GCD_Poly ML-->Isabelle: until fun %-%
authorWalther Neuper <neuper@ist.tugraz.at>
Thu, 24 Jan 2013 17:17:03 +0100
changeset 48815ce76956c46ab
parent 48814 46e7a7c569be
child 48816 85287e5f1dab
child 48817 d6f626bf193f
GCD_Poly ML-->Isabelle: until fun %-%
     1.1 --- a/src/Tools/isac/Knowledge/GCD_Poly.thy	Wed Jan 23 17:29:49 2013 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/src/Tools/isac/Knowledge/GCD_Poly.thy	Thu Jan 24 17:17:03 2013 +0100
     1.3 @@ -29,12 +29,13 @@
     1.4  ML {* (* 5 div 2 = 2; ~5 div 2 = ~3; ~5 div2 2 = ~2;*)
     1.5    infix div2
     1.6    fun a div2 b = 
     1.7 -    if (a div b) < 0 then abs a div (abs b) * ~1
     1.8 +    if a div b < 0 then (abs a) div (abs b) * ~1
     1.9      else a div b;
    1.10  *}
    1.12  subsection {* modulo calculations for integers *}
    1.13  ML {*
    1.14 +  (* ??? *)
    1.15    fun mod_inv r m =
    1.16      let
    1.17        fun modi (r, rold, m, rinv) = 
    1.18 @@ -46,8 +47,10 @@
    1.19          else 0
    1.20       in modi (r, r, m, 1) end;
    1.22 +  (* ??? *)
    1.23    fun mod_div a b m = a * (mod_inv b m) mod m;
    1.25 +  (* ??? *)
    1.26    fun approx_root a =
    1.27      let fun root' a n = 
    1.28        if n * n < a then root' a (n + 1) else n
    1.29 @@ -100,49 +103,50 @@
    1.31  subsection {* auxiliary functions for univariate polynomials *}
    1.32  ML {*
    1.33 +  (* leading coefficient *)
    1.34    fun lc (uvp: unipoly) =
    1.35      if nth uvp (List.length uvp - 1) <> 0
    1.36      then nth uvp (List.length uvp - 1)
    1.37      else lc (nth_drop (length uvp - 1) uvp);
    1.39 +  (* degree *)
    1.40    fun deg (uvp: unipoly) = 
    1.41      if nth uvp (length uvp - 1) <> 0
    1.42      then length uvp - 1
    1.43      else deg (nth_drop (length uvp - 1) uvp);
    1.45 -  fun lc_of_unipoly_not_0 [] = [](* and delete lc=0 WN: id for(multi)poly?*)
    1.46 -    | lc_of_unipoly_not_0 (uvp: unipoly) = 
    1.47 -      if nth uvp (length uvp -1) =0
    1.48 -      then lc_of_unipoly_not_0 (nth_drop (length uvp-1) uvp)
    1.49 -      else  uvp;
    1.50 +  (* drop leading coefficients equal 0 *)
    1.51 +  fun drop_lc0 [] = []
    1.52 +    | drop_lc0 (uvp: unipoly) = 
    1.53 +      if nth uvp (length uvp - 1) = 0
    1.54 +      then drop_lc0 (nth_drop (length uvp - 1) uvp)
    1.55 +      else uvp;
    1.57 -  fun normirt_polynom (poly1: unipoly) (m: int) =
    1.58 +  (* ??? *)
    1.59 +  fun normalise (p: unipoly) (m: int) =
    1.60      let
    1.61 -      val poly1 = lc_of_unipoly_not_0 poly1
    1.62 -      val lc_a = lc poly1;
    1.63 -      fun normirt poly1 b m lc_a i =
    1.64 +      val p = drop_lc0 p
    1.65 +      val lcp = lc p;
    1.66 +      fun norm nrm i =
    1.67          if i = 0
    1.68 -        then [mod_div (nth poly1 i) lc_a m] @ b
    1.69 -        else normirt poly1 ([mod_div (nth poly1 i) lc_a m] @  b) m lc_a (i - 1) ;
    1.70 +        then [mod_div (nth p i) lcp m] @ nrm
    1.71 +        else norm ([mod_div (nth p i) lcp m] @  nrm) (i - 1) ;
    1.72      in 
    1.73 -      if length(poly1)=0
    1.74 -      then poly1
    1.75 -      else normirt poly1  [] m lc_a (length(poly1)-1)
    1.76 -  end
    1.77 +      if List.length p = 0 then p else norm [] (List.length p - 1)
    1.78 +  end;
    1.80 +  (* scalar multiplication *)
    1.81 +  infix %*
    1.82 +  fun (p: unipoly) %* n =  map (Integer.mult n) p: unipoly
    1.83 +  
    1.84 +  (* scalar divison *)
    1.85 +  fun swapf f a b = f b a;
    1.86 +  infix %/ 
    1.87 +  fun (p: unipoly) %/ n = map (swapf (curry op div2) n) p: unipoly;
    1.89 -   infix %*
    1.90 -  fun (a: unipoly) %* b =  map2 Integer.mult a (replicate (length (a)) b)
    1.91 -  
    1.92 -  infix %/ 
    1.93 -  fun (poly: unipoly) %/ b = (* =quotient*)
    1.94 -    let fun division poly b = poly div2 b;
    1.95 -    in map2 division poly (replicate (length (poly)) b) end
    1.96 -
    1.97 +  (* minus of polys *)
    1.98    infix %-%
    1.99 -  fun (a: unipoly) %-% (b: unipoly) =
   1.100 -    let fun minus a b = a-b;
   1.101 -    in  map2 minus a b end
   1.102 +  fun (p1: unipoly) %-% (p2: unipoly) = map2 (curry op -) p1 p2
   1.104    (* if poly2|poly1 *)
   1.105    infix %|%
   1.106 @@ -152,10 +156,10 @@
   1.107      else false
   1.108    | (poly2: unipoly) %|% (poly1: unipoly) = 
   1.109      let 
   1.110 -    val b = (replicate (length poly1 - length(lc_of_unipoly_not_0 poly2)) 0) @ 
   1.111 -            lc_of_unipoly_not_0 poly2 ;
