investigate error from before CS "eliminate ThmC.numerals_to_Free"
authorwneuper <>
Mon, 13 Sep 2021 15:31:50 +0200
changeset 603979f5eba248269
parent 60396 c36af6b22ad4
child 60398 ebe3a66bdf15
investigate error from before CS "eliminate ThmC.numerals_to_Free"
     1.1 --- a/src/Tools/isac/Interpret/li-tool.sml	Sun Sep 12 16:18:03 2021 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/src/Tools/isac/Interpret/li-tool.sml	Mon Sep 13 15:31:50 2021 +0200
     1.3 @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
     1.4      fun okv mvat (_, vats, b, _, _) = member op = vats mvat andalso b
     1.5      val itms = filter (okv mvat) itms
     1.6      fun test_dsc d (_, _, _, _, itm_) = (d = I_Model.d_in itm_)
     1.7 -    fun itm2arg itms (_,(d,_)) =
     1.8 +    fun itm2arg itms (_, (d, _)) =
     1.9        case find_first (test_dsc d) itms of
    1.10          NONE => raise ERROR (error_msg_2 d itms)
    1.11        | SOME (_, _, _, _, itm_) => I_Model.penvval_in itm_
     2.1 --- a/test/Tools/isac/Knowledge/biegelinie-2.sml	Sun Sep 12 16:18:03 2021 +0200
     2.2 +++ b/test/Tools/isac/Knowledge/biegelinie-2.sml	Mon Sep 13 15:31:50 2021 +0200
     2.3 @@ -31,9 +31,12 @@
     2.4  autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc;
     2.6  val ((pt, p),_) = get_calc 1;
     2.7 +(* ERROR: THIS TEST WAS BROKEN BEFORE CS "eliminate ThmC.numerals_to_Free", 
     2.8 +   UNDETECTED BY Test_Isac_Short.thy ===========================================================\\
     2.9  if p = ([], Res) andalso (get_obj g_res pt (fst p) |> UnparseC.term) =
    2.10     "[Q x = c + - 1 * q_0 * x, M_b x = c_2 + c * x + - 1 * q_0 / 2 * x \<up> 2,\n dy x =\n c_3 + 1 / (- 1 * EI) * (c_2 * x + c / 2 * x \<up> 2 + - 1 * q_0 / 6 * x \<up> 3),\n y x =\n c_4 + c_3 * x +\n 1 / (- 1 * EI) *\n (c_2 / 2 * x \<up> 2 + c / 6 * x \<up> 3 + - 1 * q_0 / 24 * x \<up> 4)]"
    2.11  then () else error "auto SubProblem (_,[vonBelastungZu,Biegelinien] changed";
    2.12 +===============================================================================================//*)
    2.15  "----------- me SubProblem (_,[vonBelastungZu,Biegelinien] -------";
    2.16 @@ -54,7 +57,156 @@
    2.17  val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
    2.18  val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
    2.19  val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
    2.20 +(*ERROR arguments_from_model: 'Biegelinie' not in itms: ...(**)
    2.21  val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
    2.22 +*)
    2.23 +(* ERROR: THIS TEST WAS BROKEN BEFORE CS "eliminate ThmC.numerals_to_Free", 
    2.24 +   UNDETECTED BY Test_Isac_Short.thy
    2.25 +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    2.26 +arguments_from_model: 'Biegelinie' not in itms:
    2.27 +itms:
    2.28 +[
    2.29 +(1 ,[1] ,true ,#Given ,Cor ??.Biegelinie.Streckenlast q_0 ,(q_q, [q_0])), 
    2.30 +(2 ,[1] ,true ,#Given ,Cor ??.Biegelinie.FunktionsVariable x ,(v_v, [x])), 
    2.31 +(3 ,[1] ,true ,#Find ,Cor ??.Biegelinie.Funktionen [
    2.32 +  ??.Biegelinie.Q x = c + - 1 * q_0 * x,
