author Walther Neuper <>
Sun, 31 May 2015 10:24:16 +0200
changeset 59136 fd7b76f606a4
parent 59135 b8d5708db208
child 59141 43c1e5222f0e
permissions -rw-r--r--
PIDE: completed Frontend.* with transition to PIDE
     1 (* convert sml-datatypes to xml
     2    authors: Walther Neuper 2003
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     5 use"xmlsrc/datatypes.sml";
     6 use"datatypes.sml";
     7 *)
    10 signature DATATYPES =
    11   sig
    12     val authors2xml : int -> string -> string list -> xml
    13     val calc2xml : int -> thyID * calc -> xml
    14     val calcrefs2xml : int -> thyID * calc list -> xml
    15     val contthy2xml : int -> contthy -> xml
    16     val extref2xml : int -> string -> string -> xml
    17     val filterpbl :
    18        ''a -> (''a * (Term.term * Term.term)) list -> Term.term list
    19     val formula2xml : int -> Term.term -> xml
    20     val formulae2xml : int -> Term.term list -> xml
    21     val i : int
    22     val id2xml : int -> string list -> string
    23     val ints2xml : int -> int list -> string
    24     val itm_2xml : int -> SpecifyTools.itm_ -> xml
    25     val itms2xml :
    26        int ->
    27        (int * SpecifyTools.vats * bool * string * SpecifyTools.itm_) list ->
    28        string
    29     val keref2xml : int -> ketype -> kestoreID -> xml
    30     val model2xml :
    31        int -> SpecifyTools.itm list -> (bool * Term.term) list -> xml
    32     val modspec2xml : int -> ocalhd -> xml
    33     val pattern2xml :
    34        int ->
    35        (string * (Term.term * Term.term)) list -> Term.term list -> string
    36     val pos'2xml : int -> string * (int list * pos_) -> string
    37     val pos'calchead2xml : int -> pos' * ocalhd -> xml
    38     val pos_2xml : int -> pos_ -> string
    39     val posform2xml : int -> pos' * Term.term -> xml
    40     val posformhead2xml : int -> pos' * ptform -> string
    41     val posformheads2xml : int -> (pos' * ptform) list -> xml
    42     val posforms2xml : int -> (pos' * Term.term) list -> xml
    43     val posterms2xml : int -> (pos' * term) list -> xml
    44     val precond2xml : int -> bool * Term.term -> xml
    45     val preconds2xml : int -> (bool * Term.term) list -> xml
    46     val rls2xml : int -> thyID * rls -> xml
    47     val rule2xml : int -> guh -> rule -> xml
    48     val rules2xml : int -> guh -> rule list -> xml
    49     val scr2xml : int -> scr -> xml
    50     val spec2xml : int -> spec -> xml
    51     val sub2xml : int -> Term.term * Term.term -> xml
    52     val subs2xml : int -> subs -> xml
    53     val subst2xml : int -> subst -> xml
    54     val tac2xml : int -> tac -> xml
    55     val tacs2xml : int -> tac list -> xml
    56     val theref2xml : int -> thyID -> string -> xstring -> string
    57     val thm'2xml : int -> thm' -> xml
    58     val thm''2xml : int -> thm -> xml
    59     val thmstr2xml : int -> string -> xml
    60   end
    64 (*------------------------------------------------------------------
    65 structure datatypes:DATATYPES =
    66 (*structure datatypes =*)
    67 struct
    68 ------------------------------------------------------------------*)
    70 val i = indentation;
    72 local
    73 fun indent i = fold (curry op ^) (replicate i ". ") ""
    74 in
    75 fun xmlstr i (XML.Text str) = indent i ^ str ^ "\n"
    76   | xmlstr i (XML.Elem ((str, []), trees)) = 
    77     indent i ^ "<" ^ str ^ ">" ^ "\n" ^
    78       List.foldr op ^ "" (map (xmlstr (i + 1)) trees) ^
    79     indent i ^ "</" ^ str ^ ">" ^ "\n"
    80   | xmlstr i (XML.Elem ((str, [("status", a)]), trees)) = 
    81     indent i ^ "<" ^ str ^ " status " ^ a  ^ ">" ^ "\n" ^
    82       List.foldr op ^ "" (map (xmlstr (i + 1)) trees) ^
    83     indent i ^ "</" ^ str ^ ">" ^ "\n"
    84   | xmlstr _ (XML.Elem ((_, (_ :: _)), _)) = 
    85     error "xmlstr: TODO review attribute \"status\" etc";
    86 end
    88 (** general types: lists,  **)
    90 fun xml_of_bool b = XML.Elem (("BOOL", []), [XML.Text (bool2str b)])
    91 fun xml_to_bool (XML.Elem (("BOOL", []), [XML.Text b])) = string_to_bool b
    92   | xml_to_bool tree = error ("xml_to_int: wrong XML.tree " ^ xmlstr 0 tree)
    94 (*.handles string list like 'fun id2xml'.*)
    95 fun authors2xml j str auts = 
    96     let fun autx _ [] = ""
    97 	  | autx j (s::ss) = (indt j) ^ "<STRING> " ^ s ^ " </STRING>\n" ^ 
    98 			     (autx j ss)
    99     in indt j ^ "<"^str^">\n" ^
   100        autx (j + i) auts ^ 
   101        indt j ^ "</"^str^">\n" : xml
   102     end;
   103 (* writeln(authors2xml 2 "MATHAUTHORS" []);
   104    writeln(authors2xml 2 "MATHAUTHORS" 
   105 		       ["isac-team 2001", "Richard Lang 2003"]);
   106    *)
   108 fun id2xml j ids =
   109     let fun id2x _ [] = ""
   110 	  | id2x j (s::ss) = (indt j) ^ "<STRING> " ^ s ^ " </STRING>\n" ^ 
   111 			     (id2x j ss)
   112     in (indt j) ^ "<STRINGLIST>\n" ^ 
   113        (id2x (j + indentation) ids) ^ 
   114        (indt j) ^ "</STRINGLIST>\n" end;
   115 (* writeln(id2xml 8 ["linear","univariate","equation"]);
   116         <STRINGLIST>
   117           <STRING>linear</STRING>
   118           <STRING>univariate</STRING>
   119           <STRING>equation</STRING>
   120         </STRINGLIST>*)
   122 fun xml_of_str str = XML.Elem (("STRING", []), [XML.Text str])
   123 fun xml_of_strs strs = XML.Elem (("STRINGLIST", []), map xml_of_str strs)
   125 fun xml_to_str (XML.Elem (("STRING", []), [XML.Text str])) = str
   126   | xml_to_str tree = error ("xml_to_str: wrong XML.tree " ^ xmlstr 0 tree)
   127 fun xml_to_strs (XML.Elem (("STRINGLIST", []), strs)) = map xml_to_str strs
   128   | xml_to_strs tree = error ("xml_to_strs: wrong XML.tree " ^ xmlstr 0 tree)
   130 fun ints2xml j ids =
   131     let fun int2x _ [] = ""
   132 	  | int2x j (s::ss) = (indt j) ^"<INT> "^ string_of_int s ^" </INT>\n"^
   133 			     (int2x j ss)
   134     in (indt j) ^ "<INTLIST>\n" ^ 
   135        (int2x (j + i) ids) ^ 
   136        (indt j) ^ "</INTLIST>\n" end;
   137 (* writeln(ints2xml 3 [1,2,3]);
   138    *)
   139 fun xml_of_int i = XML.Elem (("INT", []), [XML.Text (string_of_int i)])
   140 fun xml_of_ints is = (*xml/datatypes.sml: fun ints2xml*)
   141   XML.Elem (("INTLIST", []), map xml_of_int is)
   143 fun xml_to_int (XML.Elem (("INT", []), [XML.Text i])) = 
   144       (case int_of_str i of SOME i => i | _ => error "xml_to_int: int_of_str \<Rightarrow> NONE")
   145   | xml_to_int tree = error ("xml_to_int: wrong XML.tree " ^ xmlstr 0 tree)
