author haftmann
Mon, 14 Jun 2010 15:27:09 +0200
changeset 37402 e482f206821e
parent 37209 32a6f471f090
child 37612 48fed6598be9
permissions -rw-r--r--
added reference
     1 theory Program
     2 imports Introduction
     3 begin
     5 section {* Turning Theories into Programs \label{sec:program} *}
     7 subsection {* The @{text "Isabelle/HOL"} default setup *}
     9 text {*
    10   We have already seen how by default equations stemming from
    11   @{command definition}, @{command primrec} and @{command fun}
    12   statements are used for code generation.  This default behaviour
    13   can be changed, e.g.\ by providing different code equations.
    14   The customisations shown in this section are \emph{safe}
    15   as regards correctness: all programs that can be generated are partially
    16   correct.
    17 *}
    19 subsection {* Selecting code equations *}
    21 text {*
    22   Coming back to our introductory example, we
    23   could provide an alternative code equations for @{const dequeue}
    24   explicitly:
    25 *}
    27 lemma %quote [code]:
    28   "dequeue (AQueue xs []) =
    29      (if xs = [] then (None, AQueue [] [])
    30        else dequeue (AQueue [] (rev xs)))"
    31   "dequeue (AQueue xs (y # ys)) =
    32      (Some y, AQueue xs ys)"
    33   by (cases xs, simp_all) (cases "rev xs", simp_all)
    35 text {*
    36   \noindent The annotation @{text "[code]"} is an @{text Isar}
    37   @{text attribute} which states that the given theorems should be
    38   considered as code equations for a @{text fun} statement --
    39   the corresponding constant is determined syntactically.  The resulting code:
    40 *}
    42 text %quote {*@{code_stmts dequeue (consts) dequeue (Haskell)}*}
    44 text {*
    45   \noindent You may note that the equality test @{term "xs = []"} has been
    46   replaced by the predicate @{term "null xs"}.  This is due to the default
    47   setup in the \qn{preprocessor} to be discussed further below (\secref{sec:preproc}).
    49   Changing the default constructor set of datatypes is also
    50   possible.  See \secref{sec:datatypes} for an example.
    52   As told in \secref{sec:concept}, code generation is based
    53   on a structured collection of code theorems.
    54   This collection
    55   may be inspected using the @{command code_thms} command:
    56 *}
    58 code_thms %quote dequeue
    60 text {*
    61   \noindent prints a table with \emph{all} code equations
    62   for @{const dequeue}, including
    63   \emph{all} code equations those equations depend
    64   on recursively.
    66   Similarly, the @{command code_deps} command shows a graph
    67   visualising dependencies between code equations.
    68 *}
    70 subsection {* @{text class} and @{text instantiation} *}
    72 text {*
    73   Concerning type classes and code generation, let us examine an example
    74   from abstract algebra:
    75 *}
    77 class %quote semigroup =
    78   fixes mult :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a" (infixl "\<otimes>" 70)
    79   assumes assoc: "(x \<otimes> y) \<otimes> z = x \<otimes> (y \<otimes> z)"
    81 class %quote monoid = semigroup +
    82   fixes neutral :: 'a ("\<one>")
    83   assumes neutl: "\<one> \<otimes> x = x"
    84     and neutr: "x \<otimes> \<one> = x"
    86 instantiation %quote nat :: monoid
    87 begin
    89 primrec %quote mult_nat where
    90     "0 \<otimes> n = (0\<Colon>nat)"
    91   | "Suc m \<otimes> n = n + m \<otimes> n"
    93 definition %quote neutral_nat where
    94   "\<one> = Suc 0"
    96 lemma %quote add_mult_distrib:
    97   fixes n m q :: nat
    98   shows "(n + m) \<otimes> q = n \<otimes> q + m \<otimes> q"
    99   by (induct n) simp_all
   101 instance %quote proof
   102   fix m n q :: nat
   103   show "m \<otimes> n \<otimes> q = m \<otimes> (n \<otimes> q)"
   104     by (induct m) (simp_all add: add_mult_distrib)
