haftmann@24590: (* Title: Tools/nbe.ML haftmann@24155: Authors: Klaus Aehlig, LMU Muenchen; Tobias Nipkow, Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen haftmann@24155: haftmann@24839: Normalization by evaluation, based on generic code generator. haftmann@24155: *) haftmann@24155: haftmann@24155: signature NBE = haftmann@24155: sig haftmann@25101: val norm_conv: cterm -> thm haftmann@30970: val norm: theory -> term -> term haftmann@25101: wenzelm@25204: datatype Univ = haftmann@26064: Const of int * Univ list (*named (uninterpreted) constants*) haftmann@25924: | DFree of string * int (*free (uninterpreted) dictionary parameters*) haftmann@24155: | BVar of int * Univ list haftmann@28350: | Abs of (int * (Univ list -> Univ)) * Univ list haftmann@25924: val apps: Univ -> Univ list -> Univ (*explicit applications*) haftmann@25944: val abss: int -> (Univ list -> Univ) -> Univ haftmann@28337: (*abstractions as closures*) haftmann@28350: val same: Univ -> Univ -> bool haftmann@24155: wenzelm@25204: val univs_ref: (unit -> Univ list -> Univ list) option ref haftmann@24155: val trace: bool ref haftmann@25924: haftmann@26747: val setup: theory -> theory haftmann@24155: end; haftmann@24155: haftmann@24155: structure Nbe: NBE = haftmann@24155: struct haftmann@24155: haftmann@24155: (* generic non-sense *) haftmann@24155: haftmann@24155: val trace = ref false; haftmann@24155: fun tracing f x = if !trace then (Output.tracing (f x); x) else x; haftmann@24155: haftmann@24155: haftmann@24155: (** the semantical universe **) haftmann@24155: haftmann@24155: (* haftmann@24155: Functions are given by their semantical function value. To avoid haftmann@24155: trouble with the ML-type system, these functions have the most haftmann@24155: generic type, that is "Univ list -> Univ". The calling convention is haftmann@24155: that the arguments come as a list, the last argument first. In haftmann@24155: other words, a function call that usually would look like haftmann@24155: haftmann@24155: f x_1 x_2 ... x_n or f(x_1,x_2, ..., x_n) haftmann@24155: haftmann@24155: would be in our convention called as haftmann@24155: haftmann@24155: f [x_n,..,x_2,x_1] haftmann@24155: haftmann@24155: Moreover, to handle functions that are still waiting for some haftmann@24155: arguments we have additionally a list of arguments collected to far haftmann@24155: and the number of arguments we're still waiting for. haftmann@24155: *) haftmann@24155: wenzelm@25204: datatype Univ = haftmann@26064: Const of int * Univ list (*named (uninterpreted) constants*) haftmann@25924: | DFree of string * int (*free (uninterpreted) dictionary parameters*) haftmann@27499: | BVar of int * Univ list (*bound variables, named*) haftmann@24155: | Abs of (int * (Univ list -> Univ)) * Univ list haftmann@27499: (*abstractions as closures*); haftmann@24155: haftmann@28350: fun same (Const (k, xs)) (Const (l, ys)) = k = l andalso sames xs ys haftmann@28350: | same (DFree (s, k)) (DFree (t, l)) = s = t andalso k = l haftmann@28350: | same (BVar (k, xs)) (BVar (l, ys)) = k = l andalso sames xs ys haftmann@28350: | same _ _ = false haftmann@28350: and sames xs ys = length xs = length ys andalso forall (uncurry same) (xs ~~ ys); haftmann@28350: haftmann@24155: (* constructor functions *) haftmann@24155: haftmann@25944: fun abss n f = Abs ((n, f), []); haftmann@25924: fun apps (Abs ((n, f), xs)) ys = let val k = n - length ys in haftmann@27499: case int_ord (k, 0) haftmann@27499: of EQUAL => f (ys @ xs) haftmann@27499: | LESS => let val (zs, ws) = chop (~ k) ys in apps (f (ws @ xs)) zs end haftmann@27499: | GREATER => Abs ((k, f), ys @ xs) (*note: reverse convention also for apps!