    2.33 +  ??.Biegelinie.M_b x = c_2 + c * x + - 1 * q_0 / 2 * x \<up> 2,
    2.34 +  ??.Biegelinie.y' x = c_3 + 1 / (- 1 * ??.Biegelinie.EI) * (c_2 * x + c / 2 * x \<up> 2 + - 1 * q_0 / 6 * x \<up> 3),
    2.35 +  y x = c_4 + c_3 * x + 1 / (- 1 * ??.Biegelinie.EI) * (c_2 / 2 * x \<up> 2 + c / 6 * x \<up> 3 + - 1 * q_0 / 24 * x \<up> 4)],
    2.36 + (funs''', [[
    2.37 +  ??.Biegelinie.Q x = c + - 1 * q_0 * x,
    2.38 +  ??.Biegelinie.M_b x = c_2 + c * x + - 1 * q_0 / 2 * x \<up> 2,
    2.39 +  ??.Biegelinie.y' x = c_3 + 1 / (- 1 * ??.Biegelinie.EI) * (c_2 * x + c / 2 * x \<up> 2 + - 1 * q_0 / 6 * x \<up> 3),
    2.40 +  y x = c_4 + c_3 * x + 1 / (- 1 * ??.Biegelinie.EI) * (c_2 / 2 * x \<up> 2 + c / 6 * x \<up> 3 + - 1 * q_0 / 24 * x \<up> 4)]]) ), 
    2.41 +(4 ,[1] ,true ,#Given ,Cor ??.Biegelinie.AbleitungBiegelinie dy ,(id_der, [dy]))]
    2.42 +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    2.43 +CORRECTION:
    2.44 +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    2.45 +Const ("Biegelinie.Biegelinie", _) MUST BE IN itms OF THE model,
    2.47 +*)
    2.48 +(*//---------------- adhoc inserted ------------------------------------------------\\*)
    2.49 +"~~~~~ fun me , args:"; val (tac, p, _(*NEW remove*), pt) = (nxt, p, c, pt);
    2.50 +      val (pt, p) = 
    2.51 +  	    (*Step.by_tactic is here for testing by me; do_next would suffice in me*)
    2.52 +  	    case Step.by_tactic tac (pt, p) of
    2.53 +  		    ("ok", (_, _, ptp)) => ptp
    2.54 +  	    | ("unsafe-ok", (_, _, ptp)) => ptp
    2.55 +  	    | ("not-applicable",_) => (pt, p)
    2.56 +  	    | ("end-of-calculation", (_, _, ptp)) => ptp
    2.57 +  	    | ("failure", _) => raise ERROR "sys-raise ERROR by Step.by_tactic"
    2.58 +  	    | _ => raise ERROR "me: uncovered case Step.by_tactic";
    2.59 +
    2.60 +(*ERROR arguments_from_model: 'Biegelinie' not in itms: ...(**)
    2.61 +  	     (*case*) 
    2.62 +      Step.do_next p ((pt, Pos.e_pos'), []) (*of*);
    2.63 +*)
    2.64 +"~~~~~ fun do_next , args:"; val ((ip as (_, p_)), (ptp as (pt, p), tacis)) =
    2.65 +  (p, ((pt, Pos.e_pos'), []));
    2.66 +  (*if*) Pos.on_calc_end ip (*else*);
    2.67 +      val (_, probl_id, _) = Calc.references (pt, p);
    2.68 +val _ =
    2.69 +      (*case*) tacis (*of*);
    2.70 +        (*if*) probl_id = Problem.id_empty (*else*);
    2.71 +
    2.72 +(*ERROR arguments_from_model: 'Biegelinie' not in itms: ...(**)
    2.73 +           switch_specify_solve p_ (pt, ip)
    2.74 +*)
    2.75 +"~~~~~ fun switch_specify_solve , args:"; val (state_pos, (pt, input_pos)) = (p_, (pt, ip));
    2.76 +      (*if*) Pos.on_specification ([], state_pos) (*then*);
    2.77 +
    2.78 +(*ERROR arguments_from_model: 'Biegelinie' not in itms: ...(**)
    2.79 +           specify_do_next (pt, input_pos)
    2.80 +*)
    2.81 +"~~~~~ fun specify_do_next , args:"; val (ptp as (pt, (p, p_))) = (pt, input_pos);
    2.82 +    val (_, (p_', tac)) = Specify.find_next_step ptp
    2.83 +    val ist_ctxt =  Ctree.get_loc pt (p, p_)
    2.84 +val Tactic.Apply_Method mI =
    2.85 +    (*case*) tac (*of*);
