author wenzelm
Mon, 19 Apr 2021 19:55:31 +0200
changeset 60236 de0ccac9f862
parent 60223 740ebee5948b
child 60258 a5eed208b22f
permissions -rw-r--r--
no \<^isac_test> guard for test material: thus the Prover IDE does not have to switch the option "isac_test";
     1 theory Test_Some
     2   imports "Isac.Build_Isac"
     3 begin 
     5 ML \<open>open ML_System\<close>
     6 ML \<open>
     7   open Kernel;
     8   open Math_Engine;
     9   open Test_Code;              CalcTreeTEST;
    10   open LItool;                 arguments_from_model;
    11   open Sub_Problem;
    12   open Fetch_Tacs;
    13   open Step
    14   open Env;
    15   open LI;                     scan_dn;
    16   open Istate;
    17   open Error_Pattern;
    18   open Error_Pattern_Def;
    19   open Specification;
    20   open Ctree;                  append_problem;
    21   open Pos;
    22   open Program;
    23   open Prog_Tac;
    24   open Tactical;
    25   open Prog_Expr;
    26   open Auto_Prog;              rule2stac;
    27   open Input_Descript;
    28   open Specify;
    29   open Specify;
    30   open Step_Specify;
    31   open Step_Solve;
    32   open Step;
    33   open Solve;                  (* NONE *)
    34   open ContextC;               transfer_asms_from_to;
    35   open Tactic;                 (* NONE *)
    36   open I_Model;
    37   open O_Model;
    38   open P_Model;                (* NONE *)
    39   open Rewrite;
    40   open Eval;                   get_pair;
    41   open TermC;                  atomt;
    42   open Rule;
    43   open Rule_Set;               Sequence;
    44   open Eval_Def
    45   open ThyC
    46   open ThmC_Def
    47   open ThmC
    48   open Rewrite_Ord
    49   open UnparseC
    50 \<close>
    51 ML_file "BridgeJEdit/parseC.sml"
    53 section \<open>code for copy & paste ===============================================================\<close>
    54 ML \<open>
    55 "~~~~~ fun xxx , args:"; val () = ();
    56 "~~~~~ and xxx , args:"; val () = ();
    57 "~~~~~ from fun xxx \<longrightarrow>fun yyy \<longrightarrow>fun zzz , return:"; val () = ();
    58 (*if*) (*then*); (*else*);   (*case*) (*of*);  (*return from xxx*);
    59 "xx"
    60 ^ "xxx"   (*+*) (*!for return!*) (*isa*) (*REP*) (**)
    61 (*/------------------- step into XXXXX -----------------------------------------------------\*)
    62 (*-------------------- stop step into XXXXX -------------------------------------------------*)
    63 (*\------------------- step into XXXXX -----------------------------------------------------/*)
    64 (*-------------------- contiue step into XXXXX ----------------------------------------------*)
    65 (*/------------------- check entry to XXXXX ------------------------------------------------\*)
    66 (*\------------------- check entry to XXXXX ------------------------------------------------/*)
    67 (*/------------------- check within XXXXX --------------------------------------------------\*)
    68 (*\------------------- check within XXXXX --------------------------------------------------/*)
    69 (*/------------------- check result of XXXXX -----------------------------------------------\*)
    70 (*\------------------- check result of XXXXX -----------------------------------------------/*)
    71 (* final test ...*)
    72 (*/------------------- build new fun XXXXX -------------------------------------------------\*)
    73 (*\------------------- build new fun XXXXX -------------------------------------------------/*)
