walther@59892: (* Title: BaseDefinitions/method-def.sml walther@59882: Author: Walther Neuper walther@59882: (c) due to copyright terms walther@59882: walther@59919: Here is a minimum of code required for Know_Store.thy. walther@59919: For main code see structure Method. walther@59892: *) walther@59893: signature METHOD_DEFINITION = walther@59882: sig walther@59985: type id = References_Def.id; walther@59903: val id_empty: id walther@59903: val id_to_string: id -> string walther@59903: walther@59895: type T walther@59895: (*type met*) walther@59895: val empty: T walther@59895: (*val e_met: T*) walther@59895: type store walther@59895: (*type mets*) walther@59897: val empty_store: T Store.node walther@59897: (*val e_Mets: T Store.node*) walther@59904: val check_unique: Check_Unique.id -> T Store.T -> unit walther@59904: (*val check_metguh_unique: Check_Unique.id -> T Store.T -> unit*) walther@59882: (* ---- for tests only: shifted from below to remove the Warning "unused" at fun.def. --------- *) walther@59882: (*NONE*) walther@59886: (*/-------------------------------------------------------- ! aktivate for Test_Isac BEGIN ---\* ) walther@59882: (*NONE*) walther@59886: ( *\--- ! aktivate for Test_Isac END ----------------------------------------------------------/*) walther@59882: end walther@59882: walther@59882: (**) walther@59893: structure Meth_Def(**): METHOD_DEFINITION(**) = walther@59882: struct walther@59882: (**) walther@59882: walther@59985: type id = References_Def.id; walther@59985: val id_empty = References_Def.empty_meth_id; walther@59985: val id_to_string = References_Def.id_to_string; walther@59903: walther@60022: (* data for methods stored in 'methods'-database *) walther@60022: type T = (* TODO WN200620: review ---------------------vvvvv *) walther@60022: {guh : Check_Unique.id, (* unique within Isac_Knowledge, for html-presentation *) walther@60022: mathauthors: string list, (* copyright *) walther@60022: init : References_Def.id, (* DEL: WN060721 pblID introduced mistakenly *) walther@60022: rew_ord' : Rule_Def.rew_ord', (* for ordered rewriting by Tactic.Rewrite *) walther@60022: erls : Rule_Set.T, (* for conditions in rewriting by Tactic.Rewrite *) walther@60022: srls : Rule_Set.T, (* for evaluating Prog_Expr *) walther@60022: crls : Rule_Set.T, (* DEL: for check_elementwise *) walther@60022: nrls : Rule_Set.T, (* for rewriting by Tactic.Rewrite *) walther@60022: errpats : Error_Pattern_Def.T list, (* error patterns expected in this method *) walther@60022: calc : Rule_Def.calc list,(* ?DEL *) walther@60022: scr : Rule.program, (* filled in Method.prep_input *) walther@60022: prls : Rule_Set.T, (* for evaluation of preconditions in "#Where" on "#Given" *) walther@60022: ppc : Model_Pattern.T, (* contains "#Given", "#Where", "#Find", "#Relate" walther@60022: for constraints on identifiers see "O_Model.cpy_nam" *) walther@60022: pre : term list (* ? DEL, as soon as they are input interactively ? *) walther@60022: }; walther@59903: val empty = {guh = "met_empty", mathauthors = [], init = id_empty, rew_ord' = Rewrite_Ord.e_rew_ord', walther@59884: erls = Rule_Set.empty, srls = Rule_Set.empty, prls = Rule_Set.empty, calc = [], crls = Rule_Set.empty, walther@59884: errpats = [], nrls = Rule_Set.empty, ppc = [], pre = [], scr = Rule.Empty_Prog}; walther@59903: val empty_store = Store.Node ("empty_meth_id", [empty],[]); walther@59884: walther@59897: type store = (T Store.node) list; walther@59882: walther@59895: val check_unique = walther@59904: Check_Unique.message (Check_Unique.collect (#guh: T -> Check_Unique.id)); walther@59892: walther@59882: (**)end(**)