author Walther Neuper <>
Thu, 24 Oct 2013 15:00:44 +0200
changeset 52155 e4ddf21390fd
parent 52151 3e3904720b49
child 52159 db46e97751eb
permissions -rw-r--r--
removed all code concerned with "ruleset' = Unsynchronized.ref"
     1 (* theory collecting all knowledge defined for the isac mathengine
     2    WN.11.00
     3  *)
     5 theory Build_Thydata
     6 imports Isac
     7 begin
     9 text {* This theory collects data of theorems and axioms defined and used in ISAC *}
    11 ML {*
    12   writeln ("======= length (KEStore_Elems = " ^
    13     string_of_int (length (KEStore_Elems.get_calcs @{theory})));
    14   writeln ("======= length (! calclist')   = " ^
    15     string_of_int (length (! calclist')));
    17   (* when creating session Isac see output in ~/.isabelle/../log/Isac *)
    18   writeln "======= begin KEStore_Elems.get_calcs @{theory} ======="; 
    19   KEStore_Elems.get_calcs @{theory} 
    20     |> map string_of_calc |> map writeln;
    21   writeln "======= KEStore_Elems.get_calcs @{theory} ordered ======="; 
    22   KEStore_Elems.get_calcs @{theory}
    23     |> map string_of_calc |> enumerate_strings |> sort string_ord |> map writeln;
    24   writeln "======= end KEStore_Elems.get_calcs @{theory} ======="; 
    26   (* use a diff-tool for comparing KEStore_Elems.get_rlss <--> ! xxx *)
    27   writeln "======= begin ! calclist' =======";
    28   ! calclist' |> rev (*!!!!!*)
    29     |> map string_of_calc |> map writeln;
    30   writeln "======= ! calclist' ordered =======";
    31   ! calclist' |> rev (*!!!!!*)
    32     |> map string_of_calc |> enumerate_strings |> sort string_ord |> map writeln;
    33   writeln "======= end ! calclist' =======";
    34 *}
    36 ML {*
    37 (** set up a list for getting guh + theID for a thm defined in isabelle (and NOT in isac) **)
    39 (*local*)
    40   val first_ProgLang_thy = @{theory ListC}
    41   val first_Knowledge_thy = @{theory Delete}  (*see WN120321.TODO rearrange theories*)
    42   val allthys = (*!!! @{theory} :: ..START WITH Isac.thy..*) Theory.ancestors_of @{theory};
    43   val isabthys' =
    44     drop ((find_index (curry Theory.eq_thy first_ProgLang_thy) allthys) + 1, allthys);
    45   val isacthys' =
    46     take ((find_index (curry Theory.eq_thy first_ProgLang_thy) allthys) + 1, allthys);
    47   val knowthys' =
    48     take ((find_index (curry Theory.eq_thy first_Knowledge_thy) isacthys') + 1, isacthys');
    49   val progthys' =                   (*WN120321.TODO rearrange theories -------vvv*)
    50     drop ((find_index (curry Theory.eq_thy first_Knowledge_thy) isacthys') + 1 +3, isacthys');
    52   val isacrlsthms = (KEStore_Elems.get_rlss @{theory})
    53     |> map (thms_of_rls o #2 o #2)
    54     |> flat
    55     |> map thm_of_thm
    56     |> gen_distinct Thm.eq_thm 
    57     |> map (` I)
    58     |> map (apfst Thm.get_name_hint)
    59     |> map (apsnd prop_of)  (*this adapts to Theory.axioms_of*)
    60     : (thmDeriv * term) list;
    61   val isacthms =
    62     (flat o (map Theory.axioms_of)) isacthys': (thmDeriv * term) list; 
    63 (*in*)
    64     isabthys := isabthys';
    65     knowthys := knowthys';
    66     progthys := progthys';
    67     theory' := rev ((map Context.theory_name isacthys') ~~ isacthys'); (*WN120320 easy to remove*)
    68     val rlsthmsNOTisac = gen_diff eq_thmI' (isacrlsthms, isacthms); 
    69 (*end;(*local*)*)
    70 (*WN120319: since num_str destoys derivation_name, we hardcode rlsthmsNOTisac:
    71   see tests
    72   --- OLD compute rlsthmsNOTisac by eq_thmID ---
    73   --- compute val rlsthmsNOTisac ---
    74   for improvements (###sym_* etc)
    75 *)
    76 val rlsthmsNOTisac =
    77  [("HOL.refl", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm refl}),
    78   ("Fun.o_apply", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm o_apply}),
    79   (*/------------these are not found in ListC.thy, because they are no axioms---\*)
    80   ("ListC.LENGTH.LENGTH_CONS", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm LENGTH_CONS}), 
    81   ("ListC.LENGTH.LENGTH_NIL", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm LENGTH_NIL}), 
    82   (*\------------these are not found in ListC.thy, because they are no axioms---/*)
    83   ("List.take_Nil", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm take_Nil}),
    84   ("List.take_Cons", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm take_Cons}),
    85   ("List.if_True", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm if_True}),
    86   ("HOL.if_False", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm if_False}),
    87   (*###("sym_real_mult_minus1", "- ?z1 = -1 * ?z1")*)
