neuper@37906: (*8.01: aufgehoben wegen alter preconds, postconds*) neuper@37906: neuper@37906: (* rectangle with maximal area, inscribed in a circle of fixed radius neuper@37906: neuper@37906: problem-types and methods solving the respective problem-type neuper@37906: neuper@37906: (1) names of the problem-types and methods and their hierarchy neuper@37906: as subproblems. neuper@37906: names of problem-types are string lists (diss 5.3.), not shown walther@59997: here with exception of ["equation", "univariate"] in order to neuper@37906: indicate, that this particular problem needs refinement to a neuper@37906: more specific type of equation solvable by tan-square, etc. neuper@37906: neuper@37906: problem-types methods neuper@37906: ------------------------------- ---------------------- neuper@37906: maximum maximum-by-differentiation neuper@37906: maximum-by-experimentation neuper@37906: make-fun make-explicit-and-substitute neuper@37906: introduce-a-new-variable neuper@37906: max-of-fun-on-interval max-of-fun-on-interval neuper@37906: derivative differentiate walther@59997: ["equation", "univariate"] tan-square neuper@37906: neuper@37906: find-values find-values neuper@37906: neuper@37906: (2) specification of the problem-types neuper@37906: *) neuper@37906: neuper@37906: (* maximum *) neuper@37906: (* ------- *) neuper@37906: (* problem-type *) neuper@37906: {given = ["fixed_values (cs::bool list)"], neuper@37906: where_= ["foldl (op &) True (map is_equality cs)", neuper@37906: "foldl (op &) True (map (Not o ((op <=) #0) o Rhs) cs)"], walther@59997: find=["maximum m", "values_for (ms::real list)"], neuper@37906: with_=["Ex_frees ((foldl (op &) True (r#RS)) & \ neuper@37906: \ (ALL m'. (subst (m,m') (foldl (op &) True (r#RS)) \ neuper@37906: \ --> m' <= m)))"], walther@59997: relate=["max_relation r", "additionalRels RS"]}; neuper@37906: (* ^^^ is exponenation *) neuper@37906: neuper@37906: (* the functions Ex_frees, Rhs provide for the instantiation below *) neuper@37906: neuper@37906: (* (1) instantiation of maximum, + variant in "values_for" *) neuper@37906: {given = ["fixed_values (R = #7)"], neuper@37906: where_= ["is_equality (R = #7)", neuper@37906: "Not (R <= #0)"], walther@59997: find =["maximum A", "values_for [a,b]"], neuper@37906: with_ =["EX A. A = a*b & (a//#2)^^^#2 + (b//#2)^^^#2 = R^^^#2 \ neuper@37906: \ (ALL A'. A' = a*b & (a//#2)^^^#2 + (b//#2)^^^#2 = R^^^#2 \ neuper@37906: \ --> A' <= A)))"], neuper@37906: relate=["max_relation (A = a*b)", wneuper@59377: "additionalRels [(a//#2)^^^#2 +(b//#2)^^^#2 =R^^^#2]"]}; neuper@37906: (* R,a,b are bound by given, find *) neuper@37906: neuper@37906: (* (2) instantiation of maximum *) neuper@37906: {given = ["fixed_values (R = #7)"], neuper@37906: where_= ["is_equality (R = #7)", neuper@37906: "Not (R <= #0)"], walther@59997: find =["maximum A", "values_for [A]"], neuper@37906: with_ =["EX a b alpha. A = a*b & \ neuper@37906: \ a = #2*R*sin alpha & b =#2*R*cos alpha &\ neuper@37906: \ (ALL A'. A' = a*b & a = #2*R*sin alpha & b =#2*R*cos alpha \ neuper@37906: \ --> A' <= A)))"], neuper@37906: relate=["max_relation (A = a*b)", wneuper@59377: "additionalRels [a=#2*R*sin alpha, b=#2*R*cos alpha]"]}; neuper@37906: (* R,A are bound by given, find *) neuper@37906: neuper@37906: neuper@37906: (* make-fun *) neuper@37906: (* -------- *) neuper@37906: (* problem-type *) walther@59997: {given = ["equality (lhs = rhs)", "bound_variable v", "equalities es"], neuper@37906: where_= [], neuper@37906: find = ["function_term lhs_"], neuper@37906: with_ = [(*???