proper external tikz pictures
Wed, 01 Apr 2009 15:16:09 +0200
changeset 308361344132160bb
parent 30835 46e16145d4bd
child 30838 d09a0794d457
child 30841 0813afc97522
proper external tikz pictures
     1.1 --- a/doc-src/Classes/Thy/document/Classes.tex	Wed Apr 01 12:19:15 2009 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/doc-src/Classes/Thy/document/Classes.tex	Wed Apr 01 15:16:09 2009 +0200
     1.3 @@ -1191,7 +1191,7 @@
     1.4  \hspace*{0pt}\\
     1.5  \hspace*{0pt}pow{\char95}nat ::~forall a.~(Monoid a) => Nat -> a -> a;\\
     1.6  \hspace*{0pt}pow{\char95}nat Zero{\char95}nat x = neutral;\\
     1.7 -\hspace*{0pt}pow{\char95}nat (Suc n) xa = mult xa (pow{\char95}nat n xa);\\
     1.8 +\hspace*{0pt}pow{\char95}nat (Suc n) x = mult x (pow{\char95}nat n x);\\
     1.9  \hspace*{0pt}\\
    1.10  \hspace*{0pt}pow{\char95}int ::~forall a.~(Group a) => Integer -> a -> a;\\
    1.11  \hspace*{0pt}pow{\char95}int k x =\\
    1.12 @@ -1272,8 +1272,8 @@
    1.13  \hspace*{0pt} group;\\
    1.14  \hspace*{0pt}\\
    1.15  \hspace*{0pt}fun pow{\char95}nat A{\char95}~Zero{\char95}nat x = neutral (monoidl{\char95}monoid A{\char95})\\
    1.16 -\hspace*{0pt} ~| pow{\char95}nat A{\char95}~(Suc n) xa =\\
    1.17 -\hspace*{0pt} ~~~mult ((semigroup{\char95}monoidl o monoidl{\char95}monoid) A{\char95}) xa (pow{\char95}nat A{\char95}~n xa);\\
    1.18 +\hspace*{0pt} ~| pow{\char95}nat A{\char95}~(Suc n) x =\\
    1.19 +\hspace*{0pt} ~~~mult ((semigroup{\char95}monoidl o monoidl{\char95}monoid) A{\char95}) x (pow{\char95}nat A{\char95}~n x);\\
    1.20  \hspace*{0pt}\\
    1.21  \hspace*{0pt}fun pow{\char95}int A{\char95}~k x =\\
    1.22  \hspace*{0pt} ~(if IntInf.<= ((0,~k)\\
     2.1 --- a/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/Adaption.thy	Wed Apr 01 12:19:15 2009 +0200
     2.2 +++ b/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/Adaption.thy	Wed Apr 01 15:16:09 2009 +0200
     2.3 @@ -59,42 +59,7 @@
     2.4    supposed to be:
     2.6    \begin{figure}[here]
     2.7 -    \begin{tikzpicture}[scale = 0.5]
     2.8 -      \tikzstyle water=[color = blue, thick]
     2.9 -      \tikzstyle ice=[color = black, very thick, cap = round, join = round, fill = white]
    2.10 -      \tikzstyle process=[color = green, semithick, ->]
    2.11 -      \tikzstyle adaption=[color = red, semithick, ->]
    2.12 -      \tikzstyle target=[color = black]
    2.13 -      \foreach \x in {0, ..., 24}
    2.14 -        \draw[style=water] (\x, 0.25) sin + (0.25, 0.25) cos + (0.25, -0.25) sin
    2.15 -          + (0.25, -0.25) cos + (0.25, 0.25);
    2.16 -      \draw[style=ice] (1, 0) --
    2.17 -        (3, 6) node[above, fill=white] {logic} -- (5, 0) -- cycle;
    2.18 -      \draw[style=ice] (9, 0) --
    2.19 -        (11, 6) node[above, fill=white] {intermediate language} -- (13, 0) -- cycle;
    2.20 -      \draw[style=ice] (15, -6) --
    2.21 -        (19, 6) node[above, fill=white] {target language} -- (23, -6) -- cycle;
    2.22 -      \draw[style=process]
    2.23 -        (3.5, 3) .. controls (7, 5) .. node[fill=white] {translation} (10.5, 3);
    2.24 -      \draw[style=process]
    2.25 -        (11.5, 3) .. controls (15, 5) .. node[fill=white] (serialisation) {serialisation} (18.5, 3);
    2.26 -      \node (adaption) at (11, -2) [style=adaption] {adaption};
    2.27 -      \node at (19, 3) [rotate=90] {generated};
    2.28 -      \node at (19.5, -5) {language};
