author Walther Neuper <>
Thu, 19 Aug 2010 12:00:46 +0200
changeset 37928 dfec2cf32f77
parent 37924 6c53fe2519e5
child 37929 862f35fdb091
permissions -rw-r--r--
updated ME/generate
     1 (* Types and tools for 'modeling' und 'specifying' to be used in
     2    modspec.sml. The types are separated from calchead.sml into this file,
     3    because some of them are stored in the calc-tree, and thus are required
     4    _before_ ctree.sml. 
     5    author: Walther Neuper
     6    (c) due to copyright terms
     8 use"ME/mstools.sml" (*re-evaluate sml/ from scratch!*);
     9 use"mstools.sml";
    10 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
    11         10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80
    12 *)
    14 signature SPECIFY_TOOLS =
    15   sig
    16     type envv
    17     datatype
    18       item =
    19           Correct of cterm'
    20         | False of cterm'
    21         | Incompl of cterm'
    22         | Missing of cterm'
    23         | Superfl of string
    24         | SyntaxE of string
    25         | TypeE of string
    26     val item2str : item -> string
    27     type itm
    28     val itm2str_ : Proof.context -> itm -> string
    29     datatype
    30       itm_ =
    31           Cor of (term * term list) * (term * term list)
    32         | Inc of (term * term list) * (term * term list)
    33         | Mis of term * term
    34         | Par of cterm'
    35         | Sup of term * term list
    36         | Syn of cterm'
    37         | Typ of cterm'
    38     val itm_2str : itm_ -> string
    39     val itm_2str_ : Proof.context -> itm_ -> string
    40     val itms2str_ : Proof.context -> itm list -> string
    41     type 'a ppc
    42     val ppc2str :
    43        {Find: string list, With: string list, Given: string list,
    44          Where: string list, Relate: string list} -> string
    45     datatype
    46       match =
    47           Matches of pblID * item ppc
    48         | NoMatch of pblID * item ppc
    49     val match2str : match -> string
    50     datatype
    51       match_ =
    52           Match_ of pblID * (itm list * (bool * term) list)
    53         | NoMatch_
    54     val matchs2str : match list -> string
    55     type ori
    56     val ori2str : ori -> string
    57     val oris2str : ori list -> string
    58     type preori
    59     val preori2str : preori -> string
    60     val preoris2str : preori list -> string
    61     type penv
    62     (* val penv2str_ : Proof.context -> penv -> string *)
    63     type vats
    64     (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
    65     val all_ts_in : itm_ list -> term list
    66     val check_preconds :
    67        'a ->
    68        rls ->
    69        term list -> itm list -> (bool * term) list
    70     val check_preconds' :
    71        rls ->
    72        term list ->
    73        itm list -> 'a -> (bool * term) list
    74    (* val chkpre2item : rls -> term -> bool * item  *)
    75     val pres2str : (bool * term) list -> string
    76    (* val evalprecond : rls -> term -> bool * term  *)
    77    (* val cnt : itm list -> int -> int * int *)
    78     val comp_dts : theory -> term * term list -> term
    79     val comp_dts' : term * term list -> term
    80     val comp_dts'' : term * term list -> string
    81     val comp_ts : term * term list -> term
    82     val d_in : itm_ -> term
    83     val de_item : item -> cterm'
    84     val dest_list : term * term list -> term list (* for testing *)
    85     val dest_list' : term -> term list
    86     val dts2str : term * term list -> string
    87     val e_itm : itm
    88   (*  val e_listBool : term  *)
    89   (*  val e_listReal : term  *)
    90     val e_ori : ori
    91     val e_ori_ : ori
    92     val empty_ppc : item ppc
    93    (* val empty_ppc_ct' : cterm' ppc *)
    94    (* val getval : term * term list -> term * term *)
    95    (*val head_precond :
    96        domID * pblID * 'a ->
    97        term option ->
    98        rls ->
    99        term list ->
   100        itm list -> 'b -> term * (bool * term) list*)
   101    (* val init_item : string -> item *)
   102    (* val is_matches : match -> bool *)
   103    (* val is_matches_ : match_ -> bool *)
   104     val is_var : term -> bool
   105    (* val item_ppc :
   106        string ppc -> item ppc  *)
   107     val itemppc2str : item ppc -> string
   108    (* val matches_pblID : match -> pblID *)
   109     val max2 : ('a * int) list -> 'a * int
   110     val max_vt : itm list -> int
   111     val mk_e : itm_ -> (term * term) list
   112     val mk_en : int -> itm -> (term * term) list
   113     val mk_env : itm list -> (term * term) list
   114     val mkval : 'a -> term list -> term
   115     val mkval' : term list -> term
   116    (* val pblID_of_match : match -> pblID *)
   117     val pbl_ids : Proof.context -> term -> term -> term list
   118     val pbl_ids' : 'a -> term -> term list -> term list
   119    (* val pen2str : theory -> term * term list -> string *)
   120     val penvval_in : itm_ -> term list
   121     val refined : match list -> pblID
   122     val refined_ :
   123        match_ list -> match_ option
   124   (*  val refined_IDitms :
   125        match list -> match option  *)
   126     val split_dts : 'a -> term -> term * term list
   127     val split_dts' : term * term -> term list
   128   (*  val take_apart : term -> term list  *)
   129   (*  val take_apart_inv : term list -> term *)
   130     val ts_in : itm_ -> term list
   131    (* val unique : term  *)
   132     val untouched : itm list -> bool
   133     val upd :
   134        Proof.context ->
   135        (''a * (''b * term list) list) list ->
   136        term ->
   137        ''b * term -> ''a -> ''a * (''b * term list) list
   138     val upd_envv :
   139        Proof.context ->
   140        envv ->
   141        vats ->
   142        term -> term -> term -> envv
   143     val upd_penv :
   144        Proof.context ->
   145        (''a * term list) list ->
   146        term -> ''a * term -> (''a * term list) list
   147    (* val upds_envv :
   148        Proof.context ->
   149        envv ->
   150        (vats * term * term * term) list ->
   151        envv                         *)
   152     val vts_cnt : int list -> itm list -> (int * int) list
   153     val vts_in : itm list -> int list
   154    (* val w_itms2str_ : Proof.context -> itm list -> unit *)
   155   end
   157 (*----------------------------------------------------------*)
   158 structure SpecifyTools : SPECIFY_TOOLS =
   159 struct
   160 (*----------------------------------------------------------*)
   161 val e_listReal = (term_of o the o (parse (theory "Script"))) "[]::(real list)";
   162 val e_listBool = (term_of o the o (parse (theory "Script"))) "[]::(bool list)";
   164 (*.take list-term apart w.r.t. handling elementwise input.*)
   165 fun take_apart t =
   166     let val elems = isalist2list t
   167     in map ((list2isalist (type_of (hd elems))) o single) elems end;
   168 (*val t = str2term "[a, b]";
   169 > val ts = take_apart t; writeln (terms2str ts);
   170 ["[a]","[b]"] 
   172 > t = (take_apart_inv o take_apart) t;
   173 true*)
   174 fun take_apart_inv ts =
   175     let val elems = (flat o (map isalist2list)) ts;
   176     in list2isalist (type_of (hd elems)) elems end;
   177 (*val ts = [str2term "[a]", str2term "[b]"];
   178 > val t = take_apart_inv ts; term2str t;
   179 "[a, b]"
   181 ts = (take_apart o take_apart_inv) ts;
   182 true*)
   187 (*.revert split_dts only for ts; compare comp_dts.*)
   188 fun comp_ts (d, ts) = 
   189     if is_list_dsc d
   190     then if is_list (hd ts)
   191 	 then if is_unl d
   192 	      then (hd ts)            (*e.g. someList [1,3,2]*)
   193 	      else (take_apart_inv ts) 
   194 	 (*             SML[ [a], [b] ]SML --> [a,b]             *)
   195 	 else (hd ts) (*a variable or metavariable for a list*)
   196     else (hd ts);
   197 (*.revert split_.
