author Walther Neuper <>
Thu, 24 May 2012 17:13:58 +0200
changeset 42433 ed0ff27b6165
parent 42432 7dc25d1526a5
child 42436 27b2f087587b
permissions -rw-r--r--
prepared fun inputFillform

fun get_fillform now returns the substitution requred for "tac Rewrite_Inst"
     1 (* Handle user-input during the specify- and the solve-phase. 
     2    author: Walther Neuper
     3    0603
     4    (c) due to copyright terms
     6 use"ME/inform.sml";
     7 use"inform.sml";
     8 *)
    10 signature INFORM =
    11   sig 
    13     type castab
    14     type icalhd
    16    (* type iitem *)
    17     datatype
    18       iitem =
    19           Find of cterm' list
    20         | Given of cterm' list
    21         | Relate of cterm' list
    22     type imodel
    23     val imodel2fstr : iitem list -> (string * cterm') list
    26     val Isac : 'a -> theory
    27     val appl_add' :
    28        theory' ->
    29        SpecifyTools.ori list ->
    30        SpecifyTools.itm list ->
    31        ('a * (Term.term * Term.term)) list ->
    32        string * cterm' -> SpecifyTools.itm
    33   (*  val appl_adds :
    34        theory' ->
    35        SpecifyTools.ori list ->
    36        SpecifyTools.itm list ->
    37        (string * (Term.term * Term.term)) list ->
    38        (string * string) list -> SpecifyTools.itm list *)
    39    (* val cas_input : string -> ptree * ocalhd *)
    40    (* val cas_input_ :
    41        spec ->
    42        (Term.term * Term.term list) list ->
    43        pblID * SpecifyTools.itm list * metID * SpecifyTools.itm list *
    44        (bool * Term.term) list  *)
    45     val castab : castab Unsynchronized.ref
    46     val compare_step :
    47        calcstate' -> Term.term -> string * calcstate'
    48    (* val concat_deriv :
    49        'a * ((Term.term * Term.term) list -> Term.term * Term.term -> bool)
    50        ->
    51        rls ->
    52        rule list ->
    53        Term.term ->
    54        Term.term ->
    55        bool * (Term.term * rule * (Term.term * Term.term list)) list *)
    56     val dropwhile' :   (* systest/auto-inform.sml *)
    57        ('a -> 'b -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'a list * 'b list
    58    (* val dtss2itm_ :
    59        pbt_ list ->
    60        Term.term * Term.term list ->
    61        int list * bool * string * SpecifyTools.itm_ *)
    62    (* val e_icalhd : icalhd *)
    63     val eq7 : ''a * ''b -> ''a * (''b * 'c) -> bool
    64     val equal : ''a -> ''a -> bool
    65    (* val filter_dsc :
    66        SpecifyTools.ori list -> SpecifyTools.itm -> SpecifyTools.ori list *)
    67    (* val filter_sep : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list *)
    68    (* val flattup2 : 'a * ('b * 'c * 'd * 'e) -> 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e *)
    69    (* val fstr2itm_ :
    70        theory ->
    71        (''a * (Term.term * Term.term)) list ->
    72        ''a * string -> int list * bool * ''a * SpecifyTools.itm_ *)
    73     val inform :
    74        calcstate' -> cterm' -> string * calcstate'   
    75     val input_icalhd : ptree -> icalhd -> ptree * ocalhd
    76    (* val is_Par : SpecifyTools.itm -> bool *)
    77    (* val is_casinput : cterm' -> fmz -> bool *)
    78    (* val is_e_ts : Term.term list -> bool *)
    79    (* val itms2fstr : SpecifyTools.itm -> string * string *)
    80    (* val mk_tacis :
    81        rew_ord' * 'a ->
    82        rls ->
    83        Term.term * rule * (Term.term * Term.term list) ->
    84        tac * tac_ * (pos' * istate)      *)
    85     val oris2itms :
    86        'a -> int -> SpecifyTools.ori list -> SpecifyTools.itm list
    87    (* val par2fstr : SpecifyTools.itm -> string * cterm' *)
    88    (* val parsitm : theory -> SpecifyTools.itm -> SpecifyTools.itm *)
    89     val rev_deriv' : 'a * rule * ('b * 'c) -> 'b * rule * ('a * 'c)
    90    (* val unknown_expl :
    91        theory' ->
    92        (string * (Term.term * Term.term)) list ->
    93        (string * string) list -> SpecifyTools.itm list *)
    94   end
   101 (***. handle an input calc-head .***)
   103 (*------------------------------------------------------------------(**)
   104 structure inform :INFORM =
   105 struct