    2.29 -      \node at (19.5, -3) {library};
    2.30 -      \node (includes) at (19.5, -1) {includes};
    2.31 -      \node (reserved) at (16.5, -3) [rotate=72] {reserved}; % proper 71.57
    2.32 -      \draw[style=process]
    2.33 -        (includes) -- (serialisation);
    2.34 -      \draw[style=process]
    2.35 -        (reserved) -- (serialisation);
    2.36 -      \draw[style=adaption]
    2.37 -        (adaption) -- (serialisation);
    2.38 -      \draw[style=adaption]
    2.39 -        (adaption) -- (includes);
    2.40 -      \draw[style=adaption]
    2.41 -        (adaption) -- (reserved);
    2.42 -    \end{tikzpicture}
    2.43 +    \includegraphics{Thy/pictures/adaption}
    2.44      \caption{The adaption principle}
    2.45      \label{fig:adaption}
    2.46    \end{figure}
     3.1 --- a/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/Introduction.thy	Wed Apr 01 12:19:15 2009 +0200
     3.2 +++ b/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/Introduction.thy	Wed Apr 01 15:16:09 2009 +0200
     3.3 @@ -121,29 +121,7 @@
     3.4    how it works.
     3.6    \begin{figure}[h]
     3.7 -    \begin{tikzpicture}[x = 4.2cm, y = 1cm]
     3.8 -      \tikzstyle entity=[rounded corners, draw, thick, color = black, fill = white];
     3.9 -      \tikzstyle process=[ellipse, draw, thick, color = green, fill = white];
    3.10 -      \tikzstyle process_arrow=[->, semithick, color = green];
    3.11 -      \node (HOL) at (0, 4) [style=entity] {@{text "Isabelle/HOL"} theory};
    3.12 -      \node (eqn) at (2, 2) [style=entity] {code equations};
    3.13 -      \node (iml) at (2, 0) [style=entity] {intermediate language};
    3.14 -      \node (seri) at (1, 0) [style=process] {serialisation};
    3.15 -      \node (SML) at (0, 3) [style=entity] {@{text SML}};
    3.16 -      \node (OCaml) at (0, 2) [style=entity] {@{text OCaml}};
    3.17 -      \node (further) at (0, 1) [style=entity] {@{text "\<dots>"}};
    3.18 -      \node (Haskell) at (0, 0) [style=entity] {@{text Haskell}};
    3.19 -      \draw [style=process_arrow] (HOL) .. controls (2, 4) ..
    3.20 -        node [style=process, near start] {selection}
    3.21 -        node [style=process, near end] {preprocessing}
    3.22 -        (eqn);
    3.23 -      \draw [style=process_arrow] (eqn) -- node (transl) [style=process] {translation} (iml);
    3.24 -      \draw [style=process_arrow] (iml) -- (seri);
    3.25 -      \draw [style=process_arrow] (seri) -- (SML);
    3.26 -      \draw [style=process_arrow] (seri) -- (OCaml);
    3.27 -      \draw [style=process_arrow, dashed] (seri) -- (further);
    3.28 -      \draw [style=process_arrow] (seri) -- (Haskell);
    3.29 -    \end{tikzpicture}
    3.30 +    \includegraphics{Thy/pictures/architecture}
    3.31      \caption{Code generator architecture}
    3.32      \label{fig:arch}
    3.33    \end{figure}
    3.34 @@ -164,35 +142,29 @@
    3.36    \begin{itemize}
    3.38 -    \item Out of the vast collection of theorems proven in a
    3.39 -      \qn{theory}, a reasonable subset modelling
    3.40 -      code equations is \qn{selected}.
    3.41 +    \item Starting point is a collection of raw code equations in a
    3.42 +      theory; due to proof irrelevance it is not relevant where they
    3.43 +      stem from but typically they are either descendant of specification
    3.44 +      tools or explicit proofs by the user.
