author wenzelm
Mon, 01 Aug 2005 19:20:32 +0200
changeset 16978 e35b518bffc9
parent 16434 d17817dd61e9
child 17795 5b18c3343028
permissions -rw-r--r--
tuned signature;
     1 (* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *)
     2 (*  Title:      Provers/eqsubst.ML
     3     ID:         $Id$
     4     Author:     Lucas Dixon, University of Edinburgh
     6     Modified:   18 Feb 2005 - Lucas -
     7     Created:    29 Jan 2005
     8 *)
     9 (* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *)
    10 (*  DESCRIPTION:
    12     A Tactic to perform a substiution using an equation.
    14 *)
    15 (* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *)
    19 (* Logic specific data stub *)
    20 signature EQRULE_DATA =
    21 sig
    23   (* to make a meta equality theorem in the current logic *)
    24   val prep_meta_eq : thm -> thm list
    26 end;
    29 (* the signature of an instance of the SQSUBST tactic *)
    30 signature EQSUBST_TAC =
    31 sig
    33   exception eqsubst_occL_exp of
    34             string * (int list) * (thm list) * int * thm;
    37   type match =
    38        ((indexname * (sort * typ)) list (* type instantiations *)
    39         * (indexname * (typ * term)) list) (* term instantiations *)
    40        * (string * typ) list (* fake named type abs env *)
    41        * (string * typ) list (* type abs env *)
    42        * term (* outer term *)
    44   type searchinfo =
    45        theory (* sign for matching *)
    46        * int (* maxidx *)
    47        * BasicIsaFTerm.FcTerm (* focusterm to search under *)
    49   val prep_subst_in_asm :
    50          int (* subgoal to subst in *)
    51       -> thm (* target theorem with subgoals *)
    52       -> int (* premise to subst in *)
    53       -> (cterm list (* certified free var placeholders for vars *)
    54           * int (* premice no. to subst *)
    55           * int (* number of assumptions of premice *)
    56           * thm) (* premice as a new theorem for forward reasoning *)
    57          * searchinfo (* search info: prem id etc *)
    59   val prep_subst_in_asms :
    60          int (* subgoal to subst in *)
    61       -> thm (* target theorem with subgoals *)
    62       -> ((cterm list (* certified free var placeholders for vars *)
    63           * int (* premice no. to subst *)
    64           * int (* number of assumptions of premice *)
    65           * thm) (* premice as a new theorem for forward reasoning *)
    66          * searchinfo) list
    68   val apply_subst_in_asm :
    69       int (* subgoal *)
    70       -> thm (* overall theorem *)
    71       -> thm (* rule *)
    72       -> (cterm list (* certified free var placeholders for vars *)
    73           * int (* assump no being subst *)
    74           * int (* num of premises of asm *)
    75           * thm) (* premthm *)
    76       * match
    77       -> thm Seq.seq
    79   val prep_concl_subst :
    80          int (* subgoal *)
    81       -> thm (* overall goal theorem *)
    82       -> (cterm list * thm) * searchinfo (* (cvfs, conclthm), matchf *)
    84   val apply_subst_in_concl :
    85         int (* subgoal *)
    86         -> thm (* thm with all goals *)
    87         -> cterm list (* certified free var placeholders for vars *)
    88            * thm  (* trivial thm of goal concl *)
    89             (* possible matches/unifiers *)
    90         -> thm (* rule *)
    91         -> match
    92         -> thm Seq.seq (* substituted goal *)
    94   (* basic notion of search *)
    95   val searchf_tlr_unify_all :
    96       (searchinfo
    97        -> term (* lhs *)
    98        -> match Seq.seq Seq.seq)
    99   val searchf_tlr_unify_valid :