*)], neuper@37906: relate= [(*???*)]}; neuper@37906: (*the _ in lhs is used to transfer the lhs-identifier of equality*) neuper@37906: neuper@37906: (* (1) instantiation for make-explicit-and-substitute *) walther@59997: {given = ["equality A = a * b", "bound_variable a", neuper@37906: "equalities [(a//#2)^^^#2 + (b//#2)^^^#2 = R^^^#2]"], neuper@37906: where_= [], neuper@37906: find = ["function_term A_"(*=(a * #2 * sqrt(R^^^#2 - (a//#2)^^^#2))*)], neuper@37906: with_ = [], neuper@37906: relate= []}; neuper@37906: neuper@37906: (* (2) instantiation for introduce-a-new-variable *) walther@59997: {given = ["equality A = a * b", "bound_variable alpha", neuper@37906: "equalities [a=#2*R*sin alpha, b=#2*R*cos alpha]"], neuper@37906: where_= [], neuper@37906: find = ["function_term A_"(*=(#2*R*sin alpha *#2*R*cos alpha)*)], neuper@37906: with_ = [], neuper@37906: relate= []}; neuper@37906: neuper@37906: neuper@37906: (* max-of-fun-on-interval *) neuper@37906: (* ---------------------- *) neuper@37906: (* problem-type *) walther@59997: {given = ["function_term t", "bound_variable v", neuper@37906: "domain {x::real. lower_bound <= x & x <= upper_bound}"], neuper@37906: where_= [], neuper@37906: find = ["maximums ms"], neuper@37906: with_ = ["ALL m. m : ms --> \ neuper@37906: \ (ALL x::real. lower_bound <= x & x <= upper_bound \ neuper@37906: \ --> (%v. t) x <= m)"], neuper@37906: relate= []}: string ppc; neuper@37906: (* ':' is 'element', '::' is a type constraint *) neuper@37906: neuper@37906: (* (1) variant of instantiation *) neuper@37906: {given = ["function_term (a * #2 * sqrt(R^^^#2 - (a//#2)^^^#2))", neuper@37906: "bound_variable a", neuper@37906: "domain {x::real. #0 <= x & x <= #2*R}"], neuper@37906: where_= [], neuper@37906: find = ["maximums AM"], neuper@37906: with_ = ["ALL am. am : AM --> \ neuper@37906: \ (ALL x::real. #0 <= x & x <= #2*R \ neuper@37906: \ --> (%a. (a * #2 * sqrt(R^^^#2 - (a//#2)^^^#2))) x <= am)"], neuper@37906: relate= []}; neuper@37906: neuper@37906: (* (2) variant of instantiation *) neuper@37906: {given = ["function_term (#2*R*sin alpha * #2*R*cos alpha)", neuper@37906: "bound_variable alpha", neuper@37906: "domain {x::real. #0 <= x & x <= pi//#2}"], neuper@37906: where_= [], neuper@37906: find = ["maximums AM"], neuper@37906: with_ = ["ALL am. am : AM --> \ neuper@37906: \ (ALL x::real. #0 <= x & x <= pi//#2 \ neuper@37906: \ --> (%alpha. (#2*R*sin alpha * #2*R*cos alpha)) x <= am)"], neuper@37906: relate= []}; neuper@37906: neuper@37906: neuper@37906: (* derivative *) neuper@37906: (* ---------- *) neuper@37906: (* problem-type *) walther@59997: {given = ["function_term t", "bound_variable bdv"], neuper@37906: where_= [], neuper@37906: find = ["derivative t'"], neuper@37906: with_ = ["t' is_derivative_of (%bdv. t)"], neuper@37906: relate= []}; neuper@37906: (*the ' in t' is used to transfer the identifier from function_term*) neuper@37906: neuper@37906: walther@59997: (* ["equation", "univariate"] *) neuper@37906: (* ------------------------- *) neuper@37906: (* problem-type *) neuper@37906: {given = ["equality (lhs = rhs)", walther@59997: "bound_variable v", "error_bound eps"], neuper@37906: where_= [], neuper@37906: find = ["solutions S"], neuper@37906: with_ = ["ALL s. s : S --> || (%v. lhs) s - (%v. rhs) s || <= eps"], neuper@37906: relate= []}; neuper@37906: neuper@37906: neuper@37906: (* find-values *) neuper@37906: (* ----------- *) neuper@37906: (* problem-type *) walther@59997: {given = ["max_relation r", "additionalRels RS"], neuper@37906: where_= [], neuper@37906: find = ["values_for VS"], neuper@37906: with_ = [(*???