    3.45 +      
    3.46 +    \item Before these raw code equations are continued
    3.47 +      with, they can be subjected to theorem transformations.  This
    3.48 +      \qn{preprocessor} is an interface which allows to apply the full
    3.49 +      expressiveness of ML-based theorem transformations to code
    3.50 +      generation.  The result of the preprocessing step is a
    3.51 +      structured collection of code equations.
    3.53 -    \item On those selected theorems, certain
    3.54 -      transformations are carried out
    3.55 -      (\qn{preprocessing}).  Their purpose is to turn theorems
    3.56 -      representing non- or badly executable
    3.57 -      specifications into equivalent but executable counterparts.
    3.58 -      The result is a structured collection of \qn{code theorems}.
    3.59 -
    3.60 -    \item Before the selected code equations are continued with,
    3.61 -      they can be \qn{preprocessed}, i.e. subjected to theorem
    3.62 -      transformations.  This \qn{preprocessor} is an interface which
    3.63 -      allows to apply
    3.64 -      the full expressiveness of ML-based theorem transformations
    3.65 -      to code generation;  motivating examples are shown below, see
    3.66 -      \secref{sec:preproc}.
    3.67 -      The result of the preprocessing step is a structured collection
    3.68 -      of code equations.
    3.69 -
    3.70 -    \item These code equations are \qn{translated} to a program
    3.71 -      in an abstract intermediate language.  Think of it as a kind
    3.72 +    \item These code equations are \qn{translated} to a program in an
    3.73 +      abstract intermediate language.  Think of it as a kind
    3.74        of \qt{Mini-Haskell} with four \qn{statements}: @{text data}
    3.75        (for datatypes), @{text fun} (stemming from code equations),
    3.76        also @{text class} and @{text inst} (for type classes).
    3.78      \item Finally, the abstract program is \qn{serialised} into concrete
    3.79        source code of a target language.
    3.80 +      This step only produces concrete syntax but does not change the
    3.81 +      program in essence; all conceptual transformations occur in the
    3.82 +      translation step.
    3.84    \end{itemize}
     4.1 --- a/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/document/Adaption.tex	Wed Apr 01 12:19:15 2009 +0200
     4.2 +++ b/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/document/Adaption.tex	Wed Apr 01 15:16:09 2009 +0200
     4.3 @@ -96,42 +96,7 @@
     4.4    supposed to be:
     4.6    \begin{figure}[here]
     4.7 -    \begin{tikzpicture}[scale = 0.5]
     4.8 -      \tikzstyle water=[color = blue, thick]
     4.9 -      \tikzstyle ice=[color = black, very thick, cap = round, join = round, fill = white]
    4.10 -      \tikzstyle process=[color = green, semithick, ->]
    4.11 -      \tikzstyle adaption=[color = red, semithick, ->]
    4.12 -      \tikzstyle target=[color = black]
    4.13 -      \foreach \x in {0, ..., 24}
    4.14 -        \draw[style=water] (\x, 0.25) sin + (0.25, 0.25) cos + (0.25, -0.25) sin
    4.15 -          + (0.25, -0.25) cos + (0.25, 0.25);
    4.16 -      \draw[style=ice] (1, 0) --
    4.17 -        (3, 6) node[above, fill=white] {logic} -- (5, 0) -- cycle;
    4.18 -      \draw[style=ice] (9, 0) --
    4.19 -        (11, 6) node[above, fill=white] {intermediate language} -- (13, 0) -- cycle;
    4.20 -      \draw[style=ice] (15, -6) --
    4.21 -        (19, 6) node[above, fill=white] {target language} -- (23, -6) -- cycle;
    4.22 -      \draw[style=process]
    4.23 -        (3.5, 3) .. controls (7, 5) .. node[fill=white] {translation} (10.5, 3);
    4.24 -      \draw[style=process]
    4.25 -        (11.5, 3) .. controls (15, 5) .. node[fill=white] (serialisation) {serialisation} (18.5, 3);
    4.26 -      \node (adaption) at (11, -2) [style=adaption] {adaption};
    4.27 -      \node at (19, 3) [rotate=90] {generated};
    4.28 -      \node at (19.5, -5) {language};
    4.29 -      \node at (19.5, -3) {library};
    4.30 -      \node (includes) at (19.5, -1) {includes};
    4.31 -      \node (reserved) at (16.5, -3) [rotate=72] {reserved}; % proper 71.57
    4.32 -      \draw[style=process]
    4.33 -        (includes) -- (serialisation);
    4.34 -      \draw[style=process]
    4.35 -        (reserved) -- (serialisation);
    4.36 -      \draw[style=adaption]
    4.37 -        (adaption) -- (serialisation);
    4.38 -      \draw[style=adaption]
    4.39 -        (adaption) -- (includes);
    4.40 -      \draw[style=adaption]
    4.41 -        (adaption) -- (reserved);
    4.42 -    \end{tikzpicture}
    4.43 +    \includegraphics{Thy/pictures/adaption}
    4.44      \caption{The adaption principle}
    4.45      \label{fig:adaption}
    4.46    \end{figure}
     5.1 --- a/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/document/Introduction.tex	Wed Apr 01 12:19:15 2009 +0200
     5.2 +++ b/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/document/Introduction.tex	Wed Apr 01 15:16:09 2009 +0200
     5.3 @@ -284,29 +284,7 @@
     5.4    how it works.
