author Walther Neuper <>
Tue, 25 Jun 2019 12:48:24 +0200
changeset 59559 f25ce1922b60
parent 59417 3a7d1c9e91f3
child 59562 d50fe358f04a
permissions -rw-r--r--
lucin: rename 3 main functions of lucase-interpreter.sml
     1 (* rules guiding stepwise execution of methods in the LUCAS_INTERPRETER.
     2    Author: Walther Neuper 2018 (code gathered from other Isac source)
     3    (c) copyright due to lincense terms
     4 *)
     6 signature RULE =
     7   sig
     8     eqtype calID
     9     type eval_fn = string -> term -> theory -> (string * term) option
    10     val e_evalfn: 'a -> term -> theory -> (string * term) option
    11     type cal = calID * eval_fn
    12     eqtype prog_calcID
    13     type calc = prog_calcID * cal
    14     type calc_elem
    15     val calc_eq: calc_elem * calc_elem -> bool
    17     eqtype cterm'                                              (* shift up in sequence of defs *)
    18     type subst = (term * term) list                            (* shift up in sequence of defs *)
    20     eqtype rew_ord'
    21     val e_rew_ord': rew_ord'
    22     type rew_ord_
    23     val dummy_ord: rew_ord_
    24     val e_rew_ord_: rew_ord_
    25     type rew_ord = rew_ord' * rew_ord_
    26     val e_rew_ord: rew_ord_
    27     val e_rew_ordX: rew_ord
    28     val rew_ord': (rew_ord' * (subst -> term * term -> bool)) list Unsynchronized.ref
    29     val assoc_rew_ord: string -> subst -> term * term -> bool
    31     eqtype errpatID
    32     type errpat = errpatID * term list * thm list
    33     eqtype rls'
    34     datatype rls
    35       =  Erls
    36        | Rls of {calc: calc list, erls: rls, errpatts: errpatID list, id: string,
    37          preconds: term list, rew_ord: rew_ord, rules: rule list, scr: scr, srls: rls}
    38        | Seq of {calc: calc list, erls: rls, errpatts: errpatID list, id: string,
    39          preconds: term list, rew_ord: rew_ord, rules: rule list, scr: scr, srls: rls}
    40        | Rrls of {calc: calc list, erls: rls, errpatts: errpatID list, id: string,
    41          prepat: (term list * term) list, rew_ord: rew_ord, scr: scr}
    42     and rule = Cal1 of string * eval_fn | Calc of string * eval_fn | Erule
    43        | Rls_ of rls | Thm of string * thm
    44     and scr
    45       =  EmptyScr
    46        | Prog of term
    47        | Rfuns of
    48            {attach_form: rule list list -> term -> term -> (rule * (term * term list)) list,
    49             init_state: term -> term * term * rule list list * (rule * (term * term list)) list,
    50             locate_rule: rule list list -> term -> rule -> (rule * (term * term list)) list,
    51             next_rule: rule list list -> term -> rule option, normal_form: term ->
    52             (term * term list) option}
    53     val rule2str: rule -> string
    54     val rule2str': rule -> string
    55     val e_rule: rule
    56     val get_rules: rls -> rule list
    57     val id_rule: rule -> string
    58     val eq_rule: rule * rule -> bool
    60     val scr2str: scr -> string
    61     val e_rrls: rls
    63     val e_rls: rls
    64     val rls2str: rls -> string
    65     val id_rls: rls -> string
    66     val rep_rls: rls -> {calc: calc list, erls: rls, errpats: errpatID list, id: string,
    67       preconds: term list, rew_ord: rew_ord, rules: rule list, scr: scr, srls: rls}
    68     val append_rls: string -> rls -> rule list -> rls
    69     val merge_rls: string -> rls -> rls -> rls
    70     val remove_rls: string -> rls -> rule list -> rls
    72     type rrlsstate = term * term * rule list list * (rule * (term * term list)) list
    73     val e_rrlsstate: rrlsstate
