author Walther Neuper <walther.neuper@jku.at>
Sat, 19 Oct 2019 14:59:09 +0200
changeset 59666 f461cae19cd4
parent 59660 164aa2e799ef
child 59667 fafc01fa1546
permissions -rw-r--r--
lucin: assimilate signatures
     1 (* Title:  "Minisubpbl/250-Rewrite_Set-from-method.sml"
     2    Author: Walther Neuper 1105
     3    (c) copyright due to lincense terms.
     4 *)
     6 "----------- Minisubpbl/250-Rewrite_Set-from-method.sml ----------";
     7 "----------- Minisubpbl/250-Rewrite_Set-from-method.sml ----------";
     8 "----------- Minisubpbl/250-Rewrite_Set-from-method.sml ----------";
     9 val fmz = ["equality (x+1=(2::real))", "solveFor x","solutions L"];
    10 val (dI',pI',mI') =
    11   ("Test", ["sqroot-test","univariate","equation","test"],
    12    ["Test","squ-equ-test-subpbl1"]);
    13 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = CalcTreeTEST [(fmz, (dI',pI',mI'))];
    14 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt;
    15 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt;
    16 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt;
    17 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt;
    18 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt;
    19 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt;
    20 (*[], Met*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt; (*nxt = Apply_Method ["Test", "squ-equ-test-subpbl1"]*);
    21 (*[1], Frm*)val (p'''',_,f'''',nxt'''',_,pt'''') = me nxt p [] pt; (*nxt = Rewrite_Set "norm_equation"*)
    23 (*//--1 begin step into relevant call -----------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-----\\
    24       1 relevant for original decomposition                                                     *)
    25 (*[1], Res*)val (p'''_',_,f,nxt'''_',_,pt'''_') = me nxt'''' p'''' [] pt'''';(*nxt = Rewrite_Set "Test_simplify"*)
    27 if p'''' = ([1],  Frm) andalso f'''' = FormKF "x + 1 = 2" andalso fst nxt'''' = "Rewrite_Set"
    28 then () else error "250-Rewrite_Set-from-method.sml: start of test CHANGED";
    30 (* val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = ERROR WAS: nxt = ("Empty_Tac",..*) me nxt p [] pt;
    31 (*                        ERROR WAS: assy: call by ([3], Pbl) *)
    32 "~~~~~ fun me , args:"; val ((_, tac), p, _(*NEW remove*), pt) = (nxt'''', p'''', [], pt'''');
    34 (*ERROR WAS: assy: call by ([3], Pbl)*)
    35 val ("ok", (_, _, ptp''''')) = (*case*) locatetac tac (pt,p) (*of*);
    36 "~~~~~ fun locatetac, args:"; val (tac, (ptp as (pt, p))) = (tac, (pt,p));
    37       val (mI, m) = Solve.mk_tac'_ tac;
    38 val Chead.Appl m = (*case*) Applicable.applicable_in p pt m (*of*);
    39 member op = Solve.specsteps mI (* = false*);
    41 loc_solve_ (mI,m) ptp ;  (* assy: call by ([3], Pbl)*)
    42 "~~~~~ fun loc_solve_, args:"; val (m, (pt, pos)) = ((mI,m), ptp);
    43 Solve.solve m (pt, pos);  (* assy: call by ([3], Pbl)*)
    44     (* step somewhere within a calculation *)
    45 "~~~~~ fun solve, args:"; val ((_, m), (pt, po as (p, p_))) = (m, (pt, pos));
    46 Celem.e_metID = get_obj g_metID pt (par_pblobj pt p) (* = false*);
