author Walther Neuper <>
Wed, 15 Apr 2020 10:07:43 +0200
changeset 59876 eff0b9fc6caa
parent 59874 820bf0840029
child 59879 33449c96d99f
permissions -rw-r--r--
use "ThmC" for renaming identifiers
     1 (* the interface between the isac-kernel and the java-frontend;
     2    the isac-kernel holds calc-trees; stdout in XML-format.
     3    This is the only file which does not adhere to Isabelle coding standards,
     4    rather the function names are according to the respective Java methods.
     5    authors: Walther Neuper 2002
     6    (c) due to copyright terms
     8 use"Frontend/interface.sml";
     9 use"interface.sml";
    10 *)
    12 signature KERNEL =
    13   sig
    14     val appendFormula : Celem.calcID -> TermC.as_string -> XML.tree (*unit future*)
    15     val autoCalculate : Celem.calcID -> -> XML.tree (*unit future*)
    16     val applyTactic : Celem.calcID -> Pos.pos' -> Tactic.input -> XML.tree
    17     val CalcTree : Selem.fmz list -> XML.tree
    18     val checkContext : Celem.calcID -> Pos.pos' -> Celem.guh -> XML.tree
    19     val DEconstrCalcTree : Celem.calcID -> XML.tree
    20     val fetchApplicableTactics : Celem.calcID -> int -> Pos.pos' -> XML.tree
    21     val fetchProposedTactic : Celem.calcID -> XML.tree
    22     val findFillpatterns : Celem.calcID -> Error_Fill_Def.errpatID -> XML.tree
    23     val getAccumulatedAsms : Celem.calcID -> Pos.pos' -> XML.tree
    24     val getActiveFormula : Celem.calcID -> XML.tree
    25     val getAssumptions : Celem.calcID -> Pos.pos' -> XML.tree
    26     val getFormulaeFromTo : Celem.calcID -> Pos.pos' -> Pos.pos' -> int -> bool -> XML.tree
    27     val getTactic : Celem.calcID -> Pos.pos' -> XML.tree
    28     val initContext : Celem.calcID -> Celem.ketype -> Pos.pos' -> XML.tree
    29     val inputFillFormula: Celem.calcID -> string -> XML.tree
    30     val interSteps : Celem.calcID -> Pos.pos' -> XML.tree
    31     val Iterator : Celem.calcID -> XML.tree
    32     val IteratorTEST : Celem.calcID -> Celem.iterID
    33     val modelProblem : Celem.calcID -> XML.tree
    34     val modifyCalcHead : Celem.calcID -> In_Chead.icalhd -> XML.tree
    35     val moveActiveCalcHead : Celem.calcID -> XML.tree
    36     val moveActiveDown : Celem.calcID -> XML.tree
    37     val moveActiveFormula : Celem.calcID -> Pos.pos' -> XML.tree
    38     val moveActiveLevelDown : Celem.calcID -> XML.tree
    39     val moveActiveLevelUp : Celem.calcID -> XML.tree
    40     val moveActiveRoot : Celem.calcID -> XML.tree
    41     val moveActiveRootTEST : Celem.calcID -> XML.tree
    42     val moveActiveUp : Celem.calcID -> XML.tree
    43     val moveCalcHead : Celem.calcID -> Pos.pos' -> XML.tree
    44     val moveDown : Celem.calcID -> Pos.pos' -> XML.tree
    45     val moveLevelDown : Celem.calcID -> Pos.pos' -> XML.tree
    46     val moveLevelUp : Celem.calcID -> Pos.pos' -> XML.tree
    47     val moveRoot : Celem.calcID -> XML.tree
    48     val moveUp : Celem.calcID -> Pos.pos' -> XML.tree
    49     val refFormula : Celem.calcID -> Pos.pos' -> XML.tree
    50     val refineProblem : Celem.calcID -> Pos.pos' -> Celem.guh -> XML.tree
    51     val replaceFormula : Celem.calcID -> TermC.as_string -> XML.tree
    52     val requestFillformula : Celem.calcID -> Error_Fill_Def.errpatID * Error_Fill_Def.fillpatID -> XML.tree
    53     val resetCalcHead : Celem.calcID -> XML.tree
    54     val setContext : Celem.calcID -> Pos.pos' -> Celem.guh -> XML.tree
    55     val setMethod : Celem.calcID -> Celem.metID -> XML.tree
    56     val setNextTactic : Celem.calcID -> Tactic.input -> XML.tree
    57     val setProblem : Celem.calcID -> Celem.pblID -> XML.tree
    58     val setTheory : Celem.calcID -> ThyC.thyID -> XML.tree
    59 (*/-------------------------------------------------------- ! aktivate for Test_Isac BEGIN ---\* )
    60     (* NONE *)
    61 ( *\--- ! aktivate for Test_Isac END ----------------------------------------------------------/*)
    62   end
    64 (**)
    65 structure Kernel(**): KERNEL(**) =
    66 struct
    67 (**)
    68 open Ctree
    69 open Pos
    70 (* encode "Isabelle"-strings as seen by the user to the
    71    format accepted by Isabelle.
