author wneuper <>
Sun, 10 Dec 2023 17:35:07 +0100
changeset 60777 df8636ffd6f8
parent 60776 c2e6848d3dce
child 60778 41abd196342a
permissions -rw-r--r--
PIDE turn 14: ALL src/* (except Ctree) with I_Model.T_POS exclusively
     1 (* Title:  Specify/i-model.sml
     2    Author: Walther Neuper 110226
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     5 \<open>I_Model\<close> serves students' interactive modelling and gives feedback in the specify-phase.
     6 *)
     8 signature INTERACTION_MODEL =
     9 sig
    11   type T
    12   type T_POS
    13   val OLD_to_POS: T -> T_POS
    14   val TEST_to_OLD: T_POS -> T
    15   val empty: T
    16   val empty_POS: T_POS
    18   type single
    19   type single_POS
    20   val empty_single: single
    21   val empty_single_POS: single_POS
    22   val is_empty_single_POS: single_POS -> bool
    24   type variant
    25   type variants
    26   type m_field
    27   type descriptor
    28   type values
    30   datatype feedback = datatype Model_Def.i_model_feedback
    31   datatype feedback_POS = datatype Model_Def.i_model_feedback_POS
    32   val feedback_empty_POS: Model_Def.i_model_feedback_POS
    34   type env
    35   type message
    37   val single_to_string: Proof.context -> single -> string
    38   val single_to_string_POS: Proof.context -> single_POS -> string
    39   val single_to_string_POS': single_POS -> string
    40   val to_string: Proof.context -> T -> string
    41   val to_string_POS: Proof.context -> T_POS -> string
    43   val feedback_OLD_to_POS: feedback -> feedback_POS
    44   val feedback_POS_to_OLD: feedback_POS -> feedback
    45   val OLD_to_POS_single: single -> single_POS
    46   val TEST_to_OLD_single: single_POS -> single
    48   datatype add_single = Add of single_POS | Err of string
    49   val init: Model_Pattern.T -> T
    50   val init_POS: Proof.context -> O_Model.T -> Model_Pattern.T -> T_POS
    51   val check_single: Proof.context -> m_field -> O_Model.T -> T -> Model_Pattern.T ->
    52     TermC.as_string -> add_single
    53   val add_single: theory -> single_POS -> T_POS -> T_POS
    55   val make_tactic: m_field -> TermC.as_string * T_POS -> Tactic.T
    57   val descriptor: feedback -> descriptor
    58   val descriptor_POS: feedback_POS -> descriptor
    59   val values: feedback -> values option
    60   val get_values: T_POS -> values list
    61   val o_model_values: feedback -> values
    62   val feedb_values: feedback_POS -> values
    63   val order_by_patt:  Model_Pattern.T -> T_POS ->T_POS
    64   val descr_pairs_to_string: Proof.context -> (Model_Pattern.single * single_POS) list -> string
    65   val variables: Model_Pattern.T -> Model_Def.i_model_POS -> term list
    66   val is_notyet_input: Proof.context -> T_POS -> O_Model.values -> O_Model.single ->
    67     Model_Pattern.T -> message * single_POS
    68   val get_field_term: theory -> O_Model.single -> single -> m_field * TermC.as_string
    70   val fill_from_o: O_Model.T -> single_POS -> single_POS option
    72   val add_other: variant -> T_POS -> single_POS -> single_POS
    73   val fill_method: O_Model.T -> T_POS * T_POS-> Model_Pattern.T -> T_POS
    74   val s_make_complete: Proof.context ->  O_Model.T -> T_POS * T_POS -> * ->
    75     T_POS * T_POS
    76   val s_are_complete: Proof.context -> O_Model.T -> T_POS * T_POS -> * -> bool
    78   val is_error: feedback_POS -> bool
    79   val to_p_model: theory -> feedback_POS -> string
    81 (*/----- from isac_test for Minisubpbl*)
    82   val msg: variants -> feedback_POS -> string
    83   val transfer_terms: O_Model.single -> single_POS
