author wenzelm
Mon, 24 Aug 1998 19:12:13 +0200
changeset 5371 e27558a68b8d
parent 4543 82a45bdd0e80
child 6067 0f8ab32093ae
permissions -rw-r--r--
emacs local vars;
     2 %% $Id$
     4 \chapter{Basic Use of Isabelle}\index{sessions|(} 
     5 The Reference Manual is a comprehensive description of Isabelle
     6 proper, including all \ML{} commands, functions and packages.  It
     7 really is intended for reference, perhaps for browsing, but not for
     8 reading through.  It is not a tutorial, but assumes familiarity with
     9 the basic logical concepts of Isabelle.
    11 When you are looking for a way of performing some task, scan the Table of
    12 Contents for a relevant heading.  Functions are organized by their purpose,
    13 by their operands (subgoals, tactics, theorems), and by their usefulness.
    14 In each section, basic functions appear first, then advanced functions, and
    15 finally esoteric functions.  Use the Index when you are looking for the
    16 definition of a particular Isabelle function.
    18 A few examples are presented.  Many examples files are distributed with
    19 Isabelle, however; please experiment interactively.
    22 \section{Basic interaction with Isabelle}
    23 \index{starting up|bold}\nobreak
    24 %
    25 We assume that your local Isabelle administrator (this might be you!)
    26 has already installed the \Pure\ system and several object-logics
    27 properly --- otherwise see the {\tt INSTALL} file in the top-level
    28 directory of the distribution on how to build it.
    30 \medskip Let $\langle isabellehome \rangle$ denote the location where
    31 the distribution has been installed.  To run Isabelle from a the shell
    32 prompt within an ordinary text terminal session, simply type
    33 \begin{ttbox}
    34 \({\langle}isabellehome{\rangle}\)/bin/isabelle
    35 \end{ttbox}
    36 This should start an interactive \ML{} session with the default
    37 object-logic already preloaded.
    39 Subsequently we assume that {\tt \(\langle isabellehome \rangle\)/bin}
    40 has been added to your shell's search path, in order to avoid typing
    41 full path specifications of the executable files.
    43 The object-logic image to load may be also specified explicitly as an
    44 argument to the {\tt isabelle} command, e.g.
    45 \begin{ttbox}
    46 isabelle FOL
    47 \end{ttbox}
    48 This should put you into the world of polymorphic first-order logic
    49 (assuming that {\FOL} has been pre-built).
    51 \index{saving your work|bold} Isabelle provides no means of storing
    52 theorems or internal proof objects on files.  Theorems are simply part
    53 of the \ML{} state.  To save your work between sessions, you must dump
    54 the \ML{} system state to a file.  This is done automatically when
    55 ending the session normally (e.g.\ by typing control-D), provided that
    56 the image has been opened \emph{writable} in the first place.  The
    57 standard object-logic images are usually read-only, so you probably
    58 have to create a private working copy first.  For example, the
    59 following shell command puts you into a writable Isabelle session of
    60 name \texttt{Foo} that initially contains just \FOL:
    61 \begin{ttbox}
    62 isabelle FOL Foo
    63 \end{ttbox}
    64 Ending the \texttt{Foo} session with control-D will cause the complete
    65 \ML{} world to be saved somewhere in your home directory\footnote{The
    66   default location is in \texttt{\~\relax/isabelle/heaps}, but this
    67   depends on your local configuration.}.  Make sure there is enough
    68 space available! Then one may later continue at exactly the same point
    69 by running
    70 \begin{ttbox}
    71 isabelle Foo  
    72 \end{ttbox}
    74 More details about the \texttt{isabelle} command may be found in the
    75 \emph{System Manual}.
    77 \medskip Saving the state is not enough.  Record, on a file, the
    78 top-level commands that generate your theories and proofs.  Such a
    79 record allows you to replay the proofs whenever required, for instance
    80 after making minor changes to the axioms.  Ideally, your record will
    81 be somewhat intelligible to others as a formal description of your
    82 work.
    84 \medskip There are more comfortable user interfaces than the
    85 bare-bones \ML{} top-level run from a text terminal.  The
    86 \texttt{Isabelle} executable (note the capital I) runs one such
    87 interface, depending on your local configuration.  Furthermore there
    88 are a number of external utilities available.  These are started
    89 uniformly via the \texttt{isatool} wrapper.  See the \emph{System
    90   Manual} for more information user interfaces and utilities.
    93 \section{Ending a session}
    94 \begin{ttbox} 
    95 quit    : unit -> unit
    96 exit    : int -> unit
    97 commit  : unit -> unit
    98 \end{ttbox}
    99 \begin{ttdescription}
   100 \item[\ttindexbold{quit}();] ends the Isabelle session, without saving
   101   the state.
   103 \item[\ttindexbold{exit} \(i\);] similar to {\tt quit}, passing return
   104   code \(i\) to the operating system.
   106 \item[\ttindexbold{commit}();] saves the current state without ending
   107   the session, provided that the logic image is opened read-write.
   108 \end{ttdescription}
   110 Typing control-D also finishes the session in essentially the same way
   111 as the sequence {\tt commit(); quit();} would.
   114 \section{Reading ML files}
   115 \index{files!reading}
   116 \begin{ttbox} 
   117 cd              : string -> unit
   118 pwd             : unit -> string
   119 use             : string -> unit
   120 time_use        : string -> unit
   121 \end{ttbox}
   122 \begin{ttdescription}
   123 \item[\ttindexbold{cd} "{\it dir}";] changes the current directory to
   124   {\it dir}.  This is the default directory for reading files.
   126 \item[\ttindexbold{pwd}();] returns the full path of the current
   127   directory.
   129 \item[\ttindexbold{use} "$file$";]  
   130 reads the given {\it file} as input to the \ML{} session.  Reading a file
   131 of Isabelle commands is the usual way of replaying a proof.
   133 \item[\ttindexbold{time_use} "$file$";]  
   134 performs {\tt use~"$file$"} and prints the total execution time.
   135 \end{ttdescription}
   137 The $dir$ and $file$ specifications of the \texttt{cd} and
   138 \texttt{use} commands may contain path variables that are expanded
   139 appropriately, e.g.\ \texttt{\$ISABELLE_HOME} or \texttt{\~\relax}
   140 (which abbreviates \texttt{\$HOME}).  Section~\ref{LoadingTheories}
   141 describes commands for loading theory files.
   144 \section{Setting flags}
   145 \begin{ttbox}
   146 set     : bool ref -> bool
   147 reset   : bool ref -> bool
   148 toggle  : bool ref -> bool
   149 \end{ttbox}\index{*set}\index{*reset}\index{*toggle}
   150 These are some shorthands for manipulating boolean references.  The new
   151 value is returned.
   154 \section{Printing of terms and theorems}\label{sec:printing-control}
   155 \index{printing control|(}
   156 Isabelle's pretty printer is controlled by a number of parameters.
   158 \subsection{Printing limits}
   159 \begin{ttbox} 
   160 Pretty.setdepth  : int -> unit
   161 Pretty.setmargin : int -> unit
   162 print_depth      : int -> unit
   163 \end{ttbox}
   164 These set limits for terminal output.  See also {\tt goals_limit},
   165 which limits the number of subgoals printed
   166 (\S\ref{sec:goals-printing}).
   168 \begin{ttdescription}
   169 \item[\ttindexbold{Pretty.setdepth} \(d\);]  
   170   tells Isabelle's pretty printer to limit the printing depth to~$d$.  This
   171   affects Isabelle's display of theorems and terms.  The default value
   172   is~0, which permits printing to an arbitrary depth.  Useful values for
   173   $d$ are~10 and~20.
   175 \item[\ttindexbold{Pretty.setmargin} \(m\);]  
   176   tells Isabelle's pretty printer to assume a right margin (page width)
   177   of~$m$.  The initial margin is~76.
   179 \item[\ttindexbold{print_depth} \(n\);]  
   180   limits the printing depth of complex \ML{} values, such as theorems and
   181   terms.  This command affects the \ML{} top level and its effect is
   182   compiler-dependent.  Typically $n$ should be less than~10.
   183 \end{ttdescription}
   186 \subsection{Printing of hypotheses, brackets, types etc.}
   187 \index{meta-assumptions!printing of}
   188 \index{types!printing of}\index{sorts!printing of}
   189 \begin{ttbox} 
   190 show_hyps     : bool ref \hfill{\bf initially true}
   191 show_brackets : bool ref \hfill{\bf initially false}
   192 show_types    : bool ref \hfill{\bf initially false}
   193 show_sorts    : bool ref \hfill{\bf initially false}
   194 show_consts   : bool ref \hfill{\bf initially false}
   195 long_names    : bool ref \hfill{\bf initially false}
   196 \end{ttbox}
   197 These flags allow you to control how much information is displayed for
   198 types, terms and theorems.  The hypotheses of theorems \emph{are}
   199 normally shown.  Superfluous parentheses of types and terms are not.
   200 Types and sorts of variables are normally hidden.
   202 Note that displaying types and sorts may explain why a polymorphic
   203 inference rule fails to resolve with some goal, or why a rewrite rule
   204 does not apply as expected.
   206 \begin{ttdescription}
   208 \item[reset \ttindexbold{show_hyps};] makes Isabelle show each
   209   meta-level hypothesis as a dot.
   211 \item[set \ttindexbold{show_brackets};] makes Isabelle show full
   212   bracketing.  In particular, this reveals the grouping of infix
   213   operators.
   215 \item[set \ttindexbold{show_types};] makes Isabelle show types when
   216   printing a term or theorem.
   218 \item[set \ttindexbold{show_sorts};] makes Isabelle show both types
   219   and the sorts of type variables, independently of the value of
   220   \texttt{show_types}.
   222 \item[set \ttindexbold{show_consts};] makes Isabelle show types of
   223   constants, provided that showing of types is enabled at all.  This
   224   is supported for printing of proof states only.  Note that the
   225   output can be enormous as polymorphic constants often occur at
   226   several different type instances.
   228 \item[set \ttindexbold{long_names};] forces names of all objects
   229   (types, constants, theorems, etc.) to be printed in their fully
   230   qualified internal form.
   232 \end{ttdescription}
   235 \subsection{$\eta$-contraction before printing}
   236 \begin{ttbox} 
   237 eta_contract: bool ref \hfill{\bf initially false}
   238 \end{ttbox}
   239 The {\bf $\eta$-contraction law} asserts $(\lambda x.f(x))\equiv f$,
   240 provided $x$ is not free in ~$f$.  It asserts {\bf extensionality} of
   241 functions: $f\equiv g$ if $f(x)\equiv g(x)$ for all~$x$.  Higher-order
   242 unification frequently puts terms into a fully $\eta$-expanded form.  For
   243 example, if $F$ has type $(\tau\To\tau)\To\tau$ then its expanded form is
   244 $\lambda h.F(\lambda x.h(x))$.  By default, the user sees this expanded
   245 form.
   247 \begin{ttdescription}
   248 \item[set \ttindexbold{eta_contract};]
   249 makes Isabelle perform $\eta$-contractions before printing, so that
   250 $\lambda h.F(\lambda x.h(x))$ appears simply as~$F$.  The
   251 distinction between a term and its $\eta$-expanded form occasionally
   252 matters.
   253 \end{ttdescription}
   254 \index{printing control|)}
   256 \section{Diagnostic messages}
   257 \index{error messages}
   258 \index{warnings}
   260 Isabelle conceptually provides three output channels for different
   261 kinds of messages: ordinary text, warnings, errors.  Depending on the
   262 user interface involved, these messages may appear in different text
   263 styles or colours, even within separate windows.
   265 The default setup of an \texttt{isabelle} terminal session is as
   266 follows: plain output of ordinary text, warnings prefixed by
   267 \texttt{\#\#\#}'s, errors prefixed by \texttt{***}'s.  For example, a
   268 typical warning would look like this:
   269 \begin{ttbox}
   270 \#\#\# Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
   271 \#\#\# The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
   272 \#\#\# Beware the Jubjub Bird, and shun
   273 \#\#\# The frumious Bandersnatch!
   274 \end{ttbox}
   276 \texttt{ML} programs may output diagnostic messages using the
   277 following functions:
   278 \begin{ttbox}
   279 writeln : string -> unit
   280 warning : string -> unit
   281 error   : string -> 'a
   282 \end{ttbox}
   283 Note that \ttindex{error} fails by raising exception \ttindex{ERROR}
   284 after having output the text, while \ttindex{writeln} and
   285 \ttindex{warning} resume normal program execution.
   288 \section{Displaying exceptions as error messages}
   289 \index{exceptions!printing of}
   290 \begin{ttbox} 
   291 print_exn: exn -> 'a
   292 \end{ttbox}
   293 Certain Isabelle primitives, such as the forward proof functions {\tt RS}
   294 and {\tt RSN}, are called both interactively and from programs.  They
   295 indicate errors not by printing messages, but by raising exceptions.  For
   296 interactive use, \ML's reporting of an uncaught exception may be
   297 uninformative.  The Poly/ML function {\tt exception_trace} can generate a
   298 backtrace.\index{Poly/{\ML} compiler}
   300 \begin{ttdescription}
   301 \item[\ttindexbold{print_exn} $e$] 
   302 displays the exception~$e$ in a readable manner, and then re-raises~$e$.
   303 Typical usage is~\hbox{\tt $EXP$ handle e => print_exn e;}, where
   304 $EXP$ is an expression that may raise an exception.
   306 {\tt print_exn} can display the following common exceptions, which concern
   307 types, terms, theorems and theories, respectively.  Each carries a message
   308 and related information.
   309 \begin{ttbox} 
   310 exception TYPE   of string * typ list * term list
   311 exception TERM   of string * term list
   312 exception THM    of string * int * thm list
   313 exception THEORY of string * theory list
   314 \end{ttbox}
   315 \end{ttdescription}
   316 \begin{warn}
   317   {\tt print_exn} prints terms by calling \ttindex{prin}, which obtains
   318   pretty printing information from the proof state last stored in the
   319   subgoal module.  The appearance of the output thus depends upon the
   320   theory used in the last interactive proof.
   321 \end{warn}
   323 \index{sessions|)}
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