author blanchet
Wed, 01 Jun 2011 10:29:43 +0200
changeset 43966 ddf63baabdec
parent 43950 8c9046951dcb
child 43969 a19826080596
permissions -rw-r--r--
distinguish different kinds of typing informations in the fact name
     1 (*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Metis/metis_translate.ML
     2     Author:     Jia Meng, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory and NICTA
     3     Author:     Kong W. Susanto, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
     4     Author:     Lawrence C. Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
     5     Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
     7 Translation of HOL to FOL for Metis.
     8 *)
    10 signature METIS_TRANSLATE =
    11 sig
    12   type type_literal = ATP_Translate.type_literal
    13   type type_sys = ATP_Translate.type_sys
    15   datatype mode = FO | HO | FT | MX
    17   type metis_problem =
    18     {axioms : (Metis_Thm.thm * thm) list,
    19      tfrees : type_literal list,
    20      old_skolems : (string * term) list}
    22   val metis_equal : string
    23   val metis_predicator : string
    24   val metis_app_op : string
    25   val metis_type_tag : string
    26   val metis_generated_var_prefix : string
    27   val metis_name_table : ((string * int) * (string * bool)) list
    28   val reveal_old_skolem_terms : (string * term) list -> term -> term
    29   val string_of_mode : mode -> string
    30   val prepare_metis_problem :
    31     Proof.context -> mode -> type_sys option -> thm list -> thm list
    32     -> mode * int Symtab.table * metis_problem
    33 end
    35 structure Metis_Translate : METIS_TRANSLATE =
    36 struct
    38 open ATP_Problem
    39 open ATP_Translate
    41 val metis_equal = "="
    42 val metis_predicator = "{}"
    43 val metis_app_op = "."
    44 val metis_type_tag = ":"
    45 val metis_generated_var_prefix = "_"
    47 val metis_name_table =
    48   [((tptp_equal, 2), (metis_equal, false)),
    49    ((tptp_old_equal, 2), (metis_equal, false)),
    50    ((const_prefix ^ predicator_name, 1), (metis_predicator, false)),
    51    ((const_prefix ^ app_op_name, 2), (metis_app_op, false)),
    52    ((const_prefix ^ type_tag_name, 2), (metis_type_tag, true))]
    54 fun predicate_of thy ((@{const Not} $ P), pos) = predicate_of thy (P, not pos)
    55   | predicate_of thy (t, pos) =
    56     (combterm_from_term thy [] (Envir.eta_contract t), pos)
    58 fun literals_of_term1 args thy (@{const Trueprop} $ P) =
    59     literals_of_term1 args thy P
    60   | literals_of_term1 args thy (@{const HOL.disj} $ P $ Q) =
    61     literals_of_term1 (literals_of_term1 args thy P) thy Q
    62   | literals_of_term1 (lits, ts) thy P =
    63     let val ((pred, ts'), pol) = predicate_of thy (P, true) in
    64       ((pol, pred) :: lits, union (op =) ts ts')
    65     end
    66 val literals_of_term = literals_of_term1 ([], [])
    68 fun old_skolem_const_name i j num_T_args =
    69   old_skolem_const_prefix ^ Long_Name.separator ^
    70   (space_implode Long_Name.separator (map string_of_int [i, j, num_T_args]))
    72 fun conceal_old_skolem_terms i old_skolems t =
    73   if exists_Const (curry (op =) @{const_name Meson.skolem} o fst) t then
    74     let
    75       fun aux old_skolems
    76              (t as (Const (@{const_name Meson.skolem}, Type (_, [_, T])) $ _)) =
    77           let
    78             val (old_skolems, s) =
    79               if i = ~1 then
    80                 (old_skolems, @{const_name undefined})
    81               else case AList.find (op aconv) old_skolems t of
    82                 s :: _ => (old_skolems, s)
    83               | [] =>
    84                 let
