author Walther Neuper <neuper@ist.tugraz.at>
Thu, 12 Aug 2010 11:02:32 +0200
changeset 37906 e2b23ba9df13
child 37926 e6fc98fbcb85
permissions -rw-r--r--
moved isac + test to final dire-structure
     1 (* tests for ME/rewrite.sml
     2    TODO.WN0509 collect typical tests from systest here !!!!!
     3    author: Walther Neuper 050908
     4    (c) copyright due to lincense terms.
     6 use"../smltest/Scripts/rewrite.sml";
     7 use"rewrite.sml";
     8 *)
    10 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    11 "table of contents -----------------------------------------------";
    12 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    13 "----------- assemble rewrite ------------------------------------";
    14 "----------- test rewriting without Isac's thys ------------------";
    15 "----------- conditional rewriting without Isac's thys -----------";
    16 "----------- rewrite_terms_  -------------------------------------";
    17 "----------- rewrite_inst_ bdvs ----------------------------------";
    18 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    19 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    20 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    22 "----------- assemble rewrite ------------------------------------";
    23 "----------- assemble rewrite ------------------------------------";
    24 "----------- assemble rewrite ------------------------------------";
    25 (*ML {**)
    26 "===== rewriting by thm with 'a";
    27 show_types := true;
    28 val thy = @{theory Complex_Main};
    29 val ctxt = @{context};
    30 val thm = @{thm add_commute};
    31 val t = (term_of o the) (parse thy "((r + u) + t) + s");
    32 "----- from old: fun rewrite__";
    33 val bdv = [];
    34 val r = (((inst_bdv bdv) o norm o #prop o rep_thm) thm);
    35 "----- from old: and rew_sub";
    36 val (lhs,rhs) = (dest_equals' o strip_trueprop 
    37    	      o Logic.strip_imp_concl) r;
    38 (* old
    39 val insts = Pattern.match thy (lhs,t) (Vartab.empty, Vartab.empty);*)
    40 "----- fun match_rew in Pure/pattern.ML";
    41 val rtm = the_default rhs (Term.rename_abs lhs t rhs);
    43 tracing(Syntax.string_of_term ctxt rtm);
    44 tracing(Syntax.string_of_term ctxt lhs);
    45 tracing(Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t);
    47 (Pattern.match thy (lhs, t) (Vartab.empty, Vartab.empty));
    48 val (rew, rhs) = (Envir.subst_term 
    49   (Pattern.match thy (lhs, t) (Vartab.empty, Vartab.empty)) rtm, rtm);
    50 (*lookup in isabelle?trace?response...*)
    51 writeln(Syntax.string_of_term ctxt rew);
    52 writeln(Syntax.string_of_term ctxt rhs);
    53 (*}
    54 ML {*)
    55 "===== rewriting: prep insertion into rew_sub";
    56 val thy = @{theory Complex_Main};
    57 val ctxt = @{context};
    58 val thm =  @{thm nonzero_mult_divide_cancel_right};
    59 val r = Thm.prop_of thm;
    60 val tm = @{term "x*2 / 2::real"};
    61 "----- and rew_sub";
    62 val (lhs, rhs) = (HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop
    63                   o Logic.strip_imp_concl) r;
    64 val r' = Envir.subst_term (Pattern.match thy (lhs, tm) 
    65                                 (Vartab.empty, Vartab.empty)) r;
    66 val p' = (fst o Logic.strip_prems) (Logic.count_prems r', [], r');
    67 val t' = (snd o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop 
    68             o Logic.strip_imp_concl) r';
    70 (*is displayed on top of <response> buffer...*)
    71 Pretty.writeln (ProofContext.pretty_term_abbrev @{context} r');
    72 Pretty.writeln (ProofContext.pretty_term_abbrev @{context} t');
    73 (*}*)
    75 "----------- test rewriting without Isac's thys ------------------";
    76 "----------- test rewriting without Isac's thys ------------------";
    77 "----------- test rewriting without Isac's thys ------------------";
    78 (*ML {*)
    79 "===== rewriting with Isabelle2009-1 only, i.e without isac-hacks";
    80 val thy = @{theory Complex_Main};
    81 val ctxt = @{context};
    82 val thm =  @{thm add_commute};
    83 val tm = @{term "x + y*z::real"};
    85 val SOME (r,_) = (rewrite_ thy dummy_ord e_rls false thm tm)
    86   handle _ => error "rewrite.sml diff.behav. in rewriting with Isabelle2009-1 only";
    87 (*is displayed on _TOP_ of <response> buffer...*)
    88 Pretty.writeln (ProofContext.pretty_term_abbrev @{context} r);
    90 "----- rewriting a subterm";
    91 val tm = @{term "w*(x + y*z)::real"};
    93 val SOME (r,_) = (rewrite_ thy dummy_ord e_rls false thm tm)
    94   handle _ => error "rewrite.sml diff.behav. in rew_sub with Isabelle2009-1 only";
    96 "----- ordered rewriting";
    97 fun tord (_:subst) pp = TermOrd.termless pp;
    98 if tord [] (@{term "x + y*z::real"}, @{term "y*z + x::real"}) then ()
    99 else error "rewrite.sml diff.behav. in ord.rewr. with Isabelle2009-1 only";