   106 (**)------------------------------------------------------------------*)
   108 datatype iitem = 
   109   Given of cterm' list
   110 (*Where is never input*) 
   111 | Find  of cterm' list
   112 | Relate  of cterm' list;
   114 type imodel = iitem list;
   116 (*calc-head as input*)
   117 type icalhd =
   118      pos' *     (*the position of the calc-head in the calc-tree
   119 		 pos' as (p,p_) where p_ is neglected due to pos_ below*) 
   120      cterm' *   (*the headline*)
   121      imodel *   (*the model (without Find) of the calc-head*)
   122      pos_ *     (*model belongs to Pbl or Met*)
   123      spec;      (*specification: domID, pblID, metID*)
   124 val e_icalhd = (e_pos', "", [Given [""]], Pbl, e_spec): icalhd;
   126 fun is_casinput (hdf: cterm') ((fmz_, spec): fmz) =
   127     hdf <> "" andalso fmz_ = [] andalso spec = e_spec;
   129 (*.handle an input as into an algebra system.*)
   130 fun dtss2itm_ ppc (d, ts) =
   131     let val (f, (d, id)) = the (find_first ((curry op= d) o 
   132 					    (#1: (term * term) -> term) o
   133 					    (#2: pbt_ -> (term * term))) ppc)
   134     in ([1], true, f, Cor ((d, ts), (id, ts))) end;
   136 fun flattup2 (a,(b,c,d,e)) = (a,b,c,d,e);
   140 (*.association list with cas-commands, for generating a complete calc-head.*)
   141 type castab = 
   142      (term *         (*cas-command, eg. 'solve'*)
   143       (spec * 	     (*theory, problem, method*)
   145        		     (*the function generating a kind of formalization*)
   146        (term list -> (*the arguments of the cas-command, eg. (x+1=2, x)*)
   147 	(term *      (*description of an element*)
   148 	 term list)  (*value of the element (always put into a list)*)
   149 	    list)))  (*of elements in the formalization*)
   150 	 list;       (*of cas-entries in the association list*)
   152 val castab = Unsynchronized.ref ([]: castab);
   155 fun cas_input_ ((dI,pI,mI): spec) dtss = (*WN110515 reconsider thy..ctxt*)
   156   let
   157     val thy = assoc_thy dI
   158 	  val {ppc, ...} = get_pbt pI
   159 	  val its_ = map (dtss2itm_ ppc) dtss (*([1],true,"#Given",Cor (...))*)
   160 	  val its = add_id its_
   161 	  val pits = map flattup2 its
   162 	  val (pI, mI) =
   163       if mI <> ["no_met"]
   164       then (pI, mI)
   165 		  else
   166         case refine_pbl thy pI pits of
   167 			    SOME (pI,_) => (pI, (hd o #met o get_pbt) pI)
   168 			  | NONE => (pI, (hd o #met o get_pbt) pI)
   169 	  val {ppc, pre, prls, ...} = get_met mI
   170 	  val its_ = map (dtss2itm_ ppc) dtss (*([1],true,"#Given",Cor (...))*)
   171 	  val its = add_id its_
   172 	  val mits = map flattup2 its
   173 	  val pre = check_preconds thy prls pre mits
   174     val ctxt = e_ctxt (*WN110515 cas_input_ DOESNT WORK*)
   175   in (pI, pits: itm list, mI, mits: itm list, pre, ctxt) end;
   178 (* check if the input term is a CAScmd and return a ptree with a _complete_ calchead *)
   179 fun cas_input hdt =
   180   let val (h,argl) = strip_comb hdt
   181   in
   182     case assoc (!castab, h) of
   183      NONE => NONE
   184    | SOME (spec as (dI,_,_), argl2dtss) =>
   185 	      let
   186           val dtss = argl2dtss argl
   187 	        val (pI, pits, mI, mits, pre, ctxt) = cas_input_ spec dtss
   188 	        val spec = (dI, pI, mI)
   189 	        val (pt,_) = 
   190 		        cappend_problem e_ptree [] (e_istate, e_ctxt) ([], e_spec) ([], e_spec, hdt)
   191 	        val pt = update_spec pt [] spec
   192 	        val pt = update_pbl pt [] pits
   193 	        val pt = update_met pt [] mits
   194 	        val pt = update_ctxt pt [] ctxt
   195 	      in SOME (pt, (true, Met, hdt, mits, pre, spec) : ocalhd) end
   196   end;
   198 (*lazy evaluation for (Thy_Info.get_theory "Isac")*)
   199 fun Isac _  = assoc_thy "Isac";
   201 (*re-parse itms with a new thy and prepare for checking with ori list*)
   202 fun parsitm dI (itm as (i,v,b,f, Cor ((d,ts),_)):itm) =
   203 (* val itm as (i,v,b,f, Cor ((d,ts),_)) = hd probl;
   204    *)
   205     (let val t = comp_dts (d,ts);
   206 	 val s = Print_Mode.setmp [] (Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt dI)) t;
   207      (*this    ^ should raise the exn on unability of re-parsing dts*)
   208      in itm end handle _ => ((i,v,false,f, Syn (term2str t)):itm))
