author Walther Neuper <walther.neuper@jku.at>
Mon, 27 Apr 2020 12:36:21 +0200
changeset 59911 ff30cec13f4f
parent 59898 68883c046963
child 59914 ab5bd5c37e13
permissions -rw-r--r--
separate struct.Subst, rename idenfitiers
     1 (* Title: test for rewtools.sml
     2    authors: Walther Neuper 2000, 2006
     4 theory Test_Some imports Isac.Build_Thydata begin 
     5 ML_file "~~/test/Tools/isac/ADDTESTS/accumulate-val/lucas_interpreter.sml"
     6 ML {* KEStore_Elems.set_ref_thy @{theory};
     7   fun autoCalculate' cI auto = autoCalculate cI auto |> Future.join *}
     8 ML_file "Interpret/rewtools.sml"
     9 *)
    11 "--------------------------------------------------------";
    12 "--------------------------------------------------------";
    13 "table of contents --------------------------------------";
    14 "--------------------------------------------------------";
    15 "----------- fun thy_containing_rls ---------------------";
    16 "----------- apply thy_containing_rls -------------------";
    17 "----------- fun thy_containing_cal ---------------------";
    18 "----------- initContext Thy_ Integration-demo ----------";
    19 "----------- initContext..Thy_, fun context_thm ---------";
    20 "----------- initContext..Thy_, fun context_rls ---------";
    21 "----------- checkContext..Thy_, fun context_thy --------";
    22 "----------- checkContext..Thy_, fun context_rls --------";
    23 "----------- checkContext..Thy_ on last formula ---------"; 
    24 "----------- fun guh2theID ------------------------------";
    25 "----------- debugging on Tests/solve_linear_as_rootpbl -";
    26 "--------------------------------------------------------";
    27 (*============ inhibit exn WN120321 ==============================================
    28 "--------------------------------------------------------";
    29 "----------- fun filter_appl_rews -----------------------";
    30 ============ inhibit exn WN120321 ==============================================*)
    31 "----------- fun is_contained_in ------------------------";
    32 "--------------------------------------------------------";
    33 "--------------------------------------------------------";
    35 "----------- fun thy_containing_rls ---------------------";
    36 "----------- fun thy_containing_rls ---------------------";
    37 "----------- fun thy_containing_rls ---------------------";
    38 (*ERROR WAS: Theory loader: undefined entry for theory "Isac.Complex_Main"*)
    39 if thy_containing_rls "Biegelinie" "norm_Poly" = ("IsacKnowledge", "Poly") then ()
    40 else error ("thy_containing_rls changed for 'Biegelinie', 'norm_Poly'")  
    41 ;
    42 "~~~~~ fun thy_containing_rls, args:"; val (thy', rls') = ("Biegelinie", "norm_Poly");
    43     val thy = ThyC.get_theory thy'; (*.., EqSystem, Isac.Biegelinie}*)
    44 val xxx = AList.lookup op= (KEStore_Elems.get_rlss thy) rls';
    45 val SOME (thy'', _) = xxx;
    46 val SOME ("Poly", _) = xxx;
    47 if thy'' = "Poly" then () else error "--- fun thy_containing_rls: changed";
    48 (*ERROR WAS: Theory loader: undefined entry for theory "Isac.Complex_Main" *)
    49 if partID' thy'' = "IsacKnowledge" then () else error "fun partID': changed"
    50 ;
    51 "~~~~~ fun partID', args:"; val (thy') = (thy');
    52 ThyC.get_theory thy' (*.., EqSystem, Isac.Biegelinie}*)
    53 ;
    54 "~~~~~ fun partID, args:"; val (thy) = (ThyC.get_theory thy');
    55 (*ERROR WAS: Theory loader: undefined entry for theory "Isac.Complex_Main"*)
    56 knowthys () 
    57 ;
    58 "~~~~~ fun knowthys , args:"; val () = ();
    59         val allthys = filter_out (member Context.eq_thy
    60           [(*ThyC.get_theory "ProgLang",*) ThyC.get_theory "Interpret", 
