author wneuper <>
Thu, 07 Dec 2023 16:14:32 +0100
changeset 60774 e3fe057158b2
parent 60773 439e23525491
child 60776 c2e6848d3dce
permissions -rw-r--r--
prepare 3: Tactic.T with I_Model.T_POS
     1 (* Title:  Specify/specify.sml
     2    Author: Walther Neuper
     3 *)
     4 signature SPECIFY =
     5 sig
     6   val find_next_step: Calc.T -> string * (Pos.pos_ * Tactic.input)
     7   val do_all: Calc.T -> Calc.T 
     8   val finish_phase: Calc.T -> Calc.T
    10   val item_to_add: Proof.context -> O_Model.T -> I_Model.T_POS -> 
    11     (Model_Def.m_field * TermC.as_string) option
    12   val by_Add_: string -> TermC.as_string -> Calc.T -> string * Calc.state_post
    14 (*from isac_test for Minisubpbl*)
    15   val for_problem: Proof.context -> O_Model.T -> References.T * References.T -> I_Model.T * I_Model.T_POS ->
    16     string * (Pos.pos_ * Tactic.input)
    17   val for_method: Proof.context -> O_Model.T -> References.T * References.T -> I_Model.T * I_Model.T ->
    18     string * (Pos.pos_ * Tactic.input)
    19   val select_inc_lists: I_Model.T_POS -> I_Model.T_POS
    21 \<^isac_test>\<open>
    22 (**)
    23 \<close>
    24 end
    26 (**)
    27 structure Specify(**): SPECIFY(**) =
    28 struct
    29 (**)
    31 fun select_inc_lists i_model =
    32   let
    33     (* filter problem like with Const ("", _) *)
    34     val filt = (fn (_, _, _, _, (I_Model.Inc_POS (descr, _::_) , _)) => Model_Def.is_list_descr descr
    35       | _ => false)
    36   in
    37     (filter filt i_model) @ (filter_out filt i_model)
    38   end
    40 fun item_to_add ctxt o_model i_model =
    41   let
    42     val max_vnt = last_elem (*this decides, for which variant initially help is given*)
    43       (Model_Def.max_variants o_model i_model)
    44     val o_vnts = filter (fn (_, vnts, _, _, _) => member op= vnts max_vnt) o_model
    45     val i_to_select = i_model
    46       |> filter_out (fn (_, vnts, _, _, (I_Model.Cor_POS _, _)) => member op= vnts max_vnt | _ => false)
    47       |> select_inc_lists
    48   in
    49     if i_to_select = [] then NONE
    50     else
    51       case I_Model.fill_from_o o_vnts (hd i_to_select) of
    52         SOME (_, _, _, m_field, (feedb, _)) =>
    53           SOME (m_field, feedb |> I_Model.feedb_args_to_string ctxt)
    54       | NONE => raise ERROR "item_to_add: NONE not.impl."
    55   end
    58 (** find a next step in the specify-phase **)
    59 (*
    60   here should be mutual recursion between for_problem ctxt and for_method
    61 *)
    62 fun for_problem ctxt oris ((dI', pI', mI'), (dI, pI, mI)) (pbl, met) =
    63   let
    64     val cpI = if pI = Problem.id_empty then pI' else pI;
    65     val cmI = if mI = MethodC.id_empty then mI' else mI;
    66     val {model = pbt, where_rls, where_, ...} = Problem.from_store ctxt cpI;
    67     val {model = mpc, ...} = MethodC.from_store ctxt cmI
    68     val (preok, _) = Pre_Conds.check ctxt where_rls where_ (pbt, I_Model.OLD_to_POS pbl);
    69   in
    70     if dI' = ThyC.id_empty andalso dI = ThyC.id_empty then
    71       ("dummy", (Pos.Pbl, Tactic.Specify_Theory dI'))
    72     else if pI' = Problem.id_empty andalso pI = Problem.id_empty then
    73         ("dummy", (Pos.Pbl, Tactic.Specify_Problem pI'))
    74     else
    75       case find_first (fn (_, _, _, _, feedb) => I_Model.is_error feedb) pbl of
    76         SOME (_, _, _, fd, itm_) =>
    77           ("dummy", (Pos.Pbl, P_Model.mk_delete (ThyC.get_theory ctxt
    78             (if dI = ThyC.id_empty then dI' else dI)) fd itm_))
    79       | NONE => 
    80         (case item_to_add ctxt oris (I_Model.OLD_to_POS pbl) of
    81            SOME (fd, ct') => ("dummy", (Pos.Pbl, P_Model.mk_additem fd ct'))
    82          | NONE => (*pbl-items complete*)        
    83            if not preok then ("dummy", (Pos.Pbl, Tactic.Refine_Problem pI'))
    84            (*this is an ERROR fall through ------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ for Pre_Conds, redesign ?*)
    85            else if dI = ThyC.id_empty then ("dummy", (Pos.Pbl, Tactic.Specify_Theory dI'))
    86            else if pI = Problem.id_empty then ("dummy", (Pos.Pbl, Tactic.Specify_Problem pI'))
    87            else if mI = MethodC.id_empty then ("dummy", (Pos.Pbl, Tactic.Specify_Method mI'))
    88            else
    89             case find_first (fn (_, _, _, _, feedb) => I_Model.is_error feedb) (I_Model.TEST_to_OLD met) of
    90               SOME (_, _, _, fd, itm_) =>
    91                  ("dummy", (Pos.Met, P_Model.mk_delete (ThyC.get_theory ctxt dI) fd itm_))
    92             | NONE => 
    93               (case item_to_add ctxt oris met of
    94     	          SOME (fd, ct') =>
    95                    ("dummy", (Pos.Met, P_Model.mk_additem fd ct')) (*30.8.01: where_?!?*)
    96     		      | NONE => ("dummy", (Pos.Met, Tactic.Apply_Method mI))))
    97   end
    99 fun for_method ctxt oris ((dI', pI', mI'), (dI, pI, mI)) (_, met) =
   100   let
   101     val cmI = if mI = MethodC.id_empty then mI' else mI;
   102     val {model = mpc, where_rls, where_, ...} = MethodC.from_store ctxt cmI;
   103     val (preok, _) = Pre_Conds.check ctxt where_rls where_ (mpc, I_Model.OLD_to_POS met);
   104   in
   105     (case find_first (fn (_, _, _, _, feedb) => I_Model.is_error feedb) met of
   106       SOME (_,_,_, fd, itm_) =>
   107         ("dummy", (Pos.Met, P_Model.mk_delete (ThyC.get_theory ctxt
   108             (if dI = ThyC.id_empty then dI' else dI)) fd itm_))
   109     | NONE => 
   110       case item_to_add ctxt oris (I_Model.OLD_to_POS met) of
   111         SOME (fd, ct') =>
   112           ("dummy", (Pos.Met, P_Model.mk_additem fd ct'))
   113       | NONE => 
   114         (if dI = ThyC.id_empty then ("dummy", (Pos.Met, Tactic.Specify_Theory dI'))
   115          else if pI = Problem.id_empty then ("dummy", (Pos.Met, Tactic.Specify_Problem pI'))
   116          else if not preok then ("dummy", (Pos.Met, Tactic.Specify_Method mI))
   117          else ("dummy", (Pos.Met, Tactic.Apply_Method mI))))
   118   end
   120 (*
   121   on finding a next step switching from problem to method or vice versa is possible,
   122   because the user is free to switch and edit the respective models independently.
