walther@59887: (* Title: src/Tools/isac/Know_Store.thy wneuper@59586: Author: Mathias Lehnfeld walther@59871: walther@60154: Calc work on Problem employing MethodC; both are collected in a respective Store; walther@59890: The collections' structure is independent from the dependency graph of Isabelle's theories walther@59890: in Knowledge. walther@59917: Store is also used by Thy_Write, required for Isac's Java front end, irrelevant for PIDE. walther@59890: walther@59887: The files (in "xxxxx-def.sml") contain definitions required for Know_Store; walther@59871: they also include minimal code required for other "xxxxx-def.sml" files. walther@59871: These files have companion files "xxxxx.sml" with all further code, walther@59871: located at appropriate positions in the file structure. walther@59871: walther@59871: The separation of "xxxxx-def.sml" from "xxxxx.sml" should be overcome by walther@59871: appropriate use of polymorphic high order functions. wneuper@59586: *) wneuper@59586: wenzelm@60286: theory Know_Store wenzelm@60286: imports Complex_Main wenzelm@60313: keywords "rule_set_knowledge" "calculation" :: thy_decl wenzelm@60223: begin wneuper@59586: wenzelm@60223: setup \ wenzelm@60223: ML_Antiquotation.conditional \<^binding>\isac_test\ wenzelm@60223: (fn _ => Options.default_bool \<^system_option>\isac_test\) wenzelm@60223: \ wenzelm@60223: wneuper@59586: ML_file libraryC.sml walther@59880: ML_file theoryC.sml walther@59868: ML_file unparseC.sml walther@59874: ML_file "rule-def.sml" walther@59875: ML_file "thmC-def.sml" walther@59919: ML_file "eval-def.sml" (*rename identifiers by use of struct.id*) walther@59867: ML_file "rewrite-order.sml" (*rename identifiers by use of struct.id*) wneuper@59586: ML_file rule.sml walther@59909: ML_file "error-pattern-def.sml" walther@59850: ML_file "rule-set.sml" walther@59882: walther@59891: ML_file "store.sml" walther@59892: ML_file "check-unique.sml" walther@59985: ML_file "references-def.sml" walther@59945: ML_file "model-pattern.sml" walther@59893: ML_file "problem-def.sml" walther@59893: ML_file "method-def.sml" walther@59893: ML_file "cas-def.sml" Walther@60505: ML_file "formalise.sml" Walther@60505: ML_file "example.sml" walther@59917: ML_file "thy-write.sml" walther@59882: wneuper@59586: ML \ wneuper@59586: \ ML \ wneuper@59587: \ ML \ wneuper@59586: \ wneuper@59586: section \Knowledge elements for problems and methods\ wneuper@59586: ML \ walther@59887: (* Knowledge (and Exercises) are held by "Know_Store" in Isac's Java front-end. wneuper@59586: In the front-end Knowledge comprises theories, problems and methods. wneuper@59586: Elements of problems and methods are defined in theories alongside wneuper@59586: the development of respective language elements. wneuper@59586: However, the structure of methods and problems is independent from theories' wneuper@59586: deductive structure. Thus respective structures are built in Build_Thydata.thy. wneuper@59586: wneuper@59586: Most elements of problems and methods are implemented in "Knowledge/", but some walther@59887: of them are implemented in "ProgLang/" already; thus "Know_Store.thy" got this wneuper@59586: location in the directory structure. wneuper@59586: wneuper@59586: get_* retrieves all * of the respective theory PLUS of all ancestor theories. wneuper@59586: *) wneuper@59586: signature KESTORE_ELEMS = wneuper@59586: sig Walther@60506: val get_rew_ord: theory -> Rewrite_Ord.rew_ord list Walther@60506: val add_rew_ord: Rewrite_Ord.rew_ord list -> theory -> theory walther@59879: val get_rlss: theory -> (Rule_Set.id * (ThyC.id * Rule_Set.T)) list walther@59879: val add_rlss: (Rule_Set.id * (ThyC.id * Rule_Set.T)) list -> theory -> theory walther@59919: val get_calcs: theory -> (Eval_Def.prog_calcID * (Eval_Def.calID * Eval_Def.eval_fn)) list walther@59919: val add_calcs: (Eval_Def.prog_calcID * (Eval_Def.calID * Eval_Def.eval_fn)) list -> theory -> theory walther@59896: val get_cas: theory -> CAS_Def.T list walther@59896: val add_cas: CAS_Def.T list -> theory -> theory Walther@60495: val get_pbls: theory -> Probl_Def.store Walther@60502: val add_pbls: Proof.context -> (Probl_Def.T * References_Def.id) list -> theory -> theory walther@59895: val get_mets: theory -> Meth_Def.store Walther@60502: val add_mets: Proof.context -> (Meth_Def.T * References_Def.id) list -> theory -> theory Walther@60505: val get_expls: theory -> Example.store Walther@60505: val add_expls: (Example.T * Store.key) list -> theory -> theory walther@59917: val get_thes: theory -> (Thy_Write.thydata Store.node) list walther@59917: val add_thes: (Thy_Write.thydata * Thy_Write.theID) list -> theory -> theory (* thydata dropped at existing elems *) walther@59917: val insert_fillpats: (Thy_Write.theID * Error_Pattern_Def.fill_in list) list -> theory -> theory wneuper@59586: val get_ref_thy: unit -> theory wneuper@59586: val set_ref_thy: theory -> unit Walther@60508: end; wneuper@59586: Walther@60506: structure KEStore_Elems(**): KESTORE_ELEMS(**) = wneuper@59586: struct wneuper@59586: fun union_overwrite eq l1 l2 = fold (insert eq) l2 (*..swapped..*) l1; wneuper@59586: wneuper@59586: structure Data = Theory_Data ( Walther@60506: type T = (string * (LibraryC.subst -> term * term -> bool)) list; Walther@60506: val empty = []; Walther@60506: val extend = I; Walther@60506: val merge = merge Rewrite_Ord.equal; Walther@60506: ); Walther@60506: fun get_rew_ord thy = Data.get thy Walther@60506: fun add_rew_ord rlss = Data.map (union_overwrite Rewrite_Ord.equal rlss) Walther@60506: Walther@60506: structure Data = Theory_Data ( walther@59879: type T = (Rule_Set.id * (ThyC.id * Rule_Set.T)) list; wneuper@59586: val empty = []; wneuper@59586: val extend = I; walther@59852: val merge = Rule_Set.to_kestore; wneuper@59586: ); wneuper@59586: fun get_rlss thy = Data.get thy walther@59852: fun add_rlss rlss = Data.map (union_overwrite Rule_Set.equal rlss) wneuper@59586: wneuper@59586: structure Data = Theory_Data ( walther@59919: type T = (Eval_Def.prog_calcID * (Eval_Def.calID * Eval_Def.eval_fn)) list; wneuper@59586: val empty = []; wneuper@59586: val extend = I; walther@59919: val merge = merge Eval_Def.calc_eq; wneuper@59586: ); wneuper@59586: fun get_calcs thy = Data.get thy walther@59919: fun add_calcs calcs = Data.map (union_overwrite Eval_Def.calc_eq