     5.6    \begin{figure}[h]
     5.7 -    \begin{tikzpicture}[x = 4.2cm, y = 1cm]
     5.8 -      \tikzstyle entity=[rounded corners, draw, thick, color = black, fill = white];
     5.9 -      \tikzstyle process=[ellipse, draw, thick, color = green, fill = white];
    5.10 -      \tikzstyle process_arrow=[->, semithick, color = green];
    5.11 -      \node (HOL) at (0, 4) [style=entity] {\isa{Isabelle{\isacharslash}HOL} theory};
    5.12 -      \node (eqn) at (2, 2) [style=entity] {code equations};
    5.13 -      \node (iml) at (2, 0) [style=entity] {intermediate language};
    5.14 -      \node (seri) at (1, 0) [style=process] {serialisation};
    5.15 -      \node (SML) at (0, 3) [style=entity] {\isa{SML}};
    5.16 -      \node (OCaml) at (0, 2) [style=entity] {\isa{OCaml}};
    5.17 -      \node (further) at (0, 1) [style=entity] {\isa{{\isasymdots}}};
    5.18 -      \node (Haskell) at (0, 0) [style=entity] {\isa{Haskell}};
    5.19 -      \draw [style=process_arrow] (HOL) .. controls (2, 4) ..
    5.20 -        node [style=process, near start] {selection}
    5.21 -        node [style=process, near end] {preprocessing}
    5.22 -        (eqn);
    5.23 -      \draw [style=process_arrow] (eqn) -- node (transl) [style=process] {translation} (iml);
    5.24 -      \draw [style=process_arrow] (iml) -- (seri);
    5.25 -      \draw [style=process_arrow] (seri) -- (SML);
    5.26 -      \draw [style=process_arrow] (seri) -- (OCaml);
    5.27 -      \draw [style=process_arrow, dashed] (seri) -- (further);
    5.28 -      \draw [style=process_arrow] (seri) -- (Haskell);
    5.29 -    \end{tikzpicture}
    5.30 +    \includegraphics{Thy/pictures/architecture}
    5.31      \caption{Code generator architecture}
    5.32      \label{fig:arch}
    5.33    \end{figure}
    5.34 @@ -327,35 +305,29 @@
    5.36    \begin{itemize}
    5.38 -    \item Out of the vast collection of theorems proven in a
    5.39 -      \qn{theory}, a reasonable subset modelling
    5.40 -      code equations is \qn{selected}.
    5.41 +    \item Starting point is a collection of raw code equations in a
    5.42 +      theory; due to proof irrelevance it is not relevant where they
    5.43 +      stem from but typically they are either descendant of specification
    5.44 +      tools or explicit proofs by the user.
    5.45 +      
    5.46 +    \item Before these raw code equations are continued
    5.47 +      with, they can be subjected to theorem transformations.  This
    5.48 +      \qn{preprocessor} is an interface which allows to apply the full
    5.49 +      expressiveness of ML-based theorem transformations to code
    5.50 +      generation.  The result of the preprocessing step is a
    5.51 +      structured collection of code equations.