    85   val feedback_to_string: Proof.context -> feedback -> string
    86   val feedback_POS_to_string: Proof.context -> feedback_POS -> string
    87   val descr_vals_to_string: Proof.context -> descriptor * values -> string
    88   val feedb_args_to_string: Proof.context -> feedback_POS -> string
    90   val ori_2itm: feedback_POS -> descriptor -> Model_Def.values -> O_Model.single -> single_POS
    91   val seek_ppc: int -> single_POS list -> single_POS option
    92   val overwrite_ppc: theory -> single_POS -> T_POS -> T_POS
    93 (*\----- from isac_test for Minisubpbl*)
    95 \<^isac_test>\<open>
    96   (*copy "from isac_test for Minisubpbl" here*)
    98 \<close>
   100 end
   102 (**)
   103 structure I_Model(**) : INTERACTION_MODEL(**) =
   104 struct
   105 (**)
   107 (** data types **)
   109 type variant =  Model_Def.variant;
   110 type variants =  Model_Def.variants;
   111 type m_field = Model_Def.m_field;
   112 type descriptor = Model_Def.descriptor;
   113 type values = Model_Def.values
   115 type T = Model_Def.i_model_single list;
   116 (* for developing input from PIDE, we use T_POS with these ideas:
   117   (1) the new structure is as close to old T, because we want to preserve the old tests
   118   (2) after development (with *_POS) of essential parts of the Specification's semantics,
   119       we adapt the old tests to the new T_POS
   120   (3) together with adaption of the tests we remove the *_POS
   121 *)
   122 type T_POS = Model_Def.i_model_single_POS list;
   123 datatype feedback = datatype Model_Def.i_model_feedback;
   124 datatype feedback_POS = datatype Model_Def.i_model_feedback_POS;
   125 val feedback_empty_POS = Model_Def.feedback_empty_POS
   126 type single = Model_Def.i_model_single;
   127 type single_POS = Model_Def.i_model_single_POS;
   128 val empty_single = Model_Def.i_model_empty;
   129 val empty_single_POS = Model_Def.i_model_empty_POS;
   130 fun is_empty_single_POS (0, [], false, "i_model_empty", _) = true
   131   | is_empty_single_POS _ = false
   133 val empty = []: T;
   134 val empty_POS = []: T_POS;
   136 type env = Env.T
   139 fun feedback_OLD_to_POS (Cor ((d, ts), _)) = (Model_Def.Cor_POS (d, ts))
   140   | feedback_OLD_to_POS (Syn c) = (Model_Def.Syn_POS c)
   141   | feedback_OLD_to_POS (Typ c) = (Model_Def.Syn_POS c)
   142   | feedback_OLD_to_POS (Inc ((d, ts), _)) = (Model_Def.Inc_POS (d, ts))
   143   | feedback_OLD_to_POS (Sup (d, ts)) = (Model_Def.Sup_POS (d, ts))
   144   | feedback_OLD_to_POS (Mis (d, pid)) = Model_Def.Syn_POS ((UnparseC.term (ContextC.for_ERROR ()) d) ^ " " ^
   145       (UnparseC.term (ContextC.for_ERROR ()) pid))
   146   | feedback_OLD_to_POS (Par s) = (Model_Def.Syn_POS s)
   147 fun OLD_to_POS_single (a, b, c, d, e) = (a, b, c, d, (feedback_OLD_to_POS e, Position.none))
   148 fun OLD_to_POS i_old = map OLD_to_POS_single i_old
   150 fun feedback_POS_to_OLD (Model_Def.Cor_POS (d, ts)) = (Cor ((d, ts), (TermC.empty, [])))
   151   | feedback_POS_to_OLD (Model_Def.Syn_POS c) = (Syn c)
   152   | feedback_POS_to_OLD (Model_Def.Inc_POS (d, ts)) = (Inc ((d, ts), (TermC.empty, [])))
   153   | feedback_POS_to_OLD (Model_Def.Sup_POS (d, ts)) = (Sup (d, ts))
   154 fun TEST_to_OLD_single (a, b, c, d, (e, _)) = (a, b, c, d, feedback_POS_to_OLD e)
   155 fun TEST_to_OLD i_model = map TEST_to_OLD_single i_model
   157 type message = string;
   159 fun feedback_to_string ctxt (Cor ((d, ts), _)) = 
   160     "Cor " ^ UnparseC.term  ctxt (Input_Descript.join (d, ts)) ^ " , pen2str"
   161   | feedback_to_string _ (Syn c) = "Syn " ^ c
   162   | feedback_to_string _ (Typ c) = "Typ " ^ c