    47 	      val thy' = get_obj g_domID pt (par_pblobj pt p);
    48 	      val (srls, is, sc) = Lucin.from_pblobj_or_detail' thy' (p,p_) pt;
    50    locate_input_tactic sc (pt, po) (fst is) (snd is) m;  (* assy: call by ([3], Pbl)*)
    51 "~~~~~ fun locate_input_tactic , args:"; val (progr, cstate, istate, ctxt, tac)
    52      = (sc, (pt, po), (fst is), (snd is), m);
    53        val srls = get_simplifier cstate;
    55          (*case*) execute_progr_2 srls m cstate (progr, e_rls(*!!!*)) (istate, ctxt)(*of*);
    56 "~~~~~ fun execute_progr_2 , args:"; val (((*thy',*) srls), m, (pt, p), (scr as Rule.Prog sc, d), (Istate.Pstate (E,l,a,v,S,b), ctxt))
    57   = (srls, m, cstate, (progr, e_rls(*!!!*)), (istate, ctxt));
    58    (*if*)l = [] orelse ((last_elem o fst) p = 0 andalso snd p = Res) (*then*);
    60 (*val Assoc (scrstate, steps) =     in isabisacREP*)
    61 (*ERROR  assy: call by ([3], Pbl)   in isabisac*)
    62   assy (ctxt,srls, (pt, p), Aundef) ((E,[Celem.R],a,v,S,b), m) (Program.body_of sc);  
    64 (* checked all arguments of assy for equality: isabisac -- isabisacREP *)
    65 "~~~~~ fun assy [1], args:"; val (ya, ((E,l,a,v,S,b), tac), (Const ("HOL.Let",_) $ e $ (Abs (id,T,body))))
    66   = ((ctxt,srls, (pt, p), Aundef), ((E,[Celem.R],a,v,S,b), m), (Program.body_of sc));
    68 (*val Assoc (scrstate, steps) = in isabisac*) assy ya ((E , l @ [Celem.L, Celem.R], a,v,S,b), tac) e;
    69 "~~~~~ fun assy, args:"; val (ya, ((E,l,_,v,S,b),ss),
    70     (Const ("Tactical.Seq"(*1*),_) $e1 $ e2 $ a)) =
    71   (ya, ((E , l @ [Celem.L, Celem.R], a,v,S,b), tac), e);
    73 (*val Assoc (scrstate, steps) =    in isabisacREP*)
    74 (*val NasApp ((E,_,_,v,_,_),ss) =  in isabisac*)
    75   (*case*) assy ya ((E, l @ [Celem.L, Celem.L, Celem.R], SOME a,v,S,b),ss) e1 (*of*);
    76 "~~~~~ fun assy, args:"; val (ya, ((E,l,a,v,S,b),ss), (Const ("Tactical.Try"(*1*),_) $ e)) =
    77   ( ya, ((E, l @ [Celem.L, Celem.L, Celem.R], SOME a,v,S,b),ss), e1);
    79 term2str e1 = "Try (Rewrite_Set ''norm_equation'')"  (*in isabisac*);
    80 term2str e1 = "Try (Rewrite_Set norm_equation)"      (*in isabisacREP*);
    81 termopt2str a = "(SOME e_e)"  (*in isabisac + isabisacREP*);
    83 (*val Assoc (scrstate, steps) =    in isabisacREP*)
    84 (*val NasApp ((E,_,_,v,_,_),ss) =  in isabisac*)
    85 assy ya ((E, l @ [Celem.R], a,v,S,b),ss) e ;
    86     (*======= end of scanning tacticals, a leaf =======*)
    87 "~~~~~ fun assy, args:"; val ((ctxt,sr,(pt,p),ap), ((E,l,a,v,S,_), m), t) =
    88   (ya, ((E, l @ [Celem.R], a,v,S,b),ss), e);
    89 val (a', STac stac) = (*case*) handle_leaf "locate" thy' sr (E, (a, v)) t (*of*);
    91 (*val Ass (m,v') = in isabisacREP*)
    92 (*val NotAss =     in isabisac*)
    93 (*case*) associate pt ctxt (m, stac) (*of*);
    94 "~~~~~ fun associate, args:"; val (_, ctxt, (m as Tactic.Rewrite_Set' (_, _, rls, f, (f', _))), 
    95       (Const ("Prog_Tac.Rewrite'_Set", _) $ rls_ $ f_)) = (pt, d, m, stac);
    97 if Rule.id_rls rls = HOLogic.dest_string rls_ then () else error "Prog_Tac.associate changed";