    5.53 -    \item On those selected theorems, certain
    5.54 -      transformations are carried out
    5.55 -      (\qn{preprocessing}).  Their purpose is to turn theorems
    5.56 -      representing non- or badly executable
    5.57 -      specifications into equivalent but executable counterparts.
    5.58 -      The result is a structured collection of \qn{code theorems}.
    5.59 -
    5.60 -    \item Before the selected code equations are continued with,
    5.61 -      they can be \qn{preprocessed}, i.e. subjected to theorem
    5.62 -      transformations.  This \qn{preprocessor} is an interface which
    5.63 -      allows to apply
    5.64 -      the full expressiveness of ML-based theorem transformations
    5.65 -      to code generation;  motivating examples are shown below, see
    5.66 -      \secref{sec:preproc}.
    5.67 -      The result of the preprocessing step is a structured collection
    5.68 -      of code equations.
    5.69 -
    5.70 -    \item These code equations are \qn{translated} to a program
    5.71 -      in an abstract intermediate language.  Think of it as a kind
    5.72 +    \item These code equations are \qn{translated} to a program in an
    5.73 +      abstract intermediate language.  Think of it as a kind
    5.74        of \qt{Mini-Haskell} with four \qn{statements}: \isa{data}
    5.75        (for datatypes), \isa{fun} (stemming from code equations),
    5.76        also \isa{class} and \isa{inst} (for type classes).
    5.78      \item Finally, the abstract program is \qn{serialised} into concrete
    5.79        source code of a target language.
    5.80 +      This step only produces concrete syntax but does not change the
    5.81 +      program in essence; all conceptual transformations occur in the
    5.82 +      translation step.
    5.84    \end{itemize}
     6.1 --- a/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/pictures/adaption.tex	Wed Apr 01 12:19:15 2009 +0200
     6.2 +++ b/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/pictures/adaption.tex	Wed Apr 01 15:16:09 2009 +0200
     6.3 @@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
     6.5  \documentclass[12pt]{article}
     6.6 -\usepackage{pgf}
     6.7 -\usepackage{pgflibraryshapes}
     6.8  \usepackage{tikz}
    6.10  \begin{document}
    6.11 @@ -10,7 +8,7 @@
    6.12  \setlength{\fboxrule}{0.01pt}
    6.13  \setlength{\fboxsep}{4pt}
    6.15 -\fbox{
    6.16 +\fcolorbox{white}{white}{
    6.18  \begin{tikzpicture}[scale = 0.5]
    6.19    \tikzstyle water=[color = blue, thick]
     7.1 --- a/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/pictures/architecture.tex	Wed Apr 01 12:19:15 2009 +0200
     7.2 +++ b/doc-src/Codegen/Thy/pictures/architecture.tex	Wed Apr 01 15:16:09 2009 +0200
     7.3 @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
     7.5  \documentclass[12pt]{article}
     7.6 -\usepackage{pgf}
     7.7 -\usepackage{pgflibraryshapes}
     7.8  \usepackage{tikz}
     7.9 +\usetikzlibrary{shapes}
    7.10 +\usetikzlibrary{arrows}
    7.12  \begin{document}
    7.14 @@ -10,30 +10,39 @@
    7.15  \setlength{\fboxrule}{0.01pt}
    7.16  \setlength{\fboxsep}{4pt}
    7.18 -\fbox{
    7.19 +\fcolorbox{white}{white}{
    7.21 -\begin{tikzpicture}[x = 4.2cm, y = 1cm]
    7.22 -  \tikzstyle entity=[rounded corners, draw, thick, color = black, fill = white];
    7.23 -  \tikzstyle process=[ellipse, draw, thick, color = green, fill = white];
    7.24 -  \tikzstyle process_arrow=[->, semithick, color = green];
    7.25 -  \node (HOL) at (0, 4) [style=entity] {Isabelle/HOL theory};
    7.26 -  \node (eqn) at (2, 2) [style=entity] {code equations};
    7.27 -  \node (iml) at (2, 0) [style=entity] {intermediate language};
    7.28 -  \node (seri) at (1, 0) [style=process] {serialisation};
    7.29 -  \node (SML) at (0, 3) [style=entity] {SML};
    7.30 -  \node (OCaml) at (0, 2) [style=entity] {OCaml};
    7.31 -  \node (further) at (0, 1) [style=entity] {\ldots};
    7.32 -  \node (Haskell) at (0, 0) [style=entity] {Haskell};
    7.33 -  \draw [style=process_arrow] (HOL) .. controls (2, 4) ..