    72    encode "^" ---> "^^^"; see Knowledge/Atools.thy;
    73    called for each cterm', icalhd, fmz in this interface;
    74    + see "fun en/decode" in /mathml.sml *)
    75 fun encode_imodel imodel =
    76   let fun enc (In_Chead.Given ifos) = In_Chead.Given (map encode ifos)
    77 	| enc (In_Chead.Find ifos) = In_Chead.Find (map encode ifos)
    78 	| enc (In_Chead.Relate ifos) = In_Chead.Relate (map encode ifos)
    79   in map enc imodel:In_Chead.imodel end;
    80 fun encode_icalhd ((pos', headl, imodel, pos_, spec) : In_Chead.icalhd) =
    81   (pos', encode headl, encode_imodel imodel, pos_, spec) : In_Chead.icalhd;
    82 fun encode_fmz (ifos, spec) = (map encode ifos, spec);
    85 (***. CalcTree .***)
    87 (** add and delete users **)
    89 (*.'Iterator 1' must exist with each CalcTree;
    90    the only for updating the calc-tree
    91    WN.0411: only 'Iterator 1' is stored,
    92    all others are just calculated on the fly
    93    TODO: adapt Iterator, add_user(= add_iterator!),etc. accordingly .*)
    94 fun Iterator cI = (*returned ID unnecessary after WN.0411*)
    95   (adduserOK2xml cI (add_user cI ))
    96   handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 1";
    97 fun IteratorTEST cI = add_user cI;
    99 (*.create a calc-tree; for calls from java: thus ^^^ decoded to ^;
   100    compare "fun CalcTreeTEST" which does NOT decode.*)
   101 fun CalcTree [(fmz, sp)] (*for several variants lateron*) =
   102   	((let
   103   	    val cs = SpecifyNEW.nxt_specify_init_calc (encode_fmz (fmz, sp))
   104   	    val cI = add_calc cs (*FIXME.WN.8.03: error-handling missing*)
   105   	   in calctreeOK2xml cI end)
   106   	 handle _ => sysERROR2xml 0 "error in kernel 2")
   107 	| CalcTree [] = error "CalcTree: called with []"
   109 fun DEconstrCalcTree cI = deconstructcalctreeOK2xml (del_calc cI);
   110 fun getActiveFormula cI = iteratorOK2xml cI (get_pos cI 1);
   112 fun moveActiveFormula cI p =
   113   let val ((pt,_),_) = get_calc cI
   114   in
   115     if existpt' p pt 
   116     then (upd_ipos cI 1 p; iteratorOK2xml cI p)
   117     else sysERROR2xml cI "frontend sends a non-existing pos"
   118   end
   120 (*. set the next tactic to be applied: dont't change the calc-tree,
   121     but remember the envisaged changes for fun autoCalculate;
   122     compare force NextTactic .*)
   123 fun setNextTactic cI tac =
   124   let
   125     val ((pt, _), _) = get_calc cI                     (* retrieve calcstate from states *)
   126     val ip = get_pos cI 1                              (* retrieve position from states  *)
   127   in
   128     case Step.by_tactic tac (pt, ip) of                               
   129       ("ok", (tacis, _, _)) =>                         (* update calcstate in states     *)
   130         (upd_calc cI ((pt, ip), tacis); setnexttactic2xml cI "ok")
   131   	| ("unsafe-ok", (tacis, _, _)) =>
   132   	    (upd_calc cI ((pt, ip), tacis); setnexttactic2xml cI "unsafe-ok")
   133   	| ("not-applicable", _) => setnexttactic2xml cI "not-applicable"
   134   	| ("end-of-calculation", _) => setnexttactic2xml cI "end-of-calculation"
   135   	| (msg, _) => sysERROR2xml cI ("setNextTactic: Step.by_tactic returns " ^ msg)
   136   end;
   138 (*. apply a tactic at a position and update the calc-tree if applicable .*)
   139 (*WN080226 java-code is missing, errors smltest/Knowledge/polyminus.sml*)
   140 fun applyTactic cI ip tac =
   141   let
   142     val ((pt, _), _) = get_calc cI
   143 	  val p = get_pos cI 1
   144   in
   145     case Step.by_tactic tac (pt, ip) of
   146 	    ("ok", (_, c, ptp as (_, p'))) =>
   147 	      (upd_calc cI (ptp, []);
   148 	       upd_ipos cI 1 p';
   149 	       autocalculateOK2xml cI p (if null c then p' else last_elem c) p')
   150 	  | ("unsafe-ok", (_, c, ptp as (_, p'))) =>
   151 	      (upd_calc cI (ptp, []);
   152 	       upd_ipos cI 1 p';
   153 	       autocalculateOK2xml cI p (if null c then p' else last_elem c) p')
   154 	  | ("end-of-calculation", (_, c, ptp as (_, p'))) =>
   155 	      (upd_calc cI (ptp, []);
   156 	       upd_ipos cI 1 p';
   157 	       autocalculateOK2xml cI p (if null c then p' else last_elem c) p')
