author Walther Neuper <>
Wed, 18 Dec 2019 11:31:31 +0100
changeset 59743 e6d97ceba3fc
parent 59742 9bed0f2dacbc
child 59769 00612574cbfd
permissions -rw-r--r--
lucin: plan for new identifiers of steps
     1 (* Title:  interpreter for scripts
     2    Author: Walther Neuper 2000
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     4 *)
     6 signature LUCAS_INTERPRETER_DEL =
     7 sig
     9   type step = Tactic.T * Generate.mout * Ctree.ctree * Ctree.pos' * Ctree.pos' list
    10   datatype ass =
    11     Ass of Tactic.T * term * Proof.context
    12   | Ass_Weak of Tactic.T * term * Proof.context
    13   | NotAss;
    14   val associate: Ctree.ctree -> Proof.context -> (Tactic.T * term) -> ass
    16 (* can these functions be local to Lucin or part of LItools ? *)
    17   val sel_rules : Ctree.ctree -> Ctree.pos' -> Tactic.input list 
    18   val init_form : 'a -> Rule.program -> (term * term) list -> term option
    19   val init_pstate : Rule.rls -> Proof.context -> Model.itm list -> Celem.metID -> Istate.T * Proof.context * Rule.program
    21   val get_simplifier : Ctree.state -> Rule.rls
    22 (*DEPR ^*)val from_pblobj' : Rule.theory' -> Ctree.pos' -> Ctree.ctree ->
    23     Rule.rls(*..\<in> ist*) * (Istate.T * Proof.context) * Rule.program
    24 (*DEPR*)val from_pblobj_or_detail' : Rule.theory' -> Ctree.pos' -> Ctree.ctree -> 
    25     Rule.rls(*..\<in> ist*) * (Istate.T * Proof.context) * Rule.program
    26   val rule2thm'' : Rule.rule -> Celem.thm''
    27   val rule2rls' : Rule.rule -> string
    28   val sel_appl_atomic_tacs : Ctree.ctree -> Ctree.pos' -> Tactic.input list
    29 (*cp here from "! aktivate for Test_Isac" below due to LucinNEW*)
    30   val stac2tac_ : Ctree.ctree -> theory -> term -> Tactic.input * Tactic.T
    31   val stac2tac : Ctree.ctree -> theory -> term -> Tactic.input
    32   val rew_only: (Tactic.T * Generate.mout * Ctree.ctree * Ctree.pos' * Ctree.pos' list) list -> bool
    33   val interpret_leaf : (*TODO190625: shift to lucas-interpreter.sml ? <- sel_rules, sel_appl_atomic_tacs !*)
    34     string -> Proof.context -> Rule.rls -> (Env.T * (term option * term)) -> term -> 
    35       Program.leaf * term option
    37 (* ---- for tests only: shifted from below to remove the Warning "unused" at fun.def. --------- *)
    38   (*NONE*)
    39 (*/-------------------------------------------------------- ! aktivate for Test_Isac BEGIN ---\* )
    40   val is_spec_pos : Ctree.pos_ -> bool
    41   val itms2args : 'a -> Celem.metID -> Model.itm list -> term list
    42 ( *\--- ! aktivate for Test_Isac END ----------------------------------------------------------/*)
    44 end 
    46 (* traces the leaves (ie. non-tactical nodes) of Prog found by find_next_tactic, see "and scr" *)   
    47 val trace_script = Unsynchronized.ref false; (* TODO: how are traces done in Isabelle? *)
    49 (**)
    50 structure Lucin(**): LUCAS_INTERPRETER_DEL(**) =
    51 struct
    52 (**)
    53 open Ctree
    54 open Pos
    55 (*TODO open Celem for L,R,D;
    56   the few other Celem.items are acceptable: metID, e_metID, assoc_thy, metID2str, thm''*)
    58 (**)
    59 (* data for creating a new node in ctree; designed for use as:
    60    fun ass* pstate steps = / ... case ass* pstate steps of /
    61    Accept_Tac1 (pstate, steps) => ... ass* pstate steps *)
    62 type step = (*WN190713 REMOVE: "creating a new node" was never implemented for more than one node?!?