*)], neuper@37906: relate= []}; neuper@37906: neuper@37906: (* (1) variant of instantiation *) neuper@37906: {given = ["max_relation (A = a*b)", wneuper@59377: "additionalRels [(a//#2)^^^#2 + (b//#2)^^^#2 =R^^^#2]"], neuper@37906: where_= [], neuper@37906: find = ["values_for [a,b]"], neuper@37906: with_ = [], neuper@37906: relate= []}; neuper@37906: neuper@37906: (* (2) variant of instantiation *) neuper@37906: {given = ["max_relation (A = a*b)",], neuper@37906: where_= [], neuper@37906: find = ["values_for [A]", wneuper@59377: "additionalRels [a=#2*R*sin alpha, b=#2*R*cos alpha]"], neuper@37906: with_ = [], neuper@37906: relate= []}; neuper@37906: neuper@37906: (* neuper@37906: (3) data-transfer between the the hidden formalization, neuper@37906: the root-problem and the sub-problems; neuper@37906: neuper@37906: maximum -> #given.make-fun neuper@37906: ------------------- neuper@37906: maximum.#relate "max_relation r" -> "equality (lhs = rhs)" neuper@37906: formalization "bound_variable v" -> "bound_variable v" wneuper@59377: maximum.#relate "additionalRels RS"-> "equalities es" neuper@37906: neuper@37906: neuper@37906: maximum + make-fun -> #given.max-of-fun-on-interval neuper@37906: -------------------------------------------- neuper@37906: make-fun.#find "function_term lhs_" -> "function_term t" neuper@37906: make-fun.#given "bound_variable v" -> "bound_variable v" neuper@37906: formalization -> "domain {x::real. ...}" neuper@37906: neuper@37906: neuper@37906: max-of-fun-on-interval -> #given.derivative neuper@37906: ------------------------------------ neuper@37906: make-fun.#find "function_term lhs_" -> "function_term t" neuper@37906: make-fun.#given "bound_variable v" -> "bound_variable bdv" neuper@37906: neuper@37906: neuper@37906: max-of-fun-on-interval + derivative -> walther@59997: #given.["equation", "univariate"] neuper@37906: ---------------------------------------------------------------- neuper@37906: derivative.#find "derivative t'" -> "equality (lhs = rhs)" neuper@37906: (* t'= #0 *) neuper@37906: make-fun.#given "bound_variable v" -> "bound_variable v" neuper@37906: formalization -> "error_bound eps" neuper@37906: neuper@37906: neuper@37906: maximum + make-fun + max-of-fun-on-interval -> #given.find-values neuper@37906: ---------------------------------------------------------- neuper@37906: maximum.#relate "max_relation r" -> "max_relation r" wneuper@59377: maximum.#relate "additionalRels RS"-> "additionalRels RS" neuper@37906: *) neuper@37906: neuper@37906: neuper@37906: neuper@37906: neuper@37906: (* vvv--- geht nicht wegen fun-types neuper@37906: parse thy "case maxmin of is_max => (m' <= m) | is_min => (m <= m')"; neuper@37906: parse thy "if maxmin = is_max then (m' <= m) else (m <= m')"; neuper@37906: parse thy "if a=b then a else b"; neuper@37906: parse thy "maxmin = is_max"; neuper@37906: parse thy "maxmin =!