walther@60328: (* Title: test/Tools/isac/Knowledge/poly-1.sml walther@60328: Author: Walther Neuper walther@60328: Use is subject to license terms. walther@60328: walther@60328: Test of basic functions and application to complex examples. walther@60328: *) walther@60328: walther@60328: "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "table of contents -----------------------------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- fun is_polyexp -----------------------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- fun has_degree_in --------------------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- fun mono_deg_in ----------------------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- fun sort_variables -------------------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- fun is_addUnordered (x \ 2 * y \ 2 + x \ 3 * y) --------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- check make_polynomial with simple terms ----------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- fun is_multUnordered (x \ 2 * x) -----------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- fun is_multUnordered (3 * a + - 2 * a) -----------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- fun is_multUnordered (x - a) \ 3 -----------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- fun is_multUnordered b * a * a ------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- fun is_multUnordered 2*3*a -----------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- norm_Poly with AlgEin ----------------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- complex examples from textbook Schalk I ----------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- complex Eigene Beispiele (Mathias Goldgruber) ----------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: walther@60328: walther@60328: "-------- fun is_polyexp -----------------------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- fun is_polyexp -----------------------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- fun is_polyexp -----------------------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: val t = TermC.str2term "x / x"; walther@60328: if is_polyexp t then error "NOT is_polyexp (x / x)" else (); walther@60328: walther@60329: val t = TermC.str2term "- 1 * A * 3"; walther@60329: if is_polyexp t then () else error "is_polyexp (- 1 * A * 3)"; walther@60328: walther@60329: val t = TermC.str2term "- 1 * AA * 3"; walther@60329: if is_polyexp t then () else error "is_polyexp (- 1 * AA * 3)"; walther@60328: walther@60328: val t = TermC.str2term "x * x + x * y + (- 1 * y * x + - 1 * y * y)::real"; walther@60328: if is_polyexp t then () else error "is_polyexp (x * x + x * y + (- 1 * y * x + - 1 * y * y))"; walther@60328: walther@60328: "-------- fun has_degree_in --------------------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- fun has_degree_in --------------------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- fun has_degree_in --------------------------------------------------------------------"; Walther@60424: val thy = @{theory} Walther@60424: val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy Walther@60424: val v = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "x"; Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "1"; walther@60328: if has_degree_in t v = 0 then () else error "has_degree_in (1) x"; walther@60328: Walther@60424: val v = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "AA"; Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "1"; walther@60328: if has_degree_in t v = 0 then () else error "has_degree_in (1) AA"; walther@60328: walther@60328: (*----------*) Walther@60424: val v = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "x"; Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "a*b+c"; walther@60328: if has_degree_in t v = 0 then () else error "has_degree_in (a*b+c) x"; walther@60328: Walther@60424: val v = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "AA"; Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "a*b+c"; walther@60328: if has_degree_in t v = 0 then () else error "has_degree_in (a*b+c) AA"; walther@60328: walther@60328: (*----------*) Walther@60424: val v = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "x"; Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "a*x+c"; walther@60328: if has_degree_in t v = ~1 then () else error "has_degree_in (a*x+c) x"; walther@60328: Walther@60424: val v = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "AA"; Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "a*AA+c"; walther@60328: if has_degree_in t v = ~1 then () else error "has_degree_in (a*AA+c) AA"; walther@60328: walther@60328: (*----------*) Walther@60424: val v = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "x::real"; Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "((a::real)*b+c)*x \ 7"; walther@60328: if has_degree_in t v = 7 then () else error "has_degree_in ((a*b+c)*x \ 7) x"; walther@60328: Walther@60424: val v = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "AA"; Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "(a*b+c)*AA \ 7"; walther@60328: if has_degree_in t v = 7 then () else error "has_degree_in ((a*b+c)*AA \ 7) AA"; walther@60328: walther@60328: (*----------*) Walther@60424: val v = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "x::real"; Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "x \ 7"; walther@60328: if has_degree_in t v = 7 then () else error "has_degree_in (x \ 7) x"; walther@60328: Walther@60424: val v = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "AA"; Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "AA \ 7"; walther@60328: if has_degree_in t v = 7 then () else error "has_degree_in (AA \ 7) AA"; walther@60328: walther@60328: (*----------*) Walther@60424: val v = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "x::real"; Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "(a*b+c)*x::real"; walther@60328: if has_degree_in t v = 1 then () else error "has_degree_in ((a*b+c)*x) x"; walther@60328: Walther@60424: val v = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "AA"; Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "(a*b+c)*AA"; walther@60328: if has_degree_in t v = 1 then () else error "has_degree_in ((a*b+c)*AA) AA"; walther@60328: walther@60328: (*----------*) Walther@60424: val v = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "x::real"; Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "(a*b+x)*x"; walther@60328: if has_degree_in t v = ~1 then () else error "has_degree_in (a*b+x)*x() x"; walther@60328: Walther@60424: val v = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "AA"; Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "(a*b+AA)*AA"; walther@60328: if has_degree_in t v = ~1 then () else error "has_degree_in ((a*b+AA)*AA) AA"; walther@60328: walther@60328: (*----------*) Walther@60424: val v = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "x"; Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "x"; walther@60328: if has_degree_in t v = 1 then () else error "has_degree_in (x) x"; walther@60328: Walther@60424: val v = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "AA"; Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "AA"; walther@60328: if has_degree_in t v = 1 then () else error "has_degree_in (AA) AA"; walther@60328: walther@60328: (*----------*) Walther@60424: val v = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "x::real"; Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "ab - (a*b)*(x::real)"; walther@60328: if has_degree_in t v = 1 then () else error "has_degree_in (ab - (a*b)*x) x"; walther@60328: Walther@60424: val v = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "AA"; Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "ab - (a*b)*AA"; walther@60328: if has_degree_in t v = 1 then () else error "has_degree_in (ab - (a*b)*AA) AA"; walther@60328: walther@60328: "-------- fun mono_deg_in ----------------------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- fun mono_deg_in ----------------------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- fun mono_deg_in ----------------------------------------------------------------------"; Walther@60424: val v = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "x::real"; walther@60328: Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "(a*b+c)*x \ 7"; walther@60328: if mono_deg_in t v = SOME 7 then () else error "mono_deg_in ((a*b+c)*x \ 7) x changed"; walther@60328: Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "(x::real) \ 7"; walther@60328: if mono_deg_in t v = SOME 7 then () else error "mono_deg_in (x \ 7) x changed"; walther@60328: Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "(a*b+c)*x::real"; walther@60328: if mono_deg_in t v = SOME 1 then () else error "mono_deg_in ((a*b+c)*x) x changed"; walther@60328: Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "(a*b+x)*x"; walther@60328: if mono_deg_in t v = NONE then () else error "mono_deg_in ((a*b+x)*x) x changed"; walther@60328: Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "x::real"; walther@60328: if mono_deg_in t v = SOME 1 then () else error "mono_deg_in (x) x changed"; walther@60328: Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "(a*b+c)"; walther@60328: if mono_deg_in t v = SOME 0 then () else error "mono_deg_in ((a*b+c)) x changed"; walther@60328: Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "ab - (a*b)*x"; walther@60328: if mono_deg_in t v = NONE then () else error "mono_deg_in (ab - (a*b)*x) x changed"; walther@60328: walther@60336: (*. . . . . . . . . . . . the same with Const (\<^const_name>\AA\, _) . . . . . . . . . . . *) walther@60328: val thy = @{theory Partial_Fractions} Walther@60424: val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy Walther@60424: val v = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "AA"; walther@60328: Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "(a*b+c)*AA \ 7"; walther@60328: if mono_deg_in t v = SOME 7 then () else error "mono_deg_in ((a*b+c)*AA \ 7) AA changed"; walther@60328: Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "AA \ 7"; walther@60328: if mono_deg_in t v = SOME 7 then () else error "mono_deg_in (AA \ 7) AA changed"; walther@60328: Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "(a*b+c)*AA"; walther@60328: if mono_deg_in t v = SOME 1 then () else error "mono_deg_in ((a*b+c)*AA) AA changed"; walther@60328: Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "(a*b+AA)*AA"; walther@60328: if mono_deg_in t v = NONE then () else error "mono_deg_in ((a*b+AA)*AA) AA changed"; walther@60328: Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "AA"; walther@60328: if mono_deg_in t v = SOME 1 then () else error "mono_deg_in (AA) AA changed"; walther@60328: Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "(a*b+c)"; walther@60328: if mono_deg_in t v = SOME 0 then () else error "mono_deg_in ((a*b+c)) AA changed"; walther@60328: Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "ab - (a*b)*AA"; walther@60328: if mono_deg_in t v = NONE then () else error "mono_deg_in (ab - (a*b)*AA) AA changed"; walther@60328: walther@60328: walther@60328: "-------- fun sort_variables -------------------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- fun sort_variables -------------------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- fun sort_variables -------------------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: if "---" < "123" andalso "123" < "a" andalso "a" < "cba" then () walther@60328: else error "lexicographic order CHANGED"; walther@60328: walther@60328: (*--------------vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv-----------------------------------------------------------------*) walther@60328: val t = @{term "3 * b + a * 2"}; (*------------------------------------------------------------*) walther@60328: val t' = sort_variables t; walther@60328: if UnparseC.term t' = "(3::'a) * b + (2::'a) * a" then () walther@60328: else error "sort_variables 3 * b + a * 2 CHANGED"; walther@60328: walther@60328: "~~~~~~~ fun sort_variables , args:"; val (t) = (t); walther@60328: val ll = map monom2list (poly2list t); walther@60328: walther@60328: (*+*)UnparseC.terms (poly2list t) = "[\"(3::'a) * b\", \"a * (2::'a)\"]"; walther@60336: (*+*)val [ [(Const (\<^const_name>\numeral\, _) $ _), Free ("b", _)], walther@60336: (*+*) [Free ("a", _), (Const (\<^const_name>\numeral\, _) $ _)] walther@60328: (*+*) ] = map monom2list (poly2list t); walther@60328: walther@60328: val lls = map sort_varList ll; walther@60328: walther@60328: (*+*)case map sort_varList ll of walther@60336: (*+*) [ [Const (\<^const_name>\numeral\, _) $ _, Free ("b", _)], walther@60336: (*+*) [Const (\<^const_name>\numeral\, _) $ _, Free ("a", _)] walther@60328: (*+*) ] => () walther@60328: (*+*)| _ => error "map sort_varList CHANGED"; walther@60328: walther@60328: val T = type_of t; walther@60328: val ls = map (create_monom T) lls; walther@60328: walther@60336: (*+*)val [Const (\<^const_name>\times\, _) $ _ $ Free ("b", _), walther@60336: (*+*) Const (\<^const_name>\times\, _) $ _ $ Free ("a", _)] = map (create_monom T) lls; walther@60328: walther@60328: (*+*)case map (create_monom T) lls of walther@60336: (*+*) [Const (\<^const_name>\times\, _) $ (Const (\<^const_name>\numeral\, _) $ _) $ Free ("b", _), walther@60336: (*+*) Const (\<^const_name>\times\, _) $ (Const (\<^const_name>\numeral\, _) $ _) $ Free ("a", _) walther@60328: (*+*) ] => () walther@60328: (*+*)| _ => error "map (create_monom T) CHANGED"; walther@60328: walther@60328: val xxx = (*in*) create_polynom T ls (*end*); walther@60328: walther@60328: (*+*)if UnparseC.term xxx = "(3::'a) * b + (2::'a) * a" then () walther@60328: (*+*)else error "create_polynom CHANGED"; walther@60328: (* done by rewriting> 2 * a + 3 * b ? *) walther@60328: walther@60328: (*---------------vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv---------------------------------------------------------*) walther@60328: val t = @{term "3 * a + - 2 * a ::real"}; (*---------------------------------------------------*) walther@60328: val t' = sort_variables t; walther@60328: if UnparseC.term t' = "3 * a + - 2 * a" then () walther@60328: else error "sort_variables 3 * a + - 2 * a CHANGED"; walther@60328: walther@60328: "~~~~~~~ fun sort_variables , args:"; val (t) = (t); walther@60328: val ll = map monom2list (poly2list t); walther@60328: walther@60336: (*+*)val [ [Const (\<^const_name>\numeral\, _) $ _, Free ("a", _)], walther@60336: (*+*) [Const (\<^const_name>\uminus\, _) $ _, Free ("a", _)] (*already correct order*) walther@60328: (*+*) ] = map monom2list (poly2list t); walther@60328: walther@60328: val lls = map walther@60328: sort_varList ll; walther@60328: walther@60336: (*+*)val [ [Const (\<^const_name>\numeral\, _) $ _, Free ("a", _)], walther@60336: (*+*) [Const (\<^const_name>\uminus\, _) $ _, Free ("a", _)] (*ERROR: NO swap here*) walther@60328: (*+*) ] = map sort_varList ll; walther@60328: walther@60328: map sort_varList ll; walther@60328: "~~~~~ val sort_varList , args:"; val (ts) = (nth 2 ll); walther@60328: val sorted = sort var_ord ts; walther@60328: walther@60328: (*+*)if UnparseC.terms ts = "[\"- 2\", \"a\"]" andalso UnparseC.terms sorted = "[\"- 2\", \"a\"]" walther@60328: (*+*)then () else error "sort var_ord [\"- 2\", \"a\"] CHANGED"; walther@60328: walther@60328: walther@60328: (*+*)if UnparseC.term (nth 1 ts) = "- 2" andalso get_basStr (nth 1 ts) = "-2" walther@60328: (*+*)then () else error "get_basStr - 2 CHANGED"; walther@60328: (*+*)if UnparseC.term (nth 2 ts) = "a" andalso get_basStr (nth 2 ts) = "a" walther@60328: (*+*)then () else error "get_basStr a CHANGED"; walther@60328: walther@60328: walther@60328: "-------- fun is_addUnordered (x \ 2 * y \ 2 + x \ 3 * y) --------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- fun is_addUnordered (x \ 2 * y \ 2 + x \ 3 * y) --------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- fun is_addUnordered (x \ 2 * y \ 2 + x \ 3 * y) --------------------------------------"; walther@60328: val t = TermC.str2term "x \ 2 * y \ 2 + x * x \ 2 * y"; walther@60330: Rewrite.trace_on := false; (*true false*) walther@60328: val SOME (t, _) = rewrite_set_ thy false make_polynomial t; UnparseC.term t; walther@60328: UnparseC.term t = "x \ 2 * y \ 2 + x \ 3 * y"; walther@60328: if UnparseC.term t = "x \ 3 * y + x \ 2 * y \ 2" then () walther@60328: else error "poly.sml: diff.behav. in make_polynomial 23"; walther@60328: walther@60328: (** ) walther@60328: ## rls: order_add_rls_ on: x \ 2 * y \ 2 + x \ 3 * y walther@60328: ### rls: order_add_ on: x \ 2 * y \ 2 + x \ 3 * y walther@60328: ###### rls: Rule_Set.empty-is_addUnordered on: x \ 2 * y \ 2 + x \ 3 * y is_addUnordered walther@60328: ####### try calc: "Poly.is_addUnordered" walther@60328: ######## eval asms: "x \ 2 * y \ 2 + x \ 3 * y is_addUnordered = False" (*isa*) walther@60328: True" (*isa2*) walther@60328: ####### calc. to: False (*isa*) walther@60328: True (*isa2*) walther@60328: ( **) walther@60328: if is_addUnordered (TermC.str2term "x \ 2 * y \ 2 + x \ 3 * y ::real") then () walther@60328: else error"is_addUnordered x \ 2 * y \ 2 + x \ 3 * y"; (*isa == isa2*) walther@60328: "~~~~~ fun is_addUnordered , args:"; val (t) = (TermC.str2term "x \ 2 * y \ 2 + x \ 3 * y ::real"); walther@60328: ((is_polyexp t) andalso not (t = sort_monoms t)) = false; (*isa == isa2*) walther@60328: walther@60328: (*+*) if is_polyexp t = true then () else error "is_polyexp x \ 2 * y \ 2 + x \ 3 * y"; walther@60328: walther@60328: (*+*) if t = sort_monoms t = false then () else error "sort_monoms 123"; walther@60328: "~~~~~~~ fun sort_monoms , args:"; val (t) = (t); walther@60328: val ll = map monom2list (poly2list t); walther@60328: val lls = sort_monList ll; walther@60328: walther@60328: (*+*)map UnparseC.terms lls = ["[\"x \ 2\", \"y \ 2\"]", "[\"x \ 3\", \"y\"]"]; (*isa*) walther@60328: (*+*)map UnparseC.terms lls = ["[\"x \ 3\", \"y\"]", "[\"x \ 2\", \"y \ 2\"]"]; (*isa2*) walther@60328: walther@60328: "~~~~~~~~~~~ fun koeff_degree_ord , args:"; val () = (); walther@60328: (* we check all elements at once..