   209   | parsitm dI (itm as (i,v,b,f, Syn str)) =
   210     (let val t = (term_of o the o (parse dI)) str
   211      in (i,v,b,f, Par str) end handle _ => (i,v,b,f, Syn str))
   212   | parsitm dI (itm as (i,v,b,f, Typ str)) =
   213     (let val t = (term_of o the o (parse dI)) str
   214      in (i,v,b,f, Par str) end handle _ => (i,v,b,f, Syn str))
   215   | parsitm dI (itm as (i,v,_,f, Inc ((d,ts),_))) =
   216     (let val t = comp_dts (d,ts);
   217 	 val s = Print_Mode.setmp [] (Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt dI)) t;
   218      (*this    ^ should raise the exn on unability of re-parsing dts*)
   219      in itm end handle _ => ((i,v,false,f, Syn (term2str t)):itm))
   220   | parsitm dI (itm as (i,v,_,f, Sup (d,ts))) =
   221     (let val t = comp_dts (d,ts);
   222 	 val s = Print_Mode.setmp [] (Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt dI)) t;
   223      (*this    ^ should raise the exn on unability of re-parsing dts*)
   224      in itm end handle _ => ((i,v,false,f, Syn (term2str t)):itm))
   225   | parsitm dI (itm as (i,v,_,f, Mis (d,t'))) =
   226     (let val t = d $ t';
   227 	 val s = Print_Mode.setmp [] (Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt dI)) t;
   228      (*this    ^ should raise the exn on unability of re-parsing dts*)
   229      in itm end handle _ => ((i,v,false,f, Syn (term2str t)):itm))
   230   | parsitm dI (itm as (i,v,_,f, Par _)) = 
   231     error ("parsitm (" ^ itm2str_ (thy2ctxt dI) itm^
   232 		 "): Par should be internal");
   234 (*separate a list to a pair of elements that do NOT satisfy the predicate,
   235  and of elements that satisfy the predicate, i.e. (false, true)*)
   236 fun filter_sep pred xs =
   237   let fun filt ab [] = ab
   238         | filt (a,b) (x :: xs) = if pred x 
   239 				 then filt (a,b@[x]) xs 
   240 				 else filt (a@[x],b) xs
   241   in filt ([],[]) xs end;
   242 fun is_Par ((_,_,_,_,Par _):itm) = true
   243   | is_Par _ = false;
   245 fun is_e_ts [] = true
   246   | is_e_ts [Const ("List.list.Nil", _)] = true
   247   | is_e_ts _ = false;
   249 (*WN.9.11.03 copied from fun appl_add (in modspec.sml)*)
   250 (* val (sel,ct) = selct;
   251    val (dI, oris, ppc, pbt, (sel, ct))=
   252        (#1 (some_spec ospec spec), oris, []:itm list,
   253 	((#ppc o get_pbt) (#2 (some_spec ospec spec))),
   254 	hd (imodel2fstr imodel));
   255    *)
   256 fun appl_add' dI oris ppc pbt (sel, ct) = 
   257     let 
   258       val ctxt = assoc_thy dI |> thy2ctxt;
   259     in case parseNEW ctxt ct of
   260 	   NONE => (0,[],false,sel, Syn ct):itm
   261 	 | SOME t => (case is_known ctxt sel oris t of
   262          ("", ori', all) =>
   263            (case is_notyet_input ctxt ppc all ori' pbt of
   264 	         ("",itm)  => itm
   265 	       | (msg,_) => error ("appl_add': " ^ msg))
   266      | (_, (i, v, _, d, ts), _) => if is_e_ts ts then
   267          (i, v, false, sel, Inc ((d, ts), (e_term, []))) else
   268          (i, v, false, sel, Sup (d, ts)))
   269     end;
   271 (*.generate preliminary itm_ from a strin (with field "#Given" etc.).*)
   272 (* val (f, str) = hd selcts;
   273    *)
   274 fun eq7 (f, d) (f', (d', _)) = f=f' andalso d=d';
   275 fun fstr2itm_ thy pbt (f, str) =
   276     let val topt = parse thy str
   277     in case topt of
   278 	   NONE => ([], false, f, Syn str)
   279 	 | SOME ct => 
   280 (* val SOME ct = parse thy str;
   281    *)
   282 	   let val (d,ts) = (split_dts o term_of) ct
   283 	       val popt = find_first (eq7 (f,d)) pbt
   284 	   in case popt of
   285 		  NONE => ([1](*??*), true(*??*), f, Sup (d,ts))
   286 		| SOME (f, (d, id)) => ([1], true, f, Cor ((d,ts), (id, ts))) 
   287 	   end
   288     end; 
   291 (*.input into empty PblObj, i.e. empty fmz+origin (unknown example).*)
   292 fun unknown_expl dI pbt selcts =
   293   let
   294     val thy = assoc_thy dI
   295     val its_ = map (fstr2itm_ thy pbt) selcts (*([1],true,"#Given",Cor (...))*)
   296     val its = add_id its_ 
   297 in (map flattup2 its): itm list end;
   302 (*WN.11.03 for input_icalhd, ~ specify_additem for Add_Given/_Find/_Relation
   303  appl_add': generate 1 item 
   304  appl_add' . is_known: parse, get data from oris (vats, all (elems if list)..)