   1.112 +    val b = (replicate (length poly1 - length(drop_lc0 poly2)) 0) @ 
   1.113 +            drop_lc0 poly2 ;
   1.114      val c = lc poly1 div2 lc b;
   1.115 -    val rest = lc_of_unipoly_not_0 (poly1 %-% (b %* c));
   1.116 +    val rest = drop_lc0 (poly1 %-% (b %* c));
   1.117      in 
   1.118        if rest = []
   1.119        then true
   1.120 @@ -209,20 +213,20 @@
   1.122    infix mod_poly
   1.123    fun uvp mod_poly m =
   1.124 -    let fun mod_poly' uvp m n =
   1.125 -      if n < length (uvp)
   1.126 -      then mod_poly' ((nth_drop 0 uvp)@[(nth uvp 0) mod m]) m ( n + 1 )
   1.127 -      else uvp (*end of mod_poly'*)
   1.128 -    in
   1.129 -      mod_poly' uvp m 0 end 
   1.130 +    let 
   1.131 +      fun mod_pol uvp n =
   1.132 +        if n < List.length uvp
   1.133 +        then mod_pol ((List.tl uvp) @ [(List.hd uvp) mod m]) (n + 1 )
   1.134 +        else uvp 
   1.135 +    in mod_pol uvp 0 end 
   1.137    fun mod_poly_gcd (upoly1: unipoly) (upoly2: unipoly) (m: int) =
   1.138      let 
   1.139        val moda = upoly1 mod_poly m;
   1.140 -      val modb = (replicate (length upoly1 - length(lc_of_unipoly_not_0 (upoly2 mod_poly m))) 0)
   1.141 -                  @ (lc_of_unipoly_not_0 (upoly2 mod_poly m)) ;
   1.142 +      val modb = (replicate (length upoly1 - length(drop_lc0 (upoly2 mod_poly m))) 0)
   1.143 +                  @ (drop_lc0 (upoly2 mod_poly m)) ;
   1.144        val c =  mod_div (lc moda) (lc modb) m
   1.145 -      val rest = lc_of_unipoly_not_0 ((moda %-% (modb %*  c)) mod_poly m)
   1.146 +      val rest = drop_lc0 ((moda %-% (modb %*  c)) mod_poly m)
   1.147      in if rest = [] 
   1.148          then [upoly2, [0]]
   1.149          else
   1.150 @@ -233,7 +237,7 @@
   1.152    fun mod_gcd_p (poly1: unipoly) (poly2: unipoly) (p: int) =
   1.153      let val gcd_p = mod_poly_gcd poly1 poly2 p
   1.154 -    in normirt_polynom (nth gcd_p 0) p 
   1.155 +    in normalise (nth gcd_p 0) p 
   1.156      end
   1.158    fun pp [_: int] = [1]
   1.159 @@ -249,7 +253,7 @@
   1.160    if P > M then g else
   1.161    let 
   1.162      val p = p next_prime_not_dividing d 
   1.163 -    val g_p = poly_centr(((normirt_polynom ( mod_gcd_p a b p) p) %* (d mod p)) mod_poly p) p
   1.164 +    val g_p = poly_centr(((normalise ( mod_gcd_p a b p) p) %* (d mod p)) mod_poly p) p
   1.165    in
   1.166      if deg g_p < deg g
   1.167      then  if (deg g_p) = 0  then  [1] else WHILE a b d M p g_p p 
   1.168 @@ -264,7 +268,7 @@
   1.169  fun GOTO2 a b d M p = 
   1.170    let 
   1.171     val p = p next_prime_not_dividing d 
   1.172 -   val g_p = poly_centr(((normirt_polynom ( mod_gcd_p a b p) p) %* (d mod p)) mod_poly p) p
   1.173 +   val g_p = poly_centr(((normalise ( mod_gcd_p a b p) p) %* (d mod p)) mod_poly p) p
   1.174     in  if (deg g_p) = 0 then  [1]
   1.175             else let val g = pp (WHILE a b d M p g_p p)
   1.176          in
     2.1 --- a/src/Tools/isac/Knowledge/GCD_Poly_FP.thy	Wed Jan 23 17:29:49 2013 +0100
     2.2 +++ b/src/Tools/isac/Knowledge/GCD_Poly_FP.thy	Thu Jan 24 17:17:03 2013 +0100
     2.3 @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
     2.5  subsection {* a variant for div *}
     2.7 -fun div2 :: "int => int => int" (infixl "div2" 70)
     2.8 -  where "a div2 b = (if a div b < 0 then (\<bar>a\<bar> div \<bar>b\<bar>) * -1 else a div b)"
     2.9 +fun div2 :: "int => int => int" (infixl "div2" 70) where
    2.10 +"a div2 b = (if a div b < 0 then (\<bar>a\<bar> div \<bar>b\<bar>) * -1 else a div b)"
    2.11  text {* Meindl:  infix div' ... div' didnt work, infix didnt work *}
    2.13  text {*"----------- fun div2 -- --------------------------------"*};
    2.14 @@ -34,19 +34,19 @@
    2.16  subsection {* modulo calculations for integers *}
    2.18 -function modi :: "int => int => int => int => int"
    2.19 -  where "modi r rold m rinv = 
    2.20 +function modi :: "int => int => int => int => int" where
    2.21 +  "modi r rold m rinv = 
    2.22      (if rinv < m 
    2.23 -     then 
    2.24 -      if r mod m = 1 
    2.25 -      then rinv 
    2.26 -      else modi (rold * (rinv + 1)) rold m (rinv + 1) 
    2.27 -     else 0)"
    2.28 +      then 
    2.29 +        if r mod m = 1 
    2.30 +        then rinv 
    2.31 +        else modi (rold * (rinv + 1)) rold m (rinv + 1) 
    2.32 +      else 0)"
    2.33    by auto
    2.34    termination sorry
    2.35  (* modi is just local for mod_inv *)
    2.36 -fun mod_inv :: "int => int => int"
