author Walther Neuper <walther.neuper@jku.at>
Wed, 18 Mar 2020 15:23:15 +0100
changeset 59831 edf1643edde5
parent 59825 b40d5da06c59
child 59839 0688613fc053
permissions -rw-r--r--
prep. cleanup LItool.resume_prog
     1 (* Title:  "Minisubpbl/200-start-method.sml"
     2    Author: Walther Neuper 1105
     3    (c) copyright due to lincense terms.
     4 *)
     6 "----------- Minisubplb/200-start-method.sml -------------------------------------------------";
     7 "----------- Minisubplb/200-start-method.sml -------------------------------------------------";
     8 "----------- Minisubplb/200-start-method.sml -------------------------------------------------";
     9 val fmz = ["equality (x+1=(2::real))", "solveFor x","solutions L"];
    10 val (dI',pI',mI') =
    11   ("Test", ["sqroot-test","univariate","equation","test"],
    12    ["Test","squ-equ-test-subpbl1"]);
    13 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = CalcTreeTEST [(fmz, (dI',pI',mI'))];
    14 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt;
    15 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt;
    16 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt;
    17 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt;
    18 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt; (*nxt = ("Specify_Problem",..*)
    19 "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~";
    20 val (p'''',_,f'''',nxt'''',_,pt'''') = me nxt p [] pt; (* (@1) nxt'''' = ("Specify_Method",..*)
    21 (*me nxt'''' p'''' [] pt''''; "ERROR in creating the environment..", SHOULD BE("Apply_Method",.*)
    22 "~~~~~ we continue with (@1) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~";
    23 val (p, f, nxt, pt) = (p'''',f'''',nxt'''',pt'''');
    24 "~~~~~ fun me, args:"; val tac = nxt;
    25     val (pt, p) = 
    26 	    (*Step.by_tactic is here for testing by me; Step.do_next would suffice in me*)
    27 	    case Step.by_tactic tac (pt,p) of
    28 		    ("ok", (_, _, ptp)) => ptp | _ => error "CHANGED --- Minisubplb/200-start-method 1"
    29 (* Step.do_next p ((pt, e_pos'),[])  ..ERROR  = ("helpless",*)
    30 "~~~~~ fun Step.do_next, args:"; val (((ip as (_,p_)):pos'), ((ptp as (pt,p), tacis):calcstate)) =
    31   (p, ((pt, e_pos'),[]));
    32 val pIopt = get_pblID (pt,ip);
    33 ip = ([],Res) (*= false*);
    34 tacis (* = []*);
    35 val SOME pI = pIopt;
    36 member op = [Pbl,Met] p_ andalso is_none (get_obj g_env pt (fst p)) (*= true*);
    37 (*nxt_specify_ (pt, ip)  ..ERROR in creating the environment..*);
    39 val (p, f, nxt, pt) = (p'''',f'''',nxt'''',pt'''');
    40 "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~";
    41 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt; (* (@2) nxt = ("Apply_Method",..*)
    43 val (p'''',_,f'''',nxt'''',_,pt'''') = me nxt p [] pt;
    45 "~~~~~ we continue with (@2) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~";
    46 "~~~~~ fun me, args:"; val tac = nxt;
    47 val ("ok", (_, _, (pt''''',p'''''))) = Step.by_tactic tac (pt,p);
    48 "~~~~~ fun Step.by_tactic, args:"; val ptp as (pt, p) = (pt, p);
    49 val Appl m = applicable_in p pt tac; (*m = Apply_Method'..*)
    50  (*if*) Tactic.for_specify' m; (*false*)
    51 "~~~~~ fun loc_solve_ , args:"; val (m, (pt, pos) ) = (m, ptp);
    52 "~~~~~ fun Step_Solve.by_tactic , args:"; val (Apply_Method' (mI,_,_,_), pos as (p,_)) = (m, pos);
    53 val PblObj {meth, ctxt, ...} = get_obj I pt p;
    54 val thy' = get_obj g_domID pt p;
    55 val thy = assoc_thy thy';
    56 val {srls, pre, prls, ...} = get_met mI;