    75     val thy2ctxt: theory -> Proof.context                      (* shift up in sequence of defs *)
    76     val thy2ctxt': string -> Proof.context                     (* shift up in sequence of defs *)
    77     val Thy_Info_get_theory: string -> theory                  (* shift up in sequence of defs *)
    79     eqtype thyID                                               (* shift up in sequence of defs *)
    80     eqtype domID                                               (* shift up in sequence of defs *)
    81     val e_domID: domID                                         (* shift up in sequence of defs *)
    82     eqtype theory'                                             (* shift up in sequence of defs *)
    83     val theory'2thyID: theory' -> theory'                      (* shift up in sequence of defs *)
    84     val theory2theory': theory -> theory'                      (* shift up in sequence of defs *)
    85     val theory2thyID: theory -> thyID                          (* shift up in sequence of defs *)
    86     val thyID2theory': thyID -> thyID                          (* shift up in sequence of defs *)
    87     val string_of_thy: theory -> theory'                       (* shift up in sequence of defs *)
    88     val theory2domID: theory -> theory'                        (* shift up in sequence of defs *)
    90     val Isac: 'a -> theory                                     (* shift up in sequence of defs *)
    92     val string_of_thmI: thm -> string                          (* shift up to Unparse *)
    93     val e_term: term                                           (* shift up to Unparse *)
    94     val e_type: typ                                            (* shift up to Unparse *)
    95     val type2str: typ -> string
    96     val term_to_string': Proof.context -> term -> string       (* shift up to Unparse *)
    97     val term2str: term -> string                               (* shift up to Unparse *)
    98     val termopt2str: term option -> string                     (* shift up to Unparse *)
    99     val theory2str: theory -> theory'                          (* shift up to Unparse *)
   100     val terms2str: term list -> string                         (* shift up to Unparse *)
   101     val terms2strs: term list -> string list
   102     val term_to_string'': thyID -> term -> string              (* shift up to Unparse *)
   103     val term_to_string''': theory -> term -> string            (* shift up to Unparse *)
   104     val t2str: theory -> term -> string
   105     val ts2str: theory -> term list -> string                  (* shift up to Unparse *)
   106     val string_of_typ: typ -> string                           (* shift up to Unparse *)
   107     val string_of_typ_thy: thyID -> typ -> string              (* shift up to Unparse *)
   109 (* ---- for tests only: shifted from below to remove the Warning "unused" at fun.def. --------- *)
   110     val terms2str': term list -> string                        (* shift up to Unparse *)
   111 (*/-------------------------------------------------------- ! aktivate for Test_Isac BEGIN ---\* )
   112     val string_of_thm': theory -> thm -> string                (* shift up to Unparse *)
   113     val string_of_thm: thm -> string                           (* shift up to Unparse *)
   114 ( *\--- ! aktivate for Test_Isac END ----------------------------------------------------------/*)
   116 (*----- unused code, kept as hints to design ideas ---------------------------------------------*)
   118   end
   120 (**)
   121 structure Rule(**): RULE(**) =
   122 struct
   123 (**)
   125 type calID = string;
   126 (* eval function calling sml code during rewriting.