    63               WN190713 COMPARE: taci list, see papernote #139 *)
    64     Tactic.T        (*transformed from associated tac                   *)
    65     * Generate.mout (*result with indentation etc.                      *)
    66     * ctree         (*containing node created by tac_ + resp. pstate  *)
    67     * pos'          (*position in ctree; ctree * pos' is the proofstate *)
    68     * pos' list;    (*of ctree-nodes probably cut (by fst tac_)         
    69               WN190713 COMPARE: pos' list also in calcstate'*)
    71 fun rule2thm'' (Rule.Thm (id, thm)) = (id, thm)
    72   | rule2thm'' r = error ("rule2thm': not defined for " ^ Rule.rule2str r);
    73 fun rule2rls' (Rule.Rls_ rls) = Rule.id_rls rls
    74   | rule2rls' r = error ("rule2rls': not defined for " ^ Rule.rule2str r);
    76 (*check if there are tacs for rewriting only*)
    77 fun rew_only ([]:step list) = true
    78   | rew_only (((Tactic.Rewrite' _          ,_,_,_,_))::ss) = rew_only ss
    79   | rew_only (((Tactic.Rewrite_Inst' _     ,_,_,_,_))::ss) = rew_only ss
    80   | rew_only (((Tactic.Rewrite_Set' _      ,_,_,_,_))::ss) = rew_only ss
    81   | rew_only (((Tactic.Rewrite_Set_Inst' _ ,_,_,_,_))::ss) = rew_only ss
    82   | rew_only (((Tactic.Calculate' _        ,_,_,_,_))::ss) = rew_only ss
    83   | rew_only (((Tactic.Begin_Trans' _      ,_,_,_,_))::ss) = rew_only ss
    84   | rew_only (((Tactic.End_Trans' _        ,_,_,_,_))::ss) = rew_only ss
    85   | rew_only _ = false; 
    87 (* functions for the environment stack: NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
    88 fun accessenv id es = the (assoc ((top es) : Env.update, id))
    89     handle _ => error ("accessenv: " ^ free2str id ^ " not in Env.update");
    90 fun updateenv id vl (es : Env.update stack) = 
    91     (push (overwrite(top es, (id, vl))) (pop es)) : Env.update stack;
    92 fun pushenv id vl (es : Env.update stack) = 
    93     (push (overwrite(top es, (id, vl))) es) : Env.update stack;
    94 val popenv = pop : Env.update stack -> Env.update stack;
    95 *)
    97 fun de_esc_underscore str =
    98   let
    99     fun scan [] = []
   100     | scan (s :: ss) = if s = "'" then (scan ss) else (s :: (scan ss))
   101   in (implode o scan o Symbol.explode) str end;
   103 fun init_form thy (Rule.Prog sc) env =
   104     (case Prog_Tac.get_stac thy sc of NONE => NONE | SOME stac => SOME (subst_atomic env stac))
   105   | init_form _ _ _ = error "init_form: no match";
   107 type dsc = typ; (* <-> nam..unknow in Descript.thy *)
   109 (*.create the actual parameters (args) of script: their order 
   110   is given by the order in met.pat .*)
   111 (*WN.5.5.03: ?: does this allow for different descriptions ???
   112              ?: why not taken from formal args of script ???
   113 !: FIXXXME penv: push it here in itms2args into script-evaluation*)
   114 val errmsg = "ERROR: the guard is missing (#ppc in 'type met' added in prep_met)."
   115 fun errmsg2 d itms = ("itms2args: '" ^ Rule.term2str d ^ "' not in itms:\n" ^
   116 "itms:\n" ^ Model.itms2str_ @{context} itms)
   117 fun itms2args _ mI itms =
   118   let
   119     val mvat = Model.max_vt itms
   120     fun okv mvat (_, vats, b, _, _) = member op = vats mvat andalso b
   121     val itms = filter (okv mvat) itms
   122     fun test_dsc d (_, _, _, _, itm_) = (d = Model.d_in itm_)
   123     fun itm2arg itms (_,(d,_)) =
   124         case find_first (test_dsc d) itms of
   125           NONE => raise ERROR (errmsg2 d itms)
   126         | SOME (_, _, _, _, itm_) => Model.penvval_in itm_
   127       (*| SOME (_,_,_,_,itm_) => mk_arg thy (Model.d_in itm_) (ts_in itm_);
   128             penv postponed; presently penv holds already Env.update for script*)
   129     val pats = (#ppc o Specify.get_met) mI
   130     val _ = if pats = [] then raise ERROR errmsg else ()
   131   in (flat o (map (itm2arg itms))) pats end;
   133 (* convert a script-tac 'stac' to 'tac' for users;
   134    for "Prog_Tac.SubProblem" also create a 'tac_' for internal use. FIXME separate?
   135    if stac is an initac, then convert to a 'tac_' (as required in scan_dn2).