   198  WN050903 we do NOT know which is from subtheory, description or term;
   199  typecheck thus may lead to TYPE-error 'unknown constant';
   200  solution: typecheck with Isac.thy; i.e. arg 'thy' superfluous*)
   201 (*fun comp_dts thy (d,[]) = 
   202     cterm_of (*(sign_of o assoc_thy) "Isac.thy"*)
   203 	     (theory "Isac")
   204 	     (*comp_dts:FIXXME stay with term for efficiency !!!*)
   205 	     (if is_reall_dsc d then (d $ e_listReal)
   206 	      else if is_booll_dsc d then (d $ e_listBool)
   207 	      else d)
   208   | comp_dts thy (d,ts) =
   209     (cterm_of (*(sign_of o assoc_thy) "Isac.thy"*)
   210 	      (theory "Isac")
   211 	      (*comp_dts:FIXXME stay with term for efficiency !!*)
   212 	      (d $ (comp_ts (d, ts)))
   213        handle _ => raise error ("comp_dts: "^(term2str d)^
   214 				" $ "^(term2str (hd ts))));*)
   215 fun comp_dts thy (d,[]) = 
   216 	     (if is_reall_dsc d then (d $ e_listReal)
   217 	      else if is_booll_dsc d then (d $ e_listBool)
   218 	      else d)
   219   | comp_dts thy (d,ts) =
   220 	      (d $ (comp_ts (d, ts)))
   221        handle _ => raise error ("comp_dts: "^(term2str d)^
   222 				" $ "^(term2str (hd ts))); 
   223 (*25.8.03*)
   224 fun comp_dts' (d,[]) = 
   225     if is_reall_dsc d then (d $ e_listReal)
   226     else if is_booll_dsc d then (d $ e_listBool)
   227     else d
   228   | comp_dts' (d,ts) = (d $ (comp_ts (d, ts)))
   229        handle _ => raise error ("comp_dts': "^(term2str d)^
   230 				" $ "^(term2str (hd ts))); 
   231 (*val t = str2term "maximum A"; 
   232 > val (d,ts) = split_dts thy t; comp_dts thy (d,ts);
   233 val it = "maximum A" : cterm
   234 > val t = str2term "fixedValues [r=Arbfix]"; 
   235 > val (d,ts) = split_dts thy t; comp_dts thy (d,ts);
   236 "fixedValues [r = Arbfix]"
   237 > val t = str2term "valuesFor [a]"; 
   238 > val (d,ts) = split_dts thy t; comp_dts thy (d,ts);
   239 "valuesFor [a]"
   240 > val t = str2term "valuesFor [a,b]"; 
   241 > val (d,ts) = split_dts thy t; comp_dts thy (d,ts);
   242 "valuesFor [a, b]"
   243 > val t = str2term "relations [A=a*b, (a/2)^^^2 + (b/2)^^^2 = r^^^2]"; 
   244 > val (d,ts) = split_dts thy t; comp_dts thy (d,ts);
   245 relations [A = a * b, (a / 2) ^^^ 2 + (b / 2) ^^^ 2 = r ^^^ 2]"
   246 > val t = str2term "boundVariable a";
   247 > val (d,ts) = split_dts thy t; comp_dts thy (d,ts);
   248 "boundVariable a"
   249 > val t = str2term "interval {x::real. 0 <= x & x <= 2*r}"; 
   250 > val (d,ts) = split_dts thy t; comp_dts thy (d,ts);
   251 "interval {x. 0 <= x & x <= 2 * r}"
   253 > val t = str2term "equality (sqrt(9+4*x)=sqrt x + sqrt(5+x))"; 
   254 > val (d,ts) = split_dts thy t; comp_dts thy (d,ts);
   255 "equality (sqrt (9 + 4 * x) = sqrt x + sqrt (5 + x))"
   256 > val t = str2term "solveFor x"; 
   257 > val (d,ts) = split_dts thy t; comp_dts thy (d,ts);
   258 "solveFor x"
   259 > val t = str2term "errorBound (eps=0)"; 
   260 > val (d,ts) = split_dts thy t; comp_dts thy (d,ts);
   261 "errorBound (eps = 0)"
   262 > val t = str2term "solutions L";
   263 > val (d,ts) = split_dts thy t; comp_dts thy (d,ts);
   264 "solutions L"
   266 before 6.5.03:
   267 > val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "testdscforlist [#1]";
   268 > val (d,ts) = split_dts t;
   269 > comp_dts thy (d,ts);
   270 val it = "testdscforlist [#1]" : cterm
   272 > val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "(A::real)";
   273 > val (d,ts) = split_dts t;
   274 val d = Const ("empty","empty") : term
   275 val ts = [Free ("A","RealDef.real")] : term list
   276 > val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "[R=(R::real)]";
   277 > val (d,ts) = split_dts t;
   278 val d = Const ("empty","empty") : term
   279 val ts = [Const # $ Free # $ Free (#,#)] : term list
   280 > val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "[#1,#2]";
   281 > val (d,ts) = split_dts t;
   282 val ts = [Free ("#1","'a"),Free ("#2","'a")] : NOT WANTED
   283 *)
   285 (*for input_icalhd 11.03*)
   286 fun comp_dts'' (d,[]) = 
   287     if is_reall_dsc d then term2str (d $ e_listReal)
   288     else if is_booll_dsc d then term2str (d $ e_listBool)
   289     else term2str d
   290   | comp_dts'' (d,ts) = term2str (d $ (comp_ts (d, ts)))
   291        handle _ => raise error ("comp_dts'': "^(term2str d)^
   292 				" $ "^(term2str (hd ts))); 
   299 (* this may decompose an object-language isa-list;
   300    use only, if description is not available, eg. not input ?WN:14.5.03 ??!?*)
   301 fun dest_list' t = if is_list t then isalist2list t  else [t];
   303 (*fun is_metavar (Free (str, _)) =
   304     if (last_elem o explode) str = "_" then true else false
   305   | is_metavar _ = false;*)
   306 fun is_var (Free _) = true
   307   | is_var _ = false;
   309 (*.special handling for lists. ?WN:14.5.03 ??!?*)
   310 fun dest_list (d,ts) = 
   311   let fun dest t = 
   312     if is_list_dsc d andalso not (is_unl d) 
   313       andalso not (is_var t) (*..for pbt*)
   314       then isalist2list t  else [t]
   315   in (flat o (map dest)) ts end;
   318 (*.decompose an input into description, terms (ev. elems of lists),
   319     and the value for the problem-environment; inv to comp_dts .*)
   320 (*WN.8.6.03: corrected with minimal effort,
   321 fn : theory -> term ->
   322      term *       description
   323      term list *  lists decomposed for elementwise input
   324      term list    pbl_ids not _HERE_: dont know which list-elems input*)
   325 fun split_dts thy (t as d $ arg) =