    88   ("Rings.semiring_class.distrib_right", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm distrib_right}),
    89   ("Rings.semiring_class.distrib_left", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm distrib_left}),
    90   (*###("sym_realpow_twoI", "?r1 * ?r1 = ?r1 ^^^ 2")*)
    91   (*###("sym_realpow_addI", "?r1 ^^^ ?n1 * ?r1 ^^^ ?m1 = ?r1 ^^^ (?n1 + ?m1)")*)
    92   ("Groups.monoid_mult_class.mult_1_right", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm mult_1_right}),
    93   (*("sym_real_mult_2", "?z1 + ?z1 = 2 * ?z1")*)
    94   ("Groups.monoid_mult_class.mult_1_left", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm mult_1_left}),
    95   ("Rings.mult_zero_class.mult_zero_left", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm mult_zero_left}),
    96   ("Rings.mult_zero_class.mult_zero_right", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm mult_zero_right}),
    97   ("Groups.monoid_add_class.add_0_left", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm add_0_left}),
    98   ("Groups.monoid_add_class.add_0_right", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm add_0_right}),
    99   ("Rings.division_ring_class.divide_zero_left", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm divide_zero_left}),
   100   (*###("sym_mult_assoc", "?z1.1 * (?z2.1 * ?z3.1) = ?z1.1 * ?z2.1 * ?z3.1")*)
   101   ("RealDef.order_refl", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm order_refl}),
   102   ("Groups.group_add_class.minus_minus", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm minus_minus}),
   103   ("RealDef.mult_commute", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm mult_commute }),
   104   ("RealDef.mult_assoc", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm mult_assoc}),
   105   ("Groups.ab_semigroup_add_class.add_commute", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm add_commute}),
   106   ("Groups.ab_semigroup_add_class.add_left_commute", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm add_left_commute}),
   107   ("Groups.semigroup_add_class.add_assoc", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm add_assoc}),
   108   ("Rings.ring_class.minus_mult_left", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm minus_mult_left}),
   109   ("Groups.group_add_class.right_minus", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm right_minus}),
   110   (*###("sym_add_assoc", "?a1 + (?b1 + ?c1) = ?a1 + ?b1 + ?c1"),*)
   111   ("Rings.ring_class.left_diff_distrib", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm left_diff_distrib}),
   112   ("Rings.ring_class.right_diff_distrib", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm right_diff_distrib}),
   113   ("Rings.division_ring_class.minus_divide_left", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm minus_divide_left}),
   114   ("Rings.division_ring_class.times_divide_eq_right", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm times_divide_eq_right}),
   115   ("Fields.field_class.times_divide_eq_left", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm times_divide_eq_left}),
   116   ("Fields.field_inverse_zero_class.divide_divide_eq_left", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm divide_divide_eq_left}),
   117   ("Fields.field_inverse_zero_class.divide_divide_eq_right", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm divide_divide_eq_right}),
   118   ("Rings.division_ring_class.divide_1", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm divide_1}),
   119   ("Rings.division_ring_class.add_divide_distrib", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm add_divide_distrib }),
   120   (*###("sym_rmult_assoc", "?m1 * (?n1 * ?k1) = ?m1 * ?n1 * ?k1")*)
   121   (* thms in Scripts: *)
   122   ("Int.divide_minus1", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm divide_minus1}),
   123   ("Groups.group_add_class.neg_equal_iff_equal", (prop_of o num_str) @{thm neg_equal_iff_equal})]
   124   : (thmDeriv * term) list;
   126 (*.set up the list using 'val first_isac_thy' (see ListC.thy).*)
   127 (*isab_thm_thy := make_isab rlsthmsNOTisac isabthys;*)
   128   isab_thm_thy := rlsthmsNOTisac; (*WN120320 remove ref*)
   130 (*.create the hierarchy of theory elements from IsacKnowledge
   131    including thms from Isabelle used in rls;
   132    elements store_*d in any *.thy are not overwritten.*)
   134 (*========== inhibit exn WN130616: ME_Isa: thy 'Script' not in system =======
   135   WN130620: instead of building thehier correctly, the elements required for tests
   136   are inserted at "=== inhibit exn WN130620 (1.4.1) below: fill thehier ===" 
   137   according to (1.4.1) below.