   136    arg ctree for pushing the thy specified in rootpbl into subpbls    *)
   137 fun stac2tac_ _ thy (Const ("Prog_Tac.Rewrite", _) $ thmID $ _) =
   138     let
   139       val tid = HOLogic.dest_string thmID
   140     in (Tactic.Rewrite (tid, Rewrite.assoc_thm'' thy tid), Tactic.Empty_Tac_) end
   141   | stac2tac_ _ thy (Const ("Prog_Tac.Rewrite'_Inst", _) $ sub $ thmID $ _) =
   142     let
   143       val tid = HOLogic.dest_string thmID
   144     in (Tactic.Rewrite_Inst (Selem.subst'_to_sube sub, (tid, Rewrite.assoc_thm'' thy tid)), Tactic.Empty_Tac_) end
   145   | stac2tac_ _ _ (Const ("Prog_Tac.Rewrite'_Set",_) $ rls $ _) =
   146      (Tactic.Rewrite_Set (HOLogic.dest_string rls), Tactic.Empty_Tac_)
   147   | stac2tac_ _ _ (Const ("Prog_Tac.Rewrite'_Set'_Inst", _) $ sub $ rls $ _) =
   148       (Tactic.Rewrite_Set_Inst (Selem.subst'_to_sube sub, HOLogic.dest_string rls), Tactic.Empty_Tac_)
   149   | stac2tac_ _ _ (Const ("Prog_Tac.Calculate", _) $ op_ $ _) =
   150       (Tactic.Calculate (HOLogic.dest_string op_), Tactic.Empty_Tac_)
   151   | stac2tac_ _ _ (Const ("Prog_Tac.Take", _) $ t) = (Tactic.Take (Rule.term2str t), Tactic.Empty_Tac_)
   152   | stac2tac_ _ _ (Const ("Prog_Tac.Substitute", _) $ isasub $ _) =
   153     (Tactic.Substitute ((Selem.subte2sube o TermC.isalist2list) isasub), Tactic.Empty_Tac_)
   154   | stac2tac_ _ thy (Const("Prog_Tac.Check'_elementwise", _) $ _ $ 
   155     (Const ("Set.Collect", _) $ Abs (_, _, pred))) =
   156       (Tactic.Check_elementwise (Rule.term_to_string''' thy pred), Tactic.Empty_Tac_)
   157   | stac2tac_ _ _ (Const("Prog_Tac.Or'_to'_List", _) $ _ ) = (Tactic.Or_to_List, Tactic.Empty_Tac_)
   159     (*compare "| associate _ (Subproblem'" ..TODO: extract common code *)
   160   | stac2tac_ pt _ (stac as Const ("Prog_Tac.SubProblem", _) $ spec' $ ags') =
   161     let
   162       val (dI, pI, mI) = Prog_Tac.dest_spec spec'
   163       val thy = Stool.common_subthy (Celem.assoc_thy dI, rootthy pt);
   164 	    val ags = TermC.isalist2list ags';
   165 	    val (pI, pors, mI) = 
   166 	      if mI = ["no_met"]
   167 	      then
   168           let
   169             val pors = (Chead.match_ags thy ((#ppc o Specify.get_pbt) pI) ags)
   170             (*    Chead.match_ags : theory -> pat list                 -> term list -> ori list
   171                                               ^^^ variables               ^^^ values          *)
   172 		          handle ERROR "actual args do not match formal args" 
   173 			        => (Chead.match_ags_msg pI stac ags(*raise exn*); [])
   174 		        val pI' = Specify.refine_ori' pors pI;
   175 		      in (pI', pors (* refinement over models with diff.prec only *), 
   176 		          (hd o #met o Specify.get_pbt) pI') end
   177 	      else (pI, (Chead.match_ags thy ((#ppc o Specify.get_pbt) pI) ags)
   178 		      handle ERROR "actual args do not match formal args"
   179 		      => (Chead.match_ags_msg pI stac ags(*raise exn*); []), mI);
   180       val (fmz_, vals) = Chead.oris2fmz_vals pors;
   181 	    val {cas,ppc,thy,...} = Specify.get_pbt pI
   182 	    val dI = Rule.theory2theory' thy (*.take dI from _refined_ pbl.*)
   183 	    val dI = Rule.theory2theory' (Stool.common_subthy (Celem.assoc_thy dI, rootthy pt));
   184       val ctxt = ContextC.initialise dI vals
   185 	    val hdl =
   186         case cas of
   187 		      NONE => Auto_Prog.pblterm dI pI
   188 		    | SOME t => subst_atomic ((Chead.vars_of_pbl_' ppc) ~~~ vals) t
   189       val f = Auto_Prog.subpbl (strip_thy dI) pI
   190     in (Tactic.Subproblem (dI, pI),	Tactic.Subproblem' ((dI, pI, mI), pors, hdl, fmz_, ctxt, f))
   191     end
   192   | stac2tac_ _ thy t = error ("stac2tac_ TODO: no match for " ^ Rule.term_to_string''' thy t);
   194 fun stac2tac pt thy t = (fst o stac2tac_ pt thy) t;
   196 datatype ass =
   197     Ass of
   198       Tactic.T        (* SubProblem gets args instantiated in associate     *)
   199       * term          (* for itr_arg, result in ets                         *)
   200       * Proof.context (* separate from Tactic.T like in locate_input_tactic *)
   201   | Ass_Weak of Tactic.T * term * Proof.context
   202   | NotAss;
   204 (* check if tac_ is associated with stac.
   205    Note: this is the only fun in "fun locate_input_tactic", which handles tactics individually.
   206    Additional tasks: 
   207   (1) to "Subproblem'" add "pors, hdl, fmz_, ctxt, f" TODO: ctxt <-?-> sig locate_input_tac
   208   (2) check if term t (the result has been calculated from) in tac_
   209    has been changed (see "datatype tac_"); if yes, recalculate result
   210    TODO.WN120106 recalculate impl.only for Substitute'
   211 args
   212   pt     : ctree for pushing the thy specified in rootpbl into subpbls
   213   d      : unused (planned for data for comparison)
   214   tac_   : from user (via applicable_in); to be compared with ...
