author Walther Neuper <>
Wed, 15 Apr 2020 10:07:43 +0200
changeset 59876 eff0b9fc6caa
parent 59875 995177b6d786
child 59878 3163e63a5111
permissions -rw-r--r--
use "ThmC" for renaming identifiers
     1 (* Title:  BaseDefinitions/rule.sml
     2    Author: Walther Neuper 2018
     3    (c) copyright due to lincense terms
     5 TODO: use "Rule" for renaming identifiers.
     6 Some stuff waits for later rounds of restructuring, e.g. TermC.empty
     7 *)
     9 signature RULE =
    10 sig
    11   datatype rule = datatype Rule_Def.rule
    12   datatype program = datatype Rule_Def.program
    14   val set_id: Rule_Def.rule_set -> string
    15   val id: Rule_Def.rule -> string
    16   val equal: Rule_Def.rule * Rule_Def.rule -> bool
    17   val to_string: Rule_Def.rule -> string
    18   val to_string_short: Rule_Def.rule -> string
    20   val thm: rule -> thm
    21 (* ---- for tests only: shifted from below to remove the Warning "unused" at fun.def. --------- *)
    22   val thm_id: rule -> string
    23 (*/-------------------------------------------------------- ! aktivate for Test_Isac BEGIN ---\* )
    24   (*NONE*)
    25 ( *\--- ! aktivate for Test_Isac END ----------------------------------------------------------/*)
    26 end
    28 (**)
    29 structure Rule(**): RULE(**) =
    30 struct
    31 (**)
    33 datatype rule = datatype Rule_Def.rule;
    34 datatype program = datatype Rule_Def.program;
    35 type is_as_string = string;
    37 type calc = Rule_Def.calc
    38 type calID = Rule_Def.calID;
    39 type eval_fn = Rule_Def.eval_fn;
    41 fun set_id Rule_Def.Empty = "empty" (*WN060714 quick and dirty: recursive defs! TODO "Rule_Def.Empty"*)
    42   | set_id (Rule_Def.Repeat {id, ...}) = id
    43   | set_id (Rule_Def.Seqence {id, ...}) = id
    44   | set_id (Rule_Def.Rrls {id, ...}) = id;
    46 fun id (Rule_Def.Thm (id, _)) = id
    47   | id (Rule_Def.Num_Calc (id, _)) = id
    48   | id (Rule_Def.Cal1 (id, _)) = id
    49   | id (Rule_Def.Rls_ rls) = set_id rls
    50   | id Rule_Def.Erule = "Erule";
    51 fun equal (Rule_Def.Thm (thm1, _), Rule_Def.Thm (thm2, _)) = thm1 = thm2
    52   | equal (Rule_Def.Num_Calc (id1, _), Rule_Def.Num_Calc (id2, _)) = id1 = id2
    53   | equal (Rule_Def.Rls_ rls1, Rule_Def.Rls_ rls2) = set_id rls1 = set_id rls2
    54   | equal _ = false;
    56 fun to_string Rule_Def.Erule = "Erule" 
    57   | to_string (Rule_Def.Thm (str, thm)) = "Thm (\"" ^ str ^ "\"," ^ ThmC_Def.string_of_thm thm ^ ")"
    58   | to_string (Rule_Def.Num_Calc (str, _)) = "Num_Calc (\"" ^ str ^ "\",fn)"
    59   | to_string (Rule_Def.Cal1 (str, _)) = "Cal1 (\"" ^ str ^ "\",fn)"
    60   | to_string (Rule_Def.Rls_ rls) = "Rls_ (\"" ^ set_id rls ^ "\")";
    61 fun to_string_short Rule_Def.Erule = "Erule"
    62   | to_string_short (Rule_Def.Thm (str, _)) = "Thm (\"" ^ str ^ "\",\"\")"
    63   | to_string_short (Rule_Def.Num_Calc (str, _)) = "Num_Calc (\"" ^ str ^ "\",fn)"
    64   | to_string_short (Rule_Def.Cal1 (str, _)) = "Cal1 (\"" ^ str ^ "\",fn)"
    65   | to_string_short (Rule_Def.Rls_ rls) = "Rls_ (\"" ^ set_id rls ^ "\")";
    67 fun thm_id (Rule_Def.Thm (id, _)) = id
    68   | thm_id _ = raise ERROR ("Rule.thm_id: uncovered case " (* ^ to_string r *))
    69 fun thm (Rule_Def.Thm (_, thm)) = thm
    70   | thm r = raise ERROR ("Rule.thm: uncovered case " ^ to_string r)
    72 (**)end(**)