neuper@38025: (* Title: extends Isabelle/src/Pure/term.ML e0726734@41962: Author: Walther Neuper 1999, Mathias Lehnfeld neuper@38025: (c) due to copyright terms neuper@38025: *) wneuper@59507: infix contains_one_of wneuper@59507: wneuper@59577: (* TERM_C extends Isabelle's naming conventions: "C" indicates Isac add-ons to an Isabelle module *) wneuper@59577: signature TERM_C = wneuper@59389: sig walther@59767: datatype lrd = D | L | R walther@59767: type path walther@59767: val path2str: path -> string walther@59767: wneuper@59389: val contains_Var: term -> bool wneuper@59389: val dest_binop_typ: typ -> typ * typ * typ wneuper@59395: val dest_equals: term -> term * term wneuper@59389: val free2str: term -> string wneuper@59389: val ids2str: term -> string list wneuper@59389: val ins_concl: term -> term -> term wneuper@59393: val inst_abs: term -> term wneuper@59389: val inst_bdv: (term * term) list -> term -> term wneuper@59390: wneuper@59392: val term_of_num: typ -> int -> term wneuper@59395: val num_of_term: term -> int wneuper@59395: val int_of_str_opt: string -> int option wneuper@59395: val int_of_str: string -> int wneuper@59392: val isastr_of_int: int -> string wneuper@59390: wneuper@59389: val isalist2list: term -> term list wneuper@59390: val list2isalist: typ -> term list -> term wneuper@59492: val isapair2pair: term -> term * term (* rename to dest_pair, compare HOLogic.dest_string *) wneuper@59390: wneuper@59389: val is_atom: term -> bool wneuper@59389: val is_bdv: string -> bool wneuper@59389: val is_bdv_subst: term -> bool walther@59636: val guess_bdv_typ: term -> typ wneuper@59389: val is_equality: term -> bool wneuper@59389: val is_expliceq: term -> bool wneuper@59389: val is_f_x: term -> bool wneuper@59389: val is_list: term -> bool wneuper@59389: val is_num: term -> bool wneuper@59395: val is_num': string -> bool wneuper@59390: wneuper@59389: val mk_add: term -> term -> term wneuper@59389: val mk_free: typ -> string -> term wneuper@59389: val mk_equality: term * term -> term wneuper@59389: val mk_factroot: string -> typ -> int -> int -> term wneuper@59389: val mk_Free: string * typ -> term wneuper@59392: val mk_thmid: string -> string -> string -> string wneuper@59395: val mk_num_op_num: typ -> typ -> string * typ -> int -> int -> term wneuper@59395: val mk_num_op_var: term -> string -> typ -> typ -> int -> term wneuper@59395: val mk_var_op_num: term -> string -> typ -> typ -> int -> term wneuper@59390: wneuper@59390: val matches: theory -> term -> term -> bool wneuper@59389: val parse: theory -> string -> cterm option wneuper@59389: val parseN: theory -> string -> cterm option wneuper@59389: val parseNEW: Proof.context -> string -> term option wneuper@59582: val parseNEW': Proof.context -> string -> term wneuper@59389: val parseold: theory -> string -> cterm option wneuper@59389: val parse_patt: theory -> string -> term wneuper@59389: val perm: term -> term -> bool wneuper@59390: wneuper@59389: val str_of_free_opt: term -> string option wneuper@59389: val str_of_int: int -> string wneuper@59389: val str2term: string -> term wneuper@59389: val strip_imp_prems': term -> term option wneuper@59389: val subst_atomic_all: (term * term) list -> term -> bool * term wneuper@59389: val term_detail2str: term -> string wneuper@59390: wneuper@59390: val pairt: term -> term -> term wneuper@59390: val pairT: typ -> typ -> typ wneuper@59580: val raise_type_conflicts: term list -> unit wneuper@59390: val strip_trueprop: term -> term wneuper@59390: wneuper@59402: val num_str: thm -> thm wneuper@59550: val numbers_to_string: term -> term wneuper@59389: val uminus_to_string: term -> term wneuper@59389: val var2free: term -> term wneuper@59582: val vars: term -> term list (* recognises numverals, should replace "fun vars_of" *) wneuper@59582: val vars_of: term -> term list wneuper@59582: val dest_list': term -> term list wneuper@59532: wneuper@59389: (* ---- for tests only: shifted from below to remove the Warning "unused" at fun.def. --------- *) wneuper@59399: val scala_of_term: term -> string wneuper@59392: val atomtyp(*<-- atom_typ TODO*): typ -> unit wneuper@59392: val atomty: term -> unit wneuper@59392: val atomw: term -> unit wneuper@59392: val atomwy: term -> unit wneuper@59416: val atomty_thy: Rule.thyID -> term -> unit wneuper@59392: val free2var: term -> term wneuper@59507: val contains_one_of: thm * (string * typ) list -> bool walther@59716: val contains_Const_typeless: term list -> term -> bool walther@59702: (*/-------------------------------------------------------- ! aktivate for Test_Isac BEGIN ---\* ) wneuper@59389: val atomt: term -> unit wneuper@59389: val typ_a2real: term -> term walther@59702: ( *\--- ! aktivate for Test_Isac END ----------------------------------------------------------/*) wneuper@59389: end wneuper@59389: wneuper@59389: (**) wneuper@59577: structure TermC(**): TERM_C(**) = wneuper@59389: struct wneuper@59389: (**) neuper@38025: walther@59767: datatype lrd = L (*t1 in "t1$t2"*) walther@59767: | R (*t2 in "t1$t2"*) | D; (*b in Abs(_,_,b*) walther@59767: type path = lrd list; walther@59767: fun ldr2str L = "L" walther@59767: | ldr2str R = "R" walther@59767: | ldr2str D = "D"; walther@59767: fun path2str k = (strs2str' o (map ldr2str)) k; walther@59767: neuper@52087: fun isastr_of_int i = if i >= 0 then string_of_int i else "-" ^ string_of_int (abs i) neuper@52087: neuper@38025: fun matches thy tm pa = neuper@38025: (Pattern.match thy (pa, tm) (Vartab.empty, Vartab.empty); true) wneuper@59392: handle Pattern.MATCH => false neuper@38025: wneuper@59392: (** transform typ / term to a String to be parsed by Scala after transport via libisabelle **) wneuper@59392: wneuper@59318: fun scala_of_typ (Type (s, typs)) = wneuper@59318: enclose "Type(" ")" (quote s ^ ", " ^ wneuper@59318: (typs |> map scala_of_typ |> commas |> enclose "List(" ")")) wneuper@59318: | scala_of_typ (TFree (s, sort)) = wneuper@59318: enclose "TFree(" ")" (quote s ^ ", " ^ (sort |> map quote |> commas |> enclose "List(" ")")) wneuper@59318: | scala_of_typ (TVar ((s, i), sort)) = wneuper@59318: enclose "TVar(" ")" ( wneuper@59318: enclose "(" ")," (quote s ^ "," ^ quote (string_of_int i)) ^ wneuper@59318: (sort |> map quote |> commas |> enclose "List(" ")")) wneuper@59318: fun scala_of_term (Const (s, T)) = wneuper@59318: enclose "Const(" ")" (quote s ^ ", " ^ scala_of_typ T) wneuper@59318: | scala_of_term (Free (s, T)) = wneuper@59318: enclose "Free(" ")" (quote s ^ ", " ^ scala_of_typ T) wneuper@59318: | scala_of_term (Var ((s, i), T)) = wneuper@59318: enclose "TVar(" ")" ( wneuper@59318: enclose "(" ")," (quote s ^ "," ^ quote (string_of_int i)) ^ wneuper@59318: scala_of_typ T) wneuper@59318: | scala_of_term (Bound i) = enclose "Bound(" ")" (string_of_int i) wneuper@59318: | scala_of_term (Abs (s, T, t)) = wneuper@59318: enclose "Abs(" ")" ( wneuper@59318: quote s ^ ", " ^ wneuper@59318: scala_of_typ T ^ ", " ^ wneuper@59318: scala_of_term t) wneuper@59318: | scala_of_term (t1 $ t2) = wneuper@59318: enclose "App(" ")" (scala_of_term t1 ^ ", " ^ scala_of_term t2) wneuper@59318: wneuper@59392: (* see structure's bare bones. wneuper@59392: for Isabelle standard output compare 2017 "structure ML_PP" *) wneuper@59392: fun atomtyp t = neuper@38025: let wneuper@59392: fun ato n (Type (s, [])) = "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "Type (" ^ s ^",[])" wneuper@59392: | ato n (Type (s, Ts)) = "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "Type (" ^ s ^ ",[" ^ atol (n + 1) Ts wneuper@59392: | ato n (TFree (s, sort)) = "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "TFree (" ^ s ^ "," ^ strs2str' sort wneuper@59392: | ato n (TVar ((s, i), sort)) = wneuper@59392: "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "TVar ((" ^ s ^ "," ^ string_of_int i ^ strs2str' sort wneuper@59392: and atol n [] = "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "]" wneuper@59392: | atol n (T :: Ts) = (ato n T ^ atol n Ts) neuper@38048: in tracing (ato 0 t ^ "\n") end; neuper@38025: neuper@38067: local wneuper@59392: fun ato (Const (a, _)) n = "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "Const (" ^ a ^ ", _)" wneuper@59392: | ato (Free (a, _)) n = "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "Free (" ^ a ^ ", _)" neuper@38025: | ato (Var ((a, i), _)) n = wneuper@59392: "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "Var (" ^ a ^ ", " ^ string_of_int i ^ "), _)" wneuper@59392: | ato (Bound i) n = "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "Bound " ^ string_of_int i wneuper@59392: | ato (Abs (a, _, body)) n = "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "Abs(" ^ a ^ ", _" ^ ato body (n+1) neuper@38025: | ato (f $ t) n = (ato f n ^ ato t (n + 1)) neuper@38067: in wneuper@59392: fun atomw t = writeln ("\n*** -------------" ^ ato t 0 ^ "\n***"); wneuper@59392: fun atomt t = tracing ("\n*** -------------" ^ ato t 0 ^ "\n***"); neuper@38067: end; neuper@38025: neuper@38025: fun term_detail2str t = wneuper@59392: let wneuper@59416: fun ato (Const (a, T)) n = "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "Const (" ^ a ^ ", " ^ Rule.string_of_typ T ^ ")" wneuper@59416: | ato (Free (a, T)) n = "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "Free (" ^ a ^ ", " ^ Rule.string_of_typ T ^ ")" wneuper@59392: | ato (Var ((a, i), T)) n = wneuper@59416: "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "Var ((" ^ a ^ ", " ^ string_of_int i ^ "), " ^ Rule.string_of_typ T ^ ")" wneuper@59392: | ato (Bound i) n = "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "Bound " ^ string_of_int i wneuper@59392: | ato (Abs(a, T, body)) n = wneuper@59416: "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "Abs (" ^ a ^ ", " ^ Rule.string_of_typ T ^ ",.." ^ ato body (n + 1) wneuper@59392: | ato (f $ t) n = ato f n ^ ato t (n + 1) wneuper@59392: in "\n*** " ^ ato t 0 ^ "\n***" end; neuper@42376: fun term_detail2str_thy thy t = wneuper@59392: let wneuper@59392: fun ato (Const (a, T)) n = wneuper@59416: "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "Const (" ^ a ^ ", " ^ Rule.string_of_typ_thy thy T ^ ")" wneuper@59392: | ato (Free (a, T)) n = wneuper@59416: "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "Free (" ^ a ^ ", " ^ Rule.string_of_typ_thy thy T ^ ")" wneuper@59392: | ato (Var ((a, i), T)) n = wneuper@59392: "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "Var ((" ^ a ^ ", " ^ string_of_int i ^ "), " ^ wneuper@59416: Rule.string_of_typ_thy thy T ^ ")" wneuper@59392: | ato (Bound i) n = wneuper@59392: "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "Bound " ^ string_of_int i wneuper@59392: | ato (Abs(a, T, body)) n = wneuper@59416: "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "Abs (" ^ a ^ ", " ^ Rule.string_of_typ_thy thy T ^ ",.." ^ wneuper@59392: ato body (n + 1) wneuper@59392: | ato (f $ t) n = ato f n ^ ato t (n + 1) wneuper@59392: in "\n*** " ^ ato t 0 ^ "\n***" end; neuper@38067: fun atomwy t = (writeln o term_detail2str) t; neuper@38067: fun atomty t = (tracing o term_detail2str) t; neuper@42376: fun atomty_thy thy t = (tracing o (term_detail2str_thy thy)) t; neuper@38025: wneuper@59392: (* contains the term a VAR(("*",_),_) ? *) neuper@38025: fun contains_Var (Abs(_,_,body)) = contains_Var body neuper@38025: | contains_Var (f $ f') = contains_Var f orelse contains_Var f' neuper@38025: | contains_Var (Var _) = true neuper@38025: | contains_Var _ = false; neuper@38025: wneuper@59392: fun str_of_int n = wneuper@59392: if n < 0 then "-" ^ ((string_of_int o abs) n) wneuper@59392: else string_of_int n; wneuper@59457: val int_of_str = Value.parse_int; wneuper@59392: fun int_of_str_opt str = wneuper@59390: let wneuper@59390: val ss = Symbol.explode str wneuper@59392: val ss' = case ss of "(" :: s => drop_last s | _ => ss wneuper@59392: val (sign, istr) = case ss' of "-" :: istr => (~1, istr) | _ => (1, ss') wneuper@59392: in wneuper@59392: case Library.read_int istr of (i, []) => SOME (sign * i) | _ => NONE wneuper@59392: end; wneuper@59392: fun is_num' str = case int_of_str_opt str of SOME _ => true | NONE => false; wneuper@59392: fun is_num (Free (s, _)) = if is_num' s then true else false | is_num _ = false; wneuper@59392: fun term_of_num ntyp n = Free (str_of_int n, ntyp); wneuper@59392: fun num_of_term (t as (Free (istr, _))) = wneuper@59392: (case int_of_str_opt istr of SOME i => i | NONE => raise TERM ("num_of_term: NOT int ", [t])) wneuper@59392: | num_of_term t = raise TERM ("num_of_term: NOT Free ", [t]) neuper@52064: wneuper@59392: fun is_Free (Free _) = true | is_Free _ = false; neuper@38025: fun is_fun_id (Const _) = true neuper@38025: | is_fun_id (Free _) = true neuper@38025: | is_fun_id _ = false; neuper@38025: fun is_f_x (f $ x) = is_fun_id f andalso is_Free x neuper@38025: | is_f_x _ = false; wneuper@59392: wneuper@59392: fun vars t = neuper@38025: let wneuper@59392: fun scan vs (Const _) = vs wneuper@59392: | scan vs (t as Free (s, _)) = if is_num' s then vs else t :: vs wneuper@59392: | scan vs (t as Var _) = t :: vs wneuper@59392: | scan vs (Bound _) = vs wneuper@59392: | scan vs (Abs (_, _, t)) = scan vs t neuper@38025: | scan vs (t1 $ t2) = (scan vs t1) @ (scan vs t2) neuper@38025: in (distinct o (scan [])) t end; wneuper@59392: (* bypass Isabelle's Pretty, which requires ctxt *) neuper@38025: fun ids2str t = neuper@38025: let wneuper@59392: fun scan vs (Const (s, _)) = if is_num' s then vs else s :: vs wneuper@59392: | scan vs (Free (s, _)) = if is_num' s then vs else s :: vs wneuper@59392: | scan vs (Var ((s, i), _)) = (s ^ "_" ^ string_of_int i) :: vs wneuper@59392: | scan vs (Bound _) = vs wneuper@59392: | scan vs (Abs (s, _, t)) = scan (s :: vs) t neuper@38025: | scan vs (t1 $ t2) = (scan vs t1) @ (scan vs t2) neuper@38025: in (distinct o (scan [])) t end; wneuper@59392: fun is_bdv str = case Symbol.explode str of "b"::"d"::"v"::_ => true | _ => false; wneuper@59394: (* instantiate #prop thm with bound variables (as Free) *) wneuper@59394: fun inst_bdv [] t = t wneuper@59394: | inst_bdv (instl: (term*term) list) t = wneuper@59394: let wneuper@59394: fun subst (v as Var((s, _), T)) = wneuper@59394: (case Symbol.explode s of wneuper@59394: "b"::"d"::"v"::_ => if_none (assoc(instl,Free(s,T))) (Free(s,T)) wneuper@59394: | _ => v) wneuper@59394: | subst (Abs(a, T, body)) = Abs(a, T, subst body) wneuper@59394: | subst (f $ t') = subst f $ subst t' wneuper@59394: | subst t = if_none (assoc (instl, t)) t wneuper@59394: in subst t end; neuper@38025: wneuper@59494: (* is a term a substitution for a bdv as found in programs and tactics *) neuper@42426: fun is_bdv_subst (Const ("List.list.Cons", _) $ wneuper@59494: (Const ("Product_Type.Pair", _) $ str $ _) $ _) = is_bdv (HOLogic.dest_string str) neuper@42426: | is_bdv_subst _ = false; neuper@42426: walther@59636: (* this shall be improved due to future requirements *) walther@59636: fun guess_bdv_typ t = t |> vars |> hd |> type_of walther@59636: wneuper@59392: fun free2str (Free (s, _)) = s wneuper@59416: | free2str t = error ("free2str not for " ^ Rule.term2str t); wneuper@59392: fun str_of_free_opt (Free (s, _)) = SOME s neuper@52103: | str_of_free_opt _ = NONE neuper@38025: wneuper@59392: (* compare Logic.unvarify_global, which rejects Free *) wneuper@59392: fun var2free (t as Const _) = t wneuper@59392: | var2free (t as Free _) = t wneuper@59392: | var2free (Var((s, _), T)) = Free (s,T) wneuper@59392: | var2free (t as Bound _) = t wneuper@59392: | var2free (Abs(s, T, t)) = Abs(s, T, var2free t) neuper@38025: | var2free (t1 $ t2) = (var2free t1) $ (var2free t2); neuper@38025: wneuper@59392: (* Logic.varify does NOT take care of 'Free ("1", _)'*) wneuper@59392: fun free2var (t as Const _) = t wneuper@59390: | free2var (t as Free (s, T)) = if is_num' s then t else Var ((s, 0), T) wneuper@59392: | free2var (t as Var _) = t wneuper@59392: | free2var (t as Bound _) = t neuper@38025: | free2var (Abs (s, T, t)) = Abs (s, T, free2var t) neuper@38025: | free2var (t1 $ t2) = (free2var t1) $ (free2var t2); neuper@38025: neuper@38025: fun mk_listT T = Type ("List.list", [T]); wneuper@59392: fun list_const T = Const ("List.list.Cons", [T, mk_listT T] ---> mk_listT T); wneuper@59392: fun list2isalist T [] = Const ("List.list.Nil", mk_listT T) wneuper@59392: | list2isalist T (t :: ts) = (list_const T) $ t $ (list2isalist T ts); neuper@38025: wneuper@59392: fun isapair2pair (Const ("Product_Type.Pair",_) $ a $ b) = (a, b) neuper@38025: | isapair2pair t = wneuper@59416: error ("isapair2pair called with " ^ Rule.term2str t); neuper@38025: fun isalist2list ls = neuper@38025: let wneuper@59392: fun get es (Const("List.list.Cons", _) $ t $ ls) = get (t :: es) ls wneuper@59392: | get es (Const("List.list.Nil", _)) = es wneuper@59403: | get _ t = raise TERM ("isalist2list applied to NON-list: ", [t]) neuper@38025: in (rev o (get [])) ls end; neuper@38025: wneuper@59392: fun is_list ((Const ("List.list.Cons", _)) $ _ $ _) = true wneuper@59392: | is_list _ = false; wneuper@59392: fun dest_binop_typ (Type ("fun", [range, Type ("fun", [arg2, arg1])])) = (arg1, arg2, range) wneuper@59392: | dest_binop_typ _ = raise ERROR "dest_binop_typ: not binary"; wneuper@59392: fun dest_equals (Const("HOL.eq", _) $ t $ u) = (t, u) (* Pure/logic.ML: Const ("==", ..*) wneuper@59390: | dest_equals t = raise TERM ("dest_equals'", [t]); wneuper@59390: fun is_equality (Const("HOL.eq",_) $ _ $ _) = true (* logic.ML: Const("=="*) neuper@38025: | is_equality _ = false; wneuper@59392: fun mk_equality (t, u) = (Const("HOL.eq", [type_of t, type_of u] ---> HOLogic.boolT) $ t $ u); wneuper@59390: fun is_expliceq (Const("HOL.eq",_) $ (Free _) $ _) = true neuper@38025: | is_expliceq _ = false; wneuper@59390: fun strip_trueprop (Const ("HOL.Trueprop", _) $ t) = t neuper@38025: | strip_trueprop t = t; neuper@38025: wneuper@59392: (* (A1==>...An==>B) goes to (A1==>...An==>) Pure/logic.ML: term -> term list*) wneuper@59403: fun strip_imp_prems' (Const ("Pure.imp", _) $ A $ t) = wneuper@59392: let wneuper@59403: fun coll_prems As (Const("Pure.imp", _) $ A $ t) = wneuper@59392: coll_prems (As $ (Logic.implies $ A)) t wneuper@59392: | coll_prems As _ = SOME As neuper@38025: in coll_prems (Logic.implies $ A) t end wneuper@59392: | strip_imp_prems' _ = NONE; (* *) neuper@38025: wneuper@59392: (* (A1==>...An==>) (B) goes to (A1==>...An==>B), where B is lowest branch, 2002 Pure/thm.ML *) wneuper@59403: fun ins_concl (Const ("Pure.imp", _) $ A $ t) B = Logic.implies $ A $ (ins_concl t B) wneuper@59403: | ins_concl (Const ("Pure.imp", _) $ A ) B = Logic.implies $ A $ B wneuper@59390: | ins_concl t B = raise TERM ("ins_concl", [t, B]); neuper@38025: wneuper@59392: fun vperm (Var _, Var _) = true (* 2002 Pure/thm.ML *) neuper@38025: | vperm (Abs (_, _, s), Abs (_, _, t)) = vperm (s, t) neuper@38025: | vperm (t1 $ t2, u1 $ u2) = vperm (t1, u1) andalso vperm (t2, u2) neuper@38025: | vperm (t, u) = (t = u); neuper@38025: neuper@38025: (*2002 cp from Pure/term.ML --- since 2009 in Pure/old_term.ML*) neuper@38025: fun mem_term (_, []) = false wneuper@59392: | mem_term (t, t' :: ts) = t aconv t' orelse mem_term (t, ts); wneuper@59390: fun subset_term ([], _) = true wneuper@59390: | subset_term (x :: xs, ys) = mem_term (x, ys) andalso subset_term (xs, ys); neuper@38025: fun eq_set_term (xs, ys) = neuper@38025: xs = ys orelse (subset_term (xs, ys) andalso subset_term (ys, xs)); neuper@38025: (*a total, irreflexive ordering on index names*) wneuper@59392: fun xless ((a, i), (b, j): indexname) = i insert_aterm (t, vars) wneuper@59392: | Abs (_, _, body) => add_term_vars (body, vars) wneuper@59392: | f$t => add_term_vars (f, add_term_vars (t, vars)) neuper@38025: | _ => vars; wneuper@59390: fun term_vars t = add_term_vars (t, []); neuper@38025: wneuper@59392: (*2002 Pure/thm.ML *) wneuper@59392: fun var_perm (t, u) = vperm (t, u) andalso eq_set_term (term_vars t, term_vars u); neuper@38025: (*2002 fun decomp_simp, Pure/thm.ML *) wneuper@59390: fun perm lhs rhs = var_perm (lhs, rhs) andalso not (lhs aconv rhs) andalso not (is_Var lhs); neuper@38025: neuper@38025: neuper@38025: fun pairT T1 T2 = Type ("*", [T1, T2]); neuper@38025: fun PairT T1 T2 = ([T1, T2] ---> Type ("*", [T1, T2])); wneuper@59392: fun pairt t1 t2 = Const ("Product_Type.Pair", PairT (type_of t1) (type_of t2)) $ t1 $ t2; neuper@38025: neuper@38025: fun mk_factroot op_(*=thy.sqrt*) T fact root = neuper@38034: Const ("Groups.times_class.times", [T, T] ---> T) $ (term_of_num T fact) $ wneuper@59392: (Const (op_, T --> T) $ term_of_num T root); wneuper@59390: fun mk_var_op_num v op_ optype ntyp n = Const (op_, optype) $ v $ Free (str_of_int n, ntyp); wneuper@59390: fun mk_num_op_var v op_ optype ntyp n = Const (op_, optype) $ Free (str_of_int n, ntyp) $ v; wneuper@59390: fun mk_num_op_num T1 T2 (op_, Top) n1 n2 = wneuper@59390: Const (op_, Top) $ Free (str_of_int n1, T1) $ Free (str_of_int n2, T2); wneuper@59392: fun mk_thmid thmid n1 n2 = wneuper@59392: thmid ^ (strip_thy n1) ^ "_" ^ (strip_thy n2); wneuper@59392: fun mk_add t1 t2 = wneuper@59392: let wneuper@59392: val (T1, T2) = (type_of t1, type_of t2) wneuper@59392: in wneuper@59392: if T1 <> T2 then raise TYPE ("mk_add gets ", [T1, T2], [t1,t2]) wneuper@59392: else (Const ("", [T1, T2] ---> T1) $ t1 $ t2) wneuper@59392: end; neuper@38025: neuper@38025: (** transform binary numeralsstrings **) neuper@38025: (*Makarius 100308, hacked by WN*) neuper@38025: val numbers_to_string = neuper@38025: let neuper@38025: fun dest_num t = neuper@38025: (case try HOLogic.dest_number t of neuper@38025: SOME (T, i) => neuper@38025: (*if T = @{typ int} orelse T = @{typ real} then WN*) neuper@38025: SOME (Free (signed_string_of_int i, T)) neuper@38025: (*else NONE WN*) neuper@38025: | NONE => NONE); neuper@38025: fun to_str (Abs (x, T, b)) = Abs (x, T, to_str b) neuper@38025: | to_str (t as (u1 $ u2)) = neuper@38025: (case dest_num t of neuper@38025: SOME t' => t' neuper@38025: | NONE => to_str u1 $ to_str u2) neuper@38025: | to_str t = perhaps dest_num t; neuper@38025: in to_str end neuper@38025: val uminus_to_string = wneuper@59392: let wneuper@59392: fun dest_num t = wneuper@59392: case t of wneuper@59392: (Const ("Groups.uminus_class.uminus", _) $ Free (s, T)) => wneuper@59392: (case int_of_str_opt s of wneuper@59392: SOME i => SOME (Free (signed_string_of_int (~1 * i), T)) wneuper@59392: | NONE => NONE) wneuper@59392: | _ => NONE; wneuper@59392: fun to_str (Abs (x, T, b)) = Abs (x, T, to_str b) wneuper@59392: | to_str (t as (u1 $ u2)) = wneuper@59392: (case dest_num t of SOME t' => t' | NONE => to_str u1 $ to_str u2) wneuper@59392: | to_str t = perhaps dest_num t; wneuper@59392: in to_str end; neuper@38025: fun num_str thm = wneuper@59392: let wneuper@59392: val (deriv, wneuper@59333: {cert = cert, tags = tags, maxidx = maxidx, shyps = shyps, wneuper@59185: hyps = hyps, tpairs = tpairs, prop = prop}) = Thm.rep_thm_G thm neuper@38025: val prop' = numbers_to_string prop; wneuper@59333: in Thm.assbl_thm deriv cert tags maxidx shyps hyps tpairs prop' end; neuper@38025: wneuper@59392: fun mk_Free (s,T) = Free (s, T); wneuper@59392: fun mk_free T s = Free (s, T); neuper@38025: neuper@38025: (*Special case: one argument cp from Isabelle2002/src/Pure/term.ML*) wneuper@59392: fun subst_bound (arg, t) = wneuper@59392: let wneuper@59392: fun subst (t as Bound i, lev) = wneuper@59392: if i < lev then t (*var is locally bound*) wneuper@59392: else if i = lev