   305  appl_add' . is_notyet_input: compare with items in model already input
   306  insert_ppc': insert this 1 item*)
   307 (* val (dI,oris,ppc,pbt,selcts) =((#1 (some_spec ospec spec)),oris,[(*!!*)],
   308 			       ((#ppc o get_pbt) (#2 (some_spec ospec spec))),
   309 			       (imodel2fstr imodel));
   310    *)
   311 fun appl_adds dI [] _ pbt selcts = unknown_expl dI pbt selcts
   312   (*already present itms in model are being overwritten*)
   313   | appl_adds dI oris ppc pbt [] = ppc
   314   | appl_adds dI oris ppc pbt (selct::ss) =
   315     (* val selct = (sel, string_of_cterm ct);
   316        *)
   317     let val itm = appl_add' dI oris ppc pbt selct;
   318     in appl_adds dI oris (insert_ppc' itm ppc) pbt ss end;
   319 (* val (dI, oris, ppc, pbt, selct::ss) = 
   320        (dI, pors, probl, ppc, map itms2fstr probl);
   321    ...vvv
   322    *)
   323 (* val (dI, oris, ppc, pbt, (selct::ss))=
   324        (#1 (some_spec ospec spec), oris, []:itm list,
   325 	((#ppc o get_pbt) (#2 (some_spec ospec spec))),(imodel2fstr imodel));
   326    val iii = appl_adds dI oris ppc pbt (selct::ss); 
   327    tracing(itms2str_ thy iii);
   329  val itm = appl_add' dI oris ppc pbt selct;
   330  val ppc = insert_ppc' itm ppc;
   332  val _::selct::ss = (selct::ss);
   333  val itm = appl_add' dI oris ppc pbt selct;
   334  val ppc = insert_ppc' itm ppc;
   336  val _::selct::ss = (selct::ss);
   337  val itm = appl_add' dI oris ppc pbt selct;
   338  val ppc = insert_ppc' itm ppc;
   339  tracing(itms2str_ thy ppc);
   341  val _::selct::ss = (selct::ss);
   342  val itm = appl_add' dI oris ppc pbt selct;
   343  val ppc = insert_ppc' itm ppc;
   344    *)
   347 fun oris2itms _ _ ([]:ori list) = ([]:itm list)
   348   | oris2itms pbt vat ((i,v,f,d,ts)::(os: ori list)) =
   349     if member op = vat v 
   350     then (i,v,true,f,Cor ((d,ts),(e_term,[])))::(oris2itms pbt vat os)
   351     else oris2itms pbt vat os;
   353 fun filter_dsc oris itm = 
   354     filter_out ((curry op= ((d_in o #5) (itm:itm))) o 
   355 		(#4:ori -> term)) oris;
   360 fun par2fstr ((_,_,_,f, Par s):itm) = (f, s)
   361   | par2fstr itm = error ("par2fstr: called with " ^
   362 			      itm2str_ (thy2ctxt' "Isac") itm);
   363 fun itms2fstr ((_,_,_,f, Cor ((d,ts),_)):itm) = (f, comp_dts'' (d,ts))
   364   | itms2fstr (_,_,_,f, Syn str) = (f, str)
   365   | itms2fstr (_,_,_,f, Typ str) = (f, str)
   366   | itms2fstr (_,_,_,f, Inc ((d,ts),_)) = (f, comp_dts'' (d,ts))
   367   | itms2fstr (_,_,_,f, Sup (d,ts)) = (f, comp_dts'' (d,ts))
   368   | itms2fstr (_,_,_,f, Mis (d,t)) = (f, term2str (d $ t))
   369   | itms2fstr (itm as (_,_,_,f, Par _)) = 
   370     error ("parsitm ("^itm2str_ (thy2ctxt' "Isac") itm ^
   371 		 "): Par should be internal");
   373 fun imodel2fstr iitems = 
   374   let 
   375     fun xxx is [] = is
   376 	    | xxx is ((Given strs)::iis) = xxx (is @ (map (pair "#Given") strs)) iis
   377 	    | xxx is ((Find strs)::iis) = xxx (is @ (map (pair "#Find") strs)) iis
   378 	    | xxx is ((Relate strs)::iis) = xxx (is @ (map (pair "#Relate") strs)) iis
   379   in xxx [] iitems end;
   381 (* input a calchead, WN110505 "prep_oris -> (_, ctxt)" not handled properly *)
   382 fun input_icalhd pt (((p,_), hdf, imodel, Pbl, spec as (dI,pI,mI)):icalhd) =
   383     let val PblObj {fmz = fmz as (fmz_,_), origin = (oris, ospec, hdf'), 
   384 		      spec = sspec as (sdI,spI,smI), probl, meth, ...} = get_obj I pt p;
   385     in if is_casinput hdf fmz then the (cas_input (str2term hdf)) 
   386        else        (*hacked WN0602 ~~~            ~~~~~~~~~,   ..dropped !*)
   387          let val (pos_, pits, mits) = 
   388 	         if dI <> sdI
   389 	         then let val its = map (parsitm (assoc_thy dI)) probl;
   390 			            val (its, trms) = filter_sep is_Par its;
   391 			            val pbt = (#ppc o get_pbt) (#2(some_spec ospec sspec));
   392 		            in (Pbl, appl_adds dI oris its pbt  (map par2fstr trms), meth) end 
   393            else if pI <> spI 
   394 	              then if pI = snd3 ospec then (Pbl, probl, meth) 
   395                      else
   396 		                   let val pbt = (#ppc o get_pbt) pI
   397 			                   val dI' = #1 (some_spec ospec spec)
   398 			                   val oris = if pI = #2 ospec then oris 
   399 				                            else prep_ori fmz_(assoc_thy"Isac") pbt |> #1;
   400 		                   in (Pbl, appl_adds dI' oris probl pbt 