    2.37 -  where "mod_inv r m = modi r r m 1"
    2.38 +fun mod_inv :: "int => int => int" where
    2.39 +  "mod_inv r m = modi r r m 1"
    2.41  text {*"----------- fun mod_inv --------------------------------"*}
    2.42  value "modi 5 5 7 1"   -- "= 3"
    2.43 @@ -57,19 +57,19 @@
    2.44  value "mod_inv 3 7"    -- "= 5"
    2.45  value "mod_inv 4 339"  -- "= 85"
    2.47 -fun mod_div :: "int => int => int => int"
    2.48 -  where "mod_div a b m = a * (mod_inv b m) mod m"
    2.49 +fun mod_div :: "int => int => int => int" where
    2.50 +  "mod_div a b m = a * (mod_inv b m) mod m"
    2.52 -function root1 :: "int => int => int"
    2.53 -  where "root1 a n = (if n * n < a then root1 a (n + 1) else n)"
    2.54 -  by auto
    2.55 -  termination sorry
    2.56 +function root1 :: "int => int => int" where
    2.57 +  "root1 a n = (if n * n < a then root1 a (n + 1) else n)"
    2.58 +by auto
    2.59 +termination sorry
    2.60  (* root1 is only local to approx_root *)
    2.61 -fun approx_root :: "int => int"
    2.62 -  where "approx_root a = root1 a 1"
    2.63 +fun approx_root :: "int => int" where
    2.64 +  "approx_root a = root1 a 1"
    2.66 -fun chinese_remainder :: "int => int => int => int => int"
    2.67 -  where "chinese_remainder r1 m1 r2 m2 = 
    2.68 +fun chinese_remainder :: "int => int => int => int => int" where
    2.69 +  "chinese_remainder r1 m1 r2 m2 = 
    2.70      (r1 mod m1) + ((r2 - (r1 mod m1)) * (mod_inv m1 m2) mod m2) * m1"
    2.72  text {*"----------- fun chinese_remainder ----------------------"*}
    2.73 @@ -79,8 +79,8 @@
    2.74  subsection {* operations with primes *}
    2.76  (* assumes: 'primes' contains all of first primes /\ n =< (max primes)^2 *)
    2.77 -fun is_prime :: "int list \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> bool"
    2.78 -  where "is_prime primes n = 
    2.79 +fun is_prime :: "int list \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> bool" where
    2.80 +  "is_prime primes n = 
    2.81      (if List.length primes > 0
    2.82      then 
    2.83        if (n mod (List.hd primes)) = 0
    2.84 @@ -95,24 +95,24 @@
    2.85  value "is_prime [2, 3] 6"  -- "= False"
    2.86  value "is_prime [2, 3] 25" -- "= True ... because 5 not in list"
    2.88 -(* make_prims is local to make_primes *)
    2.89 -function make_primes :: "int list \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int list"
    2.90 -  where "make_primes primes last_p n =
    2.91 +(* make_primes is local to primes_upto only *)
    2.92 +function make_primes :: "int list \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int list" where
    2.93 +  "make_primes primes last_p n =
    2.94      (if (List.nth primes (List.length primes - 1)) < n
    2.95      then
    2.96        if is_prime primes (last_p + 2) 
    2.97        then make_primes (primes @ [(last_p + 2)]) (last_p + 2) n
    2.98        else make_primes  primes (last_p + 2) n
    2.99      else primes)"
   2.100 -  by pat_completeness (simp del: is_prime.simps)
   2.101 -  termination sorry
   2.102 +by pat_completeness (simp del: is_prime.simps)
   2.103 +termination sorry
   2.105  (* make_primes :: int \<Rightarrow> int list
   2.106     make_primes n = [2, 3, 5, 7, .., p_k]                 -- sloppy formulations
   2.107       assumes 0 < n
   2.108       yields SOME k. ([2, 3, 5, 7, .., p_k] contains all primes \<le> p_n) \<and> n \<le> p_k *)
   2.109 -fun primes_upto :: "int \<Rightarrow> int list"
   2.110 -  where "primes_upto n = (if n < 3 then [2] else make_primes [2,3] 3 n)"
   2.111 +fun primes_upto :: "int \<Rightarrow> int list" where
   2.112 +  "primes_upto n = (if n < 3 then [2] else make_primes [2, 3] 3 n)"
   2.114  value "primes_upto 2" -- "[2]"
   2.115  value "primes_upto 3" -- "[2, 3]"
   2.116 @@ -162,34 +162,103 @@
   2.118  subsection {* auxiliary functions for univariate polynomials *}
   2.119  type_synonym unipoly = "int list"
   2.120 -value "[1,2,3,4,5] :: unipoly"
   2.121 +value "[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] :: unipoly"
   2.123 -fun nth_drop :: "nat \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a list"
   2.124 -  where "nth_drop n xs =
   2.125 -  List.take n xs @ List.drop (n + 1) xs"
   2.126 +(* not in List.thy, copy from library.ML *)
   2.127 +fun nth_drop :: "nat \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a list" where
   2.128 +  "nth_drop n xs = List.take n xs @ List.drop (n + 1) xs"
   2.130 -function lc :: "unipoly \<Rightarrow> int"