   123 TODO: this free switch is NOT yet implemented; e.g. 
   124   preok is relevant for problem + method, i.e. in for_problem ctxt + for_method
   125 *)
   126 fun find_next_step (pt, pos as (_, p_)) =
   127   let
   128     val {meth = met, origin = origin as (oris, o_refs as (_, pI', mI'), _), probl = pbl,
   129       spec = refs, ...} = Calc.specify_data (pt, pos);
   130     val ctxt = Ctree.get_ctxt pt pos
   131   in
   132     if Ctree.just_created (pt, pos) andalso origin <> Ctree.e_origin then
   133       case mI' of
   134         ["no_met"] => ("ok", (Pos.Pbl, Tactic.Refine_Tacitly pI'))
   135       | _ => ("ok", (Pos.Pbl, Tactic.Model_Problem))
   136     else if p_ = Pos.Pbl then
   137       for_problem ctxt oris (o_refs, refs) (pbl, I_Model.OLD_to_POS met)
   138     else
   139       for_method ctxt oris (o_refs, refs) (pbl, met)
   140   end
   143 (** tools **)
   145 fun by_Add_  m_field ct (pt, pos as (_, p_)) =
   146   let
   147     val (met, oris, (_, pI', mI'), pbl, (_, pI, mI), ctxt) = SpecificationC.get_data (pt, pos)
   148     val (i_model, m_patt) =
   149        if p_ = Pos.Met then
   150          (met,
   151            (if mI = MethodC.id_empty then mI' else mI) |> MethodC.from_store ctxt |> #model)
   152        else
   153          (pbl,
   154            (if pI = Problem.id_empty then pI' else pI) |> Problem.from_store ctxt |> #model)
   155     in
   156       case I_Model.check_single ctxt m_field oris (I_Model.TEST_to_OLD i_model) m_patt ct of
   157         I_Model.Add i_single => (*..union old input *)
   158 	        let
   159 	          val i_model' = I_Model.add_single (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) i_single i_model
   160             val tac' = I_Model.make_tactic m_field (ct, i_model')
   161 	          val  (_, _, _, pt') =  Specify_Step.add tac' (Istate_Def.Uistate, ctxt) (pt, pos)
   162 	        in
   163             ("ok", ([(Tactic.input_from_T ctxt tac', tac', (pos, (Istate_Def.Uistate, ctxt)))],
   164               [], (pt', pos)))
   165           end
   166       | I_Model.Err msg => (msg, ([], [], (pt, pos)))
   167     end
   169 (* complete _NON_empty calc-head for autocalc (sub-)pbl from oris
   170   + met from fmz; assumes pos on PblObj, meth = []                    *)
   171 fun finish_phase (pt, pos as (p, p_)) =
   172   let
   173     val _ = if p_ <> Pos.Pbl 
   174 	    then raise ERROR ("###finish_phase: only impl.for Pbl, called with " ^ Pos.pos'2str pos)
   175 	    else ()
   176 	  val (oris, ospec, probl, spec, meth) = case Ctree.get_obj I pt p of
   177 	    Ctree.PblObj {origin = (oris, ospec, _), probl, spec, meth, ...} => (oris, ospec, probl, spec, meth)
   178 	  | _ => raise ERROR "finish_phase: unvered case get_obj"
   179   	val (_, pI, mI) = References.select_input ospec spec
   180   	val ctxt = Ctree.get_ctxt pt pos
   181   	val (pits, mits) = I_Model.s_make_complete ctxt oris
   182   	 (I_Model.OLD_to_POS probl, I_Model.OLD_to_POS meth) (pI, mI)
   183   	val pt = Ctree.update_pblppc pt p (I_Model.TEST_to_OLD pits)
   184   	val pt = Ctree.update_metppc pt p (I_Model.TEST_to_OLD mits)
   185   in (pt, (p, Pos.Met)) end
   187 (*
   188   do all specification in one single step:
   189   bypass input of Problem.model and go immediately for MethodC: I_Model.complete'
   190 *)
   191 fun do_all (pt, (p, _)) =
   192   let
   193     val (itms, oris, probl, o_refs, spec, ctxt) = case Ctree.get_obj I pt p of
   194       Ctree.PblObj {meth = itms, origin = (oris, o_spec, _), probl, spec, ctxt, ...}
   195         => (itms, oris, probl, o_spec, spec, ctxt)
   196     | _ => raise ERROR "Specify.do_all: no PblObj"
   197     val (_, pbl_id', met_id') = References.select_input o_refs spec
   198     val (pbl_imod, met_imod) = I_Model.s_make_complete ctxt oris
   199       (I_Model.OLD_to_POS probl, I_Model.OLD_to_POS itms) (pbl_id', met_id')
   200     val (pt, _) = Ctree.cupdate_problem pt p
   201       (o_refs, I_Model.TEST_to_OLD pbl_imod, I_Model.TEST_to_OLD met_imod, ctxt)
   202   in
   203     (pt, (p, Pos.Met))
   204   end
   206 (**)end(**)