   139 thehier := the_hier (! thehier) (collect_thydata ()); (*ME_Isa: thy 'Script' not in system*)
   140 tracing("----------------------------------\n" ^
   141 	"*** insert: not found ... IS OK : \n" ^
   142 	"comes from fill_parents           \n" ^
   143 	"----------------------------------\n");
   144 ========== inhibit exn WN130616: ME_Isa: thy 'Script' not in system =======*)
   145 *}
   147 text {* interface for dialog-authoring *}
   149 ML {*
   150 (*/========= inhibit exn WN130620 (1.4.1) below: fill thehier ==============\*)
   151 store_thy @{theory "Diff"} ["Isabelle2011-->12"];
   152 store_isa ["IsacKnowledge","Diff","Theorems"] ["Isabelle2011-->12"];
   153 store_thm @{theory "Diff"} "IsacKnowledge" ("diff_sin_chain", prop_of @{thm diff_sin_chain})
   154    ["Isabelle2011-->12"];
   155 store_thm @{theory "Diff"} "IsacKnowledge" ("diff_cos_chain", prop_of @{thm diff_cos_chain})
   156    ["Isabelle2011-->12"];
   157 store_thm @{theory "Diff"} "IsacKnowledge" ("diff_pow_chain", prop_of @{thm diff_pow_chain})
   158    ["Isabelle2011-->12"];
   159 store_thm @{theory "Diff"} "IsacKnowledge" ("diff_ln_chain", prop_of @{thm diff_ln_chain})
   160    ["Isabelle2011-->12"];
   161 store_thm @{theory "Diff"} "IsacKnowledge" ("diff_exp_chain", prop_of @{thm diff_exp_chain})
   162    ["Isabelle2011-->12"];
   163 store_isa ["IsacKnowledge","Diff","Rulesets"] ["Isabelle2011-->12"];
   164 store_rls @{theory "Diff"} norm_diff ["Isabelle2011-->12"];
   166 store_thy @{theory "Test"} ["Isabelle2011-->12"];
   167 store_isa ["IsacKnowledge","Test","Theorems"] ["Isabelle2011-->12"];
   168 store_thm @{theory "Test"} "IsacKnowledge" ("radd_left_commute", prop_of @{thm radd_left_commute
   169 })
   170    ["Isabelle2011-->12"];
   171 (*\========= inhibit exn WN130620 (1.4.1) below: fill thehier ==============/*)
   172 *}
   173 ML {*
   174 insert_errpats ["diff","differentiate_on_R"]
   175  ([("chain-rule-diff-both",
   176     [parse_patt @{theory Diff} "d_d ?bdv (sin ?u) = cos (d_d ?bdv ?u)",
   177      parse_patt @{theory Diff} "d_d ?bdv (cos ?u) = - sin (d_d ?bdv ?u)",
   178      parse_patt @{theory Diff} "d_d ?bdv (?u ^^^ ?n) = ?n * ?u ^^^ (?n - 1)",
   179      parse_patt @{theory Diff} "d_d ?bdv (LogExp.ln ?u) = 1 / ?u",
   180      parse_patt @{theory Diff} "d_d ?bdv (LogExp.ln ?u) = 1 / d_d ?bdv ?u"],
   181     [@{thm diff_sin_chain}, @{thm diff_cos_chain}, @{thm diff_pow_chain}, 
   182      @{thm diff_ln_chain}, @{thm  diff_exp_chain}])]: errpat list);
   184 insert_fillpats ["IsacKnowledge", "Diff", "Theorems", "diff_sin_chain"]
   185  ([("fill-d_d-arg",
   186      parse_patt @{theory Diff} "d_d ?bdv (sin ?u) = cos ?u * d_d ?bdv _", "chain-rule-diff-both"),
   187    ("fill-both-args",
   188      parse_patt @{theory Diff} "d_d ?bdv (sin _) = cos ?u * d_d ?bdv _", "chain-rule-diff-both"),
   189    ("fill-d_d",
   190      parse_patt @{theory Diff} "d_d ?bdv (sin ?u) = cos ?u * _ ?bdv ?u", "chain-rule-diff-both"),
   191    ("fill-inner-deriv",
   192      parse_patt @{theory Diff} "d_d ?bdv (sin ?u) = cos ?u * _", "chain-rule-diff-both"),
   193    ("fill-all",
   194      parse_patt @{theory Diff} "d_d ?bdv (sin ?u) = _", "chain-rule-diff-both")]: fillpat list);