*) walther@60328: val eee1 = ll |> nth 1; UnparseC.terms eee1 = "[\"x \ 2\", \"y \ 2\"]"; walther@60328: val eee2 = ll |> nth 2; UnparseC.terms eee2 = "[\"x \ 3\", \"y\"]"; walther@60328: walther@60328: (*1*)if koeff_degree_ord (eee1, eee1) = EQUAL then () else error "(eee1, eee1) CHANGED"; walther@60328: (*2*)if koeff_degree_ord (eee1, eee2) = GREATER then () else error "(eee1, eee2) CHANGED"; walther@60328: (*3*)if koeff_degree_ord (eee2, eee1) = LESS then () else error "(eee2, eee1) CHANGED"; (*isa*) walther@60328: (*4*)if koeff_degree_ord (eee2, eee2) = EQUAL then () else error "(eee2, eee2) CHANGED"; walther@60328: (* isa -- isa2: walther@60328: (*1*){a = "var_ord_revPow ", at_bt = "(x \ 2, x \ 2)", sort_args = "(x, 2), (x, 2)"} (*isa == isa2*) walther@60328: (*1*){a = "var_ord_revPow ", at_bt = "(y \ 2, y \ 2)", sort_args = "(y, 2), (y, 2)"} (*isa == isa2*) walther@60328: (*1*){a = "compare_koeff_ord ", ats_bts = "([\"x \ 2\", \"y \ 2\"], [\"x \ 2\", \"y \ 2\"])", sort_args = "(---, ---)"} (*isa == isa2*) walther@60328: walther@60328: (*2*){a = "var_ord_revPow ", at_bt = "(x \ 2, x \ 3)", sort_args = "(x, 2), (x, 3)"} (*isa == isa2*) walther@60328: walther@60328: (*3*)k{a = "var_ord_revPow ", at_bt = "(x \ 3, x \ 2)", sort_args = "(x, 3), (x, 2)"} (*isa == isa2*) walther@60328: walther@60328: (*4*){a = "var_ord_revPow ", at_bt = "(x \ 3, x \ 3)", sort_args = "(x, 3), (x, 3)"} (*isa == isa2*) walther@60328: (*4*){a = "var_ord_revPow ", at_bt = "(y, y)", sort_args = "(y, ---), (y, ---)"} (*isa == isa2*) walther@60328: (*4*){a = "compare_koeff_ord ", ats_bts = "([\"x \ 3\", \"y\"], [\"x \ 3\", \"y\"])", sort_args = "(---, ---)"} (*isa == isa2*) walther@60328: val it = true: bool walther@60328: val it = true: bool walther@60328: val it = true: bool walther@60328: val it = true: bool*) walther@60328: walther@60328: "~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fun degree_ord , args:"; val () = (); walther@60328: (*1*)if degree_ord (eee1, eee1) = EQUAL then () else error "degree_ord (eee1, eee1) CHANGED"; walther@60328: (*2*)if degree_ord (eee1, eee2) = GREATER then () else error "degree_ord (eee1, eee2) CHANGED";(*isa*) walther@60328: (*{a = "int_ord (4, 10003) = ", z = LESS} isa walther@60328: {a = "int_ord (4, 4) = ", z = EQUAL} isa2*) walther@60328: (*3*)if degree_ord (eee2, eee1) = LESS then () else error "degree_ord (eee2, eee1) CHANGED";(*isa*) walther@60328: (*4*)if degree_ord (eee2, eee2) = EQUAL then () else error "degree_ord (eee2, eee2) CHANGED"; walther@60328: (* isa -- isa2: walther@60328: (*1*){a = "int_ord (10002, 10002) = ", z = EQUAL} (*isa*) walther@60328: {a = "int_ord (4, 4) = ", z = EQUAL} (*isa2*) walther@60328: (*1*){a = "dict_cond_ord", args = "([\"x \ 2\", \"y \ 2\"], [\"x \ 2\", \"y \ 2\"])", is_nums = "(false, false)"} (*isa*) walther@60328: (*1*){a = "var_ord_revPow ", at_bt = "(x \ 2, x \ 2)", sort_args = "(x, 2), (x, 2)"} (*isa*) walther@60328: (*1*){a = "dict_cond_ord", args = "([\"y \ 2\"], [\"y \ 2\"])", is_nums = "(false, false)"} (*isa*) walther@60328: (*1*){a = "var_ord_revPow ", at_bt = "(y \ 2, y \ 2)", sort_args = "(y, 2), (y, 2)"} (*isa*) walther@60328: (*1*){a = "dict_cond_ord ([], [])"} (*isa*) walther@60328: walther@60328: (*2*){a = "int_ord (10002, 10003) = ", z = LESS} (*isa*) walther@60328: {a = "int_ord (4, 4) = ", z = EQUAL} (*isa2*) walther@60328: {a = "dict_cond_ord", args = "([\"x \ 2\", \"y \ 2\"], [\"x \ 3\", \"y\"])", is_nums = "(false, false)"} (*isa2*) walther@60328: (*2*){a = "var_ord_revPow ", at_bt = "(x \ 2, x \ 3)", sort_args = "(x, 2), (x, 3)"} (*isa2*) walther@60328: walther@60328: (*3*){a = "int_ord (10003, 10002) = ", z = GREATER} (*isa*) walther@60328: {a = "int_ord (4, 4) = ", z = EQUAL} (*isa2*) walther@60328: {a = "dict_cond_ord", args = "([\"x \ 3\", \"y\"], [\"x \ 2\", \"y \ 2\"])", is_nums = "(false, false)"} walther@60328: (*3*){a = "var_ord_revPow ", at_bt = "(x \ 3, x \ 2)", sort_args = "(x, 3), (x, 2)"} (*isa == isa2*) walther@60328: walther@60328: (*4*){a = "int_ord (10003, 10003) = ", z = EQUAL} (*isa*) walther@60328: {a = "int_ord (4, 4) = ", z = EQUAL} (*isa2*) walther@60328: (*4*){a = "dict_cond_ord", args = "([\"x \ 3\", \"y\"], [\"x \ 3\", \"y\"])", is_nums = "(false, false)"} (*isa == isa2*) walther@60328: (*4*){a = "var_ord_revPow ", at_bt = "(x \ 3, x \ 3)", sort_args = "(x, 3), (x, 3)"} (*isa == isa2*) walther@60328: (*4*){a = "dict_cond_ord", args = "([\"y\"], [\"y\"])", is_nums = "(false, false)"} (*isa == isa2*) walther@60328: (*4*){a = "var_ord_revPow ", at_bt = "(y, y)", sort_args = "(y, ---), (y, ---)"} (*isa == isa2*) walther@60328: (*4*){a = "dict_cond_ord ([], [])"} (*isa == isa2*) walther@60328: walther@60328: val it = true: bool walther@60328: val it = false: bool walther@60328: val it = false: bool walther@60328: val it = true: bool walther@60328: *) walther@60328: walther@60328: (*+*) if monom_degree eee1 = 4 then () else error "monom_degree [\"x \ 2\", \"y \ 2\"] CHANGED"; walther@60328: "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fun monom_degree , args:"; val (l) = (eee1); walther@60328: "~~~~~ fun counter , args:"; val (n, x :: xs) = (0, l); (*--------------------------OPEN local\* ) walther@60328: (*if*) (is_nums x) (*else*); wenzelm@60405: val (Const (\<^const_name>\realpow\, _) $ Free _ $ t) = walther@60328: (*case*) x (*of*); walther@60328: (*+*)UnparseC.term x = "x \ 2"; walther@60328: (*if*) TermC.is_num t (*then*); walther@60328: walther@60328: counter (t |> HOLogic.dest_number |> snd |> curry op + n, xs); walther@60328: "~~~~~ fun counter , args:"; val (n, x :: xs) = (t |> HOLogic.dest_number |> snd |> curry op + n, xs); walther@60328: (*if*) (is_nums x) (*else*); wenzelm@60405: val (Const (\<^const_name>\realpow\, _) $ Free _ $ t) = walther@60328: (*case*) x (*of*); walther@60328: (*+*)UnparseC.term x = "y \ 2"; walther@60328: (*if*) TermC.is_num t (*then*); walther@60328: walther@60328: val return = walther@60328: counter (t |> HOLogic.dest_number |> snd |> curry op + n, xs); walther@60328: if return = 4 then () else error "monom_degree [\"x \ 2\", \"y \ 2\"] CHANGED"; walther@60328: ( *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------OPEN local/*) walther@60328: walther@60328: (*+*)if monom_degree eee2 = 4 andalso monom_degree eee2 = 4 then () walther@60328: else error "monom_degree [\"x \ 3\", \"y\"] CHANGED"; walther@60328: "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fun monom_degree , args:"; val (l) = (eee2); walther@60328: "~~~~~ fun counter , args:"; val (n, x :: xs) = (0, l); (*--------------------------OPEN local\* ) walther@60328: (*if*) (is_nums x) (*else*); wenzelm@60405: val (Const (\<^const_name>\realpow\, _) $ Free _ $ t) = walther@60328: (*case*) x (*of*); walther@60328: (*+*)UnparseC.term x = "x \ 3"; walther@60328: (*if*) TermC.is_num t (*then*); walther@60328: walther@60328: counter (t |> HOLogic.dest_number |> snd |> curry op + n, xs); walther@60328: "~~~~~ fun counter , args:"; val (n, x :: xs) = (t |> HOLogic.dest_number |> snd |> curry op + n, xs); walther@60328: (*if*) (is_nums x) (*else*); walther@60328: val _ = (*the