    7.34 -    node [style=process, near start] {selection}
    7.35 -    node [style=process, near end] {preprocessing}
    7.36 -    (eqn);
    7.37 -  \draw [style=process_arrow] (eqn) -- node (transl) [style=process] {translation} (iml);
    7.38 -  \draw [style=process_arrow] (iml) -- (seri);
    7.39 -  \draw [style=process_arrow] (seri) -- (SML);
    7.40 -  \draw [style=process_arrow] (seri) -- (OCaml);
    7.41 -  \draw [style=process_arrow, dashed] (seri) -- (further);
    7.42 -  \draw [style=process_arrow] (seri) -- (Haskell);
    7.43 +\newcommand{\sys}[1]{\emph{#1}}
    7.44 +
    7.45 +\begin{tikzpicture}[x = 4cm, y = 1cm]
    7.46 +  \tikzstyle positive=[color = black, fill = white];
    7.47 +  \tikzstyle negative=[color = white, fill = black];
    7.48 +  \tikzstyle entity=[rounded corners, draw, thick];
    7.49 +  \tikzstyle process=[ellipse, draw, thick];
    7.50 +  \tikzstyle arrow=[-stealth, semithick];
    7.51 +  \node (spec) at (0, 3) [entity, positive] {specification tools};
    7.52 +  \node (user) at (1, 3) [entity, positive] {user proofs};
    7.53 +  \node (spec_user_join) at (0.5, 3) [shape=coordinate] {};
    7.54 +  \node (raw) at (0.5, 4) [entity, positive] {raw code equations};
    7.55 +  \node (pre) at (1.5, 4) [process, positive] {preprocessing};
    7.56 +  \node (eqn) at (2.5, 4) [entity, positive] {code equations};
    7.57 +  \node (iml) at (0.5, 0) [entity, positive] {intermediate program};
    7.58 +  \node (seri) at (1.5, 0) [process, positive] {serialisation};
    7.59 +  \node (SML) at (2.5, 3) [entity, positive] {\sys{SML}};
    7.60 +  \node (OCaml) at (2.5, 2) [entity, positive] {\sys{OCaml}};
    7.61 +  \node (further) at (2.5, 1) [entity, positive] {(\ldots)};
    7.62 +  \node (Haskell) at (2.5, 0) [entity, positive] {\sys{Haskell}};
    7.63 +  \draw [semithick] (spec) -- (spec_user_join);
    7.64 +  \draw [semithick] (user) -- (spec_user_join);
    7.65 +  \draw [-diamond, semithick] (spec_user_join) -- (raw);
    7.66 +  \draw [arrow] (raw) -- (pre);
    7.67 +  \draw [arrow] (pre) -- (eqn);
    7.68 +  \draw [arrow] (eqn) -- node (transl) [process, positive] {translation} (iml);
    7.69 +  \draw [arrow] (iml) -- (seri);
    7.70 +  \draw [arrow] (seri) -- (SML);
    7.71 +  \draw [arrow] (seri) -- (OCaml);
    7.72 +  \draw [arrow, dashed] (seri) -- (further);
    7.73 +  \draw [arrow] (seri) -- (Haskell);
    7.74  \end{tikzpicture}
    7.76  }
     8.1 --- a/doc-src/Codegen/codegen.tex	Wed Apr 01 12:19:15 2009 +0200
     8.2 +++ b/doc-src/Codegen/codegen.tex	Wed Apr 01 15:16:09 2009 +0200
     8.3 @@ -5,9 +5,6 @@
     8.4  \usepackage{../iman,../extra,../isar,../proof}
     8.5  \usepackage{../isabelle,../isabellesym}
     8.6  \usepackage{style}
     8.7 -\usepackage{pgf}
     8.8 -\usepackage{pgflibraryshapes}
     8.9 -\usepackage{tikz}
    8.10  \usepackage{../pdfsetup}
    8.12  \hyphenation{Isabelle}