   401 				                 (map itms2fstr probl), meth) end 
   402                 else if mI <> smI (*FIXME.WN0311: what if probl is incomplete?!*)
   403 	                   then let val met = (#ppc o get_met) mI
   404 		                        val mits = complete_metitms oris probl meth met
   405 		                      in if foldl and_ (true, map #3 mits)
   406 		                         then (Pbl, probl, mits) else (Met, probl, mits) 
   407 		                      end 
   408                      else (Pbl, appl_adds (#1 (some_spec ospec spec)) oris [(*!!!*)]
   409 			                     ((#ppc o get_pbt) (#2 (some_spec ospec spec)))
   410 			                     (imodel2fstr imodel), meth);
   411 	         val pt = update_spec pt p spec;
   412          in if pos_ = Pbl
   413 	          then let val {prls,where_,...} = get_pbt (#2 (some_spec ospec spec))
   414 		               val pre =check_preconds(assoc_thy"Isac")prls where_ pits
   415 	               in (update_pbl pt p pits,
   416 		                 (ocalhd_complete pits pre spec, Pbl, hdf', pits, pre, spec):ocalhd) 
   417                  end
   418 	           else let val {prls,pre,...} = get_met (#3 (some_spec ospec spec))
   419 		                val pre = check_preconds (assoc_thy"Isac") prls pre mits
   420 	                in (update_met pt p mits,
   421 		                  (ocalhd_complete mits pre spec, Met, hdf', mits, pre, spec):ocalhd)
   422                   end
   423          end 
   424     end
   425   | input_icalhd pt ((p,_), hdf, imodel, _(*Met*), spec as (dI,pI,mI)) =
   426     error "input_icalhd Met not impl.";
   429 (***. handle an input formula .***)
   430 (*
   431 Untersuchung zur Formeleingabe (appendFormula, replaceFormla) zu einer Anregung von Alan Krempler:
   432 Welche RICHTIGEN Formeln koennen NICHT abgeleitet werden, 
   433 wenn Abteilungen nur auf gleichem Level gesucht werden ?
   434 WN.040216 
   436 Beispiele zum Equationsolver von Richard Lang aus /src/sml/kbtest/rlang.sml
   438 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   439 "Schalk I s.87 Bsp 52a ((5*x)/(x - 2) - x/(x+2)=4)";
   440 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   441 1. "5 * x / (x - 2) - x / (x + 2) = 4"
   442 ...
   443 4. "12 * x + 4 * x ^^^ 2 = 4 * (-4 + x ^^^ 2)",Subproblem["normalize", "poly"..
   444 ...
   445 4.3. "16 + 12 * x = 0", Subproblem["degree_1", "polynomial", "univariate"..
   446 ...
   447 4.3.3. "[x = -4 / 3]")), Check_elementwise "Assumptions"
   448 ...
   449 "[x = -4 / 3]"
   450 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   451 (1)..(6): keine 'richtige' Eingabe kann abgeleitet werden, die einen Summanden auf die andere Seite verschiebt [Ableitung ware in 4.3.n]
   453 (4.1)..(4.3): keine 'richtige' Eingabe kann abgeleitet werden, die einen Summanden auf die andere Seite verschiebt [Ableitung ware in 4.3.n]
   454 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   457 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   458 "Schalk I s.87 Bsp 55b (x/(x^^^2 - 6*x+9) - 1/(x^^^2 - 3*x) =1/x)";
   459 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   460 1. "x / (x ^^^ 2 - 6 * x + 9) - 1 / (x ^^^ 2 - 3 * x) = 1 / x"
   461 ...
   462 4. "(3 + (-1 * x + x ^^^ 2)) * x = 1 * (9 * x + (x ^^^ 3 + -6 * x ^^^ 2))"
   463                          Subproblem["normalize", "polynomial", "univariate"..
   464 ...
   465 4.4. "-6 * x + 5 * x ^^^ 2 = 0", Subproblem["bdv_only", "degree_2", "poly"..
   466 ...
   467 4.4.4. "[x = 0, x = 6 / 5]", Check_elementwise "Assumptions"
   468 4.4.5. "[x = 0, x = 6 / 5]"
   469 ...
   470 5. "[x = 0, x = 6 / 5]", Check_elementwise "Assumptions"
   471    "[x = 6 / 5]"
   472 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   473 (1)..(4): keine 'richtige' Eingabe kann abgeleitet werden, die einen Summanden auf die andere Seite schiebt [Ableitung waere in 4.4.x]
   475 (4.1)..(4.4.5): keine 'richtige' Eingabe kann abgeleitet werden, die dem Ergebnis "[x = 6 / 5]" aequivalent ist [Ableitung waere in 5.]
   476 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   479 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   480 "Schalk II s.56 Bsp 73b (sqrt(x+1)+sqrt(4*x+4)=sqrt(9*x+9))";
   481 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   482 1. "sqrt (x + 1) + sqrt (4 * x + 4) = sqrt (9 * x + 9)"
   483 ...
   484 6. "13 + 13 * x + -2 * sqrt ((4 + 4 * x) * (9 + 9 * x)) = 1 + x"
   485                              Subproblem["sq", "root'", "univariate", "equation"]
   486 ...