   127 Unifying "type cal" and "type calc" would make Lucas-Interpretation more efficient,
   128   see "fun rule2stac": instead of 
   129     Calc: calID * eval_fn -> rule
   130   would be better
   131     Calc: prog_calcID * (calID * eval_fn)) -> rule*)
   132 type eval_fn = (string -> term -> theory -> (string * term) option);
   133 fun e_evalfn (_ : 'a) (_ : term) (_ : theory) = NONE : (string * term) option;
   135 (* op in isa-term "Const(op,_)" *)
   136 type cal = calID * eval_fn;
   137 type prog_calcID = string;
   138 type calc = (prog_calcID * cal);
   140 type calc_elem =  (* fun calculate_ fetches the evaluation-function via this list *)
   141   prog_calcID *   (* a simple identifier used in programs                    *)
   142   (calID *        (* a long identifier used in Const                         *)
   143     eval_fn)      (* an ML function                                          *)
   144 fun calc_eq ((pi1, (ci1, _)), (pi2, (ci2, _))) =
   145   if pi1 = pi2
   146   then if ci1 = ci2 then true else error ("calc_eq: " ^ ci1 ^ " <> " ^ ci2)
   147   else false
   149 type cterm' = string;
   150 type subst = (term * term) list;
   152 (*TODO.WN060610 make use of "type rew_ord" total*)
   153 type rew_ord' = string;
   154 val e_rew_ord' = "e_rew_ord" : rew_ord';
   156 type rew_ord_ = subst -> Term.term * Term.term -> bool;
   157 fun dummy_ord (_: subst) (_: term, _: term) = true;
   158 val e_rew_ord_ = dummy_ord;
   159 type rew_ord = rew_ord' * rew_ord_;
   160 val e_rew_ord = dummy_ord; (* TODO.WN071231 clarify identifiers..e_rew_ordX*)
   161 val e_rew_ordX = (e_rew_ord', e_rew_ord_);
   163 (* rewrite orders, also stored in 'type met' and type 'and rls'
   164   The association list is required for 'rewrite.."rew_ord"..' *)
   165 val rew_ord' = Unsynchronized.ref
   166   ([("e_rew_ord", e_rew_ord), ("dummy_ord", dummy_ord)]
   167 	: (rew_ord' *    (* the key for the association list         *)
   168 	    (subst 	    (* the bound variables - they get high order*)
   169 	     -> (term * term) (* (t1, t2) to be compared                  *)
   170 	     -> bool))        (* if t1 <= t2 then true else false         *)
   171 		list);              (* association list                         *)
   172 fun assoc' ([], key) = raise ERROR ("ME_Isa: \"" ^ key ^ "\" not known")
   173   | assoc' ((keyi, xi) :: pairs, key) =
   174     if key = keyi then SOME xi else assoc' (pairs, key);
   175 fun assoc_rew_ord ro = ((the o assoc') (! rew_ord',ro))
   176   handle _ => error ("ME_Isa: rew_ord '" ^ ro ^ "' not in system");
   179 (* error patterns and fill patterns *)
   180 type errpatID = string
   181 type errpat =
   182   errpatID    (* one identifier for a list of patterns                       
   183                  DESIGN ?TODO: errpatID list for hierarchy of errpats ?      *)
   184   * term list (* error patterns                                              *)
   185   * thm list  (* thms related to error patterns; note that respective lhs 
   186                  do not match (which reflects student's error).
   187                  fillpatterns are stored with these thms.                    *)
   189 datatype rule =
   190   Erule                (*.the empty rule                     .*)
   191 | Thm of (string * Basic_Thm.thm) (* see TODO CLEANUP Thm     *)
   192 | Calc of string *     (*.sml-code manipulating a (sub)term  .*)
   193 	  eval_fn
   194 | Cal1 of string *     (*.sml-code applied only to whole term
   195                           or left/right-hand-side of eqality .*)
   196 	  eval_fn
   197 | Rls_ of rls          (*.ie. rule sets may be nested.*)
   198 and scr =
   199     EmptyScr
   200   | Prog of term (* a leaf is either a tactic or an 'exp' in 'let v = expr' 
   201                     where 'exp' does not contain a tactic. *)
   202   | Rfuns of     (* for Rrls, usage see rational.sml ----- reverse rewrite -----      *)
   203     {init_state : (* initialise for reverse rewriting by the Interpreter              *)
   204       term ->         (* for this the rrlsstate is initialised:                       *)
   205       term *          (* the current formula: goes locate_input_tactic -> determine_next_tactic via istate  *)
   206       term *          (* the final formula                                            *)
   207       rule list       (* of reverse rewrite set (#1#)                                 *)
   208         list *        (*   may be serveral, eg. in norm_rational                      *)
   209       ( rule *        (* Thm (+ Thm generated from Calc) resulting in ...             *)
   210         (term *       (*   ... rewrite with ...                                       *)
   211         term list))   (*   ... assumptions                                            *)
   212       list,           (* derivation from given term to normalform
   213                          in reverse order with sym_thm;
   214                                                 (#1#) could be extracted from here #1 *)  
   215 	  normal_form:  (* the function which drives the Rrls ##############################*)
   216 	    term -> (term * term list) option,
   217 	  locate_rule:  (* checks a rule R for being a cancel-rule, and if it is,
   218                      then return the list of rules (+ the terms they are rewriting to)
   219                      which need to be applied before R should be applied.
