collected non-termination in gcd_poly from Isabelle2002
authorWalther Neuper <>
Wed, 05 Dec 2012 10:21:35 +0100
changeset 48788c102346a2958
parent 48787 0f62d7264b93
child 48789 498ed5bb1004
collected non-termination in gcd_poly from Isabelle2002
     1.1 --- a/test/Tools/isac/Knowledge/rational.sml	Wed Dec 05 09:58:28 2012 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/test/Tools/isac/Knowledge/rational.sml	Wed Dec 05 10:21:35 2012 +0100
     1.3 @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
     1.4  "----------- get_denominator ----------------------------";
     1.5  "--------- several errpats in complicated term -------------------";
     1.6  "--------------------------------------------------------";
     1.7 +"-------- nonterminating cancel_p, norm_Rational 2002 ---";
     1.8  "--------------------------------------------------------";
     1.9  "--------------------------------------------------------";
    1.11 @@ -2098,3 +2099,149 @@
    1.12  autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc;
    1.13  val ((pt,p),_) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
    1.15 +"-------- nonterminating cancel_p, norm_Rational 2002 ---";
    1.16 +"-------- nonterminating cancel_p, norm_Rational 2002 ---";
    1.17 +"-------- nonterminating cancel_p, norm_Rational 2002 ---";
    1.18 +(*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\
    1.19 +"--- WN121204: searched rational.sml for "nonterm", added new numbering" ^
    1.20 +"              and thoroughly tested with this numbering subsequently";
    1.21 +"--- 1 ---";
    1.22 +WN.2.6.03 from rlang.sml 56a 
    1.23 +val t = str2term "(a + b * x) / (a + -1 * (b * x)) + (-1 * a + b * x) / (a + b * x) = 4 * (a * b) / (a ^^^ 2 + -1 * b ^^^ 2)";
    1.24 +val NONE = rewrite_set_ thy false common_nominator_p t;
    1.25 +"--- 2 ---";
    1.26 +WN060831 nonterm.SK7 
    1.27 +val t = str2term "(a + b * x) / (a + -1 * (b * x)) + (-1 * a + b * x) / (a + b * x)";
    1.28 +val NONE = add_fraction_p_ thy t;
    1.29 +"--- 3 ---";
    1.30 +nonterm.SK9 loops: cancel_p kann nicht weiter kuerzen!!! *)
    1.31 +val t'' = str2term "(a + b)/(x^^^2 - y^^^2) * ((x - y)^^^2/(a^^^2 - b^^^2))";
    1.32 +val SOME (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t'';
    1.33 +"--- 4 ---";
    1.34 +val t = str2term 
    1.35 +"(a * x ^^^ 2 + -2 * a * x * y + a * y ^^^ 2 + b * x ^^^ 2 + -2 * b * x * y + b * y ^^^ 2) /(a ^^^ 2 * x ^^^ 2 + -1 * a ^^^ 2 * y ^^^ 2 + -1 * b ^^^ 2 * x ^^^ 2 + b ^^^ 2 * y ^^^ 2)"; 
    1.36 +WN060831 nonterm.SK10 
    1.37 +val SOME (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false cancel_p t;
    1.38 +term2str t;
    1.39 +"--- 5 ---";
    1.40 +val t = str2term 
    1.41 +"(9*(x^^^2 - 8*x+16)/(4*(y^^^2 - 2*y+1)))/((3*x - 12)/(16*y - 16))";
    1.42 +val SOME (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
    1.43 +if term2str t = 
    1.44 +then ()
    1.45 +else error "rational.sml: diff.behav. in norm_Rational_mg 42";
    1.46 +"--- 6 ---";
    1.47 +val t = str2term 
    1.48 +"9*(x^^^2 - 8*x+16)*(16*y - 16)/(4*(y^^^2 - 2*y+1)*(3*x - 12))";
    1.49 +val SOME (t',_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational t;
    1.50 +... non terminating.