   487 6.6. "144 + 288 * x + 144 * x ^^^ 2 = 144 + x ^^^ 2 + 288 * x + 143 * x ^^^ 2"
   488                 Subproblem["normalize", "polynomial", "univariate", "equation"]
   489 ...
   490 6.6.3 "0 = 0"    Subproblem["degree_0", "polynomial", "univariate", "equation"]
   491 ...                                       Or_to_List
   492 "UniversalList"
   493 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   494 (1)..(6): keine 'richtige' Eingabe kann abgeleitet werden, die eine der Wurzeln auf die andere Seite verschieb [Ableitung ware in 6.6.n]
   496 (6.1)..(6.3): keine 'richtige' Eingabe kann abgeleitet werden, die einen Summanden auf die andere Seite verschiebt [Ableitung ware in 6.6.n]
   497 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   498 *)
   499 (*sh. comments auf 498*)
   501 fun equal a b = a=b;
   503 (*the lists contain eq-al elem-pairs at the beginning;
   504   return first list reverted (again) - ie. in order as required subsequently*)
   505 fun dropwhile' equal (f1::f2::fs) (i1::i2::is) =
   506     if equal f1 i1 then
   507 	 if equal f2 i2 then dropwhile' equal (f2::fs) (i2::is)
   508 	 else (rev (f1::f2::fs), i1::i2::is)
   509     else error "dropwhile': did not start with equal elements"
   510   | dropwhile' equal (f::fs) [i] =
   511     if equal f i then (rev (f::fs), [i])
   512     else error "dropwhile': did not start with equal elements"
   513   | dropwhile' equal [f] (i::is) =
   514     if equal f i then ([f], i::is)
   515     else error "dropwhile': did not start with equal elements";
   516 (*
   517  fun equal a b = a=b;
   518  val foder = [0,1,2,3,4,5]; val ifoder = [11,12,3,4,5];
   519  val r_foder = rev foder;  val r_ifoder = rev ifoder;
   520  dropwhile' equal r_foder r_ifoder;
   521 > vval it = ([0, 1, 2, 3], [3, 12, 11]) : int list * int list
   523  val foder = [3,4,5]; val ifoder = [11,12,3,4,5];
   524  val r_foder = rev foder;  val r_ifoder = rev ifoder;
   525  dropwhile' equal r_foder r_ifoder;
   526 > val it = ([3], [3, 12, 11]) : int list * int list
   528  val foder = [5]; val ifoder = [11,12,3,4,5];
   529  val r_foder = rev foder;  val r_ifoder = rev ifoder;
   530  dropwhile' equal r_foder r_ifoder;
   531 > val it = ([5], [5, 4, 3, 12, 11]) : int list * int list
   533  val foder = [10,11,12,13,14,15]; val ifoder = [11,12,3,4,5];
   534  val r_foder = rev foder;  val r_ifoder = rev ifoder;
   535  dropwhile' equal r_foder r_ifoder;
   536 > *** dropwhile': did not start with equal elements*)
   538 (*040214: version for concat_deriv*)
   539 fun rev_deriv' (t, r, (t', a)) = (t', sym_Thm r, (t, a));
   541 fun mk_tacis ro erls (t, r as Thm _, (t', a)) = 
   542       (Rewrite (rule2thm' r), 
   543          Rewrite' ("Isac", fst ro, erls, false, rule2thm' r, t, (t', a)),
   544        (e_pos'(*to be updated before generate tacis!!!*), (Uistate, e_ctxt)))
   545   | mk_tacis ro erls (t, r as Rls_ rls, (t', a)) = 
   546       (Rewrite_Set (rule2rls' r), 
   547          Rewrite_Set' ("Isac", false, rls, t, (t', a)),
   548        (e_pos'(*to be updated before generate tacis!!!*), (Uistate, e_ctxt)));
   550 (*fo = ifo excluded already in inform*)
   551 fun concat_deriv rew_ord erls rules fo ifo =
   552     let fun derivat ([]:(term * rule * (term * term list)) list) = e_term
   553 	  | derivat dt = (#1 o #3 o last_elem) dt
   554         fun equal (_,_,(t1, _)) (_,_,(t2, _)) = t1=t2
   555 	val  fod = make_deriv (Isac"") erls rules (snd rew_ord) NONE  fo
   556 	val ifod = make_deriv (Isac"") erls rules (snd rew_ord) NONE ifo
   557     in case (fod, ifod) of
   558 	   ([], []) => if fo = ifo then (true, [])
   559 		       else (false, [])
   560 	 | (fod, []) => if derivat fod = ifo 
   561 			then (true, fod) (*ifo is normal form*)
   562 			else (false, [])
   563 	 | ([], ifod) => if fo = derivat ifod 
   564 			 then (true, ((map rev_deriv') o rev) ifod)
   565 			 else (false, [])
   566 	 | (fod, ifod) =>
   567 	   if derivat fod = derivat ifod (*common normal form found*)
   568 	   then let val (fod', rifod') = 
   569 			dropwhile' equal (rev fod) (rev ifod)
   570 		in (true, fod' @ (map rev_deriv' rifod')) end
   571 	   else (false, [])
   572     end;
   573 (*
   574  val ({rew_ord, erls, rules,...}, fo, ifo) = 
   575      (rep_rls Test_simplify, str2term "x+1+ -1*2=0", str2term "-2*1+(x+1)=0");
   576  (tracing o trtas2str) fod';
   577 > ["
   578 (x + 1 + -1 * 2 = 0, Thm ("radd_commute","?m + ?n = ?n + ?m"), (-1 * 2 + (x + 1) = 0, []))","