   105   show "\<one> \<otimes> n = n"
   106     by (simp add: neutral_nat_def)
   107   show "m \<otimes> \<one> = m"
   108     by (induct m) (simp_all add: neutral_nat_def)
   109 qed
   111 end %quote
   113 text {*
   114   \noindent We define the natural operation of the natural numbers
   115   on monoids:
   116 *}
   118 primrec %quote (in monoid) pow :: "nat \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a" where
   119     "pow 0 a = \<one>"
   120   | "pow (Suc n) a = a \<otimes> pow n a"
   122 text {*
   123   \noindent This we use to define the discrete exponentiation function:
   124 *}
   126 definition %quote bexp :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat" where
   127   "bexp n = pow n (Suc (Suc 0))"
   129 text {*
   130   \noindent The corresponding code in Haskell uses that language's native classes:
   131 *}
   133 text %quote {*@{code_stmts bexp (Haskell)}*}
   135 text {*
   136   \noindent This is a convenient place to show how explicit dictionary construction
   137   manifests in generated code (here, the same example in @{text SML})
   138   \cite{Haftmann-Nipkow:2010:code}:
   139 *}
   141 text %quote {*@{code_stmts bexp (SML)}*}
   143 text {*
   144   \noindent Note the parameters with trailing underscore (@{verbatim "A_"}),
   145     which are the dictionary parameters.
   146 *}
   148 subsection {* The preprocessor \label{sec:preproc} *}
   150 text {*
   151   Before selected function theorems are turned into abstract
   152   code, a chain of definitional transformation steps is carried
   153   out: \emph{preprocessing}.  In essence, the preprocessor
   154   consists of two components: a \emph{simpset} and \emph{function transformers}.
   156   The \emph{simpset} can apply the full generality of the
   157   Isabelle simplifier.  Due to the interpretation of theorems as code
   158   equations, rewrites are applied to the right hand side and the
   159   arguments of the left hand side of an equation, but never to the
   160   constant heading the left hand side.  An important special case are
   161   \emph{unfold theorems},  which may be declared and removed using
   162   the @{attribute code_unfold} or \emph{@{attribute code_unfold} del}
   163   attribute, respectively.
   165   Some common applications:
   166 *}
   168 text_raw {*
   169   \begin{itemize}
   170 *}
   172 text {*
   173      \item replacing non-executable constructs by executable ones:
   174 *}     
   176 lemma %quote [code_unfold]:
   177   "x \<in> set xs \<longleftrightarrow> member xs x" by (fact in_set_code)
   179 text {*
   180      \item eliminating superfluous constants:
   181 *}
   183 lemma %quote [code_unfold]:
   184   "1 = Suc 0" by (fact One_nat_def)
   186 text {*
   187      \item replacing executable but inconvenient constructs:
   188 *}
   190 lemma %quote [code_unfold]:
   191   "xs = [] \<longleftrightarrow> List.null xs" by (fact empty_null)
   193 text_raw {*
   194   \end{itemize}
   195 *}
   197 text {*
   198   \noindent \emph{Function transformers} provide a very general interface,
   199   transforming a list of function theorems to another
   200   list of function theorems, provided that neither the heading
   201   constant nor its type change.  The @{term "0\<Colon>nat"} / @{const Suc}
   202   pattern elimination implemented in
   203   theory @{text Efficient_Nat} (see \secref{eff_nat}) uses this
   204   interface.
   206   \noindent The current setup of the preprocessor may be inspected using
   207   the @{command print_codeproc} command.
   208   @{command code_thms} provides a convenient
   209   mechanism to inspect the impact of a preprocessor setup
   210   on code equations.
   212   \begin{warn}
   214     Attribute @{attribute code_unfold} also applies to the
   215     preprocessor of the ancient @{text "SML code generator"}; in case
   216     this is not what you intend, use @{attribute code_inline} instead.
