *          (*the final formula*)
   119       rule list       (*of reverse rewrite set (#1#)*)
   120 	    list *    (*may be serveral, eg. in norm_rational*)
   121       (rule *         (*Thm (+ Thm generated from Calc) resulting in ...*)
   122        (term *        (*... rewrite with ...*)
   123 	term list))   (*... assumptions*)
   124 	  list);      (*derivation from given term to normalform
   125 		       in reverse order with sym_thm; 
   126                        (#1#) could be extracted from here #1*)
   127 val e_type = Type("empty",[]);
   128 val a_type = TFree("'a",[]);
   129 val e_term = Const("empty",e_type);
   130 val a_term = Free("empty",a_type);
   131 val e_rrlsstate = (e_term,e_term,[[e_rule]],[(e_rule,(e_term,[]))]):rrlsstate;
   136 (*22.2.02: ging auf Linux nicht (Stefan)
   137 val e_scr = Script ((term_of o the o (parse thy)) "e_script");*)
   138 val e_term = Const("empty", Type("'a", []));
   139 val e_scr = Script e_term;
   142 (*ad thm':
   143    there are two kinds of theorems ...
   144    (1) known by isabelle
   145    (2) not known, eg. calc_thm, instantiated rls
   146        the latter have a thmid "#..."
   147    and thus outside isa we ALWAYS transport both(thmid,string_of_thm)
   148    and have a special assoc_thm / assoc_rls in this interface      *)
   149 type theory' = string; (* = domID ^".thy" *)
   150 fun string_of_thy thy =  
   151 ((last_elem (Sign.stamp_names_of (sign_of thy)))^".thy"):theory';
   152 val theory2domID = string_of_thy;
   153 val theory2theory' = string_of_thy;
   155 type rew_ord' = string;
   157 val theory'  = ref ([]:(theory' * theory) list);
   158 val rew_ord' = ref ([]:(rew_ord' * (subst -> (term * term) -> bool)) list);
   159 val ruleset' = ref ([]:(string * rls) list);
   160 val theorem' = ref ([]:(string * thm) list);
   161 (*val xxx = fn: a b => (a,b);   ??? fun-definition ???*)
   162 local
   163     fun ii (_:term) = e_rrlsstate;
   164     fun no (_:term) = Some (e_term,[e_term]);
   165     fun lo (_:rule list list) (_:term) (_:rule) = [(e_rule,(e_term,[e_term]))];
   166     fun ne (_:rule list list) (_:term) = Some e_rule;
   167     fun fo (_:rule list list) (_:term) (_:term) = [(e_rule,(e_term,[e_term]))];
   168 in
   169 val e_rfuns = Rfuns {init_state=ii,normal_form=no,locate_rule=lo,
   170 		     next_rule=ne,attach_form=fo};
   171 end;
   175 fun dummy_ord (_:subst) (_:term,_:term) = true;
   176 val e_rls = 
   177   Rls{id = "e_rls",
   178       preconds = [], 
   179       rew_ord = ("dummy_ord", dummy_ord),
   180       erls = Erls,srls = Erls,
   181       calc = [],
   182       asm_thm = [],
   183       rules = [], scr = EmptyScr}:rls;
   184 val e_rrls = Rrls {id = "e_rrls",
   185 		   prepat = [],
   186 		   rew_ord = ("dummy_ord", dummy_ord),
   187 		   erls = Erls,
   188 		   calc = [],
   189 		   asm_thm=[],
   190 		   scr=e_rfuns}:rls;