    61             ThyC.get_theory "MathEngine", ThyC.get_theory "BridgeLibisabelle"]) 
    62           (Theory.ancestors_of (ThyC.get_theory "Build_Thydata"));
    63 length allthys = 152; (*in Isabelle2015/Isac*)
    64 (*ERROR WAS: Theory loader: undefined entry for theory "Isac.Complex_Main"
    65 ThyC.get_theory "Complex_Main";*)
    66 Thy_Info.get_theory "Complex_Main";;
    68 "----------- apply thy_containing_rls -------------------";
    69 "----------- apply thy_containing_rls -------------------";
    70 "----------- apply thy_containing_rls -------------------";
    71 if thy_containing_rls "Biegelinie" "norm_Poly" = ("IsacKnowledge", "Poly") then ()
    72 else error ("thy_containing_rls changed for 'Biegelinie', 'norm_Poly'")
    73 ;
    74 if thy_containing_rls "Biegelinie" "empty" = ("IsacScripts", "Know_Store") then ()
    75 else error ("thy_containing_rls changed for 'Biegelinie', 'e_rls'")
    76 ;
    77 if thy_containing_rls "Build_Thydata" "prog_expr" = (*FIXME: handle redifinition in several thys*)
    78   ("IsacKnowledge", "Base_Tools") then ()
    79 else error ("thy_containing_rls changed for 'Biegelinie', 'prog_expr'")
    81 "----------- fun thy_containing_cal ---------------------";
    82 "----------- fun thy_containing_cal ---------------------";
    83 "----------- fun thy_containing_cal ---------------------";
    84 (* ATTENTION: both, "IsacKnowledge" and "Prog_Expr" are fixed as results for any input*)
    85 if thy_containing_cal "Biegelinie" "PLUS" = ("IsacKnowledge", "Base_Tools")
    86 then () else error "(wrong) thy_containing_cal 'Biegelinie' 'PLUS' changed"
    88 "----------- initContext Thy_ Integration-demo ----------";
    89 "----------- initContext Thy_ Integration-demo ----------";
    90 "----------- initContext Thy_ Integration-demo ----------";
    91 reset_states ();
    92 CalcTree
    93 [(["functionTerm (2 * x)","integrateBy x","antiDerivative FF"], 
    94   ("Integrate",["integrate","function"],
    95   ["diff","integration"]))];
    96 Iterator 1;
    97 moveActiveRoot 1;
    98 autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc;
    99 interSteps 1 ([1],Res);
   100 interSteps 1 ([1,1],Res);
   101 val ((pt,p),_) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
   102 if existpt' ([1,1,1], Frm) pt then ()
   103 else error "integrate.sml: interSteps on Rewrite_Set_Inst 1";
   104 initContext  1 Thy_ ([1,1,1], Frm);
   106 "----------- initContext..Thy_, fun context_thm ---------";
   107 "----------- initContext..Thy_, fun context_thm ---------";
   108 "----------- initContext..Thy_, fun context_thm ---------";
   109 reset_states (); (*start of calculation, return No.1*)
   110 CalcTree [(["equality (x+1=(2::real))", "solveFor x","solutions L"], 
   111   ("Test", ["sqroot-test","univariate","equation","test"],
   112    ["Test","squ-equ-test-subpbl1"]))];
   113 Iterator 1; moveActiveRoot 1;
   114 autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc;
   116 "----- no thy-context at result -----";
   117 val p = ([], Res);
   118 initContext 1 Thy_ p;
   119 val ((pt,_),_) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt; (* 11 lines with subpbl *)
   121 interSteps 1 ([2], Res);
   122 val ((pt,_),_) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt; (* added [2,1]..[2,6] *)
   123 interSteps 1 ([3,1], Res);
   124 val ((pt,_),_) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt; (* added [3,1,1] Frm + Res *)
   126 val p = ([2,4], Res);
   127 "~~~~~ fun initContext, args:"; val ((cI:calcID), Thy_, (pos as (p,p_):pos')) = (1, Thy_, p);
   128   member op = [Pbl,Met] p_ = false;
   129   pos = ([],Res) = false;
   130   val cs as (ptp as (pt,_),_) = get_calc cI;
   131   exist_lev_on' pt pos = true;
   132               val pos' = lev_on' pt pos