   215   stac   : found in program
   216 returns
   217   Ass    : associated: e.g. thmID in stac = thmID in m
   218                        +++ arg   in stac = arg   in m
   219   Ass_Weak: weakly ass.:e.g. thmID in stac = thmID in m, //arg//
   220   NotAss :             e.g. thmID in stac/=/thmID in m (not =)
   221 *)
   222 fun associate _ ctxt (m as Tactic.Rewrite_Inst'
   223       (_, _, _, _, _, thm'' as (thmID, _), f, (f', asms')), stac) =
   224     (case stac of
   225 	    (Const ("Prog_Tac.Rewrite'_Inst", _) $ _ $ thmID_ $ f_) =>
   226 	      if thmID = HOLogic.dest_string thmID_
   227         then 
   228 	        if f = f_ 
   229           then Ass (m, f', ContextC.insert_assumptions asms' ctxt)
   230 	        else Ass_Weak (m, f', ContextC.insert_assumptions asms' ctxt)
   231 	      else ((*tracing"3### associate ..NotAss";*) NotAss)
   232     | (Const ("Prog_Tac.Rewrite'_Set'_Inst",_) $ _ $ rls_ $ f_) =>
   233 	      if Rtools.contains_rule (Rule.Thm thm'') (assoc_rls (HOLogic.dest_string rls_))
   234         then if f = f_ then Ass (m, f', ContextC.insert_assumptions asms' ctxt)
   235         else Ass_Weak (m, f', ContextC.insert_assumptions asms' ctxt)
   236 	      else NotAss
   237     | _ => NotAss)
   238   | associate _ ctxt (m as Tactic.Rewrite' (_, _, _, _, thm'' as (thmID, _), f, (f', asms')), stac) =
   239     (case stac of
   240 	    (Const ("Prog_Tac.Rewrite", _) $ thmID_ $ f_) =>
   241 	      if thmID = HOLogic.dest_string thmID_
   242         then 
   243 	        if f = f_
   244           then Ass (m, f', ContextC.insert_assumptions asms' ctxt)
   245 	        else Ass_Weak (m, f', ContextC.insert_assumptions asms' ctxt)
   246 	      else NotAss
   247     | (Const ("Prog_Tac.Rewrite'_Set", _) $ rls_ $ f_) =>
   248 	       if Rtools.contains_rule (Rule.Thm thm'') (assoc_rls (HOLogic.dest_string rls_))
   249          then
   250            if f = f_
   251            then Ass (m, f', ContextC.insert_assumptions asms' ctxt)
   252 	         else Ass_Weak (m, f', ContextC.insert_assumptions asms' ctxt)
   253 	       else NotAss
   254     | _ => NotAss)
   255   | associate _ ctxt (m as Tactic.Rewrite_Set_Inst' (_, _, _, rls, f, (f', asms')),
   256       (Const ("Prog_Tac.Rewrite'_Set'_Inst", _) $ _ $ rls_ $ f_)) = 
   257     if Rule.id_rls rls = HOLogic.dest_string rls_ 
   258     then
   259       if f = f_
   260       then Ass (m, f', ContextC.insert_assumptions asms' ctxt)
   261       else Ass_Weak (m ,f', ContextC.insert_assumptions asms' ctxt)
   262     else NotAss
   263   | associate _ ctxt (m as Tactic.Detail_Set_Inst' (_, _, _, rls, f, (f', asms')),
   264       (Const ("Prog_Tac.Rewrite'_Set'_Inst", _) $ _ $ rls_ $ f_)) = 
   265     if Rule.id_rls rls = HOLogic.dest_string rls_
   266     then
   267       if f = f_
   268       then Ass (m, f', ContextC.insert_assumptions asms' ctxt)
   269       else Ass_Weak (m ,f', ContextC.insert_assumptions asms' ctxt)
   270     else NotAss
   271   | associate _ ctxt (m as Tactic.Rewrite_Set' (_, _, rls, f, (f', asms')),
   272       (Const ("Prog_Tac.Rewrite'_Set", _) $ rls_ $ f_)) = 
   273     if Rule.id_rls rls = HOLogic.dest_string rls_
   274     then
   275       if f = f_
   276       then Ass (m, f', ContextC.insert_assumptions asms' ctxt)
   277       else Ass_Weak (m ,f', ContextC.insert_assumptions asms' ctxt)
   278     else NotAss
   279   | associate _ ctxt (m as Tactic.Detail_Set' (_, _, rls, f, (f', asms')),
   280       (Const ("Prog_Tac.Rewrite'_Set", _) $ rls_ $ f_)) = 
   281     if Rule.id_rls rls = HOLogic.dest_string rls_
   282     then 
   283       if f = f_
   284       then Ass (m, f', ContextC.insert_assumptions asms' ctxt)
   285       else Ass_Weak (m ,f', ContextC.insert_assumptions asms' ctxt)
   286     else NotAss
   287   | associate _ ctxt (m as Tactic.Calculate' (_, op_, f, (f', _)), stac) =
   288     (case stac of
   289 	    (Const ("Prog_Tac.Calculate",_) $ op__ $ f_) =>
   290 	      if op_ = HOLogic.dest_string op__
   291         then
   292           if f = f_
   293           then Ass (m, f', ctxt)
   294           else Ass_Weak (m ,f', ctxt)
   295 	      else NotAss
   296     | (Const ("Prog_Tac.Rewrite'_Set'_Inst", _) $ _ $ rls_ $ f_)  =>
   297         let val thy = Celem.assoc_thy "Isac_Knowledge";
   298         in
   299           if Rtools.contains_rule (Rule.Calc (assoc_calc' thy op_ |> snd)) 
   300             (assoc_rls (HOLogic.dest_string rls_))