   326     if is_dsc d
   327     then if is_list_dsc d
   328 	 then if is_list arg
   329 	      then if is_unl d
   330 		   then (d, [arg])                 (*e.g. someList [1,3,2]*)
   331 		   else (d, take_apart arg)(*[a,b] --> SML[ [a], [b] ]SML*)
   332 	      else (d, [arg])      (*a variable or metavariable for a list*)
   333 	 else (d, [arg])
   334     else (e_term, dest_list' t(*9.01 ???*))
   335   | split_dts thy t = (*either dsc or term*)
   336   let val (h,argl) = strip_comb t
   337   in if (not o is_dsc) h then (e_term, dest_list' t)
   338      else (h, dest_list (h,argl))
   339   end;
   340 (* tests see fun comp_dts 
   342 > val t = str2term "someList []";
   343 > val (_,ts) = split_dts thy t; writeln (terms2str ts);
   344 ["[]"]
   345 > val t = str2term "valuesFor []";
   346 > val (_,ts) = split_dts thy t; writeln (terms2str ts);
   347 ["[]"]*)
   349 (*.version returning ts only.*)
   350 fun split_dts' (d, arg) = 
   351     if is_dsc d
   352     then if is_list_dsc d
   353 	 then if is_list arg
   354 	      then if is_unl d
   355 		   then ([arg])                 (*e.g. someList [1,3,2]*)
   356 		   else (take_apart arg)(*[a,b] --> SML[ [a], [b] ]SML*)
   357 	      else ([arg])      (*a variable or metavariable for a list*)
   358 	 else ([arg])
   359     else (dest_list' arg(*9.01 ???*))
   360   | split_dts' (d, t) = (*either dsc or term; 14.5.03 only copied*)
   361   let val (h,argl) = strip_comb t
   362   in if (not o is_dsc) h then (dest_list' t)
   363      else (dest_list (h,argl))
   364   end;
   370 (*27.8.01: problem-environment
   371 WN.6.5.03: FIXXME reconsider if penv is worth the effort --
   372            -- just rerun a whole expl with num/var may show the same ?!
   373 WN.9.5.03: penv-concept stalled, immediately generate script env !
   374            but [#0, epsilon] only outcommented for eventual reconsideration  
   375 *)
   376 type penv = (term          (*err_*)
   377 	     * (term list) (*[#0, epsilon] 9.5.03 outcommented*)
   378 	     ) list;
   379 fun pen2str ctxt (t, ts) =
   380     pair2str(Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t,
   381 	     (strs2str' o map (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt)) ts);
   382 fun penv2str_ thy (penv:penv) = (strs2str' o (map (pen2str thy))) penv;
   384 (*
   385   9.5.03: still unused, but left for eventual future development*)
   386 type envv = (int * penv) list; (*over variants*)
   388 (*. 14.9.01: not used after putting penv-values into itm_
   389       make the result of split_* a value of problem-environment .*)
   390 fun mkval dsc [] = raise error "mkval called with []"
   391   | mkval dsc [t] = t
   392   | mkval dsc ts = list2isalist ((type_of o hd) ts) ts;
   393 (*WN.12.12.03*)
   394 fun mkval' x = mkval e_term x;
   398 (*. get the constant value from a penv .*)
   399 fun getval (id, values) = 
   400     case values of
   401 	[] => raise error ("penv_value: no values in '"^
   402 			   (Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt' "Tools") id))
   403       | [v] => (id, v)
   404       | (v1::v2::_) => (case v1 of 
   405 			     Const ("Script.Arbfix",_) => (id, v2)
   406 			   | _ => (id, v1));
   407 (*
   408   val e_ = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "e_::bool";
   409   val ev = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "#4 + #3 * x^^^#2 = #0";
   410   val v_ = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "v_";
   411   val vv = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "x";
   412   val r_ = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "err_::bool";
   413   val rv1 = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "#0";
   414   val rv2 = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "eps";
   416   val penv = [(e_,[ev]),(v_,[vv]),(r_,[rv2,rv2])]:penv;
   417   map getval penv;
   418 [(Free ("e_","bool"),
   419   Const (#,#) $ (# $ # $ (# $ #)) $ Free ("#0","RealDef.real")),
   420  (Free ("v_","RealDef.real"),Free ("x","RealDef.real")),
   421  (Free ("err_","bool"),Free ("#0","RealDef.real"))] : (term * term) list      
   422 *)
   425 (*23.3.02 TODO: ideas on redesign of type itm_,type item,type ori,type item ppc
   426 (1) kinds of itms:
   427   (1.1) untouched: for modeling only dsc displayed(impossible after match_itms)
   428         =(presently) Mis (? should be Inc initially, and Mis after match_itms?)
   429   (1.2)  Syn,Typ,Sup: not related to oris
   430     Syn, Typ (presently) should be accepted in appl_add (instead Error')
   431     Sup      (presently) should be accepted in appl_add (instead Error')
   432          _could_ be w.r.t current vat (and then _is_ related to vat
   433     Mis should _not_ be  made Inc ((presently, by appl_add & match_itms)
   434 - dsc in itm_ is timeconsuming -- keep id for respective queries ?
   435 - order of items in ppc should be stable w.r.t order of itms
   437 - stepwise input of itms --- match_itms (in one go) ..not coordinated
   438   - unify code
   439   - match_itms / match_itms_oris ..2 versions ?!
   440     (fast, for refine / slow, for modeling)
   442 - clarify: efficiency <--> simplicity !!!
   443   ?: shift dsc itm_ -> itm | discard int in ori,itm | take int instead dsc 
   444     | take int for perserving order of item ppc in itms 
   445     | make all(!?) handling of itms stable against reordering(?)
   446     | field in ori ?? (not from fmz!) -- meant for efficiency (not doc!???)
   447       -"- "#undef" ?= not touched ?= (id,..)