   220                      precondition: the rule is applicable to the argument-term.       *)
   221 	    rule list list -> (* the reverse rule list                                      *)
   222 	    term ->         (* ... to which the rule shall be applied                       *)
   223 	    rule ->         (* ... to be applied to term                                    *)
   224 	    ( rule *        (* value: a rule rewriting to ...                               *)
   225 	      (term *       (*   ... the resulting term ...                                 *)
   226 	      term list))   (*   ... with the assumptions ( //#0)                           *)
   227 	    list,           (*   there may be several such rules; the list is empty,          
   228                            if the rule has nothing to do with e.g. cancelation        *)
   229 	  next_rule:    (* for a given term return the next rules to be done for cancelling *)
   230 	    rule list list->(* the reverse rule list                                        *)
   231 	    term ->         (* the term for which ...                                       *)
   232 	    rule option,    (* ... this rule is appropriate for cancellation;
   233 		                     there may be no such rule (if the term is eg.canceled already*)
   234 	  attach_form:  (* checks an input term TI, if it may belong to e.g. a current 
   235                      cancellation, by trying to derive it from the given term TG.     
   236                      NOT IMPLEMENTED                                                  *)
   237 	    rule list list->(**)
   238 	    term ->         (* TG, the last one agreed upon by user + math-eng              *)
   239 	    term ->         (* TI, the next one input by the user                           *)
   240 	    ( rule *        (* the rule to be applied in order to reach TI                  *) 
   241 	      (term *       (* ... obtained by applying the rule ...                        *)
   242 	      term list))   (* ... and the respective assumptions                           *) 
   243 	    list}           (* there may be several such rules; the list is empty, if the 
   244                          users term does not belong to e.g. a cancellation of the term 
   245                          last agreed upon.                                            *)
   246 and rls =
   247     Erls                          (*for init e_rls*)
   249   | Rls of (*a confluent and terminating ruleset, in general                         *)
   250     {id : string,          (*for trace_rewrite:=true                                 *)
   251      preconds : term list, (*unused WN020820                                         *)
   252      (*WN060616 for efficiency...                                                    
   253       bdvs    : false,       (*set in prep_rls' for get_bdvs *)*)                    
   254      rew_ord  : rew_ord,   (*for rules*)                                             
   255      erls     : rls,       (*for the conditions in rules                             *)
   256      srls     : rls,       (*for evaluation of list_fns in script                    *)
   257      calc     : calc list, (*for Calculate in scr, set by prep_rls'                  *)
   258      rules    : rule list,                                                           
   259      errpatts : errpatID list,(*dialog-authoring in Build_Thydata.thy                *)
   260      scr      : scr}       (*Prog term: generating intermed.steps  *)                
   261   | Seq of (*a sequence of rules to be tried only once                               *)
   262     {id : string,          (*for trace_rewrite:=true                                 *)
   263      preconds : term list, (*unused 20.8.02                                          *)
   264      (*WN060616 for efficiency...                                                    
   265       bdvs    : false,       (*set in prep_rls' for get_bdvs *)*)                    
   266      rew_ord  : rew_ord,   (*for rules                                               *)
   267      erls     : rls,       (*for the conditions in rules                             *)
   268      srls     : rls,       (*for evaluation of list_fns in script                    *)
   269      calc     : calc list, (*for Calculate in scr, set by prep_rls'                  *)
   270      rules    : rule list,
   271      errpatts : errpatID list,(*dialog-authoring in Build_Thydata.thy*)
   272      scr      : scr}  (*Prog term  (how to restrict type ???)*)
   274   (*Rrls call SML-code and simulate an rls
   275     difference: there is always _ONE_ redex rewritten in 1 call,
   276     thus wrap Rrls by: Rls (Rls_ ...)*)
   277   | Rrls of (* SML-functions within rewriting; step-wise execution provided;   
   278                Rrls simulate an rls
   279                difference: there is always _ONE_ redex rewritten in 1 call,
   280                thus wrap Rrls by: Rls (Rls_ ...)                                     *)
   281     {id : string,          (* for trace_rewrite := true                              *)
   282      prepat  : (term list *(* preconds, eval with subst from pattern;                
   283                               if [@{term True}], match decides alone                 *)
   284 		            term )     (* pattern matched with current (sub)term                 *)
   285 		   list,               (* meta-conjunction is or                                 *)
   286      rew_ord  : rew_ord,   (* for rules                                              *)
   287      erls     : rls,       (* for the conditions in rules and preconds               *)
   288      calc     : calc list, (* for Calculate in scr, set prep_rls'       *)
   289      errpatts : errpatID list,(*dialog-authoring in Build_Thydata.thy*)              
   290      scr      : scr};      (* Rfuns {...}  (how to restrict type ???)                *)
   292 fun id_rls Erls = "e_rls" (*WN060714 quick and dirty: recursive defs! TODO "Erls"*)
   293   | id_rls (Rls {id, ...}) = id
   294   | id_rls (Seq {id, ...}) = id
   295   | id_rls (Rrls {id, ...}) = id;
   296 val rls2str = id_rls;
   297 fun id_rule (Thm (id, _)) = id
   298   | id_rule (Calc (id, _)) = id
   299   | id_rule (Cal1 (id, _)) = id
   300   | id_rule (Rls_ rls) = id_rls rls
   301   | id_rule Erule = "Erule";
   302 fun eq_rule (Thm (thm1, _), Thm (thm2, _)) = thm1 = thm2
   303   | eq_rule (Calc (id1, _), Calc (id2, _)) = id1 = id2
   304   | eq_rule (Rls_ rls1, Rls_ rls2) = id_rls rls1 = id_rls rls2
   305   | eq_rule _ = false;
   307 (* Since Isabelle2017 sessions in theory identifiers are enforced.
   308   However, we leave theory identifiers short, in particular in use as keys into KEStore. *)
   309 fun Thy_Info_get_theory thyID = Thy_Info.get_theory ("Isac." ^ thyID)
   310 fun thy2ctxt' thy' = Proof_Context.init_global (Thy_Info_get_theory thy');(*FIXXXME thy-ctxt*)
   311 fun thy2ctxt thy = Proof_Context.init_global thy;(*FIXXXME thy-ctxt*)
   312 fun Isac _ = Proof_Context.theory_of (thy2ctxt' "Isac"); (*@{theory "Isac"}*)
   314 fun term_to_string' ctxt t =
   315   let
   316     val ctxt' = Config.put show_markup false ctxt
   317   in Print_Mode.setmp [] (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt') t end;
   318 fun term_to_string'' thyID t =
   319   let
   320     val ctxt' = Config.put show_markup false (Proof_Context.init_global (Thy_Info_get_theory thyID))
   321   in Print_Mode.setmp [] (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt') t end;
   322 fun term_to_string''' thy t =
   323   let
   324     val ctxt' = Config.put show_markup false (Proof_Context.init_global thy)
   325   in Print_Mode.setmp [] (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt') t end;
   327 fun term2str t = term_to_string' (thy2ctxt' "Isac") t;
   328 fun t2str thy t = term_to_string' (thy2ctxt thy) t;
   329 fun ts2str thy ts = ts |> map (t2str thy) |> strs2str';
   330 fun terms2strs ts = map term2str ts;     (* terms2strs [t1,t2] = ["1 + 2", "abc"];      *)
   331 val terms2str = strs2str o terms2strs;   (* terms2str  [t1,t2] = "[\"1 + 2\",\"abc\"]"; *)
   332 val terms2str' = strs2str' o terms2strs; (* terms2str' [t1,t2] = "[1 + 2,abc]";         *)
   333 fun termopt2str (SOME t) = "(SOME " ^ term2str t ^ ")"
   334   | termopt2str NONE = "NONE";
   336 (*ad thm':
   337    there are two kinds of theorems ...
   338    (1) known by isabelle
   339    (2) not known, eg. calc_thm, instantiated rls
   340        the latter have a thmid "#..."
   341    and thus outside isa we ALWAYS transport both (thmID, string_of_thmI)
   342    and have a special assoc_thm / assoc_rls in this interface      *)
   343 type theory' = string; (* = domID ^".thy" WN.101011 ABOLISH !*)
   344 type domID = string;   (* domID ^".thy" = theory' WN.101011 replace by thyID*)
   345 type thyID = string;   (* WN.3.11.03 TODO: replace domID with thyID*)
   346 val e_domID = "e_domID" : domID;
   348 fun string_of_thy thy = Context.theory_name thy: theory';
   349 val theory2domID = string_of_thy;
   350 val theory2thyID = (get_thy o string_of_thy) : theory -> thyID;
   351 val theory2theory' = string_of_thy;
   352 val theory2str = string_of_thy; (*WN050903 ..most consistent naming*)
   354 fun thyID2theory' (thyID:thyID) = thyID;
   355 fun theory'2thyID (theory':theory') = theory';
   357 fun type_to_string'' (thyID : thyID) t =
   358   let
   359     val ctxt' = Config.put show_markup false (Proof_Context.init_global (Thy_Info_get_theory thyID))
   360   in Print_Mode.setmp [] (Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt') t end;
   361 fun type2str typ = type_to_string'' "Isac" typ; (*TODO legacy*)
   362 val string_of_typ = type2str; (*legacy*)
   363 fun string_of_typ_thy thy typ = type_to_string'' thy typ; (*legacy*)
   365 (*check for [.] as caused by "fun assoc_thm'"*)
   366 fun string_of_thm thm = term_to_string' (thy2ctxt' "Isac") (Thm.prop_of thm)
   367 fun string_of_thm' thy thm = term_to_string' (thy2ctxt thy) (Thm.prop_of thm)
   368 fun string_of_thmI thm =
   369   let 
   370     val str = (de_quote o string_of_thm) thm
   371     val (a, b) = split_nlast (5, Symbol.explode str)
   372   in 
   373     case b of
   374       [" ", " ","[", ".", "]"] => implode a
   375     | _ => str
   376   end
   378 fun get_rules Erls = []
   379   | get_rules (Rls {rules, ...}) = rules
   380   | get_rules (Seq {rules, ...}) = rules
   381   | get_rules (Rrls _) = [];
   382 fun rule2str Erule = "Erule"
   383   | rule2str (Thm (str, thm)) = "Thm (\""^str^"\","^(string_of_thmI thm)^")"
   384   | rule2str (Calc (str, _)) = "Calc (\""^str^"\",fn)"
   385   | rule2str (Cal1 (str, _)) = "Cal1 (\""^str^"\",fn)"
   386   | rule2str (Rls_ rls) = "Rls_ (\""^id_rls rls^"\")";
   387 fun rule2str' Erule = "Erule"
   388   | rule2str' (Thm (str, _)) = "Thm (\""^str^"\",\"\")"
   389   | rule2str' (Calc (str, _)) = "Calc (\""^str^"\",fn)"
   390   | rule2str' (Cal1 (str, _)) = "Cal1 (\""^str^"\",fn)"
   391   | rule2str' (Rls_ rls) = "Rls_ (\""^id_rls rls^"\")";
   392 fun scr2str EmptyScr = "EmptyScr"
   393   | scr2str (Prog s) = "Prog " ^ term2str s