   579 (-1 * 2 + (x + 1) = 0, Thm ("radd_commute","?m + ?n = ?n + ?m"), (-1 * 2 + (1 + x) = 0, []))","
   580 (-1 * 2 + (1 + x) = 0, Thm ("radd_left_commute","?x + (?y + ?z) = ?y + (?x + ?z)"), (1 + (-1 * 2 + x) = 0, []))","
   581 (1 + (-1 * 2 + x) = 0, Thm ("#mult_Float ((~1,0), (0,0)) __ ((2,0), (0,0))","-1 * 2 = -2"), (1 + (-2 + x) = 0, []))"]
   582 val it = () : unit
   583  (tracing o trtas2str) (map rev_deriv' rifod');
   584 > ["
   585 (1 + (-2 + x) = 0, Thm ("sym_#mult_Float ((~2,0), (0,0)) __ ((1,0), (0,0))","-2 = -2 * 1"), (1 + (-2 * 1 + x) = 0, []))","
   586 (1 + (-2 * 1 + x) = 0, Thm ("sym_radd_left_commute","?y + (?x + ?z) = ?x + (?y + ?z)"), (-2 * 1 + (1 + x) = 0, []))","
   587 (-2 * 1 + (1 + x) = 0, Thm ("sym_radd_commute","?n + ?m = ?m + ?n"), (-2 * 1 + (x + 1) = 0, []))"]
   588 val it = () : unit
   589 *)
   592 (* compare inform with ctree.form at current pos by nrls;
   593    if found, embed the derivation generated during comparison
   594    if not, let the mat-engine compute the next ctree.form *)
   595 (*structure copied from complete_solve
   596   CAUTION: tacis in returned calcstate' do NOT construct resulting ptp --
   597            all_modspec etc. has to be inserted at Subproblem'*)
   598 fun compare_step ((tacis, c, ptp as (pt, pos as (p,p_))): calcstate') ifo =
   599   let
   600     val fo =
   601       case p_ of
   602         Frm => get_obj g_form pt p
   603 			| Res => (fst o (get_obj g_result pt)) p
   604 			| _ => e_term (*on PblObj is fo <> ifo*);
   605 	  val {nrls, ...} = get_met (get_obj g_metID pt (par_pblobj pt p))
   606 	  val {rew_ord, erls, rules, ...} = rep_rls nrls
   607 	  val (found, der) = concat_deriv rew_ord erls rules fo ifo; (*<---------------*)
   608   in
   609     if found
   610     then
   611        let
   612          val tacis' = map (mk_tacis rew_ord erls) der;
   613 		     val (c', ptp) = embed_deriv tacis' ptp;
   614 	     in ("ok", (tacis (*@ tacis'?WN050408*), c @ c', ptp)) end
   615      else 
   616 	     if pos = ([], Res) 
   617 	     then ("no derivation found", (tacis, c, ptp): calcstate') 
   618 	     else
   619          let
   620            val cs' as (tacis, c', ptp) = nxt_solve_ ptp; (*<---------------------*)
   621 		       val cs' as (tacis, c'', ptp) = 
   622 			       case tacis of
   623 			         ((Subproblem _, _, _)::_) => 
   624 			           let
   625                    val ptp as (pt, (p,_)) = all_modspec ptp
   626 				           val mI = get_obj g_metID pt p
   627 			           in
   628 			             nxt_solv (Apply_Method' (mI, NONE, e_istate, e_ctxt)) (e_istate, e_ctxt) ptp
   629                  end
   630 			       | _ => cs';
   631 		     in compare_step (tacis, c @ c' @ c'', ptp) ifo end
   632   end;
   634 (* check if (agreed result, input formula) matches the error pattern "pat" modulo simplifier rls *)
   635 fun check_err_patt (res, inf) (subst: subst) (errpatID: errpatID, pat) rls =
   636   let 
   637     val (res', _, _, rewritten) =
   638       rew_sub (Isac()) 1 subst e_rew_ord e_rls false [] (Trueprop $ pat) res;
   639   in
   640     if rewritten
   641     then 
   642       let
   643         val norm_res = case rewrite_set_inst_ (Isac()) false subst rls  res' of
   644           NONE => res'
   645         | SOME (norm_res, _) => norm_res
   646         val norm_inf = case rewrite_set_inst_ (Isac()) false subst rls inf of
   647           NONE => inf
   648         | SOME (norm_inf, _) => norm_inf
   649       in if norm_res = norm_inf then SOME errpatID else NONE
   650       end
   651     else NONE
   652   end;
   654 (* check if (agreed result, input formula) matches SOME error pattern modulo simplifier rls;
   655    (prog, env) for retrieval of casual substitution for bdv in the pattern. *)
   656 fun check_error_patterns (res, inf) (prog, env) (errpats, rls) =
   657   let
   658     val (_, subst) = get_bdv_subst prog env
   659     fun scan (_, [], _) = NONE
   660       | scan (errpatID, errpat :: errpats, _) =
   661           case check_err_patt (res, inf) (subst: subst) (errpatID, errpat) rls of
   662             NONE => scan (errpatID, errpats, [])
   663           | SOME errpatID => SOME errpatID
   664     fun scans [] = NONE
   665       | scans (group :: groups) =
   666           case scan group of
   667             NONE => scans groups
   668           | SOME errpatID => SOME errpatID
   669   in scans errpats end;
   671 (*.handle a user-input formula, which may be a CAS-command, too.