   146 fun xml_to_ints (XML.Elem (("INTLIST", []), is)) = map xml_to_int is
   147   | xml_to_ints tree = error ("xml_to_ints: wrong XML.tree " ^ xmlstr 0 tree)
   150 (** isac datatypes **)
   152 fun pos_2xml j pos_ =
   153     (indt j) ^ "<POS> " ^  pos_2str pos_ ^ " </POS>\n";
   155 (*.due to specialties of isac/util/parser/
   156    pos' requires different tags.*)
   157 fun pos'2xml j (tag, (pos, pos_)) =
   158     indt     (j) ^ "<" ^ tag ^ ">\n" ^ 
   159     ints2xml (j+i) pos ^ 
   160     pos_2xml (j+i) pos_ ^ 
   161     indt     (j) ^ "</" ^ tag ^ ">\n";
   162 (* writeln(pos'2xml 3 ("POSITION", ([1,2,3], Pbl)));
   163    *)
   164 fun xml_of_pos tag (is, pp) = (*xml/datatypes.sml: fun pos'2xml*)
   165   XML.Elem ((tag, []), [
   166     xml_of_ints is,
   167     XML.Elem (("POS", []), [XML.Text (pos_2str pp)])])
   169 fun xml_to_pos_ (XML.Elem (("POS", []), [XML.Text pp])) = str2pos_ pp
   170   | xml_to_pos_ tree = error ("xml_to_pos_: wrong XML.tree " ^ xmlstr 0 tree)
   171 fun xml_to_pos (XML.Elem (("POSITION", []), [is, pp])) = (xml_to_ints is, xml_to_pos_ pp) (*: pos'*)
   172   | xml_to_pos tree = error ("xml_to_pos: wrong XML.tree " ^ xmlstr 0 tree)
   174 fun xml_of_auto (Step i) = 
   175       XML.Elem (("AUTO", []), [XML.Text "Step", XML.Text (string_of_int i)])
   176   | xml_of_auto CompleteModel = XML.Elem (("AUTO", []), [XML.Text "CompleteModel"])
   177   | xml_of_auto CompleteCalcHead = XML.Elem (("AUTO", []), [XML.Text "CompleteCalcHead"])
   178   | xml_of_auto CompleteToSubpbl = XML.Elem (("AUTO", []), [XML.Text "CompleteToSubpbl"])
   179   | xml_of_auto CompleteSubpbl = XML.Elem (("AUTO", []), [XML.Text "CompleteSubpbl"])
   180   | xml_of_auto CompleteCalc = XML.Elem (("AUTO", []), [XML.Text "CompleteCalc"])
   181 fun xml_to_auto (XML.Elem (("AUTO", []), [XML.Text "Step", XML.Text i])) = Step (int_of_str i |>the)
   182   | xml_to_auto (XML.Elem (("AUTO", []), [XML.Text "CompleteModel"])) = CompleteModel
   183   | xml_to_auto (XML.Elem (("AUTO", []), [XML.Text "CompleteCalcHead"])) = CompleteCalcHead
   184   | xml_to_auto (XML.Elem (("AUTO", []), [XML.Text "CompleteToSubpbl"])) = CompleteToSubpbl
   185   | xml_to_auto (XML.Elem (("AUTO", []), [XML.Text "CompleteSubpbl"])) = CompleteSubpbl
   186   | xml_to_auto (XML.Elem (("AUTO", []), [XML.Text "CompleteCalc"])) = CompleteCalc
   187   | xml_to_auto tree = error ("xml_to_auto: wrong XML.tree " ^ xmlstr 0 tree)
   189 fun formula2xml j term = (*TODO.WN050211: use for _all_ <FORMULA>*)
   190     indt j ^ "<FORMULA>\n"^
   191     term2xml j term ^"\n"^
   192     indt j ^ "</FORMULA>\n" : xml;
   193 fun xml_of_formula term = 
   194   XML.Elem (("FORMULA", []), [
   195     XML.Elem (("CALCID", []), [xml_of_term term])])
   197 fun formulae2xml j [] = ("":xml)
   198   | formulae2xml j (r::rs) = formula2xml j r ^ formulae2xml j rs;
   199 (* writeln(formulae2xml 6 [str2term "1+1=2", str2term "1+1+1=3"]);
   200    *)
   202 (*WN0502 @see ME/ctree: type asms: illdesigned, thus not used*)
   203 fun posform2xml j (p:pos', term) =
   204     indt j ^     "<POSFORM>\n" ^
   205     pos'2xml (j+i) ("POSITION", p) ^
   206     indt     (j+i) ^ "<FORMULA>\n"^
   207     term2xml (j+i) term ^"\n"^
   208     indt     (j+i) ^ "</FORMULA>\n"^
   209     indt j ^     "</POSFORM>\n" : xml;
   210 (* writeln(posform2xml 6 (([1,2],Frm), str2term "1+1=2"));
   211    *)
   212 fun posforms2xml j [] = ("":xml)
   213   | posforms2xml j (r::rs) = posform2xml j r ^ posforms2xml j rs;
   214 (* writeln(posforms2xml 6 [(([1],Res), str2term "1+1=2"),(([2],Res), str2term "1+1+1=3")]);
   215    *)
   217 fun calcref2xml j (thyID:thyID, (scrop, (rewop, _)):calc) =
   218     indt j ^ "<CALCREF>\n" ^
   219     indt (j+i) ^ "<STRING> " ^ scrop ^ "</STRING>\n" ^
   220     indt (j+i) ^ "<GUH> " ^ cal2guh ("IsacKnowledge", 
   221 				      thyID) scrop  ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
   222     indt j ^ "</CALCREF>\n" : xml;
   223 fun calcrefs2xml _ (_,[]) = "":xml
   224   | calcrefs2xml j (thyID, cal::cs) = 
   225     calcref2xml j (thyID, cal) ^ calcrefs2xml j (thyID, cs);
   227 fun calc2xml j (thyID:thyID, (scrop, (rewop, _)):calc) =
   228     indt j ^ "<CALC>\n" ^
   229     indt (j+i) ^ "<STRING>\n" ^ scrop ^ "</STRING>\n" ^
   230     indt (j+i) ^ "<GUH>\n" ^ cal2guh ("IsacKnowledge", 
   231 				      thyID) scrop  ^ "</GUH>\n" ^
   232     indt (j+i) ^ "<TERMOP>\n" ^ rewop ^ "</TERMOP>\n" ^
   233     indt j ^ "</CALC>\n" : xml;
   235 (*.for creating a href for a rule within an rls's rule list;
   236    the guh points to the thy of definition of the rule, NOT of use in rls.*)
   237 fun rule2xml j (thyID:thyID) Erule =
   238       error "rule2xml called with 'Erule'"
   239   | rule2xml j thyID (Thm (thmDeriv, thm)) =
   240       indt j ^ "<RULE>\n" ^
   241       indt (j+i) ^ "<TAG> Theorem </TAG>\n" ^
   242       indt (j+i) ^ "<STRING> " ^ thmID_of_derivation_name thmDeriv ^ " </STRING>\n" ^
   243       indt (j+i) ^ "<GUH> " ^ 
   244         thm2guh (thy_containing_thm thmDeriv) (thmID_of_derivation_name thmDeriv) ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
   245         indt j ^ "</RULE>\n" : xml
   246   | rule2xml j thyID (Calc (termop, _)) = ""
   247 (*FIXXXXXXXME.WN060714 in rls make Calc : calc -> rule [add scriptop!]
   248   see smltest/../datatypes.sml !
   249     indt j ^ "<RULE>\n" ^
   250     indt (j+i) ^ "<STRING> " ^ termop ^ " </STRING>\n" ^
   251     indt (j+i) ^ "<GUH> " ^ cal2guh (thy_containing_cal thyID termop) 
   252 				    termop ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
   253     indt j ^ "</RULE>\n"
   254 *)
   255   | rule2xml j thyID (Cal1 (termop, _)) = ""
   256   | rule2xml j thyID (Rls_ rls) =
   257       let val rls' = (#id o rep_rls) rls
   258       in
   259         indt j ^ "<RULE>\n" ^
   260         indt (j+i) ^ "<TAG> Ruleset </TAG>\n" ^
   261         indt (j+i) ^ "<STRING> " ^ rls' ^ " </STRING>\n" ^
   262         indt (j+i) ^ "<GUH> " ^ rls2guh (thy_containing_rls thyID rls') rls' ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
   263         indt j ^ "</RULE>\n"
   264       end;
   266 fun rules2xml j thyID [] = ("":xml)
   267   | rules2xml j thyID (r::rs) = rule2xml j thyID r ^ rules2xml j thyID rs;
   269 fun filterpbl str =
   270   let fun filt [] = []
   271         | filt ((s, (t1, t2)) :: ps) = 
   272 	  if str = s then (t1 $ t2) :: filt ps else filt ps
   273   in filt end;
   275 (*FIXME.WN040831 model2xml <--?--> pattern2xml*)
   276 (*WN.25.8.03: pattern2xml different output with TextIO | writeln !!!