calcs) wneuper@59586: wneuper@59586: structure Data = Theory_Data ( walther@59985: type T = (term * (References_Def.T * (term list -> (term * term list) list))) list; wneuper@59586: val empty = []; wneuper@59586: val extend = I; walther@59896: val merge = merge CAS_Def.equal; wneuper@59586: ); wneuper@59586: fun get_cas thy = Data.get thy walther@59896: fun add_cas cas = Data.map (union_overwrite CAS_Def.equal cas) wneuper@59586: wneuper@59586: structure Data = Theory_Data ( walther@59894: type T = Probl_Def.store; walther@59894: val empty = [Probl_Def.empty_store]; wneuper@59586: val extend = I; walther@59897: val merge = Store.merge; wneuper@59586: ); Walther@60495: fun get_pbls thy = Data.get thy; Walther@60502: fun add_pbls ctxt pbts thy = Walther@60502: let Walther@60502: fun add_pbt (pbt as {guh,...}, pblID) = Walther@60502: (* the pblID has the leaf-element as first; better readability achieved *) Walther@60502: (if (Config.get ctxt check_unique) then Probl_Def.check_unique guh (Data.get thy) else (); Walther@60502: rev pblID |> Store.insert pblID pbt); Walther@60502: in Data.map (fold add_pbt pbts) thy end; wneuper@59586: wneuper@59586: structure Data = Theory_Data ( walther@59895: type T = Meth_Def.store; walther@59895: val empty = [Meth_Def.empty_store]; wneuper@59586: val extend = I; walther@59897: val merge = Store.merge; wneuper@59586: ); wneuper@59586: val get_mets = Data.get; Walther@60502: fun add_mets ctxt mets thy = Walther@60502: let Walther@60502: fun add_met (met as {guh,...}, metID) = Walther@60502: (if (Config.get ctxt check_unique) then Meth_Def.check_unique guh (Data.get thy) else (); Walther@60502: Store.insert metID met metID); Walther@60502: in Data.map (fold add_met mets) thy end; wneuper@59586: wneuper@59586: structure Data = Theory_Data ( Walther@60505: type T = Example.store; Walther@60505: val empty = [Example.empty_store]; Walther@60505: val extend = I; Walther@60505: val merge = Store.merge; Walther@60505: ); Walther@60505: val get_expls = Data.get; Walther@60505: fun add_expls expls thy = Walther@60505: let Walther@60505: fun add_expl (expl, expl_id) = Store.insert expl_id expl expl_id; Walther@60505: in Data.map (fold add_expl expls) thy end; Walther@60505: Walther@60505: structure Data = Theory_Data ( walther@59917: type T = (Thy_Write.thydata Store.node) list; wneuper@59586: val empty = []; wneuper@59586: val extend = I; walther@59897: val merge = Store.merge; (* relevant for store_thm, store_rls *) wneuper@59586: ); wneuper@59586: fun get_thes thy = Data.get thy wneuper@59586: fun add_thes thes thy = let walther@59917: fun add_the (thydata, theID) = Thy_Write.add_thydata ([], theID) thydata wneuper@59586: in Data.map (fold add_the thes) thy end; wneuper@59586: fun insert_fillpats fis thy = wneuper@59586: let wneuper@59586: fun update_elem (theID, fillpats) = wneuper@59586: let walther@59897: val hthm = Store.get (Data.get thy) theID theID walther@59917: val hthm' = Thy_Write.update_hthm hthm fillpats wneuper@59586: handle ERROR _ => walther@59962: raise ERROR ("insert_fillpats: " ^ strs2str theID ^ "must address a theorem") walther@59897: in Store.update theID