   217   \end{warn}
   218 *}
   220 subsection {* Datatypes \label{sec:datatypes} *}
   222 text {*
   223   Conceptually, any datatype is spanned by a set of
   224   \emph{constructors} of type @{text "\<tau> = \<dots> \<Rightarrow> \<kappa> \<alpha>\<^isub>1 \<dots> \<alpha>\<^isub>n"} where @{text
   225   "{\<alpha>\<^isub>1, \<dots>, \<alpha>\<^isub>n}"} is exactly the set of \emph{all} type variables in
   226   @{text "\<tau>"}.  The HOL datatype package by default registers any new
   227   datatype in the table of datatypes, which may be inspected using the
   228   @{command print_codesetup} command.
   230   In some cases, it is appropriate to alter or extend this table.  As
   231   an example, we will develop an alternative representation of the
   232   queue example given in \secref{sec:intro}.  The amortised
   233   representation is convenient for generating code but exposes its
   234   \qt{implementation} details, which may be cumbersome when proving
   235   theorems about it.  Therefore, here is a simple, straightforward
   236   representation of queues:
   237 *}
   239 datatype %quote 'a queue = Queue "'a list"
   241 definition %quote empty :: "'a queue" where
   242   "empty = Queue []"
   244 primrec %quote enqueue :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a queue \<Rightarrow> 'a queue" where
   245   "enqueue x (Queue xs) = Queue (xs @ [x])"
   247 fun %quote dequeue :: "'a queue \<Rightarrow> 'a option \<times> 'a queue" where
   248     "dequeue (Queue []) = (None, Queue [])"
   249   | "dequeue (Queue (x # xs)) = (Some x, Queue xs)"
   251 text {*
   252   \noindent This we can use directly for proving;  for executing,
   253   we provide an alternative characterisation:
   254 *}
   256 definition %quote AQueue :: "'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a queue" where
   257   "AQueue xs ys = Queue (ys @ rev xs)"
   259 code_datatype %quote AQueue
   261 text {*
   262   \noindent Here we define a \qt{constructor} @{const "AQueue"} which
   263   is defined in terms of @{text "Queue"} and interprets its arguments
   264   according to what the \emph{content} of an amortised queue is supposed
   265   to be.  Equipped with this, we are able to prove the following equations
   266   for our primitive queue operations which \qt{implement} the simple
   267   queues in an amortised fashion:
   268 *}
   270 lemma %quote empty_AQueue [code]:
   271   "empty = AQueue [] []"
   272   unfolding AQueue_def empty_def by simp
   274 lemma %quote enqueue_AQueue [code]:
   275   "enqueue x (AQueue xs ys) = AQueue (x # xs) ys"
   276   unfolding AQueue_def by simp
   278 lemma %quote dequeue_AQueue [code]:
   279   "dequeue (AQueue xs []) =
   280     (if xs = [] then (None, AQueue [] [])
   281     else dequeue (AQueue [] (rev xs)))"
   282   "dequeue (AQueue xs (y # ys)) = (Some y, AQueue xs ys)"
   283   unfolding AQueue_def by simp_all
   285 text {*
   286   \noindent For completeness, we provide a substitute for the
   287   @{text case} combinator on queues:
   288 *}
   290 lemma %quote queue_case_AQueue [code]:
   291   "queue_case f (AQueue xs ys) = f (ys @ rev xs)"
   292   unfolding AQueue_def by simp
   294 text {*
   295   \noindent The resulting code looks as expected:
   296 *}
   298 text %quote {*@{code_stmts empty enqueue dequeue (SML)}*}
   300 text {*
   301   \noindent From this example, it can be glimpsed that using own
   302   constructor sets is a little delicate since it changes the set of
   303   valid patterns for values of that type.  Without going into much
   304   detail, here some practical hints:
   306   \begin{itemize}
   308     \item When changing the constructor set for datatypes, take care
   309       to provide alternative equations for the @{text case} combinator.
   311     \item Values in the target language need not to be normalised --
   312       different values in the target language may represent the same
   313       value in the logic.
