author wneuper <walther.neuper@jku.at>
Sun, 12 Sep 2021 15:53:36 +0200
changeset 60395 f2e6a3bf46de
parent 60360 49680d595342
child 60500 59a3af532717
permissions -rw-r--r--
cleanup test/../eqsystem-2.sml
     1 (* Title: Knowledge/eqsystem-2.sml
     2    author: Walther Neuper 050826,
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     4 *)
     6 Rewrite.trace_on := false; (*true false*)
     7 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
     8 "table of contents -----------------------------------------------";
     9 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    10 "----------- occur_exactly_in ------------------------------------";
    11 "----------- problems --------------------------------------------";
    12 "----------- rewrite-order ord_simplify_System -------------------";
    13 "----------- rewrite in [EqSystem,normalise,2x2] -----------------";
    14 "----------- rewrite example from 2nd [EqSystem,normalise,2x2] ---";
    15 "----------- rewrite in [EqSystem,top_down_substitution,2x2] -----";
    16 "----------- rewrite in [EqSystem,normalise,4x4] -----------------";
    17 "----------- script [EqSystem,top_down_substitution,2x2] Vers.1 --";
    18 "----------- refine [linear,system]-------------------------------";
    19 "----------- refine [2x2,linear,system] search error--------------";
    20 "----------- me [EqSystem,normalise,2x2] -------------------------";
    21 (*^^^--- eqsystem-1.sml ######### together exceed resources here, but not in Test_Isac.thy #####
    22   vvv--- eqsystem-2.sml ######### together exceed resources here, but not in Test_Isac.thy #####*)
    23 "----------- me [linear,system] ..normalise..top_down_sub..-------";
    24 "----------- all systems from Biegelinie -------------------------";
    25 "----------- 4x4 systems from Biegelinie -------------------------";
    26 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    27 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    28 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    30 val thy = @{theory "EqSystem"};
    31 val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy;
    33 "----------- me [linear,system] ..normalise..top_down_sub..-------";
    34 "----------- me [linear,system] ..normalise..top_down_sub..-------";
    35 "----------- me [linear,system] ..normalise..top_down_sub..-------";
    36 val fmz = 
    37     ["equalities\
    38      \[0 = c_2 + c * 0 + 1 / EI * (L * q_0 / 12 * 0 \<up> 3 +                \
    39      \                                            - 1 * q_0 / 24 * 0 \<up> 4),\
    40      \ 0 = c_2 + c * L + 1 / EI * (L * q_0 / 12 * L \<up> 3 +                \
    41      \                                            - 1 * q_0 / 24 * L \<up> 4)]",
    42      "solveForVars [c, c_2]", "solution LL"];
    43 val (dI',pI',mI') =
    44   ("Biegelinie",["LINEAR", "system"], ["no_met"]);
    45 val p = e_pos'; val c = []; 
    46 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = CalcTreeTEST [(fmz, (dI',pI',mI'))];
    47 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
    48 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
    49 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
    50 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
    51 case nxt of (Specify_Method ["EqSystem", "normalise", "2x2"]) => ()
    52 	  | _ => error "eqsystem.sml [linear,system] specify b";
    53 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
    54 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;f2str f;
    55 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;f2str f;
    56 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;f2str f;
    57 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;f2str f;
    58 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;f2str f;
    59 if f2str f =(*BEFORE "eliminate ThmC.numerals_to_Free"..