    85                   val s = old_skolem_const_name i (length old_skolems)
    86                                                 (length (Term.add_tvarsT T []))
    87                 in ((s, t) :: old_skolems, s) end
    88           in (old_skolems, Const (s, T)) end
    89         | aux old_skolems (t1 $ t2) =
    90           let
    91             val (old_skolems, t1) = aux old_skolems t1
    92             val (old_skolems, t2) = aux old_skolems t2
    93           in (old_skolems, t1 $ t2) end
    94         | aux old_skolems (Abs (s, T, t')) =
    95           let val (old_skolems, t') = aux old_skolems t' in
    96             (old_skolems, Abs (s, T, t'))
    97           end
    98         | aux old_skolems t = (old_skolems, t)
    99     in aux old_skolems t end
   100   else
   101     (old_skolems, t)
   103 fun reveal_old_skolem_terms old_skolems =
   104   map_aterms (fn t as Const (s, _) =>
   105                  if String.isPrefix old_skolem_const_prefix s then
   106                    AList.lookup (op =) old_skolems s |> the
   107                    |> map_types Type_Infer.paramify_vars
   108                  else
   109                    t
   110                | t => t)
   113 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   114 (* HOL to FOL  (Isabelle to Metis)                                           *)
   115 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   117 (* first-order, higher-order, fully-typed, mode X (fleXible) *)
   118 datatype mode = FO | HO | FT | MX
   120 fun string_of_mode FO = "FO"
   121   | string_of_mode HO = "HO"
   122   | string_of_mode FT = "FT"
   123   | string_of_mode MX = "MX"
   125 fun fn_isa_to_met_sublevel "equal" = "c_fequal"
   126   | fn_isa_to_met_sublevel "c_False" = "c_fFalse"
   127   | fn_isa_to_met_sublevel "c_True" = "c_fTrue"
   128   | fn_isa_to_met_sublevel "c_Not" = "c_fNot"
   129   | fn_isa_to_met_sublevel "c_conj" = "c_fconj"
   130   | fn_isa_to_met_sublevel "c_disj" = "c_fdisj"
   131   | fn_isa_to_met_sublevel "c_implies" = "c_fimplies"
   132   | fn_isa_to_met_sublevel x = x
   134 fun fn_isa_to_met_toplevel "equal" = metis_equal
   135   | fn_isa_to_met_toplevel x = x
   137 fun metis_lit b c args = (b, (c, args));
   139 fun metis_term_from_typ (Type (s, Ts)) =
   140     Metis_Term.Fn (make_fixed_type_const s, map metis_term_from_typ Ts)
   141   | metis_term_from_typ (TFree (s, _)) =
   142     Metis_Term.Fn (make_fixed_type_var s, [])
   143   | metis_term_from_typ (TVar (x, _)) =
   144     Metis_Term.Var (make_schematic_type_var x)
   146 (*These two functions insert type literals before the real literals. That is the
   147   opposite order from TPTP linkup, but maybe OK.*)
   149 fun hol_term_to_fol_FO tm =
   150   case strip_combterm_comb tm of
   151       (CombConst ((c, _), _, Ts), tms) =>
   152         let val tyargs = map metis_term_from_typ Ts
   153             val args = map hol_term_to_fol_FO tms
   154         in Metis_Term.Fn (c, tyargs @ args) end
   155     | (CombVar ((v, _), _), []) => Metis_Term.Var v
   156     | _ => raise Fail "non-first-order combterm"
   158 fun hol_term_to_fol_HO (CombConst ((a, _), _, Ts)) =
   159     Metis_Term.Fn (fn_isa_to_met_sublevel a, map metis_term_from_typ Ts)
   160   | hol_term_to_fol_HO (CombVar ((s, _), _)) = Metis_Term.Var s
   161   | hol_term_to_fol_HO (CombApp (tm1, tm2)) =
   162     Metis_Term.Fn (metis_app_op, map hol_term_to_fol_HO [tm1, tm2])
   164 (*The fully-typed translation, to avoid type errors*)
   165 fun tag_with_type tm T =
   166   Metis_Term.Fn (metis_type_tag, [tm, metis_term_from_typ T])
   168 fun hol_term_to_fol_FT (CombVar ((s, _), ty)) =
   169     tag_with_type (Metis_Term.Var s) ty