   277   the version below is for TextIO: terms2xml makes \n !*)
   278 (* val (j, p, where_) = (i, ppc, where_);
   279    *)
   280 fun pattern2xml j p where_ =
   281     (case filterpbl "#Given" p of
   282 	[] =>  (indt j) ^ "<GIVEN>  </GIVEN>\n"
   283 (* val gis = filterpbl "#Given" p;
   284    *)
   285       | gis => (indt j) ^ "<GIVEN>\n" ^ terms2xml' j gis ^
   286 	       (indt j) ^ "</GIVEN>\n")
   287     ^ 
   288     (case where_ of
   289 	 [] =>  (indt j) ^ "<WHERE>  </WHERE>\n"
   290        | whs => (indt j) ^ "<WHERE>\n" ^ terms2xml' j whs ^
   291 		(indt j) ^ "</WHERE>\n")
   292     ^ 
   293     (case filterpbl "#Find" p of
   294 	 [] =>  (indt j) ^ "<FIND>  </FIND>\n"
   295        | fis => (indt j) ^ "<FIND>\n" ^ terms2xml' j fis ^
   296 		(indt j) ^ "</FIND>\n")
   297     ^ 
   298     (case filterpbl "#Relate" p of
   299 	 [] =>  (indt j) ^ "<RELATE>  </RELATE>\n"
   300        | res => (indt j) ^ "<RELATE>\n" ^ terms2xml' j res ^
   301 		(indt j) ^ "</RELATE>\n");
   302 (*
   303 writeln(pattern2xml 3 ((#ppc o get_pbt)
   304 			 ["squareroot","univariate","equation","test"]) []);
   305   *)
   307 (*see itm_2item*)
   308 fun itm_2xml j (Cor (dts,_)) =
   309     (indt j ^"<ITEM status=\"correct\">\n"^    
   310     term2xml (j) (comp_dts' dts)^"\n"^    
   311     indt j ^"</ITEM>\n"):xml
   312   | itm_2xml j (Syn c) =
   313     indt j ^"<ITEM status=\"syntaxerror\">\n"^    
   314     indt (j) ^c^    
   315     indt j ^"</ITEM>\n"
   316   | itm_2xml j (Typ c) =
   317     indt j ^"<ITEM status=\"typeerror\">\n"^    
   318     indt (j) ^c^    
   319     indt j ^"</ITEM>\n"
   320   (*type item also has 'False of cterm' set in preconds2xml WN 050618*)
   321   | itm_2xml j (Inc (dts,_)) = 
   322     indt j ^"<ITEM status=\"incomplete\">\n"^    
   323     term2xml (j) (comp_dts' dts)^"\n"^    
   324     indt j ^"</ITEM>\n"
   325   | itm_2xml j (Sup dts) = 
   326     indt j ^"<ITEM status=\"superfluous\">\n"^    
   327     term2xml (j) (comp_dts' dts)^"\n"^    
   328     indt j ^"</ITEM>\n"
   329   | itm_2xml j (Mis (d,pid)) =
   330     indt j ^"<ITEM status=\"missing\">\n"^    
   331     term2xml (j) (d $ pid)^"\n"^    
   332     indt j ^"</ITEM>\n";
   333 fun xml_of_itm_ (Cor (dts, _)) =
   334     XML.Elem (("ITEM", [("status", "correct")]), [xml_of_term (comp_dts' dts)])
   335   | xml_of_itm_ (Syn c) =
   336     XML.Elem (("ITEM", [("status", "syntaxerror")]), [XML.Text c])
   337   | xml_of_itm_ (Typ c) =
   338     XML.Elem (("ITEM", [("status", "typeerror")]), [XML.Text c])
   339   (*type item also has 'False of cterm' set in preconds2xml WN 050618*)
   340   | xml_of_itm_ (Inc (dts, _)) = 
   341     XML.Elem (("ITEM", [("status", "incomplete")]), [xml_of_term (comp_dts' dts)])
   342   | xml_of_itm_ (Sup dts) = 
   343     XML.Elem (("ITEM", [("status", "superfluous")]), [xml_of_term (comp_dts' dts)])
   344   | xml_of_itm_ (Mis (d, pid)) = 
   345     XML.Elem (("ITEM", [("status", "missing")]), [xml_of_term (d $ pid)])
   347 (*see terms2xml' fpr \n*)
   348 fun itms2xml _ [] = ""
   349   | itms2xml j [(_,_,_,_,itm_)] = itm_2xml j itm_
   350   | itms2xml j (((_,_,_,_,itm_):itm)::itms) =
   351     itm_2xml j itm_ ^ itms2xml j itms;
   352 fun xml_of_itms itms =
   353   let 
   354     fun extract (_, _, _, _, itm_) = itm_
   355       | extract _ = error "xml_of_itms.extract: wrong argument" 
   356   in map (xml_of_itm_ o extract) itms end
   358 fun precond2xml j (true, term) =
   359     (indt j ^"<ITEM status=\"correct\">\n"^
   360     term2xml (j) term^"\n"^
   361     indt j ^"</ITEM>\n"):xml
   362   | precond2xml j (false, term) =
   363     indt j ^"<ITEM status=\"false\">\n"^
   364     term2xml (j+i) term^"\n"^
   365     indt j ^"</ITEM>\n";
   366 fun xml_of_precond (status, term) =
   367     XML.Elem (("ITEM", [("status", if status then "correct" else "false")]), [xml_of_term term])
   369 fun preconds2xml _ [] = ("":xml)
   370   | preconds2xml j (p::ps) = precond2xml j p ^ preconds2xml j ps;
   371 fun xml_of_preconds ps = map xml_of_precond ps
   373 (*FIXME.WN040831 model2xml <--?--> pattern2xml*)
   374 fun model2xml j (itms:itm list) where_ =
   375   let fun eq4 str (_,_,_,field,_) = str = field
   376   in  (indt j ^"<MODEL>\n"^
   377     (case filter (eq4 "#Given") itms of
   378          [] =>  (indt (j+i)) ^ "<GIVEN>  </GIVEN>\n"
   379        | gis => (indt (j+i)) ^ "<GIVEN>\n" ^ itms2xml (j+2*i) gis ^
   380           (indt (j+i)) ^ "</GIVEN>\n")
   381     ^
   382     (case where_ of
   383          [] =>  (indt (j+i)) ^ "<WHERE>  </WHERE>\n"
   384        | whs => (indt (j+i)) ^ "<WHERE>\n" ^ preconds2xml (j+2*i) whs ^
   385           (indt (j+i)) ^ "</WHERE>\n")
   386     ^
   387     (case filter (eq4 "#Find") itms of
   388          [] =>  (indt (j+i)) ^ "<FIND>  </FIND>\n"
   389        | fis => (indt (j+i)) ^ "<FIND>\n" ^ itms2xml (j+2*i) fis ^
   390           (indt (j+i)) ^ "</FIND>\n")
   391     ^
   392     (case filter (eq4 "#Relate") itms of
   393          [] =>  (indt (j+i)) ^ "<RELATE>  </RELATE>\n"
   394        | res => (indt (j+i)) ^ "<RELATE>\n" ^ itms2xml (j+2*i) res ^
   395           (indt (j+i)) ^ "</RELATE>\n")^
   396         indt j ^"</MODEL>\n"):xml
   397   end;
   398 (* writeln(model2xml 3 itms []);
   399    *)
   400 fun xml_of_model itms where_ =
   401   let
   402     fun eq str (_, _, _,field, _) = str = field
   403   in 
   404     XML.Elem (("MODEL", []), [
   405       XML.Elem (("GIVEN", []), 
   406         filter (eq "#Given") itms |> xml_of_itms),
   407       XML.Elem (("WHERE", []), 
   408         xml_of_preconds where_),
   409       XML.Elem (("FIND", []), 
   410         filter (eq "#Find") itms |> xml_of_itms),
   411       XML.Elem (("RELATE", []), 
   412         filter (eq "#Relate") itms |> xml_of_itms)])
   413   end 
   415 fun spec2xml j ((dI,pI,mI):spec) =
   416     (indt j ^"<SPECIFICATION>\n"^
   417     indt (j+i) ^"<THEORYID> "^ dI ^" </THEORYID>\n"^
   418     indt (j+i) ^"<PROBLEMID>\n"^
   419     id2xml (j+2*i) pI ^
   420     indt (j+i) ^"</PROBLEMID>\n"^
   421     indt (j+i) ^"<METHODID>\n"^
   422     id2xml (j+2*i) mI ^
   423     indt (j+i) ^"</METHODID>\n"^
   424     indt j ^"</SPECIFICATION>\n"):xml;
   425 fun xml_of_spec (thyID, pblID, metID) =
   426   XML.Elem (("SPECIFICATION", []), [
   427     XML.Elem (("THEORYID", []), [XML.Text thyID]),