*) haftmann@27499: end haftmann@25924: | apps (Const (name, xs)) ys = Const (name, ys @ xs) haftmann@27499: | apps (BVar (n, xs)) ys = BVar (n, ys @ xs); haftmann@24155: haftmann@24155: haftmann@24155: (** assembling and compiling ML code from terms **) haftmann@24155: haftmann@24155: (* abstract ML syntax *) haftmann@24155: haftmann@24155: infix 9 `$` `$$`; haftmann@24155: fun e1 `$` e2 = "(" ^ e1 ^ " " ^ e2 ^ ")"; haftmann@25101: fun e `$$` [] = e haftmann@25101: | e `$$` es = "(" ^ e ^ " " ^ space_implode " " es ^ ")"; haftmann@24590: fun ml_abs v e = "(fn " ^ v ^ " => " ^ e ^ ")"; haftmann@24155: haftmann@24155: fun ml_cases t cs = haftmann@24155: "(case " ^ t ^ " of " ^ space_implode " | " (map (fn (p, t) => p ^ " => " ^ t) cs) ^ ")"; haftmann@25944: fun ml_Let d e = "let\n" ^ d ^ " in " ^ e ^ " end"; haftmann@28337: fun ml_as v t = "(" ^ v ^ " as " ^ t ^ ")"; haftmann@24155: haftmann@28350: fun ml_and [] = "true" haftmann@28350: | ml_and [x] = x haftmann@28350: | ml_and xs = "(" ^ space_implode " andalso " xs ^ ")"; haftmann@28350: fun ml_if b x y = "(if " ^ b ^ " then " ^ x ^ " else " ^ y ^ ")"; haftmann@28350: haftmann@24155: fun ml_list es = "[" ^ commas es ^ "]"; haftmann@24155: haftmann@24155: fun ml_fundefs ([(name, [([], e)])]) = haftmann@24155: "val " ^ name ^ " = " ^ e ^ "\n" haftmann@24155: | ml_fundefs (eqs :: eqss) = haftmann@24155: let haftmann@24155: fun fundef (name, eqs) = haftmann@24155: let haftmann@24155: fun eqn (es, e) = name ^ " " ^ space_implode " " es ^ " = " ^ e haftmann@24155: in space_implode "\n | " (map eqn eqs) end; haftmann@24155: in haftmann@24155: (prefix "fun " o fundef) eqs :: map (prefix "and " o fundef) eqss wenzelm@26931: |> cat_lines haftmann@24155: |> suffix "\n" haftmann@24155: end; haftmann@24155: haftmann@25944: (* nbe specific syntax and sandbox communication *) haftmann@25944: haftmann@25944: val univs_ref = ref (NONE : (unit -> Univ list -> Univ list) option); haftmann@24155: haftmann@24155: local haftmann@28350: val prefix = "Nbe."; haftmann@28350: val name_ref = prefix ^ "univs_ref"; haftmann@28350: val name_const = prefix ^ "Const"; haftmann@28350: val name_abss = prefix ^ "abss"; haftmann@28350: val name_apps = prefix ^ "apps"; haftmann@28350: val name_same = prefix ^ "same"; haftmann@24155: in haftmann@24155: haftmann@25944: val univs_cookie = (name_ref, univs_ref); haftmann@25944: haftmann@28337: fun nbe_fun 0 "" = "nbe_value" haftmann@28337: | nbe_fun i c = "c_" ^ translate_string (fn "." => "_" | c => c) c ^ "_" ^ string_of_int i; haftmann@25101: fun nbe_dict v n = "d_" ^ v ^ "_" ^ string_of_int n; haftmann@24155: fun nbe_bound v = "v_" ^ v; haftmann@28337: fun nbe_default v = "w_" ^ v; haftmann@24155: haftmann@25924: (*note: these three are the "turning spots" where proper argument order is established!