   315     \item Usually, a good methodology to deal with the subtleties of
   316       pattern matching is to see the type as an abstract type: provide
   317       a set of operations which operate on the concrete representation
   318       of the type, and derive further operations by combinations of
   319       these primitive ones, without relying on a particular
   320       representation.
   322   \end{itemize}
   323 *}
   326 subsection {* Equality *}
   328 text {*
   329   Surely you have already noticed how equality is treated
   330   by the code generator:
   331 *}
   333 primrec %quote collect_duplicates :: "'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a list" where
   334   "collect_duplicates xs ys [] = xs"
   335   | "collect_duplicates xs ys (z#zs) = (if z \<in> set xs
   336       then if z \<in> set ys
   337         then collect_duplicates xs ys zs
   338         else collect_duplicates xs (z#ys) zs
   339       else collect_duplicates (z#xs) (z#ys) zs)"
   341 text {*
   342   \noindent The membership test during preprocessing is rewritten,
   343   resulting in @{const List.member}, which itself
   344   performs an explicit equality check.
   345 *}
   347 text %quote {*@{code_stmts collect_duplicates (SML)}*}
   349 text {*
   350   \noindent Obviously, polymorphic equality is implemented the Haskell
   351   way using a type class.  How is this achieved?  HOL introduces
   352   an explicit class @{class eq} with a corresponding operation
   353   @{const eq_class.eq} such that @{thm eq [no_vars]}.
   354   The preprocessing framework does the rest by propagating the
   355   @{class eq} constraints through all dependent code equations.
   356   For datatypes, instances of @{class eq} are implicitly derived
   357   when possible.  For other types, you may instantiate @{text eq}
   358   manually like any other type class.
   359 *}
   362 subsection {* Explicit partiality *}
   364 text {*
   365   Partiality usually enters the game by partial patterns, as
   366   in the following example, again for amortised queues:
   367 *}
   369 definition %quote strict_dequeue :: "'a queue \<Rightarrow> 'a \<times> 'a queue" where
   370   "strict_dequeue q = (case dequeue q
   371     of (Some x, q') \<Rightarrow> (x, q'))"
   373 lemma %quote strict_dequeue_AQueue [code]:
   374   "strict_dequeue (AQueue xs (y # ys)) = (y, AQueue xs ys)"
   375   "strict_dequeue (AQueue xs []) =
   376     (case rev xs of y # ys \<Rightarrow> (y, AQueue [] ys))"
   377   by (simp_all add: strict_dequeue_def dequeue_AQueue split: list.splits)
   379 text {*
   380   \noindent In the corresponding code, there is no equation
   381   for the pattern @{term "AQueue [] []"}:
   382 *}
   384 text %quote {*@{code_stmts strict_dequeue (consts) strict_dequeue (Haskell)}*}
   386 text {*
   387   \noindent In some cases it is desirable to have this
   388   pseudo-\qt{partiality} more explicitly, e.g.~as follows:
   389 *}
   391 axiomatization %quote empty_queue :: 'a
   393 definition %quote strict_dequeue' :: "'a queue \<Rightarrow> 'a \<times> 'a queue" where
   394   "strict_dequeue' q = (case dequeue q of (Some x, q') \<Rightarrow> (x, q') | _ \<Rightarrow> empty_queue)"
   396 lemma %quote strict_dequeue'_AQueue [code]:
   397   "strict_dequeue' (AQueue xs []) = (if xs = [] then empty_queue
   398      else strict_dequeue' (AQueue [] (rev xs)))"
   399   "strict_dequeue' (AQueue xs (y # ys)) =
   400      (y, AQueue xs ys)"
   401   by (simp_all add: strict_dequeue'_def dequeue_AQueue split: list.splits)
   403 text {*
   404   Observe that on the right hand side of the definition of @{const
   405   "strict_dequeue'"}, the unspecified constant @{const empty_queue} occurs.