   158 	  | (str, _) => autocalculateERROR2xml cI ("applyTactic: Step.by_tactic returns " ^ str)
   159   end;
   161 fun fetchProposedTactic cI =
   162   (case Step.do_next (get_pos cI 1) (get_calc cI) of
   163 	  ("ok", (tacis, _, _)) =>
   164   	  let
   165   	    val _= upd_tacis cI tacis
   166   	    val (tac, _, _) = last_elem tacis
   167   	  in fetchproposedtacticOK2xml cI tac (Error_Fill_Pattern.fetchErrorpatterns tac) end
   168 	| ("helpless", _) => fetchproposedtacticERROR2xml cI "helpless"
   169 	| ("no-fmz-spec", _) => fetchproposedtacticERROR2xml cI "no-fmz-spec"
   170 	| ("end-of-calculation", _) =>
   171 	  fetchproposedtacticERROR2xml cI "end-of-calculation")
   172    handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 3";
   174 fun autoCalculate cI auto = (*Future.fork
   175   (fn () => (( *)let
   176      val pold = get_pos cI 1
   177   in
   178     case Math_Engine.autocalc [] pold (get_calc cI) auto of
   179       ("ok", c, ptp as (_,p)) =>
   180         (upd_calc cI (ptp, []); upd_ipos cI 1 p;
   181          autocalculateOK2xml cI pold (if null c then pold else last_elem c) p)
   182     | ("dummy", c, ptp as (_,p)) => (*prelim. until \<open>Review modelling- + specification-phase\<close>*)
   183         (upd_calc cI (ptp, []); upd_ipos cI 1 p;
   184          autocalculateOK2xml cI pold (if null c then pold else last_elem c) p)
   185     | ("end-of-calculation", c, ptp as (_,p)) =>
   186         (upd_calc cI (ptp, []); upd_ipos cI 1 p;
   187          autocalculateOK2xml cI pold (if null c then pold else last_elem c) p)
   188     | (str, _, _) => autocalculateERROR2xml cI str
   189   end (* ) *)
   190   handle ERROR msg => sysERROR2xml cI ("error in kernel 4: " ^ msg)(* )) *);
   192 fun getTactic cI (p:pos') =
   193   (let 
   194     val ((pt, _), _) = get_calc cI
   195     val (_, tac, _) = Chead.pt_extract (pt, p)
   196   in 
   197     case tac of
   198  	    SOME ta => gettacticOK2xml cI ta
   199  	  | NONE => gettacticERROR2xml cI ("no tactic at position " ^ pos'2str p)
   200   end)
   201     handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "syserror in getTactic";
   203 (* Fetch tactics to be applied to a particular step.
   204   Requirements are not yet implemented, see ICalcIterator#fetchApplicableTactics"
   205     @see #TACTICS_ALL
   207     @see #TACTICS_CURRENT_METHOD  ..the only impl.WN040307
   208   LItool.specific_from_prog waits to be used here
   209 *)
   210 fun fetchApplicableTactics cI (_(*scope*): int) (p : pos') =
   211   (let val ((pt, _), _) = get_calc cI
   212   in (applicabletacticsOK cI (Fetch_Tacs.from_prog pt p))
   213      handle PTREE str => sysERROR2xml cI str
   214   end)
   215     handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 5";
   217 fun getAssumptions cI (p:pos') =
   218   (let 
   219     val ((pt, _), _) = get_calc cI
   220 	  val (_, _, asms) = Chead.pt_extract (pt, p)
   221   in getasmsOK2xml cI asms end)
   222     handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "syserror in getAssumptions"
   224 (*WN0502 @see ME/ctree: type asms: illdesigned, thus no positions returned*)
   225 fun getAccumulatedAsms cI (p:pos') =
   226   (let
   227     val ((pt, _), _) = get_calc cI
   228     val ass = Ctree.get_assumptions pt p
   229   in getasmsOK2xml cI ass end)
   230     handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "syserror in getAccumulatedAsms"
   232 fun refFormula cI (p: pos') = (*WN0501 rename to "fun getElement" !*)
   233   (let 
   234     val ((pt, _), _) = get_calc cI
   235 	  val (form, _, _) = Chead.pt_extract (pt, p)
   236   in refformulaOK2xml cI p form end)
   237     handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI ("error in kernel 6: refFormula " ^ int2str cI ^ " " ^ pos'2str p)
   239 (* get formulae "from" "to" w.r.t. ordering in Position#compareTo(Position p);
   240    "level" is adjusted such that an "interval" of formulae is returned;
   241    "from" "to" are designed for use by iterators of calcChangedEvent,
   242    thus "from" is the last unchanged position *)
   243 fun getFormulaeFromTo cI (([], Pbl) : pos') (to as ([], Pbl) : pos') _ false =
   244     ((let 