*) haftmann@25924: fun nbe_apps t [] = t haftmann@25924: | nbe_apps t ts = name_apps `$$` [t, ml_list (rev ts)]; haftmann@28337: fun nbe_apps_local i c ts = nbe_fun i c `$` ml_list (rev ts); haftmann@28337: fun nbe_apps_constr idx_of c ts = haftmann@28337: let haftmann@28337: val c' = if !trace then string_of_int (idx_of c) ^ " (*" ^ c ^ "*)" haftmann@28337: else string_of_int (idx_of c); haftmann@28337: in name_const `$` ("(" ^ c' ^ ", " ^ ml_list (rev ts) ^ ")") end; haftmann@25924: haftmann@24155: fun nbe_abss 0 f = f `$` ml_list [] haftmann@25944: | nbe_abss n f = name_abss `$$` [string_of_int n, f]; haftmann@24155: haftmann@28350: fun nbe_same v1 v2 = "(" ^ name_same ^ " " ^ nbe_bound v1 ^ " " ^ nbe_bound v2 ^ ")"; haftmann@28350: haftmann@24155: end; haftmann@24155: haftmann@28054: open Basic_Code_Thingol; haftmann@24155: haftmann@25865: (* code generation *) haftmann@24155: haftmann@26064: fun assemble_eqnss idx_of deps eqnss = haftmann@25944: let haftmann@25944: fun prep_eqns (c, (vs, eqns)) = haftmann@25944: let haftmann@25944: val dicts = maps (fn (v, sort) => map_index (nbe_dict v o fst) sort) vs; haftmann@28337: val num_args = length dicts + ((length o fst o hd) eqns); haftmann@25944: in (c, (num_args, (dicts, eqns))) end; haftmann@25944: val eqnss' = map prep_eqns eqnss; haftmann@25101: haftmann@25944: fun assemble_constapp c dss ts = haftmann@25924: let haftmann@25944: val ts' = (maps o map) assemble_idict dss @ ts; haftmann@25944: in case AList.lookup (op =) eqnss' c haftmann@28337: of SOME (num_args, _) => if num_args <= length ts' haftmann@28337: then let val (ts1, ts2) = chop num_args ts' haftmann@28337: in nbe_apps (nbe_apps_local 0 c ts1) ts2 haftmann@28337: end else nbe_apps (nbe_abss num_args (nbe_fun 0 c)) ts' haftmann@25944: | NONE => if member (op =) deps c haftmann@28337: then nbe_apps (nbe_fun 0 c) ts' haftmann@28337: else nbe_apps_constr idx_of c ts' haftmann@25924: end haftmann@25944: and assemble_idict (DictConst (inst, dss)) = haftmann@25944: assemble_constapp inst dss [] haftmann@25944: | assemble_idict (DictVar (supers, (v, (n, _)))) = haftmann@25944: fold_rev (fn super => assemble_constapp super [] o single) supers (nbe_dict v n); haftmann@25924: haftmann@28350: fun assemble_iterm constapp = haftmann@24155: let haftmann@28350: fun of_iterm match_cont t = haftmann@25944: let haftmann@28054: val (t', ts) = Code_Thingol.unfold_app t haftmann@28350: in of_iapp match_cont t' (fold_rev (cons o of_iterm NONE) ts []) end haftmann@31049: and of_iapp match_cont (IConst (c, ((_, dss), _))) ts = constapp c dss ts haftmann@28350: | of_iapp match_cont (IVar v) ts = nbe_apps (nbe_bound v) ts haftmann@28350: | of_iapp match_cont ((v, _) `|-> t) ts = haftmann@28350: nbe_apps (nbe_abss 1 (ml_abs (ml_list [nbe_bound v]) (of_iterm NONE t))) ts haftmann@28350: | of_iapp match_cont (ICase (((t, _), cs), t0)) ts = haftmann@28350: nbe_apps (ml_cases (of_iterm NONE t) haftmann@28350: (map (fn (p, t) => (of_iterm NONE p, of_iterm match_cont t)) cs haftmann@28350: @ [("_", case match_cont of SOME s => s | NONE => of_iterm NONE t0)])) ts haftmann@25944: in of_iterm end; haftmann@24155: haftmann@28350: fun subst_nonlin_vars args = haftmann@28350: let haftmann@28350: val vs = (fold o Code_Thingol.fold_varnames) haftmann@28350: (fn v => AList.map_default (op =) (v, 0) (curry (op +) 1)) args []; haftmann@28350: val names = Name.make_context (map fst vs); haftmann@28350: fun declare v k ctxt = let val vs = Name.invents ctxt v k haftmann@28350: in (vs, fold Name.declare vs ctxt) end; haftmann@28350: val (vs_renames, _) = fold_map (fn (v, k) => if k > 1 haftmann@28350: then declare v (k - 1) #>> (fn vs => (v, vs)) haftmann@28350: else pair (v, [])) vs names; haftmann@28350: val samepairs = maps (fn (v, vs) => map (pair v) vs) vs_renames; haftmann@28350: fun subst_vars (t as IConst _) samepairs = (t, samepairs) haftmann@28350: | subst_vars (t as IVar v) samepairs = (case AList.lookup (op =) samepairs v haftmann@28350: of SOME v' => (IVar v', AList.delete (op =) v samepairs) haftmann@28350: | NONE => (t, samepairs)) haftmann@28350: | subst_vars (t1 `$ t2) samepairs = samepairs haftmann@28350: |> subst_vars t1 haftmann@28350: ||>> subst_vars t2 haftmann@28350: |>> (op `$) haftmann@28350: | subst_vars (ICase (_, t)) samepairs = subst_vars t samepairs; haftmann@28350: val (args', _) = fold_map subst_vars args samepairs; haftmann@28350: in (samepairs, args') end; haftmann@28350: haftmann@28337: fun assemble_eqn c dicts default_args (i, (args, rhs)) = haftmann@28337: let haftmann@28337: val is_eval = (c = ""); haftmann@28337: val default_rhs = nbe_apps_local (i+1) c (dicts @ default_args); haftmann@28337: val match_cont = if is_eval then NONE else SOME default_rhs; haftmann@28350: val assemble_arg = assemble_iterm haftmann@28350: (fn c => fn _ => fn ts => nbe_apps_constr idx_of c ts) NONE; haftmann@28350: val assemble_rhs = assemble_iterm assemble_constapp match_cont ; haftmann@28350: val (samepairs, args') = subst_nonlin_vars args; haftmann@28350: val s_args = map assemble_arg args'; haftmann@28350: val s_rhs = if null samepairs then assemble_rhs rhs haftmann@28350: else ml_if (ml_and (map (uncurry nbe_same) samepairs)) haftmann@28350: (assemble_rhs rhs) default_rhs; haftmann@28337: val eqns = if is_eval then haftmann@28350: [([ml_list (rev (dicts @ s_args))], s_rhs)] haftmann@28337: else haftmann@28350: [([ml_list (rev (dicts @ map2 ml_as default_args s_args))], s_rhs), haftmann@28337: ([ml_list (rev (dicts @ default_args))], default_rhs)] haftmann@28337: in (nbe_fun i c, eqns) end; haftmann@28337: haftmann@25944: fun assemble_eqns (c, (num_args, (dicts, eqns))) = haftmann@25944: let haftmann@28337: val default_args = map nbe_default haftmann@28337: (Name.invent_list [] "a" (num_args - length dicts)); haftmann@28337: val eqns' = map_index (assemble_eqn c dicts default_args) eqns haftmann@28337: @ (if c = "" then [] else [(nbe_fun (length eqns) c, haftmann@28337: [([ml_list (rev (dicts @ default_args))], haftmann@28337: nbe_apps_constr idx_of c (dicts @ default_args))])]); haftmann@28337: in (eqns', nbe_abss num_args (nbe_fun 0 c)) end; haftmann@24155: haftmann@25944: val (fun_vars, fun_vals) = map_split assemble_eqns eqnss'; haftmann@28337: val deps_vars = ml_list (map (nbe_fun 0) deps); haftmann@28337: in ml_abs deps_vars (ml_Let (ml_fundefs (flat fun_vars)) (ml_list fun_vals)) end; haftmann@25944: haftmann@25944: (* code compilation *) haftmann@25944: wenzelm@28274: fun compile_eqnss _ gr raw_deps [] = [] wenzelm@28274: | compile_eqnss ctxt gr raw_deps eqnss = haftmann@24155: let haftmann@26064: val (deps, deps_vals) = split_list (map_filter