   448 -----------------------------------------------------------------
   449 27.3.02:
   450 def: type pbt = (field, (dsc, pid))
   452 (1) fmz + pbt -> oris
   453 (2) input + oris -> itm
   454 (3) match_itms      : schnell(?) f"ur refine
   455     match_itms_oris : r"uckmeldung f"ur item ppc
   457 (1.1) in oris fehlt daher pid: (i,v,f,d,ts,pid)
   458 ---------- ^^^^^ --- dh. pbt meist als argument zu viel !!!
   460 (3.1) abwarten, wie das matchen mehr unterschiedlicher pbt's sich macht;
   461       wenn Problem pbt v"ollig neue, dann w"are eigentlich n"otig ????:
   462       (a) (_,_,d1,ts,_):ori + pbt -> (i,vt,d2,ts,pid)  dh.vt neu  ????
   463       (b) 
   464 *)
   469 (*the internal representation of a models' item
   471   4.9.01: not consistent:
   472   after Init_Proof 'Inc', but after copy_probl 'Mis' - for same situation
   473   (involves 'is_error');
   474   bool in itm really necessary ???*)
   475 datatype itm_ = 
   476     Cor of (term *              (* description *)
   477 	    (term list)) *      (* for list: elem-wise input *) 
   478 	   (*split_dts <-> comp_dts*)
   479 	   (term * (term list)) (* elem of penv *)
   480 	 (*9.5.03:  ---- is already for script -- penv delayed to future*)
   481   | Syn of cterm'
   482   | Typ of cterm'
   483   | Inc of (term * (term list))	* (term * (term list)) (*lists,
   484 				+ init_pbl WN.11.03 FIXXME: empty penv .. bad
   485                                 init_pbl should return Mis !!!*)
   486   | Sup of (term * (term list)) (* user-input not found in pbt(+?oris?11.03)*)
   487   | Mis of (term * term)        (* after re-specification pbt-item not found 
   488                                    in pbl: only dsc, pid_*)
   489   | Par of cterm';  (*internal state from fun parsitm*)
   491 type vats = int list;      (*variants in formalizations*)
   493 (*.data-type for working on pbl/met-ppc: 
   494    in pbl initially holds descriptions (only) for user guidance.*)
   495 type itm = 
   496   int *        (* id  =0 .. untouched - descript (only) from init 
   497 		  23.3.02: seems to correspond to ori (fun insert_ppc)
   498 		           <> maintain order in item ppc?*)
   499   vats *       (* variants - copy from ori *)
   500   bool *       (* input on this item is not/complete *)
   501   string *     (* #Given | #Find | #Relate *)
   502   itm_;        (*  *)
   503 (* use"ME/sequent.sml";
   504    *)
   505 val e_itm = (0,[],false,"e_itm",Syn"e_itm"):itm;
   506 (*in CalcTree/Subproblem an 'untouched' model is created
   507   FIXME.WN.9.03 model should be filled to 'untouched' by Model/Refine_Problem*)
   508 fun untouched (itms: itm list) = 
   509     foldl and_ (true ,map ((curry op= 0) o #1) itms);
   510 (*> untouched [];
   511 val it = true : bool
   512 > untouched [e_itm];
   513 val it = true : bool
   514 > untouched [e_itm, (1,[],false,"e_itm",Syn "e_itm")];
   515 val it = false : bool*)
   521 (* find most frequent variant v in itms *)
   523 fun vts_in itms = (distinct o flat o (map #2)) (itms:itm list);
   525 fun cnt itms v = (v,(length o (filter (curry op= v)) o 
   526 		     flat o (map #2)) (itms:itm list));
   527 fun vts_cnt vts itms = map (cnt itms) vts;
   528 fun max2 [] = raise error "max2 of []"
   529   | max2 (y::ys) =
   530   let fun mx (a,x) [] = (a,x)
   531 	| mx (a,x) ((b,y)::ys) = 
   532     if x < y then mx (b,y) ys else mx (a,x) ys;
   533 in mx y ys end;
   535 (*. find the variant with most items already input .*)
   536 fun max_vt itms = 
   537     let val vts = (vts_cnt (vts_in itms)) itms;
   538     in if vts = [] then 0 else (fst o max2) vts end;
   541 (* TODO ev. make more efficient by avoiding flat *)
   542 fun mk_e (Cor (_, iv)) = [getval iv]
   543   | mk_e (Syn _) = []
   544   | mk_e (Typ _) = [] 
   545   | mk_e (Inc (_, iv)) = [getval iv]
   546   | mk_e (Sup _) = []
   547   | mk_e (Mis _) = [];
   548 fun mk_en vt ((i,vts,b,f,itm_):itm) =
   549     if member op = vts vt then mk_e itm_ else [];
   550 (*. extract the environment from an item list; 
   551     takes the variant with most items .*)
   552 fun mk_env itms = 
   553     let val vt = max_vt itms
   554     in (flat o (map (mk_en vt))) itms end;
   558 (*. example as provided by an author, complete w.r.t. pbt specified 
   559     not touched by any user action                                 .*)
   560 type ori = (int *      (* id: 10.3.00ff impl. only <>0 .. touched 
   561 			  21.3.02: insert_ppc needs it ! ?:purpose maintain
   562 				   order in item ppc ???*)
   563 	    vats *     (* variants 21.3.02: related to pbt..discard ?*)
   564 	    string *   (* #Given | #Find | #Relate 21.3.02: discard ?*)
   565 	    term *     (* description *)
   566 	    term list  (* isalist2list t | [t] *)
   567 	    );
   568 val e_ori_ = (0,[],"",e_term,[e_term]):ori;
   569 val e_ori = (0,[],"",e_term,[e_term]):ori;
   571 fun ori2str ((i,vs,fi,t,ts):ori) = 
   572     "("^(string_of_int i)^", "^((strs2str o (map string_of_int)) vs)^", "^fi^","^
   573     (term2str t)^", "^((strs2str o (map term2str)) ts)^")";
   574 val oris2str = 
   575     let val s = !show_types
   576 	val _ = show_types:= true
   577 	val str = (strs2str' o (map (linefeed o ori2str)))
   578 	val _ = show_types:= s
   579     in str end;
   581 (*.an or without leading integer.*)
   582 type preori = (vats *  
   583 	       string *   
   584 	       term *     
   585 	       term list);
   586 fun preori2str ((vs,fi,t,ts):preori) = 
   587     "("^((strs2str o (map string_of_int)) vs)^", "^fi^", "^
   588     (term2str t)^", "^((strs2str o (map term2str)) ts)^")";
   589 val preoris2str = (strs2str' o (map (linefeed o preori2str)));
   591 (*. given the input value (from split_dts)
   592     make the value in a problem-env according to description-type .*)
   593 (*28.8.01: .nam and .una impl. properly, others copied .. TODO*)
   594 fun pbl_ids ctxt (Const(_,Type("fun",[_,Type("Tools.nam",_)]))) v =
   595     if is_list v 
   596     then [v]         (*eg. [r=Arbfix]*)
   597     else (case v of  (*eg. eps=#0*)
   598 	      (Const ("op =",_) $ l $ r) => [r,l]
   599 	    | _ => raise error ("pbl_ids Tools.nam: no equality "
   600 				^(Syntax.string_of_term ctxt v)))
   601   | pbl_ids ctxt (Const(_,Type("fun",[_,Type("Tools.una",_)]))) v = [v]
   602   | pbl_ids ctxt (Const(_,Type("fun",[_,Type("Tools.unl",_)]))) v = [v]
   603   | pbl_ids ctxt (Const(_,Type("fun",[_,Type("Tools.str",_)]))) v = [v]
   604   | pbl_ids ctxt (Const(_,Type("fun",[_,Type("Tools.toreal",_)]))) v = [v] 
   605   | pbl_ids ctxt (Const(_,Type("fun",[_,Type("Tools.toreall",_)])))v = [v] 
   606   | pbl_ids ctxt (Const(_,Type("fun",[_,Type("Tools.unknown",_)])))v = [v] 
   607   | pbl_ids ctxt _ v = raise error ("pbl_ids: not implemented for "
   608 				    ^(Syntax.string_of_term ctxt v));
   609 (*
   610 val t as t1 $ t2 = str2term "antiDerivativeName M_b";
   611 pbl_ids ctxt t1 t2;
   613   val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "fixedValues [r=Arbfix]";
   614   val (d,argl) = strip_comb t;
   615   is_dsc d;                      (*see split_dts*)
   616   dest_list (d,argl);
   617   val (_ $ v) = t;
   618   is_list v;
   619   pbl_ids ctxt d v;
   620 [Const ("List.list.Cons","[bool, bool List.list] => bool List.list") $
   621        (Const # $ Free # $ Const (#,#)) $ Const ("List.list.Nil","bool List..
   623   val (dsc,vl) = (split_dts o term_of o the o (parse thy)) "solveFor x";
   624 val dsc = Const ("Descript.solveFor","RealDef.real => Tools.una") : term
   625 val vl = Free ("x","RealDef.real") : term 
   627   val (dsc,id) = (split_did o term_of o the o (parse thy)) "solveFor v_";
   628   pbl_ids ctxt dsc vl;
   629 val it = [Free ("x","RealDef.real")] : term list
   631   val (dsc,vl) = (split_dts o term_of o the o(parse thy))
   632 		       "errorBound (eps=#0)";
   633   val (dsc,id) = (split_did o term_of o the o(parse thy)) "errorBound err_";
   634   pbl_ids ctxt dsc vl;
   635 val it = [Free ("#0","RealDef.real"),Free ("eps","RealDef.real")] : term list     *)
   637 (*. given an already input itm, ((14.9.01: no difference to pbl_ids jet!!))
   638     make the value in a problem-env according to description-type .*)
   639 (*28.8.01: .nam and .una impl. properly, others copied .. TODO*)
   640 fun pbl_ids' (Const(_,Type("fun",[_,Type("Tools.nam",_)]))) vs =
   641     (case vs of 
   642 	 [] => raise error ("pbl_ids' Tools.nam called with []")
   643        | [t] => (case t of  (*eg. eps=#0*)
   644 		     (Const ("op =",_) $ l $ r) => [r,l]
   645 		   | _ => raise error ("pbl_ids' Tools.nam: no equality "
   646 				       ^(Syntax.string_of_term (ctxt_Isac"")t)))
   647        | vs' => vs (*14.9.01: ???TODO *))
   648   | pbl_ids' (Const(_,Type("fun",[_,Type("Tools.una",_)]))) vs = vs
   649   | pbl_ids' (Const(_,Type("fun",[_,Type("Tools.unl",_)]))) vs = vs
   650   | pbl_ids' (Const(_,Type("fun",[_,Type("Tools.str",_)]))) vs = vs
   651   | pbl_ids' (Const(_,Type("fun",[_,Type("Tools.toreal",_)]))) vs = vs 
   652   | pbl_ids' (Const(_,Type("fun",[_,Type("Tools.toreall",_)])))vs = vs 
   653   | pbl_ids' (Const(_,Type("fun",[_,Type("Tools.unknown",_)])))vs = vs 
   654   | pbl_ids'  _ vs = 
   655     raise error ("pbl_ids': not implemented for "
   656 		 ^(terms2str vs));
   657 (*9.5.03 penv postponed: pbl_ids'*)
   658 fun pbl_ids' thy d vs = [comp_ts (d, vs)];
   661 (*14.9.01: not used after putting values for penv into itm_
   662   WN.5.5.03: used in upd .. upd_envv*)
   663 fun upd_penv ctxt penv dsc (id, vl) =
   664 (writeln"### upd_penv used !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";
   665  writeln"### upd_penv used !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";
   666  writeln"### upd_penv used !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";
   667   overwrite (penv, (id, pbl_ids ctxt dsc vl))
   668 );
   669 (* 
   670   val penv = [];
   671   val (dsc,vl) = (split_did o term_of o the o (parse thy)) "solveFor x";
   672   val (dsc,id) = (split_did o term_of o the o (parse thy)) "solveFor v_";
   673   val penv = upd_penv thy penv dsc (id, vl);
   674 [(Free ("v_","RealDef.real"),
   675   [Const (#,#) $ Free (#,#) $ Free ("#0","RealDef.real")])]
   676 : (term * term list) list                                                     
   678   val (dsc,vl) = (split_did o term_of o the o(parse thy))"errorBound (eps=#0)";
   679   val (dsc,id) = (split_did o term_of o the o(parse thy))"errorBound err_";
   680   upd_penv thy penv dsc (id, vl);
   681 [(Free ("v_","RealDef.real"),
   682   [Const (#,#) $ Free (#,#) $ Free ("#0","RealDef.real")]),
   683  (Free ("err_","bool"),
   684   [Free ("#0","RealDef.real"),Free ("eps","RealDef.real")])]
   685 : (term * term list) list    ^.........!!!!