   245         val ((pt,_),_) = get_calc cI
   246         val headline =
   247           case Chead.pt_extract (pt, to) of
   248               (ModSpec (_, _, headline, _, _, _), _, _) => headline
   249           | _ => raise ERROR "getFormulaeFromTo: uncovered case of Chead.pt_extract"
   250     in getintervalOK cI [(to, headline, NONE)] end)
   251       handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 7")
   252   | getFormulaeFromTo cI ([], Pbl) ([], Met) _ false =
   253       getFormulaeFromTo cI ([], Pbl) ([], Pbl) (~00000) false
   254   (* ^^^ separated cases, because "from" is _before_ the first elements to be returned*)
   255   | getFormulaeFromTo cI from to level false =
   256     (if from = to 
   257     then sysERROR2xml cI "getFormulaeFromTo: From = To"
   258     else
   259       (case from of
   260          ([], Res) => sysERROR2xml cI ("getFormulaeFromTo does: moveDown " ^ 
   261            "from=([],Res) .. goes beyond result")
   262        | _ => 
   263          let 
   264            val ((pt,_),_) = get_calc cI
   265            val f = move_dn [] pt from
   266            fun max (a,b) = if a < b then b else a
   267            val lev = max (level, max (lev_of from, lev_of to)) (*... must reach margins *)
   268          in getintervalOK cI (Chead.get_interval f to lev pt) end)
   269     handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in getFormulaeFromTo")
   270   | getFormulaeFromTo cI from to level true =
   271     sysERROR2xml cI ("getFormulaeFromTo impl.for formulae only, " ^ 
   272       "i.e. last arg only impl. for false, _NOT_ true");
   274 fun interSteps cI ip =
   275   (let val ((pt, p), tacis) = get_calc cI
   276   in 
   277     if (not o is_interpos) ip
   278     then interStepsERROR cI ("only formulae with position (_,Res) " ^ 
   279       "may have intermediate steps above them")
   280     else 
   281       let val ip' = lev_pred' pt ip
   282       in case Detail_Step.go pt ip of
   283         ("detailrls", pt, lastpos) =>
   284           (upd_calc cI ((pt, p), tacis); interStepsOK cI ip' ip' lastpos)
   285       | ("no-Rewrite_Set...", _, _) => sysERROR2xml cI "no Rewrite_Set..."
   286       | (_, _, lastpos) => interStepsOK cI ip' ip' lastpos
   287       end
   288   end)
   289     handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 8";
   291 fun modifyCalcHead cI (ichd as ((p,_),_,_,_,_) : In_Chead.icalhd) =
   292   (let 
   293     val ((pt,_),_) = get_calc cI
   294     val (pt, chd as (_,p_,_,_,_,_)) = In_Chead.input_icalhd pt ichd
   295   in (upd_calc cI ((pt, (p,p_)), []); modifycalcheadOK2xml cI chd) end)
   296     handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 9";
   298 (* at the activeFormula set the Model, the Guard and the Specification to empty 
   299    and return a CalcHead; the 'origin' remains (for reconstructing all that) *)
   300 fun resetCalcHead cI =
   301   (let 
   302     val (ptp,_) = get_calc cI
   303     val ptp = Chead.reset_calchead ptp
   304   in (upd_calc cI (ptp, []); modifycalcheadOK2xml cI (Chead.get_ocalhd ptp)) end)
   305     handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 10";
   307 (* at the activeFormula insert all the Descriptions in the Model and return a CalcHead;
   308    the Descriptions are for user-guidance; the rest of the items are left empty for user-input *)
   309 fun modelProblem cI =
   310   (let val (ptp, _) = get_calc cI
   311   	val ptp = Chead.reset_calchead ptp
   312   	val (_, _, ptp) = Step_Specify.by_tactic_input Tactic.Model_Problem ptp
   313   in (upd_calc cI (ptp, []); modifycalcheadOK2xml cI (Chead.get_ocalhd ptp)) end)
   314     handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 11";
   316 (* set the UContext determined on a knowledgebrowser to the current calc 
   317   WN0825: not implemented in isac-java.
   318   Recalling the state of development after summer-term 2006 (Robert Koenishofer
   319   Main success was showing UContext from Worksheet to the Example/Method/Problem/TheoryBrowser,
   320   while the buttons on these browsers <To Worksheet> <Try Refine> have no
   321   code in isac-java (and only partial, untested code in isabisac).