    1.51 +"--- 7 ---";
    1.52 +val SOME (t',_) = rewrite_set_ thy false make_polynomial t;
    1.53 +"(-2304 + 1152 * x + 2304 * y + -144 * x ^^^ 2 + -1152 * x * y + 144 * x ^^^ 2 * y) /(-48 + 12 * x + 96 * y + -24 * x * y + -48 * y ^^^ 2 + 12 * x * y ^^^ 2)";
    1.54 +val SOME (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false cancel_p t';
    1.55 +"--- 8 ---";
    1.56 +val t = str2term "(a-b)^^^3 * (x+y)^^^4 / ((x+y)^^^2 * (a-b)^^^5)";
    1.57 +val SOME (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
    1.58 +"--- 9 ---";
    1.59 +val t = str2term "((12*x*y/(9*x^^^2 - y^^^2))/" ^
    1.60 +		 "(1/(3*x - y)^^^2 - 1/(3*x + y)^^^2)) *" ^
    1.61 +		 "(1/(x - 5*y)^^^2 - 1/(x + 5*y)^^^2)/" ^
    1.62 +		 "(20*x*y/(x^^^2 - 25*y^^^2))";
    1.63 +val SOME (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational(*_mg*) t;
    1.64 +"--- 10 ---";
    1.65 +SK060904-2a non-termination of add_fraction_p_";
    1.66 +val t = str2term (" (a + b * x) / (a + -1 * (b * x)) +  " ^
    1.67 +		  " (-1 * a + b * x) / (a + b * x)      ");
    1.68 +(* nonterm.SK
    1.69 +val SOME (t',_) = rewrite_set_ thy false common_nominator_p t;
    1.70 +"--- 11 ---";
    1.71 +common_nominator_p_ thy t;
    1.72 +" (a + b * x)*(a + b * x) / ((a + -1 * (b * x))*(a + -1 * (b * x))) +  " ^
    1.73 +" (-1 * a + b * x)*(a + -1 * (b * x)) / ((a + b * x)*(-1 * a + b * x)) ";
    1.74 +"--- 12 ---";                             
    1.75 +add_fraction_p_ thy t; 
    1.76 +" ((a + b * x)*(a + b * x)  +  (-1 * a + b * x)*(a + -1 * (b * x))) /" ^
    1.77 +" ((a + b * x)*(-1 * a + b * x))                                     ";
    1.78 +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/*)
    1.79 +
    1.80 +(*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\
    1.81 +"WN121205: thoroughly tested with the above numbering.";
    1.82 +"  errors in cancel_p: --- 4,5,6,7.";
    1.83 +"  error in common_nominator_p, common_nominator_p_: --- 10; 1,2?.";
    1.84 +"  errors caused by ruleset norm_Rational: --- 8,9.";
    1.85 +trace_rewrite := true;
    1.86 +
    1.87 +"--- 1 ---: non-terminating with ### add_fract: done t22 ";
    1.88 +val t = str2term "(a + b * x) / (a + -1 * (b * x)) + (-1 * a + b * x) / (a + b * x) = 4 * (a * b) / (a ^^^ 2 + -1 * b ^^^ 2)";
    1.89 +trace_rewrite:= true;
    1.90 +rewrite_set_ thy false common_nominator_p t;
    1.91 +
    1.92 +"--- 2 ---: non-terminating with ### add_fract: done t22 ";
    1.93 +val t = str2term "(a + b * x) / (a + -1 * (b * x)) + (-1 * a + b * x) / (a + b * x)";
    1.94 +add_fraction_p_ thy t;
    1.95 +
    1.96 +"--- 3 ---: norm_Rational calls Rrls cancel_p with non-normalised polys";
    1.97 +val t = str2term "(a + b)/(x^^^2 - y^^^2) * ((x - y)^^^2/(a^^^2 - b^^^2))";
    1.98 +rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational t;
    1.99 +(*tracing end...####  rls: cancel_p on: 