    60   "[c_2 = 0, L * c + c_2 = - 1 * q_0 * L \<up> 4 / (24 * EI)]"*)
    61   "[c_2 = 0, L * c + c_2 = - 1 * q_0 * L \<up> 4 / 24]"
    62 then () else error "eqsystem.sml me simpl. before SubProblem b";
    63 case nxt of
    64     (Subproblem ("Biegelinie", ["triangular", "2x2", "LINEAR",_])) => ()
    65   | _ => error "eqsystem.sml me [linear,system] SubProblem b";
    67 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
    68 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
    69 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
    70 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
    71 case nxt of
    72     (Specify_Method ["EqSystem", "top_down_substitution", "2x2"]) => ()
    73   | _ => error "eqsystem.sml me [EqSys...2x2] top_down_substitution b";
    75 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
    76 val PblObj {probl,...} = get_obj I pt [5];
    77     (writeln o (I_Model.to_string (Proof_Context.init_global @{theory Isac_Knowledge}))) probl;
    78 (*[
    79 (1 ,[1] ,true ,#Given ,Cor equalities [c_2 = 0, L * c + c_2 = q_0 * L \<up> 2 / 2] ,(es_, [[c_2 = 0, L * c + c_2 = q_0 * L \<up> 2 / 2]])),
    80 (2 ,[1] ,true ,#Given ,Cor solveForVars [c, c_2] ,(v_s, [[c, c_2]])),
    81 (3 ,[1] ,true ,#Find ,Cor solution ss___ ,(ss___, [ss___]))]
    82 *)
    83 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;f2str f;
    84 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;f2str f;
    85 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;f2str f;
    86 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;f2str f;
    87 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;f2str f;
    88 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;f2str f;
    89 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;f2str f;
    90 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;f2str f;
    91 case nxt of
    92     (Check_Postcond ["triangular", "2x2", "LINEAR", "system"]) => ()
    93   | _ => error "eqsystem.sml me Subpbl .[EqSys...2x2] finished b";
    94 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;f2str f;
    95 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;f2str f;
    97 if f2str f =(*BEFORE "eliminate ThmC.numerals_to_Free"..
    98   "[c = - 1 * q_0 * L \<up> 3 / (24 * EI), c_2 = 0]"*)
    99   "[c = - 1 * q_0 * L \<up> 3 / 24, c_2 = 0]"
   100 then () else error "eqsystem.sml me [EqSys...2x2] finished f2str f b";
   101 case nxt of
   102     (End_Proof') => ()
   103   | _ => error "eqsystem.sml me [EqSys...2x2] finished End_Proof'";
   106 "----------- all systems from Biegelinie -------------------------";
   107 "----------- all systems from Biegelinie -------------------------";
   108 "----------- all systems from Biegelinie -------------------------";
   109 val thy = @{theory Isac_Knowledge}
   110 val subst = 
   111   [(TermC.str2term "bdv_1", TermC.str2term "c"), (TermC.str2term "bdv_2", TermC.str2term "c_2"),
   112 	(TermC.str2term "bdv_3", TermC.str2term "c_3"), (TermC.str2term "bdv_4", TermC.str2term "c_4")]; 
   114 "------- Bsp 7.27";
   115 reset_states ();
   116 CalcTree [(
   117   ["Traegerlaenge L", "Streckenlast q_0", "Biegelinie y",
   118 	  "Randbedingungen [y 0 = (0::real), y L = 0, M_b 0 = 0, M_b L = 0]", "FunktionsVariable x"],
   119 	("Biegelinie", ["Biegelinien"], ["IntegrierenUndKonstanteBestimmen2"]))];