    57 val pres = check_preconds thy prls pre meth |> map snd;
    58 val ctxt = ctxt |> ContextC.insert_assumptions pres;
    59 val (is'''' as Pstate {env = env'''',...}, _, sc'''') = init_pstate srls ctxt meth mI;
    60 "~~~~~ fun init_pstate , args:"; val (srls, thy, itms, metID) = (srls, thy, meth, mI)
    61     val actuals = itms2args thy metID itms
    62 	  val scr as Prog sc = (#scr o get_met) metID
    63     val formals = formal_args sc    
    64 	  (*expects same sequence of (actual) args in itms and (formal) args in met*)
    65 fun msg_miss sc metID caller f formals actuals =
    66   "ERROR in creating the environment from formal args. of partial_function \"" ^ fst (Program.get_fun_id sc) ^ "\"\n" ^
    67 	"and the actual args., ie. items of the guard of \"" ^ Celem.metID2str metID ^ "\" by \"" ^ caller ^ "\":\n" ^
    68 	"formal arg \"" ^ Rule.term2str f ^ "\" doesn't mach an actual arg.\n" ^
    69 	"with:\n" ^
    70 	(string_of_int o length) formals ^ " formal args: " ^ Rule.terms2str formals ^ "\n" ^
    71 	(string_of_int o length) actuals ^ " actual args: " ^ Rule.terms2str actuals
    72 fun msg_ambiguous sc metID f aas formals actuals =
    73   "AMBIGUITY in creating the environment from formal args. of partial_function \"" ^ fst (Program.get_fun_id sc) ^ "\"\n" ^
    74 	"and the actual args., ie. items of the guard of \"" ^ Celem.metID2str metID ^ "\" by \"assoc_by_type\":\n" ^
    75   "formal arg. \"" ^ Rule.term2str f ^ "\" type-matches with several..."  ^
    76   "actual args. \"" ^ Rule.terms2str aas ^ "\"\n" ^
    77   "selected \"" ^ Rule.term2str (hd aas) ^ "\"\n" ^
    78 	"with\n" ^
    79 	"formals: " ^ Rule.terms2str formals ^ "\n" ^
    80 	"actuals: " ^ Rule.terms2str actuals
    81     fun assoc_by_type f aa =
    82       case filter (curry (fn (f, a) => type_of f = type_of a) f) aa of
    83         [] => error (msg_miss sc metID "assoc_by_type" f formals actuals)
    84       | [a] => (f, a)
    85       | aas as (a :: _) => (writeln (msg_ambiguous sc metID f aas formals actuals); (f, a));
    86 	  fun relate_args _ (f::_)  [] = error (msg_miss sc metID "relate_args" f formals actuals)
    87 	    | relate_args env [] _ = env (*may drop Find?*)
    88 	    | relate_args env (f::ff) (aas as (a::aa)) = 
    89 	      if type_of f = type_of a 
    90 	      then relate_args (env @ [(f, a)]) ff aa
    91         else
    92           let val (f, a) = assoc_by_type f aas
    93           in relate_args (env @ [(f, a)]) ff (remove op = a aas) end
    94     val env = relate_args [] formals actuals;
    95   (*val _ = trace_istate env;*)
    96     val {pre, prls, ...} = Specify.get_met metID;
    97     val pres = Stool.check_preconds (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) prls pre itms |> map snd;
    98     val ctxt = ctxt |> ContextC.insert_assumptions pres;
   100 "~~~~~ continue Step_Solve.by_tactic";
   101 val ini = init_form thy sc'''' env'''';
   102 val p = lev_dn p;
   103 val SOME t = ini;
   104 val (pos,c,_,pt) = 
   105 		  generate1 (Apply_Method' (mI, SOME t, is'''', ctxt))
   106 			    (is'''', ctxt) (pt, (lev_on p, Frm))(*implicit Take*);
   107 ("ok",([(Apply_Method mI, Apply_Method' (mI, SOME t, is'''', ctxt), 
   108 		    ((lev_on p, Frm), (is'''', ctxt)))], c, (pt,pos)):calcstate');
   110 val ctxt = get_ctxt pt pos;
   111 val SOME known_x = parseNEW ctxt "x+z+z"; (*x has declare_constraints to real*)
   112 val SOME unknown = parseNEW ctxt "a+b+c";
   113 if type_of known_x = Type ("Real.real",[]) then ()
   114 else error "x+1=2 after start root-pbl wrong type-inference for known_x";