   1.100 +(a * x ^^^ 2 + -2 * (a * (x * y)) + a * y ^^^ 2 + b * x ^^^ 2 + -2 * (b * (x * y)) + b * y ^^^ 2) /
   1.101 +(a ^^^ 2 * x ^^^ 2 + -1 * (a ^^^ 2 * y ^^^ 2) + -1 * (b ^^^ 2 * x ^^^ 2) + b ^^^ 2 * y ^^^ 2) *)
   1.102 +
   1.103 +"--- 4 ---: non-terminating with Rrls cancel_p on plausible input";
   1.104 +val t = str2term (
   1.105 +"(a * x ^^^ 2 + -2 * a * x * y + a * y ^^^ 2 + b * x ^^^ 2 + -2 * b * x * y + b * y ^^^ 2) /"^
   1.106 +"(a ^^^ 2 * x ^^^ 2 + -1 * a ^^^ 2 * y ^^^ 2 + -1 * b ^^^ 2 * x ^^^ 2 + b ^^^ 2 * y ^^^ 2)"); 
   1.107 +rewrite_set_ thy false cancel_p t;
   1.108 +(*#  rls: cancel_p on: 
   1.109 +(a * x ^^^ 2 + -2 * a * x * y + a * y ^^^ 2 + b * x ^^^ 2 + -2 * b * x * y + b * y ^^^ 2) /
   1.110 +(a ^^^ 2 * x ^^^ 2 + -1 * a ^^^ 2 * y ^^^ 2 + -1 * b ^^^ 2 * x ^^^ 2 + b ^^^ 2 * y ^^^ 2) *)
   1.111 +
   1.112 +"--- 5 ---: non-terminating with Rrls cancel_p on plausible input";
   1.113 +val t = str2term "(9*(x^^^2 - 8*x+16)/(4*(y^^^2 - 2*y+1)))/((3*x - 12)/(16*y - 16))";
   1.114 +rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational t;
   1.115 +(*####  rls: cancel_p on: 
   1.116 +(2304 + -1152 * x + -2304 * y + 144 * x ^^^ 2 + 1152 * (x * y) + -144 * (x ^^^ 2 * y)) /
   1.117 +(48 + -12 * x + -96 * y + 24 * (x * y) + 48 * y ^^^ 2 + -12 * (x * y ^^^ 2))  *)
   1.118 +
   1.119 +"--- 6 ---: non-terminating with Rrls cancel_p on plausible input";
   1.120 +val t = str2term 
   1.121 +"9*(x^^^2 - 8*x+16)*(16*y - 16)/(4*(y^^^2 - 2*y+1)*(3*x - 12))";
   1.122 +rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational t;
   1.123 +(*###  rls: cancel_p on: (-2304 + 1152 * x + 2304 * y + -144 * x ^^^ 2 + -1152 * (x * y) +
   1.124 + 144 * (x ^^^ 2 * y)) /
   1.125 +(-48 + 12 * x + 96 * y + -24 * (x * y) + -48 * y ^^^ 2 + 12 * (x * y ^^^ 2)) *)
   1.126 +
   1.127 +"--- 7 ---: non-terminating with Rrls cancel_p on plausible input";
   1.128 +val t' = str2term (
   1.129 +"(-2304 + 1152 * x + 2304 * y + -144 * x ^^^ 2 + -1152 * x * y + 144 * x ^^^ 2 * y) /"^
   1.130 +"(-48 + 12 * x + 96 * y + -24 * x * y + -48 * y ^^^ 2 + 12 * x * y ^^^ 2)");
   1.131 +rewrite_set_ thy false cancel_p t';
   1.132 +
   1.133 +"--- 8 ---: bottom of output cannot be looked ad (due to looping?)";
   1.134 +val t = str2term "(a-b)^^^3 * (x+y)^^^4 / ((x+y)^^^2 * (a-b)^^^5)";
   1.135 +val SOME (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational t;
   1.136 +
   1.137 +"--- 9 ---: probably error in norm_Rational";
   1.138 +val t = str2term (
   1.139 +"((12*x*y / (9*x^^^2 - y^^^2)) / (1/(3*x - y)^^^2 - 1/(3*x + y)^^^2)) *" ^
   1.140 +		"(1/(x - 5*y)^^^2 - 1/(x + 5*y)^^^2) / (20*x*y/(x^^^2 - 25*y^^^2))");
   1.141 +rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational t;
   1.142 +(*####  rls: cancel_p on: (19440 * (x ^^^ 8 * y ^^^ 2) + -490320 * (x ^^^ 6 * y ^^^ 4) +
   1.143 + 108240 * (x ^^^ 4 * y ^^^ 6) +