   120 moveActiveRoot 1;
   121 (*
   122 LItool.trace_on := true; autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc; LItool.trace_on := false;
   123 ##7.27##          ordered           substs
   124           c_4       c_2           
   125 c c_2 c_3 c_4     c c_2             1->2: c
   126   c_2                       c_4	  
   127 c c_2             c c_2 c_3 c_4     [2':c, 1:c_2, 3:c_4] -> 4:c_3*)
   128 val t = TermC.str2term
   129   ("[0 = c_4, " ^
   130   "0 = c_4 + L * c_3 +(12 * L \<up> 2 * c_2 + 4 * L \<up> 3 * c + - 1 * L \<up> 4 * q_0) / (- 24 * EI), " ^
   131   "0 = c_2, " ^
   132   "0 = (2 * c_2 + 2 * L * c + - 1 * L \<up> 2 * q_0) / 2]");
   133 val SOME (t, _) = rewrite_set_ thy false isolate_bdvs_4x4 t;
   134 if UnparseC.term t =
   135 "[c_4 = 0,\n (12 * L \<up> 2 * c_2 + 4 * L \<up> 3 * c + - 1 * L \<up> 4 * q_0) /\n (- 24 * EI) =\n - 1 * (c_4 + L * c_3) + 0,\n c_2 = 0, (2 * c_2 + 2 * L * c + - 1 * L \<up> 2 * q_0) / 2 = 0]"
   136 then () else error "Bsp 7.27";
   138 "----- Bsp 7.27 go through the rewrites in met_eqsys_norm_4x4";
   139 val t = TermC.str2term "0 = (2 * c_2 + 2 * L * c + - 1 * L \<up> 2 * q_0) / 2";
   140 val NONE = rewrite_set_ thy false norm_Rational t;
   141 val SOME (t,_) = 
   142     rewrite_set_inst_ thy false subst simplify_System_parenthesized t;
   143 if UnparseC.term t = "0 = - 1 * q_0 * L \<up> 2 / 2 + (L * c + c_2)"
   144 then () else error "Bsp 7.27 go through the rewrites in met_eqsys_norm_4x4";
   146 "--- isolate_bdvs_4x4";
   147 (*
   148 val SOME (t,_) = rewrite_set_inst_ thy false subst isolate_bdvs_4x4 t;
   149 UnparseC.term t;
   150 val SOME (t,_) = rewrite_set_inst_ thy false subst simplify_System t;
   151 UnparseC.term t;
   152 val SOME (t,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false order_system t;
   153 UnparseC.term t;
   154 *)
   156 "------- Bsp 7.28 ---------------vvvvvvvvvvvvv Momentenlinie postponed";
   157 reset_states ();
   158 CalcTree [((*WN130908  <ERROR> error in kernel </ERROR>*)
   159   ["Traegerlaenge L", "Momentenlinie (-q_0 / L * x \<up> 3 / 6)",
   160 	    "Biegelinie y",
   161 	    "Randbedingungen [y L = 0, y' L = 0]",
   162 	    "FunktionsVariable x"],
   163 	   ("Biegelinie", ["vonMomentenlinieZu", "Biegelinien"],
   164 	    ["Biegelinien", "AusMomentenlinie"]))];
   165 (*
   166 moveActiveRoot 1;
   167 LItool.trace_on := true; autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc; LItool.trace_on := false;
   168 *)
   170 "------- Bsp 7.69";
   171 reset_states ();
   172 CalcTree [(
   173   ["Traegerlaenge L", "Streckenlast q_0", "Biegelinie y",
   174 	  "Randbedingungen [y 0 = (0::real), y L = 0, y' 0 = 0, y' L = 0]", "FunktionsVariable x"],
   175 	("Biegelinie", ["Biegelinien"], ["IntegrierenUndKonstanteBestimmen2"]))];
   176 moveActiveRoot 1;
   177 (*
   178 LItool.trace_on := true; autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc; LItool.trace_on := false;
   179 ##7.69##          ordered           subst                   2x2
   180           c_4           c_3         
   181 c c_2 c_3 c_4     c c_2 c_3	    1:c_3 -> 2:c c_2        2:         c c_2
   182       c_3                   c_4	 			   
   183 c c_2 c_3         c c_2 c_3 c_4     3:c_4 -> 4:c c_2 c_3    1:c_3 -> 4:c c_2*)
   184 val t = TermC.str2term 
   185   ("[0 = c_4 + 0 / (- 1 * EI), " ^
