author wneuper <Walther.Neuper@jku.at>
Sun, 10 Dec 2023 17:35:07 +0100
changeset 60777 df8636ffd6f8
parent 60773 439e23525491
child 60778 41abd196342a
permissions -rw-r--r--
PIDE turn 14: ALL src/* (except Ctree) with I_Model.T_POS exclusively
     1 (* Title:  "Specify/i-model.sml"
     2    Author: Walther Neuper
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     4 *)
     6 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
     7 "table of contents -----------------------------------------------------------------------------";
     8 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
     9 "----------- survey on handling of input terms -------------------------------------------------";
    10 "----------- investigate fun add_single in I_Model ---------------------------------------------";
    11 "----------- build I_Model.init_POS -----------------------------------------------------------";
    12 "----------- exercise preparing I_Model.is_complete --------------------------------------------";
    13 "----------- build I_Model.is_complete_OLD -----------------------------------------------------";
    14 "----------- build I_Model.s_make_complete -----------------------------------------------------";
    15 "----------- check I_Model.s_make_complete for ([], [])-----------------------------------------";
    16 "----------- fun item_to_add: Maximum-exammple -------------------------------------------------";
    17 "----------- fun item_to_add: Biegelinie-example -----------------------------------------------";
    18 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    19 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    20 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    22 open I_Model;
    23 open Test_Code;
    24 open Tactic;
    25 open Pos; 
    26 open Ctree; 
    27 open Pre_Conds; 
    28 open Specify; 
    29 val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global @{theory Biegelinie};
    31 "----------- survey on handling of input terms -------------------------------------------------";
    32 "----------- survey on handling of input terms -------------------------------------------------";
    33 "----------- survey on handling of input terms -------------------------------------------------";
    34 (*//------------------ survey on handling of input terms in specify-phase ------------------\\*)
    35 (*        * ---------- handling of lists -----------------------------------------------------*)
    36 (*         ** ---------- current situation ---------------------------------------------------*)
    37 (** )(*---- from tests -------------------------------------------vvvvvvv *);
    38 val o_single as (3, [1, 2, 3], "#Find", descr, [t1, t2]) = (nth 3 o_model)
    39 val "(3, [\"1\", \"2\", \"3\"], #Find, AdditionalValues, [\"[u]\", \"[v]\"])"
    40   = O_Model.single_to_string ctxt o_single
    41 val "[u]" = UnparseC.term ctxt t1
    42 val "[v]" = UnparseC.term ctxt t2
    43 ( **)
    44 val t as (descr $ vals_term) = @{term "AdditionalValues [u, v]"}
    45 val true = (*if*)Model_Def.is_list_descr descr(*else*);
    47 val values = vals_term |> TermC.isalist2list |> map TermC.single_to_list
    48 val feedb = Cor_POS (descr, values)
    50 val "Cor_POS AdditionalValues [u, v] , pen2str" = feedb |> feedback_POS_to_string ctxt
    52 (*get values out of feedback:*)
    53 val [Free ("u", _), Free ("v", _)] = (values |> map TermC.isalist2list  |> flat): term list
    55 (*         ** ---------- wanted situation ----------------------------------------------------*)
    56 val t as (descr $ vals_term) = @{term "AdditionalValues [u, v]"}
    57 val true = (*if*)Model_Def.is_list_descr descr(*else*);
    59 val values = [vals_term]
    60 val feedb = Cor_POS (descr, values)
    62 val "Cor_POS AdditionalValues [u, v] , pen2str" = feedb |> feedback_POS_to_string ctxt (*OK*)
    64 (*get values out of feedback:*)
    65 val "[u, v]" = values |> map (UnparseC.term ctxt) |> hd
    67 (*        * ---------- handling of NON-lists -------------------------------------------------*)
    68 (*         ** ---------- current situation ---------------------------------------------------*)
    69 (** )(*---- from tests -------------------------------------------vvvvvvv *);
    70 val o_single as (2, [1, 2, 3], "#Find", Const ("Input_Descript.Maximum", _), [Free ("A", _)])
    71   = (nth 2 o_model) 
    72 ( **)
    73 val t as (descr $ vals_term) = @{term "Maximum A"}
    74 val false = (*if*)Model_Def.is_list_descr descr(*then*);
    76 val values = [vals_term]
    77 val feedb = Cor_POS (descr, values)
    79 val "Cor_POS Maximum A , pen2str" = feedb |> feedback_POS_to_string ctxt (*OK*)
    81 (*get values out of feedback:*)
    82 val "A" = values |> map (UnparseC.term ctxt) |> hd
    84 (*         ** ---------- wanted situation ----------------------------------------------------*)
    85 val t as (descr $ vals_term) = @{term "Maximum A"}
    86 val false = (*if*)Model_Def.is_list_descr descr(*then*);
    88 val values = [vals_term]
    89 val feedb = Cor_POS (descr, values)
    91 val "Cor_POS Maximum A , pen2str" = feedb |> feedback_POS_to_string ctxt (*OK*)
    93 (*get values out of feedback:*)
    94 val "A" = values |> map (UnparseC.term ctxt) |> hd;
    95 (*\\------------------ survey on handling of input terms in specify-phase ------------------//*)
    98 "----------- investigate fun add_single in I_Model -------------------------------------------";
    99 "----------- investigate fun add_single in I_Model -------------------------------------------";
   100 "----------- investigate fun add_single in I_Model -------------------------------------------";
   101 val f_model = ["Traegerlaenge L", "Streckenlast q_0", "Biegelinie y",
   102 	"Randbedingungen [y 0 = (0::real), y L = 0, M_b 0 = 0, M_b L = 0]",
   103 	"FunktionsVariable x", "GleichungsVariablen [c, c_2, c_3, c_4]",
   104   "AbleitungBiegelinie dy"];
   105 val f_spec = ("Biegelinie", ["Biegelinien"], ["IntegrierenUndKonstanteBestimmen2"]);
   106 (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = Test_Code.init_calc @{context} [(f_model, f_spec)]; (*\<rightarrow>Model_Problem*)
   107 (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt; (*\<rightarrow>Add_Given "Traegerlaenge L"*)
   108 (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt; (*nxt = Add_Given "Streckenlast q_0"*)
   110 (*[], Pbl*)val return_me_Add_Given =
   111            me nxt p [] pt; (*\<rightarrow>Add_Find "Biegelinie y"*)
   112 (*/------------------- step into me Add_Given ----------------------------------------------\\*)
   113 "~~~~~ fun me , args:"; val (tac, p, _(*NEW remove*), pt) = (nxt, p, [], pt);
   115 val ("ok", (_, _, ptp)) = (*case*)
   116       Step.by_tactic tac (pt, p) (*of*);
   117 "~~~~~ fun by_tactic , args:"; val (tac, (ptp as (pt, p))) = (tac, (pt, p));
   119   val Applicable.Yes tac' = (*case*)
   120       Step.check tac (pt, p) (*of*);
   121 	    (*if*) Tactic.for_specify' tac' (*then*);
   123 Step_Specify.by_tactic tac' ptp;
   124 "~~~~~ fun by_tactic , args:"; val ((Tactic.Add_Given' (ct, _)), (pt, p)) = (tac', ptp);
   126 val ("ok", ([(Add_Given "Streckenlast q_0", _, _)], [], _)) = (*case*)
   127    Specify.by_Add_ "#Given" ct (pt, p);
   128 "~~~~~ fun by_Add_ , args:"; val (m_field, ct, (pt, pos as (_, p_))) =
   129   ("#Given", ct, (pt, p));
   130     val (met, oris, (_, pI', mI'), pbl, (_, pI, mI), ctxt) = SpecificationC.get_data (pt, pos)
   131     val (i_model, m_patt) =
   132        if p_ = Pos.Met then
   133          (met,
   134            (if mI = MethodC.id_empty then mI' else mI) |> MethodC.from_store ctxt |> #model)
   135        else
   136          (pbl,
   137            (if pI = Problem.id_empty then pI' else pI) |> Problem.from_store ctxt |> #model)
   138 ;
   139 (*+*)if O_Model.to_string @{context} oris = "[\n" ^
   140   "(1, [\"1\"], #Given, Traegerlaenge, [\"L\"]), \n" ^
   141   "(2, [\"1\"], #Given, Streckenlast, [\"q_0\"]), \n" ^