   428     XML.Elem (("PROBLEMID", []), [xml_of_strs pblID]),
   429     XML.Elem (("METHODID", []), [xml_of_strs metID])])
   430 fun xml_to_spec (XML.Elem (("SPECIFICATION", []), [
   431       XML.Elem (("THEORYID", []), [XML.Text thyID]),
   432       XML.Elem (("PROBLEMID", []), ps),
   433       XML.Elem (("METHODID", []), ms)])) = (thyID, map xml_to_strs ps, map xml_to_strs ms)
   434   | xml_to_spec tree = error ("xml_to_spec: wrong XML.tree " ^ xmlstr 0 tree)
   436 fun modspec2xml j ((b, p_, head, gfr, pre, spec): ocalhd) =
   437     (indt j ^"<CALCHEAD status = "^
   438      quote (if b then "correct" else "incorrect")^">\n"^
   439      indt (j+i) ^"<HEAD>\n"^
   440      term2xml (j+i) head^"\n"^
   441      indt (j+i) ^"</HEAD>\n"^
   442      model2xml (j+i) gfr pre ^
   443      indt (j+i) ^"<BELONGSTO> "^(case p_ of Pbl => "Pbl"
   444 					  | Met => "Met"
   445 					  | _ => "Und")^" </BELONGSTO>\n"^
   446      spec2xml (j+i) spec ^
   447      indt j ^"</CALCHEAD>\n"):xml;
   448 fun xml_of_modspec ((b, p_, head, gfr, pre, spec): ocalhd) =
   449   XML.Elem (("CALCHEAD", [("status", if b then "correct" else "incorrect")]), [
   450     XML.Elem (("HEAD", []), [xml_of_term head]),
   451     XML.Elem (("BELONGSTO", []), [
   452       XML.Text (case p_ of Pbl => "Pbl" | Met => "Met" | _ => "Und")]),
   453     xml_of_model gfr pre,
   454     xml_of_spec spec])
   456 fun pos'calchead2xml j (p:pos', (b, p_, head, gfr, pre, spec): ocalhd) =
   457     (indt j ^"<CALCHEAD status = "^
   458      quote (if b then "correct" else "incorrect")^">\n"^
   459      pos'2xml (j+i) ("POSITION", p) ^
   460      indt (j+i) ^"<HEAD>\n"^
   461      term2xml (j+i) head^"\n"^
   462      indt (j+i) ^"</HEAD>\n"^
   463      model2xml (j+i) gfr pre ^
   464      indt (j+i) ^"<BELONGSTO> "^(case p_ of Pbl => "Pbl"
   465 					  | Met => "Met"
   466 					  | _ => "Und")^" </BELONGSTO>\n"^
   467      spec2xml (j+i) spec ^
   468      indt j ^"</CALCHEAD>\n"):xml;
   470 fun sub2xml j (id, value) =
   471     (indt j ^"<PAIR>\n"^
   472      indt j ^"  <VARIABLE>\n"^
   473      term2xml (j+i) id ^ "\n" ^
   474      indt j ^"  </VARIABLE>\n" ^
   475      indt j ^"  <VALUE>\n"^
   476      term2xml (j+i) value ^ "\n" ^
   477      indt j ^"  </VALUE>\n" ^
   478      indt j ^"</PAIR>\n"):xml;
   479 fun xml_of_sub (id, value) =
   480   XML.Elem (("PAIR", []), [
   481     XML.Elem (("VARIABLE", []), [xml_of_term id]),
   482     XML.Elem (("VALUE", []), [xml_of_term value])])
   483 fun subs2xml j (subs:subs) =
   484     (indt j ^"<SUBSTITUTION>\n"^
   485      foldl op^ ("", map (sub2xml (j+i))
   486 			(subs2subst (assoc_thy "Isac") subs)) ^
   487      indt j ^"</SUBSTITUTION>\n"):xml;
   488 fun xml_of_subs (subs : subs) =
   489   XML.Elem (("SUBSTITUTION", []), map xml_of_sub (subs2subst (assoc_thy "Isac") subs))
   491 fun subst2xml j (subst:subst) =
   492     (indt j ^"<SUBSTITUTION>\n"^
   493      foldl op^ ("", map (sub2xml (j+i)) subst) ^
   494      indt j ^"</SUBSTITUTION>\n"):xml;
   495 (* val subst = [(str2term "bdv", str2term "x")];
   496    writeln(subst2xml 0 subst);
   497    *)
   499 (* val (j, str) = ((j+i), form);
   500    *)
   501 fun thmstr2xml j str = ((((term2xml j) o str2term) str)^"\n"):xml;
   503 (* val (j, ((ID, form):thm')) = ((j+i), thm');
   504    *)
   505 fun thm'2xml j ((ID, form):thm') =
   506     (indt j ^"<THEOREM>\n"^
   507     indt (j+i) ^"<ID> "^ID^" </ID>\n"^
   508     indt (j+i) ^"<FORMULA>\n"^
   509     thmstr2xml (j+i) form^
   510     indt (j+i) ^"</FORMULA>\n"^
   511     indt j ^"</THEOREM>\n"):xml;
   512 fun xml_of_thm' ((ID, form) : thm') =
   513   XML.Elem (("THEOREM", []), [
   514     XML.Elem (("ID", []), [XML.Text ID]),
   515     XML.Elem (("FORMULA", []), [XML.Text form])])
   517 (*WN060627 scope of thy's not considered ?!?*)
   518 fun thm''2xml j (thm : thm) =
   519     indt j ^ "<THEOREM>\n" ^
   520     indt (j+i) ^ "<ID> " ^ thmID_of_derivation_name' thm ^ " </ID>\n"^
   521     term2xml j (prop_of thm) ^ "\n" ^
   522     indt j ^ "</THEOREM>\n" : xml;
   523 fun xml_of_thm (thm : thm) =
   524   XML.Elem (("THEOREM", []), [
   525     XML.Elem (("ID", []), [XML.Text (thmID_of_derivation_name' thm)]),
   526     xml_of_term (prop_of thm)])
   528 fun scr2xml j EmptyScr =
   529     indt j ^"<SCRIPT>  </SCRIPT>\n" : xml
   530   | scr2xml j (Prog term) =
   531     if term = e_term 
   532     then indt j ^"<SCRIPT>  </SCRIPT>\n"
   533     else indt j ^"<SCRIPT>\n"^ 
   534 	 term2xml j (inst_abs (assoc_thy "Isac") term) ^ "\n" ^
   535 	 indt j ^"</SCRIPT>\n"
   536   | scr2xml j (Rfuns _) =
   537     indt j ^"<REVERSREWRITE> reverse rewrite functions </REVERSREWRITE>\n";
   538 fun xml_of_src EmptyScr =
   539     XML.Elem (("SCRIPT", []), [XML.Text "empty_script"])
   540   | xml_of_src (Prog term) =
   541     XML.Elem (("SCRIPT", []), [
   542       if term = e_term then xml_of_src EmptyScr 
   543       else XML.Elem (("SCRIPT", []), [xml_of_term (inst_abs (assoc_thy "Isac") term)])])
   544   | xml_of_src (Rfuns _) =
   545     XML.Elem (("REVERSREWRITE", []), [XML.Text "reverse rewrite functions"])
   547 fun prepa12xml j (terms, term) =
   548     indt j ^"<PREPAT>\n"^
   549     indt (j+i) ^"<PRECONDS>\n"^
   550     terms2xml (j+2*i) terms ^
   551     indt (j+i) ^"</PRECONDS>\n"^
   552     indt (j+i) ^"<PATTERN>\n"^
   553     term2xml (j+2*i) term ^
   554     indt (j+i) ^"</PATTERN>\n"^
   555     indt j ^"</PREPAT>\n" : xml;
   557 fun prepat2xml j [] = ""
   558   | prepat2xml j (p::ps) = prepa12xml j p ^ prepat2xml j ps : xml;
   560 (* val (j, (thyID, seqrls, {id, preconds, rew_ord=(ord,_), erls,
   561 			    srls, calc, rules, scr})) = 
   562 	   (j, (thyID, "Seq", data));
   563    *)
   564 fun rls2xm j (thyID, seqrls, {id, preconds, rew_ord=(ord,_), erls,
   565 		      srls, calc, rules, errpatts, scr}) =
   566     indt j ^"<RULESET>\n"^
   567     indt (j+i) ^"<ID> "^ id ^" </ID>\n"^
   568     indt (j+i) ^"<TYPE> "^ seqrls ^" </TYPE>\n"^
   569     indt (j+i) ^"<RULES>\n" ^
   570     rules2xml (j+2*i) thyID rules ^
   571     indt (j+i) ^"</RULES>\n" ^
   572     indt (j+i) ^"<PRECONDS> " ^
   573     terms2xml' (j+2*i) preconds ^
   574     indt (j+i) ^"</PRECONDS>\n" ^
   575     indt (j+i) ^"<ORDER>\n" ^
   576     indt (j+2*i) ^ "<STRING> " ^ ord ^ " </STRING>\n" ^
   577 (*WN060714 thy_isac_*-ord-*.xml not yet generated ................