   170   | hol_term_to_fol_FT (CombConst ((a, _), ty, _)) =
   171     tag_with_type (Metis_Term.Fn (fn_isa_to_met_sublevel a, [])) ty
   172   | hol_term_to_fol_FT (tm as CombApp (tm1,tm2)) =
   173     tag_with_type
   174         (Metis_Term.Fn (metis_app_op, map hol_term_to_fol_FT [tm1, tm2]))
   175         (combtyp_of tm)
   177 fun hol_literal_to_fol FO (pos, tm) =
   178       let
   179         val (CombConst((p, _), _, Ts), tms) = strip_combterm_comb tm
   180         val tylits = if p = "equal" then [] else map metis_term_from_typ Ts
   181         val lits = map hol_term_to_fol_FO tms
   182       in metis_lit pos (fn_isa_to_met_toplevel p) (tylits @ lits) end
   183   | hol_literal_to_fol HO (pos, tm) =
   184      (case strip_combterm_comb tm of
   185           (CombConst(("equal", _), _, _), tms) =>
   186             metis_lit pos metis_equal (map hol_term_to_fol_HO tms)
   187         | _ => metis_lit pos metis_predicator [hol_term_to_fol_HO tm])
   188   | hol_literal_to_fol FT (pos, tm) =
   189      (case strip_combterm_comb tm of
   190           (CombConst(("equal", _), _, _), tms) =>
   191             metis_lit pos metis_equal (map hol_term_to_fol_FT tms)
   192         | _ => metis_lit pos metis_predicator [hol_term_to_fol_FT tm])
   194 fun literals_of_hol_term thy mode t =
   195   let val (lits, types_sorts) = literals_of_term thy t in
   196     (map (hol_literal_to_fol mode) lits, types_sorts)
   197   end
   199 (*Sign should be "true" for conjecture type constraints, "false" for type lits in clauses.*)
   200 fun metis_of_type_literals pos (TyLitVar ((s, _), (s', _))) =
   201     metis_lit pos s [Metis_Term.Var s']
   202   | metis_of_type_literals pos (TyLitFree ((s, _), (s', _))) =
   203     metis_lit pos s [Metis_Term.Fn (s',[])]
   205 fun has_default_sort _ (TVar _) = false
   206   | has_default_sort ctxt (TFree (x, s)) =
   207     (s = the_default [] (Variable.def_sort ctxt (x, ~1)));
   209 fun metis_of_tfree tf =
   210   Metis_Thm.axiom (Metis_LiteralSet.singleton (metis_of_type_literals true tf));
   212 fun hol_thm_to_fol is_conjecture ctxt mode j old_skolems th =
   213   let
   214     val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
   215     val (old_skolems, (mlits, types_sorts)) =
   216      th |> prop_of |> Logic.strip_imp_concl
   217         |> conceal_old_skolem_terms j old_skolems
   218         ||> (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop #> literals_of_hol_term thy mode)
   219   in
   220     if is_conjecture then
   221       (Metis_Thm.axiom (Metis_LiteralSet.fromList mlits),
   222        raw_type_literals_for_types types_sorts, old_skolems)
   223     else
   224       let
   225         val tylits = types_sorts |> filter_out (has_default_sort ctxt)
   226                                  |> raw_type_literals_for_types
   227         val mtylits = map (metis_of_type_literals false) tylits
   228       in
   229         (Metis_Thm.axiom (Metis_LiteralSet.fromList(mtylits @ mlits)), [],
   230          old_skolems)
   231       end
   232   end;
   234 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   235 (* Logic maps manage the interface between HOL and first-order logic.        *)
   236 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   238 type metis_problem =
   239   {axioms : (Metis_Thm.thm * thm) list,
   240    tfrees : type_literal list,
   241    old_skolems : (string * term) list}
   243 fun is_quasi_fol_clause thy =
   244   Meson.is_fol_term thy o snd o conceal_old_skolem_terms ~1 [] o prop_of
   246 (*Extract TFree constraints from context to include as conjecture clauses*)
   247 fun init_tfrees ctxt =
   248   let fun add ((a,i),s) Ts = if i = ~1 then TFree(a,s) :: Ts else Ts in