   186   "0 = c_4 + L * c_3 + (12 * L \<up> 2 * c_2 + 4 * L \<up> 3 * c + - 1 * L \<up> 4 * q_0) / (- 24 * EI), " ^
   187   "0 = c_3 + 0 / (- 1 * EI), " ^
   188   "0 = c_3 + (6 * L * c_2 + 3 * L \<up> 2 * c + - 1 * L \<up> 3 * q_0) / (-6 * EI)]");
   190 "------- Bsp 7.70";
   191 reset_states ();
   192 CalcTree [(
   193   ["Traegerlaenge L", "Streckenlast q_0", "Biegelinie y",
   194 	  "Randbedingungen [Q 0 = q_0 * L, M_b L = 0, y 0 = (0::real), y' 0 = 0]", "FunktionsVariable x"],
   195 	("Biegelinie", ["Biegelinien"], ["IntegrierenUndKonstanteBestimmen2"] ))];
   196 moveActiveRoot 1;
   197 (*
   198 LItool.trace_on := true; autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc; LItool.trace_on := false;
   199 ##7.70##        |subst
   200 c		|
   201 c c_2           |1:c -> 2:c_2
   202       c_3	|
   203           c_4   |            STOPPED.WN06? test methods @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@*)
   205 "----- 7.70 go through the rewrites in met_eqsys_norm_4x4";
   206 val t = TermC.str2term
   207   ("[L * q_0 = c, " ^
   208   "0 = (2 * c_2 + 2 * L * c + - 1 * L \<up> 2 * q_0) / 2, " ^
   209   "0 = c_4, " ^
   210   "0 = c_3]");
   211 val SOME (t,_) = rewrite_ thy e_rew_ord Rule_Set.empty false @{thm commute_0_equality} t;
   212 val SOME (t,_) = rewrite_ thy e_rew_ord Rule_Set.empty false @{thm commute_0_equality} t;
   213 val SOME (t,_) = rewrite_ thy e_rew_ord Rule_Set.empty false @{thm commute_0_equality} t;
   214 if UnparseC.term t = 
   215   "[L * q_0 = c, (2 * c_2 + 2 * L * c + - 1 * L \<up> 2 * q_0) / 2 = 0,\n c_4 = 0, c_3 = 0]"
   216 then () else error "7.70 go through the rewrites in met_eqsys_norm_4x4, 1";
   218 val SOME (t,_) = rewrite_set_inst_ thy false subst simplify_System_parenthesized t;
   219 if UnparseC.term t = "[L * q_0 = c, - 1 * q_0 * L \<up> 2 / 2 + (L * c + c_2) = 0, c_4 = 0,\n c_3 = 0]"
   220 then () else error "7.70 go through the rewrites in met_eqsys_norm_4x4, 2";
   222 val SOME (t,_) = rewrite_set_inst_ thy false subst isolate_bdvs_4x4 t;
   223 if UnparseC.term t =
   224    "[c = (- 1 * (L * q_0) + 0) / - 1,\n" ^ 
   225    " L * c + c_2 = - 1 * (- 1 * q_0 * L \<up> 2 / 2) + 0, c_4 = 0, c_3 = 0]"
   226 then () else error "7.70 go through the rewrites in met_eqsys_norm_4x4, 3";
   228 val SOME (t,_) = rewrite_set_inst_ thy false subst simplify_System_parenthesized t;
   229 if UnparseC.term t =
   230   "[c = - 1 * L * q_0 / - 1, L * c + c_2 = q_0 * L \<up> 2 / 2, c_4 = 0,\n c_3 = 0]"
   231 then () else error "7.70 go through the rewrites in met_eqsys_norm_4x4, 4";
   233 val SOME (t, _) = rewrite_set_ thy false order_system t;
   234 if UnparseC.term t =
   235   "[c = - 1 * L * q_0 / - 1, L * c + c_2 = q_0 * L \<up> 2 / 2, c_3 = 0,\n c_4 = 0]"
   236 then () else error "eqsystem.sml: exp 7.70 normalise 4x4 by rewrite changed";
   238 "----- 7.70 with met normalise: ";
   239 val fmz = ["equalities" ^
   240   "[L * q_0 = c, " ^
   241   "0 = (2 * c_2 + 2 * L * c + - 1 * L \<up> 2 * q_0) / 2, " ^
   242   "0 = c_4, " ^
   243   "0 = c_3]", "solveForVars [c, c_2, c_3, c_4]", "solution LL"];
   244 val (dI',pI',mI') = ("Biegelinie",["LINEAR", "system"], ["no_met"]);
   245 val p = e_pos'; val c = [];
   247 (*============ inhibit exn WN120314 TODO: investigate type error (same as above)==
   248   in next but one test below the same type error.