   578     indt (j+2*i) ^ "<GUH> " ^ ord2guh ("IsacKnowledge", 
   579 				      thyID) ord ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
   580 ..................................................................*)
   581     indt (j+i) ^"</ORDER>\n" ^
   582     indt (j+i) ^"<ERLS>\n" ^
   583     indt (j+2*i) ^ "<TAG> Ruleset </TAG>\n" ^
   584     indt (j+2*i) ^ "<STRING> " ^ id_rls erls ^ " </STRING>\n" ^
   585     indt (j+2*i) ^ "<GUH> " ^ rls2guh ("IsacKnowledge", thyID) 
   586 				     (id_rls erls) ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
   587     indt (j+i) ^"</ERLS>\n" ^
   588     indt (j+i) ^"<SRLS>\n" ^
   589     indt (j+2*i) ^ "<TAG> Ruleset </TAG>\n" ^
   590     indt (j+2*i) ^ "<STRING> " ^ id_rls erls ^ " </STRING>\n" ^
   591     indt (j+2*i) ^ "<GUH> " ^ rls2guh ("IsacKnowledge", thyID) 
   592 				     (id_rls srls) ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
   593     indt (j+i) ^"</SRLS>\n" ^
   594     calcrefs2xml (j+i) (thyID, calc) ^
   595     scr2xml (j+i) scr ^
   596     indt j ^"</RULESET>\n" : xml;
   598 fun rls2xml j (thyID, Erls) = rls2xml j (thyID, e_rls)
   599   | rls2xml j (thyID, Rls data) = rls2xm j (thyID, "Rls", data)
   600   | rls2xml j (thyID, Seq data) = rls2xm j (thyID, "Seq", data)
   601   | rls2xml j (thyID, Rrls {id, prepat, rew_ord=(ord,_), erls, calc, errpatts, scr}) = 
   602     indt j ^"<RULESET>\n"^
   603     indt (j+i) ^"<ID> "^ id ^" </ID>\n"^
   604     indt (j+i) ^"<TYPE> Rrls </TYPE>\n"^
   605     prepat2xml (j+i) prepat ^
   606     indt (j+i) ^"<ORDER> " ^
   607     indt (j+2*i) ^ "<TAG> Rewrite order </TAG>\n" ^
   608     indt (j+2*i) ^ "<STRING> " ^ ord ^ " </STRING>\n" ^
   609 (*WN060714 thy_isac_*-ord-*.xml not yet generated ................
   610     indt (j+2*i) ^ "<GUH> " ^ ord2guh ("IsacKnowledge", 
   611 				      thyID) ord ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
   612 .................................................................*)
   613     indt (j+i) ^"</ORDER>\n" ^
   614     indt (j+i) ^"<ERLS> " ^
   615     indt (j+2*i) ^ "<TAG> Ruleset </TAG>\n" ^
   616     indt (j+2*i) ^ "<STRING> " ^ id_rls erls ^ " </STRING>\n" ^
   617     indt (j+2*i) ^ "<GUH> " ^ rls2guh ("IsacKnowledge", thyID) (id_rls erls) ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
   618     indt (j+i) ^"</ERLS>\n" ^
   619     calcrefs2xml (j+i) (thyID, calc) ^
   620     indt (j+i) ^"<SCRIPT>\n"^ 
   621     scr2xml (j+2*i) scr ^
   622     indt (j+i) ^" </SCRIPT>\n"^
   623     indt j ^"</RULESET>\n" : xml;
   625 (*.convert a tactic into xml-format
   626    ATTENTION: WN060513 detected faulty 'cterm2xml's with 'string's as args.*)
   627 fun tac2xml j (Subproblem (dI, pI)) =
   628     (indt j ^"<SUBPROBLEMTACTIC name=\"Subproblem\">\n"^
   629     indt (j+i) ^"<THEORY> "^ dI ^" </THEORY>\n"^
   630     indt (j+i) ^"<PROBLEM>\n"^
   631     id2xml (j+2*i) pI^
   632     indt (j+i) ^"</PROBLEM>\n"^
   633     indt j ^"</SUBPROBLEMTACTIC>\n"):xml
   634   | tac2xml j Model_Problem =
   635     (indt j ^"<STRINGLISTTACTIC name=\"Model_Problem\">"^
   636     indt j ^"</STRINGLISTTACTIC>\n"):xml
   637   | tac2xml j (Refine_Tacitly pI) =
   638     (indt j ^"<STRINGLISTTACTIC name=\"Refine_Tacitly\">\n"^
   639     id2xml (j+i) pI^
   640     indt j ^"</STRINGLISTTACTIC>\n"):xml
   642   | tac2xml j (Add_Given ct) =
   643     (indt j ^"<SIMPLETACTIC name=\"Add_Given\">\n"^
   644     cterm2xml (j+i) ct^
   645     indt j ^"</SIMPLETACTIC>\n"):xml
   646   | tac2xml j (Add_Find ct) =
   647     (indt j ^"<SIMPLETACTIC name=\"Add_Find\">\n"^
   648     cterm2xml (j+i) ct^
   649     indt j ^"</SIMPLETACTIC>\n"):xml
   650   | tac2xml j (Add_Relation ct) =
   651     (indt j ^"<SIMPLETACTIC name=\"Add_Relation\">\n"^
   652     cterm2xml (j+i) ct^
   653     indt j ^"</SIMPLETACTIC>\n"):xml
   655   | tac2xml j (Specify_Theory ct) =
   656     (indt j ^"<SIMPLETACTIC name=\"Specify_Theory\">\n"^
   657     cterm2xml (j+i) ct^(*WN060513 Specify_Theory = fn : domID -> tac
   658 and domID is a string, not a cterm *)
   659     indt j ^"</SIMPLETACTIC>\n"):xml
   660   | tac2xml j (Specify_Problem ct) =
   661     (indt j ^"<STRINGLISTTACTIC name=\"Specify_Problem\">\n"^
   662     id2xml (j+i) ct^
   663     indt j ^"</STRINGLISTTACTIC>\n"):xml
   664   | tac2xml j (Specify_Method ct) =
   665     (indt j ^"<STRINGLISTTACTIC name=\"Specify_Method\">\n"^
   666     id2xml (j+i) ct^
   667     indt j ^"</STRINGLISTTACTIC>\n"):xml
   668   | tac2xml j (Apply_Method mI) =
   669     (indt j ^"<STRINGLISTTACTIC name=\"Apply_Method\">\n"^
   670     id2xml (j+i) mI^
   671     indt j ^"</STRINGLISTTACTIC>\n"):xml
   673   | tac2xml j (Take ct) =
   674     (indt j ^"<SIMPLETACTIC name=\"Take\">\n"^
   675     cterm2xml (j+i) ct^
   676     indt j ^"</SIMPLETACTIC>\n"):xml
   677   | tac2xml j (Calculate opstr) =
   678     (indt j ^"<SIMPLETACTIC name=\"Calculate\">\n"^
   679     cterm2xml (j+i) opstr^(*WN060513 Calculate = fn : string -> tac
   680 			'string', _NOT_ 'cterm' ..flaw from RG*)
   681     indt j ^"</SIMPLETACTIC>\n"):xml
   682 (* val (j, Rewrite thm') = (i, tac);
   683    *)
   684   | tac2xml j (Rewrite thm') =
   685     (indt j ^"<REWRITETACTIC name=\"Rewrite\">\n"^
   686     thm'2xml (j+i) thm'^
   687     indt j ^"</REWRITETACTIC>\n"):xml
   688 (* writeln (tac2xml 2 (Rewrite ("all_left",
   689 				"~ ?b =!= 0 ==> (?a = ?b) = (?a - ?b = 0)")));
   690    val (j, (Rewrite_Inst (subs, thm'))) = (i, tac);
   691    *)
   692   | tac2xml j (Rewrite_Inst (subs, thm')) =
   693     (indt j ^"<REWRITEINSTTACTIC name=\"Rewrite_Inst\">\n"^
   694     subs2xml (j+i) subs^
   695     thm'2xml (j+i) thm'^
   696     indt j ^"</REWRITEINSTTACTIC>\n"):xml
   697 (* writeln (tac2xml 2 (Rewrite_Inst
   698 			   (["(bdv,x)"],
   699 			    ("all_left",
   700 			     "~ ?b =!= 0 ==> (?a = ?b) = (?a - ?b = 0)"))));
   701    *)
   702   | tac2xml j (Rewrite_Set rls') =
   703     (indt j ^"<REWRITESETTACTIC name=\"Rewrite_Set\">\n"^
   704     indt (j+i) ^"<RULESET> "^ rls' ^" </RULESET>\n"^
   705     indt j ^"</REWRITESETTACTIC>\n"):xml
   706   | tac2xml j (Rewrite_Set_Inst (subs, rls')) =
   707     (indt j ^"<REWRITESETINSTTACTIC name=\"Rewrite_Set_Inst\">\n"^