   196 insert_errpats ["simplification","of_rationals"]
   197  ([("addition-of-fractions",
   198    [parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a / ?b + ?c / ?d) = (?a + ?c)/(?b + ?d)",
   199     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a / ?b + ?c / ?d) = (?a + ?c)/(?b * ?d)",
   200     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a / ?b + ?c / ?d) = (?c * ?a)/(?d * ?b)",
   201     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "?a + (?b /?c)= (?a + ?b)/ ?c",
   202     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "?a + (?b /?c)= (?a * ?b)/ ?c"],
   203    [@{thm rat_add}, @{thm rat_add_assoc}, @{thm rat_add1},
   204     @{thm rat_add1_assoc}, @{thm rat_add2}, @{thm rat_add2_assoc},
   205     @{thm rat_add3}, @{thm rat_add3_assoc}])]: errpat list);
   207 (*TODO insert_fillpats ["IsacKnowledge", "Rational", "Theorems", "???"]*)
   209 (* TODO insert_errpats overwrites instead of appending
   210 insert_errpats ["simplification","of_rationals"]
   211  (("cancel", (*see master thesis gdarocy*)
   212     [(*a*)parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a + ?b)/?a = ?b",
   213      (*b*)parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a + ?b)/?b = ?a",
   214      (*c*)parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a + ?b)/(?b + ?c) = ?a / ?c",
   215      (*d*)parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a + ?c)/(?b + ?c) = ?a / ?b",
   216      (*e*)parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a + ?c)/(?b + ?c) = ?a / ?c",
   217      (*f*)parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a + ?b)/(?c + ?a) = ?b / ?c",
   218      (*g*)parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a*?b + ?c)/?a = ?b + ?c",
   219      (*h*)parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a*?b + ?c)/?b = ?a + ?c",
   220      (*i*)parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a + ?b*?c)/?b = ?a + ?c",
   221      (*j*)parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a + ?b*?c)/?b = ?a + ?b",
   222      (*k*)parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a + ?b*?e)/(?c + ?d*?e) = (?a + ?b)/(?c + ?d)"],
   223     [@{thm real_times_divide_1_eq}, (*TODO*) @{thm real_times_divide_1_eq}]));
   225 val fillpats = [
   226   ("fill-cancel-left-num",
   227     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * ?b) / (?a * ?c) = _ / ?c", "cancel"),
   228   ("fill-cancel-left-den",
   229     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * ?b) / (?a * ?c) = ?b / _", "cancel"),
   230   ("fill-cancel-none",
   231     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * ?b) / (?a * ?c) = ?b / ?c", "cancel"),
   233   ("fill-cancel-left-add-num1",
   234     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * (?b + ?c)) / (?a * ?d) = (_ + ?c) / ?d", "cancel"),
   235   ("fill-cancel-left-add-num2",
   236     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * (?b + ?c)) / (?a * ?d) = (?b + _) / ?d", "cancel"),
   237   ("fill-cancel-left-add-num3",
   238     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * (?b + ?c)) / (?a * ?d) = (_ + _) / ?d", "cancel"),
   239   ("fill-cancel-left-add-num4",
