intermed: make autocalc..CompleteCalc run with x+1=2 decompose-isar
authorWalther Neuper <>
Mon, 18 Jul 2011 16:37:30 +0200
changeset 42103e921660e2d7c
parent 42102 8a263c47ac85
child 42104 6879bed0ff4d
intermed: make autocalc..CompleteCalc run with x+1=2

error was in fun all_modspec: used string of formalization
for constraining types in ctxt instead of pors.
     1.1 --- a/test/Tools/isac/ADDTESTS/All_Ctxt.thy	Mon Jul 18 15:48:54 2011 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/test/Tools/isac/ADDTESTS/All_Ctxt.thy	Mon Jul 18 16:37:30 2011 +0200
     1.3 @@ -22,6 +22,9 @@
     1.4    val ctxt = get_ctxt pt p;
     1.5    val SOME known_x = parseNEW ctxt "x + y + z";
     1.6    val SOME unknown = parseNEW ctxt "a + b + c";
     1.7 +  if type_of known_x = HOLogic.realT andalso 
     1.8 +     type_of unknown = TFree ("'a",[""])
     1.9 +  then () else error "All_Ctx: type constraints beginning specification of root-problem ";
    1.10  *}
    1.12  ML {*
    1.13 @@ -39,7 +42,8 @@
    1.14  text {* preconditions are known at start of interpretation of (root-)method *}
    1.16  ML {*
    1.17 -  get_assumptions_ pt p |> terms2strs;
    1.18 +  if terms2strs (get_assumptions_ pt p) = ["precond_rootmet x"]
    1.19 +  then () else error "All_Ctx: asms after start interpretation of root-method";
    1.20  *}
    1.22  ML {*
    1.23 @@ -57,6 +61,9 @@
    1.24    val ctxt = get_ctxt pt p;
    1.25    val SOME known_x = parseNEW ctxt "x+y+z";
    1.26    val SOME unknown = parseNEW ctxt "a+b+c";
    1.27 +  if type_of known_x = HOLogic.realT andalso 
    1.28 +     type_of unknown = TFree ("'a",[""])
    1.29 +  then () else error "All_Ctx: type constraints beginning specification of SubProblem ";
    1.30  *}
    1.32  ML {*
    1.33 @@ -75,7 +82,8 @@
    1.34  text {* preconds are known at start of interpretation of (sub-)method *}
    1.36  ML {*
    1.37 - get_assumptions_ pt p |> terms2strs
    1.38 +  if terms2strs (get_assumptions_ pt p) = ["matches (?a = ?b) (-1 + x = 0)"]
    1.39 +  then () else error "All_Ctx: asms after start interpretation of SubProblem";
    1.40  *}
    1.42  ML {*
    1.43 @@ -102,7 +110,9 @@
    1.44  *}
    1.46  ML {*
    1.47 -  terms2strs (get_assumptions_ pt p);
    1.48 +  if terms2strs (get_assumptions_ pt p) = 
    1.49 +    ["matches (?a = ?b) (-1 + x = 0)", "x < sub_asm_out", "x = 1", "precond_rootmet x"]
    1.50 +  then () else error "All_Ctx: asms after finishing SubProblem";
    1.51  *}
    1.53  ML {*
    1.54 @@ -115,7 +125,9 @@
    1.55  text {* assumptions collected during lucas-interpretation for proof of postcondition *}
    1.57  ML {*
    1.58 -  terms2strs (get_assumptions_ pt p);
    1.59 +  if terms2strs (get_assumptions_ pt p) = 
    1.60 +    ["matches (?a = ?b) (-1 + x = 0)", "x < sub_asm_out", "x = 1", "precond_rootmet x"]
    1.61 +  then () else error "All_Ctx at final result";
    1.62  *}
    1.64  ML {*
     2.1 --- a/test/Tools/isac/Interpret/mathengine.sml	Mon Jul 18 15:48:54 2011 +0200
     2.2 +++ b/test/Tools/isac/Interpret/mathengine.sml	Mon Jul 18 16:37:30 2011 +0200
     2.3 @@ -346,5 +346,74 @@
     2.4     ("Test", ["sqroot-test","univariate","equation","test"],
     2.5      ["Test","squ-equ-test-subpbl1"]))];
     2.6   Iterator 1;
     2.7 - moveActiveRoot 1;
     2.8 + moveActiveRoot 1; 
     2.9 +(*autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc; (*WAS <SYSERROR>..<ERROR> error in kernel </ERROR>*)*)