   301           then
   302             if f = f_
   303             then Ass (m, f', ctxt)
   304             else Ass_Weak (m ,f', ctxt)
   305           else NotAss
   306         end
   307     | (Const ("Prog_Tac.Rewrite'_Set",_) $ rls_ $ f_) =>
   308         let val thy = Celem.assoc_thy "Isac_Knowledge";
   309         in
   310           if Rtools.contains_rule (Rule.Calc (assoc_calc' thy op_ |> snd))
   311             (assoc_rls (HOLogic.dest_string rls_))
   312           then
   313             if f = f_
   314             then Ass (m, f', ctxt)
   315             else Ass_Weak (m ,f', ctxt)
   316           else NotAss
   317         end
   318     | _ => NotAss)
   319   | associate _ ctxt (m as Tactic.Check_elementwise' (consts, _, (consts_chkd, _)),
   320       (Const ("Prog_Tac.Check'_elementwise",_) $ consts' $ _)) =
   321     if consts = consts'
   322     then Ass (m, consts_chkd, ctxt)
   323     else NotAss
   324   | associate _ ctxt (m as Tactic.Or_to_List' (_, list), (Const ("Prog_Tac.Or'_to'_List", _) $ _)) =
   325     Ass (m, list, ctxt)
   326   | associate _ ctxt (m as Tactic.Take' term, (Const ("Prog_Tac.Take", _) $ _)) = Ass (m, term, ctxt)
   327   | associate _ ctxt (m as Tactic.Substitute' (ro, erls, subte, f, f'),
   328       (Const ("Prog_Tac.Substitute", _) $ _ $ t)) =
   329 	  if f = t then Ass (m, f', ctxt)
   330 	  else (*compare | applicable_in (p,p_) pt (m as Substitute sube)*)
   331 		  if foldl and_ (true, map TermC.contains_Var subte)
   332 		  then
   333 		    let val t' = subst_atomic (map HOLogic.dest_eq subte (*TODO subte2subst*)) t
   334 		    in if t = t' then error "associate: Substitute' not applicable to val of Expr"
   335 		       else Ass (Tactic.Substitute' (ro, erls, subte, t, t'), t', ctxt)
   336 		    end
   337 		  else (case Rewrite.rewrite_terms_ (Rule.Isac ()) ro erls subte t of
   338 		         SOME (t', _) =>  Ass (Tactic.Substitute' (ro, erls, subte, t, t'), t', ctxt)
   339 		       | NONE => error "associate: Substitute' not applicable to val of Expr")
   341     (*compare "| stac2tac_ thy (Const ("Prog_Tac.SubProblem",_)" ..TODO: extract common code *)
   342   | associate pt _ (Tactic.Subproblem' ((domID, pblID, _), _, _, _, _, _),
   343       (stac as Const ("Prog_Tac.SubProblem", _) $ spec' $ ags')) =
   344     let
   345       val (dI, pI, mI) = Prog_Tac.dest_spec spec'
   346       val thy = Stool.common_subthy (Celem.assoc_thy dI, rootthy pt);
   347 	    val ags = TermC.isalist2list ags';
   348 	    val (pI, pors, mI) = 
   349 	      if mI = ["no_met"]
   350 	      then
   351           let
   352             val pors = (Chead.match_ags thy ((#ppc o Specify.get_pbt) pI) ags)
   353 		          handle ERROR "actual args do not match formal args"
   354 			          => (Chead.match_ags_msg pI stac ags(*raise exn*);[]);
   355 		        val pI' = Specify.refine_ori' pors pI;
   356 		      in (pI', pors (*refinement over models with diff.prec only*), (hd o #met o Specify.get_pbt) pI')
   357           end
   358 	      else (pI, (Chead.match_ags thy ((#ppc o Specify.get_pbt) pI) ags)
   359 		      handle ERROR "actual args do not match formal args"
   360 		      => (Chead.match_ags_msg pI stac ags(*raise exn*); []), mI);
   361       val (fmz_, vals) = Chead.oris2fmz_vals pors;
   362 	    val {cas, ppc, thy, ...} = Specify.get_pbt pI
   363 	    val dI = Rule.theory2theory' thy (*take dI from _refined_ pbl*)
   364 	    val dI = Rule.theory2theory' (Stool.common_subthy (Celem.assoc_thy dI, rootthy pt))
   365 	    val ctxt = ContextC.initialise dI vals
   366 	    val hdl = 
   367         case cas of
   368 		      NONE => Auto_Prog.pblterm dI pI
   369 		    | SOME t => subst_atomic ((Chead.vars_of_pbl_' ppc) ~~~ vals) t
   370       val f = Auto_Prog.subpbl (strip_thy dI) pI
   371     in 
   372       if domID = dI andalso pblID = pI
   373       then Ass (Tactic.Subproblem' ((dI, pI, mI), pors, hdl, fmz_, ContextC.e_ctxt(*TODO rm*), f), f, ctxt)
   374       else NotAss
   375     end
   376   | associate _ _ (m, _) = 
   377     (if (!trace_script) 
   378      then tracing("@@@ the 'tac_' proposed to apply does NOT match the leaf found in the script:\n"
   379 		   ^ "@@@ tac_ = " ^ Tactic.string_of m)
   380      else ();
   381     NotAss);
   383 (* create the initial interpreter state
   384   from the items of the guard and the formal arguments of the partial_function.