    99 "~~~~~ continue me[1] after locatetac";
   100     val (pt, p) = ptp''''';
   101 (* isabisac17: val ("helpless", _) = (*case*) step p ((pt, Ctree.e_pos'),[]) (*of*)*)
   102 "~~~~~ fun step, args:"; val ((ip as (_, p_)), (ptp as (pt,p), tacis)) = (p, ((pt, e_pos'),[]));
   103 val pIopt = get_pblID (pt,ip);
   104 (*if*) ip = ([], Ctree.Res) = false;
   105 val _ = (*case*) tacis (*of*);
   106 (*if*) ip = p = false;
   107 (*if*) member op = [Pbl, Met] p_ = false;
   109 "~~~~~ fun do_solve_step, args:"; val (ptp as (pt, pos as (p, p_))) = (pt, ip);
   110 e_metID = get_obj g_metID pt (par_pblobj pt p) = false;
   111         val thy' = get_obj g_domID pt (par_pblobj pt p);
   112 	      val (srls, is, sc) = Lucin.from_pblobj_or_detail' thy' (p,p_) pt;
   114 (* isabisac17: val (tac_, is, (t, _)) = determine_next_tactic (thy', srls) (pt, pos) sc is;
   115 go: no [L,L,R] *)
   116 "~~~~~ fun determine_next_tactic, args:"; val (thy, (ptp as (pt, (p, _))), (sc as Prog (_ $ body)), 
   117 	    (Pstate (E,l,a,v,s,_), ctxt) ) = ((thy', srls), (pt, pos), sc, is);
   118 (*if*) l = [] = false;
   120 (* isabisac17:                             nstep_up thy ptp sc E l Skip_ a v   ERROR go: no [L,L,R] *)
   121 (* isabisac15: val Appy (tac_, scrstate) = nstep_up thy ptp sc E l Skip_ a v *)
   122 "~~~~~ fun nstep_up, args:"; val (thy, ptp, (Prog sc), E, l, ay, a, v) =
   123   (thy, ptp, sc, E, l, Skip_, a, v);
   124 1 < length l = true;
   125 val up = drop_last l; 
   127 if up = [R, L, R, L, L, R] then () else error "250-Rewrite_Set: nstep_up CHANGED";
   128 (*isabisac17: nxt_up thy ptp (Celem.Prog sc) E up ay (go up sc) a v    ERROR go: no [L,L,R]*)
   129 (*isabisac17:                                        (go up sc)        ERROR go: no [L,L,R]*)
   130 (*isabisac15:*)
   131 val ttt as Const ("Tactical.Try", _) $ (Const ("Prog_Tac.Rewrite'_Set", _) $ rls) = (go up sc)
   132 val (Const ("Tactical.Try"(*2*), _) $ _) = ttt;
   133 if term2str ttt = "Try (Rewrite_Set ''norm_equation'')"
   134 then () else error "250-Rewrite_Set: (go up sc) CHANGED";
   136 "~~~~~ fun nxt_up, args:"; val (thy, ptp, scr, E, l, _, (Const ("Tactical.Try"(*2*), _) $ _), a, v) =
   137   (thy, ptp, (Prog sc), E, up, ay, (go up sc), a, v );
   139 (*\\--1 end step into relevant call ----------------------------------------------------------//*)
   141 (*                                               nxt'''_' = Rewrite_Set "Test_simplify"
   142   //--2 begin step into relevant call -----------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-----\\
   143       2 relevant for exception TERM raised (line 297 of "term.ML"): dest_Free -1 + x = 0                                                           *)
   144 (**)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt'''_' p'''_' [] pt'''_';(**)
   145 "~~~~~ fun me , args:"; val ((_, tac), p, _(*NEW remove*), pt) = (nxt'''_', p'''_', [], pt'''_');
   146     val (pt, p) = 
   147 	    (*locatetac is here for testing by me; step would suffice in me*)
   148 	    case locatetac tac (pt, p) of
   149 		    ("ok", (_, _, ptp)) => ptp