    2.10 +"~~~~~ fun autoCalculate, args:"; val (cI, auto) = (1, CompleteCalc);
    2.11 +val pold = get_pos cI 1;
    2.12 +(*autocalc [] pold (get_calc cI) auto;  (*WAS Type unification failed
    2.13 +  Type error in application: incompatible operand type
    2.14 +  Operator:  solveFor :: real \<Rightarrow> una
    2.15 +  Operand:   x :: 'a *)*)
    2.16 +"~~~~~ fun autocalc, args:"; val (c, (pos as (_,p_)), ((pt,_), _), auto) 
    2.17 +                               = ([] : pos' list, pold, (get_calc cI), auto);
    2.18 +autoord auto > 3 andalso just_created (pt, pos); (*true*)
    2.19 +val ptp = all_modspec (pt, pos);
    2.20 +"TODO all_modspec: preconds for rootpbl";
    2.21 +(*all_solve auto c ptp; (*WAS Type unification failed...*)*)
    2.22 +"~~~~~ and all_solve, args:"; val (auto, c, (ptp as (pt, pos as (p,_)))) =
    2.23 +                                                                  (auto, c, ptp);
    2.24 +    val (_,_,mI) = get_obj g_spec pt p
    2.25 +    val ctxt = get_ctxt pt pos
    2.26 +    val (ttt, c', ptp) = nxt_solv (Apply_Method' (mI, NONE, e_istate, ctxt)) (e_istate, ctxt) ptp;
    2.27 +(* complete_solve auto (c @ c') ptp; (*WAS Type unification failed...*) pos = ([], Met)*)
    2.28 +"~~~~~ fun complete_solve, args:"; val (auto, c, (ptp as (_, p as (_,p_)))) =
    2.29 +                                                           (auto, (c @ c'), ptp);
    2.30 +p = ([], Res) (*false p = ([1], Frm)*);
    2.31 +member op = [Pbl,Met] p_ (*false*);
    2.32 +val (ttt, c', ptp') = nxt_solve_ ptp; (*ttt = Rewrite_Set "norm_equation"*)
    2.33 +(* complete_solve auto (c @ c') ptp'; (*WAS Type unification failed...*) pos = ([], Met)*)
    2.34 +"~~~~~ fun complete_solve, args:"; val (auto, c, (ptp as (_, p as (_,p_)))) =
    2.35 +                                                           (auto, (c @ c'), ptp');
    2.36 +p = ([], Res) (*false p = ([1], Res)*);
    2.37 +member op = [Pbl,Met] p_ (*false*);
    2.38 +val (ttt, c', ptp') = nxt_solve_ ptp; (*ttt = Rewrite_Set "Test_simplify"*)
    2.39 +(* complete_solve auto (c @ c') ptp'; (*WAS Type unification failed...*) pos = ([], Met)*)
    2.40 +"~~~~~ fun complete_solve, args:"; val (auto, c, (ptp as (_, p as (_,p_)))) =
    2.41 +                                                           (auto, (c @ c'), ptp');
    2.42 +p = ([], Res) (*false p = ([2], Res)*);
    2.43 +member op = [Pbl,Met] p_ (*false*);
    2.44 +val ((Subproblem _, tac_, (_, is))::_, c', ptp') = nxt_solve_ ptp;
    2.45 +autoord auto < 5 (*false*);
    2.46 +(* val ptp = all_modspec ptp' (*WAS Type unification failed...*)*)
    2.47 +"~~~~~ fun all_modspec, args:"; val (pt, pos as (p,_)) = (ptp');
    2.48 +    val (PblObj {fmz = (fmz_, _), origin = (pors, spec as (dI,pI,mI), hdl), ...}) = get_obj I pt p;
    2.49 +    val thy = assoc_thy dI;
    2.50 +	    val {ppc, ...} = get_met mI;
    2.51 +(*  val (mors, ctxt) = prep_ori fmz_ thy ppc; WAS Type unification failed because
    2.52 +val ctxt' = dI |> Thy_Info.get_theory |> ProofContext.init_global;
    2.53 +(parseNEW ctxt' "x" |> the |> type_of) = TFree ("'a",[]); 
    2.54 +                                               ^^^^^ *)
    2.55 +(*vvv from:  | assod pt _ (Subproblem'...*)
    2.56 +    val (fmz_, vals) = oris2fmz_vals pors;
    2.57 +(**)
    2.58 +    val ctxt = dI |> Thy_Info.get_theory |> ProofContext.init_global 
    2.59 +      |> declare_constraints' vals
    2.60 +(**)