   249     Vartab.fold add (#2 (Variable.constraints_of ctxt)) []
   250     |> raw_type_literals_for_types
   251   end;
   253 fun const_in_metis c (pred, tm_list) =
   254   let
   255     fun in_mterm (Metis_Term.Var _) = false
   256       | in_mterm (Metis_Term.Fn (nm, tm_list)) =
   257         c = nm orelse exists in_mterm tm_list
   258   in c = pred orelse exists in_mterm tm_list end
   260 (* ARITY CLAUSE *)
   261 fun m_arity_cls (TConsLit ((c, _), (t, _), args)) =
   262     metis_lit true c [Metis_Term.Fn(t, map (Metis_Term.Var o fst) args)]
   263   | m_arity_cls (TVarLit ((c, _), (s, _))) =
   264     metis_lit false c [Metis_Term.Var s]
   265 (* TrueI is returned as the Isabelle counterpart because there isn't any. *)
   266 fun arity_cls ({prem_lits, concl_lits, ...} : arity_clause) =
   267   (TrueI,
   268    Metis_Thm.axiom (Metis_LiteralSet.fromList
   269                         (map m_arity_cls (concl_lits :: prem_lits))));
   271 (* CLASSREL CLAUSE *)
   272 fun m_class_rel_cls (subclass, _) (superclass, _) =
   273   [metis_lit false subclass [Metis_Term.Var "T"],
   274    metis_lit true superclass [Metis_Term.Var "T"]]
   275 fun class_rel_cls ({subclass, superclass, ...} : class_rel_clause) =
   276   (TrueI, m_class_rel_cls subclass superclass
   277           |> Metis_LiteralSet.fromList |> Metis_Thm.axiom)
   279 fun type_ext thy tms =
   280   let
   281     val subs = tfree_classes_of_terms tms
   282     val supers = tvar_classes_of_terms tms
   283     val tycons = type_consts_of_terms thy tms
   284     val (supers', arity_clauses) = make_arity_clauses thy tycons supers
   285     val class_rel_clauses = make_class_rel_clauses thy subs supers'
   286   in map class_rel_cls class_rel_clauses @ map arity_cls arity_clauses end
   288 fun metis_name_from_atp s ary =
   289   AList.lookup (op =) metis_name_table (s, ary) |> the_default (s, false)
   290 fun metis_term_from_atp (ATerm (s, tms)) =
   291   if is_tptp_variable s then
   292     Metis_Term.Var s
   293   else
   294     let val (s, swap) = metis_name_from_atp s (length tms) in
   295       Metis_Term.Fn (s, tms |> map metis_term_from_atp |> swap ? rev)
   296     end
   297 fun metis_atom_from_atp (AAtom tm) =
   298     (case metis_term_from_atp tm of
   299        Metis_Term.Fn x => x
   300      | _ => raise Fail "non CNF -- expected function")
   301   | metis_atom_from_atp _ = raise Fail "not CNF -- expected atom"
   302 fun metis_literal_from_atp (AConn (ANot, [phi])) =
   303     (false, metis_atom_from_atp phi)
   304   | metis_literal_from_atp phi = (true, metis_atom_from_atp phi)
   305 fun metis_literals_from_atp (AConn (AOr, [phi1, phi2])) =
   306     uncurry (union (op =)) (pairself metis_literals_from_atp (phi1, phi2))
   307   | metis_literals_from_atp phi = [metis_literal_from_atp phi]
   308 fun metis_axiom_from_atp clauses (Formula (ident, _, phi, _, _)) =
   309     (phi |> metis_literals_from_atp |> Metis_LiteralSet.fromList
   310          |> Metis_Thm.axiom,
   311      case try (unprefix conjecture_prefix) ident of
   312        SOME s => Meson.make_meta_clause (nth clauses (the (Int.fromString s)))
   313      | NONE => TrueI)
   314   | metis_axiom_from_atp _ _ = raise Fail "not CNF -- expected formula"
   316 val default_type_sys = Preds (Polymorphic, Nonmonotonic_Types, Light)
   318 (* Function to generate metis clauses, including comb and type clauses *)
   319 fun prepare_metis_problem ctxt MX type_sys conj_clauses fact_clauses =
   320     let
   321       val type_sys = type_sys |> the_default default_type_sys
   322       val explicit_apply = NONE
   323       val clauses =
   324         conj_clauses @ fact_clauses