   407   Normally, if constants without any code equations occur in a
   408   program, the code generator complains (since in most cases this is
   409   indeed an error).  But such constants can also be thought
   410   of as function definitions which always fail,
   411   since there is never a successful pattern match on the left hand
   412   side.  In order to categorise a constant into that category
   413   explicitly, use @{command "code_abort"}:
   414 *}
   416 code_abort %quote empty_queue
   418 text {*
   419   \noindent Then the code generator will just insert an error or
   420   exception at the appropriate position:
   421 *}
   423 text %quote {*@{code_stmts strict_dequeue' (consts) empty_queue strict_dequeue' (Haskell)}*}
   425 text {*
   426   \noindent This feature however is rarely needed in practice.
   427   Note also that the @{text HOL} default setup already declares
   428   @{const undefined} as @{command "code_abort"}, which is most
   429   likely to be used in such situations.
   430 *}
   432 subsection {* Inductive Predicates *}
   433 (*<*)
   434 hide_const append
   436 inductive append
   437 where
   438   "append [] ys ys"
   439 | "append xs ys zs ==> append (x # xs) ys (x # zs)"
   440 (*>*)
   441 text {*
   442 To execute inductive predicates, a special preprocessor, the predicate
   443  compiler, generates code equations from the introduction rules of the predicates.
   444 The mechanisms of this compiler are described in \cite{Berghofer-Bulwahn-Haftmann:2009:TPHOL}.
   445 Consider the simple predicate @{const append} given by these two
   446 introduction rules:
   447 *}
   448 text %quote {*
   449 @{thm append.intros(1)[of ys]}\\
   450 \noindent@{thm append.intros(2)[of xs ys zs x]}
   451 *}
   452 text {*
   453 \noindent To invoke the compiler, simply use @{command_def "code_pred"}:
   454 *}
   455 code_pred %quote append .
   456 text {*
   457 \noindent The @{command "code_pred"} command takes the name
   458 of the inductive predicate and then you put a period to discharge
   459 a trivial correctness proof. 
   460 The compiler infers possible modes 
   461 for the predicate and produces the derived code equations.
   462 Modes annotate which (parts of the) arguments are to be taken as input,
   463 and which output. Modes are similar to types, but use the notation @{text "i"}
   464 for input and @{text "o"} for output.
   466 For @{term "append"}, the compiler can infer the following modes:
   467 \begin{itemize}
   468 \item @{text "i \<Rightarrow> i \<Rightarrow> i \<Rightarrow> bool"}
   469 \item @{text "i \<Rightarrow> i \<Rightarrow> o \<Rightarrow> bool"}
   470 \item @{text "o \<Rightarrow> o \<Rightarrow> i \<Rightarrow> bool"}
   471 \end{itemize}
   472 You can compute sets of predicates using @{command_def "values"}:
   473 *}
   474 values %quote "{zs. append [(1::nat),2,3] [4,5] zs}"
   475 text {* \noindent outputs @{text "{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}"}, and *}
   476 values %quote "{(xs, ys). append xs ys [(2::nat),3]}"
   477 text {* \noindent outputs @{text "{([], [2, 3]), ([2], [3]), ([2, 3], [])}"}. *}
   478 text {*
   479 \noindent If you are only interested in the first elements of the set
   480 comprehension (with respect to a depth-first search on the introduction rules), you can
   481 pass an argument to
   482 @{command "values"} to specify the number of elements you want:
   483 *}
   485 values %quote 1 "{(xs, ys). append xs ys [(1::nat),2,3,4]}"
   486 values %quote 3 "{(xs, ys). append xs ys [(1::nat),2,3,4]}"
   488 text {*
   489 \noindent The @{command "values"} command can only compute set
   490  comprehensions for which a mode has been inferred.
   492 The code equations for a predicate are made available as theorems with
   493  the suffix @{text "equation"}, and can be inspected with:
   494 *}
   495 thm %quote append.equation
   496 text {*
   497 \noindent More advanced options are described in the following subsections.