    2.86 +
    2.87 +(*ERROR arguments_from_model: 'Biegelinie' not in itms: ...(**)
    2.88 +  	    LI.by_tactic (Tactic.Apply_Method' (mI, NONE, Istate.empty, ContextC.empty)) ist_ctxt (pt, (p, p_'))
    2.89 +*)
    2.90 +"~~~~~ fun by_tactic , args:"; val ((Tactic.Apply_Method' (mI, _, _, _)), (_, ctxt), (pt, pos as (p, _))) =
    2.91 +((Tactic.Apply_Method' (mI, NONE, Istate.empty, ContextC.empty)), ist_ctxt, (pt, (p, p_')));
    2.92 +         val (itms, (*l..*)oris, probl(*..l*)) = case get_obj I pt p of
    2.93 +           PblObj {meth = itms, origin = (oris, _, _), probl, ...} => (itms, oris, probl)
    2.94 +         | _ => raise ERROR "LI.by_tactic Apply_Method': uncovered case get_obj"
    2.95 +         val {ppc, ...} = MethodC.from_store mI;
    2.96 +         val itms = if itms <> [] then itms else I_Model.complete oris probl [] ppc
    2.97 +         val srls = LItool.get_simplifier (pt, pos);
    2.98 +
    2.99 +(*ERROR arguments_from_model: 'Biegelinie' not in itms: ...(**)
   2.100 +          (*case*) 
   2.101 +    LItool.init_pstate srls ctxt itms mI (*of*);
   2.102 +*)
   2.103 +"~~~~~ fun init_pstate , args:"; val (srls, ctxt, itms, metID) = (srls, ctxt, itms, mI);
   2.104 +(*ERROR arguments_from_model: 'Biegelinie' not in itms: ... (**)
   2.105 +    val actuals = 
   2.106 +           arguments_from_model metID itms
   2.107 +*)
   2.108 +"~~~~~ fun arguments_from_model , args:"; val (mI, itms) = (metID, itms);
   2.109 +    val mvat = I_Model.max_vt itms
   2.110 +    fun okv mvat (_, vats, b, _, _) = member op = vats mvat andalso b
   2.111 +    val itms = filter (okv mvat) itms;
   2.112 +
   2.113 +I_Model.to_string @{context} itms |> writeln;
   2.114 +(*[
   2.115 +(1 ,[1] ,true ,#Given ,Cor ??.Biegelinie.Streckenlast q_0 ,(q_q, [q_0])), 
   2.116 +(2 ,[1] ,true ,#Given ,Cor ??.Biegelinie.FunktionsVariable x ,(v_v, [x])), 
   2.117 +(3 ,[1] ,true ,#Find ,Cor ??.Biegelinie.Funktionen [
   2.118 +  ??.Biegelinie.Q x = c + - 1 * q_0 * x,
   2.119 +  ??.Biegelinie.M_b x = c_2 + c * x + - 1 * q_0 / 2 * x \<up> 2,
   2.120 +  ??.Biegelinie.y' x = c_3 + 1 / (- 1 * ??.Biegelinie.EI) * (c_2 * x + c / 2 * x \<up> 2 + - 1 * q_0 / 6 * x \<up> 3),
   2.121 +  y x = c_4 + c_3 * x + 1 / (- 1 * ??.Biegelinie.EI) * (c_2 / 2 * x \<up> 2 + c / 6 * x \<up> 3 + - 1 * q_0 / 24 * x \<up> 4)],
   2.122 + (funs''', [[
   2.123 +  ??.Biegelinie.Q x = c + - 1 * q_0 * x,
   2.124 +  ??.Biegelinie.M_b x = c_2 + c * x + - 1 * q_0 / 2 * x \<up> 2,
   2.125 +  ??.Biegelinie.y' x = c_3 + 1 / (- 1 * ??.Biegelinie.EI) * (c_2 * x + c / 2 * x \<up> 2 + - 1 * q_0 / 6 * x \<up> 3),
   2.126 +  y x = c_4 + c_3 * x + 1 / (- 1 * ??.Biegelinie.EI) * (c_2 / 2 * x \<up> 2 + c / 6 * x \<up> 3 + - 1 * q_0 / 24 * x \<up> 4)]]) ), 
   2.127 +(4 ,[1] ,true ,#Given ,Cor ??.Biegelinie.AbleitungBiegelinie dy ,(id_der, [dy]))]
   2.128 +*)
   2.129 +    fun test_dsc d (_, _, _, _, itm_) = (d = I_Model.d_in itm_)
   2.130 +    fun itm2arg itms (_, (d, _)) =
   2.131 +      case find_first (test_dsc d) itms of
   2.132 +        NONE => raise ERROR "arguments_from_model ..."(*error_msg_2 d itms*)