   133               val tac = get_tac_checked pt pos';
   134   is_rewtac tac = true;
   135 "~~~~~ fun context_thy, args:"; val ((pt, pos as (p,p_)), (tac as Rewrite (thmID,_))) =
   136   ((pt, pos), tac);
   137     val Appl (Rewrite' (thy', ord', erls, _, (thmID,thm), f, (res,asm))) = applicable_in pos pt tac
   138             val thm = Global_Theory.get_thm (Isac ()(*WN141021 ThyC.get_theory thy' ERROR*)) thmID
   139             val thm_deriv = Thm.get_name_hint thm;
   141 if Thy_Html.thm2guh (thy_containing_thm thm_deriv) (ThmC.cut_id thm_deriv)
   142    = "thy_isac_Test-thm-radd_left_commute" then ()
   143 else error "context_thy mini-subpbl ([2,4], Res) changed";
   144 (*~/proto3/kbase/thy$ ls -l thy_isac_Test-thm-radd_left_commute*
   145 -rw-rw-r-- 1 wneuper wneuper 638 Aug  8 16:04 thy_isac_Test-thm-radd_left_commute.html*)
   148 val p = ([3,1,1], Frm);
   149 "~~~~~ fun initContext, args:"; val ((cI:calcID), Thy_, (pos as (p,p_):pos')) = (1, Thy_, p);
   150   member op = [Pbl,Met] p_ = false;
   151   pos = ([],Res) = false;
   152   val cs as (ptp as (pt,_),_) = get_calc cI;
   153   exist_lev_on' pt pos = true;
   154               val pos' = lev_on' pt pos
   155               val tac = get_tac_checked pt pos';
   156   is_rewtac tac = true;
   157 "~~~~~ fun context_thy, args:"; val ((pt, pos as (p,p_)), (tac as Rewrite_Inst (subs, (thmID,_))))=
   158   ((pt, pos), tac);
   159 val Appl (Rewrite_Inst' (thy', ord', erls, _, subst, (thmID,_), f, (res, asm))) = 
   160   applicable_in pos pt tac
   161              val thm = Global_Theory.get_thm (Isac ()(*WN141021 ThyC.get_theory thy' ERROR*)) thmID
   162              val thm_deriv = Thm.get_name_hint thm;
   163 if Thy_Html.thm2guh (thy_containing_thm thm_deriv) (ThmC.cut_id thm_deriv) =
   164   "thy_isac_Test-thm-risolate_bdv_add" then ()
   165 else error "context_thy mini-subpbl ([3,1,1], Frm) changed";
   166 (*~/proto3/kbase/thy$ ls -l thy_isac_Test-thm-risolate_bdv_add*
   167 -rw-rw-r-- 1 wneuper wneuper 646 Aug  8 16:04 thy_isac_Test-thm-risolate_bdv_add.html*)
   170 val p = ([2,5], Res);
   171 "~~~~~ fun initContext, args:"; val ((cI:calcID), Thy_, (pos as (p,p_):pos')) = (1, Thy_, p);
   172   member op = [Pbl,Met] p_ = false;
   173   pos = ([],Res) = false;
   174   val cs as (ptp as (pt,_),_) = get_calc cI;
   175  exist_lev_on' pt pos = true;
   176               val pos' = lev_on' pt pos
   177               val tac = get_tac_checked pt pos';
   178 if is_rewtac tac = false then () 
   179 else error "initContext: context_thy .. Calculate PLUS .. TO BE IMPLEMENTED"
   181 "----------- initContext..Thy_, fun context_rls ---------";
   182 "----------- initContext..Thy_, fun context_rls ---------";
   183 "----------- initContext..Thy_, fun context_rls ---------";
   184 (*using pt from above*)
   185 val p = ([1], Res);
   186 val tac = Rewrite_Set "Test_simplify";
   187 initContext 1 Thy_ p;
   188 (*Res->Res, Rewrite_Set "Test_simplify" x + 1 + -1 * 2 = 0 -> -1 + x = 0
   189   --- in initContext..Thy_ ---*)
   190 val ContRls {rls,result,...} = context_thy (pt,p) tac;
   191 if rls = "thy_isac_Test-rls-Test_simplify" 
   192    andalso UnparseC.term result = "-1 + x = 0" then ()
   193 else error "rewtools.sml initContext..Th_ thy_isac_Test-rls-Test_simplify";
   195 val p = ([3,1], Frm);
   196 val tac = Rewrite_Set_Inst (["(''bdv'', x)"],"isolate_bdv");
   197 initContext 1 Thy_ p;
   198 (*Frm->Res, Rewrite_Set_Inst "isolate_bdv" -1 + x = 0 ->  x = 0 + -1 * -1
   199   --- in initContext..Thy_ ---*)
   200 val ContRlsInst {rls,result,...} = context_thy (pt,p) tac;
   201 if rls =  "thy_isac_Test-rls-isolate_bdv"
   202    andalso UnparseC.term result = "x = 0 + -1 * -1" then ()