   498 *}
   499 subsubsection {* Alternative names for functions *}
   500 text {* 
   501 By default, the functions generated from a predicate are named after the predicate with the
   502 mode mangled into the name (e.g., @{text "append_i_i_o"}).
   503 You can specify your own names as follows:
   504 *}
   505 code_pred %quote (modes: i => i => o => bool as concat,
   506   o => o => i => bool as split,
   507   i => o => i => bool as suffix) append .
   509 subsubsection {* Alternative introduction rules *}
   510 text {*
   511 Sometimes the introduction rules of an predicate are not executable because they contain
   512 non-executable constants or specific modes could not be inferred.
   513 It is also possible that the introduction rules yield a function that loops forever
   514 due to the execution in a depth-first search manner.
   515 Therefore, you can declare alternative introduction rules for predicates with the attribute
   516 @{attribute "code_pred_intro"}.
   517 For example, the transitive closure is defined by: 
   518 *}
   519 text %quote {*
   520 @{thm tranclp.intros(1)[of r a b]}\\
   521 \noindent @{thm tranclp.intros(2)[of r a b c]}
   522 *}
   523 text {*
   524 \noindent These rules do not suit well for executing the transitive closure 
   525 with the mode @{text "(i \<Rightarrow> o \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> i \<Rightarrow> o \<Rightarrow> bool"}, as the second rule will
   526 cause an infinite loop in the recursive call.
   527 This can be avoided using the following alternative rules which are
   528 declared to the predicate compiler by the attribute @{attribute "code_pred_intro"}:
   529 *}
   530 lemma %quote [code_pred_intro]:
   531   "r a b \<Longrightarrow> r\<^sup>+\<^sup>+ a b"
   532   "r a b \<Longrightarrow> r\<^sup>+\<^sup>+ b c \<Longrightarrow> r\<^sup>+\<^sup>+ a c"
   533 by auto
   534 text {*
   535 \noindent After declaring all alternative rules for the transitive closure,
   536 you invoke @{command "code_pred"} as usual.
   537 As you have declared alternative rules for the predicate, you are urged to prove that these
   538 introduction rules are complete, i.e., that you can derive an elimination rule for the
   539 alternative rules:
   540 *}
   541 code_pred %quote tranclp
   542 proof -
   543   case tranclp
   544   from this converse_tranclpE[OF this(1)] show thesis by metis
   545 qed
   546 text {*
   547 \noindent Alternative rules can also be used for constants that have not
   548 been defined inductively. For example, the lexicographic order which
   549 is defined as: *}
   550 text %quote {*
   551 @{thm [display] lexord_def[of "r"]}
   552 *}
   553 text {*
   554 \noindent To make it executable, you can derive the following two rules and prove the
   555 elimination rule:
   556 *}
   557 (*<*)
   558 lemma append: "append xs ys zs = (xs @ ys = zs)"
   559 by (induct xs arbitrary: ys zs) (auto elim: append.cases intro: append.intros)
   560 (*>*)
   561 lemma %quote [code_pred_intro]:
   562   "append xs (a # v) ys \<Longrightarrow> lexord r (xs, ys)"
   563 (*<*)unfolding lexord_def Collect_def by (auto simp add: append)(*>*)
   565 lemma %quote [code_pred_intro]:
   566   "append u (a # v) xs \<Longrightarrow> append u (b # w) ys \<Longrightarrow> r (a, b)
   567   \<Longrightarrow> lexord r (xs, ys)"
   568 (*<*)unfolding lexord_def Collect_def append mem_def apply simp
   569 apply (rule disjI2) by auto
   570 (*>*)
   572 code_pred %quote lexord
   573 (*<*)
   574 proof -
   575   fix r xs ys
   576   assume lexord: "lexord r (xs, ys)"
   577   assume 1: "\<And> r' xs' ys' a v. r = r' \<Longrightarrow> (xs, ys) = (xs', ys') \<Longrightarrow> append xs' (a # v) ys' \<Longrightarrow> thesis"
   578   assume 2: "\<And> r' xs' ys' u a v b w. r = r' \<Longrightarrow> (xs, ys) = (xs', ys') \<Longrightarrow> append u (a # v) xs' \<Longrightarrow> append u (b # w) ys' \<Longrightarrow> r' (a, b) \<Longrightarrow> thesis"
   579   {
   580     assume "\<exists>a v. ys = xs @ a # v"
   581     from this 1 have thesis
   582         by (fastsimp simp add: append)
   583   } moreover
   584   {
   585     assume "\<exists>u a b v w. (a, b) \<in> r \<and> xs = u @ a # v \<and> ys = u @ b # w"
   586     from this 2 have thesis by (fastsimp simp add: append mem_def)
   587   } moreover
   588   note lexord
   589   ultimately show thesis
   590     unfolding lexord_def
   591     by (fastsimp simp add: Collect_def)
   592 qed
   593 (*>*)
   594 subsubsection {* Options for values *}
   595 text {*
   596 In the presence of higher-order predicates, multiple modes for some predicate could be inferred
   597 that are not disambiguated by the pattern of the set comprehension.