   142   "(3, [\"1\"], #Find, Biegelinie, [\"y\"]), \n" ^
   143   "(4, [\"1\"], #Relate, Randbedingungen, [\"[y 0 = 0]\", \"[y L = 0]\", \"[M_b 0 = 0]\", \"[M_b L = 0]\"]), \n" ^
   144   "(5, [\"1\"], #undef, FunktionsVariable, [\"x\"]), \n" ^
   145   "(6, [\"1\"], #undef, GleichungsVariablen, [\"[c]\", \"[c_2]\", \"[c_3]\", \"[c_4]\"]), \n" ^
   146   "(7, [\"1\"], #undef, AbleitungBiegelinie, [\"dy\"])]"
   147 (*+*)then () else error "INITIAL O_Model CHANGED";
   148 (*+*)val "[\n(1, [1], true ,#Given, (Cor_POS Traegerlaenge L , pen2str, Position.T)), \n(2, [1], false ,#Given, (Inc_POS Streckenlast __, Position.T)), \n(3, [1], false ,#Find, (Inc_POS Biegelinie __, Position.T)), \n(4, [1], false ,#Relate, (Inc_POS Randbedingungen [] [__=__, __=__], Position.T))]"
   149  = pbl |> I_Model.to_string_POS ctxt
   151 val return_check_single = (*case*)
   152    I_Model.check_single ctxt m_field oris (I_Model.TEST_to_OLD i_model) m_patt ct (*of*);
   153 (*//------------------ step into check_single ----------------------------------------------\\*)
   154 "~~~~~ fun check_single , args <>[]:"; val (ctxt, m_field, o_model, i_model, m_patt, str)
   155   = (ctxt, m_field, oris, (I_Model.TEST_to_OLD i_model), m_patt, ct);
   156       val (t as (descriptor $ _)) = Syntax.read_term ctxt str
   157         handle ERROR msg => error (msg (*^ Position.here pp*))
   159 val SOME m_field' =
   160         (*case*) Model_Pattern.get_field descriptor m_patt;
   161 val false =
   162           (*if*) m_field <> m_field' (*else*);
   163         val ("", ori', all) =(**)
   164           (*case*) O_Model.contains ctxt m_field o_model t (*of*);
   166 (*+*)O_Model.single_to_string @{context} ori';
   167 (*+*)val [Free ("q_0", _)] = all;
   169 (**)val ("", itm) =(**)
   170  (*case*) is_notyet_input ctxt (OLD_to_POS i_model) all ori' m_patt (*of*);
   172 (*+*)val (2, [1], true, "#Given", (Cor_POS (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Streckenlast\<close>, _), [Free ("q_0", _)]), _)) = itm
   173 (*\\------------------ step into check_single ----------------------------------------------//*)
   174 val I_Model.Add i_single = return_check_single
   176 	          val  (_, _, _, pt') =  Specify_Step.add tac' (Istate_Def.Uistate, ctxt) (pt, pos)
   178 val return_by_Add_ = ("ok", ([(Tactic.input_from_T ctxt tac', tac', (pos, (Istate_Def.Uistate, ctxt)))],
   179               [], (pt', pos)));
   180 (*-------------------- stop into me Add_Given ------------------------------------------------*)
   181 (*\------------------- step into me Add_Given ----------------------------------------------//*)
   182                                 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = return_me_Add_Given;
   184 (*ErRoR Clash of types "_ \<Rightarrow> _" and "_ list", Randbedingungen :: bool list \<Rightarrow> una, y :: real \<Rightarrow> real* )
   185 (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt; (*\<rightarrow>Add_Relation "Randbedingungen [y 0 = 0]"*)
   188 if p = ([], Pbl) then
   189   case nxt of Add_Relation "Randbedingungen [y 0 = 0]" => () | _
   190     => error "investigate fun add_single CHANGED 1"
   191 else error "investigate fun add_single CHANGED 2"
   193 if p = ([], Pbl) then
   194   case nxt of Add_Relation "Randbedingungen [y 0 = 0, y L = 0, M_b 0 = 0, M_b L = 0]" => () | _
   195     => error "investigate fun add_single CHANGED 1"
   196 else error "investigate fun add_single CHANGED 2"
   197 ( *ErRoR Clash of types "_ \<Rightarrow> _" and "_ list", Randbedingungen :: bool list \<Rightarrow> una, y :: real \<Rightarrow> real*)
   200 "----------- build I_Model.init_POS -----------------------------------------------------------";
   201 "----------- build I_Model.init_POS -----------------------------------------------------------";
   202 "----------- build I_Model.init_POS -----------------------------------------------------------";
   203 (*/---------------------------------------- mimic input from PIDE -----------------------------\*)
   205 (* Test_Example "Diff_App-No.123a" (*complete Model, empty References*) *)
   206 val in_refs as (thy_id, probl_id, meth_id) = ("__", "__/__", "__/__")
   207 val thy = @{theory}
   208 val model_input = (*type Position.T is hidden, thus redefinition*)
   209  [("#Given", [("Constants [r = 7]", Position.none)]),
   210   ("#Where", [("0 < r", Position.none)]),
   211   ("#Find",
   212    [("Maximum A", Position.none), ("AdditionalValues [u, v]", Position.none)]),
   213   ("#Relate",
   214    [("Extremum (A = 2 * u * v - u \<up> 2)", Position.none),
   215     ("SideConditions [(u / 2) \<up> 2 + (2 / v) \<up> 2 = r \<up> 2]", Position.none)])]
   216 : (Model_Pattern.m_field * (string * Position.T) list) list
   217 val example_id = "Diff_App-No.123a";
   218 (*----------------------------------------- init state -----------------------------------------*)
   219 set_data CTbasic_POS.EmptyPtree @{theory Calculation};
   220 (*\---------------------------------------- mimic input from PIDE -----------------------------/*)
   222 val CTbasic_POS.EmptyPtree =
   223               (*case*) the_data @{theory Calculation} (*of*);
   225 (* Calculation..*)
   226 "~~~~~ fun init_ctree , args:"; val (thy, example_id) = (thy, example_id);
   227       val example_id' = References_Def.explode_id example_id
   228       val (_, (formalise as (model, refs as (thy_id, probl_id, meth_id)))) =
   229         Store.get (Know_Store.get_expls @{theory}) example_id' example_id' 
   230       val {model = model_patt, ...} = Problem.from_store (Proof_Context.init_global thy) probl_id
   231       val (o_model, ctxt) = O_Model.init thy model model_patt
   232 ;
   233 (*+*)o_model: O_Model.T; (* |> O_Model.to_string @{context}*)
   234 (*+*)val ("Diff_App", ["univariate_calculus", "Optimisation"], ["Optimisation", "by_univariate_calculus"]) =
   235 (*+*)  refs       
   237       val empty_i_model =
   238    I_Model.init_POS ctxt o_model model_patt;
   239 "~~~~~ fun init_POS , args:"; val (ctxt, model_patt) = (ctxt, model_patt);
   240 ;
   241 (*+*)val "[\n(1, [1, 2, 3], false ,#Given, (Inc_POS Constants [] [__=__, __=__], Position.T)), \n(2, [1, 2, 3], false ,#Find, (Inc_POS Maximum __, Position.T)), \n(3, [1, 2, 3], false ,#Find, (Inc_POS AdditionalValues [] [__, __], Position.T)), \n(4, [1, 2, 3], false ,#Relate, (Inc_POS Extremum (__=__), Position.T)), \n(5, [1, 2], false ,#Relate, (Inc_POS SideConditions [] [__=__, __=__], Position.T))]"
   242  = I_Model.to_string_POS @{context} empty_i_model;
   245 "----------- exercise preparing I_Model.is_complete --------------------------------------------";
   246 "----------- exercise preparing I_Model.is_complete --------------------------------------------";
   247 "----------- exercise preparing I_Model.is_complete --------------------------------------------";
   248 fun check str = if str = "true" then true else false
   249 fun complete str = if str = "true" then true else false
   251 val i_model_envs_v = [("i_model_envs-1", 11), ("i_model_envs-2", 12), ("i_model_envs-3", 13)]
   253 val result_all_variants =
   254   map (fn (a, variant) => if check a andalso complete a then SOME [variant] else NONE) i_model_envs_v;
   255 (*----^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^*)
   256 ;
   257 val [NONE, NONE, NONE] = result_all_variants: int list option list
   259 (*+*)val true = forall is_none result_all_variants
   261 val variants_complete =
   262   if forall is_none result_all_variants
   263   then NONE
   264   else SOME (map (fn x => if is_some x then [the x] else []) result_all_variants |> flat |> flat)
   265 ;
   266 val NONE = variants_complete: int list option
   269 (*more significant result ..*)
   270 val result_all_variants = [SOME [11], NONE, SOME [13]]: int list option list
   271 (*
   272 in case the result is null, no I_Model is_complete,
   273 in case the result contains more than 1 variant, this might determine the decision for MethodC.
   274 *)
   275 val variants_complete =
   276   if forall is_none result_all_variants
   277   then NONE
   278   else SOME (map (fn x => if is_some x then [the x] else []) result_all_variants |> flat |> flat)
   279 ;
   280 val SOME [11, 13] = variants_complete: int list option;
   282 (*/----- reactivate with CS "remove sep_variants_envs"-----\* )
   283 "----------- build I_Model.is_complete_OLD -----------------------------------------------------";
   284 "----------- build I_Model.is_complete_OLD -----------------------------------------------------";
   285 "----------- build I_Model.is_complete_OLD -----------------------------------------------------";
   286 (*see Outer_Syntax:    val (model, where_) = Model_Pattern.parse_pos_empty ctxt model_input*)
   287 open I_Model
   288 open Pre_Conds;
   289 (*//------------------ test data setup -----------------------------------------------------\\*)
   290 (*
   291 *****************************************************************************************
   293 ***** NOT AS term list (NECESSARY TO DETECT INCOMPLETE INPUT OF lists)              *****
   294 *****************************************************************************************
   295   The ERROR occurred somewhere since introducing structure or since transition to PIDE.
   296 *****************************************************************************************
   297   We complete the two single_POS "1" and "5" below and replace them in  empty_input;
   298   we add "6" as variant of "5" to the empty input.
   299   later we shall replace empty_input by partial input "AdditionalValues [v]" (u missing).
   300   The test intermediatly pairs (feedback_POS, Position.T) in I_Model.T_POS 
   301   and leaves the rest as is.
   303 I_Model.is_complete_OLD: because PIDE gets instantiated Pre_Conds by Template.show,
   304   I_Model.is_complete_POS NO instantiation (done in Template.show):
   305   it serves to maintain the OLD test/*
   306 *)
   307 val thy = @{theory Calculation}
   309             val state =
   310               case the_data thy of
   311                   CTbasic_POS.EmptyPtree => Preliminary.init_ctree thy example_id
   312                 | _(*state (*FOR TEST*)*) => (**)the_data thy(**)
   313                   (*let*)
   314                     val {origin = (o_model, o_ref, _), spec = spec_ref, probl, meth, ctxt, ...} =
   315                       CTbasic_POS.get_obj I state [(*Pos will become variable*)] |> CTbasic_POS.rep_specify_data
   316 ;
   317 probl: Model_Def.i_model_POS 
   318 (*[(1, [1, 2, 3], false, "#Given", (Inp_POS (Const ("Input_Descript.Constants", "bool list \<Rightarrow> nam"), "[__=__, __=__]"), {})),
   319    (2, [1, 2, 3], false, "#Find", (Inp_POS (Const ("Input_Descript.Maximum", "real \<Rightarrow> toreal"), "__"), {})),
   320    (3, [1, 2, 3], false, "#Find", (Inp_POS (Const ("Input_Descript.AdditionalValues", "real list \<Rightarrow> toreall"), "[__, __]"), {})),
   321    (4, [1, 2, 3], false, "#Relate", (Inp_POS (Const ("Input_Descript.Extremum", "bool \<Rightarrow> toreal"), "(__=__)"), {})),
   322    (5, [1, 2], false, "#Relate", (Inp_POS (Const ("Input_Descript.SideConditions", "bool list \<Rightarrow> una"), "[__=__, __=__]"), {}))]*)
   323 ;
   324 val probl_POS = (*from above, #1 and #5,6 replaced by complete items for building code.test*)
   325   (1, [1,2,3], true, "#Given",
   326     (Cor_POS ((@{term "Constants"}, [@{term "[r = (7::real)]"(*should be "r = (7::real)"*)}]),
   327       (@{term "fixes::bool list"}, [@{term "[r = (7::real)]"}])), Position.none )) ::
   328   nth 2 probl :: nth 3 probl :: nth 4 probl ::
   329   (5, [1,2], true, "#Relate",
   330     (Cor_POS ((@{term "SideConditions"}, [@{term "[(u / 2) \<up> 2 + (2 / v) \<up> 2 = r \<up> 2]"}]),
   331       (@{term "sideconds::bool list"}, [TermC.empty])), Position.none )) ::
   332   (6, [3], true, "#Relate",
   333     (Cor_POS ((@{term "SideConditions"}, [@{term "[2 * u = r * sin \<alpha>, 2 * v = r * cos \<alpha>]"}]),
   334       (@{term "sideconds::bool list"}, [TermC.empty])), Position.none ))
   335   :: [];
   337 val {model = model_patt, where_rls, where_ = where_OLD, ...} = (*from_store without Position.T-vv*)
   338   Problem.from_store ctxt (References.explode_id "univariate_calculus/Optimisation")
   339 ;
   340 val [Const ("Orderings.ord_class.less", _(*"real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> bool"*)) $
   341   Const ("Groups.zero_class.zero", _(*"real"*)) $ Free ("fixes", _(*"real"*))] = where_OLD
   342 (*design-ERROR: "fixes" is used twice, as variable ------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ in pre-condition
   343   AND as "id" in Subst.T [("fixes", [0 < x])] *);
   344 (model_patt |> Model_Pattern.to_string ctxt) =
   345  "[\"(#Given, (Constants, fixes))\", " ^
   346   "\"(#Find, (Maximum, maxx))\", " ^
   347   "\"(#Find, (AdditionalValues, vals))\", " ^
   348   "\"(#Relate, (Extremum, extr))\", " ^
   349   "\"(#Relate, (SideConditions, sideconds))\"]";
   350 val "[0 < fixes]" = (where_OLD |> UnparseC.terms @{context})
   351 (*\\------------------ test data setup -----------------------------------------------------//*)
   353 (*/------------------- test on OLD algorithm (with I_Model.T_POS) --------------------------\*)
   354 (*\------------------- test on OLD algorithm (with I_Model.T_POS) --------------------------/*)
   355 ( *\----- reactivate with CS "remove sep_variants_envs"-----/*)
   358 "----------- build I_Model.s_make_complete -----------------------------------------------------";
   359 "----------- build I_Model.s_make_complete -----------------------------------------------------";
   360 "----------- build I_Model.s_make_complete -----------------------------------------------------";
   361 val (_(*example text*),
   362   (model as ("Constants [r = (7::real)]" :: "Maximum A" :: "AdditionalValues [u, v]" :: 
   363      "Extremum (A = 2 * u * v - u \<up> 2)" :: 
   364      "SideConditions [((u::real) / 2) \<up> 2 + (2 / v) \<up> 2 = r \<up> 2]" :: 
   365      "SideConditions [((u::real) / 2) \<up> 2 + (2 / v) \<up> 2 = r \<up> 2]" :: 
   366      "SideConditions [(u::real) / 2 = r * sin \<alpha>, 2 / v = r * cos \<alpha>]" :: (*INCORRECT 2 / v*)
   367 (*---------------------------------------------,(v::real) / 2 = r * cos \<alpha>]" --- ERROR in example*)
   368      "FunctionVariable a" :: "FunctionVariable b" :: "FunctionVariable \<alpha>" :: 
   369      "Domain {0 <..< r}" :: "Domain {0 <..< r}" :: "Domain {0 <..< \<pi> / 2}" ::
   370      "ErrorBound (\<epsilon> = (0::real))" :: []), 
   371    refs as ("Diff_App", 
   372      ["univariate_calculus", "Optimisation"],
   373      ["Optimisation", "by_univariate_calculus"])))
   374   = Store.get (Know_Store.get_expls @{theory}) ["Diff_App-No.123a"] ["Diff_App-No.123a"];
   376 val c = [];
   377 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = 
   378  Test_Code.init_calc @{context} [(model, refs)]; val Model_Problem = nxt;
   379 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   381 (*//------------------ setup test data for I_Model.s_make_complete -------------------------\\*)
   382 val (o_model, (pbl_imod, met_imod), (pI, mI)) = case get_obj I pt (fst p) of
   383    PblObj {meth = met_imod, origin = (o_model, (_, pI, mI), _), probl = pbl_imod, ...}
   384       => (o_model, (pbl_imod, met_imod), (pI, mI))
   385        | _ => raise ERROR ""
   387 val pbl_imod = [ (*2 items for creating code ---> variants [1, 2]*)
   388   (1, [1, 2, 3], true, "#undef", (Cor_POS (@{term Constants},
   389     [@{term "[r = (7::real)]"}]), Position.none)),
   390   (1, [1, 2], true, "#undef", (Cor_POS (@{term SideConditions},
   391     [@{term "[(u / 2) \<up> 2 + (2 / v) \<up> 2 = r \<up> 2]"}]), Position.none))]
   393 val met_imod = [ (*1 item for creating code*)
   394 (8, [2], true, "#undef", (Cor_POS (@{term FunctionVariable}, [@{term "b::real"}]), Position.none))]
   395 ;
   396 (*+*)if (o_model |> O_Model.to_string @{context}) = "[\n" ^
   397 (*+*)  "(1, [\"1\", \"2\", \"3\"], #Given, Constants, [\"[r = 7]\"]), \n" ^
   398 (*+*)  "(2, [\"1\", \"2\", \"3\"], #Find, Maximum, [\"A\"]), \n" ^
   399 (*+*)  "(3, [\"1\", \"2\", \"3\"], #Find, AdditionalValues, [\"[u]\", \"[v]\"]), \n" ^
   400 (*+*)  "(4, [\"1\", \"2\", \"3\"], #Relate, Extremum, [\"A = 2 * u * v - u \<up> 2\"]), \n" ^
   401 (*+*)  "(5, [\"1\", \"2\"], #Relate, SideConditions, [\"[(u / 2) \<up> 2 + (2 / v) \<up> 2 = r \<up> 2]\"]), \n" ^
   402 (*+*)  "(6, [\"3\"], #Relate, SideConditions, [\"[u / 2 = r * sin \<alpha>]\", \"[2 / v = r * cos \<alpha>]\"]), \n" ^
   403 (*+*)  "(7, [\"1\"], #undef, FunctionVariable, [\"a\"]), \n" ^
   404 (*+*)  "(8, [\"2\"], #undef, FunctionVariable, [\"b\"]), \n" ^
   405 (*+*)  "(9, [\"3\"], #undef, FunctionVariable, [\"\<alpha>\"]), \n" ^
   406 (*+*)  "(10, [\"1\", \"2\"], #undef, Input_Descript.Domain, [\"{0<..<r}\"]), \n" ^
   407 (*+*)  "(11, [\"3\"], #undef, Input_Descript.Domain, [\"{0<..<\<pi> / 2}\"]), \n" ^
   408 (*+*)  "(12, [\"1\", \"2\", \"3\"], #undef, ErrorBound, [\"\<epsilon> = 0\"])]"
   409 then () else error "setup test data for I_Model.s_make_complete CHANGED";
   410 (*\\------------------ setup test data for I_Model.s_make_complete -------------------------//*)
   412 val return_s_make_complete =
   413            s_make_complete ctxt o_model (pbl_imod, met_imod) (pI, mI);
   414 (*/------------------- step into s_make_complete -------------------------------------------\\*)
   415 "~~~~~ fun s_make_complete , args:"; val (o_model, (pbl_imod, met_imod), (pI, mI)) =
   416   (o_model, (pbl_imod, met_imod), (pI, mI));
   417     val {model = pbl_patt, ...} = Problem.from_store ctxt pI;
   418     val {model = met_patt, ...} = MethodC.from_store ctxt mI;
   419     val pbl_max_vnts = Model_Def.max_variants o_model pbl_imod;
   420     val i_from_pbl = map (fn (_, (descr, _)) =>
   421       Pre_Conds.get_descr_vnt descr pbl_max_vnts pbl_imod) pbl_patt;
   423 (*//------------------ step into get_descr_vnt ---------------------------------------------\\*)
   424 "~~~~~ fun get_descr_vnt , args:"; val (descr, vnts, i_model) =
   425   (@{term Constants}, pbl_max_vnts, pbl_imod);
   426     val equal_descr = filter (fn (_, _, _, _, (feedb, _)) => case get_dscr_opt feedb of NONE => false
   427       | SOME descr' => if descr = descr' then true else false) i_model 
   428 ;
   429 (*+*)filter (fn (_, vnts', _, _, _) => inter op= vnts' vnts <> []) equal_descr: I_Model.T_POS
   430 ;
   431 val return_get_descr_vnt_1 =
   432     case filter (fn (_, vnts', _, _, _) => inter op= vnts' vnts <> []) equal_descr of
   433       [] => (0, [], false, "i_model_empty", (Sup_POS (descr, []), Position.none))
   434     | items => Library.the_single items (*only applied to model_patt, which has each descr once*)
   435 (*\\------------------ step into get_descr_vnt ---------------------------------------------//*)
   437 (*|------------------- continue s_make_complete ----------------------------------------------*)
   438     val pbl_from_o_model = map ((fn i_single as (_, _, _, _, (feedb, _)) =>
   439       if is_empty_single_POS i_single
   440       then
   441         case get_descr_vnt' feedb pbl_max_vnts o_model of
   442 (*-----------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-----------------------------*)
   443             [] => raise ERROR (msg pbl_max_vnts feedb)
   444           | o_singles => map transfer_terms o_singles
   445       else [i_single (*fetched before from pbl_imod*)])) i_from_pbl |> flat
   447 (*+*)val [2, 1] = vnts;
   448 (*+*)if (pbl_from_o_model |> I_Model.to_string_POS @{context}) = "[\n" ^
   449   "(1, [1, 2, 3], true ,#undef, (Cor_POS Constants [r = 7] , pen2str, Position.T)), \n" ^
   450   "(2, [1, 2, 3], true ,#Find, (Cor_POS Maximum A , pen2str, Position.T)), \n" ^
   451   "(3, [1, 2, 3], true ,#Find, (Cor_POS AdditionalValues [u, v] , pen2str, Position.T)), \n" ^
   452   "(4, [1, 2, 3], true ,#Relate, (Cor_POS Extremum (A = 2 * u * v - u \<up> 2) , pen2str, Position.T)), \n" ^
   453   "(1, [1, 2], true ,#undef, (Cor_POS SideConditions [(u / 2) \<up> 2 + (2 / v) \<up> 2 = r \<up> 2] , pen2str, Position.T))]"
   454 then () else error "pbl_from_o_model CHANGED 1"
   456 (*//------------------ step into map ((fn i_single -----------------------------------------\\*)
   457 "~~~~~ fun map ((fn i_single , args:"; val (i_single as (_, _, _, _, (feedb, _))) = (nth 1 i_from_pbl);
   458       (*if*) is_empty_single_POS i_single (*else*);
   459              get_descr_vnt' feedb pbl_max_vnts o_model;
   461     val pbl_from_o_model = map ((fn i_single as (_, _, _, _, (feedb, _)) =>
   462       if is_empty_single_POS i_single
   463       then
   464         case get_descr_vnt' feedb pbl_max_vnts o_model of
   465 (*---------- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ----------------------------*)
   466             [] => raise ERROR (msg pbl_max_vnts feedb)
   467           | o_singles => map transfer_terms o_singles
   468       else [i_single (*fetched before from pbl_imod*)])) i_from_pbl |> flat
   469 (*\\------------------ step into map ((fn i_single -----------------------------------------//*)
   471 (*|------------------- continue s_make_complete ----------------------------------------------*)
   472     val i_from_met = map (fn (_, (descr, _)) =>
   473       Pre_Conds.get_descr_vnt descr pbl_max_vnts met_imod) met_patt
   474 ;
   475 (*+*)if (i_from_met |> I_Model.to_string_POS @{context}) = "[\n" ^
   476   "(0, [], false ,i_model_empty, (Sup_POS Constants [], Position.T)), \n" ^
   477   "(0, [], false ,i_model_empty, (Sup_POS Maximum, Position.T)), \n" ^
   478   "(0, [], false ,i_model_empty, (Sup_POS Extremum, Position.T)), \n" ^
   479   "(0, [], false ,i_model_empty, (Sup_POS SideConditions [], Position.T)), \n" ^
   480   "(8, [2], true ,#undef, (Cor_POS FunctionVariable b , pen2str, Position.T)), \n" ^
   481 (*---there is 1 item already input -^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^*)
   482   "(0, [], false ,i_model_empty, (Sup_POS Input_Descript.Domain, Position.T)), \n" ^
   483   "(0, [], false ,i_model_empty, (Sup_POS ErrorBound, Position.T)), \n" ^
   484   "(0, [], false ,i_model_empty, (Sup_POS AdditionalValues [], Position.T))]"
   485 (*+*)then () else error "s_make_complete: from_met CHANGED";
   486 ;
   487     val met_max_vnts = Model_Def.max_variants o_model i_from_met;
   488 (*+*)val [2] = met_max_vnts
   490     val met_max_vnt = hd met_max_vnts (*need only one for solve-phase*)
   491     val met_from_pbl = map ((fn i_single as (_, _, _, _, (feedb, _)) =>
   492       if is_empty_single_POS i_single
   493       then
   494         case get_descr_vnt' feedb [met_max_vnt] o_model of
   495             [] => raise ERROR (msg [met_max_vnt] feedb)
   496           | o_singles => map transfer_terms o_singles
   497       else [i_single (*fetched before from met_imod*)])) i_from_met |> flat
   498 ;
   499 (*+*)if (met_from_pbl |> I_Model.to_string_POS @{context}) = "[\n" ^
   500   "(1, [1, 2, 3], true ,#Given, (Cor_POS Constants [r = 7] , pen2str, Position.T)), \n" ^
   501   "(2, [1, 2, 3], true ,#Find, (Cor_POS Maximum A , pen2str, Position.T)), \n" ^
   502   "(4, [1, 2, 3], true ,#Relate, (Cor_POS Extremum (A = 2 * u * v - u \<up> 2) , pen2str, Position.T)), \n" ^
   503   "(5, [1, 2], true ,#Relate, (Cor_POS SideConditions [(u / 2) \<up> 2 + (2 / v) \<up> 2 = r \<up> 2] , pen2str, Position.T)), \n" ^
   504   "(8, [2], true ,#undef, (Cor_POS FunctionVariable b , pen2str, Position.T)), \n" ^
   505   "(10, [1, 2], true ,#undef, (Cor_POS Input_Descript.Domain {0<..<r} , pen2str, Position.T)), \n" ^
   506   "(12, [1, 2, 3], true ,#undef, (Cor_POS ErrorBound (\<epsilon> = 0) , pen2str, Position.T)), \n" ^
   507   "(3, [1, 2, 3], true ,#Find, (Cor_POS AdditionalValues [u, v] , pen2str, Position.T))]"
   508 (*+*)then () else error "s_make_complete: met_from_pbl CHANGED";
   509 ;
   510 val return_s_make_complete_step = (pbl_from_o_model, met_from_pbl)
   511 (*\------------------- step into s_make_complete -------------------------------------------//*)
   512 ;
   513 if return_s_make_complete = return_s_make_complete_step
   514 then () else error "s_make_complete: stewise construction <> value of fun"
   517 "----------- check I_Model.s_make_complete for ([], [])-----------------------------------------";
   518 "----------- check I_Model.s_make_complete for ([], [])-----------------------------------------";
   519 "----------- check I_Model.s_make_complete for ([], [])-----------------------------------------";
   520 val (_(*example text*),
   521   (model as ("Constants [r = (7::real)]" :: "Maximum A" :: "AdditionalValues [u, v]" :: 
   522      "Extremum (A = 2 * u * v - u \<up> 2)" :: 
   523      "SideConditions [((u::real) / 2) \<up> 2 + (2 / v) \<up> 2 = r \<up> 2]" :: 
   524      "SideConditions [((u::real) / 2) \<up> 2 + (2 / v) \<up> 2 = r \<up> 2]" :: 
   525      "SideConditions [(u::real) / 2 = r * sin \<alpha>, 2 / v = r * cos \<alpha>]" :: (*INCORRECT 2 / v*)
   526 (*---------------------------------------------,(v::real) / 2 = r * cos \<alpha>]" --- ERROR in example*)
   527      "FunctionVariable a" :: "FunctionVariable b" :: "FunctionVariable \<alpha>" :: 
   528      "Domain {0 <..< r}" :: "Domain {0 <..< r}" :: "Domain {0 <..< \<pi> / 2}" ::
   529      "ErrorBound (\<epsilon> = (0::real))" :: []), 
   530    refs as ("Diff_App", 
   531      ["univariate_calculus", "Optimisation"],
   532      ["Optimisation", "by_univariate_calculus"])))
   533   = Store.get (Know_Store.get_expls @{theory}) ["Diff_App-No.123a"] ["Diff_App-No.123a"];
   535 val c = [];
   536 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = 
   537  Test_Code.init_calc @{context} [(model, refs)]; val Model_Problem = nxt;
   538 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   540 (*//------------------ setup test data for I_Model.s_make_complete -------------------------\\*)
   541 val (o_model, (pI, mI)) = case get_obj I pt (fst p) of
   542    PblObj {origin = (o_model, (_, pI, mI), _), ...}
   543       => (o_model, (pI, mI))
   544        | _ => raise ERROR ""
   546 val pbl_imod = []
   547 val met_imod = []
   548 ;
   549 (*+*)if (o_model |> O_Model.to_string @{context}) = "[\n" ^
   550 (*+*)  "(1, [\"1\", \"2\", \"3\"], #Given, Constants, [\"[r = 7]\"]), \n" ^
   551 (*+*)  "(2, [\"1\", \"2\", \"3\"], #Find, Maximum, [\"A\"]), \n" ^
   552 (*+*)  "(3, [\"1\", \"2\", \"3\"], #Find, AdditionalValues, [\"[u]\", \"[v]\"]), \n" ^
   553 (*+*)  "(4, [\"1\", \"2\", \"3\"], #Relate, Extremum, [\"A = 2 * u * v - u \<up> 2\"]), \n" ^
   554 (*+*)  "(5, [\"1\", \"2\"], #Relate, SideConditions, [\"[(u / 2) \<up> 2 + (2 / v) \<up> 2 = r \<up> 2]\"]), \n" ^
   555 (*+*)  "(6, [\"3\"], #Relate, SideConditions, [\"[u / 2 = r * sin \<alpha>]\", \"[2 / v = r * cos \<alpha>]\"]), \n" ^
   556 (*+*)  "(7, [\"1\"], #undef, FunctionVariable, [\"a\"]), \n" ^
   557 (*+*)  "(8, [\"2\"], #undef, FunctionVariable, [\"b\"]), \n" ^
   558 (*+*)  "(9, [\"3\"], #undef, FunctionVariable, [\"\<alpha>\"]), \n" ^
   559 (*+*)  "(10, [\"1\", \"2\"], #undef, Input_Descript.Domain, [\"{0<..<r}\"]), \n" ^
   560 (*+*)  "(11, [\"3\"], #undef, Input_Descript.Domain, [\"{0<..<\<pi> / 2}\"]), \n" ^
   561 (*+*)  "(12, [\"1\", \"2\", \"3\"], #undef, ErrorBound, [\"\<epsilon> = 0\"])]"
   562 then () else error "setup test data for I_Model.s_make_complete CHANGED";
   563 (*\\------------------ setup test data for I_Model.s_make_complete -------------------------//*)
   565 val return_s_make_complete =
   566            s_make_complete ctxt o_model (pbl_imod, met_imod) (pI, mI);
   567 (*/------------------- step into s_make_complete -------------------------------------------\\*)
   568 "~~~~~ fun s_make_complete , args:"; val (o_model, (pbl_imod, met_imod), (pbl_patt, met_patt)) =
   569   (o_model, (pbl_imod, met_imod), (pbl_patt, met_patt));
   570     val pbl_max_vnts = Model_Def.max_variants o_model pbl_imod;
   572     val i_from_pbl = map (fn (_, (descr, _)) =>
   573       Pre_Conds.get_descr_vnt descr pbl_max_vnts pbl_imod) pbl_patt;
   574 (*//------------------ step into get_descr_vnt ---------------------------------------------\\*)
   575 "~~~~~ fun get_descr_vnt , args:"; val (descr, vnts, i_model) =
   576   (@{term Constants}, pbl_max_vnts, pbl_imod);
   577     val equal_descr(*for (*+*)filter (fn (_, vnts',..*): I_Model.T_POS =
   578                       filter (fn (_, _, _, _, (feedb, _)) => case get_dscr_opt feedb of NONE => false
   579       | SOME descr' => if descr = descr' then true else false) i_model 
   580 ;
   581 (*+*)filter (fn (_, vnts', _, _, _) => inter op= vnts' vnts <> []) (equal_descr: I_Model.T_POS)
   582 (*+*): I_Model.T_POS
   583 ;
   584 val return_get_descr_vnt_1 =
   585     case filter (fn (_, vnts', _, _, _) => inter op= vnts' vnts <> []) equal_descr of
   586       [] => (0, [], false, "i_model_empty", (Sup_POS (descr, []), Position.none))
   587     | items => Library.the_single items (*only applied to model_patt, which has each descr once*)
   588 (*\\------------------ step into get_descr_vnt ---------------------------------------------//*)
   589 ;
   590 (*+*)if return_get_descr_vnt_1 = nth 1 i_from_pbl
   591 (*+*)then () else error "return_get_descr_vnt_1 <> nth 1 i_from_pbl";
   592 (*+*)if (i_from_pbl |> I_Model.to_string_POS @{context}) = "[\n" ^
   593   "(0, [], false ,i_model_empty, (Sup_POS Constants [], Position.T)), \n" ^
   594   "(0, [], false ,i_model_empty, (Sup_POS Maximum, Position.T)), \n" ^
   595   "(0, [], false ,i_model_empty, (Sup_POS AdditionalValues [], Position.T)), \n" ^
   596   "(0, [], false ,i_model_empty, (Sup_POS Extremum, Position.T)), \n" ^
   597   "(0, [], false ,i_model_empty, (Sup_POS SideConditions [], Position.T))]"
   598 (*+*)then () else error "I_Model.s_make_complete > i_from_pbl CHANGED";
   600 (*|------------------- continue s_make_complete ----------------------------------------------*)
   601     val pbl_from_o_model = map ((fn i_single as (_, _, _, _, (feedb, _)) =>
   602       if is_empty_single_POS i_single
   603       then
   604         case get_descr_vnt' feedb pbl_max_vnts o_model of
   605 (*-----------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-----------------------------*)
   606             [] => raise ERROR (msg pbl_max_vnts feedb)
   607           | o_singles => map transfer_terms o_singles
   608       else [i_single (*fetched before from pbl_imod*)])) i_from_pbl |> flat
   610 (*+*)val [1, 2, 3] = vnts;
   611 (*+*)if (pbl_from_o_model |> I_Model.to_string_POS @{context}) = "[\n" ^
   612   "(1, [1, 2, 3], true ,#Given, (Cor_POS Constants [r = 7] , pen2str, Position.T)), \n" ^
   613   "(2, [1, 2, 3], true ,#Find, (Cor_POS Maximum A , pen2str, Position.T)), \n" ^
   614   "(3, [1, 2, 3], true ,#Find, (Cor_POS AdditionalValues [u, v] , pen2str, Position.T)), \n" ^
   615   "(4, [1, 2, 3], true ,#Relate, (Cor_POS Extremum (A = 2 * u * v - u \<up> 2) , pen2str, Position.T)), \n" ^
   616   "(5, [1, 2], true ,#Relate, (Cor_POS SideConditions [(u / 2) \<up> 2 + (2 / v) \<up> 2 = r \<up> 2] , pen2str, Position.T)), \n" ^
   617   "(6, [3], true ,#Relate, (Cor_POS SideConditions [u / 2 = r * sin \<alpha>, 2 / v = r * cos \<alpha>] , pen2str, Position.T))]"
   618 then () else error "pbl_from_o_model CHANGED 2"
   620 (*//------------------ step into map ((fn i_single -----------------------------------------\\*)
   621 "~~~~~ fun map nth 1 ((fn i_single , args:"; val (i_single as (_, _, _, _, (feedb, _))) =
   622   (nth 1 i_from_pbl);
   623       (*if*) is_empty_single_POS i_single (*then*);
   624   (*case*) get_descr_vnt' feedb pbl_max_vnts o_model;
   626 (*+*)val (0, [], false, "i_model_empty", (Sup_POS (Const ("Input_Descript.Constants", _), []), _))
   627   = i_single
   628 (*+*)val true = is_empty_single_POS i_single
   630 val return_get_descr_vnt'= (*case*)
   631            get_descr_vnt' feedb pbl_max_vnts o_model (*of*);
   632 (*\\------------------ step into map ((fn i_single -----------------------------------------//*)
   634 (*|------------------- continue s_make_complete ----------------------------------------------*)
   635     val i_from_met = map (fn (_, (descr, _)) =>
   636       Pre_Conds.get_descr_vnt descr pbl_max_vnts met_imod) met_patt
   638 (*+*)val [1, 2, 3] = pbl_max_vnts (*..? ? GOON*);
   639 (*+*)if (i_from_met |> I_Model.to_string_POS @{context}) = "[\n" ^
   640   "(0, [], false ,i_model_empty, (Sup_POS Constants [], Position.T)), \n" ^
   641   "(0, [], false ,i_model_empty, (Sup_POS Maximum, Position.T)), \n" ^
   642   "(0, [], false ,i_model_empty, (Sup_POS Extremum, Position.T)), \n" ^
   643   "(0, [], false ,i_model_empty, (Sup_POS SideConditions [], Position.T)), \n" ^
   644   "(0, [], false ,i_model_empty, (Sup_POS FunctionVariable, Position.T)), \n" ^
   645   "(0, [], false ,i_model_empty, (Sup_POS Input_Descript.Domain, Position.T)), \n" ^
   646   "(0, [], false ,i_model_empty, (Sup_POS ErrorBound, Position.T)), \n" ^
   647   "(0, [], false ,i_model_empty, (Sup_POS AdditionalValues [], Position.T))]"
   648 (*+*)then () else error "s_make_complete: i_from_met CHANGED";
   650     val met_max_vnts = Model_Def.max_variants o_model i_from_met;
   651 (*+*)val [1, 2, 3]: variant list = met_max_vnts
   653     val max_vnt = hd met_max_vnts (*need only one for solve-phase*)
   654     val met_from_pbl = map ((fn i_single as (_, _, _, _, (feedb, _)) =>
   655       if is_empty_single_POS i_single
   656       then
   657         case get_descr_vnt' feedb [max_vnt] o_model of
   658             [] => raise ERROR (msg [max_vnt] feedb)
   659           | o_singles => map transfer_terms o_singles
   660       else [i_single (*fetched before from met_imod*)])) i_from_met |> flat
   662 (*+*)val 1 = max_vnt;
   663 (*+*)if (met_from_pbl |> I_Model.to_string_POS @{context}) = "[\n" ^
   664   "(1, [1, 2, 3], true ,#Given, (Cor_POS Constants [r = 7] , pen2str, Position.T)), \n" ^
   665   "(2, [1, 2, 3], true ,#Find, (Cor_POS Maximum A , pen2str, Position.T)), \n" ^
   666   "(4, [1, 2, 3], true ,#Relate, (Cor_POS Extremum (A = 2 * u * v - u \<up> 2) , pen2str, Position.T)), \n" ^
   667   "(5, [1, 2], true ,#Relate, (Cor_POS SideConditions [(u / 2) \<up> 2 + (2 / v) \<up> 2 = r \<up> 2] , pen2str, Position.T)), \n" ^
   668   "(7, [1], true ,#undef, (Cor_POS FunctionVariable a , pen2str, Position.T)), \n" ^
   669   "(10, [1, 2], true ,#undef, (Cor_POS Input_Descript.Domain {0<..<r} , pen2str, Position.T)), \n" ^