   672 CAS-command:
   673    create a calchead, and do 1 step
   674    TOOODO.WN0602 works only for the root-problem !!!
   675 formula, which is no CAS-command:
   676    compare iform with calc-tree.form at pos by equ_nrls and all subsequent pos;
   677    collect all the tacs applied by the way;
   678    if "no derivation found" then check_error_patterns.
   679    ALTERNATIVE: check_error_patterns _within_ compare_step seems too expensive.*)
   680 fun inform (cs as (_, _, ptp as (pt, pos as (p, p_))): calcstate') istr =
   681   case parse (assoc_thy "Isac") istr of
   682 	  SOME f_in =>
   683 	    let
   684 	      val f_in = term_of f_in
   685 	      val f_succ = get_curr_formula (pt, pos);
   686 			in
   687 			  if f_succ = f_in
   688 			  then ("same-formula", cs) (* ctree not cut with replaceFormula *)
   689 			  else
   690 			    case cas_input f_in of
   691 			      SOME (pt, _) => ("ok",([], [], (pt, (p, Met))))
   692 			    | NONE =>
   693 			        let
   694 			          val pos_pred = lev_back' pos
   695 			          (* f_pred ---"step pos cs"---> f_succ in appendFormula *)
   696 			          val f_pred = get_curr_formula (pt, pos_pred)
   697 			          val msg_calcstate' = compare_step ([], [], (pt, pos_pred)) f_in (*<<=====*)
   698 			          (*last step re-calc in compare_step TODO before WN09*)
   699 			        in
   700 			          case msg_calcstate' of
   701 			            ("no derivation found", calcstate') => 
   702 			               let
   703 			                 val pp = par_pblobj pt p
   704 			                 val {errpats, nrls, scr = Script prog, ...} = get_met (get_obj g_metID pt pp)
   705 			                 val ScrState (env, _, _, _, _, _) = get_istate pt pos
   706 			               in
   707 			                 case check_error_patterns (f_pred, f_in) (prog, env) (errpats, nrls) of
   708 			                   SOME errpatID => ("error pattern #" ^ errpatID ^ "#", calcstate')
   709 			                 | NONE => msg_calcstate'
   710 			               end
   711 			          | _ => msg_calcstate'
   712 			        end
   713 			end
   714     | NONE => ("syntax error in '" ^ istr ^ "'", e_calcstate');
   716 (* fill-in patterns an forms.
   717   returns thm required by "fun in_fillform *)
   718 fun get_fillform (subs_opt, subst) (thm, form) errpatID ((fillpatID, pat, erpaID): fillpat) =
   719   let
   720     val (form', _, _, rewritten) =
   721       rew_sub (Isac()) 1 subst e_rew_ord e_rls false [] (Trueprop $ pat) form;
   722   in (*the fillpat of the thm must be dedicated to errpatID*)
   723     if errpatID = erpaID andalso rewritten
   724     then SOME (fillpatID, HOLogic.mk_eq (form, form'), thm, subs_opt) else NONE end;
   726 fun get_fillpats subst form errpatID thm =
   727       let
   728         val thmDeriv = Thm.get_name_hint thm
   729         val (part, thyID) = thy_containing_thm thmDeriv
   730         val theID = [part, thyID, "Theorems", thmID_of_derivation_name thmDeriv]
   731         val Hthm {fillpats, ...} = get_the theID
   732         val some = map (get_fillform subst (thm, form) errpatID) fillpats
   733       in some |> filter is_some |> map the end;
   735 fun find_fillpatterns (pt, pos as (p, _): pos') errpatID =
   736   let 
   737     val f_curr = get_curr_formula (pt, pos); (* = "d_d x (x ^^^ 2) + d_d x (sin (x ^^^ 4))"*)
   738     val pp = par_pblobj pt p
   739 			    val {errpats, scr = Script prog, ...} = get_met (get_obj g_metID pt pp)
   740     val ScrState (env, _, _, _, _, _) = get_istate pt pos
   741     val subst = get_bdv_subst prog env
   742     val errpatthms = errpats
   743       |> filter ((curry op = errpatID) o (#1: errpat -> errpatID))
   744       |> map (#3: errpat -> thm list)
   745       |> flat
   746   in map (get_fillpats subst f_curr errpatID) errpatthms |> flat end;
   748 (*------------------------------------------------------------------(**)
   749 end
   750 open inform; 
   751 (**)------------------------------------------------------------------*)