   2.133 +      | SOME (_, _, _, _, itm_) => I_Model.penvval_in itm_
   2.134 +
   2.135 +    val pats = (#ppc o MethodC.from_store) mI;
   2.136 +(*[("#Given", (Const ("Biegelinie.Streckenlast", "real \<Rightarrow> una"), Free ("q__q", "real"))), 
   2.137 +    ("#Given", (Const ("Biegelinie.FunktionsVariable", "real \<Rightarrow> una"), Free ("v_v", "real"))),
   2.138 +    ("#Given", (Const ("Biegelinie.Biegelinie", "(real \<Rightarrow> real) \<Rightarrow> una"), Free ("id_fun", "real \<Rightarrow> real"))),
   2.139 +    ("#Given", (Const ("Biegelinie.AbleitungBiegelinie", "(real \<Rightarrow> real) \<Rightarrow> una"), Free ("id_der", "real \<Rightarrow> real"))),
   2.140 +    ("#Find", (Const ("Biegelinie.Funktionen", "bool list \<Rightarrow> una"), Free ("fun_s", "bool list")))]:
   2.141 +   Model_Pattern.T*)
   2.142 +(*ERROR arguments_from_model: 'Biegelinie' not in itms: ... (**)
   2.143 +       (flat o (map (
   2.144 +           itm2arg itms))) pats
   2.145 +*)
   2.146 +"~~~~~ fun itm2arg , args:"; val (itms, (_, (d, _))) = (itms, nth 1 pats);
   2.147 +val SOME (1, [1], true, "#Given", Cor ((Const ("Biegelinie.Streckenlast", _), [Free ("q_0", _)]), (Free ("q_q", _), [Free ("q_0", _)]))) =
   2.148 +        find_first (test_dsc d) itms;
   2.149 +
   2.150 +"~~~~~ fun itm2arg , args:"; val (itms, (_, (d, _))) = (itms, nth 2 pats);
   2.151 +val SOME (2, [1], true, "#Given", Cor ((Const ("Biegelinie.FunktionsVariable", _), [Free ("x", _)]), (Free ("v_v", _), [Free ("x", _)]))) =
   2.152 +        find_first (test_dsc d) itms;
   2.153 +
   2.154 +"~~~~~ fun itm2arg , args:"; val (itms, (_, (d, _))) = (itms, nth 3 pats);
   2.155 +val Const ("Biegelinie.Biegelinie", _) = d
   2.156 +val NONE =
   2.157 +        find_first (test_dsc d) itms;
   2.158 +
   2.159 +"~~~~~ fun itm2arg , args:"; val (itms, (_, (d, _))) = (itms, nth 4 pats);
   2.160 +val SOME (4, [1], true, "#Given", Cor ((Const ("Biegelinie.AbleitungBiegelinie", _), [Free ("dy", _)]), (Free ("id_der", _), [Free ("dy", _)]))) =
   2.161 +        find_first (test_dsc d) itms;
   2.162 +
   2.163 +"~~~~~ fun itm2arg , args:"; val (itms, (_, (d, _))) = (itms, nth 5 pats);
   2.164 +val SOME (3, [1], true, "#Find", Cor ((Const ("Biegelinie.Funktionen", _), _), (Free ("funs'''", _), _))) =
   2.165 +        find_first (test_dsc d) itms
   2.166 +
   2.167 +(*\\---------------- adhoc inserted ------------------------------------------------//*)
   2.168 +(* ERROR: THIS TEST WAS BROKEN BEFORE CS "eliminate ThmC.numerals_to_Free", 
   2.169 +   UNDETECTED BY Test_Isac_Short.thy ===========================================================\\
   2.170  case nxt of ("Apply_Method", Apply_Method ["Biegelinien", "ausBelastung"]) => ()
   2.171  | _ => error "biegelinie.sml met2 b";
   2.173 @@ -118,5 +270,6 @@
   2.174  then case nxt of ("End_Proof'", End_Proof') => ()
   2.175    | _ => error "biegelinie.sml met2 e 1"
   2.176  else error "biegelinie.sml met2 e 2";
   2.177 +=============================================================================================//*)