   2.131 -  where "lc (up :: unipoly) =
   2.132 -    (if List.nth up (List.length up - 1) \<noteq> 0
   2.133 -    then List.nth up (List.length up - 1)
   2.134 -    else lc (nth_drop (List.length up - 1) up))"
   2.135 -  by auto 
   2.136 -  termination sorry
   2.137 +(* leading coefficient *)
   2.138 +function lc :: "unipoly \<Rightarrow> int" where
   2.139 +  "lc uvp =
   2.140 +    (if List.nth uvp (List.length uvp - 1) \<noteq> 0
   2.141 +    then List.nth uvp (List.length uvp - 1)
   2.142 +    else lc (nth_drop (List.length uvp - 1) uvp))"
   2.143 +by auto 
   2.144 +termination sorry
   2.146 +text {*"----------- fun lc -------------------------------------"*}
   2.147  value "lc [3, 4, 5, 6]"    -- "= 6"
   2.148  value "lc [3, 4, 5, 6, 0]" -- "= 6"
   2.150 -function deg :: "unipoly \<Rightarrow> nat"
   2.151 -  where "deg (up :: unipoly) =
   2.152 -    (if nth up (length up - 1) \<noteq> 0
   2.153 -    then length up - 1
   2.154 -    else deg (nth_drop (length up - 1) up))"
   2.155 -  by auto 
   2.156 -  termination sorry
   2.157 +(* degree *)
   2.158 +function deg :: "unipoly \<Rightarrow> nat" where
   2.159 +  "deg uvp =
   2.160 +    (if nth uvp (length uvp - 1) \<noteq> 0
   2.161 +    then length uvp - 1
   2.162 +    else deg (nth_drop (length uvp - 1) uvp))"
   2.163 +by auto 
   2.164 +termination sorry
   2.165 +(* TODO: ?let l = length uvp - 1? more efficient??? compare drop_lc0 !!! *)
   2.167 +text {*"----------- fun deg ------------------------------------"*}
   2.168  value "deg [3, 4, 5, 6]"    -- "= 3"
   2.169  value "deg [3, 4, 5, 6, 0]" -- "= 3"
   2.171 +(* drop leading coefficients equal 0 *)
   2.172 +fun drop_lc0 :: "unipoly \<Rightarrow> unipoly" where 
   2.173 +  "drop_lc0 [] = []"
   2.174 +| "drop_lc0 uvp = 
   2.175 +    (let l = List.length uvp - 1
   2.176 +    in
   2.177 +      if nth uvp l = 0
   2.178 +      then drop_lc0 (nth_drop l uvp)
   2.179 +      else uvp)"
   2.180 +
   2.181 +text {*"----------- fun drop_lc0 -------------------------------";*}
   2.182 +value "drop_lc0 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 0]" -- "= [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"
   2.183 +value "drop_lc0 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"       -- "= [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"
   2.184 +
   2.185 +(* norm is local to normalise only *)
   2.186 +fun norm :: "unipoly \<Rightarrow> unipoly \<Rightarrow> int (*nat?*) \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> unipoly" where
   2.187 +  "norm pol nrm m lcp i = 
   2.188 +    (if i = 0
   2.189 +        then [mod_div (nth pol i) lcp m] @ nrm
   2.190 +        else norm pol ([mod_div (nth pol i) lcp m] @  nrm) m lcp (i - 1))"
   2.191 +(* ??? *)
   2.192 +fun normalise :: "unipoly \<Rightarrow> int (*nat?*) \<Rightarrow> unipoly" where
   2.193 +  "normalise p m = 
   2.194 +    (let
   2.195 +     p = drop_lc0 p;
   2.196 +     lcp = lc p
   2.197 +    in 
   2.198 +      if List.length p = 0 then p else norm p [] m lcp (List.length p - 1))"
   2.199 +
   2.200 +text {*"----------- fun normalise ------------------------------";*}
   2.201 +value "normalise [-18, -15, -20, 12, 20, -13, 2] 5"   -- "= [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1]"
   2.202 +
   2.203 +(* scalar multiplication *)
   2.204 +fun  imult :: "unipoly \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> unipoly" (infixl "imult" 70) where
   2.205 + "p imult m = map (op * m) p"
   2.206 +
   2.207 +text {*"----------- fun %* ------------------------------";*}
   2.208 +value "[5, 4, 7, 8, 1] imult 5"   -- "= [25, 20, 35, 40, 5]"
   2.209 +value "[5, 4, -7, 8, -1] imult 5" -- "= [25, 20, -35, 40, -5]"
   2.210 +
   2.211 +(* scalar divison *)
   2.212 +fun swapf :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'c) \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'c" where
   2.213 +  "swapf f a b = f b a"
   2.214 +fun  idiv :: "unipoly \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> unipoly" (infixl "idiv" 70) where
   2.215 +  "p idiv m = map (swapf op div2 m) p"
   2.216 +
   2.217 +text {*"----------- fun %/ -------------------------------";*}
   2.218 +value "[4, 3, 2, 5, 6] idiv 3" -- "= [1, 1, 0, 1, 2]"
   2.219 +value "[4, 3, 2, 0] idiv 3"    -- "= [1, 1, 0, 0]"
   2.220 +
   2.221 +(* not in List.thy, copy from library.ML *)
   2.222 +fun map2 :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'c) \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> 'b list \<Rightarrow> 'c list" where