theID hthm' end wneuper@59586: in Data.map (fold update_elem fis) thy end wneuper@59586: wneuper@59586: val cur_thy = Synchronized.var "finally_knowledge_complete" @{theory}; wneuper@59586: fun set_ref_thy thy = Synchronized.change cur_thy (fn _ => thy); (* never RE-set ! *) wneuper@59586: fun get_ref_thy () = Synchronized.value cur_thy; Walther@60506: (**)end(**); wneuper@59586: \ wneuper@59586: wenzelm@60286: wenzelm@60286: subsection \Isar command syntax\ wenzelm@60286: wenzelm@60286: ML \ wenzelm@60286: local wenzelm@60286: wenzelm@60286: val parse_rule = Parse.name -- Parse.!!! (\<^keyword>\=\ |-- Parse.ML_source); wenzelm@60286: wenzelm@60286: val ml = ML_Lex.read; wenzelm@60286: wenzelm@60286: fun ml_rule thy (name, source) = wenzelm@60286: ml "(" @ ml (ML_Syntax.print_string name) @ ml ", " @ wenzelm@60286: ml "(" @ ml (ML_Syntax.print_string (Context.theory_name thy)) @ ml ", " @ wenzelm@60286: ML_Lex.read_source source @ ml "))"; wenzelm@60286: wenzelm@60286: fun ml_rules thy args = wenzelm@60286: ml "Theory.setup (KEStore_Elems.add_rlss [" @ wenzelm@60286: flat (separate (ml ",") (map (ml_rule thy) args)) @ ml "])"; wenzelm@60286: wenzelm@60286: val _ = wenzelm@60289: Outer_Syntax.command \<^command_keyword>\rule_set_knowledge\ "register ISAC rule set to Knowledge Store" wenzelm@60286: (Parse.and_list1 parse_rule >> (fn args => Toplevel.theory (fn thy => wenzelm@60286: thy |> Context.theory_map wenzelm@60286: (ML_Context.expression (Position.thread_data ()) (ml_rules thy args))))); wenzelm@60286: wenzelm@60313: val calc_name = wenzelm@60313: Parse.name -- (\<^keyword>\(\ |-- Parse.const --| \<^keyword>\)\) || wenzelm@60313: Scan.ahead Parse.name -- Parse.const; wenzelm@60313: wenzelm@60313: val _ = wenzelm@60313: Outer_Syntax.command \<^command_keyword>\calculation\ wenzelm@60313: "prepare ISAC calculation and register it to Knowledge Store" wenzelm@60313: (calc_name -- (\<^keyword>\=\ |-- Parse.!!! Parse.ML_source) >> (fn ((calcID, const), source) => wenzelm@60313: Toplevel.theory (fn thy => wenzelm@60313: let wenzelm@60313: val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy; wenzelm@60313: val Const (c, _) = Proof_Context.read_const {proper = true, strict = true} ctxt const; wenzelm@60314: val set_data = wenzelm@60313: ML_Context.expression (Input.pos_of source) wenzelm@60313: (ml "Theory.setup (Eval_Def.set_data (" @ ML_Lex.read_source source @ ml "))") wenzelm@60313: |> Context.theory_map; wenzelm@60314: val eval = Eval_Def.the_data (set_data thy); wenzelm@60313: in KEStore_Elems.add_calcs [(calcID, (c, eval))] thy end))) wenzelm@60313: wenzelm@60286: in end; wenzelm@60286: \ wenzelm@60286: wenzelm@60286: wneuper@59586: section \Re-use existing access functions for knowledge elements\ wneuper@59586: text \ Walther@60508: The independence of problems' and methods' structure from theory dependency structure Walther@60508: enforces the access functions to use "Isac_Knowledge", Walther@60508: the final theory which comprises all knowledge defined. wneuper@59586: \ wneuper@59586: ML \ wneuper@59586: val get_ref_thy = KEStore_Elems.get_ref_thy; wneuper@59586: Walther@60506: fun