   100       (searchinfo
   101        -> term (* lhs *)
   102        -> match Seq.seq Seq.seq)
   104   (* specialise search constructor for conclusion skipping occurrences. *)
   105      val skip_first_occs_search :
   106         int -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c Seq.seq Seq.seq) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c Seq.seq
   107   (* specialised search constructor for assumptions using skips *)
   108      val skip_first_asm_occs_search :
   109         ('a -> 'b -> 'c Seq.seq Seq.seq) ->
   110         'a -> int -> 'b -> 'c IsaPLib.skipseqT
   112   (* tactics and methods *)
   113   val eqsubst_asm_meth : int list -> thm list -> Proof.method
   114   val eqsubst_asm_tac :
   115       int list -> thm list -> int -> thm -> thm Seq.seq
   116   val eqsubst_asm_tac' :
   117       (* search function with skips *)
   118       (searchinfo -> int -> term -> match IsaPLib.skipseqT)
   119       -> int (* skip to *)
   120       -> thm (* rule *)
   121       -> int (* subgoal number *)
   122       -> thm (* tgt theorem with subgoals *)
   123       -> thm Seq.seq (* new theorems *)
   125   val eqsubst_meth : int list -> thm list -> Proof.method
   126   val eqsubst_tac :
   127       int list -> thm list -> int -> thm -> thm Seq.seq
   128   val eqsubst_tac' :
   129       (searchinfo -> term -> match Seq.seq)
   130       -> thm -> int -> thm -> thm Seq.seq
   132   val meth : (bool * int list) * thm list -> Proof.context -> Proof.method
   133   val setup : (Theory.theory -> Theory.theory) list
   134 end;
   137 functor EQSubstTacFUN (structure EqRuleData : EQRULE_DATA)
   138   : EQSUBST_TAC
   139 = struct
   141   (* a type abriviation for match information *)
   142   type match =
   143        ((indexname * (sort * typ)) list (* type instantiations *)
   144         * (indexname * (typ * term)) list) (* term instantiations *)
   145        * (string * typ) list (* fake named type abs env *)
   146        * (string * typ) list (* type abs env *)
   147        * term (* outer term *)
   149   type searchinfo =
   150 (* sign for matching *)
   151        * int (* maxidx *)
   152        * BasicIsaFTerm.FcTerm (* focusterm to search under *)
   154 (* FOR DEBUGGING...
   155 type trace_subst_errT = int (* subgoal *)
   156         * thm (* thm with all goals *)
   157         * (Thm.cterm list (* certified free var placeholders for vars *)
   158            * thm)  (* trivial thm of goal concl *)
   159             (* possible matches/unifiers *)
   160         * thm (* rule *)
   161         * (((indexname * typ) list (* type instantiations *)
   162               * (indexname * term) list ) (* term instantiations *)
   163              * (string * typ) list (* Type abs env *)
   164              * term) (* outer term *);
   166 val trace_subst_err = (ref NONE : trace_subst_errT option ref);
   167 val trace_subst_search = ref false;
   168 exception trace_subst_exp of trace_subst_errT;
   169  *)
   171 (* also defined in /HOL/Tools/inductive_codegen.ML,
   172    maybe move this to seq.ML ? *)
   173 infix 5 :->;
   174 fun s :-> f = Seq.flat ( f s);
   176 (* search from top, left to right, then down *)
   177 fun search_tlr_all_f f ft =
   178     let
   179       fun maux ft =
   180           let val t' = (IsaFTerm.focus_of_fcterm ft)
   181             (* val _ =
   182                 if !trace_subst_search then
   183                   (writeln ("Examining: " ^ (TermLib.string_of_term t'));
   184                    TermLib.writeterm t'; ())
   185                 else (); *)
   186           in
   187           (case t' of
   188             (_ $ _) => Seq.append(maux (IsaFTerm.focus_left ft),
   189                        Seq.cons(f ft,