   163   | feedback_to_string ctxt (Inc ((d, ts), _)) = 
   164     "Inc " ^ UnparseC.term  ctxt (Input_Descript.join (d, ts)) ^ " , pen2str"
   165   | feedback_to_string ctxt (Sup (d, ts)) = 
   166     "Sup " ^ UnparseC.term  ctxt (Input_Descript.join (d, ts))
   167   | feedback_to_string ctxt (Mis (d, pid)) = 
   168     "Mis " ^ UnparseC.term  ctxt d ^ " " ^ UnparseC.term ctxt pid
   169   | feedback_to_string _ (Par s) = "Trm "^s;
   171 fun feedback_POS_to_string ctxt (Cor_POS (d, ts)) = 
   172     "Cor_POS " ^ UnparseC.term ctxt (Input_Descript.join (d, ts)) ^ " , pen2str"
   173   | feedback_POS_to_string _ (Syn_POS c) =
   174     "Syn_POS " ^ c
   175   | feedback_POS_to_string ctxt (Inc_POS (d, [])) = 
   176     "Inc_POS " ^ UnparseC.term ctxt (Input_Descript.join (d, [])) ^ " " ^ 
   177       Model_Pattern.empty_for d
   178   | feedback_POS_to_string ctxt (Inc_POS (d, ts)) =
   179     "Inc_POS " ^ UnparseC.term ctxt (Input_Descript.join (d, ts)) ^ " , pen2str"
   180   | feedback_POS_to_string ctxt (Sup_POS (d, ts)) = 
   181     "Sup_POS " ^ UnparseC.term ctxt (Input_Descript.join (d, ts))
   183 fun descr_vals_to_string ctxt (descr, values) =
   184   UnparseC.term ctxt (descr $ Model_Def.values_to_present values)
   186 (*prepare for presentation to user; thus Syn_POS does NOT raise an exn*)
   187 fun feedb_args_to_string ctxt (Cor_POS (descr, values)) =
   188     UnparseC.term ctxt (descr $ Model_Def.values_to_present values)
   189   | feedb_args_to_string _ (Syn_POS str) = str
   190   | feedb_args_to_string ctxt (Inc_POS (descr, [])) =
   191     UnparseC.term ctxt descr ^ Model_Pattern.empty_for descr
   192   | feedb_args_to_string ctxt (Inc_POS (descr, values)) =
   193     UnparseC.term ctxt (descr $ Model_Def.values_to_present values)
   194   | feedb_args_to_string ctxt (Sup_POS (descr, values)) =
   195     UnparseC.term ctxt (descr $ Model_Def.values_to_present values)
   197 fun single_to_string ctxt (i, is, b, s, itm_) = 
   198   "(" ^ string_of_int i ^ " ," ^ ints2str' is ^ " ," ^ bool2str b ^ " ," ^
   199   s ^ " ," ^ feedback_to_string ctxt itm_ ^ ")";
   200 fun single_to_string_POS ctxt (i, is, b, s, (itm_, _(*Position.T*))) = 
   201   "(" ^ string_of_int i ^ ", " ^ ints2str' is ^ ", " ^ bool2str b ^ " ," ^
   202   s ^ ", (" ^ feedback_POS_to_string ctxt itm_ ^ ", Position.T))";
   203 fun single_to_string_POS' (i, is, b, s, (itm_, _(*Position.T*))) = 
   204   "(" ^ string_of_int i ^ ", " ^ ints2str' is ^ ", " ^ bool2str b ^ " ," ^
   205   s ^ ", (" ^ feedback_POS_to_string (ContextC.for_ERROR ()) itm_ ^ ", Position.T))";
   207 fun to_string ctxt itms = strs2str' (map (linefeed o (single_to_string ctxt)) itms);
   208 fun to_string_POS ctxt itms = strs2str' (map (linefeed o (single_to_string_POS ctxt)) itms);
   211 (** make a Tactic.T **)
   213 fun make_tactic m_field (term_as_string, i_model) =
   214   case m_field of
   215     "#Given" => Tactic.Add_Given' (term_as_string, i_model)
   216   | "#Find" => Tactic.Add_Find' (term_as_string, i_model)
   217   | "#Relate" => Tactic.Add_Relation'(term_as_string, i_model)
   218   | str => raise ERROR ("specify_additem Frm, Pbl: uncovered case with " ^ str);
   221 (** initialise a model **)
   223 fun init pbt = 
   224   let
   225     fun pbt2itm (f, (d, _)) = (0, [], false, f, Inc ((d, []), (TermC.empty, [])))
   226   in map pbt2itm pbt end
   228 (*
   229   NEW design decision:
   230 * Now the Model in Specification is intialised such that the placement of items can be
   231   maximally stable during interactive input to the Specification.