= is_max"; neuper@37906: ^^^--- geht nicht wegen fun-types *) neuper@37906: neuper@37906: "pbltyp --- maximum ---"; neuper@37906: val pbltyp = {given=["fixed_values (cs::bool list)"], neuper@37906: where_=["foldl (op &) True (map is_equality cs)", neuper@37906: "foldl (op &) True (map (Not o ((op <=) #0) o Rhs) cs)"], walther@59997: find=["maximum m", "values_for (ms::real list)"], neuper@37906: with_=["Ex_frees ((foldl (op &) True (r#rs)) & \ neuper@37906: \ (ALL m'. (subst (m,m') (foldl (op &) True (r#rs)) \ neuper@37906: \ --> m' <= m)))"], walther@59997: relate=["max_relation r", "additionalRels rs"]}:string ppc; walther@59989: val chkpbltyp = ((map (the o (parse thy))) o P_Model.to_list) pbltyp; neuper@37906: "coil"; neuper@37906: val org = ["fixed_values [R=(R::real)]", neuper@37906: "bound_variable a", "bound_variable b", "bound_variable alpha", neuper@37906: "domain {x::real. #0 <= x & x <= #2*R}", neuper@37906: "domain {x::real. #0 <= x & x <= #2*R}", neuper@37906: "domain {x::real. #0 <= x & x <= pi}", neuper@37906: "maximum A", neuper@37906: "max_relation A=#2*a*b - a^^^#2", wneuper@59377: "additionalRels [(a//#2)^^^#2 + (b//#2)^^^#2 = R^^^#2]", wneuper@59377: "additionalRels [(a//#2)^^^#2 + (b//#2)^^^#2 = R^^^#2]", wneuper@59377: "additionalRels [a=#2*R*sin alpha, b=#2*R*cos alpha]"]; neuper@37906: val chkorg = map (the o (parse thy)) org; neuper@37906: val pbl = {given=["fixed_values [R=(R::real)]"],where_=[], walther@59997: find=["maximum A", "values_for [a,b]"], neuper@37906: with_=["EX alpha. A=#2*a*b - a^^^#2 & \ neuper@37906: \ a=#2*R*sin alpha & b=#2*R*cos alpha & \ neuper@37906: \ (ALL A'. A'=#2*a*b - a^^^#2 & a=#2*R*sin alpha & b=#2*R*cos alpha \ neuper@37906: \ --> A' <= A)"], neuper@37906: relate=["max_relation (A=#2*a*b - a^^^#2)", wneuper@59377: "additionalRels [a=#2*R*sin alpha, b=#2*R*cos alpha]"] neuper@37906: }: string ppc; walther@59989: val chkpbl = ((map (the o (parse thy))) o P_Model.to_list) pbl; neuper@37906: neuper@37906: "met --- maximum_by_differentiation ---"; walther@59997: val met = {given=["fixed_values (cs::bool list)", "bound_variable v", neuper@37906: "domain {x::real. lower_bound <= x & x <= upper_bound}", neuper@37906: "approximation apx"], neuper@37906: where_=[], walther@59997: find=["maximum m", "values_for (ms::real list)", walther@59997: "function_term t", "max_argument mx"], neuper@37906: with_=["Ex_frees ((foldl (op &) True (rs::bool list)) & \ neuper@37906: \ (ALL m'. (subst (m,m') (foldl (op &) True rs) \ neuper@37906: \ --> m' <= m))) & \ neuper@37906: \m = (%v. t) mx & \ neuper@37906: \( ALL x. lower_bound <= x & x <= upper_bound \ neuper@37906: \ --> (%v. t) x <= m)"], neuper@37906: relate=["rs::bool list"]}: string ppc; walther@59989: val chkpbl = ((map (the o (parse thy))) o P_Model.to_list) met; neuper@37906: neuper@37906: neuper@37906: "pbltyp --- make_fun ---"; neuper@37906: (* subproblem [(hd #relate root, equality), neuper@37906: (bound_variable formalization, bound_variable), neuper@37906: (tl #relate root, equalities)] *) walther@59997: val pbltyp = {given=["equality e", "bound_variable v", "equalities es"], neuper@37906: where_=[], neuper@37906: find=["function_term t"],with_=[(*???*)], neuper@37906: relate=[(*???*)]}: string ppc; walther@59989: val chkpbltyp = ((map (the o (parse thy))) o P_Model.to_list) pbltyp; neuper@37906: "coil"; walther@59997: val pbl = {given=["equality (A=#2*a*b - a^^^#2)", "bound_variable alpha", neuper@37906: "equalities [a=#2*R*sin alpha, b=#2*R*cos alpha]"], neuper@37906: where_=[], neuper@37906: find=["function_term t"], neuper@37906: with_=[],relate=[]}: string ppc; walther@59989: val chkpbl = ((map (the o (parse thy))) o P_Model.to_list) pbl; neuper@37906: neuper@37906: "met --- make_explicit_and_substitute ---"; walther@59997: val met = {given=["equality e", "bound_variable v", "equalities es"], neuper@37906: where_=[], neuper@37906: find=["function_term t"],with_=[(*???