   249 /-------------------------------------------------------\
   250 Type unification failed
   251 Type error in application: incompatible operand type
   253 Operator:  op # c_3 :: 'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a list
   254 Operand:   [c_4] :: 'b list
   255 \-------------------------------------------------------/
   257 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = CalcTreeTEST [(fmz, (dI',pI',mI'))];
   258 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   259 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   260 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   261 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   262 case nxt of (_,Apply_Method ["EqSystem", "normalise", "4x4"]) => ()
   263 	  | _ => error "eqsystem.sml [EqSystem,normalise,4x4] specify";
   264 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; f2str f;
   266 "----- outcommented before Isabelle2002 --> 2011 -------------------------";
   267 (*-----------------------------------vvvWN080102 Exception- Match raised 
   268   since associate Rewrite .. Rewrite_Set
   269 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; f2str f;
   271 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; f2str f;
   272 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; f2str f;
   274 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; f2str f;
   275 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; f2str f;
   276 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; f2str f;
   277 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; f2str f;
   278 if f2str f ="[c = L * q_0, L * c + c_2 = q_0 * L \<up> 2 / 2, c_3 = 0, c_4 = 0]" 
   279 then () else error "eqsystem.sml: exp 7.70 normalise 4x4 by met changed";
   280 --------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
   281 ============ inhibit exn WN120314 ==============================================*)
   283 "----- 7.70 with met top_down_: me";
   284 val fmz = [
   285   "equalities [(c::real) = L * q_0, L * c + (c_2::real) = q_0 * L \<up> 2 / 2, (c_3::real) = 0, (c_4::real) = 0]",
   286 	"solveForVars [(c::real), (c_2::real), (c_3::real), (c_4::real)]", "solution LL"];
   287 val (dI',pI',mI') =
   288   ("Biegelinie",["LINEAR", "system"],["no_met"]);
   289 val p = e_pos'; val c = []; 
   290 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = CalcTreeTEST [(fmz, (dI',pI',mI'))];
   291 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   292 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   293 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   294 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   295 case nxt of Apply_Method ["EqSystem", "top_down_substitution", "4x4"] => ()
   296 	  | _ => error "eqsystem.sml [EqSystem,top_down_,4x4] specify";
   297 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; f2str f;
   298 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; f2str f;
   299 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; f2str f;