   708     indt (j+i) ^"<RULESET> "^ rls' ^" </RULESET>\n"^
   709     subs2xml (j+i) subs^
   710     indt j ^"</REWRITESETINSTTACTIC>\n"):xml
   712   | tac2xml j (Or_to_List) =
   713     (indt j ^"<STRINGLISTTACTIC name=\"Or_to_List\"> </STRINGLISTTACTIC>\n"):xml
   714   | tac2xml j (Check_elementwise ct) =
   715     (indt j ^"<SIMPLETACTIC name=\"Check_elementwise\">\n"^
   716     cterm2xml (j+i) ct ^ "\n"^
   717     indt j ^"</SIMPLETACTIC>\n"):xml
   718   (*WN0605 quick and dirty: cterms is _NOT_ a stringlist like pblID...*)
   719   | tac2xml j (Substitute cterms) =
   720     (indt j ^"<STRINGLISTTACTIC name=\"Substitute\">\n"^
   721     (*cterms2xml (j+i) cterms^  ....should be WN060514: TODO TERMLISTTACTIC?*)
   722     id2xml (j+i) cterms^
   723     indt j ^"</STRINGLISTTACTIC>\n"):xml
   724   | tac2xml j (Check_Postcond pI) =
   725     (indt j ^"<STRINGLISTTACTIC name=\"Check_Postcond\">\n"^
   726     id2xml (j+i) pI^
   727     indt j ^"</STRINGLISTTACTIC>\n"):xml
   728   | tac2xml j tac = error ("tac2xml: not impl. for "^tac2str tac);
   729 fun xml_of_tac (Subproblem (dI, pI)) =
   730     XML.Elem (("SUBPROBLEMTACTIC", [("name", "Subproblem")]), [
   731       XML.Elem (("THEORY", []), [XML.Text dI]),
   732       XML.Elem (("PROBLEM", []), [xml_of_strs pI])])
   733   | xml_of_tac Model_Problem =
   734     XML.Elem (("STRINGLISTTACTIC", [("name", "Model_Problem")]), [])
   735   | xml_of_tac (Refine_Tacitly pI) =
   736     XML.Elem (("STRINGLISTTACTIC", [("name", "Refine_Tacitly")]), [xml_of_strs pI])
   737   | xml_of_tac (Add_Given ct) =
   738     XML.Elem (("SIMPLETACTIC", [("name", "Add_Given")]), [xml_of_cterm ct])
   739   | xml_of_tac (Add_Find ct) =
   740     XML.Elem (("SIMPLETACTIC", [("name", "Add_Find")]), [xml_of_cterm ct])
   741   | xml_of_tac (Add_Relation ct) =
   742     XML.Elem (("SIMPLETACTIC", [("name", "Add_Relation")]), [xml_of_cterm ct])
   743   | xml_of_tac (Specify_Theory ct) =
   744     (*WN060513 Specify_Theory = fn : domID -> tac and domID is a string, not a cterm *)
   745     XML.Elem (("SIMPLETACTIC", [("name", "Specify_Theory")]), [xml_of_cterm ct])
   746   | xml_of_tac (Specify_Problem ct) =
   747     XML.Elem (("STRINGLISTTACTIC", [("name", "Specify_Problem")]), [xml_of_strs ct])
   748   | xml_of_tac (Specify_Method ct) =
   749     XML.Elem (("STRINGLISTTACTIC", [("name", "Specify_Method")]), [xml_of_strs ct])
   750   | xml_of_tac (Apply_Method mI) =
   751     XML.Elem (("STRINGLISTTACTIC", [("name", "Specify_Method")]), [xml_of_strs mI])
   752   | xml_of_tac (Take ct) =
   753     XML.Elem (("SIMPLETACTIC", [("name", "Take")]), [xml_of_cterm ct])
   754   | xml_of_tac (Calculate opstr) =
   755     (*WN060513 Calculate = fn : string -> tac 'string', _NOT_ 'cterm' ..flaw from RG*)
   756     XML.Elem (("SIMPLETACTIC", [("name", "Take")]), [xml_of_cterm opstr])
   757   | xml_of_tac (Rewrite thm') =
   758     XML.Elem (("REWRITETACTIC", [("name", "Rewrite")]), [xml_of_thm' thm'])
   759   | xml_of_tac (Rewrite_Inst (subs, thm')) =
   760     XML.Elem (("REWRITEINSTTACTIC", [("name", "Rewrite_Inst")]), (
   761       xml_of_subs subs ::
   762       xml_of_thm' thm' :: []))
   763   | xml_of_tac (Rewrite_Set rls') =
   764     XML.Elem (("REWRITESETTACTIC", [("name", "Rewrite_Set")]), [XML.Text rls'])
   765   | xml_of_tac (Rewrite_Set_Inst (subs, rls')) =
   766     XML.Elem (("REWRITESETINSTTACTIC", [("name", "Rewrite_Set_Inst")]), (
   767       XML.Elem (("RULESET", []), [XML.Text rls']) ::
   768       xml_of_subs subs ::[]))
   769   | xml_of_tac (Or_to_List) =
   770     XML.Elem (("STRINGLISTTACTIC", [("name", "Or_to_List")]), [])
   771   | xml_of_tac (Check_elementwise ct) =
   772     XML.Elem (("SIMPLETACTIC", [("name", "Check_elementwise")]), [xml_of_cterm ct])
   773   | xml_of_tac (Substitute cterms) =
   774     (*WN0605 quick and dirty: cterms is _NOT_ a stringlist like pblID...
   775       cterms2xml (j+i) cterms^  ....should be WN060514: TODO TERMLISTTACTIC?*)
   776     XML.Elem (("STRINGLISTTACTIC", [("name", "Substitute")]), [xml_of_strs cterms])
   777   | xml_of_tac (Check_Postcond pI) =
   778     XML.Elem (("STRINGLISTTACTIC", [("name", "Or_to_List")]), [xml_of_strs pI])
   779   | xml_of_tac tac = error ("xml_of_tac: not impl. for " ^ tac2str tac);
   781 fun tacs2xml j [] = "":xml
   782   | tacs2xml j (t::ts) = tac2xml j t ^ tacs2xml j ts;
   785 fun posformhead2xml j (p:pos', Form f) =
   786     indt j ^"<CALCFORMULA>\n"^
   787     pos'2xml (j+i) ("POSITION", p) ^
   788     indt (j+i) ^"<FORMULA>\n"^
   789     term2xml (j+i) f^"\n"^
   790     indt (j+i) ^"</FORMULA>\n"^
   791     indt j ^"</CALCFORMULA>\n"
   792   | posformhead2xml j (p, ModSpec c) =
   793     pos'calchead2xml (j) (p, c);
   795 fun posformheads2xml j [] = ("":xml)
   796   | posformheads2xml j (r::rs) = posformhead2xml j r ^ posformheads2xml j rs;
   798 val e_pblterm = (term_of o the o (parse @{theory Script})) 
   799 		    ("Problem (" ^ e_domID ^ "," ^ strs2str' e_pblID ^ ")");
   801 (*WN051224 minimal adaption to exporting Formulae _only_ by getFormulaeFromTo*)
   802 fun posterm2xml j (p:pos', t) =
   803     indt j ^"<CALCFORMULA>\n"^
   804     pos'2xml (j+i) ("POSITION", p) ^
   805     indt (j+i) ^"<FORMULA>\n"^
   806     (if t = e_pblterm (*headline in pbl is e_ <- _root_pbl for CAS-command*)
   807      then cterm2xml (j+i) "________________________________________________" 
   808      else term2xml (j+i) t)^"\n" ^
   809     indt (j+i) ^"</FORMULA>\n"^
   810     indt j ^"</CALCFORMULA>\n";
   811 fun xml_of_posterm ((p : pos'), t) = 
   812   XML.Elem (("CALCFORMULA", []),
   813     [xml_of_pos "POSITION" p,
   814     XML.Elem (("FORMULA", []), [
   815       if t = e_pblterm (*headline in pbl is e_ <- _root_pbl for CAS-command*)
   816       then xml_of_cterm "________________________________________________"
   817       else xml_of_term t])])
   819 fun posterms2xml j [] = ("":xml)
   820   | posterms2xml j (r::rs) = posterm2xml j r ^ posterms2xml j rs;
   822 fun  asm_val2xml j (asm, vl) = 
   823     indt j ^ "<ASMEVALUATED>\n" ^
   824     indt (j+i) ^ "<ASM>\n" ^
   825     term2xml (j+i) asm ^ "\n" ^
   826     indt (j+i) ^ "</ASM>\n" ^
   827     indt (j+i) ^ "<VALUE>\n" ^
   828     term2xml (j+i) vl ^ "\n" ^