*)], neuper@37906: relate=[(*???*)]}: string ppc; walther@59989: val chkmet = ((map (the o (parse thy))) o P_Model.to_list) met; neuper@37906: "met --- introduce_a_new_variable ---"; walther@59997: val met = {given=["equality e", "bound_variable v", "substitutions es"], neuper@37906: where_=[], neuper@37906: find=["function_term t"],with_=[(*???*)], neuper@37906: relate=[(*???*)]}: string ppc; walther@59989: val chkmet = ((map (the o (parse thy))) o P_Model.to_list) met; neuper@37906: neuper@37906: neuper@37906: "pbltyp --- max_of_fun_on_interval ---"; walther@59997: val pbltyp = {given=["function_term t", "bound_variable v", neuper@37906: "domain {x::real. lower_bound <= x & x <= upper_bound}"], neuper@37906: where_=[], neuper@37906: find=["maximums ms"], neuper@37906: with_=["ALL m. m : ms --> \ neuper@37906: \ (ALL x::real. lower_bound <= x & x <= upper_bound \ neuper@37906: \ --> (%v. t) x <= m)"], neuper@37906: relate=[]}: string ppc; walther@59989: val chkpbltyp = ((map (the o (parse thy))) o P_Model.to_list) pbltyp; neuper@37906: "coil"; neuper@37906: val pbl = {given=["function_term #2*(#2*R*sin alpha)*(#2*R*cos alpha) - \ walther@59997: \ (#2*R*sin alpha)^^^#2", "bound_variable alpha", neuper@37906: "domain {x::real. #0 <= x & x <= pi}"],where_=[], neuper@37906: find=["maximums [#1234]"],with_=[],relate=[]}: string ppc; walther@59989: val chkpbl = ((map (the o (parse thy))) o P_Model.to_list) pbl; neuper@37906: neuper@37906: neuper@37906: (* pbltyp --- max_of_fun --- *) neuper@37906: (* neuper@37906: {given=[],where_=[],find=[],with_=[],relate=[]}: string ppc; neuper@37926: val (SOME ct) = parse thy ; wneuper@59186: atomty thy (Thm.term_of ct); neuper@37906: *) neuper@37906: neuper@37906: neuper@37906: neuper@37906: neuper@37906: neuper@37906: neuper@37906: neuper@37906: neuper@37906: (* --- 14.1.00 --- *) neuper@37906: "p.114"; neuper@37906: val org = {given=["[u=(#12::real)]"],where_=[], neuper@37906: find=["[a,(b::real)]"],with_=[], neuper@37906: relate=["[is_max A=a*(b::real), #2*a+#2*b=(u::real)]"]}: string ppc; walther@59989: val chkorg = ((map (the o (parse thy))) o P_Model.to_list) org; neuper@37906: "p.116"; neuper@37906: val org = {given=["[c=#10, h=(#4::real)]"],where_=[], neuper@37906: find=["[x,(y::real)]"],with_=[], neuper@37906: relate=["[A=x*(y::real), c//h=x//(h-(y::real))]"]}: string ppc; walther@59989: val chkorg = ((map (the o (parse thy))) o P_Model.to_list) org; neuper@37906: "p.117"; neuper@37906: val org = {given=["[r=#5]"],where_=[], neuper@37906: find=["[x,(y::real)]"],with_=[], neuper@37906: relate=["[is_max #0=pi*x^^^#2 + pi*x*(r::real)]"]}: string ppc; walther@59989: val chkorg = ((map (the o (parse thy))) o P_Model.to_list) org; neuper@37906: "#241"; neuper@37906: val org = {given=["[s=(#10::real)]"],where_=[], neuper@37906: find=["[p::real]"],with_=[], neuper@37906: relate=["[is_max p=n*m, s=n+(m::real)]"]}: string ppc; walther@59989: val chkorg = ((map (the o (parse thy))) o P_Model.to_list) org; neuper@37906: neuper@37906: (* neuper@37906: {given=[],where_=[],find=[],with_=[],relate=[]}: string ppc; neuper@37926: val (SOME ct) = parse thy ; wneuper@59186: atomty thy (Thm.term_of ct); neuper@37906: *)