   150 	    | ("unsafe-ok", (_, _, ptp)) => ptp
   151 	    | ("not-applicable",_) => (pt, p)
   152 	    | ("end-of-calculation", (_, _, ptp)) => ptp
   153 	    | ("failure", _) => error "sys-error"
   154 	    | _ => error "me: uncovered case"
   156   (*case*) step p ((pt, Ctree.e_pos'), []) (*of*);
   157 "~~~~~ fun step , args:"; val ((ip as (_, p_)), (ptp as (pt,p), tacis))
   158   = (p, ((pt, Ctree.e_pos'), []));
   159      val pIopt = get_pblID (pt,ip);
   160     (*if*) ip = ([], Ctree.Res) (*else*);
   161       val _ = (*case*) tacis (*of*);
   162       val SOME _ = (*case*) pIopt (*of*);
   163       (*if*) member op = [Ctree.Pbl, Ctree.Met] p_ 
   164   	                    andalso is_none (Ctree.get_obj Ctree.g_env pt (fst p)) (*else*);
   166            do_solve_step (pt, ip);
   167 "~~~~~ and do_solve_step , args:"; val (ptp as (pt, pos as (p, p_))) = (pt, ip);
   168     (*if*) Celem.e_metID = get_obj g_metID pt (par_pblobj pt p) (*else*);
   169         val thy' = get_obj g_domID pt (par_pblobj pt p);
   170 	      val (srls, is, sc) = Lucin.from_pblobj_or_detail' thy' (p,p_) pt;
   172 	      (*val (tac_, is, (t, _)) =*) determine_next_tactic (thy', srls) (pt, pos) sc is;
   173 "~~~~~ fun determine_next_tactic , args:"; val (thy, (ptp as (pt, (p, _))), sc, (Istate.Pstate (E,l,a,v,s,_), ctxt))
   174   = ((thy', srls), (pt, pos), sc, is);
   176      (*case*) execute_progr_1 thy ptp sc (Istate.Pstate (E,l,a,v,s,false)) (*of*);
   177 "~~~~~ fun execute_progr_1 , args:"; val (thy, ptp, (sc as Rule.Prog prog), (Istate.Pstate (E, l, a, v, _, _)))
   178   = (thy, ptp, sc, (Istate.Pstate (E,l,a,v,s,false)));
   179     (*if*) l = [] (*else*);
   181       nstep_up thy ptp sc E l Skip_ a v;
   182 "~~~~~ and nstep_up , args:"; val (thy, ptp, (Rule.Prog sc), E, l, ay, a, v)
   183   = (thy, ptp, sc, E, l, Skip_, a, v);
   184     (*if*) 1 < length l (*then*);
   185     val up = drop_last l; 
   187            nxt_up thy ptp (Rule.Prog sc) E up ay (go up sc) a v;
   188 "~~~~~ fun nxt_up , args:"; val (thy, ptp, scr, E, l, _, (Const ("Tactical.Try"(*1*),_) $ _ ), a, v)
   189   = (thy, ptp, (Rule.Prog sc), E, up, ay, (go up sc), a, v);
   191            nstep_up thy ptp scr E l Skip_ a v;
   192 "~~~~~ and nstep_up , args:"; val (thy, ptp, (Rule.Prog sc), E, l, ay, a, v)
   193   = (thy, ptp, scr, E, l, Skip_, a, v);
   194     (*if*) 1 < length l (*then*);
   195     val up = drop_last l; 
   197            nxt_up thy ptp (Rule.Prog sc) E up ay (go up sc) a v;
   198 "~~~~~ fun nxt_up , args:"; val (thy, ptp, scr, E, l, ay, (Const ("Tactical.Seq"(*2*), _) $ _ $ _), a, v)
   199   = (thy, ptp, (Rule.Prog sc), E, up, ay, (go up sc), a, v);
   201     nstep_up thy ptp scr E l ay a v;
   202 "~~~~~ and nstep_up , args:"; val (thy, ptp, (Rule.Prog sc), E, l, ay, a, v)
   203   = (thy, ptp, scr, E, l, ay, a, v);
   204     (*if*) 1 < length l (*then*);
   205     val up = drop_last l; 
   207            nxt_up thy ptp (Rule.Prog sc) E up ay (go up sc) a v;
   208 "~~~~~ fun nxt_up , args:"; val (thy, ptp, scr, E, l, ay, (Const ("Tactical.Seq"(*1*), _) $ _ $ _ $ _), a, v)