   240     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * (?b + ?c)) / (?a * ?d) = (?b + ?c) / _", "cancel"),
   241   ("fill-cancel-left-add-num5",
   242     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * (?b + ?c)) / (?a * ?d) = (_ + ?c) / _", "cancel"),
   243   ("fill-cancel-left-add-num6",
   244     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * (?b + ?c)) / (?a * ?d) = (?b + _) / _", "cancel"),
   245   ("fill-cancel-left-add-none",
   246     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * (?b + ?c)) / (?a * ?d) = (?b + ?c) / ?d", "cancel"),
   248   ("fill-cancel-left-add-den1",
   249     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * ?b) / (?a * (?c + ?d)) = ?b / (?c + ?d)", "cancel"),
   250   ("fill-cancel-left-add-den2",
   251     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * ?b) / (?a * (?c + ?d)) = ?b / (?c + ?d)", "cancel"),
   252   ("fill-cancel-left-add-den3",
   253     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * ?b) / (?a * (?c + ?d)) = ?b / (?c + ?d)", "cancel"),
   254   ("fill-cancel-left-add-den4",
   255     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * ?b) / (?a * (?c + ?d)) = ?b / (?c + ?d)", "cancel"),
   256   ("fill-cancel-left-add-den5",
   257     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * ?b) / (?a * (?c + ?d)) = ?b / (?c + ?d)", "cancel"),
   258   ("fill-cancel-left-add-den6",
   259     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * ?b) / (?a * (?c + ?d)) = ?b / (?c + ?d)", "cancel"),
   260   ("fill-cancel-left-add-none",
   261     parse_patt @{theory Rational} "(?a * ?b) / (?a * (?c + ?d)) = ?b / (?c + ?d)", "cancel")
   262  ]: fillpat list;
   263 *)
   265 (* still ununsed; planned for stepToErrorpattern: this is just a reminder... *)
   267 insert_errpatIDs ["IsacKnowledge", "Diff", "Rulesets", "norm_diff"]
   268   (["chain-rule-diff-both", "cancel"]: errpatID list);
   270 (* ...and all other related rls by hand;
   271    TODO: lift errpattIDs from theorems to respective rls AUTOMATICALLY *)
   272 *}
   274 section {* Plans for updating isac from Isabelle2011 to Isabelle2012 and Isabelle2013 *}
   275 subsection {* (1) problem analysis *}
   276 subsubsection {* (1.1) "Unsynchronized.ref" are not conformant with parallel Isabelle *}
   277 text {* 
   278   "Unsynchronized.ref" make "Test_Isac.thy" unreliable, too: in Isabelle2009-2
   279   a (bad) trick with "check_unsynchronized_ref ()" was a way out; 
   280   however, this trick doesn't work anymore in Isabelle2011 
   281   (remarkably, "Interpret/calchead.sml" sometimes has an error, sometimes not
   282   when cutting/pasting check_unsynchronized_ref in Isabelle2011; 
   283   but this is permanently without errors in Isabelle2012).
   285   The major cases of "Unsynchronized.ref" are those in "~~/src/Tools/isac/calcelems.sml",
   286   thehier, ptyps, mets, theory', rew_ord', ruleset'-->KEStore_Elems.add_rlss\get_rlss, 
   287   calclist', 
   288   which shall be handled by "Theory_Data", see 
   289   "~~/test/Tools/isac/ADDTESTS/accumulate-val/lucas_interpreter.sml".
   291   The transition from the above "Unsynchronized.ref" to "Theory_Data" is a task 
   292   to be scheduled for several days. An exception is "thehier", see (1.2) (1.3) below.