   686 *)
   688 (*WN.9.5.03: not reconsidered; looks strange !!!*)
   689 fun upd thy envv dsc (id, vl) i =
   690     let val penv = case assoc (envv, i) of
   691 		       SOME e => e
   692 		     | NONE => [];
   693         val penv' = upd_penv thy penv dsc (id, vl);
   694     in (i, penv') end;
   695 (*
   696   val i = 2;
   697   val envv = [(1,[]:penv),(2,[]:penv),(3,[]:penv)]:envv;
   698   val (dsc,vl) = (split_did o term_of o the o(parse thy))"boundVariable b";
   699   val (dsc,id) = (split_did o term_of o the o(parse thy))"boundVariable v_";
   700   upd thy envv dsc (id, vl) i;
   701 val it = (2,[(Free ("v_","RealDef.real"),[Free ("b","RealDef.real")])])
   702   : int * (term * term list) list*)
   705 (*14.9.01: not used after putting pre-penv into itm_*)
   706 fun upd_envv thy (envv:envv) (vats:vats) dsc id vl  =
   707     let val vats = if length vats = 0 
   708 		   then (*unknown id to _all_ variants*)
   709 		       if length envv = 0 then [1]
   710 		       else (intsto o length) envv 
   711 		   else vats
   712 	fun isin vats (i,_) = member op = vats i;
   713 	val envs_notin_vat = filter_out (isin vats) envv;
   714     in ((map (upd thy envv dsc (id, vl)) vats) @ envs_notin_vat):envv end;
   715 (*
   716   val envv = [(1,[]:penv),(2,[]:penv),(3,[]:penv)]:envv;
   718   val vats = [2] 
   719   val (dsc,vl) = (split_did o term_of o the o(parse thy))"boundVariable b";
   720   val (dsc,id) = (split_did o term_of o the o(parse thy))"boundVariable v_";
   721   val envv = upd_envv thy envv vats dsc id vl;
   722 val envv = [(2,[(Free ("v_","RealDef.real"),[Free ("b","RealDef.real")])])]
   723   : (int * (term * term list) list) list
   725   val vats = [1,2,3];
   726   val (dsc,vl) = (split_did o term_of o the o(parse thy))"maximum A";
   727   val (dsc,id) = (split_did o term_of o the o(parse thy))"maximum m_";
   728   upd_envv thy envv vats dsc id vl;
   729 [(1,[(Free ("m_","bool"),[Free ("A","bool")])]),
   730  (2,
   731   [(Free ("v_","RealDef.real"),[Free ("b","RealDef.real")]),
   732    (Free ("m_","bool"),[Free ("A","bool")])]),
   733  (3,[(Free ("m_","bool"),[Free ("A","bool")])])]
   734 : (int * (term * term list) list) list
   737   val env = []:envv;
   738   val (d,ts) = (split_dts o term_of o the o (parse thy))
   739 		   "fixedValues [r=Arbfix]";
   740   val (_,id) = (split_did o term_of o the o (parse thy))"fixedValues fix_";
   741   val vats = [1,2,3];
   742   val env = upd_envv thy env vats d id (mkval ts);
   743 *)
   745 (*. update envv by folding from a list of arguments .*)
   746 fun upds_envv thy envv [] = envv
   747   | upds_envv thy envv ((vs, dsc, id, vl)::ps) = 
   748     upds_envv thy (upd_envv thy envv vs dsc id vl) ps;
   749 (* eval test-maximum.sml until Specify_Method ...
   750   val PblObj{probl=(_,pbl),origin=(_,(_,_,mI),_),...} = get_obj I pt [];
   751   val met = (#ppc o get_met) mI;
   753   val envv = [];
   754   val eargs = flat eargs;
   755   val (vs, dsc, id, vl) = hd eargs;
   756   val envv = upds_envv thy envv [(vs, dsc, id, vl)];
   758   val (vs, dsc, id, vl) = hd (tl eargs);
   759   val envv = upds_envv thy envv [(vs, dsc, id, vl)];
   761   val (vs, dsc, id, vl) = hd (tl (tl eargs));
   762   val envv = upds_envv thy envv [(vs, dsc, id, vl)];
   764   val (vs, dsc, id, vl) = hd (tl (tl (tl eargs)));
   765   val envv = upds_envv thy envv [(vs, dsc, id, vl)];
   766 [(1,
   767   [(Free ("fix_","bool List.list"),[Const (#,#),Free (#,#)]),
   768    (Free ("m_","bool"),[Free (#,#)]),
   769    (Free ("vs_","bool List.list"),[# $ # $ Const #]),
   770    (Free ("rs_","bool List.list"),[# $ # $ (# $ #)])]),
   771  (2,
   772   [(Free ("fix_","bool List.list"),[Const (#,#),Free (#,#)]),
   773    (Free ("m_","bool"),[Free (#,#)]),
   774    (Free ("vs_","bool List.list"),[# $ # $ Const #]),
   775    (Free ("rs_","bool List.list"),[# $ # $ (# $ #)])]),
   776  (3,
   777   [(Free ("fix_","bool List.list"),[Const (#,#),Free (#,#)]),
   778    (Free ("m_","bool"),[Free (#,#)]),
   779    (Free ("vs_","bool List.list"),[# $ # $ Const #])])] : envv *)
   781 (*for _output_ of the items of a Model*)
   782 datatype item = 
   783     Correct of cterm' (*labels a correct formula (type cterm')*)
   784   | SyntaxE of string (**)
   785   | TypeE   of string (**)
   786   | False   of cterm' (*WN050618 notexistent in itm_: only used in Where*)
   787   | Incompl of cterm' (**)
   788   | Superfl of string (**)
   789   | Missing of cterm';
   790 fun item2str (Correct  s) ="Correct " ^ s
   791   | item2str (SyntaxE  s) ="SyntaxE " ^ s
   792   | item2str (TypeE    s) ="TypeE " ^ s
   793   | item2str (False    s) ="False " ^ s
   794   | item2str (Incompl  s) ="Incompl " ^ s
   795   | item2str (Superfl  s) ="Superfl " ^ s
   796   | item2str (Missing  s) ="Missing " ^ s;
   797 (*make string for error-msgs*)
   798 fun itm_2str_ ctxt (Cor ((d,ts), penv)) = 
   799     "Cor " ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt (comp_dts ctxt (d,ts)) ^ " ,"
   800     ^ pen2str ctxt penv
   801   | itm_2str_ ctxt (Syn c)      = "Syn " ^ c
   802   | itm_2str_ ctxt (Typ c)      = "Typ " ^ c
   803   | itm_2str_ ctxt (Inc ((d,ts), penv)) = 
   804     "Inc " ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt (comp_dts ctxt (d,ts)) ^ " ,"
   805     ^ pen2str ctxt penv
   806   | itm_2str_ ctxt (Sup (d,ts)) = 
   807     "Sup " ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt (comp_dts ctxt (d,ts))
   808   | itm_2str_ ctxt (Mis (d,pid))= 
   809     "Mis "^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt d ^
   810     " "^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt pid
   811   | itm_2str_ ctxt (Par s) = "Trm "^s;
   812 fun itm_2str t = itm_2str_ (thy2ctxt' "Isac") t;
   813 fun itm2str_ ctxt ((i,is,b,s,itm_):itm) = 
   814     "("^(string_of_int i)^" ,"^(ints2str' is)^" ,"^(bool2str b)^" ,"^
   815     s^" ,"^(itm_2str_ ctxt itm_)^")";
   816 fun itms2str_ ctxt itms = strs2str' (map (linefeed o (itm2str_ ctxt)) itms);
   817 fun w_itms2str_ ctxt itms = writeln (itms2str_ ctxt itms);
   819 fun init_item str = SyntaxE str;
   824 type 'a ppc = 
   825     {Given : 'a list,
   826      Where: 'a list,
   827      Find  : 'a list,
   828      With : 'a list,
   829      Relate: 'a list};
   830 fun ppc2str {Given=Given,Where=Where,Find=Find,With=With,Relate=Relate}=
   831     ("{Given =" ^ (strs2str Given ) ^
   832      ",Where=" ^ (strs2str Where) ^
   833      ",Find  =" ^ (strs2str Find  ) ^
   834      ",With =" ^ (strs2str With ) ^
   835      ",Relate=" ^ (strs2str Relate) ^ "}");
   840 fun item_ppc ({Given = gi,Where= wh,
   841 		 Find = fi,With = wi,Relate= re}: string ppc) =
   842   {Given = map init_item gi,Where= map init_item wh,
   843    Find = map init_item fi,With = map init_item wi,
   844    Relate= map init_item re}:item ppc;
   845 fun itemppc2str ({Given=Given,Where=Where,
   846 		 Find=Find,With=With,Relate=Relate}:item ppc)=
   847     ("{Given =" ^ ((strs2str' o (map item2str))	 Given ) ^
   848      ",Where=" ^ ((strs2str' o (map item2str))	 Where) ^
   849      ",Find  =" ^ ((strs2str' o (map item2str))	 Find  ) ^
   850      ",With =" ^ ((strs2str' o (map item2str))	 With ) ^
   851      ",Relate=" ^ ((strs2str' o (map item2str))	 Relate) ^ "}");
   853 fun de_item (Correct x) = x
   854   | de_item (SyntaxE x) = x
   855   | de_item (TypeE   x) = x
   856   | de_item (False   x) = x
   857   | de_item (Incompl x) = x
   858   | de_item (Superfl x) = x
   859   | de_item (Missing x) = x;
   860 val empty_ppc ={Given = [],
   861 		Where= [],
   862 		Find  = [], 
   863 		With = [],
   864 		Relate= []}:item ppc;
   865 val empty_ppc_ct' ={Given = [],
   866 		Where = [],
   867 		Find  = [], 
   868 		With  = [],
   869 		Relate= []}:cterm' ppc;
   872 datatype match = 
   873   Matches of pblID * item ppc
   874 | NoMatch of pblID * item ppc;
   875 fun match2str (Matches (pI, ppc)) = 
   876     "Matches ("^(strs2str pI)^", "^(itemppc2str ppc)^")"
   877   | match2str(NoMatch (pI, ppc)) = 
   878     "NoMatch ("^(strs2str pI)^", "^(itemppc2str ppc)^")";
   879 fun matchs2str ms = (strs2str o (map match2str)) ms;
   880 fun pblID_of_match (Matches (pI,_)) = pI
   881   | pblID_of_match (NoMatch (pI,_)) = pI;
   883 (*10.03 for Refine_Problem*)
   884 datatype match_ = 
   885   Match_ of pblID * ((itm list) * ((bool * term) list))
   886 | NoMatch_;
   888 (*. the refined pbt is the last_element Matches in the list .*)
   889 fun is_matches (Matches _) = true
   890   | is_matches _ = false;
   891 fun matches_pblID (Matches (pI,_)) = pI;
   892 fun refined ms = ((matches_pblID o the o (find_first is_matches) o rev) ms)
   893     handle _ => []:pblID;
   894 fun refined_IDitms ms = ((find_first is_matches) o rev) ms;
   896 (*. the refined pbt is the last_element Matches in the list,
   897     for Refine_Problem, tryrefine .*)
   898 fun is_matches_ (Match_ _) = true
   899   | is_matches_ _ = false;
   900 fun refined_ ms = ((find_first is_matches_) o rev) ms;
   903 fun ts_in (Cor ((_,ts),_)) = ts
   904   | ts_in (Syn  (c)) = []
   905   | ts_in (Typ  (c)) = []
   906   | ts_in (Inc ((_,ts),_)) = ts
   907   | ts_in (Sup (_,ts)) = ts
   908   | ts_in (Mis _) = [];
   909 (*WN050629 unused*)
   910 fun all_ts_in itm_s = (flat o (map ts_in)) itm_s;
   911 val unique = (term_of o the o (parse (theory "Real"))) "UnIqE_tErM";
   912 fun d_in (Cor ((d,_),_)) = d
   913   | d_in (Syn  (c)) = (writeln("*** d_in: Syn ("^c^")"); unique)
   914   | d_in (Typ  (c)) = (writeln("*** d_in: Typ ("^c^")"); unique)
   915   | d_in (Inc ((d,_),_)) = d
   916   | d_in (Sup (d,_)) = d
   917   | d_in (Mis (d,_)) = d;
   919 fun dts2str (d,ts) = pair2str (term2str d, terms2str ts);
   920 fun penvval_in (Cor ((d,_),(_,ts))) = [comp_ts (d,ts)]
   921   | penvval_in (Syn  (c)) = (writeln("*** penvval_in: Syn ("^c^")"); [])
   922   | penvval_in (Typ  (c)) = (writeln("*** penvval_in: Typ ("^c^")"); [])
   923   | penvval_in (Inc (_,(_,ts))) = ts
   924   | penvval_in (Sup dts) = (writeln("*** penvval_in: Sup "^(dts2str dts)); [])
   925   | penvval_in (Mis (d,t)) = (writeln("*** penvval_in: Mis "^
   926 				      (pair2str(term2str d, term2str t))); []);
   929 (*. check a predicate labelled with indication of incomplete substitution;
   930 rls ->    (*for eval_true*)
   931 bool * 	  (*have _all_ variables(Free) from the model-pattern 
   932             been substituted by a value from the pattern's environment ?*)
   933 term (*the precondition*)
   934 ->
   935 bool * 	  (*has the precondition evaluated to true*)
   936 term (*the precondition (for map)*)
   937 .*)
   938 fun evalprecond prls (false, pre) = 
   939   (*NOT ALL Free's have been substituted, eg. because of incomplete model*)
   940     (false, pre)
   941   | evalprecond prls (true, pre) =
   942 (* val (prls, pre) = (prls, hd pres');
   943    val (prls, pre) = (prls, hd (tl pres'));
   944    *)
   945     if eval_true (assoc_thy "Isac.thy") (*for Pattern.match   *)
   946 		 [pre] prls             (*pre parsed, prls.thy*)
   947     then (true , pre)
   948     else (false , pre);
   950 fun pre2str (b, t) = pair2str(bool2str b, term2str t);
   951 fun pres2str pres = strs2str' (map (linefeed o pre2str) pres);
   953 (*. check preconditions, return true if all true .*)
   954 fun check_preconds' _ [] _ _ = []  (*empty preconditions are true*)
   955   | check_preconds' prls pres pbl _(*FIXME.WN0308 mvat re-introduce*) =
   956 (* val (prls, pres, pbl, _) = (prls, where_, probl, 0);
   957    val (prls, pres, pbl, _) = (prls, pre, itms, mvat);
   958    *)
   959     let val env = mk_env pbl;
   960         val pres' = map (subst_atomic_all env) pres;
   961     in map (evalprecond prls) pres' end;
   963 fun check_preconds thy prls pres pbl = 
   964     check_preconds' prls pres pbl (max_vt pbl);
   969 (*----------------------------24.3.02: done too much-----
   970 (**. copy the already input items from probl to meth (in PblObj):
   971      for each item in met search the related one in pbl,
   972      items not found in probl are (1) inserted as 'untouched' (0,...),
   973      and (2) completed from oris (via max_vt)  
   974     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "uberkomplett 21.2.02 ------------ .**)
   975 (* val (pbl, met) = (itms, ppc);
   976    *)
   977 fun copy_pbl thy oris pbl met =
   978   let val vt = max_vt pbl;
   979       fun vt_and_dsc d' ((i,v,f,d,ts):ori) =
   980 	  vt mem v andalso d'= d
   981       fun cpy its [] (f, (d, id)) = 
   982 	  if length its = 0        (*no dsc found in pbl*)
   983 	  then case find_first (vt_and_dsc d) oris
   984 		of SOME (i,v,_,_,ts) => 
   985 		   [(i,v,true,f, Cor ((d,ts), (id,pbl_ids' thy d ts)))]
   986 		 | NONE => [(0,[],false,f,Mis (d, id))]
   987 	  else its	       
   988 	| cpy its ((it as (i, vs, b, f, itm_))::itms) (pb as (x, (d, id))) =
   989 	  if d = d_in itm_ andalso i<>0 (*already touched by user*)
   990 	  then cpy (its @ [it]) itms pb else cpy its itms pb;	  
   991   in ((flat o (map (cpy [] pbl))) met):itm list end;
   994 (**. copy the already input items from probl to meth (in PblObj):
   995      for each item in met search the related one in pbl,
   996      items not found in probl are inserted as 'untouched' (0,...)