   1.144 + -6000 * (x ^^^ 2 * y ^^^ 8)) /
   1.145 +(2160 * (x ^^^ 8 * y ^^^ 2) + -108240 * (x ^^^ 6 * y ^^^ 4) +
   1.146 + 1362000 * (x ^^^ 4 * y ^^^ 6) +
   1.147 + -150000 * (x ^^^ 2 * y ^^^ 8)) *)
   1.148 +
   1.149 +"--- 10 ---: non-terminating with ### add_fract: done t22: error in common_nominator_p ";
   1.150 +val t = str2term (" (a + b * x) / (a + -1 * (b * x)) + (-1 * a + b * x) / (a + b * x)");
   1.151 +rewrite_set_ thy false common_nominator_p t; (*### add_fract: done t22 *)
   1.152 +common_nominator_p_ thy t;                   (*loops without output*)
   1.153 +"--- reformulated 10:";
   1.154 +val t = str2term "(a + -1 * (b * x)) / (a + b * x)";
   1.155 +rewrite_set_ thy false cancel_p t = NONE;
   1.156 +"--- 11 ---";
   1.157 +"--- 12 ---";                             
   1.158 +"...both are to be considered after common_nominator_p_ is improved";
   1.159 +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/*)
   1.160 +
     2.1 --- a/test/Tools/isac/Knowledge/rational2.sml	Wed Dec 05 09:58:28 2012 +0100
     2.2 +++ b/test/Tools/isac/Knowledge/rational2.sml	Wed Dec 05 10:21:35 2012 +0100
     2.3 @@ -36,6 +36,9 @@
     2.4  "----------- fun pp -------------------------------------";
     2.5  "----------- fun GCD_MOD --------------------------------";
     2.6  "--------------------------------------------------------";
     2.7 +"----------- non-termination errors in cancel_p ----";
     2.8 +"--------------------------------------------------------";
     2.9 +"--------------------------------------------------------";
    2.10  "--------------------------------------------------------";
    2.12  "----------- values used for many tests -----------------";
    2.13 @@ -449,8 +452,64 @@
    2.14  "----------- fun %/% -------------------------------";
    2.15  "----------- fun %/% -------------------------------";
    2.17 -"----------- fun %/% -------------------------------";
    2.18 -"----------- fun %/% -------------------------------";
    2.19 -"----------- fun %/% -------------------------------";
    2.20 +"----------- non-termination errors in cancel_p ----";
    2.21 +"----------- non-termination errors in cancel_p ----";
    2.22 +"----------- non-termination errors in cancel_p ----";
    2.23 +(*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\
    2.24 +"WN121205: thoroughly tested with the numbering from rational.sml,";
    2.25 +"  see --- nonterminating cancel_p, norm_Rational 2002 ---.";
    2.26 +"  non-termination errors in cancel_p: --- 4,5,6,7.";
    2.27 +trace_rewrite := true;
    2.29 +"--- 4 ---: non-terminating with Rrls cancel_p on plausible input";
    2.30 +val t = str2term (
    2.31 +"(a * x ^^^ 2 + -2 * a * x * y + a * y ^^^ 2 + b * x ^^^ 2 + -2 * b * x * y + b * y ^^^ 2) /"^
    2.32 +"(a ^^^ 2 * x ^^^ 2 + -1 * a ^^^ 2 * y ^^^ 2 + -1 * b ^^^ 2 * x ^^^ 2 + b ^^^ 2 * y ^^^ 2)"); 