   2.223 +  "map2 _ [] [] = []"
   2.224 +| "map2 f (x # xs) (y # ys) = f x y # map2 f xs ys"
   2.225 +| "map2 _ _ _ = []" (*raise ListPair.UnequalLengths*)
   2.226 +
   2.227 +(* minus of polys *)
   2.228 +fun  pminus :: "unipoly \<Rightarrow> unipoly \<Rightarrow> unipoly" (infixl "pminus" 70) where
   2.229 + "p1 pminus p2 = map2 (op -) p1 p2"
   2.230 +
   2.231 +text {*"----------- fun %-% ------------------------";*}
   2.232 +value "[8, -7, 0, 1] pminus [-2, 2, 3, 0]"     -- "= [10, -9, -3, 1]"
   2.233 +value "[8, 7, 6, 5, 4] pminus [2, 2, 3, 1, 1]" -- "= [6, 5, 3, 4, 3]"
   2.234 +
     3.1 --- a/test/Tools/isac/Knowledge/gcd_poly.sml	Wed Jan 23 17:29:49 2013 +0100
     3.2 +++ b/test/Tools/isac/Knowledge/gcd_poly.sml	Thu Jan 24 17:17:03 2013 +0100
     3.3 @@ -17,16 +17,16 @@
     3.4  "----------- fun next_prime_not_dividing ----------------";
     3.5  "----------- fun lc -------------------------------------";
     3.6  "----------- fun deg ------------------------------------";
     3.7 -"----------- fun lc_of_unipoly_not_0 --------------------";
     3.8 -"----------- fun normirt_polynom ------------------------";
     3.9 +"----------- fun drop_lc0 -------------------------------";
    3.10 +"----------- fun normalise ------------------------------";
    3.11  (* order until here: (GCD_Poly_FP =) GCD_Poly = gcd_poly *)
    3.12  "----------- fun %* -------------------------------------";
    3.13  "----------- fun %/ -------------------------------------";
    3.14  "----------- fun %-% ------------------------------------";
    3.15 +"----------- fun %|% ------------------------------------";
    3.16  (*"----------- fun %+% ------------------------------------";*)
    3.17 +"----------- fun chinese_remainder_poly -----------------";
    3.18  "----------- fun mod_poly -------------------------------";
    3.19 -"----------- fun chinese_remainder_poly -----------------";
    3.20 -"----------- fun %|% ------------------------------------";
    3.21  "----------- fun mod_poly_gcd ---------------------------";
    3.22  (*"----------- fun poly_centr -----------------------------";*)
    3.23  "----------- fun mod_gcd_p ------------------------------";
    3.24 @@ -139,51 +139,43 @@
    3.25  if deg [3,4,5,6] = 3 then () else error "lc (3,4,5,6) = 3 changed" ;
    3.26  if deg [3,4,5,6,0] = 3 then () else error "lc (3,4,5,6) = 6 changed";
    3.28 -"----------- fun lc_of_unipoly_not_0 --------------------";
    3.29 -"----------- fun lc_of_unipoly_not_0 --------------------";
    3.30 -"----------- fun lc_of_unipoly_not_0 --------------------";
    3.31 -if lc_of_unipoly_not_0 [0,1,2,3,4,5,0,0]=[0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5] then ()
    3.32 -else error "lc_of_unipoly_not_0 [0,1,2,3,4,5,0,0]=[0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5] changed";
    3.33 -if lc_of_unipoly_not_0 [0,1,2,3,4,5]=[0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5] then () 
    3.34 -else error "lc_of_unipoly_not_0 [0,1,2,3,4,5]=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] changed";
    3.35 +"----------- fun drop_lc0 -------------------------------";
    3.36 +"----------- fun drop_lc0 -------------------------------";
    3.37 +"----------- fun drop_lc0 -------------------------------";
    3.38 +if drop_lc0 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 0] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] then ()
    3.39 +else error "drop_lc0 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 0] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] changed";
    3.40 +if drop_lc0 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] then () 
    3.41 +else error "drop_lc0 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] changed";
    3.43 -"----------- fun normirt_polynom ------------------------";
    3.44 -"----------- fun normirt_polynom ------------------------";
    3.45 -"----------- fun normirt_polynom ------------------------";
    3.46 -if (normirt_polynom [~18, ~15, ~20, 12, 20, ~13, 2] 5) =[1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1 ] then ()
    3.47 -else error "(normirt_polynom [~18, ~15, ~20, 12, 20, ~13, 2] 5) =[1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1 ] changed"
    3.48 -
    3.49 -"----------- fun mod_poly -------------------------------";
    3.50 -"----------- fun mod_poly -------------------------------";
    3.51 -"----------- fun mod_poly -------------------------------";