   829     indt (j+i) ^ "</VALUE>\n" ^
   830     indt j ^ "</ASMEVALUATED>\n" : xml;
   831 fun xml_of_asm_val (asm, vl) =
   832   XML.Elem (("ASMEVALUATED", []),[
   833     XML.Elem (("ASM", []), [xml_of_term asm]),
   834     XML.Elem (("VALUE", []), [xml_of_term vl])])
   836 fun asm_vals2xml j [] = ("":xml)
   837   | asm_vals2xml j (asm_val::avs) = asm_val2xml j asm_val ^
   838 				    asm_vals2xml j avs;
   840 (*.a reference to an element in the theory hierarchy; 
   841    compare 'fun keref2xml'.*)
   842 (* val (j, thyID, typ, xstring) = 
   843        (i+i, snd (thy_containing_rls thy' prls'), "Rulesets", prls');
   844    *)
   845 fun theref2xml j (thyID:thyID) typ (xstring:xstring) =
   846     let val guh = theID2guh ["IsacKnowledge", thyID, typ, xstring]
   847 	val typ' = (implode o (drop_last_n 1) o Symbol.explode) typ
   848     in indt j ^ "<KESTOREREF>\n" ^
   849        indt (j+i) ^ "<TAG> " ^ typ' ^ " </TAG>\n" ^
   850        indt (j+i) ^ "<ID> " ^ xstring ^ " </ID>\n" ^
   851        indt (j+i) ^ "<GUH> " ^ guh ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
   852        indt j ^ "</KESTOREREF>\n" : xml
   853     end;
   854 fun xml_of_theref (thyid : thyID) typ (xstring : xstring) =
   855   let 
   856     val guh = theID2guh ["IsacKnowledge", thyid, typ, xstring]
   857     val typ' = (implode o (drop_last_n 1) o Symbol.explode) typ
   858   in 
   859     XML.Elem (("KESTOREREF", []),[
   860       XML.Elem (("TAG", []), [XML.Text typ']),
   861       XML.Elem (("ID", []), [XML.Text xstring]),
   862       XML.Elem (("GUH", []), [XML.Text guh])])
   863   end
   864 (*.a reference to an element in the kestore EXCEPT theory hierarchy; 
   865    compare 'fun theref2xml'.*)
   866 (* val (j, typ, kestoreID) = (i+i, Met_, hd met);
   867    *)
   868 fun keref2xml j typ (kestoreID:kestoreID) =
   869     let val id = strs2str' kestoreID
   870 	val guh = kestoreID2guh typ kestoreID
   871     in indt j ^ "<KESTOREREF>\n" ^
   872        indt (j+i) ^ "<TAG> " ^ ketype2str' typ ^ "</TAG>\n" ^
   873        indt (j+i) ^ "<ID> " ^ id ^ " </ID>\n" ^
   874        indt (j+i) ^ "<GUH> " ^ guh ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
   875        indt j ^ "</KESTOREREF>\n" : xml
   876     end;
   878 (*url to a source external to isac*)
   879 fun extref2xml j linktext url =
   880     indt j ^ "<EXTREF>\n" ^
   881     indt (j+i) ^ "<TEXT> " ^ linktext ^ " </TEXT>\n" ^
   882     indt (j+i) ^ "<URL> " ^ url ^ " </URL>\n" ^
   883     indt j ^ "</EXTREF>\n" : xml;
   885 (* val (ContThmInst{thyID, thm, bdvs, thminst, applto, applat, reword,
   886 		    asms, lhs, rhs, result, resasms, asmrls}) =
   887        (context_thy (pt,pos) tac);
   888 writeln (contthy2xml 2 (context_thy (pt,pos) tac));
   889    *)
   890 fun contthy2xml j EContThy =
   891     error "contthy2xml called with EContThy"
   892   | contthy2xml j (ContThm {thyID, thm, applto, applat, reword, 
   893 				 asms,lhs, rhs, result, resasms, asmrls}) =
   894     indt j ^ "<GUH> " ^ thm ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
   896     indt j ^ "<APPLTO>\n" ^
   897     term2xml j applto ^ "\n" ^
   898     indt j ^ "</APPLTO>\n" ^
   899     indt j ^ "<APPLAT>\n" ^
   900     term2xml j applat ^ "\n" ^
   901     indt j ^ "</APPLAT>\n" ^
   902     indt j ^ "<ORDER>\n" ^ (*should be a theref2xml*)
   903     indt (j+i) ^"<ID> " ^ reword ^ " </ID>\n" ^
   904     indt j ^ "</ORDER>\n" ^
   905     indt j ^ "<ASMSEVAL>\n" ^
   906     asm_vals2xml (j+i) asms ^
   907     indt j ^ "</ASMSEVAL>\n" ^
   908     indt j ^ "<LHS>\n" ^
   909     term2xml j (fst lhs) ^ "\n" ^
   910     indt j ^ "</LHS>\n" ^
   911     indt j ^ "<LHSINST>\n" ^
   912     term2xml j (snd lhs) ^ "\n" ^
   913     indt j ^ "</LHSINST>\n" ^
   914     indt j ^ "<RHS>\n" ^
   915     term2xml j (fst rhs) ^ "\n" ^
   916     indt j ^ "</RHS>\n" ^
   917     indt j ^ "<RHSINST>\n" ^
   918     term2xml j (snd rhs) ^ "\n" ^
   919     indt j ^ "</RHSINST>\n" ^
   920     indt j ^ "<RESULT>\n" ^
   921     term2xml j result ^ "\n" ^
   922     indt j ^ "</RESULT>\n" ^
   923     indt j ^ "<ASSUMPTIONS>\n" ^
   924     terms2xml' j resasms ^
   925     indt j ^ "</ASSUMPTIONS>\n" ^
   926     indt j ^ "<EVALRLS>\n" ^
   927     theref2xml j thyID "Rulesets" asmrls ^
   928     indt j ^ "</EVALRLS>\n"
   929   | contthy2xml j (ContThmInst{thyID, thm, bdvs, thminst, applto, applat, 
   930 				    reword, asms, lhs, rhs, result, resasms, 
   931 				    asmrls}) =
   932     indt j ^ "<GUH> " ^ thm ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
   933     indt j ^ "<SUBSLIST>\n" ^ (*should be an environment = substitution*)
   934     indt (j+i) ^ "<MATHML>\n" ^
   935     indt (j+2*i) ^ "<ISA> " ^ subst2str' bdvs ^ " </ISA>\n" ^
   936     indt (j+i) ^ "</MATHML>\n" ^
   937     indt j ^ "</SUBSLIST>\n" ^
   938     indt j ^ "<INSTANTIATED>\n" ^
   939     term2xml j thminst ^ "\n" ^
   940     indt j ^ "</INSTANTIATED>\n" ^
   941     indt j ^ "<APPLTO>\n" ^
   942     term2xml j applto ^ "\n" ^
   943     indt j ^ "</APPLTO>\n" ^
   944     indt j ^ "<APPLAT>\n" ^
   945     term2xml j applat ^ "\n" ^
   946     indt j ^ "</APPLAT>\n" ^
   947     indt j ^ "<ORDER>\n" ^ (*should be a theref2xml*)
   948     indt (j+i) ^"<ID> " ^ reword ^ " </ID>\n" ^
   949     indt j ^ "</ORDER>\n" ^
   950     indt j ^ "<ASMSEVAL>\n" ^
   951     asm_vals2xml (j+i) asms ^
   952     indt j ^ "</ASMSEVAL>\n" ^
   953     indt j ^ "<LHS>\n" ^
   954     term2xml j (fst lhs) ^ "\n" ^
   955     indt j ^ "</LHS>\n" ^
   956     indt j ^ "<LHSINST>\n" ^
   957     term2xml j (snd lhs) ^ "\n" ^
   958     indt j ^ "</LHSINST>\n" ^
   959     indt j ^ "<RHS>\n" ^
   960     term2xml j (fst rhs) ^ "\n" ^
   961     indt j ^ "</RHS>\n" ^
   962     indt j ^ "<RHSINST>\n" ^
   963     term2xml j (snd rhs) ^ "\n" ^
   964     indt j ^ "</RHSINST>\n" ^
   965     indt j ^ "<RESULT>\n" ^
   966     term2xml j result ^ "\n" ^
   967     indt j ^ "</RESULT>\n" ^
   968     indt j ^ "<ASSUMPTOIONS>\n" ^
   969     terms2xml' j resasms ^
   970     indt j ^ "</ASSUMPTOIONS>\n" ^
   971     indt j ^ "<EVALRLS>\n" ^
   972     theref2xml j thyID "Rulesets" asmrls ^
   973     indt j ^ "</EVALRLS>\n"