   101 val NONE = (rewrite_ thy tord e_rls false thm tm)
   102   handle _ => error "rewrite.sml diff.behav. in rewriting with Isabelle2009-1 only";
   103 (*is displayed on _TOP_ of <response> buffer...*)
   104 Pretty.writeln (ProofContext.pretty_term_abbrev @{context} r);
   106 val tm = @{term "x*y + z::real"};
   107 val SOME (r,_) = (rewrite_ thy tord e_rls false thm tm)
   108   handle _ => error "rewrite.sml diff.behav. in rewriting with Isabelle2009-1 only";
   111 (*}*)
   113 "----------- conditional rewriting without Isac's thys -----------";
   114 "----------- conditional rewriting without Isac's thys -----------";
   115 "----------- conditional rewriting without Isac's thys -----------";
   116 (*ML {*)
   117 "===== prepr cond.rew. with Pattern.match";
   118 val thy = @{theory Complex_Main};
   119 val ctxt = @{context};
   120 val thm =  @{thm nonzero_mult_divide_cancel_right};
   121 val rule = Thm.prop_of thm;
   122 val tm = @{term "x*2 / 2::real"};
   124 val prem = Logic.strip_imp_prems rule;
   125 val nps = Logic.count_prems rule;
   126 val prems = Logic.strip_prems (nps, [], rule);
   128 val eq = Logic.strip_imp_concl rule;
   129 val (lhs, rhs) = (HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop) eq;
   131 val mtcs = Pattern.match thy (lhs, tm) (Vartab.empty, Vartab.empty);
   132 val rule' = Envir.subst_term mtcs rule;
   134 val prems' = (fst o Logic.strip_prems) 
   135               (Logic.count_prems rule', [], rule');
   136 val rhs' = (snd o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop 
   137             o Logic.strip_imp_concl) rule';
   139 "----- conditional rewriting creating an assumption";
   140 "----- conditional rewriting creating an assumption";
   141 val tm = @{term "x*y / y::real"};
   142 val SOME (rew,asm) = (rewrite_ thy dummy_ord e_rls false thm tm)
   143   handle _ => error "rewrite.sml diff.behav. in cond.rew. with Isabelle2009-1 only a";
   145 if rew = @{term "x::real"} then ()
   146 else error "rewrite.sml diff.behav. in cond.rew. with Isabelle2009-1 only b";
   148 if HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (hd asm) = @{term "~ y = (0::real)"} then ()
   149 else error "rewrite.sml diff.behav. in cond.rew. with Isabelle2009-1 only c";
   151 "----- conditional rewriting immediately: can only be done with Isabelle numerals\
   152 \because erls cannot handle them yet.";
   153 (*}*)
   156 "----------- rewrite_terms_  -------------------------------------";
   157 "----------- rewrite_terms_  -------------------------------------";
   158 "----------- rewrite_terms_  -------------------------------------";
   159 val subte = [str2term"x = 0"];
   160 val t = str2term"M_b x = -1 * q_0 * x ^^^ 2 / 2 + x * c + c_2";
   161 val Some (t',_) = rewrite_terms_ thy dummy_ord Erls subte t;
   162 if term2str t' = "M_b 0 = -1 * q_0 * 0 ^^^ 2 / 2 + 0 * c + c_2" then ()
   163 else raise error "rewrite.sml rewrite_terms_ [x = 0]";
   165 val subte = [str2term"M_b 0 = 0"];
   166 val t = str2term"M_b 0 = -1 * q_0 * 0 ^^^ 2 / 2 + 0 * c + c_2";
   167 val Some (t',_) = rewrite_terms_ thy dummy_ord Erls subte t;
   168 if term2str t' = "0 = -1 * q_0 * 0 ^^^ 2 / 2 + 0 * c + c_2" then ()
   169 else raise error "rewrite.sml rewrite_terms_ [M_b 0 = 0]";
   171 val subte = [str2term"x = 0", str2term"M_b 0 = 0"];
   172 val t = str2term"M_b x = -1 * q_0 * x ^^^ 2 / 2 + x * c + c_2";
   173 val Some (t',_) = rewrite_terms_ thy dummy_ord Erls subte t;
   174 if term2str t' = "0 = -1 * q_0 * 0 ^^^ 2 / 2 + 0 * c + c_2" then ()
   175 else raise error "rewrite.sml rewrite_terms_ [x = 0, M_b 0 = 0]";
   178 "----------- rewrite_inst_ bdvs ----------------------------------";
   179 "----------- rewrite_inst_ bdvs ----------------------------------";
   180 "----------- rewrite_inst_ bdvs ----------------------------------";
   181 (*see smltest/Scripts/term_G.sml: inst_bdv 2*)
   182 val t = str2term"-1 * (q_0 * L ^^^ 2) / 2 + (L * c_3 + c_4) = 0";
   183 val bdvs = [(str2term"bdv_1",str2term"c"),
   184 	    (str2term"bdv_2",str2term"c_2"),
   185 	    (str2term"bdv_3",str2term"c_3"),
   186 	    (str2term"bdv_4",str2term"c_4")];
   187 (*------------ outcommented WN071210, after inclusion into ROOT.ML 
   188 val Some (t,_) = 
   189     rewrite_inst_ thy e_rew_ord 
   190 		  (append_rls "erls_isolate_bdvs" e_rls 
   191 			      [(Calc ("EqSystem.occur'_exactly'_in", 
   192 				      eval_occur_exactly_in 
   193 					  "#eval_occur_exactly_in_"))
   194 			       ]) 
   195 		  false bdvs (num_str separate_bdvs_add) t;
   196 (writeln o term2str) t;
   197 if term2str t = "L * c_3 + c_4 = 0 + -1 * (-1 * (q_0 * L ^^^ 2) / 2)"
   198 then () else raise error "rewrite.sml rewrite_inst_ bdvs";
   199 trace_rewrite:=true;
   200 trace_rewrite:=false;--------------------------------------------*)