    74 \<close> ML \<open>
    75 \<close>
    76 ML \<open>
    77 \<close> ML \<open>
    78 \<close> ML \<open>
    79 \<close>
    80 text \<open>
    81   declare [[show_types]] 
    82   declare [[show_sorts]]            
    83   find_theorems "?a <= ?a"
    85   print_theorems
    86   print_facts
    87   print_statement ""
    88   print_theory
    89   ML_command \<open>Pretty.writeln prt\<close>
    90   declare [[ML_print_depth = 999]]
    91   declare [[ML_exception_trace]]
    92 \<close>
    94 section \<open>====== ML_file "MathEngBasic/thmC.sml" ============================================\<close>
    95 ML \<open>
    96 \<close> ML \<open>
    97 "----------- fun revert_sym_rule ---------------------------------------------------------------";
    98 "----------- fun revert_sym_rule ---------------------------------------------------------------";
    99 "----------- fun revert_sym_rule ---------------------------------------------------------------";
   100 "~~~~~ fun revert_sym_rule , args:"; val (thy, (Rule.Thm (id, thm))) =
   101   (@{theory Isac_Knowledge},
   102     Thm ("sym_real_mult_minus1", ThmC.numerals_to_Free (@{thm real_mult_minus1} RS @{thm sym})));
   104 if id = "sym_real_mult_minus1" andalso ThmC.string_of_thm thm = "- ?z1 = -1 * ?z1" then ()
   105 else error "input to revert_sym_rule CHANGED";
   107 \<close> ML \<open>
   108       (*if*) is_sym (cut_id id) (*then*);
   109 \<close> ML \<open>
   110           val id' = id_drop_sym id
   111 \<close> ML \<open>
   112           val thm' = thm_from_thy thy id'
   113 \<close> ML \<open>                                                
   114           val id'' = Thm.get_name_hint thm'
   115 \<close> ML \<open>
   116 val thy = @{theory Isac_Knowledge}
   117 val (Thm (thmID, thm)) = ThmC.revert_sym_rule thy
   118   (Thm ("sym_real_mult_minus1", ThmC.numerals_to_Free (@{thm real_mult_minus1} RS @{thm sym})))
   119 ;
   120 if thmID = "Poly.real_mult_minus1" andalso ThmC.string_of_thm thm = "-1 * ?z = - ?z"
   121 then () else error "fun revert_sym_rule changed 1";
   123 val (Thm (thmID, thm)) = ThmC.revert_sym_rule thy
   124   (Thm ("real_diff_minus", ThmC.numerals_to_Free @{thm real_diff_minus}))
   125 ;
   126 if thmID = "Root.real_diff_minus" andalso ThmC.string_of_thm thm = "?a - ?b = ?a + -1 * ?b"
   127 then () else error "fun revert_sym_rule changed 2"
   128 \<close> ML \<open>
   129 \<close> ML \<open>
   130 \<close> ML \<open>
   131 \<close> ML \<open>
   132 \<close> ML \<open>
   133 \<close> ML \<open>
   134 \<close> ML \<open>
   135 \<close> ML \<open>
   136 \<close> ML \<open>
   137 \<close>
   139 section \<open>=========== ML_file "BridgeLibisabelle/thy-hierarchy.sml" ======================\<close>
   140 ML \<open>
   141 \<close> ML \<open>
   142 \<close> ML \<open>
   143 "----------- fun ThmC_Def.make_thm ------------------------------------";
   144 "----------- fun ThmC_Def.make_thm ------------------------------------";
   145 "----------- fun ThmC_Def.make_thm ------------------------------------";
   146 "~~~~~ fun ThmC_Def.make_thm, args:"; val (thy, part, (thmID : ThmC.id, thm), (mathauthors : Thy_Write.authors)) =
   147   (@{theory "Biegelinie"}, "IsacKnowledge",
   148     ("Belastung_Querkraft", Thm.prop_of @{thm Belastung_Querkraft}),
   149 	      ["Walther Neuper 2005 supported by a grant from NMI Austria"]);
   150     val guh = Thy_Write.thm2guh (part, Context.theory_name thy) thmID
