Thu, 05 Jun 2014 16:41:42 +0200 ad 967c8a1eb6b1 (7): remove all code concerned with "thehier = Unsynchronized.ref"
Wed, 04 Jun 2014 17:41:09 +0200 ad 967c8a1eb6b1 (1): adapted tests partially
Thu, 05 Apr 2012 11:31:56 +0200 thydata created (Isabelle2002 --> 2011)
Tue, 20 Mar 2012 15:32:17 +0100 intermed. fun the_hier, build thy-hierarchy
Sun, 19 Feb 2012 10:03:51 +0100 protocol dmeindl, decomment Test_Isac
Fri, 22 Jul 2011 14:01:09 +0200 tuned
Mon, 14 Mar 2011 16:50:44 +0100 intermed.update Isabelle2011: tests finished...
Thu, 10 Mar 2011 17:05:09 +0100 intermed.update Isabelle2011: Not --> HOL.Not
Thu, 28 Oct 2010 09:24:47 +0200 intermed. repair thehier, the hierarchy of thy/thm for access by isac.
Mon, 11 Oct 2010 14:22:19 +0200 intermed. repair test/../thy-hierarchy.sml, thehier := the_hier ...
Mon, 11 Oct 2010 12:55:40 +0200 intermed. repair Isac.thy, thehier := the_hier ...