   232 * provides the initial output to the user and thus determines what will be parsed
   233   by Outer_Syntax later during interaction.
   234 * The relation between O_Model.T and I_Model.T becomes much simpler.
   235 *)
   236 (**)
   237 fun patt_to_item ctxt o_model (_, (descriptor, _)) =
   238   case find_first (fn (_, _, _, desc, _) => desc = descriptor) o_model of
   239     NONE => raise ERROR ("I_Model.patt_to_item NONE for " ^ UnparseC.term ctxt descriptor)
   240   | SOME (_, variants, m_field, descr, _) => (variants, false, m_field,
   241     (Inc_POS (descr, []), Position.none))
   242 fun init_POS ctxt o_model model_patt =
   243   let
   244     val pre_items = map (patt_to_item ctxt o_model) model_patt
   245   in
   246     O_Model.add_enumerate pre_items |> map (fn (a, (b, c, d, e)) => (a, b, c, d, e))
   247   end
   250 val unique = Syntax.read_term\<^context> "UnIqE_tErM";
   251 (*DANGEROUS: do NOT use "UnIqE_tErM" *)
   252 fun descriptor (Cor ((d ,_), _)) = d
   253   | descriptor (Syn _) = ((*tracing ("*** descriptor: Syn ("^c^")");*) unique)
   254   | descriptor (Typ _) = ((*tracing ("*** descriptor: Typ ("^c^")");*) unique)
   255   | descriptor (Inc ((d, _), _)) = d
   256   | descriptor (Sup (d, _)) = d
   257   | descriptor (Mis (d, _)) = d
   258   | descriptor _ = raise ERROR "descriptor: uncovered case in fun.def.";
   259 (*DANGEROUS: do NOT use "UnIqE_tErM" *)
   260 fun descriptor_POS (Cor_POS (d ,_)) = d
   261   | descriptor_POS (Syn_POS _) = ((*tracing ("*** descriptor: Syn ("^c^")");*) unique)
   262   | descriptor_POS (Inc_POS (d, _)) = d
   263   | descriptor_POS (Sup_POS (d, _)) = d
   265 fun values (Cor ((_ , ts), _)) = SOME ts
   266   | values (Syn _) = NONE
   267   | values (Typ _) = NONE
   268   | values (Inc ((_, ts), _)) = SOME ts
   269   | values (Sup (_, ts)) = SOME ts
   270   | values (Mis (_, t)) = SOME [t]
   271   | values _ = raise ERROR "descriptor: uncovered case in fun.def.";
   272 fun o_model_values (Cor ((_, ts), _)) = ts
   273   | o_model_values (Syn _) = []
   274   | o_model_values (Typ _) = []
   275   | o_model_values (Inc ((_, ts), _)) = ts
   276   | o_model_values (Sup (_, ts)) = ts
   277   | o_model_values (Mis _) = []
   278   | o_model_values _ = raise ERROR "o_model_values: uncovered case in fun.def.";
   279 (*RN feedb_vals'*)
   280 fun feedb_values (Cor_POS (_, ts)) = ts
   281   | feedb_values (Syn_POS _) = raise ERROR "feedb_values NOT for Syn_POS"
   282   | feedb_values (Inc_POS (_, ts)) = ts
   283   | feedb_values (Sup_POS (_, ts)) = ts
   285 (*assumption: i_model has filtered max_vnt*)
   286 local
   287  fun order_by_pa i_model (_, (descr, _ )) =
   288    case find_first (fn (_, _, _, _, (feedb, _)) => descr = descriptor_POS feedb) i_model of
   289      SOME i_single => [i_single]
   290    | NONE => []
   291 in
   292   fun order_by_patt model_patt i_model = model_patt |> map (order_by_pa i_model) |> flat
   293 end
   294 fun feedb_vals (Cor_POS (_, ts)) = [ts]
   295   | feedb_vals (Syn_POS _) = []
   296   | feedb_vals (Inc_POS (_, ts)) = [ts]