then incr_boundvars lev arg wneuper@59392: else Bound (i - 1) (*loose: change it*) wneuper@59392: | subst (Abs(a, T, body), lev) = Abs (a, T, subst (body, lev + 1)) wneuper@59392: | subst (f$t, lev) = subst(f, lev) $ subst(t, lev) wneuper@59392: | subst (t, _) = t wneuper@59392: in subst (t, 0) end; neuper@38025: walther@59691: (* instantiate let; necessary for scan_up1 *) wneuper@59394: fun inst_abs (Const sT) = Const sT wneuper@59393: | inst_abs (Free sT) = Free sT wneuper@59393: | inst_abs (Bound n) = Bound n wneuper@59393: | inst_abs (Var iT) = Var iT wneuper@59393: | inst_abs (Const ("HOL.Let",T1) $ e $ (Abs (v, T2, b))) = wneuper@59394: let val b' = subst_bound (Free (v, T2), b); (*fun variant_abs: term.ML*) wneuper@59393: in Const ("HOL.Let", T1) $ inst_abs e $ (Abs (v, T2, inst_abs b')) end wneuper@59393: | inst_abs (t1 $ t2) = inst_abs t1 $ inst_abs t2 wneuper@59393: | inst_abs t = t; neuper@38025: neuper@38037: (* for parse and parse_patt: fix all types to real *) neuper@38025: fun T_a2real (Type (s, [])) = wneuper@59394: if s = "'a" orelse s = "'b" orelse s = "'c" then HOLogic.realT else Type (s, []) neuper@38025: | T_a2real (Type (s, Ts)) = Type (s, map T_a2real Ts) neuper@38025: | T_a2real (TFree (s, srt)) = wneuper@59394: if s = "'a" orelse s = "'b" orelse s = "'c" then HOLogic.realT else TFree (s, srt) wneuper@59394: | T_a2real (TVar (("DUMMY", _), _)) = HOLogic.realT neuper@38037: | T_a2real (TVar ((s, i), srt)) = wneuper@59394: if s = "'a" orelse s = "'b" orelse s = "'c" then HOLogic.realT else TVar ((s, i), srt) neuper@38025: fun typ_a2real (Const( s, T)) = (Const( s, T_a2real T)) neuper@38025: | typ_a2real (Free( s, T)) = (Free( s, T_a2real T)) neuper@38025: | typ_a2real (Var( n, T)) = (Var( n, T_a2real T)) neuper@38025: | typ_a2real (Bound i) = (Bound i) neuper@38025: | typ_a2real (Abs(s,T,t)) = Abs(s, T, typ_a2real t) neuper@38025: | typ_a2real (t1 $ t2) = (typ_a2real t1) $ (typ_a2real t2); neuper@38025: wneuper@59394: (* TODO clarify parse with Test_Isac *) wneuper@59394: fun parseold thy str = (* before 2002 *) wneuper@59394: (let val t = ((*typ_a2real o*) numbers_to_string) (Syntax.read_term_global thy str) wneuper@59184: in SOME (Thm.global_cterm_of thy t) end) wneuper@59394: handle _(*EXN? ..Inner syntax error Failed to parse term*) => NONE; wneuper@59394: fun parseN thy str = (* introduced 2002 *) wneuper@59394: (let val t = (*(typ_a2real o numbers_to_string)*) (Syntax.read_term_global thy str) wneuper@59184: in SOME (Thm.global_cterm_of thy t) end) wneuper@59394: handle _(*EXN? ..Inner syntax error Failed to parse term*) => NONE; wneuper@59394: fun parse thy str = (* introduced 2010 *) wneuper@59394: (let val t = (typ_a2real o numbers_to_string) (Syntax.read_term_global thy str) wneuper@59394: in SOME (Thm.global_cterm_of thy t) end) wneuper@59394: handle _(*EXN? ..Inner syntax error Failed to parse term*) => NONE; neuper@38025: neuper@41931: (*WN110317 parseNEW will replace parse after introduction of ctxt completed*) bonzai@41949: fun parseNEW ctxt str = SOME (Syntax.read_term ctxt str |> numbers_to_string) wneuper@59394: handle _ => NONE; wneuper@59582: fun parseNEW' ctxt str = wneuper@59582: case parseNEW ctxt str of wneuper@59582: SOME t => t wneuper@59582: | NONE => raise TERM ("NO parseNEW' for " ^ str, []) wneuper@59582: neuper@48879: (* parse term patterns; Var ("v",_), i.e. "?v", are required for instantiation neuper@48879: WN130613 probably compare to neuper@48879:*) wneuper@59394: fun parse_patt thy str = wneuper@59416: (thy, str) |>> Rule.thy2ctxt wneuper@59394: |-> Proof_Context.read_term_pattern wneuper@59394: |> numbers_to_string (*TODO drop*) wneuper@59394: |> typ_a2real; (*TODO drop*) wneuper@59592: fun str2term str = parse_patt (Rule.Thy_Info_get_theory "Isac_Knowledge") str neuper@38025: wneuper@59394: (* TODO decide with Test_Isac *) wneuper@59394: fun is_atom t = length (vars t) = 1 neuper@38025: fun is_atom (Const ("Float.Float",_) $ _) = true neuper@38025: | is_atom (Const ("ComplexI.I'_'_",_)) = true neuper@38034: | is_atom (Const ("Groups.times_class.times",_) $ t $ Const ("ComplexI.I'_'_",_)) = is_atom t neuper@38025: | is_atom (Const ("",_) $ t1 $ Const ("ComplexI.I'_'_",_)) = is_atom t1 neuper@38025: | is_atom (Const ("",_) $ t1 $ neuper@38034: (Const ("Groups.times_class.times",_) $ t2 $ Const ("ComplexI.I'_'_",_))) = neuper@38025: is_atom t1 andalso is_atom t2 neuper@38025: | is_atom (Const _) = true neuper@38025: | is_atom (Free _) = true neuper@38025: | is_atom (Var _) = true neuper@38025: | is_atom _ = false; neuper@38025: wneuper@59394: (* from Pure/term.ML; reports if ALL Free's have found a substitution wneuper@59394: (required for evaluating the preconditions of _incomplete_ models) *) wneuper@59394: fun subst_atomic_all [] t = (false (*TODO may be 'true' for some terms ?*), t) wneuper@59394: | subst_atomic_all instl t = wneuper@59394: let wneuper@59394: fun subst (Abs (a, T, body)) = wneuper@59394: let wneuper@59394: val (all, body') = subst body wneuper@59394: in (all, Abs(a, T, body')) end wneuper@59394: | subst (f$tt) = wneuper@59394: let wneuper@59394: val (all1, f') = subst f wneuper@59394: val (all2, tt') = subst tt wneuper@59394: in (all1 andalso all2, f' $ tt') end wneuper@59394: | subst (t as Free _) = wneuper@59394: if is_num t then (true, t) (*numerals cannot be subst*) wneuper@59394: else (case assoc (instl, t) of wneuper@59394: SOME t' => (true, t') wneuper@59394: | NONE => (false, t)) wneuper@59394: | subst t = (true, if_none (assoc(instl,t)) t) wneuper@59394: in subst t end; wneuper@59389: wneuper@59507: fun op contains_one_of (thm, ids) = wneuper@59507: Term.exists_Const (fn id => member op= ids id) (Thm.prop_of thm) wneuper@59507: wneuper@59532: fun var_for vs (t as Const (str, _)) id = if id = strip_thy str then t :: vs else vs wneuper@59532: | var_for vs (t as Free (str, _)) id = if id = str then t :: vs else vs wneuper@59532: | var_for vs (t as Var (idn, _)) id = if id = Term.string_of_vname idn then t :: vs else vs wneuper@59532: | var_for vs (Bound _) _ = vs wneuper@59532: | var_for vs (Abs (_, _, t)) id = var_for vs t id wneuper@59532: | var_for vs (t1 $ t2) id = (var_for vs t1 id) @ (var_for vs t2 id) wneuper@59532: wneuper@59532: val poly_consts = (* TODO: adopt syntax-const from Isabelle*) wneuper@59532: ["", "Groups.minus_class.minus", wneuper@59532: "Rings.divide_class.divide", "Groups.times_class.times", walther@59603: "Prog_Expr.pow"]; wneuper@59532: (* treat Free, Const, Var as variables in polynomials *) wneuper@59532: fun vars_of t = wneuper@59532: let wneuper@59532: val var_ids = t |> ids2str |> subtract op = poly_consts |> map strip_thy |> sort string_ord wneuper@59532: in (map (var_for [] t) var_ids) |> flat |> distinct end wneuper@59532: wneuper@59577: (* this may decompose an object-language isa-list; wneuper@59577: use only, if description is not available, eg. not input ?WN:14.5.03 ??!?*) wneuper@59577: fun dest_list' t = if is_list t then isalist2list t else [t]; wneuper@59577: wneuper@59580: fun raise_type_conflicts ts = wneuper@59580: let wneuper@59580: val dups = duplicates (op =) (map (fst o dest_Free) ts) wneuper@59580: val confl = filter (fn Free (str, _) => member op = dups str) ts wneuper@59580: in wneuper@59580: if confl = [] wneuper@59580: then () wneuper@59582: else raise TYPE ("formalisation inconsistent w.r.t. type inference: ", wneuper@59580: map (snd o dest_Free)confl, confl) wneuper@59580: end wneuper@59580: walther@59716: (* expects t as Const *) walther@59717: fun contains_Const_typeless ts t = (t walther@59716: |> strip_comb |> fst walther@59716: |> member (fn (t1, t2) => fst (dest_Const t1) = fst (dest_Const t2)) ts walther@59717: ) handle TERM("dest_Const", _) => raise TERM ("contains_Const_typeless", [t]) walther@59716: walther@59716: wneuper@59389: end