   203 else error "rewtools.sml initContext..Th_ thy_Test-thm-risolate_bdv_add";
   205 "----------- checkContext..Thy_, fun context_thy --------";
   206 "----------- checkContext..Thy_, fun context_thy --------";
   207 "----------- checkContext..Thy_, fun context_thy --------";
   208 (*using pt from above*)
   209 val p = ([2,4], Res);
   210 val tac = Rewrite ("radd_left_commute", @{thm radd_left_commute});
   211 checkContext 1 p "thy_Test-thm-radd_left_commute";
   212 (* radd_left_commute: 1 + (-2 + x) = 0 -> -2 + (1 + x) = 0
   213   --- in checkContext..Thy_ ---*)
   214 val ContThm {thm,result,...} = context_thy (pt,p) tac;
   215 if thm =  "thy_isac_Test-thm-radd_left_commute"
   216    andalso UnparseC.term result = "-2 + (1 + x) = 0" then ()
   217 else error "rewtools.sml checkContext.._ thy_Test-thm-radd_left_commute";
   219 val p = ([3,1,1], Frm);
   220 val tac = Rewrite_Inst (["(''bdv'',x)"],("risolate_bdv_add", @{thm "risolate_bdv_add"}));
   221 checkContext 1 p "thy_Test-thm-risolate_bdv_add";
   222 (* risolate_bdv_add:  -1 + x = 0 -> x = 0 + -1 * -1
   223   --- in checkContext..Thy_ ---*)
   224 val ContThmInst {thm,result,...} = context_thy (pt,p) tac;
   225 if thm =  "thy_isac_Test-thm-risolate_bdv_add"
   226    andalso UnparseC.term result = "x = 0 + - 1 * -1" then ()
   227 else error "rewtools.sml checkContext..T_ thy_Test-thm-risolate_bdv_add";
   229 val p = ([2,5], Res);
   230 val tac = Calculate "plus";
   231 (*checkContext..Thy_ 1 ([2,5], Res);*)
   232 (*FIXXXME #######################vvvvv kestoreID !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*)
   233 checkContext 1 p ;
   234 (* Calculate "plus"  -2 + (1 + x) = 0 -> -1 + x = 0
   235   --- in checkContext..Thy_ ---*)
   237 "----------- checkContext..Thy_, fun context_rls --------";
   238 "----------- checkContext..Thy_, fun context_rls --------";
   239 "----------- checkContext..Thy_, fun context_rls --------";
   240 (*using pt from above*)
   241 val p = ([1], Res);
   242 val tac = Rewrite_Set "Test_simplify";
   243 checkContext 1 p "thy_isac_Test-rls-Test_simplify";
   244 (*Res->Res, Rewrite_Set "Test_simplify" x + 1 + -1 * 2 = 0 -> -1 + x = 0
   245   --- in checkContext..Thy_ ---*)
   246 val ContRls {rls,result,...} = context_thy (pt,p) tac;
   247 if rls = "thy_isac_Test-rls-Test_simplify" 
   248    andalso UnparseC.term result = "-1 + x = 0" then ()
   249 else error "rewtools.sml checkContext..Thy_ thy_Test-rls-Test_simplify";
   251 val p = ([3,1], Frm);
   252 val tac = Rewrite_Set_Inst (["(''bdv'', x)"],"isolate_bdv");
   253 checkContext 1 p "thy_Test-rls-isolate_bdv";
   254 val ContRlsInst {rls,result,...} = context_thy (pt,p) tac;
   255 if rls = "thy_isac_Test-rls-isolate_bdv" 
   256    andalso UnparseC.term result = "x = 0 + -1 * -1" then ()
   257 else error "rewtools.sml checkContext..Thy_ thy_Test-thm-isolate_bdv";
   259 "----------- checkContext..Thy_ on last formula ---------"; 
   260 "----------- checkContext..Thy_ on last formula ---------"; 
   261 "----------- checkContext..Thy_ on last formula ---------"; 
   262 reset_states (); (*start of calculation, return No.1*)
   263 CalcTree [(["equality (x+1=(2::real))", "solveFor x","solutions L"], 
   264   ("Test", ["sqroot-test","univariate","equation","test"],
   265    ["Test","squ-equ-test-subpbl1"]))];
   266 Iterator 1; moveActiveRoot 1;
   268 autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalcHead;
   269 autoCalculate 1 (Steps 1);
   270 val (ptp as (pt,p), tacis) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
   271 initContext 1 Thy_ ([1], Frm);
   272 checkContext 1 ([1], Frm) "thy_isac_Test-thm-radd_left_commute";
   274 autoCalculate 1 (Steps 1);
   275 val (ptp as (pt,p), tacis) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