    3.52 -if ([5,4,7,8,1] mod_poly 5) = [0, 4, 2, 3, 1] then () 
    3.53 -else error "[5,4,7,8,1] mod_poly 5 = [0, 4, 2, 3, 1] changed" ;
    3.54 -if ([5,4,~7,8,~1] mod_poly 5) = [0, 4, 3, 3, 4] then () 
    3.55 -else error "[5,4,~7,8,~1] mod_poly 5  = [0, 4, 3, 3, 4] changed" ;
    3.56 +"----------- fun normalise ------------------------------";
    3.57 +"----------- fun normalise ------------------------------";
    3.58 +"----------- fun normalise ------------------------------";
    3.59 +if (normalise [~18, ~15, ~20, 12, 20, ~13, 2] 5) = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1 ] then ()
    3.60 +else error "(normalise [~18, ~15, ~20, 12, 20, ~13, 2] 5) = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1 ] changed"
    3.62  "----------- fun %* ------------------------------";
    3.63  "----------- fun %* ------------------------------";
    3.64  "----------- fun %* ------------------------------";
    3.65 -if ([5,4,7,8,1] %* 5) = [25, 20, 35, 40, 5] then () 
    3.66 -else error "[5,4,7,8,1] %* 5 = [25, 20, 35, 40, 5] changed";
    3.67 -if ([5,4,~7,8,~1] %* 5) = [25, 20, ~35, 40, ~5] then () 
    3.68 -else error "[5,4,~7,8,~1] %* 5 = [25, 20, ~35, 40, ~5] changed";
    3.69 +if ([5, 4, 7, 8, 1] %* 5) = [25, 20, 35, 40, 5] then () 
    3.70 +else error "[5, 4, 7, 8, 1] %* 5 = [25, 20, 35, 40, 5] changed";
    3.71 +if ([5, 4, ~7, 8, ~1] %* 5) = [25, 20, ~35, 40, ~5] then () 
    3.72 +else error "[5, 4, ~7, 8, ~1] %* 5 = [25, 20, ~35, 40, ~5] changed";
    3.74  "----------- fun %/ -------------------------------";
    3.75  "----------- fun %/ -------------------------------";
    3.76  "----------- fun %/ -------------------------------";
    3.77 -if ([4,3,2,5,6] %/ 3) =[1, 1, 0, 1, 2] then ()
    3.78 -else error "%/ [4,3,2,5,6] 3 =[1, 1, 0, 1, 2] changed";
    3.79 -if ([4,3,2,0] %/ 3) =[1, 1, 0, 0] then () 
    3.80 -else error "%/ [4,3,2,0] 3 =[1, 1, 0, 0] changed";
    3.81 +if ([4, 3, 2, 5, 6] %/ 3) = [1, 1, 0, 1, 2] then ()
    3.82 +else error "%/ [4, 3, 2, 5, 6] 3 = [1, 1, 0, 1, 2] changed";
    3.83 +if ([4, 3, 2, 0] %/ 3) = [1, 1, 0, 0] then () 
    3.84 +else error "%/ [4, 3, 2, 0] 3 = [1, 1, 0, 0] changed";
    3.86 -"----------- fun %-% ------------------------";
    3.87 -"----------- fun %-% ------------------------";
    3.88 -"----------- fun %-% ------------------------";
    3.89 -if ([8,~7,0,1] %-% [~2,2,3,0])=[10,~9,~3,1] then () 
    3.90 -else error "[8,~7,0,1] %-% [~2,2,3,0]=[10,~9,~3,1] changed";
    3.91 -if ([8,7,6,5,4] %-% [2,2,3,1,1])=[6,5,3,4,3] then ()
    3.92 -else error "[8,7,6,5,4] %-% [2,2,3,1,1]=[6,5,3,4,3] changed";
    3.93 +"----------- fun %-% ------------------------------";
    3.94 +"----------- fun %-% ------------------------------";
    3.95 +"----------- fun %-% -----------------------------";
    3.96 +if ([8, ~7, 0, 1] %-% [~2, 2, 3, 0]) = [10, ~9, ~3, 1] then () 
    3.97 +else error "([8, ~7, 0, 1] %-% [~2, 2, 3, 0]) = [10, ~9, ~3, 1] changed";
    3.98 +if ([8, 7, 6, 5, 4] %-% [2, 2, 3, 1, 1]) = [6, 5, 3, 4, 3] then ()
    3.99 +else error "([8, 7, 6, 5, 4] %-% [2, 2, 3, 1, 1]) = [6, 5, 3, 4, 3] changed";
   3.101  (*"----------- fun %+% ------------------------------";
   3.102  "----------- fun %+% ------------------------------";
   3.103 @@ -193,34 +185,42 @@
   3.104  if ([8,7,6,5,4] %+% [2,2,3,1,1])=[10,9,9,6,5] then ()
   3.105  else error "[8,7,6,5,4] %+% [2,2,3,1,1]=[10,9,9,6,5] changed";*)
   3.107 -"----------- fun chinese_remainder_poly -----------------";
   3.108 -"----------- fun chinese_remainder_poly -----------------";
   3.109 -"----------- fun chinese_remainder_poly -----------------";
   3.110 -if (chinese_remainder_poly (5, 7)([2,2,4,3],[3,2,3,5]))=[17,2,24,33] then ()
   3.111 -else error "chinese_remainder_poly (5, 7)([2,2,4,3],[3,2,3,5])=[17,2,24,33] changed";
   3.112 -
   3.113  "----------- fun %|% -------------------------------";
   3.114  "----------- fun %|% -------------------------------";
   3.115  "----------- fun %|% -------------------------------";
   3.116  "~~~~~ fun %|% , args:"; val (poly1, poly2) = ([9,12,4],[3,2]);
   3.117  val b = (replicate (length poly1 - length poly2) 0 ) @ poly2 ;
   3.118  val c = lc poly1 div lc b;
   3.119 -val rest = lc_of_unipoly_not_0 ( poly1 %-% (b %* c ));
   3.120 +val rest = drop_lc0 ( poly1 %-% (b %* c ));
   3.121  rest = [];(*=false*)
   3.122  c<>0 andalso length rest >= length poly2; (*=true*)
   3.123  "~~~~~ fun %|% , args:"; val (poly1, poly2) = (rest, poly2);