assoc' ([], key) = raise ERROR ("ME_Isa: rew_ord \"" ^ key ^ "\" not in system 2") Walther@60506: | assoc' ((keyi, xi) :: pairs, key) = Walther@60506: if key = keyi then SOME xi else assoc' (pairs, key); Walther@60506: fun assoc_rew_ord thy ro = ((the o assoc') (KEStore_Elems.get_rew_ord thy, ro)) Walther@60506: handle ERROR _ => raise ERROR ("ME_Isa: rew_ord \"" ^ ro ^ "\" not in system 1"); Walther@60506: walther@59867: fun assoc_rls (rls' : Rule_Set.id) = walther@59879: case AList.lookup (op =) (KEStore_Elems.get_rlss (ThyC.get_theory "Isac_Knowledge")) rls' of wneuper@59586: SOME (_, rls) => rls walther@59887: | NONE => raise ERROR ("rls \""^ rls' ^ "\" missing in Know_Store.\n" ^ wneuper@59586: "TODO exception hierarchy needs to be established.") wneuper@59586: walther@59867: fun assoc_rls' thy (rls' : Rule_Set.id) = wneuper@59586: case AList.lookup (op =) (KEStore_Elems.get_rlss thy) rls' of wneuper@59586: SOME (_, rls) => rls walther@59887: | NONE => raise ERROR ("rls \""^ rls' ^ "\" missing in Know_Store.\n" ^ wneuper@59586: "TODO exception hierarchy needs to be established.") wneuper@59586: wneuper@59586: fun assoc_calc thy calID = let wneuper@59586: fun ass ([], key) = walther@59962: raise ERROR ("assoc_calc: '" ^ key ^ "' not found in theory " ^ (Context.theory_name thy)) wneuper@59586: | ass ((calc, (keyi, _)) :: pairs, key) = wneuper@59586: if key = keyi then calc else ass (pairs, key); wneuper@59586: in ass (thy |> KEStore_Elems.get_calcs, calID) end; wneuper@59586: wneuper@59586: fun assoc_calc' thy key = let wneuper@59586: fun ass ([], key') = walther@59962: raise ERROR ("assoc_calc': '" ^ key' ^ "' not found in theory " ^ (Context.theory_name thy)) wneuper@59586: | ass ((all as (keyi, _)) :: pairs, key') = wneuper@59586: if key' = keyi then all else ass (pairs, key'); wneuper@59586: in ass (KEStore_Elems.get_calcs thy, key) end; wneuper@59586: wneuper@59586: fun assoc_cas thy key = assoc (KEStore_Elems.get_cas thy, key); wneuper@59586: Walther@60495: fun get_pbls () = get_ref_thy () |> KEStore_Elems.get_pbls; wneuper@59586: fun get_mets () = get_ref_thy () |> KEStore_Elems.get_mets; wneuper@59586: fun get_thes () = get_ref_thy () |> KEStore_Elems.get_thes; Walther@60505: fun get_expls () = get_ref_thy () |> KEStore_Elems.get_expls; wneuper@59586: \ wenzelm@60286: wenzelm@60289: rule_set_knowledge wenzelm@60286: empty = \Rule_Set.empty\ and wenzelm@60286: e_rrls = \Rule_Set.e_rrls\ wneuper@59586: wneuper@59586: section \determine sequence of main parts in thehier\ wneuper@59586: setup \ wneuper@59586: KEStore_Elems.add_thes walther@59917: [(Thy_Write.Html {guh = Thy_Write.part2guh ["IsacKnowledge"], html = "", wneuper@59586: mathauthors = ["Isac team"], coursedesign = []}, ["IsacKnowledge"]), walther@59917: (Thy_Write.Html {guh = Thy_Write.part2guh ["Isabelle"], html = "", wneuper@59586: mathauthors = ["Isabelle team, TU Munich"], coursedesign = []}, ["Isabelle"]), walther@59917: (Thy_Write.Html {guh = Thy_Write.part2guh ["IsacScripts"], html = "", wneuper@59586: mathauthors = ["Isac team"], coursedesign = []}, ["IsacScripts"])] wneuper@59586: \ wneuper@59586: wneuper@59586: section \Functions for checking KEStore_Elems\ wneuper@59586: ML \ walther@59851: fun short_string_of_rls Rule_Set.Empty = "Erls" walther@59851: | short_string_of_rls (Rule_Def.Repeat {calc, rules, ...