   598 To disambiguate the modes for the arguments of a predicate, you can state
   599 the modes explicitly in the @{command "values"} command. 
   600 Consider the simple predicate @{term "succ"}:
   601 *}
   602 inductive succ :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> bool"
   603 where
   604   "succ 0 (Suc 0)"
   605 | "succ x y \<Longrightarrow> succ (Suc x) (Suc y)"
   607 code_pred succ .
   609 text {*
   610 \noindent For this, the predicate compiler can infer modes @{text "o \<Rightarrow> o \<Rightarrow> bool"}, @{text "i \<Rightarrow> o \<Rightarrow> bool"},
   611   @{text "o \<Rightarrow> i \<Rightarrow> bool"} and @{text "i \<Rightarrow> i \<Rightarrow> bool"}.
   612 The invocation of @{command "values"} @{text "{n. tranclp succ 10 n}"} loops, as multiple
   613 modes for the predicate @{text "succ"} are possible and here the first mode @{text "o \<Rightarrow> o \<Rightarrow> bool"}
   614 is chosen. To choose another mode for the argument, you can declare the mode for the argument between
   615 the @{command "values"} and the number of elements.
   616 *}
   617 values %quote [mode: i => o => bool] 20 "{n. tranclp succ 10 n}"
   618 values %quote [mode: o => i => bool] 10 "{n. tranclp succ n 10}"
   620 subsubsection {* Embedding into functional code within Isabelle/HOL *}
   621 text {*
   622 To embed the computation of an inductive predicate into functions that are defined in Isabelle/HOL,
   623 you have a number of options:
   624 \begin{itemize}
   625 \item You want to use the first-order predicate with the mode
   626   where all arguments are input. Then you can use the predicate directly, e.g.
   627 \begin{quote}
   628   @{text "valid_suffix ys zs = "}\\
   629   @{text "(if append [Suc 0, 2] ys zs then Some ys else None)"}
   630 \end{quote}
   631 \item If you know that the execution returns only one value (it is deterministic), then you can
   632   use the combinator @{term "Predicate.the"}, e.g., a functional concatenation of lists
   633   is defined with
   634 \begin{quote}
   635   @{term "functional_concat xs ys = Predicate.the (append_i_i_o xs ys)"}
   636 \end{quote}
   637   Note that if the evaluation does not return a unique value, it raises a run-time error
   638   @{term "not_unique"}.
   639 \end{itemize}
   640 *}
   641 subsubsection {* Further Examples *}
   642 text {* Further examples for compiling inductive predicates can be found in
   643 the @{text "HOL/ex/Predicate_Compile_ex"} theory file.
   644 There are also some examples in the Archive of Formal Proofs, notably
   645 in the @{text "POPLmark-deBruijn"} and the @{text "FeatherweightJava"} sessions.
   646 *}
   647 end