default case*) walther@60328: (*case*) x (*of*); walther@60328: ( *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------OPEN local/*) walther@60328: walther@60328: "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fun dict_cond_ord , args:"; val () = (); walther@60328: val xxx = dict_cond_ord var_ord_revPow is_nums; walther@60328: (*1*)if xxx (eee1, eee1) = EQUAL then () else error "dict_cond_ord (eee1, eee1) CHANGED"; walther@60328: (*2*)if xxx (eee1, eee2) = GREATER then () else error "dict_cond_ord (eee1, eee2) CHANGED"; walther@60328: (*3*)if xxx (eee2, eee1) = LESS then () else error "dict_cond_ord (eee2, eee1) CHANGED"; walther@60328: (*4*)if xxx (eee2, eee2) = EQUAL then () else error "dict_cond_ord (eee2, eee2) CHANGED"; walther@60328: walther@60328: walther@60328: "-------- check make_polynomial with simple terms ----------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- check make_polynomial with simple terms ----------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- check make_polynomial with simple terms ----------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "----- check 1 ---"; walther@60328: val t = TermC.str2term "2*3*a"; walther@60328: val SOME (t, _) = rewrite_set_ thy false make_polynomial t; walther@60328: if UnparseC.term t = "6 * a" then () else error "check make_polynomial 1"; walther@60328: walther@60328: "----- check 2 ---"; walther@60328: val t = TermC.str2term "2*a + 3*a"; walther@60328: val SOME (t, _) = rewrite_set_ thy false make_polynomial t; walther@60328: if UnparseC.term t = "5 * a" then () else error "check make_polynomial 2"; walther@60328: walther@60328: "----- check 3 ---"; walther@60328: val t = TermC.str2term "2*a + 3*a + 3*a"; walther@60328: val SOME (t, _) = rewrite_set_ thy false make_polynomial t; walther@60328: if UnparseC.term t = "8 * a" then () else error "check make_polynomial 3"; walther@60328: walther@60328: "----- check 4 ---"; walther@60328: val t = TermC.str2term "3*a - 2*a"; walther@60328: val SOME (t, _) = rewrite_set_ thy false make_polynomial t; walther@60328: if UnparseC.term t = "a" then () else error "check make_polynomial 4"; walther@60328: walther@60328: "----- check 5 ---"; walther@60328: val t = TermC.str2term "4*(3*a - 2*a)"; walther@60328: val SOME (t, _) = rewrite_set_ thy false make_polynomial t; walther@60328: if UnparseC.term t = "4 * a" then () else error "check make_polynomial 5"; walther@60328: walther@60328: "----- check 6 ---"; walther@60328: val t = TermC.str2term "4*(3*a \ 2 - 2*a \ 2)"; walther@60328: val SOME (t, _) = rewrite_set_ thy false make_polynomial t; walther@60328: if UnparseC.term t = "4 * a \ 2" then () else error "check make_polynomial 6"; walther@60328: walther@60328: "-------- fun is_multUnordered (x \ 2 * x) -----------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- fun is_multUnordered (x \ 2 * x) -----------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- fun is_multUnordered (x \ 2 * x) -----------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: val thy = @{theory "Isac_Knowledge"}; walther@60328: "===== works for a simple example, see rewrite.sml -- fun app_rev ==="; walther@60328: val t = TermC.str2term "x \ 2 * x"; walther@60328: val SOME (t', _) = rewrite_set_ thy true order_mult_ t; walther@60328: if UnparseC.term t' = "x * x \ 2" then () walther@60328: else error "poly.sml Poly.is_multUnordered doesn't work"; walther@60328: walther@60328: (* 100928 Rewrite.trace_on shows the first occurring difference in 267b: walther@60329: ### rls: order_mult_ on: 5 * x \ 2 * (2 * x \ 7) + 5 * x \ 2 * 3 + (6 * x \ 7 + 9) + (- 1 * (3 * x \ 5 * (6 * x \ 4)) + - 1 * (3 * x \ 5 * - 1) + walther@60328: (-48 * x \ 4 + 8)) walther@60328: ###### rls: Rule_Set.empty-is_multUnordered on: p is_multUnordered walther@60328: ####### try calc: Poly.is_multUnordered' walther@60328: ======= calc. to: False !!!!!!!!!!!!! INSTEAD OF TRUE in 2002 !!!!!!!!!!!!! walther@60328: *) walther@60329: val t = TermC.str2term "5 * x \ 2 * (2 * x \ 7) + 5 * x \ 2 * 3 + (6 * x \ 7 + 9) + (- 1 * (3 * x \ 5 * (6 * x \ 4)) + - 1 * (3 * x \ 5 * - 1) + (-48 * x \ 4 + 8))"; walther@60328: walther@60328: "----- is_multUnordered ---"; walther@60328: val tsort = sort_variables t; walther@60329: UnparseC.term tsort = "2 * (5 * (x \ 2 * x \ 7)) + 3 * (5 * x \ 2) + 6 * x \ 7 + 9 +\n- 1 * (3 * (6 * (x \ 4 * x \ 5))) +\n- 1 * (- 1 * (3 * x \ 5)) +\n-48 * x \ 4 +\n8"; walther@60328: is_polyexp t; walther@60328: tsort = t; walther@60328: is_polyexp t andalso not (t = sort_variables t); walther@60328: if is_multUnordered t then () else error "poly.sml diff. is_multUnordered 1"; walther@60328: walther@60328: "----- eval_is_multUnordered ---"; walther@60329: val tm = TermC.str2term "(5 * x \ 2 * (2 * x \ 7) + 5 * x \ 2 * 3 + (6 * x \ 7 + 9) + (- 1 * (3 * x \ 5 * (6 * x \ 4)) + - 1 * (3 * x \ 5 * - 1) + (-48 * x \ 4 + 8))) is_multUnordered"; walther@60328: case eval_is_multUnordered "testid" "" tm thy of walther@60336: SOME (_, Const (\<^const_name>\Trueprop\, _) $ walther@60336: (Const (\<^const_name>\HOL.eq\, _) $ walther@60336: (Const (\<^const_name>\is_multUnordered\, _) $ _) $ walther@60336: Const (\<^const_name>\True\, _))) => () walther@60328: | _ => error "poly.sml diff. eval_is_multUnordered"; walther@60328: walther@60328: "----- rewrite_set_ STILL DIDN'T WORK"; walther@60328: val SOME (t, _) = rewrite_set_ thy true order_mult_ t; walther@60328: UnparseC.term t; walther@60328: walther@60328: walther@60328: "-------- fun is_multUnordered (3 * a + - 2 * a) -----------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- fun is_multUnordered (3 * a + - 2 * a) -----------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- fun is_multUnordered (3 * a + - 2 * a) -----------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: val thy = @{theory "Isac_Knowledge"}; walther@60328: val t as (_ $ arg) = TermC.str2term "(3 * a + - 2 * a) is_multUnordered"; walther@60328: walther@60328: (*+*)if UnparseC.term (sort_variables arg) = "3 * a + - 2 * a" andalso is_polyexp arg = true walther@60328: (*+*) andalso not (is_multUnordered arg) walther@60328: (*+*)then () else error "sort_variables 3 * a + - 2 * a CHANGED"; walther@60328: walther@60328: case eval_is_multUnordered "xxx " "yyy " t thy of walther@60328: SOME walther@60328: ("xxx 3 * a + - 2 * a_", walther@60336: Const (\<^const_name>\Trueprop\, _) $ (Const (\<^const_name>\HOL.eq\, _) $ _ $ walther@60336: Const (\<^const_name>\False\, _))) => () walther@60336: (* Const (\<^const_name>\True\, _))) => () <<<<<--------------------------- this is false*) walther@60329: | _ => error "eval_is_multUnordered 3 * a + - 2 * a CHANGED"; walther@60328: walther@60328: "----- is_multUnordered --- (- 2 * a) is_multUnordered = False"; walther@60328: val t as (_ $ arg) = TermC.str2term "(- 2 * a) is_multUnordered"; walther@60328: walther@60328: (*+*)if UnparseC.term (sort_variables arg) = "- 2 * a" andalso is_polyexp arg = true walther@60328: (*+*) andalso not (is_multUnordered arg) walther@60328: (*+*)then () else error "sort_variables - 2 * a CHANGED"; walther@60328: walther@60328: case eval_is_multUnordered "xxx " "yyy " t thy of walther@60328: SOME walther@60328: ("xxx - 2 * a_", walther@60336: Const (\<^const_name>\Trueprop\, _) $ (Const (\<^const_name>\HOL.eq\, _) $ _ $ walther@60336: Const (\<^const_name>\False\, _))) => () walther@60329: | _ => error "eval_is_multUnordered 3 * a + - 2 * a CHANGED"; walther@60328: walther@60328: "----- is_multUnordered --- (a) is_multUnordered = False"; walther@60328: val t as (_ $ arg) = TermC.str2term "(a) is_multUnordered"; walther@60328: walther@60328: (*+*)if UnparseC.term (sort_variables arg) = "a" andalso is_polyexp arg = true walther@60328: (*+*) andalso not (is_multUnordered arg) walther@60328: (*+*)then () else error "sort_variables a CHANGED"; walther@60328: walther@60328: case eval_is_multUnordered "xxx " "yyy " t thy of walther@60328: SOME walther@60328: ("xxx a_", walther@60336: Const (\<^const_name>\Trueprop\, _) $ (Const (\<^const_name>\HOL.eq\, _) $ _ $ walther@60336: Const (\<^const_name>\False\, _))) => () walther@60329: | _ => error "eval_is_multUnordered 3 * a + - 2 * a CHANGED"; walther@60328: walther@60328: "----- is_multUnordered --- (- 2) is_multUnordered = False"; walther@60328: val t as (_ $ arg) = TermC.str2term "(- 2) is_multUnordered"; walther@60328: walther@60328: (*+*)if UnparseC.term (sort_variables arg) = "- 2" andalso is_polyexp arg = true walther@60328: (*+*) andalso not (is_multUnordered arg) walther@60328: (*+*)then () else error "sort_variables - 2 CHANGED"; walther@60328: walther@60328: case eval_is_multUnordered "xxx " "yyy " t thy of walther@60328: SOME walther@60328: ("xxx - 2_", walther@60336: Const (\<^const_name>\Trueprop\, _) $ (Const (\<^const_name>\HOL.eq\, _) $ _ $ walther@60336: Const (\<^const_name>\False\, _))) => () walther@60329: | _ => error "eval_is_multUnordered 3 * a + - 2 * a CHANGED"; walther@60328: walther@60328: walther@60328: "-------- fun is_multUnordered (x - a) \ 3 -----------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- fun is_multUnordered (x - a) \ 3 -----------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- fun is_multUnordered (x - a) \ 3 -----------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: (* ca.line 45 of Rewrite.trace_on: walther@60328: ## rls: order_mult_rls_ on: walther@60328: x \ 3 + 3 * x \ 2 * (- 1 * a) + 3 * x * ((- 1) \ 2 * a \ 2) + (- 1) \ 3 * a \ 3 walther@60328: ### rls: order_mult_ on: walther@60328: x \ 3 + 3 * x \ 2 * (- 1 * a) + 3 * x * ((- 1) \ 2 * a \ 2) + (- 1) \ 3 * a \ 3 walther@60328: ###### rls: Rule_Set.empty-is_multUnordered on: walther@60328: x \ 3 + 3 * x \ 2 * (- 1 * a) + 3 * x * ((- 1) \ 2 * a \ 2) + (- 1) \ 3 * a \ 3 is_multUnordered walther@60328: ####### try calc: "Poly.is_multUnordered" walther@60328: ######## eval asms: walther@60328: N:x \ 3 + 3 * x \ 2 * (- 1 * a) + 3 * x * ((- 1) \ 2 * a \ 2) + (- 1) \ 3 * a \ 3 is_multUnordered = True" walther@60328: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------== walther@60329: O:x \ 3 + 3 * x \ 2 * (- 1 * a) + 3 * x * (- 1 \ 2 * a \ 2) + - 1 \ 3 * a \ 3 is_multUnordered = True" walther@60328: ####### calc. to: True walther@60328: ####### try calc: "Poly.is_multUnordered" walther@60328: ####### try calc: "Poly.is_multUnordered" walther@60328: ### rls: order_mult_ on: walther@60328: N:x \ 3 + - 1 * (3 * (a * x \ 2)) + 3 * (a \ 2 * (x * (- 1) \ 2)) + a \ 3 * (- 1) \ 3 walther@60328: --------+--------------------------+---------------------------------+---------------------------<> walther@60329: O:x \ 3 + - 1 * (3 * (a * x \ 2)) + - 1 \ 2 * (3 * (a \ 2 * x)) + - 1 \ 3 * a \ 3 walther@60328: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<> walther@60328: *) walther@60328: val t = TermC.str2term "x \ 3 + 3 * x \ 2 * (- 1 * a) + 3 * x * ((- 1) \ 2 * a \ 2) + (- 1) \ 3 * a \ 3"; walther@60328: (* walther@60328: "~~~~~ fun is_multUnordered walther@60328: "~~~~~~~ fun sort_variables walther@60328: "~~~~~~~~~ val sort_varList walther@60328: *) walther@60328: "~~~~~ fun is_multUnordered , args:"; val (t) = (t); walther@60328: is_polyexp t = true; walther@60328: walther@60328: val return = walther@60328: sort_variables t; walther@60328: (*+*)if UnparseC.term return = walther@60328: (*+*) "x \ 3 + - 1 * (3 * (a * x \ 2)) +\n(- 1) \ 2 * (3 * (a \ 2 * x)) +\n(- 1) \ 3 * a \ 3" walther@60328: (*+*)then () else error "sort_variables x \ 3 + - 1 * (3 * (a * x \ 2)) .. CHANGED"; walther@60328: walther@60328: "~~~~~~~ fun sort_variables , args:"; val (t) = (t); walther@60328: val ll = map monom2list (poly2list t); walther@60328: val lls = map sort_varList ll; walther@60328: walther@60328: (*+*)val ori3 = nth 3 ll; walther@60328: (*+*)val mon3 = nth 3 lls; walther@60328: walther@60328: (*+*)if UnparseC.terms (nth 1 ll) = "[\"x \ 3\"]" then () else error "nth 1 ll"; walther@60328: (*+*)if UnparseC.terms (nth 2 ll) = "[\"3\", \"x \ 2\", \"- 1\", \"a\"]" then () else error "nth 3 ll"; walther@60328: (*+*)if UnparseC.terms ori3 = "[\"3\", \"x\", \"(- 1) \ 2\", \"a \ 2\"]" then () else error "nth 3 ll"; walther@60328: (*+*)if UnparseC.terms (nth 4 ll) = "[\"(- 1) \ 3\", \"a \ 3\"]" then () else error "nth 4 ll"; walther@60328: walther@60328: (*+*)if UnparseC.terms (nth 1 lls) = "[\"x \ 3\"]" then () else error "nth 1 lls"; walther@60328: (*+*)if UnparseC.terms (nth 2 lls) = "[\"- 1\", \"3\", \"a\", \"x \ 2\"]" then () else error "nth 2 lls"; walther@60328: (*+*)if UnparseC.terms mon3 = "[\"(- 1) \ 2\", \"3\", \"a \ 2\", \"x\"]" then () else error "nth 3 lls"; walther@60328: (*+*)if UnparseC.terms (nth 4 