haftmann@26064: (fn dep => Option.map (fn univ => (dep, univ)) (fst ((Graph.get_node gr dep)))) raw_deps); haftmann@26064: val idx_of = raw_deps haftmann@26064: |> map (fn dep => (dep, snd (Graph.get_node gr dep))) haftmann@26064: |> AList.lookup (op =) haftmann@26064: |> (fn f => the o f); haftmann@26064: val s = assemble_eqnss idx_of deps eqnss; haftmann@24155: val cs = map fst eqnss; haftmann@25944: in haftmann@25944: s haftmann@25944: |> tracing (fn s => "\n--- code to be evaluated:\n" ^ s) wenzelm@30687: |> ML_Context.evaluate ctxt (!trace) univs_cookie haftmann@25944: |> (fn f => f deps_vals) haftmann@25944: |> (fn univs => cs ~~ univs) haftmann@25944: end; haftmann@25190: wenzelm@30687: haftmann@25944: (* preparing function equations *) haftmann@24155: haftmann@28663: fun eqns_of_stmt (_, Code_Thingol.Fun (_, (_, []))) = haftmann@25101: [] haftmann@28663: | eqns_of_stmt (const, Code_Thingol.Fun (_, ((vs, _), eqns))) = haftmann@25101: [(const, (vs, map fst eqns))] haftmann@28054: | eqns_of_stmt (_, Code_Thingol.Datatypecons _) = haftmann@25101: [] haftmann@28054: | eqns_of_stmt (_, Code_Thingol.Datatype _) = haftmann@25101: [] haftmann@28663: | eqns_of_stmt (class, Code_Thingol.Class (_, (v, (superclasses, classops)))) = haftmann@25101: let haftmann@25101: val names = map snd superclasses @ map fst classops; haftmann@25101: val params = Name.invent_list [] "d" (length names); haftmann@25101: fun mk (k, name) = haftmann@25101: (name, ([(v, [])], haftmann@31049: [([IConst (class, (([], []), [])) `$$ map IVar params], IVar (nth params k))])); haftmann@25101: in map_index mk names end haftmann@28054: | eqns_of_stmt (_, Code_Thingol.Classrel _) = haftmann@25101: [] haftmann@28054: | eqns_of_stmt (_, Code_Thingol.Classparam _) = haftmann@25101: [] haftmann@28054: | eqns_of_stmt (inst, Code_Thingol.Classinst ((class, (_, arities)), (superinsts, instops))) = haftmann@31049: [(inst, (arities, [([], IConst (class, (([], []), [])) `$$ haftmann@31049: map (fn (_, (_, (inst, dicts))) => IConst (inst, (([], dicts), []))) superinsts haftmann@25101: @ map (IConst o snd o fst) instops)]))]; haftmann@25101: wenzelm@28274: fun compile_stmts ctxt stmts_deps = haftmann@24155: let haftmann@25101: val names = map (fst o fst) stmts_deps; haftmann@25101: val names_deps = map (fn ((name, _), deps) => (name, deps)) stmts_deps; haftmann@25101: val eqnss = maps (eqns_of_stmt o fst) stmts_deps; haftmann@26064: val refl_deps = names_deps haftmann@25190: |> maps snd haftmann@25190: |> distinct (op =) haftmann@26064: |> fold (insert (op =)) names; haftmann@26064: fun new_node name (gr, (maxidx, idx_tab)) = if can (Graph.get_node gr) name haftmann@26064: then (gr, (maxidx, idx_tab)) haftmann@26064: else (Graph.new_node (name, (NONE, maxidx)) gr, haftmann@26064: (maxidx + 1, Inttab.update_new (maxidx, name) idx_tab)); haftmann@25190: fun compile gr = eqnss wenzelm@28274: |> compile_eqnss ctxt gr refl_deps haftmann@25190: |> rpair gr; haftmann@25101: in haftmann@26064: fold new_node refl_deps haftmann@26064: #> apfst (fold (fn (name, deps) => fold (curry Graph.add_edge name) deps) names_deps haftmann@26064: #> compile haftmann@26064: #-> fold (fn (name, univ) => (Graph.map_node name o apfst) (K (SOME univ)))) haftmann@25101: end; haftmann@25101: haftmann@28706: fun ensure_stmts ctxt naming program = haftmann@25101: let haftmann@26064: fun add_stmts names (gr, (maxidx, idx_tab)) = if exists ((can o Graph.get_node) gr) names haftmann@26064: then (gr, (maxidx, idx_tab)) haftmann@26064: else (gr, (maxidx, idx_tab)) wenzelm@28274: |> compile_stmts ctxt (map (fn name => ((name, Graph.get_node program name), haftmann@27103: Graph.imm_succs program name)) names); haftmann@28706: in haftmann@28706: fold_rev add_stmts (Graph.strong_conn program) haftmann@28706: #> pair naming haftmann@28706: end; haftmann@25101: haftmann@25944: haftmann@25944: (** evaluation **) haftmann@25944: haftmann@25944: (* term evaluation *) haftmann@25944: haftmann@30947: fun eval_term ctxt gr deps (vs : (string * sort) list, t) = haftmann@25924: let haftmann@25924: val dict_frees = maps (fn (v, sort) => map_index (curry DFree v o fst) sort) vs; haftmann@25924: in haftmann@31064: ("", (vs, [([], t)])) wenzelm@28274: |> singleton (compile_eqnss ctxt gr deps) haftmann@25924: |> snd haftmann@31064: |> (fn t => apps t (rev dict_frees)) haftmann@25924: end; haftmann@24155: haftmann@24839: (* reification *) haftmann@24155: haftmann@30947: fun typ_of_itype program vs (ityco `%% itys) = haftmann@30947: let haftmann@30947: val Code_Thingol.Datatype (tyco, _) = Graph.get_node program ityco; haftmann@30947: in Type (tyco, map (typ_of_itype program vs) itys) end haftmann@30947: | typ_of_itype program vs (ITyVar v) = haftmann@30947: let haftmann@30947: val sort = (the o AList.lookup (op =) vs) v; haftmann@30947: in TFree ("'" ^ v, sort) end; haftmann@30947: haftmann@28663: fun term_of_univ thy program idx_tab t = haftmann@24155: let haftmann@25101: fun take_until f [] = [] haftmann@25101: | take_until f (x::xs) = if f x then [] else x :: take_until f xs; haftmann@28663: fun is_dict (Const (idx, _)) = (case (Graph.get_node program o the o Inttab.lookup idx_tab) idx haftmann@28663: of Code_Thingol.Class _ => true haftmann@28663: | Code_Thingol.Classrel _ => true haftmann@28663: | Code_Thingol.Classinst _ => true haftmann@28663: | _ => false) haftmann@25101: | is_dict (DFree _) = true haftmann@25101: | is_dict _ = false; haftmann@28663: fun const_of_idx idx = (case (Graph.get_node program o the o Inttab.lookup idx_tab) idx haftmann@28663: of Code_Thingol.Fun (c, _) => c haftmann@28663: | Code_Thingol.Datatypecons (c, _) => c haftmann@28663: | Code_Thingol.Classparam (c, _) => c); haftmann@24155: fun of_apps bounds (t, ts) = haftmann@24155: fold_map (of_univ bounds) ts haftmann@24155: #>> (fn ts' => list_comb (t, rev ts')) haftmann@26064: and of_univ bounds (Const (idx, ts)) typidx = haftmann@24155: let haftmann@25101: val ts' = take_until is_dict ts; haftmann@28663: val c = const_of_idx idx; haftmann@28423: val (_, T) = Code.default_typscheme thy c; haftmann@29959: val T' = map_type_tfree (fn (v, _) => TypeInfer.param typidx (v, [])) T; haftmann@29959: val typidx' = typidx + 1; haftmann@25101: in of_apps bounds (Term.Const (c, T'), ts') typidx' end haftmann@27499: | of_univ bounds (BVar (n, ts)) typidx = haftmann@27499: of_apps bounds (Bound (bounds - n - 1), ts) typidx haftmann@24155: | of_univ bounds (t as Abs _) typidx = haftmann@24155: typidx haftmann@25924: |> of_univ (bounds + 1) (apps t [BVar (bounds, [])]) haftmann@24155: |-> (fn t' => pair (Term.Abs ("u", dummyT, t'))) haftmann@24155: in of_univ 0 t 0 |> fst end; haftmann@24155: haftmann@25101: (* function store *) haftmann@25101: haftmann@25101: structure Nbe_Functions = CodeDataFun haftmann@25101: ( haftmann@28706: type T = Code_Thingol.naming * ((Univ option * int) Graph.T * (int * string Inttab.table)); haftmann@28706: val empty = (Code_Thingol.empty_naming, (Graph.empty, (0, Inttab.empty))); haftmann@28706: fun purge thy cs (naming, (gr, (maxidx, idx_tab))) = haftmann@27609: let haftmann@28706: val names_delete = cs haftmann@28706: |> map_filter (Code_Thingol.lookup_const naming) haftmann@28706: |> filter (can (Graph.get_node gr)) haftmann@28706: |> Graph.all_preds gr; haftmann@28706: val gr' = Graph.del_nodes names_delete gr; haftmann@28706: in (naming, (gr', (maxidx, idx_tab))) end; haftmann@25101: ); haftmann@25101: haftmann@25101: (* compilation, evaluation and reification *) haftmann@25101: haftmann@30947: fun compile_eval thy naming program vs_t deps = haftmann@26064: let wenzelm@28274: val ctxt = ProofContext.init thy; haftmann@28706: val (_, (gr, (_, idx_tab))) = haftmann@28706: Nbe_Functions.change thy (ensure_stmts ctxt naming program o snd); haftmann@26064: in haftmann@30947: vs_t wenzelm@28274: |> eval_term ctxt gr deps haftmann@28663: |> term_of_univ thy program idx_tab haftmann@26064: end; haftmann@25101: haftmann@24155: (* evaluation with type reconstruction *) haftmann@24155: haftmann@31064: fun normalize thy naming program ((vs0, (vs, ty)), t) deps = haftmann@24155: let haftmann@26747: fun subst_const f = map_aterms (fn t as Term.Const (c, ty) => Term.Const (f c, ty) haftmann@26747: | t => t); haftmann@31156: val resubst_triv_consts = subst_const (Code.resubst_alias thy); haftmann@30947: val ty' = typ_of_itype program vs0 ty; wenzelm@27264: fun type_infer t = wenzelm@27264: singleton (TypeInfer.infer_types (Syntax.pp_global thy) (Sign.tsig_of thy) I wenzelm@27264: (try (Type.strip_sorts o Sign.the_const_type thy)) (K NONE) Name.context 0) haftmann@30947: (TypeInfer.constrain ty' t); wenzelm@29272: fun check_tvars t = if null (Term.add_tvars t []) then t else haftmann@24155: error ("Illegal schematic type variables in normalized term: " wenzelm@26952: ^ setmp show_types true (Syntax.string_of_term_global thy) t); wenzelm@26952: val string_of_term = setmp show_types true (Syntax.string_of_term_global thy); haftmann@24155: in haftmann@30947: compile_eval thy naming program (vs, t) deps haftmann@25167: |> tracing (fn t => "Normalized:\n" ^ string_of_term t) haftmann@30947: |> resubst_triv_consts haftmann@26739: |> type_infer haftmann@25167: |> tracing (fn t => "Types inferred:\n" ^ string_of_term t) haftmann@26739: |> check_tvars haftmann@25101: |> tracing (fn t => "---\n") haftmann@24155: end; haftmann@24155: haftmann@24155: (* evaluation oracle *) haftmann@24155: haftmann@30947: fun add_triv_classes thy = curry (Sorts.inter_sort (Sign.classes_of thy)) haftmann@31156: (Code.triv_classes thy); haftmann@30947: haftmann@30947: fun mk_equals thy lhs raw_rhs = haftmann@26747: let haftmann@30947: val ty = Thm.typ_of (Thm.ctyp_of_term lhs); haftmann@30947: val eq = Thm.cterm_of thy (Term.Const ("==", ty --> ty --> propT)); haftmann@30947: val rhs = Thm.cterm_of thy raw_rhs; haftmann@30947: in Thm.mk_binop eq lhs rhs end; haftmann@26747: haftmann@30942: val (_, raw_norm_oracle) = Context.