}) = wneuper@59586: "Rls {#calc = " ^ string_of_int (length calc) ^ wneuper@59586: ", #rules = " ^ string_of_int (length rules) ^ ", ..." walther@59878: | short_string_of_rls (Rule_Set.Sequence {calc, rules, ...}) = wneuper@59586: "Seq {#calc = " ^ string_of_int (length calc) ^ wneuper@59586: ", #rules = " ^ string_of_int (length rules) ^ ", ..." walther@59850: | short_string_of_rls (Rule_Set.Rrls _) = "Rrls {...}"; wneuper@59586: fun check_kestore_rls (rls', (thyID, rls)) = wneuper@59586: "(" ^ rls' ^ ", (" ^ thyID ^ ", " ^ short_string_of_rls rls ^ "))"; wneuper@59586: walther@59852: fun check_kestore_calc ((id, (c, _)) : Rule_Def.calc) = "(" ^ id ^ ", (" ^ c ^ ", fn))"; wneuper@59586: walther@59846: (* we avoid term_to_string''' defined later *) walther@59896: fun check_kestore_cas ((t, (s, _)) : CAS_Def.T) = walther@59846: "(" ^ (Print_Mode.setmp [] (Syntax.string_of_term (Config.put show_markup false walther@59985: (Proof_Context.init_global @{theory})))) t ^ ", " ^ References_Def.to_string s ^ ")"; wneuper@59586: wneuper@59586: fun count_kestore_ptyps [] = 0 walther@59897: | count_kestore_ptyps ((Store.Node (_, _, ps)) :: ps') = wneuper@59586: 1 + count_kestore_ptyps ps + count_kestore_ptyps ps'; walther@59897: fun check_kestore_ptyp' strfun (Store.Node (key, pbts, pts)) = "Ptyp (" ^ (quote key) ^ ", " ^ walther@59888: (strfun pbts) ^ ", " ^ (map (check_kestore_ptyp' strfun) pts |> list2str) ^ ")" |> linefeed; walther@59894: val check_kestore_ptyp = check_kestore_ptyp' Probl_Def.s_to_string; walther@59897: fun ptyp_ord ((Store.Node (s1, _, _)), (Store.Node (s2, _, _))) = string_ord (s1, s2); walther@59894: fun pbt_ord ({guh = guh'1, ...} : Probl_Def.T, {guh = guh'2, ...} : Probl_Def.T) = string_ord (guh'1, guh'2); wneuper@59586: fun sort_kestore_ptyp' _ [] = [] walther@59897: | sort_kestore_ptyp' ordfun ((Store.Node (key, pbts, ps)) :: ps') = walther@59897: ((Store.Node (key, sort ordfun pbts, sort_kestore_ptyp' ordfun ps |> sort ptyp_ord)) wneuper@59586: :: sort_kestore_ptyp' ordfun ps'); wneuper@59586: val sort_kestore_ptyp = sort_kestore_ptyp' pbt_ord; wneuper@59586: walther@59895: fun metguh2str ({guh,...} : Meth_Def.T) = guh : string; walther@59897: fun check_kestore_met (mp: Meth_Def.T Store.node) = wneuper@59586: check_kestore_ptyp' (fn xs => map metguh2str xs |> strs2str) mp; walther@59895: fun met_ord ({guh = guh'1, ...} : Meth_Def.T, {guh = guh'2, ...} : Meth_Def.T) = string_ord (guh'1, guh'2); wneuper@59586: val sort_kestore_met = sort_kestore_ptyp' met_ord; wneuper@59586: walther@59917: fun check_kestore_thes thes = ((map writeln) o (map (check_kestore_ptyp' Thy_Write.thes2str))) thes wneuper@59586: fun write_thes thydata_list = wneuper@59586: thydata_list walther@59917: |> map (fn (id, the) => (Thy_Write.theID2str id, Thy_Write.the2str the)) wneuper@59586: |> map pair2str wneuper@59586: |> map writeln wneuper@59586: \ wneuper@59586: ML \ wneuper@59586: \ ML \ wneuper@59586: \ ML \ wneuper@59586: \ wneuper@59586: end