   997     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "uberkomplett 21.2.02 ------------ .**)
   998 (* val (pbl, met) = (itms, ppc);
   999    *)
  1000 fun copy_pbl (pbl:itm list) met =
  1001   let fun cpy its [] (f, (d, id)) = 
  1002 	  if length its = 0        (*no dsc found in pbl*)
  1003 	  then [(0,[],false,f,Mis (d, id))]
  1004 	  else its	       
  1005 	| cpy its ((it as (i, vs, b, f, itm_))::itms) (pb as (x, (d, id))) =
  1006 	  if d = d_in itm_ andalso i<>0 (*already touched by user*)
  1007 	  then cpy (its @ [it]) itms pb else cpy its itms pb;	  
  1008   in ((flat o (map (cpy [] pbl))) met):itm list end;
  1011 (**. copy the already input items from probl to meth (in PblObj):
  1012      for each item in met search the related one in pbl    
  1013      (missing items are requested by nxt_spec)                .**)
  1014 (* val (pbl, met) = (itms, ppc);
  1015    *)
  1016 fun copy_pbl (pbl:itm list) met =
  1017   let fun cpy its [] (f, (d, id)) = its
  1018 	| cpy its ((it as (i, vs, b, f, itm_))::itms) (pb as (x, (d, id))) =
  1019 	  if d = d_in itm_ andalso i<>0 (*already touched by user*)
  1020 	  then cpy (its @ [it]) itms pb 
  1021 	  else cpy its itms pb;	  
  1022   in ((flat o (map (cpy [] pbl))) met):itm list end;
  1024 (*. copy pbt to met (in Specify_Method)
  1025     ALL pbt. (1) dsc(pbt) notmem dsc(pbls) =>
  1026              (2) filter (dsc(pbt) = dsc(oris)) oris; -> newitms;
  1027     (3) pbt @ newitms                                          .*)
  1028 (* val (pbl, met) = (itms, pbt);
  1029    *)
  1030 fun copy_pbl (pbl:itm list) met oris =
  1031   let fun eqdsc_pbt_itm ((_,(d,_))) ((_,_,_,_,itm_):itm) = d = d_in itm_;
  1032       fun notmem pbl pbt1 = case find_first (eqdsc_pbt_itm pbt1) pbl of
  1033 				SOME _ => false | NONE => true;
  1034  (*1*)val mis = ((map (cons2 (fst, fst o snd))) o (filter (notmem pbl))) met;
  1036       fun eqdsc_ori d ((_,_,_,d',_):ori) = d = d';
  1037       fun ori2itmMis f ((i,v,_,d,ts):ori) = (i,v,false,f,Mis (d,ts)):itm;
  1038       fun oris2itms oris mis1 = ((map (ori2itmMis (fst mis1)))
  1039 				 o (filter ((eqdsc_ori o snd) mis1))) oris;
  1040       val news = (flat o (map (oris2itms oris))) mis;
  1041   in pbl @ news end;
  1042  ----------------------------24.3.02: done too much-----*)
  1049 (* ---------------------------------------------NOT UPTODATE !!! 4.9.01
  1050    eval test-maximum.sml until Specify_Method ...
  1051    val PblObj{probl=(_,pbl),origin=(_,(_,_,mI),_),...} = get_obj I pt [];
  1052    val met = (#ppc o get_met) mI;
  1053    val (m::_) = met;
  1054    cpy [] pbl m;
  1055 [((1,[1,2,3],true,"#Given",Cor ((Const #,[#]),[])),
  1056   [([1,2,3],Const ("Descript.fixedValues","bool List.list => Tools.nam"),
  1057     Free ("fix_","bool List.list"),Const # $ Free # $ Const (#,#))])]
  1058 : (itm * (vats * term * term * term) list) list                               
  1060    upds_envv thy [] (flat eargs);
  1061 [(1,
  1062   [(Free ("fix_","bool List.list"),[Const (#,#),Free (#,#)]),
  1063    (Free ("m_","bool"),[Free (#,#)]),
  1064    (Free ("vs_","bool List.list"),[# $ # $ (# $ #)]),
  1065    (Free ("rs_","bool List.list"),[# $ # $ (# $ #)])]),
  1066  (2,
  1067   [(Free ("fix_","bool List.list"),[Const (#,#),Free (#,#)]),
  1068    (Free ("m_","bool"),[Free (#,#)]),
  1069    (Free ("vs_","bool List.list"),[# $ # $ (# $ #)]),
  1070    (Free ("rs_","bool List.list"),[# $ # $ (# $ #)])]),
  1071  (3,
  1072   [(Free ("fix_","bool List.list"),[Const (#,#),Free (#,#)]),
  1073    (Free ("m_","bool"),[Free (#,#)]),
  1074    (Free ("vs_","bool List.list"),[# $ # $ (# $ #)])])] : envv                
  1075  *)
  1077 (*----------------------------------------------------------*)
  1078 end
  1079 open SpecifyTools;
  1080 (*----------------------------------------------------------*)