   300 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; f2str f;
   301 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; f2str f;
   302 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; f2str f;
   303 if p = ([], Res) andalso
   304 (*           "[c = L * q_0, c_2 = - 1 * L \<up> 2 * q_0 / 2, c_3 = 0, c_4 = 0]"*)
   305    f2str f = "[c = L * q_0, c_2 = - 1 * L \<up> 2 * q_0 / 2, c_3 = 0, c_4 = 0]"
   306 then () else error "eqsystem.sml: 7.70 with met top_down_: me";
   308 "------- Bsp 7.71";
   309 reset_states ();
   310 CalcTree [(["Traegerlaenge L", "Streckenlast q_0", "Biegelinie y",
   311 	     "Randbedingungen [M_b L = 0, y 0 = (0::real), y L = 0, y' 0 = 0]",
   312 	     "FunktionsVariable x", "GleichungsVariablen [c, c_2, c_3, c_4]",
   313 	     "AbleitungBiegelinie dy"],
   314 	    ("Biegelinie", ["Biegelinien"],
   315 	     ["IntegrierenUndKonstanteBestimmen2"] ))];
   316 moveActiveRoot 1;
   317 (*
   318 LItool.trace_on := true; autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc; LItool.trace_on := false;
   319 ##7.71##       |ordered       |subst.singles (recurs) |2x2       |diagonal
   320 c c_2          |c c_2	      |1'		      |1': c c_2 |
   321           c_4  |      c_3     |2:c_3 -> 4' :c c_2 c_4 |	         |
   322 c c_2 c_3 c_4  |          c_4 |3'                     |	         |
   323       c_3      |c c_2 c_3 c_4 |3:c_4 -> 4'':c c_2     |4'':c c_2 |      *)
   324 val t = TermC.str2term"[0 = (2 * c_2 + 2 * L * c + - 1 * L \<up> 2 * q_0) / 2, \
   325 \ 0 = c_4 + 0 / (- 1 * EI),                            \
   326 \ 0 = c_4 + L * c_3 +(12 * L \<up> 2 * c_2 + 4 * L \<up> 3 * c + - 1 * L \<up> 4 * q_0) /(- 24 * EI),\
   327 \ 0 = c_3 + 0 / (- 1 * EI)]";
   329 "------- Bsp 7.72a ---------------vvvvvvvvvvvvv Momentenlinie postponed";
   330 reset_states ();
   331 CalcTree [(["Traegerlaenge L",
   332 	    "Momentenlinie ((q_0 * L)/ 6 * x - q_0 /(6 * L) * x \<up> ^3)",
   333 	    "Biegelinie y",
   334 	    "Randbedingungen [y 0 = (0::real), y L = 0]",
   335 	    "FunktionsVariable x"],
   336 	   ("Biegelinie", ["vonMomentenlinieZu", "Biegelinien"],
   337 	    ["Biegelinien", "AusMomentenlinie"]))];
   338 moveActiveRoot 1;
   339 (*
   340 LItool.trace_on := true; autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc; LItool.trace_on := false;
   341 *)
   343 "------- Bsp 7.72b";
   344 reset_states ();
   345 CalcTree [(["Traegerlaenge L", "Streckenlast (q_0 / L * x)", "Biegelinie y",
   346 	    "Randbedingungen [M_b 0 = 0, M_b L = 0, y 0 = (0::real), y L = 0]",
   347 	    "FunktionsVariable x", "GleichungsVariablen [c, c_2, c_3, c_4]",
   348 	    "AbleitungBiegelinie dy"],
   349 	   ("Biegelinie", ["Biegelinien"],
   350 	    ["IntegrierenUndKonstanteBestimmen2"] ))];
   351 moveActiveRoot 1;
   352 (*
   353 LItool.trace_on := true; autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc; LItool.trace_on := false;
   354 ##7.72b##      |ord. |subst.singles         |ord.triang.