   276 initContext 1 Thy_ ([1], Res);
   277 checkContext 1 ([1], Res) "thy_isac_Test-rls-Test_simplify";
   279 "----------- fun guh2theID ------------------------------";
   280 "----------- fun guh2theID ------------------------------";
   281 "----------- fun guh2theID ------------------------------";
   282 val guh = "thy_scri_ListG-thm-zip_Nil";
   283 (*default_print_depth 3; 999*)
   284 take_fromto 1 4 (Symbol.explode guh);
   285 take_fromto 5 9 (Symbol.explode guh);
   286 val rest = takerest (9,(Symbol.explode guh)); 
   288 separate "-" rest;
   289 space_implode "-" rest;
   290 commas rest;
   292 val delim = "-";
   293 val thyID = takewhile [] (not o (curry op= delim)) rest;
   294 val rest' = dropuntil (curry op= delim) rest;
   295 val setc = take_fromto 1 5 rest';
   296 val xstr = takerest (5, rest');
   298 if guh2theID guh = ["IsacScripts", "ListG", "Theorems", "zip_Nil"] then ()
   299 else error "rewtools.sml: guh2theID thy_scri_ListG-thm-zip_Nil changed";
   302 "----------- debugging on Tests/solve_linear_as_rootpbl -";
   303 "----------- debugging on Tests/solve_linear_as_rootpbl -";
   304 "----------- debugging on Tests/solve_linear_as_rootpbl -";
   305 "----- initContext -----";
   306 reset_states ();
   307 CalcTree 
   308     [(["equality (1+-1*2+x=(0::real))", "solveFor x", "solutions L"],
   309       ("Test",
   310        ["LINEAR","univariate","equation","test"],
   311        ["Test","solve_linear"]))];
   312 Iterator 1; moveActiveRoot 1;
   313 autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalcHead;
   315 autoCalculate 1 (Steps 1); val (ptp as (pt,p), tacis) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
   316 if is_curr_endof_calc pt ([1],Frm) then ()
   317 else error "rewtools.sml is_curr_endof_calc ([1],Frm)";
   319 autoCalculate 1 (Steps 1); val (ptp as (pt,p), tacis) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
   321 if not (is_curr_endof_calc pt ([1],Frm)) then ()
   322 else error "rewtools.sml is_curr_endof_calc ([1],Frm) not";
   323 if is_curr_endof_calc pt ([1],Res) then ()
   324 else error "rewtools.sml is_curr_endof_calc ([1],Res)";
   326 initContext 1 Thy_ ([1],Res);
   328 "----- checkContext -----";
   329 reset_states ();
   330 CalcTree 
   331     [(["equality (1+-1*2+x=(0::real))", "solveFor x", "solutions L"],
   332       ("Test",
   333        ["LINEAR","univariate","equation","test"],
   334        ["Test","solve_linear"]))];
   335 Iterator 1; moveActiveRoot 1;
   336 autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc;
   337 interSteps 1 ([1],Res);
   339 val (ptp as (pt,p), tacis) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
   340 checkContext 1 ([1],Res) "thy_isac_Test-rls-Test_simplify";
   342 interSteps 1 ([2],Res);
   343 val (ptp as (pt,p), tacis) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
   345 checkContext 1 ([2,1],Res) "thy_isac_Test-rls-Test_simplify";
   346 checkContext 1 ([2,2],Res) "thy_isac_Test-rls-Test_simplify";
   348 "----------- fun is_contained_in ------------------------";
   349 "----------- fun is_contained_in ------------------------";
   350 "----------- fun is_contained_in ------------------------";
   351 val r1 = Thm ("real_diff_minus",ThmC.numerals_to_Free @{thm real_diff_minus});
   352 if Rtools.contains_rule r1 Test_simplify then ()
   353 else error "rewtools.sml Rtools.contains_rule Thm";
   355 val r1 = Eval ("Groups.plus_class.plus", eval_binop "#add_");
   356 if Rtools.contains_rule r1 Test_simplify then ()
   357 else error "rewtools.sml Rtools.contains_rule Eval";
   359 val r1 = Eval ("Groups.minus_class.minus", eval_binop "#add_");
   360 if not (Rtools.contains_rule r1 Test_simplify) then ()
   361 else error "rewtools.sml Rtools.contains_rule Eval";