   325         |> (if polymorphism_of_type_sys type_sys = Polymorphic then
   326               I
   327             else
   328               map (pair 0)
   329               #> rpair ctxt
   330               #-> Monomorph.monomorph Monomorph.all_schematic_consts_of
   331               #> fst #> maps (map snd))
   332       val (atp_problem, _, _, _, _, _, sym_tab) =
   333         prepare_atp_problem ctxt CNF Hypothesis Axiom type_sys explicit_apply
   334                             false false (map prop_of clauses) @{prop False} []
   335       val axioms =
   336         atp_problem
   337         |> maps (map_filter (try (metis_axiom_from_atp clauses)) o snd)
   338     in
   339       (MX, sym_tab,
   340        {axioms = axioms, tfrees = [], old_skolems = [] (* FIXME ### *)})
   341     end
   342   | prepare_metis_problem ctxt mode _ conj_clauses fact_clauses =
   343     let
   344       val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
   345       (* The modes FO and FT are sticky. HO can be downgraded to FO. *)
   346       val mode =
   347         if mode = HO andalso
   348            forall (forall (is_quasi_fol_clause thy))
   349                   [conj_clauses, fact_clauses] then
   350           FO
   351         else
   352           mode
   353       fun add_thm is_conjecture (isa_ith, metis_ith)
   354                   {axioms, tfrees, old_skolems} : metis_problem =
   355         let
   356           val (mth, tfree_lits, old_skolems) =
   357             hol_thm_to_fol is_conjecture ctxt mode (length axioms) old_skolems
   358                            metis_ith
   359         in
   360           {axioms = (mth, isa_ith) :: axioms,
   361            tfrees = union (op =) tfree_lits tfrees, old_skolems = old_skolems}
   362         end;
   363       fun add_type_thm (ith, mth) {axioms, tfrees, old_skolems} =
   364         {axioms = (mth, ith) :: axioms, tfrees = tfrees,
   365          old_skolems = old_skolems}
   366       fun add_tfrees {axioms, tfrees, old_skolems} =
   367         {axioms =
   368            map (rpair TrueI o metis_of_tfree) (distinct (op =) tfrees) @ axioms,
   369          tfrees = tfrees, old_skolems = old_skolems}
   370       val problem =
   371         {axioms = [], tfrees = init_tfrees ctxt, old_skolems = []}
   372         |> fold (add_thm true o `Meson.make_meta_clause) conj_clauses
   373         |> add_tfrees
   374         |> fold (add_thm false o `Meson.make_meta_clause) fact_clauses
   375       val clause_lists = map (Metis_Thm.clause o #1) (#axioms problem)
   376       fun is_used c =
   377         exists (Metis_LiteralSet.exists (const_in_metis c o #2)) clause_lists
   378       val problem =
   379         if mode = FO then
   380           problem
   381         else
   382           let
   383             val fdefs = @{thms fFalse_def fTrue_def fNot_def fconj_def fdisj_def
   384                                fimplies_def fequal_def}
   385             val prepare_helper =
   386               zero_var_indexes
   387               #> `(Meson.make_meta_clause
   388                    #> rewrite_rule (map safe_mk_meta_eq fdefs))
   389             val helper_ths =
   390               helper_table
   391               |> filter (is_used o prefix const_prefix o fst)
   392               |> maps (fn (_, (needs_full_types, thms)) =>
   393                           if needs_full_types andalso mode <> FT then []
   394                           else map prepare_helper thms)
   395           in problem |> fold (add_thm false) helper_ths end
   396       val type_ths = type_ext thy (map prop_of (conj_clauses @ fact_clauses))
   397     in (mode, Symtab.empty, fold add_type_thm type_ths problem) end
   399 end;