>>> (Context.map_theory_result haftmann@31064: (Thm.add_oracle (Binding.name "norm", fn (thy, naming, program, vsp_ty_t, deps, ct) => haftmann@31064: mk_equals thy ct (normalize thy naming program vsp_ty_t deps)))); haftmann@30942: haftmann@31064: fun norm_oracle thy naming program vsp_ty_t deps ct = haftmann@31064: raw_norm_oracle (thy, naming, program, vsp_ty_t, deps, ct); haftmann@30942: haftmann@31064: fun no_frees_conv conv ct = haftmann@31064: let haftmann@31064: val frees = Thm.add_cterm_frees ct []; haftmann@31064: fun apply_beta free thm = Thm.combination thm (Thm.reflexive free) haftmann@31064: |> Conv.fconv_rule (Conv.arg_conv (Conv.try_conv (Thm.beta_conversion false))) haftmann@31064: |> Conv.fconv_rule (Conv.arg1_conv (Thm.beta_conversion false)); haftmann@31064: in haftmann@31064: ct haftmann@31064: |> fold_rev Thm.cabs frees haftmann@31064: |> conv haftmann@31064: |> fold apply_beta frees haftmann@31064: end; haftmann@31064: haftmann@31064: fun no_frees_rew rew t = haftmann@31064: let haftmann@31064: val frees = map Free (Term.add_frees t []); haftmann@31064: in haftmann@31064: t haftmann@31064: |> fold_rev lambda frees haftmann@31064: |> rew haftmann@31064: |> (fn t' => Term.betapplys (t', frees)) haftmann@31064: end; haftmann@31064: haftmann@31064: val norm_conv = no_frees_conv (fn ct => haftmann@24155: let haftmann@24155: val thy = Thm.theory_of_cterm ct; haftmann@31064: in Code_Thingol.eval_conv thy (add_triv_classes thy) (norm_oracle thy) ct end); haftmann@24155: haftmann@31064: fun norm thy = no_frees_rew (Code_Thingol.eval thy (add_triv_classes thy) I (normalize thy)); haftmann@24839: haftmann@24155: (* evaluation command *) haftmann@24155: haftmann@24155: fun norm_print_term ctxt modes t = haftmann@24155: let haftmann@24155: val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt; haftmann@30970: val t' = norm thy t; haftmann@24839: val ty' = Term.type_of t'; wenzelm@26952: val ctxt' = Variable.auto_fixes t ctxt; wenzelm@24634: val p = PrintMode.with_modes modes (fn () => wenzelm@26952: Pretty.block [Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_term ctxt' t'), Pretty.fbrk, wenzelm@26952: Pretty.str "::", Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt' ty')]) (); haftmann@24155: in Pretty.writeln p end; haftmann@24155: haftmann@24155: haftmann@24155: (** Isar setup **) haftmann@24155: wenzelm@24508: fun norm_print_term_cmd (modes, s) state = haftmann@24155: let val ctxt = Toplevel.context_of state wenzelm@24508: in norm_print_term ctxt modes (Syntax.read_term ctxt s) end; haftmann@24155: haftmann@30970: val setup = Value.add_evaluator ("nbe", norm o ProofContext.theory_of); haftmann@24155: haftmann@24155: local structure P = OuterParse and K = OuterKeyword in haftmann@24155: haftmann@24155: val opt_modes = Scan.optional (P.$$$ "(" |-- P.!!! (Scan.repeat1 P.xname --| P.$$$ ")")) []; haftmann@24155: wenzelm@24867: val _ = haftmann@24155: OuterSyntax.improper_command "normal_form" "normalize term by evaluation" K.diag haftmann@28227: (opt_modes -- P.term >> (Toplevel.keep o norm_print_term_cmd)); haftmann@24155: haftmann@24155: end; haftmann@24155: haftmann@24155: end; haftmann@28337: