author wneuper <>
Sun, 02 May 2021 13:13:44 +0200
changeset 60273 f15995595411
parent 60149 f01072d28542
child 60274 5b1cd0f93d8b
permissions -rw-r--r--
eliminate axiomatization, first trial

a prompt success of Isabelle detecting an error from 2003, see
     1 theory Base_Tools
     2   imports Interpret.Interpret
     3 (** )"../BridgeJEdit/BridgeJEdit"                    ( *activate after devel.of BridgeJEdit*)
     4 (**) "../BridgeLibisabelle/BridgeLibisabelle"           (*remove after devel.of BridgeJEdit*)
     5                       (*  ^^^ for KEStore_Elems.add_thes *)
     6 begin
     7 subsection \<open>theorems for Base_Tools\<close>
     9 lemma real_unari_minus:   "- a = (-1) * (a::real)" by auto
    10 (*Semiring_Normalization.comm_ring_1_class.ring_normalization_rules(1)*)
    12 (* should be in Rational.thy, but needed for asms in e.g. d2_pqformula1 in PolyEq, RootEq... *)
    13 lemma radd_left_cancel_le: "((k::real) + m <= k + n) = (m <= n)" by auto
    14 (*Groups.ordered_ab_semigroup_add_imp_le_class.add_le_cancel_left*)
    16 axiomatization where (*for evaluating the assumptions of conditional rules*)
    17   (* should be in Rational.thy, but needed for asms in e.g. d2_pqformula1 in PolyEq, RootEq... *)
    18   rat_leq1: "[| 0 \<noteq> b; 0 \<noteq> d |] ==> (a / b <= c / d) = (a * d <= b * c)"(*Quickcheck found a counterexample*) and
    19   rat_leq2:	          "0 \<noteq> d    ==> (a     <= c / d) = (a * d <=     c)" (*Quickcheck found a counterexample*) and
    20   rat_leq3:	   "0 \<noteq> b           ==> (a / b <= c    ) = (a     <= b * c)" (*Quickcheck found a counterexample*)
    23 subsection \<open>setup for ML-functions\<close>
    24 text \<open>required by "eval_binop" below\<close>
    25 setup \<open>KEStore_Elems.add_calcs
    26   [ ("occurs_in", ("Prog_Expr.occurs'_in", Prog_Expr.eval_occurs_in "#occurs_in_")),
    27     ("some_occur_in", ("Prog_Expr.some'_occur'_in", Prog_Expr.eval_some_occur_in "#some_occur_in_")),
    28     ("is_atom", ("'_atom", Prog_Expr.eval_is_atom "#is_atom_")),
    29     ("is_even", ("'_even", Prog_Expr.eval_is_even "#is_even_")),
    30     ("is_const", ("'_const", Prog_Expr.eval_const "#is_const_")),
    31     ("le", ("Orderings.ord_class.less", Prog_Expr.eval_equ "#less_")),
    32     ("leq", ("Orderings.ord_class.less_eq", Prog_Expr.eval_equ "#less_equal_")),
    33     ("ident", ("Prog_Expr.ident", Prog_Expr.eval_ident "#ident_")),
    34     ("equal", ("HOL.eq", Prog_Expr.eval_equal "#equal_")),
    35     ("PLUS", ("", (**)eval_binop "#add_")),
    36     ("MINUS", ("Groups.minus_class.minus", (**)eval_binop "#sub_")),
    37     ("TIMES", ("Groups.times_class.times", (**)eval_binop "#mult_")),
    38     ("DIVIDE", ("Rings.divide_class.divide", Prog_Expr.eval_cancel "#divide_e")),
    39     ("POWER",("Prog_Expr.pow", (**)eval_binop "#power_")),
    40     ("boollist2sum", ("Prog_Expr.boollist2sum", Prog_Expr.eval_boollist2sum ""))]\<close>
    42 subsection \<open>rewrite-order for rule-sets\<close>
    43 ML \<open>
    44 \<close> ML \<open>
    45 local
    46   open Term;
    47 in
    48   fun termlessI (_: subst) uv = LibraryC.termless uv;
    49   fun term_ordI (_: subst) uv = Term_Ord.term_ord uv;
    50 end;
    51 \<close> ML \<open>
    52 (*TODO.WN0509 reduce ids: tless_true = e_rew_ord' = Rewrite_Ord.e_rew_ord = Rewrite_Ord.dummy_ord*)
    53 val tless_true = Rewrite_Ord.dummy_ord;
    54 Rewrite_Ord.rew_ord' := overwritel (! Rewrite_Ord.rew_ord', (*<<<---- use here, too*)
    55 			[("tless_true", tless_true),
    56 			 ("e_rew_ord'", tless_true),
    57 			 ("dummy_ord", Rewrite_Ord.dummy_ord)]);
    58 \<close>
    60 subsection \<open>rule-sets\<close>
    61 ML \<open>
    62 \<close> ML \<open>
    63 val Atools_erls = Rule_Set.append_rules "Atools_erls" Rule_Set.empty
    64   [ Rule.Eval ("HOL.eq", Prog_Expr.eval_equal "#equal_"),
    65     Rule.Thm ("not_true", ThmC.numerals_to_Free @{thm not_true}),
    66 		(*"(~ True) = False"*)
    67 		Rule.Thm ("not_false", ThmC.numerals_to_Free @{thm not_false}),
    68 		(*"(~ False) = True"*)
    69 		Rule.Thm ("and_true", ThmC.numerals_to_Free @{thm and_true}),
    70 		(*"(?a & True) = ?a"*)
    71 		Rule.Thm ("and_false", ThmC.numerals_to_Free @{thm and_false}),
    72 		(*"(?a & False) = False"*)
    73 		Rule.Thm ("or_true", ThmC.numerals_to_Free @{thm or_true}),
    74 		(*"(?a | True) = True"*)
    75 		Rule.Thm ("or_false", ThmC.numerals_to_Free @{thm or_false}),
    76 		(*"(?a | False) = ?a"*)
    78 		Rule.Thm ("rat_leq1", ThmC.numerals_to_Free @{thm rat_leq1}),
    79 		Rule.Thm ("rat_leq2", ThmC.numerals_to_Free @{thm rat_leq2}),
    80 		Rule.Thm ("rat_leq3", ThmC.numerals_to_Free @{thm rat_leq3}),
    81       Rule.Thm ("refl", ThmC.numerals_to_Free @{thm refl}),
    82 		Rule.Thm ("order_refl", ThmC.numerals_to_Free @{thm order_refl}),
    83 		Rule.Thm ("radd_left_cancel_le", ThmC.numerals_to_Free @{thm radd_left_cancel_le}),
    85 		Rule.Eval ("Orderings.ord_class.less", Prog_Expr.eval_equ "#less_"),
    86 		Rule.Eval ("Orderings.ord_class.less_eq", Prog_Expr.eval_equ "#less_equal_"),
    88 		Rule.Eval ("Prog_Expr.ident", Prog_Expr.eval_ident "#ident_"),    
    89 		Rule.Eval ("'_const", Prog_Expr.eval_const "#is_const_"),
    90 		Rule.Eval ("Prog_Expr.occurs'_in", Prog_Expr.eval_occurs_in ""),    
    91 		Rule.Eval ("Prog_Expr.matches", Prog_Expr.eval_matches "")];
    92 \<close>
    94 ML \<open>
    95 val Atools_crls = Rule_Set.append_rules "Atools_crls" Rule_Set.empty
    96   [ Rule.Eval ("HOL.eq", Prog_Expr.eval_equal "#equal_"),
    97     Rule.Thm ("not_true", ThmC.numerals_to_Free @{thm not_true}),
    98 		Rule.Thm ("not_false", ThmC.numerals_to_Free @{thm not_false}),
    99 		Rule.Thm ("and_true", ThmC.numerals_to_Free @{thm and_true}),
   100 		Rule.Thm ("and_false", ThmC.numerals_to_Free @{thm and_false}),
   101 		Rule.Thm ("or_true", ThmC.numerals_to_Free @{thm or_true}),
   102 		Rule.Thm ("or_false", ThmC.numerals_to_Free @{thm or_false}),
   104 		Rule.Thm ("rat_leq1", ThmC.numerals_to_Free @{thm rat_leq1}),
   105 		Rule.Thm ("rat_leq2", ThmC.numerals_to_Free @{thm rat_leq2}),
   106 		Rule.Thm ("rat_leq3", ThmC.numerals_to_Free @{thm rat_leq3}),
   107 		Rule.Thm ("refl", ThmC.numerals_to_Free @{thm refl}),
   108 		Rule.Thm ("order_refl", ThmC.numerals_to_Free @{thm order_refl}),
   109 		Rule.Thm ("radd_left_cancel_le", ThmC.numerals_to_Free @{thm radd_left_cancel_le}),
   111 		Rule.Eval ("Orderings.ord_class.less", Prog_Expr.eval_equ "#less_"),
   112 		Rule.Eval ("Orderings.ord_class.less_eq", Prog_Expr.eval_equ "#less_equal_"),
   114 		Rule.Eval ("Prog_Expr.ident", Prog_Expr.eval_ident "#ident_"),    
   115 		Rule.Eval ("'_const", Prog_Expr.eval_const "#is_const_"),
   116 		Rule.Eval ("Prog_Expr.occurs'_in", Prog_Expr.eval_occurs_in ""),    
   117 		Rule.Eval ("Prog_Expr.matches", Prog_Expr.eval_matches "")];
   118 \<close>
   120 subsection \<open>ONCE AGAIN extend rule-set for evaluating pre-conditions and program-expressions\<close>
   121 text \<open>requires "eval_binop" from above\<close>
   122 ML \<open>
   123 val prog_expr = Rule_Set.append_rules "prog_expr" prog_expr
   124 	[ Rule.Eval ("Groups.times_class.times", (**)eval_binop "#mult_"),
   125 		Rule.Eval ("", (**)eval_binop "#add_"), 
   126 		Rule.Eval ("Orderings.ord_class.less", Prog_Expr.eval_equ "#less_"),
   127 		Rule.Eval ("Orderings.ord_class.less_eq", Prog_Expr.eval_equ "#less_equal_"),
   128 		Rule.Eval ("Prog_Expr.ident", Prog_Expr.eval_ident "#ident_"),
   129 		Rule.Eval ("HOL.eq", Prog_Expr.eval_equal "#equal_"),(*atom <> atom -> False*)
   131 		Rule.Eval ("Prog_Expr.Vars",Prog_Expr.eval_var "#Vars_"),
   133 		Rule.Thm ("if_True",ThmC.numerals_to_Free @{thm if_True}),
   134 		Rule.Thm ("if_False",ThmC.numerals_to_Free @{thm if_False})];
   136 val prog_expr = Auto_Prog.prep_rls @{theory} (Rule_Set.merge "list_erls"
   137 	(Rule_Def.Repeat {id = "replaced", preconds = [], rew_ord = ("termlessI", termlessI),
   138     erls = Rule_Def.Repeat {id = "list_elrs", preconds = [], rew_ord = ("termlessI", termlessI), 
   139     erls = Rule_Set.empty, srls = Rule_Set.Empty, calc = [], errpatts = [],
   140     rules = [Rule.Eval ("", (**)eval_binop "#add_"),
   141       Rule.Eval ("Orderings.ord_class.less", Prog_Expr.eval_equ "#less_")
   142       (*    ~~~~~~ for nth_Cons_*)],
   143     scr = Rule.Empty_Prog},
   144     srls = Rule_Set.Empty, calc = [], errpatts = [],
   145     rules = [], scr = Rule.Empty_Prog})
   146   prog_expr);
   147 \<close>
   148 subsection \<open>setup for extended rule-set\<close>
   149 setup \<open>KEStore_Elems.add_rlss
   150   [("prog_expr", (Context.theory_name @{theory}, Auto_Prog.prep_rls @{theory} prog_expr))]\<close>
   152 end