lls) = "[\"(- 1) \ 3\", \"a \ 3\"]" then () else error "nth 4 lls"; walther@60328: walther@60328: "~~~~~~~~~ val sort_varList , args:"; val (ori3) = (ori3); walther@60328: (* Output below with: walther@60328: val sort_varList = sort var_ord; walther@60328: fun var_ord (a,b: term) = walther@60328: (@{print} {a = "var_ord ", a_b = "(" ^ UnparseC.term a ^ ", " ^ UnparseC.term b ^ ")", walther@60328: sort_args = "(" ^ get_basStr a ^ ", " ^ get_potStr a ^ "), (" ^ get_basStr b ^ ", " ^ get_potStr b ^ ")"}; walther@60328: prod_ord string_ord string_ord walther@60328: ((get_basStr a, get_potStr a), (get_basStr b, get_potStr b)) walther@60328: ); walther@60328: *) walther@60328: (*+*)val xxx = sort_varList ori3; walther@60328: (* walther@60328: {a = "sort_varList", args = "[\"3\", \"x\", \"(- 1) \ 2\", \"a \ 2\"]"} (*isa*) walther@60328: {a = "sort_varList", args = "[\"3\", \"x\", \"(- 1) \ 2\", \"a \ 2\"]"} (*isa2*) walther@60328: walther@60328: isa isa2 walther@60328: {a = "var_ord ", a_b = "(3, x)"} {a = "var_ord ", a_b = "(3, x)"} walther@60328: {sort_args = "(|||, ||||||), (x, ---)"} {sort_args = "(|||, ||||||), (x, ---)"} walther@60328: {a = "var_ord ", a_b = "(x, (- 1) \ 2)"} {a = "var_ord ", a_b = "(x, (- 1) \ 2)"} walther@60328: {sort_args = "(x, ---), (|||, ||||||)"} {sort_args = "(x, ---), (|||, ||||||)"} walther@60328: {a = "var_ord ", a_b = "((- 1) \ 2, a \ 2)"} {a = "var_ord ", a_b = "((- 1) \ 2, a \ 2)"} walther@60328: {sort_args = "(|||, ||||||), (a, 2)"} {sort_args = "(|||, ||||||), (a, |||)"} walther@60328: ^^^ ^^^ walther@60328: walther@60328: {a = "var_ord ", a_b = "(x, a \ 2)"} {a = "var_ord ", a_b = "(x, a \ 2)"} walther@60328: {sort_args = "(x, ---), (a, 2)"} {sort_args = "(x, ---), (a, |||)"} walther@60328: ^^^ ^^^ walther@60328: {a = "var_ord ", a_b = "(x, (- 1) \ 2)"} {a = "var_ord ", a_b = "(x, (- 1) \ 2)"} walther@60328: {sort_args = "(x, ---), (|||, ||||||)"} {sort_args = "(x, ---), (|||, ||||||)"} walther@60328: {a = "var_ord ", a_b = "(3, (- 1) \ 2)"} {a = "var_ord ", a_b = "(3, (- 1) \ 2)"} walther@60328: {sort_args = "(|||, ||||||), (|||, ||||||)"} {sort_args = "(|||, ||||||), (|||, ||||||)"} walther@60328: *) walther@60328: walther@60328: walther@60328: "-------- fun is_multUnordered b * a * a ------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- fun is_multUnordered b * a * a ------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- fun is_multUnordered b * a * a ------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: val t = TermC.str2term "b * a * a"; walther@60328: val SOME (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false make_polynomial t; UnparseC.term t; walther@60328: if UnparseC.term t = "a \ 2 * b" then () walther@60328: else error "poly.sml: diff.behav. in make_polynomial 21"; walther@60328: walther@60328: "~~~~~ fun is_multUnordered , args:"; val (t) = (@{term "b * a * a::real"}); walther@60328: ((is_polyexp t) andalso not (t = sort_variables t)) = true; (*isa == isa2*) walther@60328: walther@60328: (*+*)if is_polyexp t then () else error "is_polyexp a \ 2 * b CHANGED"; walther@60336: "~~~~~ fun is_polyexp , args:"; val (Const (\<^const_name>\times\,_) $ num $ Free _) = (t); walther@60328: (*if*) TermC.is_num num (*else*); walther@60328: walther@60336: "~~~~~ fun is_polyexp , args:"; val (Const (\<^const_name>\times\,_) $ num $ Free _) = (num); walther@60328: (*if*) TermC.is_num num (*else*); walther@60328: (*if*) TermC.is_variable num (*then*); walther@60328: walther@60328: val xxx = sort_variables t; walther@60328: (*+*)if UnparseC.term xxx = "a * (a * b)" then () else error "sort_variables a \ 2 * b CHANGED"; walther@60328: walther@60328: walther@60328: "-------- fun is_multUnordered 2*3*a -----------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- fun is_multUnordered 2*3*a -----------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- fun is_multUnordered 2*3*a -----------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: val t = TermC.str2term "2*3*a"; walther@60328: val SOME (t', _) = rewrite_set_ thy false make_polynomial t; walther@60328: (*+*)if UnparseC.term t' = "6 * a" then () else error "rewrite_set_ 2*3*a CHANGED"; walther@60328: (* walther@60328: ## try calc: "Groups.times_class.times" walther@60328: ## rls: order_mult_rls_ on: 6 * a walther@60328: ### rls: order_mult_ on: 6 * a walther@60328: ###### rls: Rule_Set.empty-is_multUnordered on: 6 * a is_multUnordered walther@60328: ####### try calc: "Poly.is_multUnordered" walther@60328: ######## eval asms: "6 * a is_multUnordered = True" (*isa*) walther@60328: = False" (*isa2*) walther@60328: ####### calc. to: True (*isa*) walther@60328: False (*isa2*) walther@60328: *) walther@60328: val t = TermC.str2term "(6 * a) is_multUnordered"; walther@60328: val SOME walther@60328: (_, t') = walther@60328: eval_is_multUnordered "xxx" () t @{theory}; walther@60328: (*+*)if UnparseC.term t' = "6 * a is_multUnordered = False" then () walther@60328: (*+*)else error "6 * a is_multUnordered = False CHANGED"; walther@60328: walther@60328: "~~~~~ fun eval_is_multUnordered , args:"; val ((thmid:string), _, walther@60336: (t as (Const (\<^const_name>\is_multUnordered\, _) $ arg)), thy) = ("xxx", (), t, @{theory}); walther@60328: (*if*) is_multUnordered arg (*else*); walther@60328: walther@60328: "~~~~~ fun is_multUnordered , args:"; val (t) = (arg); walther@60328: val return = walther@60328: ((is_polyexp t) andalso not (t = sort_variables t)); walther@60328: walther@60328: (*+*)return = false; (*isa*) walther@60328: (*+*) is_polyexp t = true; (*isa*) walther@60328: (*+*) not (t = sort_variables t) = false; (*isa*) walther@60328: walther@60328: val xxx = sort_variables t; walther@60328: (*+*)if UnparseC.term xxx = "6 * a" then () else error "2*3*a is_multUnordered CHANGED"; walther@60328: walther@60328: "-------- norm_Poly with AlgEin ----------------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- norm_Poly with AlgEin ----------------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- norm_Poly with AlgEin ----------------------------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: val thy = @{theory AlgEin}; Walther@60424: val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy; walther@60328: walther@60328: val SOME (f',_) = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Poly