jan@42463: @book{proakis2004contemporary, jan@42463: title={Contemporary communication systems using MATLAB and Simulink}, jan@42463: author={Proakis, J.G. and Salehi, M. and Bauch, G.}, jan@42463: isbn={9780534406172}, jan@42463: lccn={31054410}, jan@42463: series={BookWare companion series}, jan@42463: url={http://books.google.at/books?id=5mXGQgAACAAJ}, jan@42463: year={2004}, jan@42463: publisher={Thomson--Brooks/Cole} jan@42463: } jan@42463: @book{oppenheim2010discrete, jan@42463: title={Discrete-time signal processing}, jan@42463: author={Oppenheim, A.V. and Schafer, R.W.}, jan@42463: isbn={9780131988422}, jan@42463: series={Prentice-Hall signal processing series}, jan@42463: url={http://books.google.at/books?id=mYsoAQAAMAAJ}, jan@42463: year={2010}, jan@42463: publisher={Prentice Hall} jan@42463: } jan@42463: @manual{wenzel2011system, jan@42463: title={The Isabelle System Manual}, jan@42463: author={Wenzel, M. and Berghofer, S.}, jan@42463: organization={TU Muenchen}, jan@42463: year={2011}, jan@42463: month={January} jan@42463: } jan@42463: @Book{Nipkow-Paulson-Wenzel:2002, jan@42463: author = {Tobias Nipkow and Lawrence C. Paulson and Markus Wenzel}, jan@42463: title = {{Isabelle/HOL} --- A Proof Assistant for Higher-Order Logic}, jan@42463: publisher = {Springer}, jan@42463: series = {LNCS}, jan@42463: volume = 2283, jan@42463: year = 2002} jan@42463: @Book{progr-mathematica, jan@42463: author = {Maeder, Roman E.}, jan@42463: title = {Programming in Mathematica}, jan@42463: publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, jan@42463: address = {Reading, Mass.}, jan@42463: year = {1997} jan@42463: } jan@42463: @Book{prog-maple06, jan@42463: author = {Aladjav, Victor and Bogdevicius, Marijonas}, jan@42463: title = {Maple: Programming, Physical and Engineering Problems}, jan@42463: publisher = {Fultus Corporation}, jan@42463: year = {2006}, jan@42463: month = {February 27}, jan@42463: annote = {ISBN: 1596820802} jan@42463: } jan@42463: @Article{plmms10, jan@42463: author = {Florian Haftmann and Cezary Kaliszyk and Walther Neuper}, jan@42463: title = {{CTP}-based programming languages~? Considerations about an experimental design}, jan@42463: journal = {ACM Communications in Computer Algebra}, jan@42463: year = {2010}, jan@42463: volume = {44}, jan@42463: number = {1/2}, jan@42463: pages = {27-41}, jan@42463: month = {March/June}, jan@42463: note = {http://www.ist.tugraz.at/projects/isac/publ/plmms-10.pdf} jan@42463: } jan@42463: @inproceedings{casproto, jan@42463: author = {Cezary Kaliszyk and jan@42463: Freek Wiedijk}, jan@42463: title = {Certified Computer Algebra on Top of an Interactive Theorem jan@42463: Prover}, jan@42463: booktitle = {Calculemus}, jan@42463: year = {2007}, jan@42463: pages = {94-105}, jan@42463: ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-73086-6_8}, jan@42463: crossref = {DBLP:conf/mkm/2007}, jan@42463: bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de} jan@42463: } jan@42463: @InProceedings{wn:lucas-interp-12, jan@42463: author = {Neuper, Walther}, jan@42463: title = {Automated Generation of User Guidance by Combining Computation and Deduction}, jan@42463: booktitle = {THedu'11: CTP-compontents for educational software}, jan@42463: year = {2012}, jan@42463: editor = {Quaresma, Pedro}, jan@42463: publisher = {EPTCS}, jan@42463: note = {To appear} jan@42463: } jan@42463: @Manual{Huet_all:94, jan@42463: author = {Huet, G. and Kahn, G. and Paulin-Mohring, C.}, jan@42463: title = {The Coq Proof Assistant}, jan@42463: institution = {INRIA-Rocquencourt}, jan@42463: year = {1994}, jan@42463: type = {Tutorial}, jan@42463: number = {Version 5.10}, jan@42463: address = {CNRS-ENS Lyon}, jan@42463: status={},source={Theorema},location={-} jan@42463: } jan@42463: @TECHREPORT{Back-SD09, jan@42463: author = {Back, Ralph-Johan}, jan@42463: title = {Structured Derivations as a Unified Proof Style for Teaching Mathematics}, jan@42463: institution = {TUCS - Turku Centre for Computer Science}, jan@42463: year = {2009}, jan@42463: type = {TUCS Technical Report}, jan@42463: number = {949}, jan@42463: address = {Turku, Finland}, jan@42463: month = {July} jan@42463: } jan@42463: @InProceedings{ActiveMath-MAIN11, jan@42463: author = {Melis, Erica and Siekmann, Jörg}, jan@42463: title = {An Intelligent Tutoring System for Mathematics}, jan@42463: booktitle = {Seventh International Conference Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC)}, jan@42463: pages = {91-101}, jan@42463: year = {2004}, jan@42463: editor = {Rutkowski, L. and Siekmann, J. and Tadeusiewicz, R. and Zadeh, L.A.}, jan@42463: number = {3070,}, jan@42463: series = {LNAI}, jan@42463: publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, jan@42463: doi = {doi:10.1007/978-3-540-24844-6\_12}} jan@42463: @TechReport{mat-tutor-cmu-MAIN11, jan@42463: author = {John R. Anderson}, jan@42463: title = {Intelligent Tutoring and High School Mathematics}, jan@42463: institution = {Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Psychology}, jan@42463: year = {2008}, jan@42463: type = {Technical Report}, jan@42463: number = {20}, jan@42463: note = {http://repository.cmu.edu/psychology/20} jan@42463: } jan@42463: @PhdThesis{proof-strategies-11, jan@42463: author = {Dietrich, Dominik}, jan@42463: title = {Proof Planning with Compiled Strategies}, jan@42463: school = {FR 6.2 Informatik, Saarland University}, jan@42463: year = {2011} jan@42463: } jan@42463: @proceedings{DBLP:conf/mkm/2007, jan@42463: editor = {Manuel Kauers and jan@42463: Manfred Kerber and jan@42463: Robert Miner and jan@42463: Wolfgang Windsteiger}, jan@42463: title = {Towards Mechanized Mathematical Assistants, 14th Symposium, jan@42463: Calculemus 2007, 6th International Conference, MKM 2007, jan@42463: Hagenberg, Austria, June 27-30, 2007, Proceedings}, jan@42463: booktitle = {Calculemus/MKM}, jan@42463: publisher = {Springer}, jan@42463: series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, jan@42463: volume = {4573}, jan@42463: year = {2007}, jan@42463: isbn = {978-3-540-73083-5}, jan@42463: bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de} jan@42463: }