   322 *)
   323 fun setContext cI (ip as (_,p_)) guh =
   324   case (implode o (take_fromto 1 4) o Symbol.explode) guh of
   325     "thy_" =>
   326 	    if member op = [Pbl, Met] p_
   327       then message2xml cI "thy-context not to calchead"
   328       else if ip = ([], Res) then message2xml cI "no thy-context at result"
   329 	    else if Rtools.no_thycontext guh then message2xml cI ("no thy-context for '" ^ guh ^ "'")
   330   	  else
   331         ((let
   332           val (ptp as (pt, pold), _) = get_calc cI
   333 		      val is = get_istate_LI pt ip
   334 		      val subs = Rtools.subs_from is "dummy" guh
   335 		      val tac = Rtools.guh2rewtac guh subs
   336   	    in
   337           case Step.by_tactic tac (pt, ip) of (*='fun setNextTactic'+step*)
   338 		        ("ok", (tacis, c, ptp as (_, p))) =>
   339 		          (upd_calc cI ((pt, p), []);
   340 		           autocalculateOK2xml cI pold (if null c then pold else last_elem c) p)
   341 		      | ("unsafe-ok", (tacis, c, ptp as (_ ,p))) =>
   342   	         (upd_calc cI ((pt, p), []);
   343 	            autocalculateOK2xml cI pold (if null c then pold else last_elem c) p)
   344 		      | ("end-of-calculation", _) => message2xml cI "end-of-calculation"
   345 		      | ("failure", _) => sysERROR2xml cI "failure"
   346 		      | ("not-applicable", _) => (*the rule comes from anywhere..*)
   347 		          (case Applicable.applicable_in ip pt tac of
   348 		            Applicable.Notappl e => message2xml cI ("'" ^ Tactic.input_to_string tac ^ "' not-applicable")
   349 	            | Applicable.Appl m =>
   350 		              let
   351                     val ctxt = get_ctxt pt pold
   352                     val (p, c, _, pt) =
   353                       Generate.generate1 m (Istate.Uistate, ctxt) (pt, ip)
   354                   in upd_calc cI ((pt, p), []);
   355 	                  autocalculateOK2xml cI pold (if null c then pold else last_elem c) p
   356 		 	            end)
   357 	      end
   358      ) handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "setContext: thy_ ???")
   359   | "pbl_" =>
   360 	  ((let
   361         val pI = Specify.guh2kestoreID guh
   362 	      val ((pt, _), _) = get_calc cI
   363 	    in
   364         if member op = [Pbl, Met] p_
   365 	      then
   366           let val (pt, chd) = Math_Engine.set_problem pI (pt, ip)
   367 		      in (upd_calc cI ((pt, ip), []); modifycalcheadOK2xml cI chd) end
   368 	      else sysERROR2xml cI "setContext for pbl requires ActiveFormula on CalcHead"
   369 	   end
   370     ) handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "setContext: pbl_ ???")
   371   | "met_" =>
   372 	  ((let
   373         val mI = Specify.guh2kestoreID guh
   374 	      val ((pt, _), _) = get_calc cI
   375 	    in
   376         if member op = [Pbl, Met] p_
   377 	      then            
   378           let val (pt, chd) = Math_Engine.set_method mI (pt, ip)
   379 		      in (upd_calc cI ((pt, ip), []); modifycalcheadOK2xml cI chd) end
   380 	      else sysERROR2xml cI "setContext for met requires ActiveFormula on CalcHead"
   381 	    end
   382     ) handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "setContext: met_ ???")
   385 (* specify the Method at the activeFormula and return a CalcHead containing the Guard.
   386    WN0512 impl.incomplete, see "nxt_specif (Specify_Method" *)
   387 fun setMethod cI mI =
   388   (let 
   389     val ((pt, _), _) = get_calc cI
   390     val ip as (_, p_) = get_pos cI 1
   391   in 
   392     if member op = [Pbl,Met] p_
   393     then 
   394       let val (pt, chd) = Math_Engine.set_method mI (pt, ip)
   395       in (upd_calc cI ((pt, ip), []); modifycalcheadOK2xml cI chd) end
   396     else sysERROR2xml cI "setMethod requires ActiveFormula on CalcHead"
   397   end
   398   ) handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 12";
   400 (* specify the Problem at the activeFormula and return a CalcHead containing the Model; 
   401    special case of checkContext; WN0512 impl.incomplete, see "nxt_specif (Specify_Problem" *)
   402 fun setProblem cI pI =
   403   (let 
   404     val ((pt, _), _) = get_calc cI
   405     val ip as (_, p_) = get_pos cI 1
   406   in 
   407     if member op = [Pbl,Met] p_
   408     then 
   409       let val (pt, chd) = Math_Engine.set_problem pI (pt, ip)
   410 	    in (upd_calc cI ((pt, ip), []); modifycalcheadOK2xml cI chd) end
   411     else sysERROR2xml cI "setProblem requires ActiveFormula on CalcHead"
   412   end
   413   ) handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 13";
   415 (* specify the Theory at the activeFormula and return a CalcHead;
   416    special case of checkContext; WN0512 impl.incomplete, see "nxt_specif (Specify_Method" *)