    2.33 +rewrite_set_ thy false cancel_p t;
    2.34 +(*#  rls: cancel_p on: 
    2.35 +(a * x ^^^ 2 + -2 * a * x * y + a * y ^^^ 2 + b * x ^^^ 2 + -2 * b * x * y + b * y ^^^ 2) /
    2.36 +(a ^^^ 2 * x ^^^ 2 + -1 * a ^^^ 2 * y ^^^ 2 + -1 * b ^^^ 2 * x ^^^ 2 + b ^^^ 2 * y ^^^ 2) *)
    2.38 +"--- 5 ---: non-terminating with Rrls cancel_p on plausible input";
    2.39 +val t = str2term "(9*(x^^^2 - 8*x+16)/(4*(y^^^2 - 2*y+1)))/((3*x - 12)/(16*y - 16))";
    2.40 +rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational t;
    2.41 +(*####  rls: cancel_p on: 
    2.42 +(2304 + -1152 * x + -2304 * y + 144 * x ^^^ 2 + 1152 * (x * y) + -144 * (x ^^^ 2 * y)) /
    2.43 +(48 + -12 * x + -96 * y + 24 * (x * y) + 48 * y ^^^ 2 + -12 * (x * y ^^^ 2))  *)
    2.44 +
    2.45 +"--- 6 ---: non-terminating with Rrls cancel_p on plausible input";
    2.46 +val t = str2term 
    2.47 +"9*(x^^^2 - 8*x+16)*(16*y - 16)/(4*(y^^^2 - 2*y+1)*(3*x - 12))";
    2.48 +rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational t;
    2.49 +(*###  rls: cancel_p on: (-2304 + 1152 * x + 2304 * y + -144 * x ^^^ 2 + -1152 * (x * y) +
    2.50 + 144 * (x ^^^ 2 * y)) /
    2.51 +(-48 + 12 * x + 96 * y + -24 * (x * y) + -48 * y ^^^ 2 + 12 * (x * y ^^^ 2)) *)
    2.52 +
    2.53 +"--- 7 ---: non-terminating with Rrls cancel_p on plausible input";
    2.54 +val t' = str2term (
    2.55 +"(-2304 + 1152 * x + 2304 * y + -144 * x ^^^ 2 + -1152 * x * y + 144 * x ^^^ 2 * y) 
    2.56 + (-48 + 12 * x + 96 * y + -24 * x * y + -48 * y ^^^ 2 + 12 * x * y ^^^ 2) ");
    2.57 +rewrite_set_ thy false cancel_p t';
    2.58 +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/*)
    2.59 +*}
    2.60 +ML {*
    2.61 +"--- 4 ---: non-terminating with Rrls cancel_p on plausible input";
    2.62 +val t = @{term 
    2.63 +"(a * x ^ 2 + -2 * a * x * y + a * y ^ 2 + b * x ^ 2 + -2 * b * x * y + b * y ^ 2) /
    2.64 + (a ^ 2 * x ^ 2 + -1 * a ^ 2 * y ^ 2 + -1 * b ^ 2 * x ^ 2 + b ^ 2 * y ^ 2)"};
    2.65 +
    2.66 +"--- 5 ---: non-terminating with Rrls cancel_p on plausible input";
    2.67 +val t = @{term 
    2.68 +"(2304 + -1152 * x + -2304 * y + 144 * x ^ 2 + 1152 * (x * y) + -144 * (x ^ 2 * y)) /
    2.69 + (48 + -12 * x + -96 * y + 24 * (x * y) + 48 * y ^ 2 + -12 * (x * y ^ 2))"};
    2.70 +
    2.71 +"--- 6 ---: non-terminating with Rrls cancel_p on plausible input";
    2.72 +val t = @{term 
    2.73 +"(-2304 + 1152 * x + 2304 * y + -144 * x ^ 2 + -1152 * (x * y) + 144 * (x ^ 2 * y)) /
    2.74 + (-48 + 12 * x + 96 * y + -24 * (x * y) + -48 * y ^ 2 + 12 * (x * y ^ 2))"};
    2.75 +
    2.76 +"--- 7 ---: non-terminating with Rrls cancel_p on plausible input";
    2.77 +val t = @{term 
    2.78 +"(-2304 + 1152 * x + 2304 * y + -144 * x ^ 2 + -1152 * x * y + 144 * x ^ 2 * y) /
    2.79 + (-48 + 12 * x + 96 * y + -24 * x * y + -48 * y ^ 2 + 12 * x * y ^ 2)"};
    2.80 +