   394   | scr2str (Rfuns _)  = "Rfuns";
   396 val e_type = Type ("empty",[]);
   397 val e_term = Const ("empty", e_type);
   398 val e_rule = Thm ("refl", @{thm refl});
   399 val e_term = Const ("empty", Type("'a", []));
   400 type rrlsstate =  (* state for reverse rewriting, comments see type rule and scr | Rfuns *)
   401   (term * term * rule list list * (rule * (term * term list)) list);
   402 val e_rrlsstate = (e_term,e_term, [[e_rule]], [(e_rule, (e_term, []))]) : rrlsstate;
   404 type rls' = string;
   405 local
   406     fun ii (_: term) = e_rrlsstate;
   407     fun no (_: term) = SOME (e_term, [e_term]);
   408     fun lo (_: rule list list) (_: term) (_: rule) = [(e_rule, (e_term, [e_term]))];
   409     fun ne (_: rule list list) (_: term) = SOME e_rule;
   410     fun fo (_: rule list list) (_: term) (_: term) = [(e_rule, (e_term, [e_term]))];
   411 in
   412 val e_rfuns = Rfuns {init_state = ii, normal_form = no, locate_rule = lo,
   413 		  next_rule = ne, attach_form = fo};
   414 end;
   415 val e_rls =
   416   Rls {id = "e_rls", preconds = [], rew_ord = ("dummy_ord", dummy_ord), erls = Erls,
   417     srls = Erls, calc = [], rules = [], errpatts = [], scr = EmptyScr}: rls;
   418 val e_rrls =
   419   Rrls {id = "e_rrls", prepat = [], rew_ord = ("dummy_ord", dummy_ord), erls = Erls,
   420     calc = [], errpatts = [], scr = e_rfuns}:rls;
   422 fun rep_rls Erls = rep_rls e_rls
   423   | rep_rls (Rls {id, preconds, rew_ord, erls, srls, calc, errpatts, rules, scr}) =
   424     {id = id, preconds = preconds, rew_ord = rew_ord, erls = erls, srls = srls, errpats = errpatts,
   425       calc = calc, rules = rules, scr = scr}
   426   | rep_rls (Seq {id, preconds, rew_ord, erls, srls, calc, errpatts, rules, scr}) =
   427     {id = id, preconds = preconds, rew_ord = rew_ord, erls = erls, srls = srls, errpats = errpatts,
   428       calc = calc, rules = rules, scr = scr}
   429   | rep_rls (Rrls _)  = rep_rls e_rls
   431 fun append_rls id Erls _ = raise ERROR ("append_rls: with \"" ^ id ^ "\" not for Erls")
   432   | append_rls id (Rls {id = _, preconds = pc, rew_ord = ro, erls = er, srls = sr, calc = ca,
   433 			rules = rs, errpatts = errpatts, scr = sc}) r =
   434     Rls {id = id, preconds = pc, rew_ord = ro, erls = er, srls = sr, calc = ca,
   435       rules = rs @ r, errpatts = errpatts, scr = sc}
   436   | append_rls id (Seq {id = _, preconds = pc, rew_ord = ro, erls = er, srls = sr, calc = ca,
   437 			rules = rs, errpatts = errpatts, scr = sc}) r =
   438     Seq {id = id, preconds = pc, rew_ord = ro, erls = er, srls = sr, calc = ca,
   439       rules = rs @ r, errpatts = errpatts, scr = sc}
   440   | append_rls id (Rrls _) _ = raise ERROR ("append_rls: not for reverse-rewrite-rule-set " ^ id);