   385 Note on progression from (a) type fmz_ \<longrightarrow> (e) arguments of the partial_function:
   386   (a) fmz is given by a math author
   387   (b) fmz_ is transformed to ori list as a prerequisite for efficient interactive modelling
   388   (c) modelling creates an itm list from ori list + possible user input
   389   (d) specifying a theory might add some items and create a guard for the partial_function
   390   (e) fun relate_args creates an environment for evaluating the partial_function.
   391 Note on sequence-relation (a) -- (e), i.e. the (formal) arguments of the partial_function:
   392   * Since the arguments of the partial_function have no description (see Descript.thy),
   393     (e) depends on the sequence in fmz_ and on the types of the formal arguments.
   394   * pairing formal arguments with itm's follows the sequence
   395   * Thus the resulting sequence-relation can be ambiguous.
   396   * Ambiguities are done by rearranging fmz_ or the formal arguments.
   397   * The latter is easier, albeit not optimal: a fmz_ can be used by different partial_functions.
   398   *)
   399 local
   400 val errmsg = "ERROR: found no actual arguments for prog. of "
   401 fun msg_miss sc metID caller f formals actuals =
   402   "ERROR in creating the environment from formal args. of partial_function \"" ^ fst (Program.get_fun_id sc) ^ "\"\n" ^
   403 	"and the actual args., ie. items of the guard of \"" ^ Celem.metID2str metID ^ "\" by \"" ^ caller ^ "\":\n" ^
   404 	"formal arg \"" ^ Rule.term2str f ^ "\" doesn't mach an actual arg.\n" ^
   405 	"with:\n" ^
   406 	(string_of_int o length) formals ^ " formal args: " ^ Rule.terms2str formals ^ "\n" ^
   407 	(string_of_int o length) actuals ^ " actual args: " ^ Rule.terms2str actuals
   408 fun msg_miss_type sc metID f formals actuals =
   409   "ERROR in creating the environment from formal args. of partial_function \"" ^ fst (Program.get_fun_id sc) ^ "\"\n" ^
   410 	"and the actual args., ie. items of the guard of \"" ^ Celem.metID2str metID ^ "\" by \"assoc_by_type\":\n" ^
   411 	"formal arg \"" ^ Rule.term2str f ^ "\" of type \"" ^ Rule.type2str (type_of f) ^
   412   "\" doesn't mach an actual arg.\nwith:\n" ^
   413 	(string_of_int o length) formals ^ " formal args: " ^ Rule.terms2str formals ^ "\n" ^
   414 	(string_of_int o length) actuals ^ " actual args: " ^ Rule.terms2str actuals ^ "\n" ^
   415   "   with types: " ^ (strs2str o (map (Rule.type2str o type_of))) actuals
   416 fun msg_ambiguous sc metID f aas formals actuals =
   417   "AMBIGUITY in creating the environment from formal args. of partial_function \"" ^ fst (Program.get_fun_id sc) ^ "\"\n" ^
   418 	"and the actual args., ie. items of the guard of \"" ^ Celem.metID2str metID ^ "\" by \"assoc_by_type\":\n" ^
   419   "formal arg. \"" ^ Rule.term2str f ^ "\" type-matches with several..."  ^
   420   "actual args. \"" ^ Rule.terms2str aas ^ "\"\n" ^
   421   "selected \"" ^ Rule.term2str (hd aas) ^ "\"\n" ^
   422 	"with\n" ^
   423 	"formals: " ^ Rule.terms2str formals ^ "\n" ^
   424 	"actuals: " ^ Rule.terms2str actuals
   425 fun trace_init metID =
   426   if (!trace_script) 
   427   then tracing("@@@ program " ^ strs2str metID)
   428   else ();
   429 fun trace_istate env =
   430   if (!trace_script) 
   431   then tracing("@@@ istate " ^ Env.env2str env)
   432   else ();
   433 in
   434 fun init_pstate srls ctxt itms metID =
   435   let
   436     val itms = Specify.hack_until_review_Specify_2 metID itms
   437     val actuals = itms2args (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) metID itms
   438     val _ = if actuals <> [] then () else raise ERROR (errmsg ^ strs2str' metID)
   439     val (scr, sc) = (case (#scr o Specify.get_met) metID of
   440            scr as Rule.Prog sc => (trace_init metID; (scr, sc))
   441        | _ => raise ERROR ("init_pstate with " ^ Celem.metID2str metID))
   442     val formals = Program.formal_args sc    
   443     fun assoc_by_type f aa =
   444       case filter (curry (fn (f, a) => type_of f = type_of a) f) aa of
   445         [] => error (msg_miss_type sc metID f formals actuals)
   446       | [a] => (f, a)
   447       | aas as (a :: _) => (writeln (msg_ambiguous sc metID f aas formals actuals); (f, a));
   448 	  fun relate_args _ (f::_)  [] = error (msg_miss sc metID "relate_args" f formals actuals)
   449 	    | relate_args env [] _ = env (*may drop Find?*)