   209   = (thy, ptp, (Rule.Prog sc), E, up, ay, (go up sc), a, v);
   211            nstep_up thy ptp scr E l ay a v;
   212 "~~~~~ and nstep_up , args:"; val (thy, ptp, (Rule.Prog sc), E, l, ay, a, v)
   213   = (thy, ptp, scr, E, l, ay, a, v);
   214     (*if*) 1 < length l (*then*);
   215     val up = drop_last l; 
   217            nxt_up thy ptp (Rule.Prog sc) E up ay (go up sc) a v;
   218 "~~~~~ fun nxt_up , args:"; val (thy, ptp, scr, E, l, ay, (Const ("HOL.Let", _) $ _), a, v)
   219   = (thy, ptp, (Rule.Prog sc), E, up, ay, (go up sc), a, v);
   220     (*if*) ay = Napp_ (*else*);
   221         val up = drop_last l
   222         val (i, T, body) =
   223           (case go up sc of
   224              Const ("HOL.Let",_) $ _ $ (Abs aa) => aa
   225            | t => error ("nxt_up..HOL.Let $ _ with " ^ Rule.term2str t))
   226         val i = TermC.mk_Free (i, T)
   227         val E = Env.upd_env E (i, v);
   229   (*case*) appy thy ptp E (up @ [Celem.R, Celem.D]) body a v (*of*);
   230 "~~~~~ fun appy , args:"; val (thy, ptp, E, l, (Const ("HOL.Let",_) $ e $ (Abs (i,T,b))), a, v)
   231   = (thy, ptp, E, (up @ [Celem.R, Celem.D]), body, a, v);
   233   (*case*) appy thy ptp E (l @ [Celem.L, Celem.R]) e a v (*of*);
   234 "~~~~~ fun appy , args:"; val (((th,sr)), (pt, p), E, l, t, a, v)
   235   = (thy, ptp, E, (l @ [Celem.L, Celem.R]), e, a, v);
   236         val (a', STac stac) = (*case*) Lucin.handle_leaf "next  " th sr (E, (a, v)) t (*of*);
   238    (*val (m,m') = Lucin.*) stac2tac_ pt (Celem.assoc_thy th) stac;
   239 "~~~~~ fun stac2tac_ , args:"; val (pt, _, (stac as Const ("Prog_Tac.SubProblem", _) $ spec' $ ags'))
   240   = (pt, (Celem.assoc_thy th), stac);
   241       val (dI, pI, mI) = Prog_Tac.dest_spec spec'
   242       val thy = Stool.common_subthy (Celem.assoc_thy dI, rootthy pt);
   243 	    val ags = TermC.isalist2list ags';
   244 	      (*if*) mI = ["no_met"] (*else*);
   245 	    val (pI, pors, mI) = 
   246         (pI, (Chead.match_ags thy ((#ppc o Specify.get_pbt) pI) ags)
   247 		       handle ERROR "actual args do not match formal args"
   248 		       => (Chead.match_ags_msg pI stac ags(*raise exn*); []), mI)
   249       val (fmz_, vals) = Chead.oris2fmz_vals pors;
   250 	    val {cas,ppc,thy,...} = Specify.get_pbt pI
   251 	    val dI = Rule.theory2theory' thy (*.take dI from _refined_ pbl.*)
   252 	    val dI = Rule.theory2theory' (Stool.common_subthy (Celem.assoc_thy dI, rootthy pt));
   253       val ctxt = ContextC.initialise dI (map TermC.vars vals |> flat |> distinct);
   254 (*\\--2 end step into relevant call ----------------------------------------------------------//*)
   256 if p = ([2], Res) andalso f2str f = "-1 + x = 0" then
   257   case nxt of
   258     ("Subproblem", Subproblem ("Test", ["LINEAR", "univariate", "equation", "test"])) => ()
   259   | _ => error "Minisubpbl/250-Rewrite_Set-from-method changed 1"
   260 else error "Minisubpbl/250-Rewrite_Set-from-method changed 2";
   262 (*[3], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt; (*nxt = Model_Problem*)