   191 ruleset' := overwritel (!ruleset', [("e_rls",e_rls),
   192 				    ("e_rrls",e_rrls)
   193 				    ]);
   195 fun rep_rls (Rls {id,preconds,rew_ord,erls,srls,calc,asm_thm,rules,scr}) =
   196   {id=id,preconds=preconds,rew_ord=rew_ord,erls=erls,srls=srls,calc=calc,
   197    asm_thm=asm_thm,rules=rules,scr=scr}
   198   | rep_rls (Seq {id,preconds,rew_ord,erls,srls,calc,asm_thm,rules,scr}) =
   199   {id=id,preconds=preconds,rew_ord=rew_ord,erls=erls,srls=srls,calc=calc,
   200    asm_thm=asm_thm,rules=rules,scr=scr}
   201   | rep_rls (Rls {id,...})  = 
   202     raise error("rep_rls doesn't take apart reverse-rewrite-rule-sets: "^id)
   203   | rep_rls (Seq {id,...})  = 
   204     raise error("rep_rls doesn't take apart reverse-rewrite-rule-sets: "^id);
   205 fun rep_rrls 
   206 	(Rrls {id,asm_thm, calc, erls, prepat, rew_ord, 
   207 	       scr=Rfuns
   208 		       {attach_form,init_state,locate_rule,
   209 			next_rule,normal_form}}) =
   210     {id=id,asm_thm=asm_thm, calc=calc, erls=erls, prepat=prepat, 
   211      rew_ord=rew_ord, attach_form=attach_form, init_state=init_state, 
   212      locate_rule=locate_rule, next_rule=next_rule, normal_form=normal_form}
   213   | rep_rrls (Rls {id,...}) = 
   214     raise error ("rep_rrls doesn't take apart (normal) rule-sets: "^id)
   215   | rep_rrls (Seq {id,...}) = 
   216     raise error ("rep_rrls doesn't take apart (normal) rule-sets: "^id);
   217 (*.id requested for all, Rls,Seq,Rrls.*)
   218 fun id_rls (Rls {id,...}) = id
   219   | id_rls (Seq {id,...}) = id
   220   | id_rls (Rrls {id,...}) = id;
   222 fun append_rls id (Rls {id=_,preconds=pc,rew_ord=ro,erls=er,srls=sr,calc=ca,
   223 			asm_thm=at,rules =rs,scr=sc}) r =
   224     (Rls{id=id,preconds=pc,rew_ord=ro,erls=er,srls=sr,calc=ca,
   225 	 asm_thm=at,rules = rs @ r,scr=sc}:rls)
   226   | append_rls id (Seq {id=_,preconds=pc,rew_ord=ro,erls=er,srls=sr,calc=ca,
   227 			asm_thm=at,rules =rs,scr=sc}) r =
   228     (Seq{id=id,preconds=pc,rew_ord=ro,erls=er,srls=sr,calc=ca,
   229 	 asm_thm=at,rules = rs @ r,scr=sc}:rls)
   230   | append_rls id (Rrls _) _ = raise error 
   231                    ("append_rls: not for reverse-rewrite-rule-set "^id);
   233 fun eq_rule (Thm thm1, Thm thm2) = thm1 = thm2
   234   | eq_rule (Calc (id1,_), Calc (id2,_)) = id1 = id2
   235   | eq_rule _ = false;
   237 fun merge_rls _ Erls rls = rls
   238   | merge_rls _ rls Erls = rls
   239   | merge_rls id
   240 	(Rls {id=id1,preconds=pc1,rew_ord=ro1,erls=er1,srls=sr1,calc=ca1,
   241 	      asm_thm=at1,rules =rs1,scr=sc1}) 
   242 	r2 =
   243 	(Rls {id=id,preconds=pc1 @ ((#preconds o rep_rls) r2),
   244 	      rew_ord=ro1,erls=(*merge_rls er1 er2*)er1,
   245 	      srls=merge_rls ("merged_"^id1^"_"^((#id o rep_rls) r2)) sr1 
   246 			     ((#srls o rep_rls) r2),
   247 	      calc=ca1 @ ((#calc o rep_rls) r2),