   151     val theID = Thy_Present.guh2theID guh;
   152 if guh = "thy_isac_Biegelinie-thm-Belastung_Querkraft" andalso
   153   theID = ["IsacKnowledge", "Biegelinie", "Theorems", "Belastung_Querkraft"]
   154 then () else error "store_thm: guh | theID changed";
   156 \<close> ML \<open> (*ERROR "??.unknown"*)
   157 "----------- fun thms_of_rlss ------------------------------------";
   158 "----------- fun thms_of_rlss ------------------------------------";
   159 "----------- fun thms_of_rlss ------------------------------------";
   160 \<close> ML \<open>
   161 val rlss = 
   162   [("empty" : Rule_Set.id, ("Know_Store": ThyC.id, Rule_Set.empty)),
   163   ("discard_minus" : Rule_Set.id, ("Poly": ThyC.id, discard_minus))]:
   164    (id                          * (id             * Rule_Def.rule_set)) list
   165 ;
   166 \<close> ML \<open>
   167 (*--- fun ThmC_Def.make_thm --- avoids ERROR BELOW Undefined fact: "real_mult_minus1"*)
   168 (*+*)thms_of_rlss thy rlss (* = [("??.unknown", "?a - ?b = ?a + -1 * ?b")]: (string * thm) list*)
   169 \<close> ML \<open>
   170 (*+*)Rule_Set.empty: Rule_Def.rule_set
   171 \<close> ML \<open>
   172 (*+*)discard_minus: Rule_Def.rule_set
   173 \<close> ML \<open>
   174 val [_, (thmID, term)] = thms_of_rlss thy rlss;
   176 \<close> ML \<open>
   177 if thmID = "real_mult_minus1" (* WAS "??.unknown" *)
   178 then () else error "thms_of_rlss changed";
   180 \<close> ML \<open>
   181 "~~~~~ fun thms_of_rlss, args:"; val (thy, rlss) = (@{theory Isac_Knowledge}, rlss);
   182 val rlss' = (rlss : (Rule_Set.id * (ThyC.id * Rule_Set.T)) list)
   183   |> map (Thy_Present.thms_of_rls o #2 o #2)
   184     (* = [[], [Thm ("real_diff_minus", "?a - ?b = ?a + -1 * ?b"), 
   185       Thm ("sym_real_mult_minus1", "- ?z1 = -1 * ?z1")]]*)
   186   |> flat
   187     (* = [Thm ("real_diff_minus", "?a - ?b = ?a + -1 * ?b"), 
   188       Thm ("sym_real_mult_minus1", "- ?z1 = -1 * ?z1")]*)
   189   |> map (ThmC.revert_sym_rule thy)
   190     (* = [Thm ("Poly.real_diff_minus", "?a - ?b = ?a + -1 * ?b"), 
   191       Thm ("Delete.real_mult_minus1", "-1 * ?z = - ?z")] : rule list*)
   192   |> map (fn Thm (thmID, thm) => (thmID, Thm.prop_of thm))
   193     (* = [("Poly.real_diff_minus", Const ("HOL.Trueprop", "bool \<Rightarrow> prop") $ ...,
   194       ("Delete.real_mult_minus1", Const ("HOL.Trueprop", ...)] : (string * term) list*)
   195   |> distinct (fn ((thmID1, thm1), (thmID2, thm2)) => thmID1 = thmID2);
   196 \<close> ML \<open>
   197 \<close> ML \<open>
   198 \<close> ML \<open>
   199 \<close> ML \<open>
   200 \<close> ML \<open>
   201 \<close> ML \<open>
   202 \<close> ML \<open>
   203 \<close> ML \<open>
   204 \<close> ML \<open>
   205 \<close> ML \<open>
   206 \<close>
   208 section \<open>===================================================================================\<close>
   209 ML \<open>
   210 \<close> ML \<open>
   211 \<close> ML \<open>
   212 \<close> ML \<open>
   213 \<close>
   215 section \<open>code for copy & paste ===============================================================\<close>
   216 ML \<open>
   217 "~~~~~ fun xxx , args:"; val () = ();
   218 "~~~~~ and xxx , args:"; val () = ();                                                                                     
   219 "~~~~~ from xxx to yyy return val:"; val ((*yyy*)) = ((*xxx*));
   220 (*if*) (*then*); (*else*);   (*case*) (*of*);  (*return value*);
   221 "xx"
   222 ^ "xxx"   (*+*)
   223 \<close>
   224 end