   355   c_2          |     |			    |c_2  
   356 c c_2	       |     |1:c_2 -> 2':c	    |c_2 c
   357           c_4  |     |			    |
   358 c c_2 c_3 c_4  |     |3:c_4 -> 4':c c_2 c_3 |c_2 c c_3*)
   359 val t = TermC.str2term"[0 = c_2,                                            \
   360 \ 0 = (6 * c_2 + 6 * L * c + - 1 * L \<up> 2 * q_0) / 6, \
   361 \ 0 = c_4 + 0 / (- 1 * EI),                            \
   362 \ 0 = c_4 + L * c_3 + (60 * L \<up> 2 * c_2 + 20 * L \<up> 3 * c + - 1 * L \<up> 4 * q_0) / (- 120 * EI)]";
   364 "------- Bsp 7.73 ---------------vvvvvvvvvvvvv Momentenlinie postponed";
   365 reset_states ();
   366 CalcTree [(["Traegerlaenge L", "Momentenlinie ???",(*description unclear*)
   367 	    "Biegelinie y",
   368 	    "Randbedingungen [y L = 0, y' L = 0]",
   369 	    "FunktionsVariable x"],
   370 	   ("Biegelinie", ["vonMomentenlinieZu", "Biegelinien"],
   371 	    ["Biegelinien", "AusMomentenlinie"]))];
   372 moveActiveRoot 1;
   373 (*
   374 LItool.trace_on := true; autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc; LItool.trace_on := false;
   375 *)
   377 "----------- 4x4 systems from Biegelinie -------------------------";
   378 "----------- 4x4 systems from Biegelinie -------------------------";
   379 "----------- 4x4 systems from Biegelinie -------------------------";
   380 (*STOPPED.WN08?? replace this test with 7.70 *)
   381 "----- Bsp 7.27";
   382 val fmz = ["equalities \
   383 	   \[0 = c_4,                           \
   384 	   \ 0 = c_4 + L * c_3 +(12 * L \<up> 2 * c_2 + 4 * L \<up> 3 * c + - 1 * L \<up> 4 * q_0) / (- 24 * EI),                                       \
   385 	   \ 0 = c_2,                                           \
   386 	   \ 0 = (2 * c_2 + 2 * L * c + - 1 * L \<up> 2 * q_0) / 2]", 
   387 	   "solveForVars [c, c_2, c_3, c_4]", "solution LL"];
   388 val (dI',pI',mI') =
   389   ("Biegelinie",["normalise", "4x4", "LINEAR", "system"],
   390    ["EqSystem", "normalise", "4x4"]);
   391 val p = e_pos'; val c = []; 
   392 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = CalcTreeTEST [(fmz, (dI',pI',mI'))];
   393 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   394 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   395 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   396 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   397 "------------------------------------------- Apply_Method...";
   398 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; f2str f;
   399 "[0 = c_4,                                          \
   400 \ 0 = c_4 + L * c_3 +\n (12 * L \<up> 2 * c_2 + 4 * L \<up> 3 * c + - 1 * L \<up> 4 * q_0) / (- 24 * EI),                                   \
   401 \ 0 = c_2,                                          \
   402 \ 0 = (2 * c_2 + 2 * L * c + - 1 * L \<up> 2 * q_0) / 2]";
   403 (*vvvWN080102 Exception- Match raised 
   404   since associate Rewrite .. Rewrite_Set
   405 "------------------------------------------- simplify_System_parenthesized...";
   406 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; f2str f;
   407 "[0 = c_4,                                  \
   408 \ 0 = - 1 * q_0 * L \<up> 4 / (- 24 * EI) +     \
   409 \     (4 * L \<up> 3 * c / (- 24 * EI) +       \
   410 \     (12 * L \<up> 2 * c_2 / (- 24 * EI) +    \
   411 \     (L * c_3 + c_4))),                    \
   412 \ 0 = c_2,                                  \
   413 \ 0 = - 1 * q_0 * L \<up> 2 / 2 + (L * c + c_2)]";
   414 (*? "(4 * L \<up> 3 / (- 24 * EI) * c" statt "(4 * L \<up> 3 * c / (- 24 * EI)" ?*)
   415 "------------------------------------------- isolate_bdvs...";
   416 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; f2str f;
   417 "[c_4 = 0,\
   418 \ c_4 = 0 + - 1 * (- 1 * q_0 * L \<up> 4 / (- 24 * EI)) + - 1 * (4 * L \<up> 3 * c / (- 24 * EI)) + - 1 * (12 * L \<up> 2 * c_2 / (- 24 * EI)) + - 1 * (L * c_3),\
   419 \ c_2 = 0, \
   420 \ c_2 = 0 + - 1 * (- 1 * q_0 * L \<up> 2 / 2) + - 1 * (L * c)]";
   421 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; f2str f;
   423 ---------------------------------------------------------------------*)