   450 	    | relate_args env (f::ff) (aas as (a::aa)) = 
   451 	      if type_of f = type_of a 
   452 	      then relate_args (env @ [(f, a)]) ff aa
   453         else
   454           let val (f, a) = assoc_by_type f aas
   455           in relate_args (env @ [(f, a)]) ff (remove op = a aas) end
   456     val {pre, prls, ...} = Specify.get_met metID;
   457     val pres = Stool.check_preconds (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) prls pre itms |> map snd;
   458     val ctxt = ctxt |> ContextC.insert_assumptions pres;
   459     val ist = Istate.e_scrstate
   460       |> Istate.set_eval srls
   461       |> Istate.set_env_true (relate_args [] formals actuals)
   462   in
   463     (Istate.Pstate ist, ctxt, scr)
   464   end;
   465 end (*local*)
   467 fun get_simplifier (pt, (p, _)) =
   468   let
   469     val p' = Ctree.par_pblobj pt p
   470 	  val metID = Ctree.get_obj Ctree.g_metID pt p'
   471 	  val {srls, ...} = Specify.get_met metID
   472   in srls end
   474 (* decide, where to get program/istate from:
   475    (* 1 *) from PblObj.Env.update: at begin of program if no init_form
   476    (* 2 *) from PblObj/PrfObj: if Prog_Tac is in the middle of the program
   477    (* 3 *) from rls/PrfObj: in case of Math_Engine.detailstep *)
   478 fun from_pblobj_or_detail' _ (p, p_) pt =
   479   if member op = [Pbl, Met] p_
   480   then case get_obj g_env (*?DEPRECATED?*) pt p of
   481     NONE => error "from_pblobj_or_detail': no istate"
   482   | SOME (Istate.Pstate pst, ctxt) =>
   483       let
   484         val metID = get_obj g_metID pt p
   485         val {srls, ...} = Specify.get_met metID
   486       in
   487         (srls, (Istate.Pstate (Istate.set_eval srls pst), ctxt), (#scr o Specify.get_met) metID)
   488       end
   489   | _ => raise ERROR "from_pblobj_or_detail': unexpected result from g_env"
   490   else
   491     let val (pbl, p', rls') = par_pbl_det pt p
   492     in if pbl
   493        then (*if last_elem p = 0 nothing written to pt yet*)                               (* 2 *)
   494          let
   495 	         val metID = get_obj g_metID pt p'
   496 	         val {srls, ...} = Specify.get_met metID
   497 	         val (is, ctxt) =
   498 	           case get_loc pt (p, p_) of
   499 	              (Istate.Pstate ist, ctxt) => (Istate.Pstate (Istate.set_eval srls ist), ctxt)
   500 	           | _ => raise ERROR "from_pblobj_or_detail': unexpected result from get_loc"
   501 	       in (srls, (is, ctxt), (#scr o Specify.get_met) metID) end
   502        else
   503         let
   504         (*TODO.thy Auto_Prog.generate SHOULD REPLACE ALL HIS..*)
   505           val prog = case rls' of
   506 		          Rule.Rls {scr = Rule.Prog prog,...} => prog
   507 	          | Rule.Seq {scr = Rule.Prog prog,...} => prog
   508 	          | _ => raise ERROR ("from_pblobj_or_detail': not for rule-set \"" ^ Rule.id_rls rls' ^ "\"")
   509           val t = get_last_formula (pt, (p, p_))
   510           val prog' = Auto_Prog.subst_typs prog (type_of t) (TermC.guess_bdv_typ t)
   511         in (Rule.e_rls(*!!!*), get_loc pt (p, p_), Rule.Prog prog') end
   512     end
   514 fun from_pblobj' thy' (p,p_) pt = (*.get script and istate, UNUSED; see above             ( * 1 *)
   515   let
   516     val p' = par_pblobj pt p
   517 	  val itms =
   518 	    (case get_obj I pt p' of
   519 	      PblObj {meth = itms, ...} => itms
   520 	    | PrfObj _ => error "from_pblobj' NOT with PrfObj")
   521 	  val metID = get_obj g_metID pt p'
   522 	  val {srls, scr, ...} = Specify.get_met metID
   523   in
   524     if last_elem p = 0 (*nothing written to pt yet*)
   525     then
   526        let
   527          val ctxt = ContextC.initialise thy' (Model.vars_of itms)
   528          val (is, ctxt, scr) = init_pstate srls ctxt itms metID
   529 	     in (srls(*..\<in> is*), (is, ctxt), scr) end
   530     else (srls(*..\<in> is*), get_loc pt (p,p_), scr)
   531   end;
   533 (*.get the stactics and problems of a script as tacs
   534   instantiated with the current environment;
   535   l is the location which generated the given formula.*)
   536 (*WN.12.5.03: quick-and-dirty repair for listexpressions*)
   537 fun is_spec_pos Pbl = true
   538   | is_spec_pos Met = true
   539   | is_spec_pos _ = false;
   541 (* handle a leaf at the end of recursive descent:
   542    a leaf is either a tactic or an 'expr' in "let v = expr"
   543    where "expr" does not contain a tactic.