   190                                   maux (IsaFTerm.focus_right ft)))
   191           | (Abs _) => Seq.cons(f ft, maux (IsaFTerm.focus_abs ft))
   192           | leaf => Seq.single (f ft)) end
   193     in maux ft end;
   195 (* search from top, left to right, then down *)
   196 fun search_tlr_valid_f f ft =
   197     let
   198       fun maux ft =
   199           let
   200             val hereseq = if IsaFTerm.valid_match_start ft then f ft else Seq.empty
   201           in
   202           (case (IsaFTerm.focus_of_fcterm ft) of
   203             (_ $ _) => Seq.append(maux (IsaFTerm.focus_left ft),
   204                        Seq.cons(hereseq,
   205                                   maux (IsaFTerm.focus_right ft)))
   206           | (Abs _) => Seq.cons(hereseq, maux (IsaFTerm.focus_abs ft))
   207           | leaf => Seq.single (hereseq))
   208           end
   209     in maux ft end;
   211 (* search all unifications *)
   212 fun searchf_tlr_unify_all (sgn, maxidx, ft) lhs =
   213     IsaFTerm.find_fcterm_matches
   214       search_tlr_all_f
   215       (IsaFTerm.clean_unify_ft sgn maxidx lhs)
   216       ft;
   218 (* search only for 'valid' unifiers (non abs subterms and non vars) *)
   219 fun searchf_tlr_unify_valid (sgn, maxidx, ft) lhs  =
   220     IsaFTerm.find_fcterm_matches
   221       search_tlr_valid_f
   222       (IsaFTerm.clean_unify_ft sgn maxidx lhs)
   223       ft;
   226 (* apply a substitution in the conclusion of the theorem th *)
   227 (* cfvs are certified free var placeholders for goal params *)
   228 (* conclthm is a theorem of for just the conclusion *)
   229 (* m is instantiation/match information *)
   230 (* rule is the equation for substitution *)
   231 fun apply_subst_in_concl i th (cfvs, conclthm) rule m =
   232     ( m rule conclthm)
   233       |> IsaND.unfix_frees cfvs
   234       |> RWInst.beta_eta_contract
   235       |> (fn r => Tactic.rtac r i th);
   237 (* substitute within the conclusion of goal i of gth, using a meta
   238 equation rule. Note that we assume rule has var indicies zero'd *)
   239 fun prep_concl_subst i gth =
   240     let
   241       val th = Thm.incr_indexes 1 gth;
   242       val tgt_term = Thm.prop_of th;
   244       val sgn = Thm.sign_of_thm th;
   245       val ctermify = Thm.cterm_of sgn;
   246       val trivify = Thm.trivial o ctermify;
   248       val (fixedbody, fvs) = IsaND.fix_alls_term i tgt_term;
   249       val cfvs = rev (map ctermify fvs);
   251       val conclterm = Logic.strip_imp_concl fixedbody;
   252       val conclthm = trivify conclterm;
   253       val maxidx = Term.maxidx_of_term conclterm;
   254       val ft = ((IsaFTerm.focus_right
   255                  o IsaFTerm.focus_left
   256                  o IsaFTerm.fcterm_of_term
   257                  o Thm.prop_of) conclthm)
   258     in
   259       ((cfvs, conclthm), (sgn, maxidx, ft))
   260     end;
   262 (* substitute using an object or meta level equality *)
   263 fun eqsubst_tac' searchf instepthm i th =
   264     let
   265       val (cvfsconclthm, searchinfo) = prep_concl_subst i th;
   266       val stepthms =
   267  Drule.zero_var_indexes
   268                   (Seq.of_list (EqRuleData.prep_meta_eq instepthm));
   269       fun rewrite_with_thm r =
   270           let val (lhs,_) = Logic.dest_equals (Thm.concl_of r);
   271           in (searchf searchinfo lhs)
   272              :-> (apply_subst_in_concl i th cvfsconclthm r) end;
   273     in stepthms :-> rewrite_with_thm end;
   276 (* Tactic.distinct_subgoals_tac -- fails to free type variables *)
   278 (* custom version of distinct subgoals that works with term and
   279    type variables. Asssumes th is in beta-eta normal form.
   280    Also, does nothing if flexflex contraints are present. *)
   281 fun distinct_subgoals th =
   282     if List.null (Thm.tpairs_of th) then
   283       let val (fixes,fixedthm) = IsaND.fix_vars_and_tvars th
   284         val (fixedthconcl,cprems) = IsaND.hide_prems fixedthm
   285       in
   286         IsaND.unfix_frees_and_tfrees
   287           fixes
   288           (Drule.implies_intr_list
   289              (Library.gen_distinct
   290                 (fn (x, y) => Thm.term_of x = Thm.term_of y)
   291                 cprems) fixedthconcl)
   292       end
   293     else th;
   295 (* General substiuttion of multiple occurances using one of
   296    the given theorems*)
   297 exception eqsubst_occL_exp of
   298           string * (int list) * (thm list) * int * thm;
   299 fun skip_first_occs_search occ srchf sinfo lhs =
   300     case (IsaPLib.skipto_seqseq occ (srchf sinfo lhs)) of
   301       IsaPLib.skipmore _ => Seq.empty
   302     | IsaPLib.skipseq ss => Seq.flat ss;
   304 fun eqsubst_tac occL thms i th =
   305     let val nprems = Thm.nprems_of th in
   306       if nprems < i then Seq.empty else
   307       let val thmseq = (Seq.of_list thms)
   308         fun apply_occ occ th =
   309             thmseq :->
   310                     (fn r => eqsubst_tac' (skip_first_occs_search
   311                                     occ searchf_tlr_unify_valid) r
   312                                  (i + ((Thm.nprems_of th) - nprems))
   313                                  th);
   314         val sortedoccL =
   315             Library.sort (Library.rev_order o Library.int_ord) occL;
   316       in
   317 distinct_subgoals (Seq.EVERY (map apply_occ sortedoccL) th)
   318       end
   319     end
   320     handle THM _ => raise eqsubst_occL_exp ("THM",occL,thms,i,th);
   323 (* inthms are the given arguments in Isar, and treated as eqstep with
   324    the first one, then the second etc *)
   325 fun eqsubst_meth occL inthms =
   326     Method.METHOD
   327       (fn facts =>
   328           HEADGOAL ( Method.insert_tac facts THEN' eqsubst_tac occL inthms ));
   330 (* apply a substitution inside assumption j, keeps asm in the same place *)
   331 fun apply_subst_in_asm i th rule ((cfvs, j, ngoalprems, pth),m) =
   332     let
   333       val th2 = Thm.rotate_rule (j - 1) i th; (* put premice first *)
   334       val preelimrule =
   335           ( m rule pth)
   336             |> (Seq.hd o Tactic.prune_params_tac)
   337             |> Thm.permute_prems 0 ~1 (* put old asm first *)
   338             |> IsaND.unfix_frees cfvs (* unfix any global params *)
   339             |> RWInst.beta_eta_contract; (* normal form *)
   340   (*    val elimrule =
   341           preelimrule
   342             |> Tactic.make_elim (* make into elim rule *)
   343             |> Thm.lift_rule (th2, i); (* lift into context *)
   344    *)
   345     in
   346       (* ~j because new asm starts at back, thus we subtract 1 *)
   347 (Thm.rotate_rule (~j) ((Thm.nprems_of rule) + i))
   348       (Tactic.dtac preelimrule i th2)
   350       (* (Thm.bicompose
   351                  false (* use unification *)
   352                  (true, (* elim resolution *)
   353                   elimrule, (2 + (Thm.nprems_of rule)) - ngoalprems)
   354                  i th2) *)
   355     end;
   358 (* prepare to substitute within the j'th premise of subgoal i of gth,
   359 using a meta-level equation. Note that we assume rule has var indicies
   360 zero'd. Note that we also assume that premt is the j'th premice of
   361 subgoal i of gth. Note the repetition of work done for each
   362 assumption, i.e. this can be made more efficient for search over
   363 multiple assumptions.  *)
   364 fun prep_subst_in_asm i gth j =
   365     let
   366       val th = Thm.incr_indexes 1 gth;
   367       val tgt_term = Thm.prop_of th;
   369       val sgn = Thm.sign_of_thm th;
   370       val ctermify = Thm.cterm_of sgn;
   371       val trivify = Thm.trivial o ctermify;
   373       val (fixedbody, fvs) = IsaND.fix_alls_term i tgt_term;
   374       val cfvs = rev (map ctermify fvs);
   376       val asmt = Library.nth_elem(j - 1,(Logic.strip_imp_prems fixedbody));
   377       val asm_nprems = length (Logic.strip_imp_prems asmt);