   293 *}
   295 subsubsection {* (1.2) Removing "Unsynchronized.ref" depends on special cases *}
   296 text {* 
   297   The difficulties in removing "Unsynchronized.ref" differ largely:
   298   * Rational.thy will be cleared by Diana Meindl's GCD_Poly.thy, this is easy;
   299   * other cases seem easy to clear, too
   300   * clearing "thehier" became harder from Isabelle2009-2 to Isabelle2011;
   301     for instance, isac's Context has been broken already there, because 
   302     essential functions from Isabelle2009-2 were dropped in Isabelle2011,
   303     see for instance "fun context_thy".
   304     Another obstacle for this case also seems "fun num_str".
   306   So (1.2) depends on (1.3).
   307 *}
   309 subsubsection {* (1.3) isac's numerals are not conformant with Isabelle *}
   310 text {* 
   311   In 2002 isac already strived for floating point numbers. Since that time
   312   isac represents numerals as "Free", see below (*1*). These experiments are
   313   unsatisfactory with respect to logical soundness.
   314   Since Isabelle now has started to care about floating point numbers, it is high 
   315   time to adopt these together with the other numerals. Isabelle2012/13's numerals
   316   are different from Isabelle2011, see "test/Tools/isac/ProgLang/termC.sml".
   318   The transition from "Free" to standard numerals is a task to be scheduled for 
   319   several weeks. The urgency of this task follows from the experience, 
   320   that (1.2) for "thehier" is very hard, because "num_str" seems to destroy 
   321   some of the long identifiers of theorems which would tremendously simplify
   322   building a hierarchy of theorems according to (1.2), see (*2*) below.
   323 *}
   324 ML {*(*1*) Free ("123.456", HOLogic.realT) *}
   325 ML {*(*2*)
   326 val unknown = filter ((curry op= "??.unknown") o fst) isacrlsthms;
   327 unknown |> nth 1 |> snd |> term_to_string''' @{theory};
   328 unknown |> nth 2 |> snd |> term_to_string''' @{theory};
   329 (*but these seem ok:*)
   330   Thm.get_name_hint @{thm add_0};
   331   Thm.get_name_hint (num_str @{thm add_0});
   332 *}
   334 subsubsection {* (1.4) "axioms" are a legacy feature disappearing soon *}
   335 text {*
   336   isac works with (many!) rewrite rules, which are defined as "axioms" since Isabelle2002
   337   and before: isac saved time by not proving any theorem.
   338   We have the message "Legacy feature! Old 'axioms' command -- use 'axiomatization' instead"
   339   for some time; Isabelle2013 still accepts it.
   340   This task affects collection of rewrite rules in "thehier".
   341 *}
   343 subsection {* (2) possible solutions *}
   344 subsubsection {* (2.1) Tackle (1.1) (1.2) (1.3) (1.4) already in Isabelle2011 *}
   345 text {*
   346   Advantage: we have a perfect "Test_Isac.thy" in all transitions Isabelle2011-->12-->13
   347   Disadvantage: (1.3) would require effort twice: Isabelle2011-->12 and 12-->13,
   348     because numerals in Isabelle2011 are quite different from Isabelle2012/13.
   349 *}
   351 subsubsection {* (2.2) Transition Isabelle2011-->12 with minimal effort *}
   352 text {*
   353   Postpone (1.1) (1.2) (1.3) (1.4) and 
   354   * (1.4.1) manually insert those elements into "thehier" which are required for tests
   355   * make "Test_Isac.thy" perform equivalenty on Isabelle2011 and on Isabelle2012
   356     (and then on Isabelle2013).
   357     This might enforce to outcomment tests in Isabelle2011 marked "Isabelle2011-->12"
   359   Advantages:
   360     * the transition Isabelle2011-->12 can be accomplished within few days,
   361       and hopefully Isabelle2012-->13 in the same way
   362     * student projects (which seem independent of the outcommented tests "Isabelle2011-->12") 
   363       can start immediately
   364   Disadvantage:
   365     * we do not yet know details about the transition Isabelle2012-->13,
   366       which might be very different from Isabelle2011-->12
   367     * some tests are outcommented;
   368       However, if new regression tests come from new student project, 
   369       these provisionally do not concern "thehier".
   370 *}
   372 end