   975   | contthy2xml j (ContRls {thyID, rls, applto, result, asms}) =
   976     indt j ^ "<GUH> " ^ rls ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
   977     indt j ^ "<APPLTO>\n" ^
   978     term2xml j applto ^ "\n" ^
   979     indt j ^ "</APPLTO>\n" ^
   980     indt j ^ "<RESULT>\n" ^
   981     term2xml j result ^ "\n" ^
   982     indt j ^ "</RESULT>\n" ^
   983     indt j ^ "<ASSUMPTOIONS>\n" ^
   984     terms2xml' j asms ^
   985     indt j ^ "</ASSUMPTOIONS>\n"
   987   | contthy2xml j (ContRlsInst {thyID, rls, bdvs, applto, result, asms}) =
   988     indt j ^ "<GUH> " ^ rls ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
   989     indt j ^ "<SUBSLIST>\n" ^ (*should be an environment = substitution*)
   990     indt (j+i) ^ "<MATHML>\n" ^
   991     indt (j+2*i) ^ "<ISA> " ^ subst2str' bdvs ^ " </ISA>\n" ^
   992     indt (j+i) ^ "</MATHML>\n" ^
   993     indt j ^ "</SUBSLIST>\n" ^
   994     indt j ^ "<APPLTO>\n" ^
   995     term2xml j applto ^ "\n" ^
   996     indt j ^ "</APPLTO>\n" ^
   997     indt j ^ "<RESULT>\n" ^
   998     term2xml j result ^ "\n" ^
   999     indt j ^ "</RESULT>\n" ^
  1000     indt j ^ "<ASSUMPTOIONS>\n" ^
  1001     terms2xml' j asms ^
  1002     indt j ^ "</ASSUMPTOIONS>\n"
  1004   | contthy2xml j (ContNOrew {thyID, thm_rls, applto}) =
  1005     indt j ^ "<GUH> " ^ thm_rls ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
  1006     indt j ^ "<APPLTO>\n" ^
  1007     term2xml j applto ^ "\n" ^
  1008     indt j ^ "</APPLTO>\n"
  1010   | contthy2xml j (ContNOrewInst{thyID, thm_rls, bdvs, thminst, applto}) =
  1011     indt j ^ "<GUH> " ^ thm_rls ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
  1012     indt j ^ "<SUBSLIST>\n" ^ (*should be an environment = substitution*)
  1013     indt (j+i) ^ "<MATHML>\n" ^
  1014     indt (j+2*i) ^ "<ISA> " ^ subst2str' bdvs ^ " </ISA>\n" ^
  1015     indt (j+i) ^ "</MATHML>\n" ^
  1016     indt j ^ "</SUBSLIST>\n" ^
  1017     indt j ^ "<INSTANTIATED>\n" ^
  1018     term2xml j thminst ^ "\n" ^
  1019     indt j ^ "</INSTANTIATED>\n" ^
  1020     indt j ^ "<APPLTO>\n" ^
  1021     term2xml j applto ^ "\n" ^
  1022     indt j ^ "</APPLTO>\n" : xml;
  1023 fun xml_of_contthy EContThy =
  1024     error "contthy2xml called with EContThy"
  1026   | xml_of_contthy (ContThm {thyID, thm, applto, applat, reword, 
  1027 				asms,lhs, rhs, result, resasms, asmrls}) =
  1028     [XML.Elem (("GUH", []), [XML.Text thm]),
  1029     XML.Elem (("APPLTO", []), [xml_of_term applto]),
  1030     XML.Elem (("APPLAT", []), [xml_of_term applat]),
  1031     XML.Elem (("ORDER", []), [ (* should be a theref2xml *)
  1032       XML.Elem (("ID", []), [XML.Text reword])]),
  1033     XML.Elem (("ASMSEVAL", []), map xml_of_asm_val asms),
  1034     XML.Elem (("LHS", []), [xml_of_term (fst lhs)]),
  1035     XML.Elem (("LHSINST", []), [xml_of_term (snd lhs)]),
  1036     XML.Elem (("RHS", []), [xml_of_term (fst rhs)]),
  1037     XML.Elem (("RHSINST", []), [xml_of_term (snd rhs)]),
  1038     XML.Elem (("RESULT", []), [xml_of_term result]),
  1039     XML.Elem (("ASSUMPTIONS", []), map xml_of_term resasms),
  1040     XML.Elem (("EVALRLS", []), [xml_of_theref thyID "Rulesets" asmrls])]
  1042   | xml_of_contthy (ContThmInst {thyID, thm, bdvs, thminst, applto, applat, 
  1043 				reword, asms, lhs, rhs, result, resasms, asmrls}) =
  1044     [XML.Elem (("GUH", []), [XML.Text thm]),
  1045     XML.Elem (("SUBSLIST", []), [ (* should be an environment = substitution *)
  1046       xml_of_cterm (subst2str' bdvs)]),
  1047     XML.Elem (("INSTANTIATED", []), [xml_of_term thminst]),
  1048     XML.Elem (("APPLTO", []), [xml_of_term applto]),
  1049     XML.Elem (("APPLAT", []), [xml_of_term applat]),
  1050     XML.Elem (("ORDER", []), [ (* should be a theref2xml *)
  1051       XML.Elem (("ID", []), [XML.Text reword])]),
  1052     XML.Elem (("ASMSEVAL", []), map xml_of_asm_val asms),
  1053     XML.Elem (("LHS", []), [xml_of_term (fst lhs)]),
  1054     XML.Elem (("LHSINST", []), [xml_of_term (snd lhs)]),
  1055     XML.Elem (("RHS", []), [xml_of_term (fst rhs)]),
  1056     XML.Elem (("RHSINST", []), [xml_of_term (snd rhs)]),
  1057     XML.Elem (("RESULT", []), [xml_of_term result]),
  1058     XML.Elem (("ASSUMPTIONS", []), map xml_of_term resasms),
  1059     XML.Elem (("EVALRLS", []), [xml_of_theref thyID "Rulesets" asmrls])]
  1061   | xml_of_contthy (ContRls {thyID = _, rls, applto, result, asms}) =
  1062     [XML.Elem (("GUH", []), [XML.Text rls]),
  1063     XML.Elem (("APPLTO", []), [xml_of_term applto]),
  1064     XML.Elem (("RESULT", []), [xml_of_term result]),
  1065     XML.Elem (("ASSUMPTIONS", []), map xml_of_term asms)]
  1067   | xml_of_contthy (ContRlsInst {thyID = _, rls, bdvs, applto, result, asms}) =
  1068     [XML.Elem (("GUH", []), [XML.Text rls]),
  1069     XML.Elem (("SUBSLIST", []), [ (* should be an environment = substitution *)
  1070       xml_of_cterm (subst2str' bdvs)]),
  1071     XML.Elem (("INSTANTIATED", []), [xml_of_cterm (subst2str' bdvs)]),
  1072     XML.Elem (("APPLTO", []), [xml_of_term applto]),
  1073     XML.Elem (("RESULT", []), [xml_of_term result]),
  1074     XML.Elem (("ASSUMPTIONS", []), map xml_of_term asms)]
  1076   | xml_of_contthy (ContNOrew {thyID = _, thm_rls, applto}) =
  1077     [XML.Elem (("GUH", []), [XML.Text thm_rls]),
  1078     XML.Elem (("APPLTO", []), [xml_of_term applto])]
  1080   | xml_of_contthy (ContNOrewInst{thyID = _, thm_rls, bdvs, thminst, applto}) =
  1081     [XML.Elem (("GUH", []), [XML.Text thm_rls]),
  1082     XML.Elem (("SUBSLIST", []), [ (* should be an environment = substitution *)
  1083       xml_of_cterm (subst2str' bdvs)]),
  1084     XML.Elem (("INSTANTIATED", []), [xml_of_term thminst]),
  1085     XML.Elem (("APPLTO", []), [xml_of_term applto])]
  1087 fun xml_of_calcchanged calcid tag old del new = 
  1088   XML.Elem ((tag, []),[
  1089     XML.Elem (("CALCID", []), [XML.Text (string_of_int calcid)]),
  1090     XML.Elem (("CALCCHANGED", []), [
  1091       xml_of_pos "UNCHANGED" old,
  1092       xml_of_pos "DELETED" del,
  1093       xml_of_pos "GENERATED" new])])
  1094 (*------------------------------------------------------------------
  1095 end
  1096 open datatypes;
  1097 ------------------------------------------------------------------*)