   3.124  val b = (replicate (length poly1 - length poly2) 0 ) @ poly2 ;
   3.125  val c = lc poly1 div lc b;
   3.126 -val rest = lc_of_unipoly_not_0 ( poly1 %-% (b %* c ));
   3.127 +val rest = drop_lc0 ( poly1 %-% (b %* c ));
   3.128  rest = [];(*=true*)
   3.129  "~~~~~ to  return val:"; val (divide) = (true);
   3.131  if ([4] %|% [6]) = false then () else error "[4] %|% [6] = false changed";
   3.132 -if ( [8] %|%[16,0]) = true then () else error "[8] %|%[16,0] = true changed";
   3.133 +if ( [8] %|%[16,0]) = true then () else error "[8] %|% [16,0] = true changed";
   3.134  if ([3,2] %|%[0,0,9,12,4] ) = true then () 
   3.135  else error "[3,2] %|%[0,0,9,12,4]  = true changed";
   3.136  if ([8,0] %|% [16]) = true then () else error "[8,0] %|% [16] = true changed";
   3.138 +"----------- fun chinese_remainder_poly -----------------";
   3.139 +"----------- fun chinese_remainder_poly -----------------";
   3.140 +"----------- fun chinese_remainder_poly -----------------";
   3.141 +if (chinese_remainder_poly (5, 7)([2,2,4,3],[3,2,3,5]))=[17,2,24,33] then ()
   3.142 +else error "chinese_remainder_poly (5, 7)([2,2,4,3],[3,2,3,5])=[17,2,24,33] changed";
   3.143 +
   3.144 +"----------- fun mod_poly -------------------------------";
   3.145 +"----------- fun mod_poly -------------------------------";
   3.146 +"----------- fun mod_poly -------------------------------";
   3.147 +if ([5,4,7,8,1] mod_poly 5) = [0, 4, 2, 3, 1] then () 
   3.148 +else error "[5,4,7,8,1] mod_poly 5 = [0, 4, 2, 3, 1] changed" ;
   3.149 +if ([5,4,~7,8,~1] mod_poly 5) = [0, 4, 3, 3, 4] then () 
   3.150 +else error "[5,4,~7,8,~1] mod_poly 5  = [0, 4, 3, 3, 4] changed" ;
   3.151 +
   3.152  "----------- fun mod_poly_gcd ------------------------";
   3.153  "----------- fun mod_poly_gcd ------------------------";
   3.154  "----------- fun mod_poly_gcd ------------------------";
   3.155 @@ -235,33 +235,33 @@
   3.156  "~~~~~ fun mod_poly_gcd , args:"; 
   3.157  val (a,b,m) = ([ ~13, 2,12],[ ~14, 2],5);
   3.158  val moda = a mod_poly m;
   3.159 -val modb = (replicate (length a - length(lc_of_unipoly_not_0 b)) 0) @ (lc_of_unipoly_not_0 b mod_poly m) ;
   3.160 +val modb = (replicate (length a - length(drop_lc0 b)) 0) @ (drop_lc0 b mod_poly m) ;
   3.161  val c =  mod_div (lc moda) (lc modb) m;
   3.162 -val rest = lc_of_unipoly_not_0 (moda %-% (modb %* c) mod_poly m) mod_poly m;
   3.163 +val rest = drop_lc0 (moda %-% (modb %* c) mod_poly m) mod_poly m;
   3.164  rest = []; (*=false*)
   3.165  length rest < length b; (*=false*)
   3.166  "~~~~~ fun  mod_poly_gcd , args:";
   3.167  val (a,b,m,d) = (rest, b ,  m , [c]);
   3.168  val moda = a mod_poly m
   3.169 -val modb = (replicate (length a - length(lc_of_unipoly_not_0 b)) 0) @ (lc_of_unipoly_not_0 b mod_poly m) ;
   3.170 +val modb = (replicate (length a - length(drop_lc0 b)) 0) @ (drop_lc0 b mod_poly m) ;
   3.171  val c =  mod_div (lc moda) (lc modb) m
   3.172 -val rest = lc_of_unipoly_not_0 ((moda %-% (modb %*  c)) mod_poly m);
   3.173 +val rest = drop_lc0 ((moda %-% (modb %*  c)) mod_poly m);
   3.174  rest = [];(*=flase*)
   3.175  length rest < length b; (*=true*)
   3.176  "~~~~~ fun  mod_poly_gcd , args:";
   3.177  val (a,b,m,d) = (b, rest, m, [c] @ d);
   3.178  val moda = a mod_poly m
   3.179 -val modb = (replicate (length a - length(lc_of_unipoly_not_0 b)) 0) @ (lc_of_unipoly_not_0 b mod_poly m) ;
   3.180 +val modb = (replicate (length a - length(drop_lc0 b)) 0) @ (drop_lc0 b mod_poly m) ;
   3.181  val c =  mod_div (lc moda) (lc modb) m
   3.182 -val rest = lc_of_unipoly_not_0 ((moda %-% (modb %*  c)) mod_poly m);
   3.183 +val rest = drop_lc0 ((moda %-% (modb %*  c)) mod_poly m);
   3.184  rest = [];(*=flase*)
   3.185  length rest < length b; (*=false*)
   3.186  "~~~~~ fun  mod_poly_gcd , args:";
   3.187  val (a,b,m,d) = (b, rest, m, [c] @ d);
   3.188  val moda = a mod_poly m
   3.189 -val modb = (replicate (length a - length(lc_of_unipoly_not_0 b)) 0) @ (lc_of_unipoly_not_0 b mod_poly m) ;
   3.190 +val modb = (replicate (length a - length(drop_lc0 b)) 0) @ (drop_lc0 b mod_poly m) ;
   3.191  val c =  mod_div (lc moda) (lc modb) m
   3.192 -val rest = lc_of_unipoly_not_0 ((moda %-% (modb %*  c)) mod_poly m);
   3.193 +val rest = drop_lc0 ((moda %-% (modb %*  c)) mod_poly m);
   3.194  rest = [];(*=true*)
   3.195  "~~~~~ to  return val:"; val ([b, rest, lsit])=[b, [0], [c] @ d];
     4.1 --- a/test/Tools/isac/Test_Isac.thy	Wed Jan 23 17:29:49 2013 +0100
     4.2 +++ b/test/Tools/isac/Test_Isac.thy	Thu Jan 24 17:17:03 2013 +0100