   417 fun setTheory cI tI =
   418   (let 
   419     val ((pt, _), _) = get_calc cI
   420     val ip as (_, p_) = get_pos cI 1
   421   in 
   422     if member op = [Pbl,Met] p_
   423     then 
   424       let val (pt, chd) = Math_Engine.set_theory tI (pt, ip)
   425       in (upd_calc cI ((pt, ip), []); modifycalcheadOK2xml cI chd) end
   426     else sysERROR2xml cI "setProblem requires ActiveFormula on CalcHead"
   427   end
   428   ) handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 14";
   430 (* refinement for the parent-problem of the position,
   431   Not used in isac-java (see comment WN0825 for setContext) but tryrefine is used within isabisac *)
   432 fun refineProblem cI (p, p_) guh =
   433   (let 
   434     val pblID = Specify.guh2kestoreID guh
   435 	  val ((pt,_),_) = get_calc cI
   436 	  val pp = par_pblobj pt p
   437 	  val chd = Math_Engine.tryrefine pblID pt (pp, p_)
   438   in contextpblOK2xml cI chd end)
   439     handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 16";
   441 (* append a formula to the calculation *)
   442 fun appendFormula' cI (ifo: TermC.as_string) =
   443   (let
   444     val cs = get_calc cI
   445     val pos = get_pos cI 1
   446   in
   447     case Step.do_next pos cs of
   448 	    ("ok", cs' as (_, _, ptp)) =>
   449 	      (case Step_Solve.by_term ptp (encode ifo) of
   450 	        ("ok", (_(*use in DG !!!*), c, ptp as (_, p))) =>
   451 	          (upd_calc cI (ptp, []); upd_ipos cI 1 p;
   452 	          appendformulaOK2xml cI pos (if null c then pos else last_elem c) p)
   453 	      | ("same-formula", (_, c, ptp as (_, p))) =>
   454 	          (upd_calc cI (ptp, []); upd_ipos cI 1 p;
   455 	          appendformulaOK2xml cI pos (if null c then pos else last_elem c) p)
   456 	      | (msg, _) => appendformulaERROR2xml cI msg)
   457 	  | (msg, _) => appendformulaERROR2xml cI msg
   458   end)
   459   handle ERROR msg => sysERROR2xml cI ("error in kernel 17: " ^ msg);
   461 fun appendFormula cI ifo = (*Future.fork (fn () => *)appendFormula' cI ifo(* ) *);
   463 (* replace a formula with_in_ a calculation; this applies for initial CAS-commands, too *)
   464 fun replaceFormula cI ifo =
   465   (let
   466     val ((pt, _), _) = get_calc cI
   467     val p = get_pos cI 1
   468   in
   469     case Step_Solve.by_term (pt, p) (encode ifo) of
   470 	    ("ok", (_(*tacs used for DG ?*), c, ptp' as (_, p'))) =>
   471 	      let
   472 	        val unc = if null (fst p) then p else move_up [] pt p
   473 	        val _ = upd_calc cI (ptp', [])
   474 	        val _ = upd_ipos cI 1 p'
   475 	      in replaceformulaOK2xml cI unc (if null c then unc else last_elem c) p' end
   476 	  | ("same-formula", _) => replaceformulaERROR2xml cI "formula not changed"
   477 	  | (msg, _) => replaceformulaERROR2xml cI msg
   478   end)
   479     handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 18";
   481 (*** CalcIterator
   482     moveActive*: set the pos' of the active formula stored with the calctree
   483                  could take pos' as argument for consistency checks
   484     move*:       compute the new iterator from the old one on the fly
   485 ***)
   487 fun moveActiveRoot cI =
   488   (let val _ = upd_ipos cI 1 ([], Pbl)
   489   in iteratorOK2xml cI ([], Pbl) end)
   490   handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 19"
   491 fun moveRoot cI =
   492   (iteratorOK2xml cI ([], Pbl))
   493   handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "";
   494 fun moveActiveRootTEST cI =
   495   (let val _ = upd_ipos cI 1 ([], Pbl)
   496   in iteratorOK2xml cI ([], Pbl) end)
   497   handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 20"
   499 fun moveActiveDown cI =
   500   ((let 
   501     val ((pt, _), _) = get_calc cI
   502 	  val ip' = move_dn [] pt (get_pos cI 1)
   503 	  val _ = upd_ipos cI 1 ip'
   504   in iteratorOK2xml cI ip' end)
   505     handle (PTREE _) => iteratorERROR2xml cI) handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 21"
   506 fun moveDown cI p =
   507   ((let 
   508     val ((pt, _), _) = get_calc cI
   509 	  val ip' = move_dn [] pt p
   510   in iteratorOK2xml cI ip' end)
   511     handle (PTREE _) => iteratorERROR2xml cI) handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 22"
   513 fun moveActiveLevelDown cI =
   514   ((let 
   515     val ((pt, _) ,_) = get_calc cI
   516 	  val ip' = movelevel_dn [] pt (get_pos cI 1)
   517 	  val _ = upd_ipos cI 1 ip'
   518   in iteratorOK2xml cI ip' end)
   519     handle (PTREE _) => iteratorERROR2xml cI) handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 23"
   520 fun moveLevelDown cI p =
   521   ((let 
   522     val ((pt, _), _) = get_calc cI