   442 fun merge_ids rls1 rls2 =
   443   let 
   444     val id1 = (#id o rep_rls) rls1
   445     val id2 = (#id o rep_rls) rls2
   446   in
   447     if id1 = id2 then id1 else "merged_" ^ id1 ^ "_" ^ id2
   448   end
   449 fun merge_rls _ Erls rls = rls
   450   | merge_rls _ rls Erls = rls
   451   | merge_rls _ (Rrls x) _ = Rrls x (* required for merging Theory_Data *)
   452   | merge_rls _ _ (Rrls x) = Rrls x
   453   | merge_rls id
   454 	  (Rls {preconds = pc1, rew_ord = ro1, erls = er1, srls = sr1, calc = ca1,
   455 	    rules = rs1, errpatts = eps1, scr = sc1, ...})
   456 	  (Rls {preconds = pc2, erls = er2, srls = sr2, calc = ca2,
   457 	    rules = rs2, errpatts = eps2, ...})
   458     =
   459 	  Rls {id = id, rew_ord = ro1, scr = sc1,
   460 	    preconds = union (op =) pc1 pc2,	    
   461 	    erls = merge_rls (merge_ids er1 er2) er1 er2,
   462 	    srls = merge_rls (merge_ids sr1 sr2) sr1 sr2,
   463 	    calc = union calc_eq ca1 ca2,
   464 		  rules = union eq_rule rs1 rs2,
   465       errpatts = union (op =) eps1 eps2}
   466   | merge_rls id
   467 	  (Seq {preconds = pc1, rew_ord = ro1, erls = er1, srls = sr1, calc = ca1,
   468 	    rules = rs1, errpatts = eps1, scr = sc1, ...})
   469 	  (Seq {preconds = pc2, erls = er2, srls = sr2, calc = ca2,
   470 	    rules = rs2, errpatts = eps2, ...})
   471     =
   472 	  Seq {id = id, rew_ord = ro1, scr = sc1,
   473 	    preconds = union (op =) pc1 pc2,	    
   474 	    erls = merge_rls (merge_ids er1 er2) er1 er2,
   475 	    srls = merge_rls (merge_ids sr1 sr2) sr1 sr2,
   476 	    calc = union calc_eq ca1 ca2,
   477 		  rules = union eq_rule rs1 rs2,
   478       errpatts = union (op =) eps1 eps2}
   479   | merge_rls id _ _ = error ("merge_rls: \"" ^ id ^ 
   480     "\"; not for reverse-rewrite-rule-sets and not for mixed Rls -- Seq");
   482 (* used only for one hack TODO remove *)
   483 fun remove_rls id (Rls {id = _, preconds = pc, rew_ord = ro, erls = er, srls = sr, calc = ca,
   484 		  rules = rs, errpatts = eps, scr = sc}) r =
   485     Rls {id = id, preconds = pc, rew_ord = ro, erls = er, srls = sr, calc = ca,
   486 	    rules = gen_rems eq_rule (rs, r),
   487 	    errpatts = eps,
   488 	    scr = sc}
   489   | remove_rls id (Seq {id = _, preconds = pc, rew_ord = ro, erls = er, srls = sr, calc = ca,
   490 		  rules = rs, errpatts = eps, scr = sc}) r =
   491     Seq {id = id, preconds = pc, rew_ord = ro, erls = er, srls = sr, calc = ca,
   492 	    rules = gen_rems eq_rule (rs, r),
   493 	    errpatts = eps,
   494 	    scr = sc}
   495   | remove_rls id (Rrls _) _ = raise ERROR ("remove_rls: not for reverse-rewrite-rule-set "^id)
   496   | remove_rls _ rls _ = raise ERROR ("remove_rls called with " ^ rls2str rls);
   499 end (*struct*)