Walther@60484: * MW: make Outer_Syntax.command \<^command_keyword>\problem\ a model for ..\Example\ Walther@60484: An ML syntax error should be indicated in place (in the string after \<^keyword>\Given\ etc) Walther@60484: and not on the definition as a whole. Walther@60484: This however is not the case despite there is no ISAC code involved. Walther@60484: Reproducible e.g. at https://hg.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/wneuper/isa/file/9c2e1efe5cde/src/Tools/isac/Knowledge/Biegelinie.thy#l108 Walther@60484: The respective improvement would be the model for WN continuing ..\Example\. Walther@60484: wenzelm@60234: * MW: check uses of Unsynchronized.ref vs. Synchronized.var; wenzelm@60234: wenzelm@60216: * MW: clarify/eliminate Isabelle/Scala add-ons (presently unused) wenzelm@60216: wenzelm@60216: diff -r /home/makarius/isabelle/repos-Isabelle2021/src/Pure/build-jars ./src/Pure/build-jars wenzelm@60216: 11a12 wenzelm@60216: > src/Tools/isac/BridgeJEdit/isac.scala wenzelm@60216: wenzelm@60216: diff -r /home/makarius/isabelle/repos-Isabelle2021/src/Pure/Tools/scala_project.scala ./src/Pure/Tools/scala_project.scala wenzelm@60216: 76a77 wenzelm@60216: > "src/Tools/isac/etc" -> Path.explode("isabelle.isac"), wenzelm@60225: wenzelm@60316: * Eliminate Thy_Info.get_theory eventually: should take theory from ancestory walther@60363: within current context. walther@60362: cf. e587c45cae0f note in Build_Thydata.thy wenzelm@60316: wenzelm@60295: * Clarify symmetric rule: Thm.apply_attribute Calculation.symmetric thm context (!?); walther@60369: ?? wenzelm@60295: wenzelm@60316: * KEStore_Elems: Should we eliminate union_overwrite and use standard namespace merge? wenzelm@60316: (Exception: rlss with its special cross-theory merge.) walther@60376: ? how adapt the different signatures ? walther@60376: union_overwrite: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list walther@60376: merge : ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a list * 'a list -> 'a list wenzelm@60285: wenzelm@60281: * What is the purpose of "#numeral" instead of plain numeral? walther@60368: ?? wenzelm@60281: wenzelm@60281: * Check/clarify Context.theory_name vs. Context.theory_long_name. walther@60369: present ISAC assumes 2 sessions in the MathEngine, Specify and Interpret, walther@60369: and all Isac_Knowledge is in session Isac. walther@60369: So Context.theory_name suffices wenzelm@60281: wenzelm@60292: * Eliminate mutable Rewrite_Ord.rew_ord' (!?); walther@60362: shall be done in connection with cf. e587c45cae0f note in Build_Thydata.thy wenzelm@60292: wenzelm@60315: * What is the idea behind KEStore_Elems.add_thes? How to do it properly in current Isabelle? walther@60365: https://static.miraheze.org/isacwiki/0/04/Isac-docu.pdf distinguishes walther@60365: several kinds of ISAC users, in particular "math author (Mathematik-Autor)" and walther@60365: "course designer (Kurs-Designer)". The latter just adds examples which re-use existing walther@60365: knowledge designed by the former. KEStore_Elems.add_thes is an interface for the latter. wenzelm@60315: wenzelm@60311: * WN: proper ML antiquotations for "Tactical.Try" etc. --- be careful about unclear situations, wenzelm@60311: e.g. "Tactical.Try" vs. "Lucas_Interpreter.Try"; wenzelm@60311: walther@60376: * WN: Avoid Thm.get_name_hint and use Global_Theory.get_thm instead, get theory from References.T walther@60370: and push theory through as argument of respective functions. wenzelm@60304: wenzelm@60241: * WN: more direct logical foundations wrt. Isabelle/HOL, eliminate many axiomatizations wenzelm@60241: - quite often "axiomatization ..." can be turned into "lemma ... by auto" wenzelm@60241: without further ado; wenzelm@60241: - sometimes this requires to use more specific types / type classes; wenzelm@60241: - sometimes this requires to use proper definitional mechanisms (e.g. 'primrec', 'fun'); wenzelm@60241: - a few "hard" cases will remain, to be reconsidered eventually (e.g. differentiation); wenzelm@60234: wenzelm@60247: * WN: "fun pr_ord" is not required if used with @{make_string}, @{print}, @{print tracing}; walther@60375: takes only static arguments ----------------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^, not value of "hd_ord (f, g)" walther@60375: ? are there better approximations to old output of (*1*) than with (*2*) walther@60375: (*1*)val _ = tracing ("hd_ord (f, g) = " ^ ((pr_ord o hd_ord) (f, g)) ); walther@60375: (*2*)val _ = @{print tracing}{a = "hd_ord (f, g) = ", z = hd_ord (f, g)}(**) walther@60317: wenzelm@60379: wenzelm@60379: * WN: eliminate global flags like "trace_on", replace Unsynchronized.ref by wenzelm@60379: wenzelm@60379: ML \ wenzelm@60379: val rewrite_trace = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\rewrite_trace\ (K false); wenzelm@60379: \ Walther@60434: Walther@60466: * WN: redesign transition from Specification to Solution: how relate Walther@60466: - Formalise.model with variants (e.g. VSCode_Example) Walther@60466: reconsider separation of variants F_I, F_II, see MAWEN paper Walther@60466: - !?! I_Model of MethodC (fairly free sequence, dependent on Formalise.model) Walther@60466: - !?! formal arguments of program (fixed sequence) Walther@60437: