author wenzelm
Sun, 06 Jun 2004 18:36:36 +0200
changeset 14882 e0e2361b9a30
parent 14877 28084696907f
child 14920 a7525235e20f
permissions -rw-r--r--
avoid Args.list (lost update?);
     1 (*  Title:      HOL/Integ/presburger.ML
     2     ID:         $Id$
     3     Author:     Amine Chaieb and Stefan Berghofer, TU Muenchen
     4     License:    GPL (GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE)
     6 Tactic for solving arithmetical Goals in Presburger Arithmetic
     7 *)
     9 (* This version of presburger deals with occurences of functional symbols in the subgoal and abstract over them to try to prove the more general formula. It then resolves with the subgoal. To enable this feature call the procedure with the parameter abs
    10 *)
    12 signature PRESBURGER = 
    13 sig
    14  val presburger_tac : bool -> bool -> int -> tactic
    15  val presburger_method : bool -> bool -> int -> Proof.method
    16  val setup : (theory -> theory) list
    17  val trace : bool ref
    18 end;
    20 structure Presburger: PRESBURGER =
    21 struct
    23 val trace = ref false;
    24 fun trace_msg s = if !trace then tracing s else ();
    26 (*-----------------------------------------------------------------*)
    27 (*cooper_pp: provefunction for the one-exstance quantifier elimination*)
    28 (* Here still only one problem : The proof for the arithmetical transformations done on the dvd atomic formulae*)
    29 (*-----------------------------------------------------------------*)
    31 val presburger_ss = simpset_of (theory "Presburger");
    33 fun cooper_pp sg (fm as e$Abs(xn,xT,p)) = 
    34   let val (xn1,p1) = variant_abs (xn,xT,p)
    35   in (CooperProof.cooper_prv sg (Free (xn1, xT)) p1) end;
    37 fun mnnf_pp sg fm = CooperProof.proof_of_cnnf sg fm
    38   (CooperProof.proof_of_evalc sg);
    40 fun tmproof_of_int_qelim sg fm =
    41   Qelim.tproof_of_mlift_qelim sg CooperDec.is_arith_rel
    42     (CooperProof.proof_of_linform sg) (mnnf_pp sg) (cooper_pp sg) fm;
    45 (* Theorems to be used in this tactic*)
    47 val zdvd_int = thm "zdvd_int";
    48 val zdiff_int_split = thm "zdiff_int_split";
    49 val all_nat = thm "all_nat";
    50 val ex_nat = thm "ex_nat";
    51 val number_of1 = thm "number_of1";
    52 val number_of2 = thm "number_of2";
    53 val split_zdiv = thm "split_zdiv";
    54 val split_zmod = thm "split_zmod";
    55 val mod_div_equality' = thm "mod_div_equality'";
    56 val split_div' = thm "split_div'";
    57 val Suc_plus1 = thm "Suc_plus1";
    58 val imp_le_cong = thm "imp_le_cong";
    59 val conj_le_cong = thm "conj_le_cong";
    61 (* extract all the constants in a term*)
    62 fun add_term_typed_consts (Const (c, T), cs) = (c,T) ins cs
    63   | add_term_typed_consts (t $ u, cs) =
    64       add_term_typed_consts (t, add_term_typed_consts (u, cs))
    65   | add_term_typed_consts (Abs (_, _, t), cs) = add_term_typed_consts (t, cs)
    66   | add_term_typed_consts (_, cs) = cs;
    68 fun term_typed_consts t = add_term_typed_consts(t,[]);
    70 (* Some Types*)
    71 val bT = HOLogic.boolT;
    72 val iT = HOLogic.intT;
    73 val binT = HOLogic.binT;
    74 val nT = HOLogic.natT;
    76 (* Allowed Consts in formulae for presburger tactic*)
    78 val allowed_consts =
    79   [("All", (iT --> bT) --> bT),
    80    ("Ex", (iT --> bT) --> bT),
    81    ("All", (nT --> bT) --> bT),
    82    ("Ex", (nT --> bT) --> bT),
    84    ("op &", bT --> bT --> bT),
    85    ("op |", bT --> bT --> bT),
    86    ("op -->", bT --> bT --> bT),
    87    ("op =", bT --> bT --> bT),
    88    ("Not", bT --> bT),
    90    ("op <=", iT --> iT --> bT),
    91    ("op =", iT --> iT --> bT),
    92    ("op <", iT --> iT --> bT),
    93    ("Divides.op dvd", iT --> iT --> bT),
    94    ("Divides.op div", iT --> iT --> iT),
    95    ("Divides.op mod", iT --> iT --> iT),
    96    ("op +", iT --> iT --> iT),
    97    ("op -", iT --> iT --> iT),
    98    ("op *", iT --> iT --> iT), 
    99    ("HOL.abs", iT --> iT),
   100    ("uminus", iT --> iT),
   101    ("HOL.max", iT --> iT --> iT),
   102    ("HOL.min", iT --> iT --> iT),
   104    ("op <=", nT --> nT --> bT),
   105    ("op =", nT --> nT --> bT),
   106    ("op <", nT --> nT --> bT),
   107    ("Divides.op dvd", nT --> nT --> bT),
   108    ("Divides.op div", nT --> nT --> nT),
   109    ("Divides.op mod", nT --> nT --> nT),
   110    ("op +", nT --> nT --> nT),
   111    ("op -", nT --> nT --> nT),
   112    ("op *", nT --> nT --> nT), 
   113    ("Suc", nT --> nT),
   114    ("HOL.max", nT --> nT --> nT),
   115    ("HOL.min", nT --> nT --> nT),
   117    ("Numeral.bin.Bit", binT --> bT --> binT),
   118    ("Numeral.bin.Pls", binT),
   119    ("Numeral.bin.Min", binT),
   120    ("Numeral.number_of", binT --> iT),
   121    ("Numeral.number_of", binT --> nT),
   122    ("0", nT),
   123    ("0", iT),
   124    ("1", nT),
   125    ("1", iT),
   126    ("False", bT),
   127    ("True", bT)];
   129 (* Preparation of the formula to be sent to the Integer quantifier *)
   130 (* elimination procedure                                           *)
   131 (* Transforms meta implications and meta quantifiers to object     *)
   132 (* implications and object quantifiers                             *)
   135 (*==================================*)
   136 (* Abstracting on subterms  ========*)
   137 (*==================================*)
   138 (* Returns occurences of terms that are function application of type int or nat*)
   140 fun getfuncs fm = case strip_comb fm of
   141     (Free (_, T), ts as _ :: _) =>
   142       if body_type T mem [iT, nT] 
   143          andalso not (ts = []) andalso forall (null o loose_bnos) ts 
   144       then [fm]
   145       else foldl op union ([], map getfuncs ts)
   146   | (Var (_, T), ts as _ :: _) =>
   147       if body_type T mem [iT, nT] 
   148          andalso not (ts = []) andalso forall (null o loose_bnos) ts then [fm]
   149       else foldl op union ([], map getfuncs ts)
   150   | (Const (s, T), ts) =>
   151       if (s, T) mem allowed_consts orelse not (body_type T mem [iT, nT])
   152       then foldl op union ([], map getfuncs ts)
   153       else [fm]
   154   | (Abs (s, T, t), _) => getfuncs t
   155   | _ => [];
   158 fun abstract_pres sg fm = 
   159   foldr (fn (t, u) =>
   160       let val T = fastype_of t
   161       in all T $ Abs ("x", T, abstract_over (t, u)) end)
   162          (getfuncs fm, fm);
   166 (* hasfuncs_on_bounds dont care of the type of the functions applied!
   167  It returns true if there is a subterm coresponding to the application of
   168  a function on a bounded variable.
   170  Function applications are allowed only for well predefined functions a 
   171  consts*)
   173 fun has_free_funcs fm  = case strip_comb fm of
   174     (Free (_, T), ts as _ :: _) => 
   175       if (body_type T mem [iT,nT]) andalso (not (T mem [iT,nT]))
   176       then true
   177       else exists (fn x => x) (map has_free_funcs ts)
   178   | (Var (_, T), ts as _ :: _) =>
   179       if (body_type T mem [iT,nT]) andalso not (T mem [iT,nT])
   180       then true
   181       else exists (fn x => x) (map has_free_funcs ts)
   182   | (Const (s, T), ts) =>  exists (fn x => x) (map has_free_funcs ts)
   183   | (Abs (s, T, t), _) => has_free_funcs t
   184   |_ => false;
   187 (*returns true if the formula is relevant for presburger arithmetic tactic
   188 The constants occuring in term t should be a subset of the allowed_consts
   189  There also should be no occurences of application of functions on bounded 
   190  variables. Whenever this function will be used, it will be ensured that t 
   191  will not contain subterms with function symbols that could have been 
   192  abstracted over.*)
   194 fun relevant ps t = (term_typed_consts t) subset allowed_consts andalso 
   195   map (fn i => snd (nth_elem (i, ps))) (loose_bnos t) @
   196   map (snd o dest_Free) (term_frees t) @ map (snd o dest_Var) (term_vars t)
   197   subset [iT, nT]
   198   andalso not (has_free_funcs t);
   201 fun prepare_for_presburger sg q fm = 
   202   let
   203     val ps = Logic.strip_params fm
   204     val hs = map HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (Logic.strip_assums_hyp fm)
   205     val c = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (Logic.strip_assums_concl fm)
   206     val _ = if relevant (rev ps) c then () 
   207                else  (trace_msg ("Conclusion is not a presburger term:\n" ^
   208              Sign.string_of_term sg c); raise CooperDec.COOPER)
   209     fun mk_all ((s, T), (P,n)) =
   210       if 0 mem loose_bnos P then
   211         (HOLogic.all_const T $ Abs (s, T, P), n)
   212       else (incr_boundvars ~1 P, n-1)
   213     fun mk_all2 (v, t) = HOLogic.all_const (fastype_of v) $ lambda v t;
   214     val (rhs,irhs) = partition (relevant (rev ps)) hs
   215     val np = length ps
   216     val (fm',np) =  foldr (fn ((x, T), (fm,n)) => mk_all ((x, T), (fm,n)))
   217       (ps,(foldr HOLogic.mk_imp (rhs, c), np))
   218     val (vs, _) = partition (fn t => q orelse (type_of t) = nT)
   219       (term_frees fm' @ term_vars fm');
   220     val fm2 = foldr mk_all2 (vs, fm')
   221   in (fm2, np + length vs, length rhs) end;
   223 (*Object quantifier to meta --*)
   224 fun spec_step n th = if (n=0) then th else (spec_step (n-1) th) RS spec ;
   226 (* object implication to meta---*)
   227 fun mp_step n th = if (n=0) then th else (mp_step (n-1) th) RS mp;
   229 (* the presburger tactic*)
   231 (* Parameters : q = flag for quantify ofer free variables ; 
   232                 a = flag for abstracting over function occurences
   233                 i = subgoal  *)
   235 fun presburger_tac q a i = ObjectLogic.atomize_tac i THEN (fn st =>
   236   let
   237     val g = BasisLibrary.List.nth (prems_of st, i - 1)
   238     val sg = sign_of_thm st
   239     (* The Abstraction step *)
   240     val g' = if a then abstract_pres sg g else g
   241     (* Transform the term*)
   242     val (t,np,nh) = prepare_for_presburger sg q g'
   243     (* Some simpsets for dealing with mod div abs and nat*)
   244     val simpset0 = HOL_basic_ss
   245       addsimps [mod_div_equality', Suc_plus1]
   246       addsplits [split_zdiv, split_zmod, split_div', split_min, split_max]
   247     (* Simp rules for changing (n::int) to int n *)
   248     val simpset1 = HOL_basic_ss
   249       addsimps [nat_number_of_def, zdvd_int] @ map (fn r => r RS sym)
   250         [int_int_eq, zle_int, zless_int, zadd_int, zmult_int]
   251       addsplits [zdiff_int_split]
   252     (*simp rules for elimination of int n*)
   254     val simpset2 = HOL_basic_ss
   255       addsimps [nat_0_le, all_nat, ex_nat, number_of1, number_of2, int_0, int_1]
   256       addcongs [conj_le_cong, imp_le_cong]
   257     (* simp rules for elimination of abs *)
   258     val simpset3 = HOL_basic_ss addsplits [abs_split]
   259     val ct = cterm_of sg (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop t)
   260     (* Theorem for the nat --> int transformation *)
   261     val pre_thm = Seq.hd (EVERY
   262       [simp_tac simpset0 1,
   263        TRY (simp_tac simpset1 1), TRY (simp_tac simpset2 1),
   264        TRY (simp_tac simpset3 1), TRY (simp_tac presburger_ss 1)]
   265       (trivial ct))
   266     fun assm_tac i = REPEAT_DETERM_N nh (assume_tac i)
   267     (* The result of the quantifier elimination *)
   268     val (th, tac) = case (prop_of pre_thm) of
   269         Const ("==>", _) $ (Const ("Trueprop", _) $ t1) $ _ =>
   270           (trace_msg ("calling procedure with term:\n" ^
   271              Sign.string_of_term sg t1);
   272            ((tmproof_of_int_qelim sg (Pattern.eta_long [] t1) RS iffD2) RS pre_thm,
   273             assm_tac (i + 1) THEN (if q then I else TRY) (rtac TrueI i)))
   274       | _ => (pre_thm, assm_tac i)
   275   in (rtac (((mp_step nh) o (spec_step np)) th) i 
   276       THEN tac) st
   277   end handle Subscript => no_tac st | CooperDec.COOPER => no_tac st);
   279 fun presburger_args meth =
   280  let val parse_flag = 
   281          Args.$$$ "no_quantify" >> K (apfst (K false))
   282       || Args.$$$ "abs" >> K (apsnd (K true));
   283  in
   284    Method.simple_args 
   285   (Scan.optional (Args.$$$ "(" |-- Scan.repeat1 parse_flag --| Args.$$$ ")") [] >>
   286     curry (foldl op |>) (true, false))
   287     (fn (q,a) => fn _ => meth q a 1)
   288   end;
   290 fun presburger_method q a i = Method.METHOD (fn facts =>
   291   Method.insert_tac facts 1 THEN presburger_tac q a i)
   293 val setup =
   294   [Method.add_method ("presburger",
   295      presburger_args presburger_method,
   296      "decision procedure for Presburger arithmetic"),
   297 (fn {splits, inj_consts, discrete, presburger} =>
   298      {splits = splits, inj_consts = inj_consts, discrete = discrete,
   299       presburger = Some (presburger_tac true false)})];
   301 end;
   303 val presburger_tac = Presburger.presburger_tac true true;