   523     val ip' = movelevel_dn [] pt p
   524   in iteratorOK2xml cI ip' end)
   525     handle (PTREE _) => iteratorERROR2xml cI) handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 24"
   527 fun moveActiveUp cI =
   528   ((let 
   529     val ((pt, _), _) = get_calc cI
   530 	  val ip' = move_up [] pt (get_pos cI 1)
   531 	  val _ = upd_ipos cI 1 ip'
   532   in iteratorOK2xml cI ip' end)
   533     handle PTREE _ => iteratorERROR2xml cI) handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 25"
   534 fun moveUp cI p =
   535   ((let 
   536     val ((pt, _), _) = get_calc cI
   537 	  val ip' = move_up [] pt p
   538   in iteratorOK2xml cI ip' end)
   539     handle PTREE _ => iteratorERROR2xml cI) handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 26"
   541 fun moveActiveLevelUp cI =
   542   ((let
   543     val ((pt, _), _) = get_calc cI
   544     val ip' = movelevel_up [] pt (get_pos cI 1)
   545     val _ = upd_ipos cI 1 ip'
   546   in iteratorOK2xml cI ip' end)
   547     handle PTREE _ => iteratorERROR2xml cI) handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 27"
   548 fun moveLevelUp cI p =
   549   ((let
   550     val ((pt, _), _) = get_calc cI
   551 	  val ip' = movelevel_up [] pt p
   552   in iteratorOK2xml cI ip' end)
   553     handle PTREE _ => iteratorERROR2xml cI) handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 28"
   555 fun moveActiveCalcHead cI =
   556   ((let 
   557     val ((pt, _), _) = get_calc cI
   558 	  val ip' = movecalchd_up pt (get_pos cI 1)
   559 	  val _ = upd_ipos cI 1 ip'
   560   in iteratorOK2xml cI ip' end)
   561     handle PTREE _ => iteratorERROR2xml cI) handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 29"
   562 fun moveCalcHead cI p =
   563   ((let
   564     val ((pt, _), _) = get_calc cI
   565 	  val ip' = movecalchd_up pt p
   566   in iteratorOK2xml cI ip' end)
   567     handle PTREE _ => iteratorERROR2xml cI) handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 30"
   569 (*.initContext Thy_ is conceptually impossible at [Pbl,Met]
   570    and at positions with Check_Postcond and End_Trans;
   571    at possible pos's there can be NO rewrite (returned as a context, too).*)
   572 fun initContext cI Celem.Thy_ (pos as (p, p_):pos') =
   573     ((if member op = [Pbl, Met] p_
   574       then message2xml cI "thy-context not to calchead"
   575       else if pos = ([], Res) then message2xml cI "no thy-context at result"
   576       else 
   577         let val cs as (ptp as (pt, _), _) = get_calc cI
   578         in 
   579           if exist_lev_on' pt pos 
   580           then 
   581             let
   582               val pos' = lev_on' pt pos
   583               val tac = Rtools.get_tac_checked pt pos'
   584             in
   585               if Tactic.is_rewtac tac
   586               then contextthyOK2xml cI (Rtools.context_thy (pt, pos) tac)
   587               else message2xml cI ("no thy-context at tac '" ^ Tactic.input_to_string tac ^ "'")
   588             end
   589           else if is_curr_endof_calc pt pos
   590           then 
   591             case Step.do_next pos cs of
   592               ("ok", (tacis, _, (pt, _))) =>
   593                 let val tac = fst3 (last_elem tacis)
   594                 in 
   595                   if Tactic.is_rewtac tac
   596                   then contextthyOK2xml cI (Rtools.context_thy ptp tac)
   597                   else message2xml cI ("no thy-context at tac '" ^ Tactic.input_to_string tac ^ "'")
   598                 end
   599             | (msg, _) => message2xml cI msg
   600           else message2xml cI "no thy-context at this position"
   601         end)
   602         handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 31")
   603   | initContext cI Celem.Pbl_ (p, p_) =
   604     ((let 
   605       val ((pt, _), _) = get_calc cI
   606       val pp = par_pblobj pt p
   607       val chd = Math_Engine.initcontext_pbl pt (pp,p_)
   608     in contextpblOK2xml cI chd end)
   609       handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 32")
   610   | initContext cI Celem.Met_ (p, p_) =
   611     ((let
   612       val ((pt,_),_) = get_calc cI
   613       val pp = par_pblobj pt p
   614       val chd = Math_Engine.initcontext_met pt (pp,p_)
   615     in contextmetOK2xml cI chd end)
   616       handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 33");
   618 (* match a theorem, a ruleset (etc., selected in the knowledge-browser)
   619   with the formula in the focus on the worksheet;
   620   string contains the thy, thus it is unique as thmID, rlsID for this thy;
   621   take the substitution from the istate of the formula *)
   622 fun checkContext cI (pos as (p, p_)) guh =