    2.61 +(*^^^ from:  | assod pt _ (Subproblem'...*)
    2.62 +val [(1, [1], "#Given", dsc_eq, [equality]),
    2.63 +     (2, [1], "#Given", dsc_solvefor, [xxx]),
    2.64 +     (3, [1], "#Find", dsc_solutions, [x_i])] = pors;
    2.65 +if term2str xxx = "x" andalso type_of xxx = HOLogic.realT then () 
    2.66 +else error "autoCalculate..CompleteCalc: SubProblem broken 1";
    2.67 +    val pt = update_pblppc pt p (map (ori2Coritm ppc) pors);
    2.68 +	    val pt = update_metppc pt p (map (ori2Coritm ppc) pors);
    2.69 +	    val pt = update_spec pt p (dI,pI,mI);
    2.70 +    val pt = update_ctxt pt p ctxt;
    2.71 +"~~~~~ return to complete_solve, args:"; val (ptp) = (pt, (p,Met));
    2.72 +val (msg, c, (pt, p)) = complete_solve auto (c @ c') ptp;
    2.73 +if msg = "end-of-calculation" andalso c = [] andalso p = ([], Res) then ()
    2.74 +else error "autoCalculate..CompleteCalc: final result";
    2.75 +if terms2strs (get_assumptions_ pt p) = 
    2.76 +  ["matches (?a = ?b) (-1 + x = 0)", "x = 1", "precond_rootmet x"]
    2.77 +then () else error "autoCalculate..CompleteCalc: ctxt at final result";
     3.1 --- a/test/Tools/isac/Test_Isac.thy	Mon Jul 18 15:48:54 2011 +0200
     3.2 +++ b/test/Tools/isac/Test_Isac.thy	Mon Jul 18 16:37:30 2011 +0200
     3.3 @@ -128,97 +128,6 @@
     3.4  (*use "Interpret/solve.sml"           !TODO*)
     3.5  (*use "Interpret/inform.sml"          !TODO*)
     3.6    use "Interpret/mathengine.sml"    (*!part.*)
     3.7 -ML {*
     3.8 -*}
     3.9 -ML {*
    3.10 -"----------- fun autoCalculate..CompleteCalc ------------";
    3.11 - states:=[];
    3.12 - CalcTree [(["equality (x+1=(2::real))", "solveFor x","solutions L"], 
    3.13 -   ("Test", ["sqroot-test","univariate","equation","test"],
    3.14 -    ["Test","squ-equ-test-subpbl1"]))];
    3.15 - Iterator 1;
    3.16 - moveActiveRoot 1; 
    3.17 -(*autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc; (*WAS <SYSERROR>..<ERROR> error in kernel </ERROR>*)*)
    3.18 -"~~~~~ fun autoCalculate, args:"; val (cI, auto) = (1, CompleteCalc);
    3.19 -val pold = get_pos cI 1;
    3.20 -(*autocalc [] pold (get_calc cI) auto;  (*WAS Type unification failed
    3.21 -  Type error in application: incompatible operand type
    3.22 -  Operator:  solveFor :: real \<Rightarrow> una
    3.23 -  Operand:   x :: 'a *)*)
    3.24 -"~~~~~ fun autocalc, args:"; val (c, (pos as (_,p_)), ((pt,_), _), auto) 
    3.25 -                               = ([] : pos' list, pold, (get_calc cI), auto);
    3.26 -autoord auto > 3 andalso just_created (pt, pos); (*true*)
    3.27 -val ptp = all_modspec (pt, pos);
    3.28 -(*all_solve auto c ptp; (*WAS Type unification failed...*)*)
    3.29 -"~~~~~ and all_solve, args:"; val (auto, c, (ptp as (pt, pos as (p,_)))) =
    3.30 -                                                                  (auto, c, ptp);
    3.31 -    val (_,_,mI) = get_obj g_spec pt p
    3.32 -    val ctxt = get_ctxt pt pos
    3.33 -    val (ttt, c', ptp) = nxt_solv (Apply_Method' (mI, NONE, e_istate, ctxt)) (e_istate, ctxt) ptp;
    3.34 -(* complete_solve auto (c @ c') ptp; (*WAS Type unification failed...*) pos = ([], Met)*)
    3.35 -"~~~~~ fun complete_solve, args:"; val (auto, c, (ptp as (_, p as (_,p_)))) =
    3.36 -                                                           (auto, (c @ c'), ptp);
    3.37 -p = ([], Res) (*false p = ([1], Frm)*);
    3.38 -member op = [Pbl,Met] p_ (*false*);