   544    Handling a leaf comprises
   545    (1) 'subst_stacexpr' substitute Env.update and complete curried tactic
   546    (2) rewrite the leaf by 'srls'
   547 *)
   548 fun interpret_leaf call ctxt srls (E, (a, v)) t =
   549     case Prog_Tac.eval_leaf E a v t of
   550 	    (Program.Tac stac, a') =>
   551 	      let val stac' =
   552             Rewrite.eval_prog_expr (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) srls 
   553               (subst_atomic (Env.update_opt E (a,v)) stac)
   554 	      in
   555           (if (! trace_script) 
   556 	         then tracing ("@@@ " ^ call ^ " leaf '" ^ Rule.term2str t ^ "' ---> Tac '" ^ Rule.term2str stac ^ "'")
   557 	         else ();
   558 	         (Program.Tac stac', a'))
   559 	      end
   560     | (Program.Expr lexpr, a') =>
   561 	      let val lexpr' =
   562             Rewrite.eval_prog_expr (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) srls (subst_atomic (Env.update_opt E (a,v)) lexpr)
   563 	      in
   564           (if (! trace_script) 
   565 	         then tracing("@@@ "^call^" leaf '" ^ Rule.term2str t ^ "' ---> Expr '" ^ Rule.term2str lexpr' ^ "'")
   566 	         else ();
   567 	         (Program.Expr lexpr', a')) (*lexpr' is the value of the Expr*)
   568 	      end;
   570 (*. fetch _all_ tactics from script .*)
   571 fun sel_rules _ (([],Res):pos') = 
   572     raise PTREE "no tactics applicable at the end of a calculation"
   573   | sel_rules pt (p,p_) =
   574     if is_spec_pos p_ 
   575     then [get_obj g_tac pt p]
   576     else
   577       let
   578         val pp = par_pblobj pt p;
   579         val thy' = get_obj g_domID pt pp;
   580         val thy = Celem.assoc_thy thy';
   581         val metID = get_obj g_metID pt pp;
   582         val metID' = if metID = Celem.e_metID then (thd3 o snd3) (get_obj g_origin pt pp) else metID
   583         val (sc, srls) = (case Specify.get_met metID' of
   584             {scr = Rule.Prog sc, srls, ...} => (sc, srls) | _ => error "sel_rules 1")
   585         val subst = get_istate pt (p, p_) |> Istate.the_pstate |> Istate.get_subst
   586         val ctxt = get_ctxt pt (p, p_)
   587       in map ((stac2tac pt thy) o Program.rep_stacexpr o #1 o
   588   	    (interpret_leaf "selrul" ctxt srls subst)) (Auto_Prog.stacpbls sc)
   589   	  end;
   591 (* fetch tactics from script and filter _applicable_ tactics;
   592    in case of Rewrite_Set* go down to _atomic_ rewrite-tactics *)
   593 fun sel_appl_atomic_tacs _ (([], Res) : pos') = 
   594     raise PTREE "no tactics applicable at the end of a calculation"
   595   | sel_appl_atomic_tacs pt (p, p_) =
   596     if is_spec_pos p_ 
   597     then [get_obj g_tac pt p]
   598     else
   599       let
   600         val pp = par_pblobj pt p
   601         val thy' = get_obj g_domID pt pp
   602         val thy = Celem.assoc_thy thy'
   603         val metID = get_obj g_metID pt pp
   604         val metID' =
   605           if metID = Celem.e_metID 
   606           then (thd3 o snd3) (get_obj g_origin pt pp)
   607           else metID
   608         val (sc, srls, erls, ro) = (case Specify.get_met metID' of
   609             {scr = Rule.Prog sc, srls, erls, rew_ord' = ro, ...} => (sc, srls, erls, ro)
   610           | _ => error "sel_appl_atomic_tacs 1")
   611         val (env, (a, v)) = (case get_istate pt (p, p_) of
   612             Istate.Pstate pst => (Istate.get_subst pst) | _ => error "sel_appl_atomic_tacs 2")
   613         val ctxt = get_ctxt pt (p, p_)
   614         val alltacs = (*we expect at least 1 stac in a script*)
   615           map ((stac2tac pt thy) o Program.rep_stacexpr o #1 o
   616            (interpret_leaf "selrul" ctxt srls (env, (a, v)))) (Auto_Prog.stacpbls sc)
   617         val f =
   618           (case p_ of Frm => get_obj g_form pt p | Res => (fst o (get_obj g_result pt)) p
   619           | _ => error "")
   620           (*WN071231 ? replace atomic_appl_tacs with applicable_in (ineff!) ?*)
   621       in ((gen_distinct Tactic.eq_tac) o flat o (map (Rtools.atomic_appl_tacs thy ro erls f))) alltacs end;
   623 (**)end(**)