   248 	      asm_thm=at1 @ ((#asm_thm o rep_rls) r2),
   249 	      rules = gen_union eq_rule rule2str (rs1, (#rules o rep_rls) r2),
   250 	      scr=sc1}:rls)
   251   | merge_rls id 
   252 	(Seq {id=id1,preconds=pc1,rew_ord=ro1,erls=er1,srls=sr1,calc=ca1,
   253 	      asm_thm=at1,rules =rs1,scr=sc1}) 
   254 	r2 =
   255 	(Seq {id=id,preconds=pc1 @ ((#preconds o rep_rls) r2),
   256 	      rew_ord=ro1,erls=(*merge_rls er1 er2*)er1,
   257 	      srls=merge_rls ("merged_"^id1^"_"^((#id o rep_rls) r2)) sr1 
   258 			     ((#srls o rep_rls) r2),
   259 	      calc=ca1 @ ((#calc o rep_rls) r2),
   260 	      asm_thm=at1 @ ((#asm_thm o rep_rls) r2),
   261 	      rules = gen_union eq_rule rule2str (rs1, (#rules o rep_rls) r2),
   262 	      scr=sc1}:rls)
   263   | merge_rls _ _ _ = raise error 
   264 				"merge_rls: not for reverse-rewrite-rule-sets";
   265 fun remove_rls id (Rls {id=_,preconds=pc,rew_ord=ro,erls=er,srls=sr,calc=ca,
   266 		     asm_thm=at,rules =rs,scr=sc}) r =
   267     (Rls{id=id,preconds=pc,rew_ord=ro,erls=er,srls=sr,calc=ca,
   268 	 asm_thm=at,rules = gen_rems eq_rule (rs, r),
   269 	 scr=sc}:rls)
   270   | remove_rls id (Seq {id=_,preconds=pc,rew_ord=ro,erls=er,srls=sr,calc=ca,
   271 		     asm_thm=at,rules =rs,scr=sc}) r =
   272     (Seq{id=id,preconds=pc,rew_ord=ro,erls=er,srls=sr,calc=ca,
   273 	 asm_thm=at,rules = gen_rems eq_rule (rs, r),
   274 	 scr=sc}:rls)
   275   | remove_rls id (Rrls _) _ = raise error 
   276                    ("remove_rls: not for reverse-rewrite-rule-set "^id);
   278  gen_rems (op=) ([1,2,3], [3,4,5]);
   282 fun assoc' ([], key) = raise error ("ME_Isa: '"^key^"' not known")
   283   | assoc' ((keyi, xi) :: pairs, key) =
   284       if key = keyi then Some xi else assoc' (pairs, key);
   286 fun assoc_thy (thy:theory') = ((the o assoc')(!theory',thy))
   287   handle _ => raise error ("ME_Isa: '"^thy^"' not in system");
   288 fun assoc_rls (rls:rls') = ((the o assoc')(!ruleset',rls))
   289   handle _ => raise error ("ME_Isa: '"^rls^"' not in system");
   291 fun termopt2str (Some t) = 
   292     "Some " ^ (Sign.string_of_term (sign_of(assoc_thy "Isac.thy")) t)
   293   | termopt2str None = "None";
   294 fun term2str t = Sign.string_of_term (sign_of(assoc_thy "Isac.thy")) t;
   295 (*for tests only*)
   296 fun terms2str ts= (strs2str o (map (Sign.string_of_term 
   297 					(sign_of (assoc_thy "Isac.thy"))))) ts;
   299 (*recursive defs:*)
   300 fun scr2str (Script s) = "Script "^(term2str s)
   301   | scr2str (Rfuns _)  = "Rfuns";
   304 type domID = string;   (* domID ^"thy" = theory' ??check 3.00!!*)
   305 val e_domID = "e_domID":domID;
   306 type pblID = string list; (* domID::...*)
   307 val e_pblID = ["e_pblID"]:pblID;
   308 type metID = (domID * string);
   309 val e_metID = (e_domID,"e_metID"):metID;
   311 fun metID2str ((domID,mI):metID) = pair2str (domID,mI);