   623   case (implode o (take_fromto 1 4) o Symbol.explode) guh of
   624 	  "thy_" =>
   625 	    if member op = [Pbl, Met] p_
   626       then message2xml cI "thy-context not to calchead"
   627       else if pos = ([],Res) then message2xml cI "no thy-context at result"
   628       else if Rtools.no_thycontext guh then message2xml cI ("no thy-context for '" ^ guh ^ "'")
   629       else 
   630         ((let 
   631           val ((pt,_),_) = get_calc cI
   632     		  val is = get_istate_LI pt pos
   633     		  val subs = Rtools.subs_from is "dummy" guh
   634     		  val tac = Rtools.guh2rewtac guh subs
   635 	      in contextthyOK2xml cI (Rtools.context_thy (pt, pos) tac) end
   636         ) handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 34")
   637     (*.match the model of a problem at pos p
   638       with the model-pattern of the problem with pblID.*)
   639   | "pbl_" =>
   640 	    ((let 
   641 	      val ((pt, _), _) = get_calc cI
   642   	    val pp = par_pblobj pt p
   643   	    val keID = Specify.guh2kestoreID guh
   644   	    val chd = Math_Engine.context_pbl keID pt pp
   645 	    in contextpblOK2xml cI chd end
   646       ) handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 35")
   647    | "met_" =>
   648 	     ((let 
   649 	       val ((pt, _), _) = get_calc cI
   650 	       val pp = par_pblobj pt p
   651 	       val keID = Specify.guh2kestoreID guh
   652 	       val chd = Math_Engine.context_met keID pt pp
   653 	     in contextmetOK2xml cI chd end
   654       ) handle _ => sysERROR2xml cI "error in kernel 36")
   655    | str => sysERROR2xml cI ("checkContext: str = " ^ str)
   657 (* for an errpatID find "(fillpatID, fillform)" list
   658    which dedicated to this errpat and which is applicable at current formula *)
   659 fun findFillpatterns cI errpatID =
   660   let
   661     val ((pt, _), _) = get_calc cI
   662 		val pos = get_pos cI 1;
   663 		val fillpats = Error_Fill_Pattern.find_fillpatterns (pt, pos) errpatID
   664   in findFillpatterns2xml cI (map #1 fillpats) end
   666 (* given a fillpatID propose a fillform to the learner on the worksheet;
   667   the "ctree" is extended with fillpat and "ostate Inconsistent",
   668   the "istate" is copied and NOT updated;
   669   returns CalcChanged.
   670   arg errpatID: required because there is no dialog-related state in the math-kernel.
   671 *)
   672 fun requestFillformula cI (errpatID, fillpatID) =
   673   let
   674     val ((pt, _), _) = get_calc cI
   675 		val pos = get_pos cI 1
   676     val fillforms = Error_Fill_Pattern.find_fillpatterns (pt, pos) errpatID
   677   in
   678     case filter ((curry op = fillpatID) o
   679         (#1: (Error_Fill_Def.fillpatID * term * thm * (Selem.subs option) -> Error_Fill_Def.fillpatID))) fillforms of
   680       (_, fillform, thm, sube_opt) :: _ =>
   681         let
   682           val (pt, pos') = Generate.generate_inconsistent_rew (sube_opt, ThmC.of_thm thm)
   683             fillform (get_loc pt pos) pos pt
   684         in
   685           (upd_calc cI ((pt, pos'), []); (*upd_ipos cI 1 pos';*)
   686            autocalculateOK2xml cI pos pos' pos')
   687         end
   688     | _ => autocalculateERROR2xml cI "no fillpattern found"
   689   end;
   691 (* input a formula which exactly fills the gaps in a "fillformula"
   692    presented to the learner immediately before by "requestFillformula (errpatID, fillpatID)":
   693    errpatID: lhs of the respective thm = lhs of fillformula with fillpatID.
   694    The respective thm is stored in the ctree. *)
   695 fun inputFillFormula cI ifo =
   696   let
   697     val ((pt, _), _) = get_calc cI
   698     val pos = get_pos cI 1;
   699   in
   700     case Error_Fill_Pattern.is_exactly_equal (pt, pos) ifo of
   701       ("ok", tac) =>
   702         let
   703         in (* cp from applyTactic *)
   704           case Step.by_tactic tac (pt, pos) of
   705             ("ok", (_, c, ptp as (_,p'))) =>
   706               (upd_calc cI (ptp, []);
   707                upd_ipos cI 1 p';
   708                autocalculateOK2xml cI pos (if null c then p' else last_elem c) p')
   709           | ("unsafe-ok", (_, c, ptp as (_,p'))) =>
   710               (upd_calc cI (ptp, []);
   711                upd_ipos cI 1 p';
   712                autocalculateOK2xml cI pos (if null c then p' else last_elem c) p')
   713           | ("end-of-calculation", (_, c, ptp as (_,p'))) =>
   714               (upd_calc cI (ptp, []);
   715                upd_ipos cI 1 p';
   716                autocalculateOK2xml cI pos (if null c then p' else last_elem c) p')
   717           | _ => autocalculateERROR2xml cI "failure"
   718         end
   719     | (msg, _) => message2xml cI msg
   720   end
   722 (**)end(**)