    3.39 -val (ttt, c', ptp') = nxt_solve_ ptp; (*ttt = Rewrite_Set "norm_equation"*)
    3.40 -(* complete_solve auto (c @ c') ptp'; (*WAS Type unification failed...*) pos = ([], Met)*)
    3.41 -"~~~~~ fun complete_solve, args:"; val (auto, c, (ptp as (_, p as (_,p_)))) =
    3.42 -                                                           (auto, (c @ c'), ptp');
    3.43 -p = ([], Res) (*false p = ([1], Res)*);
    3.44 -member op = [Pbl,Met] p_ (*false*);
    3.45 -val (ttt, c', ptp') = nxt_solve_ ptp; (*ttt = Rewrite_Set "Test_simplify"*)
    3.46 -(* complete_solve auto (c @ c') ptp'; (*WAS Type unification failed...*) pos = ([], Met)*)
    3.47 -"~~~~~ fun complete_solve, args:"; val (auto, c, (ptp as (_, p as (_,p_)))) =
    3.48 -                                                           (auto, (c @ c'), ptp');
    3.49 -p = ([], Res) (*false p = ([2], Res)*);
    3.50 -member op = [Pbl,Met] p_ (*false*);
    3.51 -val ((Subproblem _, tac_, (_, is))::_, c', ptp') = nxt_solve_ ptp;
    3.52 -autoord auto < 5 (*false*);
    3.53 -(* val ptp = all_modspec ptp' (*WAS Type unification failed...*)*)
    3.54 -"~~~~~ fun all_modspec, args:"; val (pt, pos as (p,_)) = (ptp');
    3.55 -    val (PblObj {fmz = (fmz_, _), origin = (pors, spec as (dI,pI,mI), hdl), ...}) = get_obj I pt p;
    3.56 -    val thy = assoc_thy dI;
    3.57 -	    val {ppc, ...} = get_met mI;
    3.58 -(*  val (mors, ctxt) = prep_ori fmz_ thy ppc; WAS Type unification failed because
    3.59 -val ctxt' = dI |> Thy_Info.get_theory |> ProofContext.init_global;
    3.60 -(parseNEW ctxt' "x" |> the |> type_of) = TFree ("'a",[]); *)
    3.61 -(*vvv from:  | assod pt _ (Subproblem'...*)
    3.62 -    val (fmz_, vals) = oris2fmz_vals pors;
    3.63 -	(*
    3.64 -    val ctxt = dI |> Thy_Info.get_theory |> ProofContext.init_global 
    3.65 -      |> declare_constraints' vals
    3.66 -*)
    3.67 -(*^^^ from:  | assod pt _ (Subproblem'...*)
    3.68 -val [(1, [1], "#Given", dsc_eq, [equality]),
    3.69 -     (2, [1], "#Given", dsc_solvefor, [xxx]),
    3.70 -     (3, [1], "#Find", dsc_solutions, [x_i])] = pors;
    3.71 -if term2str xxx = "x" andalso type_of xxx = HOLogic.realT then () 
    3.72 -else error "autoCalculate..CompleteCalc: SubProblem broken 1";
    3.73 -    val pt = update_pblppc pt p (map (ori2Coritm ppc) pors);
    3.74 -	    val pt = update_metppc pt p (map (ori2Coritm ppc) pors);
    3.75 -	    val pt = update_spec pt p (dI,pI,mI);
    3.76 -*}
    3.77 -ML {*
    3.78 -p;
    3.79 -pos;
    3.80 - get_assumptions_ pt pos |> terms2strs;
    3.81 -tac_;
    3.82 -*}
    3.83 -ML {*
    3.84 -print_depth 999; Subproblem'; print_depth 999;
    3.85 -*}
    3.86 -ML {*
    3.87 -print_depth 999; tac_; print_depth 999;
    3.88 -*}
    3.89 -ML {*
    3.90 -    val pt = update_ctxt pt p ctxt;
    3.91 -"~~~~~ return to complete_solve, args:"; val (ptp) = (pt, (p,Met));
    3.92 -case complete_solve auto (c @ c') ptp of
    3.93 -  ("end-of-calculation",[],(_,([], Res))) => ()
    3.94 -| _ => error "autoCalculate..CompleteCalc: SubProblem broken 2";
    3.95 -*}
    3.96 -
    3.97 -
    3.98    ML {*"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end Interpret.thy %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%";*}
    3.99    ML {*"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% start xmlsrc.thy %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%";*}
   3.100  (*use "xmlsrc/mathml.sml"             TODO*)