   297   | feedb_vals (Sup_POS (_, ts)) = [ts]
   298 fun get_values i_model =
   299   map (fn (_, _, _, _, (feedb, _)) => feedb_vals feedb) i_model
   300   |> flat
   302 fun descr_pairs_to_string ctxt equal_descr_pairs =
   303 (map (fn (a, b) => pair (Model_Pattern.single_to_string ctxt a) (single_to_string_POS ctxt b)
   304     |> pair2str) equal_descr_pairs)
   305   |> strs2str'
   307 fun variables model_patt i_model =
   308   Pre_Conds.environment_POS model_patt i_model
   309   |> map snd
   311 (*
   312 val unknown_descriptor = Syntax.read_term\<^context> "unknown::'a => unknow";
   313 *)
   314 (* get a term from O_Model, notyet input in I_Model.
   315    the term from O_Model is thrown back to a string in order to reuse
   316    machinery for immediate input by the user. *)
   317 fun get_field_term thy (_, _, _, d, ts) (_, _, _, fd, itm_) =
   318   (fd, ((UnparseC.term_in_thy thy) o Input_Descript.join) (d, subtract op = (o_model_values itm_) ts))
   320 (*update the itm_ already input, all..from ori*)
   321 fun ori_2itm (feedb:feedback_POS) _ all (id, vt, fd, d, ts) = 
   322   let 
   323     val ts' = union op = (feedb_values feedb) ts;
   324     val complete = if eq_set op = (ts', all) then true else false
   325   in
   326     case feedb of
   327       Cor_POS _ => if fd = "#undef"
   328       then (id, vt, complete, fd, (Sup_POS (d, ts'), Position.none))
   329 	    else (id, vt, complete, fd, (Cor_POS (d, ts'), Position.none))
   330     | Inc_POS _ => if complete
   331   	  then (id, vt, true,  fd, (Cor_POS (d, ts'), Position.none))
   332   	  else (id, vt, false, fd, (Inc_POS (d, ts'), Position.none))
   333     | Sup_POS (d, ts') =>
   334   	  (id, vt, complete, fd, (Sup_POS (d, ts'), Position.none))
   335     | i => raise ERROR ("ori_2itm: uncovered case of " ^ feedback_POS_to_string (ContextC.for_ERROR ()) i)
   336   end
   339 (** find next step **)
   341 (*old code kept for test/*)
   342 fun is_notyet_input ctxt itms all (i, v, f, d, ts) pbt =
   343   case find_first (fn (_, (d', _)) => d = d') pbt of
   344     SOME (_, (_, pid)) =>
   345       (case find_first (fn (_, _, _, f', (feedb, _)) =>
   346           f = f' andalso d = (descriptor_POS feedb)) itms of
   347         SOME (_, _, _, _, (feedb, _)) =>
   348           let
   349             val ts' = inter op = (feedb_values feedb) ts
   350           in
   351             if subset op = (ts, ts') 
   352             then (((strs2str' o map (UnparseC.term ctxt)) ts') ^ " already input", empty_single_POS)
   353 	          else ("", ori_2itm feedb pid all (i, v, f, d, subtract op = ts' ts))
   354 	        end
   355 	    | NONE => ("", ori_2itm (Inc_POS (TermC.empty, [])) pid all (i, v, f, d, ts)))
   356   | NONE => ("", ori_2itm (Sup_POS (d, ts)) TermC.empty all (i, v, f, d, ts))
   358 datatype add_single =
   359 	Add of single_POS   (* return-value of check_single *)
   360 | Err of string   (* error-message                *)
   362 (*
   363   Create feedback for input of TermC.as_string to m_field;
   364   check w.r.t. O_Model.T and Model_Pattern.T.
   365   In case of O_Model.T = [] (i.e. no data for user-guidance in Formalise.T)
   366   check_single is extremely permissive.
   367 *)
   368 (*will come directly from PIDE -----------------vvvvvvvvvvv
   369   in case t comes from Step.specify_do_next -----------vvv = Position.none*)
   370 fun check_single ctxt m_field [] i_model m_patt (ct(*, pos*)) =
   371     let
   372       val i = 1 + (if i_model = [] then 0 else map #1 i_model |> maxl)
   373     (*/------------ replace by ParseC.term_position -----------\*)
   374       val t = Syntax.read_term ctxt ct
   375         handle ERROR msg => error (msg (*^ pos*))
   376     (*\------------ replace by ParseC.term_position -----------/*)
   377         (*NONE => Add (i, [], false, m_field, Syn ct)*)
   378       val (d, ts) = Input_Descript.split t
   379     in
   380       (*if d = TermC.empty then .. *)
   381         (case find_first (fn (_, (d', _)) => d = d') m_patt of
   382           NONE => Add (i, [], true, m_field, (Sup_POS (d,ts), Position.none))
   383         | SOME (f, (_, id)) =>
   384           case find_first (fn (i, _, _, _, feedb) => d = (descriptor feedb) andalso i <> 0) i_model of
   385             NONE =>
   386               Add (i, [], true, f, (Cor_POS (d, ts), Position.none))
   387           | SOME (i', _, _, _, itm_) => 
   388             if Input_Descript.for_list d then 
   389               let
   390                 val in_itm = o_model_values itm_
   391                 val ts' = union op = ts in_itm
   392                 val i'' = if in_itm = [] then i else i'
   393               in Add (i'', [], true, f, (Cor_POS (d, ts'), Position.none)) end
   394             else Add (i', [], true, f, (Cor_POS (d, ts), Position.none)))
   395     end
   396     (*will come directly from PIDE ----------------------vvvvvvvvvvv*)
   397   | check_single ctxt m_field o_model i_model m_patt (str(*, pos*)) =
   398     let
   399       val (t as (descriptor $ _)) = Syntax.read_term ctxt str
   400         handle ERROR msg => error (msg (*TODO: ^ pp*))
   401         (*old code: NONE => Err ("ERROR I_Model.check_single: syntax error in \"" ^ str ^ "\"")*)
   402     in 
   403         case Model_Pattern.get_field descriptor m_patt of
   404           NONE => Err ("ERROR I_Model.check_single: unknown descriptor \"" ^
   405             UnparseC.term ctxt descriptor ^ "\"")
   406         | SOME m_field' => 
   407           if m_field <> m_field' then
   408             Err ("ERROR I_Model.check_single: \"" ^ UnparseC.term ctxt t ^ "\"" ^
   409              "\" not for field \"" ^ m_field ^ "\"")
   410           else
   411             case O_Model.contains ctxt m_field o_model t of
   412               ("", ori', all) => 
   413                 (case is_notyet_input ctxt (OLD_to_POS i_model) all ori' m_patt of
   414                    ("", itm) => Add itm
   415                  | (msg, _) => Err ("ERROR I_Model.check_single: is_notyet_input: " ^ msg))
   416             | (msg, _, _) => Err ("ERROR I_Model.check_single: contains: " ^ msg)
   417     end
   420 (** add input **)
   422 fun overwrite_ppc thy itm model =
   423   let 
   424     fun repl _ (_, _, _, _, (itm_, _)) [] =
   425         raise ERROR ("overwrite_ppc: " ^ feedback_POS_to_string (Proof_Context.init_global thy) itm_
   426           ^ " not found")
   427       | repl model' itm (p :: model) =
   428 	      if (#1 itm) = (#1 p)
   429 	      then model' @ [itm] @ model
   430 	      else repl (model' @ [p]) itm model
   431   in repl [] itm model end
   433 (*find_first item with #1 equal to id*)
   434 fun seek_ppc _ [] = NONE
   435   | seek_ppc id (p :: model) = if id = #1 (p: single_POS) then SOME p else seek_ppc id model
   437 (* 10.3.00: insert the parsed itm into model;
   438    ev. filter_out  untouched (in FE: (0,...)) item related to insert-item *)
   439 fun add_single thy itm model =
   440   let 
   441     fun eq_untouched d (0, _, _, _, (itm_, _)) = (d = descriptor_POS itm_)
   442       | eq_untouched _ _ = false
   443     val model' = case seek_ppc (#1 itm) model of
   444       SOME _ => overwrite_ppc thy itm model (*itm updated in is_notyet_input WN.11.03*)
   445     | NONE => (model @ [itm])
   446   in filter_out (eq_untouched ((descriptor_POS o #1 o #5) itm)) model' end
   449 (** complete I_Model.T **)
   451 fun s_are_complete _ _ ([], _) _ = false
   452   | s_are_complete _ _ (_, []) _ = false
   453   | s_are_complete ctxt o_model (pbl_imod, met_imod) (pbl_id, met_id) =
   454   let
   455     val pbl_max_vnts = Model_Def.max_variants o_model pbl_imod
   456     val met_max_vnts = Model_Def.max_variants o_model met_imod
   457     val max_vnts = inter op= pbl_max_vnts met_max_vnts
   458     val max_vnt = if max_vnts = []
   459       then raise ERROR "I_Model.s_are_complete: request user to review met_imod"
   460       else hd max_vnts
   462     val (pbl_imod', met_imod') = (
   463       filter (fn (_, vnts, _, _, _) => member_swap op = max_vnt vnts) pbl_imod,
   464       filter (fn (_, vnts, _, _, _) => member_swap op = max_vnt vnts) met_imod)
   466     val (pbl_check, _) = Pre_Conds.check_internal ctxt pbl_imod' (Pos.Pbl, pbl_id)
   467     val (met_check, _) = Pre_Conds.check_internal ctxt met_imod' (Pos.Met, met_id)
   468   in
   469     pbl_check andalso met_check
   470   end
   472 fun is_error (Cor_POS _) = false
   473   | is_error (Sup_POS _) = false
   474   | is_error (Inc_POS _) = false
   475   | is_error (Syn_POS _) = true
   477 (*create output-string for itm*)
   478 fun to_p_model thy (Cor_POS (d, ts)) = UnparseC.term_in_thy thy (Input_Descript.join (d, ts))
   479   | to_p_model _ (Syn_POS c) = c
   480   | to_p_model thy (Inc_POS (d, ts)) = UnparseC.term_in_thy thy (Input_Descript.join (d, ts))
   481   | to_p_model thy (Sup_POS (d, ts)) = UnparseC.term_in_thy thy (Input_Descript.join (d, ts))
   483 fun fill_from_o o_model (i, vnts, bool, _, (feedb, pos)) = 
   484   let
   485     val (m_field, all_values) =
   486       case find_first (fn (_, _, _, descr', _) => Model_Def.descriptor_exists descr' feedb) o_model of
   487         SOME (_, _, m_field, _, ts) =>  (m_field, ts)
   488       | NONE => raise ERROR "I_Model.fill_from_o does NOT find a descriptor in O_Model"
   489     val descr = Model_Def.get_descr feedb (*i_single has been filtered appropriately*)
   490   in
   491 (*---------------vvvvvvvvvvvvv MV if TermC.is_list all_value-----*)
   492     if Model_Def.is_list_descr descr
   493     then
   494       let
   495         val already_input = feedb |> feedb_values
   496         val miss = subtract op= already_input all_values (*"[[c], [c_2], [c_3], [c_4]]"*)
   497         val ts = already_input @ [hd miss]
   498       in
   499         if length all_values = length ts
   500         then SOME (i, vnts, bool, m_field, (Cor_POS (descr, [Model_Def.values_to_present ts]), pos))
   501         else SOME (i, vnts, bool, m_field, (Inc_POS (descr, [Model_Def.values_to_present ts]), pos))
   502       end
   503     else SOME (i, vnts, bool, m_field, (Cor_POS (descr, all_values(*only 1 term*)), pos))
   504   end
   506 (*
   507   in case there is an item in i2_model(= met) with Sup_POS, 
   508   find_first an appropriate (variant, descriptor) item in i1_model(= pbl) and add it instead Sup_POS,
   509   otherwise keep the items of i2_model.
   510 *)
   511 fun add_other max_vnt i1_model (i2, _, bool2, m_field2, (Sup_POS (descr2, ts2), pos2)) =
   512     (case find_first (fn (_, vnts1, _, _, (feedb1, _)) => case Model_Def.get_dscr_opt feedb1 of
   513           NONE => false
   514         | SOME descr1 => descr1 = descr2 andalso Model_Def.member_vnt vnts1 max_vnt) i1_model of
   515       NONE =>
   516         (i2, [max_vnt], bool2, m_field2, (Sup_POS (descr2, ts2), pos2)) (*the present in i2_model*)
   517     | SOME i1_single => i1_single)                     (*shift the item from i1_model to i2_model*)
   518   | add_other _ _ i2_single = i2_single                    (*keep all the other items in i2_model*)
   520 (*fill method from items already input*)
   521 fun fill_method o_model (pbl_imod, met_imod) met_patt =
   522   let
   523     val pbl_max_vnts = Model_Def.max_variants o_model pbl_imod
   524     (*probably pbl/met_imod = [], so take met_patt; if empty return Sup*)
   525     val i_from_met = map (fn (_, (descr, _)) => (*order from met_patt*)
   526       Pre_Conds.get_descr_vnt descr pbl_max_vnts met_imod) met_patt (*\<longrightarrow> right order for args*)
   528     val met_max_vnts = Model_Def.max_variants o_model i_from_met;
   529     val max_vnt = hd (inter op= pbl_max_vnts met_max_vnts);
   530     (*add items from pbl_imod (without overwriting existing items in met_imod)*)
   531   in
   532     map (add_other max_vnt pbl_imod) i_from_met
   533   end 
   535 fun msg vnts feedb = "get_descr_vnt' returns NONE: i.e. it does not find an item of o_model with\n" ^
   536   "variants " ^ ints2str' vnts ^ " and descriptor " ^
   537   (feedb |> Model_Def.get_dscr_opt |> the |> UnparseC.term (ContextC.for_ERROR ()))
   538 fun transfer_terms (i, vnts, m_field, descr, ts) =
   539   (i, vnts, true, m_field, (Cor_POS (descr, ts), Position.none))
   540 fun s_make_complete ctxt o_model (pbl_imod, met_imod) (pbl_id, met_id) =
   541   let
   542     val {model = pbl_patt, ...} = Problem.from_store ctxt pbl_id;
   543     val {model = met_patt, ...} = MethodC.from_store ctxt met_id;
   544     val pbl_max_vnts = Model_Def.max_variants o_model pbl_imod;
   545     val i_from_pbl = map (fn (_, (descr, _)) =>
   546       Pre_Conds.get_descr_vnt descr pbl_max_vnts pbl_imod) pbl_patt
   547     val pbl_from_o_model = map ((fn i_single as (_, _, _, _, (feedb, _)) =>
   548       if is_empty_single_POS i_single
   549       then
   550         case Pre_Conds.get_descr_vnt' feedb pbl_max_vnts o_model of
   551             [] => raise ERROR (msg pbl_max_vnts feedb)
   552           | o_singles => map transfer_terms o_singles
   553       else [i_single (*fetched before from pbl_imod*)])) i_from_pbl |> flat
   555     val i_from_met = map (fn (_, (descr, _)) =>
   556       Pre_Conds.get_descr_vnt descr pbl_max_vnts met_imod) met_patt
   557     val met_max_vnts = Model_Def.max_variants o_model i_from_met;
   558     val max_vnt = hd met_max_vnts (*need only one for solve-phase*)
   560     val met_from_pbl = map ((fn i_single as (_, _, _, _, (feedb, _)) =>
   561       if is_empty_single_POS i_single
   562       then
   563         case Pre_Conds.get_descr_vnt' feedb [max_vnt] o_model of
   564             [] => raise ERROR (msg [max_vnt] feedb)
   565           | o_singles => map transfer_terms o_singles
   566       else [i_single (*fetched before from met_imod*)])) i_from_met |> flat
   567   in
   568     (filter (fn (_, vnts', _, _, _) => member op = vnts' max_vnt) pbl_from_o_model,
   569       met_from_pbl)
   570   end
   572 (**)end(**);