     4.3 @@ -155,6 +155,7 @@
     4.4    use "Knowledge/atools.sml"
     4.5    use "Knowledge/simplify.sml"
     4.6    use "Knowledge/poly.sml"
     4.7 +  use "Knowledge/gcd_poly_winkler.sml"
     4.8  (*use "Knowledge/rational.sml"  WN120317.TODO postponed to joint work with dmeindl *)
     4.9    use "Knowledge/equation.sml"
    4.10    use "Knowledge/root.sml"
     5.1 --- a/test/Tools/isac/Test_Some2.thy	Wed Jan 23 17:29:49 2013 +0100
     5.2 +++ b/test/Tools/isac/Test_Some2.thy	Thu Jan 24 17:17:03 2013 +0100
     5.3 @@ -6,79 +6,72 @@
     5.4  use"~~/test/Tools/isac/Knowledge/gcd_poly.sml"
     5.7 -ML {* " ~~~ 1 ~~~";
     5.8 -val thy = @{theory GCD_Poly};
     5.9 -val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy;
    5.10 +ML {*
    5.11  print_depth 7;
    5.12  *}
    5.13 -ML {*
    5.14 -"----------- fun normirt_polynom --------------------";
    5.15 -val a = [~18, ~15, ~20, 12, 20, ~13, 2];
    5.16 -normirt_polynom a 3;
    5.17 -val b = [8, 28, 22, ~11, ~14, 1, 2];
    5.18 -val c = [0, 0, 3, 0, 0];
    5.19 -*}
    5.21 -
    5.22 -ML {* 
    5.23 -PolyML.makestring
    5.24 -*}
    5.25 -
    5.26 -ML {*
    5.27 -fun GCD_MOD a = 
    5.28 -  (writeln (PolyML.makestring a); GOTO2 a - 1)
    5.29 -and GOTO2 b = 
    5.30 -  if b > 0 then GCD_MOD (b - 1) else b
    5.31 -*}
    5.32 -
    5.33 -ML {*
    5.34 -GCD_MOD 5
    5.35 -*} 
    5.36 -
    5.37 -ML{*  
    5.38 -
    5.39 -*} 
    5.40 -
    5.41 - ML{* 
    5.42 +ML{* 
    5.43  if  (mod_gcd_p [~18, ~15, ~20, 12, 20, ~13, 2] [8, 28, 22, ~11, ~14, 1, 2] 5) = [1, 1, 1, 1] then ()
    5.44  else error "mod_gcd_p [~18, ~15, ~20, 12, 20, ~13, 2] [8, 28, 22, ~11, ~14, 1, 2] 5 = [1, 1, 1, 1] changed";
    5.45  if  (mod_gcd_p [~18, ~15, ~20, 12, 20, ~13, 2] [8, 28, 22, ~11, ~14, 1, 2] 7) = [5, 1, 0, 5, 1] then ()
    5.46  else error "mod_gcd_p [~18, ~15, ~20, 12, 20, ~13, 2] [8, 28, 22, ~11, ~14, 1, 2] 7 = [5, 1, 0, 5, 1] changed";
    5.47 -
    5.48  *} 
    5.50 -ML {* 
    5.51 +ML {*
    5.52 +    fun mod_pol uvp m n =
    5.53 +      (if n < length uvp
    5.54 +      then mod_pol ((List.tl uvp) @ [(List.hd uvp) mod m]) m (n + 1 )
    5.55 +      else uvp)
    5.56 +
    5.57 +  infix mod_poly
    5.58 +  fun (uvp: unipoly) mod_poly m = mod_pol uvp m 0;
    5.59 +
    5.60 +"----------- fun mod_poly -------------------------------";
    5.61 +if ([5,4,7,8,1] mod_poly 5) = [0, 4, 2, 3, 1] then () 
    5.62 +else error "[5,4,7,8,1] mod_poly 5 = [0, 4, 2, 3, 1] changed" ;
    5.63 +"======================================================================= later"
    5.64  *}
    5.67 -ML{*
    5.68 -*}
    5.69 -
    5.70  ML {*
    5.71 -*}
    5.72 -
    5.73 -ML {* 
    5.74 -*}
    5.75 -
    5.76 -ML {* 
    5.77 -*}
    5.78 -
    5.79 -ML {* 
    5.80 +*} 
    5.81 +ML {*
    5.82 +  infix %|%
    5.83 +  fun [b: int] %|% [a: int] = 
    5.84 +    if abs b<= abs a andalso a mod b = 0
    5.85 +    then true
    5.86 +    else false
    5.87 +  | (poly2: unipoly) %|% (poly1: unipoly) = 
    5.88 +    let 
    5.89 +    val b = (replicate (length poly1 - length(drop_lc0 poly2)) 0) @ 
    5.90 +            drop_lc0 poly2 ;
    5.91 +    val c = lc poly1 div2 lc b;
    5.92 +    val rest = drop_lc0 (poly1 %-% (b %* c));
    5.93 +    in 
    5.94 +      if rest = []
    5.95 +      then true
    5.96 +      else
    5.97 +        if c<>0 andalso length rest >= length poly2
    5.98 +        then poly2 %|% rest 
    5.99 +        else false
   5.100 +    end
   5.101 +*} 
   5.102 +ML {*
   5.103 +"----------- fun %|% -------------------------------";
   5.104 +if ([4] %|% [6]) = false then () else error "[4] %|% [6] = false changed";
   5.105 +if ([8] %|% [16,0]) = true then () else error "[8] %|% [16,0] = true changed";
   5.106 +if ([8,0] %|% [16]) = true then () else error "[8,0] %|% [16] = true changed";
   5.107 +if ([3, 2] %|% [0, 0 ,9, 12, 4]) = true then () 
   5.108 +  else error "[3, 2] %|% [0, 0 ,9, 12, 4] = true changed";
   5.109 +[   2, 3] %|% [   4, 12, 9      ];
   5.110 +[0, 2, 3] %|% [0, 4, 12, 9, 0, 0];
   5.111 +[0, 2, 3] %|% [0, 4, 12, 9      ];
   5.112 +*} 
   5.113 +ML {*
   5.114  *} 
   5.116 -ML{*  
   5.117 -*} 
   5.119 - ML{* 
   5.120 -*} 
   5.121 -
   5.122 -ML{* 
   5.123 -*}
   5.124 -
   5.125 -ML{*
   5.126 -*}
   5.127 -
   5.128 -ML{*  (*==================*)
   5.129 +ML {*  (*==================*)
   5.130  *} ML{*  "~~~~~ fun , args:"; val () = ();
   5.131  "~~~~~ to  return val:"; val () = ();