   115 if  type_of unknown = TFree ("'a", ["Groups.plus"]) then ()
   116 else error "x+1=2 after start root-pbl wrong type-inference for unknown";
   118 "~~~~~ continue me (@3) after Step.by_tactic";
   119 val (pt, p) = (pt''''',p''''');
   120 "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~";
   121 "~~~~~ fun Step.do_next, args:"; val ((ip as (_, p_)), (ptp as (pt,p), tacis)) = (p, ((pt, Pos.e_pos'),[]));
   122 val pIopt = get_pblID (pt,ip);
   123 ip = ([], Pos.Res) (* = false*);
   124 case tacis of [] => ();
   125 case pIopt of SONE => ();
   126 member op = [Pos.Pbl, Pos.Met] p_ andalso is_none (Ctree.get_obj Ctree.g_env pt (fst p)) (* = false*);
   127 "~~~~~ and do_next , args:"; val (ptp as (pt, pos as (p, p_))) = (pt,ip);
   128 Celem.e_metID = get_obj g_metID pt (par_pblobj pt p) (* = false*);
   129         val thy' = get_obj g_domID pt (par_pblobj pt p);
   130 	      val (is, sc) = LItool.resume_prog thy' (p,p_) pt;
   131 "~~~~~ fun find_next_step , args:"; val ((ptp as(pt, (p, _))), (Rule.Prog prog), (Istate.Pstate ist, ctxt))
   132   = ((pt, pos), sc, is);
   133       (*case*) scan_to_tactic (prog, (ptp, ctxt)) (Istate.Pstate ist) (*of*);
   134 "~~~~~ fun scan_to_tactic , args:"; val ((prog, cc), (Istate.Pstate (ist as {path, ...})))
   135   = ((prog, (ptp, ctxt)), (Istate.Pstate ist));
   136   (*if*) path = [] (*then*);
   137   scan_dn cc (trans_scan_dn ist) (Program.body_of prog);
   138 "~~~~~ fun scan_dn , args:"; val (cc, ist, (Const ("HOL.Let"(*1*), _) $ e $ (Abs (i, T, b)))) =
   139   (cc, (trans_scan_dn ist), (Program.body_of prog));
   140     (*case*) scan_dn cc (ist |> path_down [L, R]) e (*of*);
   141 "~~~~~ fun scan_dn , args:"; val (cc, ist, (Const ("Tactical.Chain"(*1*), _) $ e1 $ e2 $ a))
   142   = (cc, (ist |> path_down [L, R]), e);
   143     (*case*) scan_dn cc (ist |> path_down_form ([L, L, R], a)) e1 (*of*);
   144 "~~~~~ fun scan_dn , args:"; val (cc, (ist as {act_arg, ...}), (Const ("Tactical.Try"(*2*), _) $ e))
   145   = (cc, (ist |> path_down_form ([L, L, R], a)), e1);
   146     (*case*) scan_dn cc (ist |> path_down [R]) e (*of*);
   147 "~~~~~ fun scan_dn , args:"; val (((pt, p), ctxt), (ist as {eval, ...}), t) =
   148   (cc, (ist |> path_down [R]), e);
   149     val (Program.Tac stac, a') = 
   150       (*case*) LItool.check_leaf "next  " ctxt eval (get_subst ist) t (*of*);
   151   	      val m = LItool.tac_from_prog pt (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) stac;
   153 "~~~~~ fun tac_from_prog , args:"; val (_, _, (Const ("Prog_Tac.Rewrite'_Set",_) $ rls $ _)) =
   154   (pt, (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt), stac);
   156 (*+*)case LItool.tac_from_prog pt (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) stac of (Rewrite_Set "norm_equation") => ()
   157 (*+*)| _ => error "tac_from_prog changed"
   159 "~~~~~ continue last scan_dn";
   160 val Applicable.Appl m' = Applicable.applicable_in p pt m;
   161 "~~~~~ fun result, args:"; val (m) = (m');
   162 "~~~~~ fun rep_tac_, args:"; val (Tactic.Rewrite_Set' (thy', put, rls, f, (f', _))) = (m);
   163       val fT = type_of f;
   164       val lhs = Const ("Prog_Tac.Rewrite'_Set", [HOLogic.stringT, fT] ---> fT) 
   165         $ HOLogic.mk_string (Rule.id_rls rls) $ f;
   166 (*        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ here was Free (Rule.id_rls rls, idT) *)
   168 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p'''' [] pt''''; (*nxt = ("Rewrite_Set"*)
   169 case nxt of (Rewrite_Set _) => ()
   170 | _ => error "minisubpbl: Method not started in root-problem";