   379       val pth = trivify asmt;
   380       val maxidx = Term.maxidx_of_term asmt;
   382       val ft = ((IsaFTerm.focus_right
   383                  o IsaFTerm.fcterm_of_term
   384                  o Thm.prop_of) pth)
   385     in ((cfvs, j, asm_nprems, pth), (sgn, maxidx, ft)) end;
   387 (* prepare subst in every possible assumption *)
   388 fun prep_subst_in_asms i gth =
   389     map (prep_subst_in_asm i gth)
   390         ((rev o IsaPLib.mk_num_list o length)
   391            (Logic.prems_of_goal (Thm.prop_of gth) i));
   394 (* substitute in an assumption using an object or meta level equality *)
   395 fun eqsubst_asm_tac' searchf skipocc instepthm i th =
   396     let
   397       val asmpreps = prep_subst_in_asms i th;
   398       val stepthms =
   399  Drule.zero_var_indexes
   400               (Seq.of_list (EqRuleData.prep_meta_eq instepthm))
   401       fun rewrite_with_thm r =
   402           let val (lhs,_) = Logic.dest_equals (Thm.concl_of r)
   403             fun occ_search occ [] = Seq.empty
   404               | occ_search occ ((asminfo, searchinfo)::moreasms) =
   405                 (case searchf searchinfo occ lhs of
   406                    IsaPLib.skipmore i => occ_search i moreasms
   407                  | IsaPLib.skipseq ss =>
   408                    Seq.append ( (Library.pair asminfo)
   409                                        (Seq.flat ss),
   410                                occ_search 1 moreasms))
   411                               (* find later substs also *)
   412           in
   413             (occ_search skipocc asmpreps) :-> (apply_subst_in_asm i th r)
   414           end;
   415     in stepthms :-> rewrite_with_thm end;
   418 fun skip_first_asm_occs_search searchf sinfo occ lhs =
   419     IsaPLib.skipto_seqseq occ (searchf sinfo lhs);
   421 fun eqsubst_asm_tac occL thms i th =
   422     let val nprems = Thm.nprems_of th
   423     in
   424       if nprems < i then Seq.empty else
   425       let val thmseq = (Seq.of_list thms)
   426         fun apply_occ occK th =
   427             thmseq :->
   428                     (fn r =>
   429                         eqsubst_asm_tac' (skip_first_asm_occs_search
   430                                             searchf_tlr_unify_valid) occK r
   431                                          (i + ((Thm.nprems_of th) - nprems))
   432                                          th);
   433         val sortedoccs =
   434             Library.sort (Library.rev_order o Library.int_ord) occL
   435       in
   436 distinct_subgoals
   437                 (Seq.EVERY (map apply_occ sortedoccs) th)
   438       end
   439     end
   440     handle THM _ => raise eqsubst_occL_exp ("THM",occL,thms,i,th);
   442 (* inthms are the given arguments in Isar, and treated as eqstep with
   443    the first one, then the second etc *)
   444 fun eqsubst_asm_meth occL inthms =
   445     Method.METHOD
   446       (fn facts =>
   447           HEADGOAL (Method.insert_tac facts THEN' eqsubst_asm_tac occL inthms ));
   449 (* combination method that takes a flag (true indicates that subst
   450 should be done to an assumption, false = apply to the conclusion of
   451 the goal) as well as the theorems to use *)
   452 fun meth ((asmflag, occL), inthms) ctxt =
   453     if asmflag then eqsubst_asm_meth occL inthms else eqsubst_meth occL inthms;
   455 (* syntax for options, given "(asm)" will give back true, without
   456    gives back false *)
   457 val options_syntax =
   458     (Args.parens (Args.$$$ "asm") >> (K true)) ||
   459      (Scan.succeed false);
   461 val ith_syntax =
   462     (Args.parens (Scan.repeat Args.nat))
   463       || (Scan.succeed [0]);
   465 (* method syntax, first take options, then theorems *)
   466 fun meth_syntax meth src ctxt =
   467     meth (snd (Method.syntax ((Scan.lift options_syntax)
   468                                 -- (Scan.lift ith_syntax)
   469                                 -- Attrib.local_thms) src ctxt))
   470          ctxt;
   472 (* setup function for adding method to theory. *)
   473 val setup =
   474     [Method.add_method ("subst", meth_syntax meth, "Substiution with an equation. Use \"(asm)\" option to substitute in an assumption.")];
   476 end;