   670   "(12, [1, 2, 3], true ,#undef, (Cor_POS ErrorBound (\<epsilon> = 0) , pen2str, Position.T)), \n" ^
   671   "(3, [1, 2, 3], true ,#Find, (Cor_POS AdditionalValues [u, v] , pen2str, Position.T))]"
   672 (*+*)then () else error "s_make_complete: met_from_pbl CHANGED";
   674 val return_s_make_complete_step as (pbl_imod_step, met_imod_step)=
   675     (filter (fn (_, vnts', _, _, _) => member op = vnts' max_vnt) pbl_from_o_model,
   676       met_from_pbl);
   677 (*\------------------- step into s_make_complete -------------------------------------------//*)
   678 if return_s_make_complete = return_s_make_complete_step
   679 then () else error "s_make_complete: stewise construction <> value of fun"
   680 ;
   681 (* final test ... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
   682 val "[\n(1, [1, 2, 3], true ,#Given, (Cor_POS Constants [r = 7] , pen2str, Position.T)), \n(2, [1, 2, 3], true ,#Find, (Cor_POS Maximum A , pen2str, Position.T)), \n(3, [1, 2, 3], true ,#Find, (Cor_POS AdditionalValues [u, v] , pen2str, Position.T)), \n(4, [1, 2, 3], true ,#Relate, (Cor_POS Extremum (A = 2 * u * v - u \<up> 2) , pen2str, Position.T)), \n(5, [1, 2], true ,#Relate, (Cor_POS SideConditions [(u / 2) \<up> 2 + (2 / v) \<up> 2 = r \<up> 2] , pen2str, Position.T))]"
   683  = pbl_imod_step |> I_Model.to_string_POS @{context}
   684 val "[\n(1, [1, 2, 3], true ,#Given, (Cor_POS Constants [r = 7] , pen2str, Position.T)), \n(2, [1, 2, 3], true ,#Find, (Cor_POS Maximum A , pen2str, Position.T)), \n(4, [1, 2, 3], true ,#Relate, (Cor_POS Extremum (A = 2 * u * v - u \<up> 2) , pen2str, Position.T)), \n(5, [1, 2], true ,#Relate, (Cor_POS SideConditions [(u / 2) \<up> 2 + (2 / v) \<up> 2 = r \<up> 2] , pen2str, Position.T)), \n(7, [1], true ,#undef, (Cor_POS FunctionVariable a , pen2str, Position.T)), \n(10, [1, 2], true ,#undef, (Cor_POS Input_Descript.Domain {0<..<r} , pen2str, Position.T)), \n(12, [1, 2, 3], true ,#undef, (Cor_POS ErrorBound (\<epsilon> = 0) , pen2str, Position.T)), \n(3, [1, 2, 3], true ,#Find, (Cor_POS AdditionalValues [u, v] , pen2str, Position.T))]"
   685  = met_imod_step |> I_Model.to_string_POS @{context};
   689 (*** fun item_to_add: Maximum-example ====================================================== ***);
   690 "----------- fun item_to_add: Maximum-example --------------------------------------------------";
   691 "----------- fun item_to_add: Maximum-example --------------------------------------------------";
   692 (*//------------------ setup test data for item_to_add Maximum-exammple --------------------\\*)
   693 (*
   694 (*+*)val "[\n
   695   (1, [\"1\", \"2\", \"3\"], #Given, Constants, [\"[r = 7]\"]), \n
   696   (2, [\"1\", \"2\", \"3\"], #Find, Maximum, [\"A\"]), \n
   697   (3, [\"1\", \"2\", \"3\"], #Find, AdditionalValues, [\"[u]\", \"[v]\"]), \n
   698   (4, [\"1\", \"2\", \"3\"], #Relate, Extremum, [\"A = 2 * u * v - u \<up> 2\"]), \n
   699   (5, [\"1\", \"2\"], #Relate, SideConditions, [\"[(u / 2) \<up> 2 + (2 / v) \<up> 2 = r \<up> 2]\"]), \n
   700   (7, [\"1\"], #undef, FunctionVariable, [\"a\"]), \n
   701   (10, [\"1\", \"2\"], #undef, Input_Descript.Domain, [\"{0<..<r}\"]), \n
   702   (12, [\"1\", \"2\", \"3\"], #undef, ErrorBound, [\"\<epsilon> = 0\"])]"
   703  = o_model |> O_Model.to_string ctxt
   705 val true = o_model_test = o_model
   706 *)
   707 val ctxt = @{context}
   709 val o_model_test = [
   710   (1, [1, 2, 3], "#Given",  @{term Constants},        [@{term "[r = (7::real)]"}]),
   711   (2, [1, 2, 3], "#Find",   @{term Maximum},          [@{term "A::real"}            ]),
   712   (3, [1, 2, 3], "#Find",   @{term AdditionalValues}, [@{term "[u::real]"}, @{term "[v::real]"}]),
   713   (4, [1, 2, 3], "#Relate", @{term Extremum},         [@{term "A = 2 * u * v - u \<up> 2"}]),
   714   (5, [1, 2],    "#Relate", @{term SideConditions},   [@{term "[(u / 2) \<up> 2 + (2 / v) \<up> 2 = r \<up> 2]"}]),
   715   (7, [1],       "#undef",  @{term FunctionVariable}, [@{term "a::real"}]),
   716   (10,[1, 2],    "#undef",  @{term Domain},           [@{term "{0<..<(r::real)}"}]),
   717   (12,[1, 2, 3], "#undef",  @{term ErrorBound},       [@{term "\<epsilon> = (0::real)"}]),
   718   (0, [1],       "#Find",   @{term solutions},        [@{term "L::real list"}])
   719 ];
   720 (*\\------------------ setup test data for item_to_add Maximum-exammple --------------------//*)
   722 (** fun item_to_add: Constants [r = (7::real)] ============================================== **);
   723 val i_single : I_Model.single_POS =
   724 ((3, [1, 2, 3], false, "from o_model", (Inc_POS (@{term Constants}, []) , Position.none)))
   725 val SOME ("#Given", "Constants [r = 7]") = item_to_add ctxt o_model_test [i_single];
   727 (** fun item_to_add: Maximum A ============================================================== **);
   728 val i_single : I_Model.single_POS =
   729 ((3, [1, 2, 3], false, "from o_model", (Inc_POS (@{term Maximum}, []) , Position.none)))
   730 val SOME ("#Find", "Maximum A") = item_to_add ctxt o_model_test [i_single];
   732 (** fun item_to_add: AdditionalValues [u] =================================================== **);
   733 val i_single : I_Model.single_POS =
   734 ((3, [1, 2, 3], false, "from o_model", (Inc_POS (@{term AdditionalValues}, []) , Position.none)))
   735 val SOME ("#Find", "AdditionalValues [u]") = item_to_add ctxt o_model_test [i_single];
   737 (** fun item_to_add: AdditionalValues [u, v] ================================================ **);
   738 val i_single : I_Model.single_POS =
   739 ((3, [1, 2, 3], false, "from o_model", (Inc_POS (@{term AdditionalValues}, [@{term "[u::real]"}]) , Position.none)))
   740 (**)val SOME ("#Find", "AdditionalValues [u, v]") = item_to_add ctxt o_model_test [i_single];
   742 (** fun item_to_add: AdditionalValues [v, u] ================================================ **);
   743 (*/------------------- fun item_to_add: AdditionalValues [v, u] ----------------------------\\*)
   744 val i_single : I_Model.single_POS =
   745 (*present [v, u] (reverse order), because second element has been input first ------vvvvvvvvvv*)
   746 ((3, [1, 2, 3], false, "from o_model", (Inc_POS (@{term AdditionalValues}, [@{term "[v::real]"}]) , Position.none)))
   748 (**)val return_item_to_add as SOME ("#Find", "AdditionalValues [v, u]") = (**)
   749 (** )val calling_code as SOME ("#Find", "AdditionalValues [v, u]") =( **)
   750            item_to_add ctxt o_model_test [i_single];
   751 (*//------------------ step into item_to_add -----------------------------------------------\\*)
   752 "~~~~~ fun item_to_add , args:"; val (ctxt, o_model, i_model) = (ctxt, o_model_test, [i_single]);
   753     val max_vnt as 1 = last_elem (*this decides, for which variant initially help is given*)
   754       (Model_Def.max_variants o_model i_model)
   755     val o_vnts = filter (fn (_, vnts, _, _, _) => member op= vnts max_vnt) o_model
   756     val i_to_select = i_model
   757       |> filter_out (fn (_, vnts, _, _, (I_Model.Cor_POS _, _)) => member op= vnts max_vnt | _ => false)
   758       |> select_inc_lists
   759     (*in*)
   760 (*+*)val "[\n(3, [1, 2, 3], false ,from o_model, (Inc_POS AdditionalValues [v] , pen2str, Position.T))]"
   761  = i_to_select |> I_Model.to_string_POS ctxt
   762 (*+*)val [(_, _, _, _, (Inc_POS (_, [Const ("List.list.Cons", _) $ Free ("v", _) $ _]), _))]
   763  = i_to_select
   765 val false =
   766     (*if*) i_to_select = []
   768 (** )val return_item_to_add =( **)
   769 (**)val return_fill_from_o as
   770       SOME (_, _, _, _, (Cor_POS (Const ("Input_Descript.AdditionalValues", _), xxx), _)) =(**)
   771 (*I_Model.*)fill_from_o o_vnts (hd i_to_select) (*of*);
   772 (*///----------------- step into fill_from_o -----------------------------------------------\\*)
   773 "~~~~~ fun fill_from_o , args:"; val (o_model, (i, vnts, bool, _, (feedb, pos))) =
   774   (o_vnts, (hd i_to_select));
   775     val (m_field, all_value) =
   776       case find_first (fn (_, _, _, descr', _) => Model_Def.descriptor_exists descr' feedb) o_model of
   777         SOME (_, _, m_field, _, ts) =>  (m_field, ts)
   778       | NONE => raise ERROR "I_Model.fill_from_o does NOT find a descriptor in O_Model"
   779     val descr = Model_Def.get_descr feedb (*i_single has been filtered appropriately*)
   780 (*+*)val "[[u], [v]]" = all_value |> UnparseC.terms ctxt
   781     (*in*)
   782 val true =
   783     (*if*) Model_Def.is_list_descr descr
   784         val already_input as [Const ("List.list.Cons", _) $ Free ("v", _) $ _] = feedb |> feedb_values
   786         val miss = subtract op= already_input all_value
   787 (*+*)val "[[u]]" = miss |> UnparseC.terms ctxt
   789         val ts = already_input @ [hd miss]
   790 val "[[v], [u]]" = ts |> UnparseC.terms ctxt
   791     (*in*)
   792 val true =
   793         (*if*) length all_value = length ts
   794 val return_fill_from_o_STEP = SOME (i, vnts, bool, m_field, (Cor_POS (descr, [values_to_present ts]), pos))
   795 (*\\\----------------- step into fill_from_o -----------------------------------------------//*)
   796         val SOME (_, _, _, m_field, (feedb, _)) = return_fill_from_o
   797 (*+*)val Cor_POS (Const ("Input_Descript.AdditionalValues", _), xxx) = feedb;
   798 (*+*)val xxx = xxx |> UnparseC.terms ctxt;
   800 (*||------------------ contiue.. item_to_add -------------------------------------------------*)
   801 (** )val return_item_to_add = ( **)
   802   SOME (m_field, feedb |> 
   803    (*I_Model.*)feedb_args_to_string ctxt);
   804 (*///----------------- step into feedb_args_to_string --------------------------------------\\*)
   805 "~~~~~ fun feedb_args_to_string , args:"; val (ctxt, Cor_POS (descr, values)) = (ctxt, feedb);
   806 (** )val return_feedb_args_to_string =( **)
   807 val return_feedb_args_to_string_STEP =
   808     UnparseC.term ctxt (descr $ values_to_present values);
   809 (*\\\----------------- step into feedb_args_to_string --------------------------------------//*)
   810 (*\\------------------ step into item_to_add -----------------------------------------------//*)
   811 val calling_code as SOME ("#Find", "AdditionalValues [v, u]") = return_item_to_add;
   812 (*\------------------- fun item_to_add: AdditionalValues [v, u] ----------------------------//*)
   815 (** fun item_to_add: Constants Extremum (A = 2 * u * v - u \<up> 2) ============================= **);
   816 val i_single : I_Model.single_POS =
   817 ((3, [1, 2, 3], false, "from o_model", (Inc_POS (@{term Extremum}, []) , Position.none)))
   818 val SOME ("#Relate", "Extremum (A = 2 * u * v - u \<up> 2)")
   819   = item_to_add ctxt o_model_test [i_single];
   821 (** fun item_to_add: Constants SideConditions [(u / 2) \<up> 2 + (2 / v) \<up> 2 = r \<up> 2] ============ **);
   822 val i_single : I_Model.single_POS =
   823 ((3, [1, 2, 3], false, "from o_model", (Inc_POS (@{term SideConditions}, []) , Position.none)))
   824 val SOME ("#Relate", "SideConditions [(u / 2) \<up> 2 + (2 / v) \<up> 2 = r \<up> 2]")
   825   = item_to_add ctxt o_model_test [i_single];
   827 (** fun item_to_add: Solutions L ============================================================ **);
   828 val i_single : I_Model.single_POS =
   829 (3, [1, 2, 3], false, "from o_model", (Inc_POS (@{term solutions}, []) , Position.none))
   830 val SOME ("#Find", "solutions L") = item_to_add ctxt o_model_test [i_single];
   833 (*** fun item_to_add Biegelinie-exammple =================================================== ***);
   834 "----------- fun item_to_add: Biegelinie-exammple ----------------------------------------------";
   835 "----------- fun item_to_add: Biegelinie-exammple ----------------------------------------------";
   837 (** fun item_to_add: solveForVars [c] ======================================================= **);
   838 val (descr $ t) = @{term "solveForVars [c, c_2, c_3, c_4]"}
   839 val [Const ("List.list.Cons", _) $ Free ("c",   _) $ Const ("List.list.Nil", _),
   840      Const ("List.list.Cons", _) $ Free ("c_2", _) $ Const ("List.list.Nil", _),
   841      Const ("List.list.Cons", _) $ Free ("c_3", _) $ Const ("List.list.Nil", _),
   842      Const ("List.list.Cons", _) $ Free ("c_4", _) $ Const ("List.list.Nil", _)]
   843   = make_values (descr, t)
   845 val o_model_test : O_Model.T = [(0, [1], "#Given", descr, make_values (descr, t))]
   846 val i_model_test : I_Model.T_POS = [
   847   (0, [1], false, "get-from-o_model", (Inc_POS (descr, []) , Position.none))]
   848 val SOME ("#Given", "solveForVars [c]") = item_to_add ctxt o_model_test i_model_test;
   850 (** fun item_to_add: solveForVars [c, c_2] ================================================== **);
   851 val i_model_test : I_Model.T_POS = [
   852   (0, [1], false, "get-from-o_model", (Inc_POS (descr,
   853     [nth 1 (make_values (descr, t))]) , Position.none))]
   854 val SOME ("#Given", "solveForVars [c, c_2]") = item_to_add ctxt o_model_test i_model_test;
   856 (** fun item_to_add: solveForVars [c, c_2, c_3] ============================================= **);
   857 val i_model_test : I_Model.T_POS = [
   858   (0, [1], false, "get-from-o_model", (Inc_POS (descr,
   859     (nth 1 (make_values (descr, t))) :: (nth 2 (make_values (descr, t))) :: []) , Position.none))]
   860 val SOME ("#Given", "solveForVars [c, c_2, c_3]") = item_to_add ctxt o_model_test i_model_test;