walther@60328: (TermC.str2term "L = k - 2 * q + (k - 2 * q) + (k - 2 * q) + (k - 2 * q) + senkrecht + oben"); walther@60328: if UnparseC.term f' = "L = 2 * 2 * k + 2 * - 4 * q + senkrecht + oben" walther@60328: then ((*norm_Poly NOT COMPLETE -- TODO MG*)) walther@60328: else error "norm_Poly changed behavior"; walther@60328: (* isa: walther@60328: ## rls: order_add_rls_ on: L = k + - 2 * q + k + - 2 * q + k + - 2 * q + k + - 2 * q + senkrecht + oben walther@60328: ### rls: order_add_ on: L = k + - 2 * q + k + - 2 * q + k + - 2 * q + k + - 2 * q + senkrecht + oben walther@60328: ###### rls: Rule_Set.empty-is_addUnordered on: k + - 2 * q + k + - 2 * q + k + - 2 * q + k + - 2 * q + senkrecht + walther@60328: oben is_addUnordered walther@60328: ####### try calc: "Poly.is_addUnordered" walther@60328: ######## eval asms: "k + - 2 * q + k + - 2 * q + k + - 2 * q + k + - 2 * q + senkrecht + walther@60328: oben is_addUnordered = True" walther@60328: ####### calc. to: True walther@60328: ####### try calc: "Poly.is_addUnordered" walther@60328: ####### try calc: "Poly.is_addUnordered" walther@60328: ### rls: order_add_ on: L = k + k + k + k + - 2 * q + - 2 * q + - 2 * q + - 2 * q + senkrecht + oben walther@60328: *) walther@60328: "~~~~~ fun sort_monoms , args:"; val (t) = walther@60328: (TermC.str2term "L = k + k + k + k + - 2 * q + - 2 * q + - 2 * q + - 2 * q + senkrecht + oben"); walther@60328: (*+*)val t' = walther@60328: sort_monoms t; walther@60328: (*+*)UnparseC.term t' = "L = k + k + k + k + - 2 * q + - 2 * q + - 2 * q + - 2 * q + senkrecht + oben"; (*isa*) walther@60328: walther@60328: walther@60328: "-------- complex examples from textbook Schalk I ----------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- complex examples from textbook Schalk I ----------------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- complex examples from textbook Schalk I ----------------------------------------------"; walther@60329: val t = TermC.str2term "1 + 2 * x \ 4 + 2 * - 2 * x \ 4 + x \ 8"; walther@60328: val SOME (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false make_polynomial t; UnparseC.term t; walther@60329: if (UnparseC.term t) = "1 + - 2 * x \ 4 + x \ 8" walther@60328: then () else error "poly.sml: diff.behav. in make_polynomial 9b"; walther@60328: walther@60328: "-----SPB Schalk I p.64 No.296a ---"; walther@60328: val t = TermC.str2term "(x - a) \ 3"; walther@60328: val SOME (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false make_polynomial t; UnparseC.term t; walther@60329: if (UnparseC.term t) = "- 1 * a \ 3 + 3 * a \ 2 * x + - 3 * a * x \ 2 + x \ 3" walther@60328: then () else error "poly.sml: diff.behav. in make_polynomial 10"; walther@60328: walther@60328: "-----SPB Schalk I p.64 No.296c ---"; walther@60328: val t = TermC.str2term "(-3*x - 4*y) \ 3"; walther@60328: val SOME (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false make_polynomial t; UnparseC.term t; walther@60329: if (UnparseC.term t) = "- 27 * x \ 3 + - 108 * x \ 2 * y + - 144 * x * y \ 2 +\n- 64 * y \ 3" walther@60328: then () else error "poly.sml: diff.behav. in make_polynomial 11"; walther@60328: walther@60328: "-----SPB Schalk I p.62 No.242c ---"; walther@60329: val t = TermC.str2term "x \ (- 4)*(x \ (- 4)*y \ (- 2)) \ (- 1)*y \ (- 2)"; walther@60328: val SOME (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false make_polynomial t; UnparseC.term t; walther@60328: if (UnparseC.term t) = "1" walther@60328: then () else error "poly.sml: diff.behav. in make_polynomial 12"; walther@60328: walther@60328: "-----SPB Schalk I p.60 No.209a ---"; walther@60328: val t = TermC.str2term "a \ (7-x) * a \ x"; walther@60328: val SOME (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false make_polynomial t; UnparseC.term t; walther@60328: if UnparseC.term t = "a \ 7" walther@60328: then () else error "poly.sml: diff.behav. in make_polynomial 13"; walther@60328: walther@60328: "-----SPB Schalk I p.60 No.209d ---"; walther@60328: val t = TermC.str2term "d \ x * d \ (x+1) * d \ (2 - 2*x)"; walther@60328: val SOME (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false make_polynomial t; UnparseC.term t; walther@60328: if UnparseC.term t = "d \ 3" walther@60328: then () else error "poly.sml: diff.behav. in make_polynomial 14"; walther@60328: walther@60328: walther@60328: "-------- complex Eigene Beispiele (Mathias Goldgruber) ----------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- complex Eigene Beispiele (Mathias Goldgruber) ----------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-------- complex Eigene Beispiele (Mathias Goldgruber) ----------------------------------------"; walther@60328: "-----SPO ---"; walther@60329: val t = TermC.str2term "a \ 2*a \ (- 2)"; walther@60328: val SOME (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false make_polynomial t; UnparseC.term t; walther@60328: if UnparseC.term t = "1" then () walther@60328: else error "poly.sml: diff.behav. in make_polynomial 15"; walther@60328: walther@60328: "-----SPO ---"; walther@60329: val t = TermC.str2term "a \ 2*b*b \ (- 1)"; walther@60328: val SOME (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false make_polynomial t; UnparseC.term t; walther@60328: if UnparseC.term t = "a \ 2" then () walther@60328: else error "poly.sml: diff.behav. in make_polynomial 18"; walther@60328: "-----SPO ---"; walther@60329: val t = TermC.str2term "a \ 2*a \ (- 2)"; walther@60328: val SOME (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false make_polynomial t; UnparseC.term t; walther@60328: if (UnparseC.term t) = "1" then () walther@60328: else error "poly.sml: diff.behav. in make_polynomial 19"; walther@60328: "-----SPO ---"; walther@60328: val t = TermC.str2term "b + a - b"; walther@60328: val SOME (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false make_polynomial t; UnparseC.term t; walther@60328: if (UnparseC.term t) = "a" then () walther@60328: else error "poly.sml: diff.behav. in make_polynomial 20"; walther@60328: walther@60328: "-----SPO ---"; Walther@60424: val t = TermC.parseNEW' ctxt "a \ 2 * (-a) \ 2"; walther@60328: val SOME (t,_) = rewrite_set_ @{theory} false make_polynomial t; UnparseC.term t; walther@60328: if (UnparseC.term t) = "a \ 4" then () walther@60328: else error "poly.sml: diff.behav. in make_polynomial 24";